12 Most Mysterious Abandoned Places

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can you tell what used to happen in a building just by looking at it that might be easy in some cases but in other cases you might not know for sure unless there's someone there to tell you its story unfortunately that's not always possible when a building or location has been abandoned that's where we step in we know where all the most incredible mysterious and abandoned places in the world are hiding and we're here to tell their stories ancient merv in turkmenistan was once the oasis of the legendary silk road and one of the world's largest cities that was before the mongol hordes descended upon it and turned it into a broken wasteland the history of human habitation at merv spans 4 000 years and covers many different civilizations several of which it served as the capital city of its prime location between the lowlands of caricum desert and the afghan highlands made it the perfect strategic place for a stronghold and that made it a highly desirable acquisition for the ancient turks arabs and persians although it's thought that it was founded under alexander the great of greece by the 12th century its population had swelled to half a million people but its time was nearly up tolu khan the fourth son of genghis khan led his army into the city in 1221 and laid waste to it tolu ordered the death of almost every single one of the city's residents leaving it empty ever since unesco declared the battered and forgotten city a world heritage site in 1999 [Music] in the mexican city of monterey you'll find a structure that looks like something from a science fiction movie or perhaps the headquarters of a villain from a james bond movie its true identity though is casa de los tubos which translates into english as the house of pipes very little is known about the origin of the building but the stories associated with it are sad ones the locals say that the house of pipes was built in the 1970s which is consistent with the design and the building materials as the story goes it was built by a father who wanted to create a home for his wheelchair-bound daughter in which all the floors would be connected by ramps making it easy for her to move around the project appeared to be cursed two workers lost their lives during the construction stage and then the girl herself perished when her father lost control of her wheelchair during a visit to check on the work leaving her to plummet out of the window of one of the unfinished floors work on the building was abandoned but legend has it that even today you can sometimes see or hear the girl moving through the unfinished structure spooky almost all necropolises are abandoned by definition or abandoned by the living at the very least but there's something special about the necropolis of glasgow scotland perhaps it's the fact that there are over 50 000 sets of human remains interred here or maybe it's the fact that the sculptures from some of scotland's greatest sculptors like jt rochad and charles rainey macintosh stand on its grounds the necropolis opened in 1833 a year after the british law allowed the practice of burial for profit prior to that burial was a public service carried out by the local parish church of the deceased once there was money involved the city's wealthy inhabitants went to great lengths to demonstrate their affection for their lost loved ones by paying for huge tombs and memorials the bridge of size at the main entrance was erected in 1838 along with the enormous decorative gates if you were a vip in life you might as well remain a vip in death and glasgow necropolis is the place to be seen for every well-heeled corpse the urban explorer who discovered our next abandoned location wants to keep its location secret and tells us only that it's close to an abandoned soviet-era administrative building in russia nevertheless it's quite a sight to behold beneath the old building is a network of bunkers and tunnels accessed by a hermetic door that appeared to have been sealed for decades before the intrepid explorer came across it based on its appearance this might once have been a bomb shelter the thick coating of rust and the stains on the walls and floors suggest that it might have spent several years underwater although the water is nowhere to be seen now if so amazingly the emergency lighting in the corridor still works after all these years while the water has damaged all of the iron and steel all of the wooden items appear to have survived intact there's even a chair left next to a few tables as if someone pulled it out and left it with the intention of coming back to it one day it looks almost too elaborate to be a bomb shelter so we wonder what else might have gone on down here a photo that went viral on the internet in 2011 had everyone asking the same question why is there an enormous plane graveyard in australia and why are the australians literally burying the planes the answer to the question is one of practicality when a plane reaches the end of its life cycle everything of value is stripped from it that usually includes the engine and any components or instruments that might be reusable generally speaking the wings and tails will also be stripped off and sent for scrap what we see happening in the australian picture is the burial of fuselages mostly from f-111 tactical bombers the fuselages can't be scrapped because the panels that hold them together are made from a glue that contains asbestos the substance is massively hazardous to human health and safe disposal of it is very expensive it's far cheaper just to bury the fuselages and the toxic asbestos in makeshift mass graves like this one so that's precisely what the australians did it isn't necessarily great for the environment though and we can't help but wonder what archaeologists might make of the site when they dig it up in 2 000 years or so [Music] there's something undeniably dark and brooding about the silhouette of whitby abbey in england this was once a beautiful building but when the sun goes down its gothic appearance takes on a foreboding edge we're not surprised that braum stoker was inspired to write his famous novel dracula while he was staying in the town in the late 19th century no religious building ever erected on this site has had any luck the first church went up in the year 657 and was torn down by the vikings in the 9th century the ruined building we see today was its replacement but was destroyed in 1540 during the reign of king henry viii after he ordered the dissolution of the monasteries further damage to the battered structure was done during the first world war when it was struck by a german battleship off the coast the germans had actually been aiming for a signal station so it was a bad shot after taking such a beating it's amazing that there's anything left of it at all but it still attracts thousands of visitors each year and is often surrounded by crowds of teenage goths writing poetry [Music] travel northwest from the city of norwich in england for around 20 miles and you'll come across a strange strange-looking egg-shaped dome standing in a field this is the langham dome trainer and it's almost all that's