12 Most Incredible Artifacts Finds That Change History

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the history of our planet and the people who've lived on it is not set in stone there are no eyewitnesses to the ancient past so our understanding of how our ancient ancestors lived is based on The Monuments and artifacts they created the things they wrote about and whatever archaeologists are able to dig out of the ground when a discovery is made that challenges what we believe about history history itself might change because of it here are a few examples of what we mean until recently it was thought that the Amazon rainforest was almost completely uninhabited prior to the arrival of European settlers and conquerors but we now know that this is untrue a new study of hitherto unknown rainforest areas has revealed the presence of 81 ancient settlements with some scientists estimating that the towns may have housed more than 1 million people breakthroughs and satellite imaging technology allowed these discover to be made the majority of the villages are in the Amazon's upper Taho Basin which is still mostly unexplored some are Little hamlets While others cover an area of up to 20 hectares ditches along the boundary of the towns Earth and platforms and sunken Pathways can all be seen in the photos some of the sites have since been reached by archaeologists on foot and explorers discovered old Ceramics and Polished Stone axes the finds have been dated to the beginning of the the 15th century we don't know exactly what happened to all these people but diseases introduced to the area by European Invaders against which they would have had no immunity May well have wiped them all [Music] out in the year 79 Mount Vesuvius erupted destroying the Italian cities of Pompei and herculanum that's a proven historical fact that cannot be disputed the month in which it occurred on the other hand is very debatable in late 2018 handwritten graffiti written in charcoal and olive oil was discovered on a wall in Pompei the inscriptions wording indicates that the disaster occurred in October of 79 this is 2 months later than previously estimated the writing appears on the wall of an internal room in pompei's Regio 5 area within a house that was undergoing Renovations when the volcano erupted the 16th day previous to the Talons of November is the date written on the wall That's equivalent to October 17th the date of the eruption has always been recorded as August 24th the inscription was not added after the eruption thus we may be wrong about the date of the disaster archaeologists have also discovered automnal fruit and harvest food in other parts of the city bolstering the case that the eruption occurred in late October the rest of the graffiti concerns the removal of olive oil from a pantry it's only a few words scribbled down during what might have been an inventory check but those few words may change [Music] history our next Discovery sounds absurd and yet it's true a laser study carried out on a 170-year-old thumbnail has Rewritten the history of the Franklin Expedition the study was carried out in the closing months of 2016 the thumbnail below on to John Hartnell a crew member of the HMS Terror it was thought that he and the rest of his crewm mates died because of lead poisoning but there's no evidence to support the idea in the thumbnail instead it seems that heart nail passed away due to tuberculosis up until the infection set in the levels of lead in his blood were normal they only increased towards the end of his life when starvation induced by tuberculosis caused the release of blood stored up in his bones into his bloodstream if harnell had tuberculosis it stands to reason that many of his crew mates would have also contracted the disease it was likely this rather than any kind of lead contamination that led to their demise those who didn't succumb to tuberculosis would likely have passed away because of scurvy starvation or simply through exposure to the freezing cold of the Arctic when archaeology student Thomas lucking found a previously undiscovered Ang Anglo-Saxon grave in Norfolk in 2015 he already knew he'd struck luck because of a golden pendant found inside that grave the pendant delicately inlaid with dozens of tiny garnets is worth almost $200,000 on its own what makes this find even more valuable however is the fact that it rewrites Anglo-Saxon history on the British Isles the gold used to make the pendant is an import from Sri Lanka and coins left as burial offerings inside the grave bear the marks of a king from elsewhere in Europe the find dates back to the 7th century and the Grave's occupant appears to be someone of very high social standing perhaps even someone with Royal Blood although in the grave was a gold filigree cross implying that the person buried here who was a female might have been one of the area's earliest converts to the Christian faith the presence of gold imported from so far away and the suggestion that the deceased might be a member of a foreign royal family poses new questions about where the seats of power truly lie in Anglo-Saxon England if that lucky Discovery in England rewrites Anglo-Saxon history let's see what the shal city ruins in China do for Chinese history these ruins represent the largest prehistoric City in all of China covering an area of 1 and A2 square miles and dating back to the neol lithic era 4,000 years ago you'll find him in the Los plateau of shangi Province archaeological explorations of the site have confirmed the presence of City Gates stone walls palaces workshops and temples with what appear to be sacrificial altars the large outer City Gate was built using a technique that was thought to have originated around 2500 years ago but must have been far older buried among the ruins countless examples of ancient jade stones Pottery shards and murals all of which support the idea that shamal was a very important city during its peak years if the techniques that allowed the construction of the gates existed in China 1500 years earlier than we thought they did we have to ask what else the ancient Chinese might have been capable of War isn't a pleasant topic to discuss but the study of war and War Graves can give us an invaluable insight into the history of human conflict traditional history tells us that large-scale Warfare in Europe was an invention of the Roman Empire but the sight of a massive prehistoric massacre in La Hoya Spain tells us that isn't true this Iron Age Town once survived and thrived in the bass country in the north of Spain welcoming trade from the Ebro River the city had City walls streets and several large buildings there's some evidence that suggests that territory was ruled by the barones a civilization that was heavily influenced by the Kelts around 2,300 years ago it seems the city was attacked and sacked with most of if not all of its occupants perishing during the attack both the settlement and the people in it were set on fire with most of the buildings destroyed by force at the same time the Romans might have specialized in large scale Warfare but it looks like they were a long way from being the first armies to use the method the question of who was responsible for this atrocity remains unresolved the