12 Most Mysterious Abandoned Places

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there's always something mysterious about abandoned places without people there to tell their story anymore they invite the imagination to take flight and fill in the blanks for you what are their real stories though what are the true tales of some of the most remarkable and mysterious abandoned places in the world we're going to take a look at some of them in this video and bring their stories to life ireland is a country that's rich with ancient legends forgotten ruins and stunning abandoned buildings even among all of that culture in history the komakta round tower stands out the rest of the 800 year old monastery that surrounds it is wrecked and broken but the big round tower remains standing proudly unlike the rubble and crumbling walls around it the 100 foot tall tower is still in immaculate condition seeming to be somehow immune to the decay that's set in elsewhere strangely although more than 60 towers like this once stood in ireland nobody's sure what they were used for theories include the possibility that they were bell towers or that they were used as watch towers gaining access to the one at kamakda would have involved the use of a rope ladder as the only entrance is 25 feet above the ground after 1 000 years the ground has shifted somewhat which has given the tower its signature lean but aside from that it's as good as new given this state of the monastery it's likely that it was destroyed deliberately but the question of by whom and why remains unresolved why make your home out of rocks when you could just carve a home directly into the stone's face that appears to be the theory that went into the creation of the bandiagara escarpment cliff dwellings in mali which are empty now but were teeming with life for centuries this is a place that has no shortage of dramatic scenery from the 1500 foot tall cliffs to the beautiful waterfalls that run into the sweeping plains more impressive than all that though are the dogon homes cut into the rock which were home to the dogon people for more than 600 years they went further than just building simple homes they also created entire mosques on the cliff faces using little more than mud and sticks for decorations from a distance the only way to identify the homes is from their thatched roofs aside from that they blend in with their environment seamlessly today the dogun live in villages close to the cliffs but some of their people still act as tour guides when visitors come to see their astonishing former homes with their own eyes since 1989 the entire bandiagara escarpment has been listed as a world heritage site by unesco [Music] from most places in sorrento italy the vale de molini is invisible the crevasse is so deep that you have to be almost right on top of it in order to see it the moment that you do you'll immediately understand why its name translates into english as the valley of the mills these long forgotten crumbling mills were built during the 13th century with great difficulty but the people who built them did so because the stream at the bottom of the valley was too good an opportunity to miss when it came to grinding wheat this was the primary source of ground wheat in the whole sorrentine peninsula for centuries and eventually a sawmill and a wash house were built next to the existing mills as the site grew ground wheat isn't as vital a material today as it was hundreds of years ago but at least some of the mills were still running until the 1940s it was only with the opening of pasta mills elsewhere in the region that they became obsolete and since their abandonment the surrounding plant life has done an excellent job of imposing itself on the collapsing walls if you ever wanted to see what a bank vault looks like from the inside there's an excellent opportunity to do so in chicago just don't expect to find any money inside it this bank has long since been abandoned after it flooded and anything of value was removed after it closed whether or not this colossal bank should be counted as abandoned or not is debatable it's definitely no longer used for its original purpose but there's some evidence of people living rough on the upper floors banks like this wouldn't be built anymore it's an enormous facility that must have housed millions of dollars worth of goods when it was open the bank was built during the 1920s but has been closed for at least 20 years by this point usually a building standing on prime real estate in a city like chicago would either be repurposed or demolished to make way for something new by this point so it's a wonder that it's still standing at all we have no idea how much longer it might last but we're glad that people have been able to get inside it and take wonderful pictures like these [Music] it takes a persistent traveler to reach the ruins of getty in kenya but it's worth the journey the mysterious ruins found here are protected by a dense forest and are unknown even to the people who live close to them what makes them especially remarkable is that they're unlike any other historical site elsewhere in the country it appears that the people who lived here did so in isolation and never spread anywhere else during their existence we don't know who they were and we have no idea where they disappeared to we do however know that they were incredibly advanced for the time they lived in the ruined buildings are from the 13th century but despite that there's evidence of irrigation systems that would have provided the villagers with running water and flushing toilets houses made from coral bricks and a beautiful palace to add to the intrigue the presence of a ruined mosque suggests that this was an islamic culture but the presence of venetian glass in chinese vases indicates that the people traveled far and wide how could they have done that without ever expanding from this one location getty is far from the only place you might find as a reward for trekking through the forests and jungles of the world as another example here's cabal spain in the siem reap region of cambodia the riverbed here runs across an ancient sequence of carvings and inscriptions that appear to be hindu in origin but about which very little is known it's never easy for historians or archaeologists to put a precise date on rock monuments but it's thought that the carvings were made during either the 11th or 12th centuries it's popularly believed that the carved circles at the site were once mounds and were intended to be shiva lingam which are representations of the hindu god shiva rather than all being carved at the same time it's likely that the series of symbols and murals were added to over decades or even centuries but it's clear that the work stopped a very long time ago when it ended it appears that whoever came here to make the carvings must have left the area why would you abandon something you'd spent so much time making beautiful despite its grandiosity and opulence the incredible baron m payne palace is mostly a mystery even to the people who live around it in el montaza