12 Most Incredible Recent Finds

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it always pays to keep your eyes wide open when you're out and about you never know what you might come across there could be a long forgotten ancient relic at the bottom of your garden or some space junk in the middle of the nearest field think that sounds far-fetched check out this video full of incredible finds and you'll become a believer [Music] hubert de shivanshi was a big name in the fashion world during the 1980s and 1990s his company given she is still a big deal in the fashion and perfume business today most people know about his fashion but far fewer people know he once teamed up with lincoln to make cars there was a special givenchy limited edition lincoln mark 5 at the end of the 1970s and then a few special edition lincoln continental givenchy models released in the mid 1980s they're as rare as the hen's teeth today but here's one that turned up in a junkyard in denver colorado usa in january 2021 we can only assume that whoever abandoned it had no idea what they were dealing with which is a little strange given the fact that the givenchy name is so clearly marked on it you can see from these pictures that the car isn't in great condition but it doesn't look like it'd be beyond the help of someone with a talent for restoration let's hope that special someone comes along and picks it up sometime soon in mid-2020 a meteorite fell to earth and landed in the algerian region of the sahara desert close to beer ben takul like many meteorites that land on our planet it was collected and taken away by scientists for examination the french research team led by jean-alex bharat quickly realized that there was something special about this one the meteorite named erg chech002 is older than the earth itself in fact it's older than our whole solar system unbelievably this tiny chunk of space rock is 4.6 billion years old bharat believes that the meteorite which is made from magma is a piece of a proto-planet that once orbited our sun the proto-planet would either have been destroyed as larger astronomical bodies formed or been absorbed by other planets in some ways you could consider it to be a tiny fragment of earth's older cousin the magma that formed this rock must have reached an incredible temperature of 228 degrees fahrenheit or more and would have taken almost 1 million years to cool down it's been on an extraordinary journey to get to us and now it sits in a prideful place in john alexa's lab here's another incredible meteorite story in february 2020 the people of gloucestershire england turned their faces to the sky as a fireball streaked across it there was a brief scramble as scientists rushed to locate the position of the rock that fell to earth a job that turned out to be quite tricky because most of the meteorite burned up on approach by the time it was finally found in the town of winchcombe there was almost nothing left of it only 10 ounces of rock could be recovered but it's a very exciting 10 ounces the stone is a carbonaceous chondrite inside it scientists have found amino acids as any expert will tell you amino acids are the very building blocks of life from which proteins are made meteorite discoveries like this one are very rare it's probably around 4 billion years old it might have much to tell us about how our solar system began and perhaps even how life began on earth it's been 30 years since a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite fell in the uk so the country's scientists don't get opportunities like this very often their findings should be available soon meteorites aren't the only things that drop out of space and land on our planet we've fired hundreds of objects into space since the 1950s and not all of them stay there in february 2021 this strange spherical metal object was found on the beaches of harbor island in the bahamas the artifact is covered in russian riding because of that and also because of its size shape weight and design scientists think it might be part of a russian spacecraft to be more specific they think it's a hydrazine propellant tank if that's the case it would have been used in a rocket probably one that was used to launch an unmanned satellite it hasn't even been in space for particularly long the tech suggests it was manufactured in 2018 where possible scientists that launch space rockets do their best to make sure that the discarded pieces fall into the oceans when they come back down again that was probably the case with this tank which would have then traveled across the sea to end up washed up on the beach in a strange twist to the tail british musician dave stewart of eurythmics came to the scene to take a closer look at it while it was being dug up homeowner john sims of tucson arizona got a strange phone call one day that prompted him to dig up his entire backyard the call came from the previous owner of his home who thought that john might want to know that his recently acquired property comes with a whole cold war fallout shelter john did what almost anyone would do he went out to his lawn with a shovel and started digging the rumor turned out to be true hiding under the grass was a full-sized shelter built in 1961 by the whitaker pools company the first thing he found was the hatch and below that a staircase although sadly the staircase has crumbled somewhat since the shelter was buried which made accessing it a little dangerous john climbed down anyway and found a vast concrete shelter with a domed fiberglass ceiling the cold war was a worrying time for all americans but especially so for residents of tucson the city played host to 18 intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads so if the cold war ever turned hot the city would have been a key target for the soviet union any equipment or furniture that might once have been down here has been removed but john intends to fully restore it and make use of his extra piece of real estate [Music] the columbia space shuttle disaster was a tragic episode in nasa's history it happened in 2003 and led to major changes in the way that nasa runs missions and puts spaceships together eight years after the disaster a poignant discovery was made in texas as the lake nakadochis area was subjected to an extended period of drought in august 2011 the lake's waters receded and revealed the space shuttle's aluminum power reactant storage and distribution tank had the drought not occurred the remnant of the disaster would probably have never been found the tank was full of mud when it was found which suggests that it's probably been in the lake ever since the spacecraft exploded it's one of 18 tanks that would have been attached to the shuttle at the time nasa has space within the kennedy space center in florida where all of the collected debris from the challenger disaster is stored and this long-lost tank is now part of that collection just under half of the wreck of the columbia orbiter has been recovered the remainder is either still lost or was destroyed