left of what was once the raf langa military base created in 1940 as an emergency landing ground as part of the british war effort from here the raf's coastal command strike wings launched attacks against german ships now that the rest of the base is gone the dome looks conspicuous for a long time its purpose was an official state secret that led to a lot of speculation some locals insisted it was a night navigation training tool where pilots would learn to plan flights based on the position of stars projected onto the internal roof the weirdest of all the stories was that it was a high-intensity poultry farm stuffed full of turkeys in reality it was indeed a training facility but not one for night pilots instead this is where aspiring anti-aircraft gunners were taught how to shoot down german planes as they passed overhead the combination of projectors and mirrors inside the dome was cutting edge for its time and greatly enhanced the accuracy of the trainees [Music] considering the amount of technology we have at our disposal it's a little bit embarrassing that we're yet to fully explore the surface of our world there are forests and jungles out there that we know nothing about and when we do explore them we often find wonderful things that was the case in october 2019 when the long-lost city of mahendra pavarta was discovered deep within the jungle of cambodia it took a team of archaeologists working with the latest laser technology to pinpoint the location of the city which is hidden away in the phenom cooling mountains this was once one of the capital cities of the khmer empire in this instance we don't blame the archaeologists for being cautious the jungles are difficult to penetrate and are notoriously full of unexploded landmines and ordinance from the days of the khmer rogue the city was built during the 8th century and was the empire's capital long before angkor was founded archaeologists might already have identified the reason why the city was left behind an ambitious looking hydraulic engineering project appears to have been left unfinished so the city's irrigation systems would have been incapable of supporting rice agriculture [Music] whenever new airports are built or existing airports are expanded you'll see and hear of complaints from people living close to the site of the proposed developments ghost towns like gusan voupee in france are the reason why this was once a picture-perfect traditional french countryside town until the planes came along and ruined it construction work on the nearby charles de gaulle airport began in the 1970s and brought noise and disruption to the lives of the residents prompting many of them to up sticks and move elsewhere then in 1973 disaster struck a plane from a nearby air show malfunctioned and crashed into the town leveling several buildings and unfortunately claiming several lives at the same time that was the final straw for the remaining residents all but the hardiest of whom packed their bags and left almost immediately the airport eventually agreed to purchase more than a hundred of the buildings in gousanville to take care of them but it looks like it abandoned its duties because these former homes workplaces and churches are falling to pieces for it not for the protected status of the large church in the center of the village it's likely that the whole town would have been demolished to make way for the expansion of paris by now just a few miles away from the center of new york city is a grand mansion that was built in the 1930s occupied by owners who live like royalty for 40 years and then abandoned since they moved out in 1976. inside its walls are a tennis court a bowling alley and not one but two bars neither of which have served a drink for more than 40 years it appears that the owners chose not to take much of their furniture with them when they left there's still a grand piano standing in the corner of one of the halls downstairs with ornate chairs and tables arranged around decorative rugs beneath a chandelier in one of the rooms there's a creepy looking doll with eyes that follow you around the room as you move the discovery of which has made many an urban explorer turn and flee in terror many of the people who see it describe it as a time capsule although it's just as likely to be described as the set of a terrifying horror film the local story is that the owners upped and left in a hurry without ever explaining why but have never sold the property until they or their descendants do so it will be stuck in limbo like this forever [Music] while abandoning a mansion that you paid big money for might sound like an odd thing to do it happens more regularly than you might imagine here's the old lou family mansion in mixiong taiwan this was once a beautiful three-story family home in the countryside but since the lou family abandoned it in the 1950s it's been abandoned and the trees haven't so much grown around it as grown straight through it it's now notorious in taiwan for allegedly being the country's most haunted building locals believe that lu rong-yu the wealthy merchant who owned the house was caught by his wife having an affair with his maid the maid couldn't cope with the shame and threw herself down the well on the grounds of the mansion it's her ghost that said to haunt the building and now has been blamed for the mysterious deaths of a group of taiwanese soldiers who were briefly stationed at the house around 10 years later even today superstitious taiwanese people refused to set foot in it the ghost stories probably aren't true but then again why would the lou family abandon their home and leave it to ruin like this [Music] there isn't much call for lighthouse keepers these days so in locations where lighthouses still exist they're mostly run by automated systems a few old lighthouses including point hicks and victoria australia have taken to letting themselves out to tourists and holidaymakers as a means of raising a little extra capital we think you'd need a very strong nerve and a total lack of belief in ghosts if you were going to spend the night at point hicks the lighthouse erected in 1887 wasn't connected to the mains until 1965 so it was occupied by a lighthouse keeper for all that time it's in a very remote location in east gippsland far from the center of victoria and the sense of isolation endured by the lighthouse keeper must have been intense legend has it that one such keeper a man known as christopherson lost his mind here before taking a fatal plunge down the huge spiral staircase in the early 1900s his spirit is said to have stayed in the lighthouse ever since and his footsteps can be heard creeping up towards his old quarters in the dead of night there you pay point hicks a 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Channel: Inforado
Views: 57,144
Rating: 4.8698564 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious Abandoned Places, mysterious abandoned, mystery, abandoned places, abandoned locations, abandoned found, abandoned bunker, abandoned building, abandoned, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: kPZJCzsxodo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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