egypt there are many rumors about the origin of the incredible mansion that circulate around the city but few people know the real story behind its creation and subsequent abandonment fortunately we do the palace was designed and built in 1907 by baron eduard and payne the same belgian architect responsible for creating the paris metro as if the breathtaking building weren't enough it also once had enormous gardens unfortunately the baron didn't have a happy time here his wife fell to her death from the building's tallest tower and his daughter later passed away in the basement unsurprisingly he decided to leave the mansion and went home to belgium leaving the property to his socialite son who held wild parties within its walls until 1952 when he was forced to sell it after squandering his wealth it's been officially abandoned ever since and is said to be haunted although it's evident that someone is taking care of maintenance issues at the property [Music] like ireland england is full of curious old buildings some of which are better known than others far too few people are familiar with king alfred's tower in storton which is a beautiful gothic tower that was directly referenced in the poem the channel firing by renowned poet thomas hardy it might be ornate and stylish but it's also a folly ostensibly the tower was built as a celebration of king alfred's victory over the danes in the year 1878 in reality it was built almost 1 000 years later by a family of bankers known as the both as a demonstration of their wealth and an opportunity to show off to their peers the walls of the 150 foot tall tower are made up of more than one million red bricks and the building took 17 years between 1762 and 1779 the 10 foot tall statue of king alfred above the entrance was the final touch legend has it that the king raised his standard at the tower's location before the battle against the invading danes but there's no evidence to back up that fact somehow an american plane managed to crash into the top of the tower during the second world war causing damage to the upper 10 stories that wasn't repaired until 1986. the locally famous dr seuss house in taukita alaska doesn't actually have anything to do with the famous children's author it does however look like the kind of thing that would have been dreamed up by his inventive mind although it was built a great expense it's clearly a whimsical building and if we're to refer to it by its real name we should call it the goose creek tower the strange 185 foot tall building towers above the trees at talk heat in the woods and inside it you'll find its eccentric designer and owner phillip weidner widener started by building a two-story home for his family but felt compelled to add to it over time and now it's 17 floors high according to phillip once you get to the top you have an almost uninterrupted view of an area of alaska that spans 300 miles in every direction as strange as his architectural ideas might be widener is a highly respected trial lawyer in alaska so finding time to work on his tower project isn't easy he suspects that he'll never truly consider it to be finished and will continue to build it higher for as long as he's able to do so not all abandoned places have happy histories some are much less pleasant and letchworth village is one of them found in the theos district of new york this is a place where people with a mental health condition were unknowingly used as guinea pigs for a potential polio vaccine the village was founded as a utopian experiment in 1911 intended as a place where people with psychological issues could find peace and comfort with 130 different buildings spread across 2000 acres the initial plan was to take in no more than two thousand patients thereby giving everybody the space they need and keeping the demand placed upon medical staff low sadly that isn't how it turned out it became overcrowded almost immediately after it opened and it took in too many young patients to function as a working village because there were too few able-bodied adults to farm the land with the staff overworked tales of mistreatment and abuse became rife the polio trials were carried out in 1950 and although they were successful the fact that they were carried out without the knowledge of the patients was unacceptable despite that the village was still accepting patience until 1996 when it finally shut its doors for good in the face of human rights campaigns [Music] you could drive straight past our next abandoned location and never even know it was there it's a forgotten fairy village next to the highway in waterbury connecticut usa this was probably once a magical place but nobody's maintained it or repaired it for years so it's overgrown with weeds and slowly falling to pieces the tiny houses are carved into the side of a small cliff and there's a smashed but still standing giant throne for the fairy queen to sit upon if you root through the dense foliage for long enough you'll find the beds they were originally planted in although by this point they're so overgrown they've almost become one with the forest that surrounds them while there are some local legends about a man who was driven to create the fairy village after being tormented by elves it's far more likely that this was once a tourist attraction a trolley line once ran alongside the highway so there would have been no shortage of potential visitors still it seems strange that nobody who lives anywhere near the fairy village has any memory of it being open much less who built it [Music] desert art exists all over the world and it's often a beautiful thing to look at open puerto kacci in argentina is definitely beautiful but the story behind its existence has to be the strangest reason that anyone's ever built anything in the desert the artist behind the work is swiss but this is not supposed to be a work of art at all he believed that he was building an airstrip for an alien spacecraft to land upon and he did so because he thought he was receiving telepathic messages from the captain of the spaceship werner josley claims that he began receiving messages from aliens in november of 2008 in which they specified the size and shape of avni puerto kacchi given the sheer scale of the site along with the fact that it exists at a height of 7 200 feet above sea level the fact that one man could create all this working alone is nothing short of astonishing it seems that werner's aliens weren't quite as impressed though despite all of his back-breaking labor there's never been any sign of them touching down at the airfield maybe he got the color wrong [Music] subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 185,938
Rating: 4.8359447 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious Abandoned Places, abandoned places, abandoned, abandoned found, abandoned building, abandoned house, most abandoned, mysterious abandoned, mysterious, mystery, most mysterious, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: 3Jeop5GZ-sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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