when the ship burned up during re-entry the columbia incident was only the second disaster in the 30-year history of the space shuttle program as the shuttle program has now ended there will never be another [Music] in 1909 a painting called the last supper was gifted to a church in ledbury england it isn't the leonardo da vinci painting of the same name nor was it believed to have any real value at all beyond being a religious image so it hung in the church for more than 100 years until art historian ronald moore discovered that it's actually connected to a different renaissance master during restoration work moore discovered the signature of titian on the canvas he since compared the piece to other works by titian and he's convinced that it's the real deal petition is viewed as the greatest painter of the venetian school and is one of the most important painters in italian history the artist's signature is invisible to the naked eye but can be seen on a jug toward the painting's bottom left when ultraviolet light is used the painting was finished in 1576 the same year that titian passed away and moore thinks that his son might have helped his ailing father to finish the work the painting has stayed with the church but it's now subject to a little more security than it used to be [Music] we don't know enough about the creatures that live under the sea as we should because of that we sometimes struggle to identify them when they're washed up on the beach this march 2021 discovery ruffled a lot of feathers when it was found by beachcombers in queensland australia it's a fierce looking beast with perfectly white teeth and bulging eyes the woman who found the creature took pictures of it and uploaded them to social media in the hope that someone would be able to identify it early guesses included a bass or a young barramundi eventually a marine biologist chipped in and confirmed the identity of the beached creature it's a stargazer perhaps better known in australia as a monk fish it may not have ended up on the beach by accident star gazers are extremely venomous and often bury themselves in the sand while they wait for something edible to walk past so they can attack it it looks like this one passed away before a suitable meal turned up there are more than 20 species of stargazer living around the australian coast and you wouldn't want to accidentally tread on any of them [Music] on november 17 1969 a 13 year old boy from england threw a message in a bottle overboard from the ship that was taking him to a new life in australia in july 2019 almost exactly 50 years later his message was finally found by a young boy out on a fishing trip with his father on a remote australian beach the letter was written by paul gilmore who said at the time of the writing he was 1 000 miles east of fremantle aboard a vessel called the tss farestar paul gave an address in victoria and asked the letters finder to write him nine-year-old jaya elliott who found the letter would love to reply to paul but 50 years later paul no longer lives at the victoria address he would have been 63 years old at the time his letter was found so statistically he should still be alive if he is jaya hasn't been able to find him and reply to his letter maybe paul is still out there somewhere perhaps he's even watching this video now if he is he should drop jaya a line he'd love to hear from you high flying lawyer david j whitcomb owns a law office in new york city and in december 2020 he decided the time was right for his company to move to new offices two months later he finally got around to climbing into the building's attic and that's where he found an incredible treasure trove of old photographs picture frames cameras and undeveloped negatives it was immediately obvious that some of the equipment and photos were very old so he contacted a photography expert the expert couldn't believe what he was looking at the collection is more than a century old and includes a striking picture of suffragette leader susan b anthony from 1906 just one year before she passed away suffragettes appear to be the theme of the collection as images of elizabeth katie stanton and elizabeth smith miller have been found among them too it's highly likely that the whole collection belongs to james hale a noted photographer of his era but nobody has any idea how they came to be forgotten in this attic all these years later david has since donated them to a museum [Music] speaking of startling finds made in addicts here's a 17th century map of australia that turned up hiding in the dark in a room above a house in november 2017. the map is so old that australia isn't even called australia back then it was known as nova hollandia which translates as new holland it turns out that the map which isn't especially accurate was created by dutch cartographer jean blau in 1659 it was based on the records of a sailor who'd rounded tasmania a few years previously which explained why only part of the continent is illustrated on the map the precise details of its discovery are a little hazy but it's thought that it was within the archives of a small antique bookseller in sweden when their store went out of business during the 1950s the remaining collection of old books and maps was passed down within the business owner's family but wasn't thoroughly examined until 2017. australia's national library was interested in the map the moment it heard about its existence and eventually paid an incredible 450 thousand dollars to secure it [Music] in march 2021 a team of workers from the western power distribution company in wales made an incredible discovery while trying to move an electrical pole close to the town of tintern in monmouthshire as they excavated the pole in the trench beneath it they broke into a medieval tunnel system these tunnels don't appear on any maps of the area and none of the town's residents had any idea they were there historic maps of the area don't go back any farther than the 18th century so all historians have been able to conclude so far is that they're older than that and even by that time they'd been forgotten by the people of tenter that raises the possibility that they have a connection to the nearby 10-turn abbey which was built during the 12th century all digging work in the area has stopped to give archaeologists an opportunity to fully excavate and survey the site they've already warned that the process might take years the tunnels are only four feet high which would have been a claustrophobic experience for anyone using them hopefully we'll one day know who these people were [Music] subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 297,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Recent Finds, archaeological finds, artifacts finds, recent finds, recent archaeological finds, incredible finds, archaeological discoveries, archaeology, medieval finds, unexpected finds, 12 most top 12, most amazing
Id: 1IP-vHpBVUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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