invention of written languages started at different times in different parts of the world in the cassus between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea its existence might go back a full 2700 years that's the conclusion reached by the archaeologist working at grani Hill in Georgia who found inscriptions on the pedestal of an ancient altar dead dedicated to a fertility goddess the markings come from a Time long before a recognized alphabet appeared in the area and for that reason we're unable to translate the writing we don't have anything to compare it to if the inscriptions are confirmed to be writing it would mean that the ancient Georgians were among the very first people in the world to devise a form of written language perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by that because the people who lived here had a long time to learn and grow studies performed in the past have demonstrated that there have been settlements here for 300,000 years as the inscription is very short it's unlikely that anyone will be able to translate it without further assistance so the Hunt is now on to find further ancient Georgian text to compare it to there must be no better feeling for a metal detectorist than to make a discovery that not only enriches your life but changes our understanding of History Mike Smith from wford Haven England got to experience that feeling in 2018 when he found a Celtic Chariot burial site in a field in pmri Shire Wales Chariot burials like the one Mike has discovered were reserved only for high ranking individuals who would be buried not only with their Chariot but also with their horses and weaponry the grave goods were intended to serve the purposes of the deceased Celtic Chief queen or King in the afterlife other archaeologists were initially dismissive of Mike's discover y because no Chariot burial had ever been discovered in Wales before the influence of Celtic culture and traditions in Wales isn't thought to have been as strong as it was in Scotland and Ireland but now we have solid evidence of a significant Celtic presence here during the Welsh Iron Age 2500 years ago the connection between Wales and The Wider Celtic world may now need to be examined again with fresh eyes forign four months of digging were carried out at the site of Tamil Nadu in India in 2019 during which over 1,000 ancient artifacts were Unearthed and the established Narrative of Indian prehistory was Rewritten some historians in the country have long suspected that native people from the indis valley started moving south around 3,500 years ago and settled there becoming speakers of the dravidian language and followers of the dravidian culture in the process these new finds seem to confirm those theories archaeologists have discovered signs of a large Indus likee civilization living close to the riverbed of Vy a people who had weapons brick stoves water holding facilities and a jewelry collection that suggested their people had traded with the ancient Romans Pottery Unearthed at the site is covered in Tamil script confirming that whoever lived here had Advanced language skills compared to the tribes and cultures who lived around them Tamil nadu's golden age is called the sangera but the age of these impressive artifacts might now push back the start date of that era by several hundred [Music] years around 10,000 years ago the global climate changed significantly the new conditions were more suited to the planting and management of crops so the Neolithic agricultural revolution began in Europe and Asia we once thought that Eurasia was the primary benefit beneficiary of these changes but the discovery of a series of 5,000-year-old artifacts in Papua New Guinea might say differently these amazing finds suggest that the native people on this island started farming the land making tools and practicing arts and crafts at the same time their European and Asian peers did banana farming is known to have happened on the island prior to this time but it's been thought that techniques and Customs didn't move on from that until several centuries after the eurasians had got the hang of them these tools include an axe Stone pestles a fire lighting tool and a stone skyp pointing to the existence of an advanced Wetland culture living here between 8 and 4,000 years ago while it might still be true that the Lepa culture brought similar tools with them when they arrived from Southeast Asia 3,000 years ago they wouldn't have been able to teach the locals much that they didn't already know here's something else that we no longer believe the Europeans were the first to create rock art while there are many examples of fine and historically significant European rock art to be found on the continent there might be none as significant as the paintings of animals hands and humanoid figures found in no less than seven caves in salessi Indonesia the distinctive looking works of art are understood to have been created about 40,000 years ago there are more than 100 paintings to look at in the caves most of which were made using red oakr pigment while the cave paintings had been known about since the 1950s they were incorrectly assumed to be little more than 10,000 years old it wasn't until tiny mineral outcroppings on the Rocks known as cave popcorn were dated in 2011 that the truth became known and the artworks Place among the history of cave paintings could be properly considered the oldest known cave paintings in the world are the red dots and hand stencils in El Castillo Northern Spain but that record is now tied with this Indonesian collection is it possible that there was a major city in mosm Beque 200,000 years ago perhaps so and here's the evidence to support that wild claim around 100 Mil west of the port of mudu you'll find a network of stone circles they're clearly ancient but a recent scientific study that involved aging the site using the erosion rate of the doar right Stones has given them an age of 200,000 years they're more than just your average Stone circles though they were once part of an enormous ancient Metropolis spanning 12200 square miles the circles are interconnected and are also connected to roads that lead to agricultural platforms given the abundance of gold mines in the area whoever lived here would have been wealthy and Powerful now not to mention hugely Advanced given the scope of the settlement they created to make matters even worse for traditional historians depictions of the Egyptian ank have been found carved onto some of the Rocks implying that some Egyptian customs may have begun here and been exported to Africa rather than the other way around are we looking at the last trace of a forgotten ancient civilization perhaps we are subscribe to the Channel and turn on 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Channel: Inforado
Views: 29,823
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Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Artifacts Finds That Change History, incredible artifacts, artifacts finds, ancient artifacts, finds that change history, archaeological artifacts, archaeological finds, 12 most, top 12, most incredible
Id: P1AzWtqE1xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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