12 Most Incredible Recent Finds

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we love great discoveries on this channel but those discoveries can take many forms we're as excited by the discovery of a fossil from millions of years ago as we are by someone finding a million dollars down the back of a sofa discoveries like that sound improbable but the truth is they happen all the time somewhere in the world whatever they do news of the discovery gets back to us so we can make you fantastic videos full of amazing recent finds like this one the layout and formation of the world's continents hasn't always looked like it does today there are areas of sea that were once land and vice versa there are also areas of ice that were once dry land including almost all of antarctica thanks to the discovery of an ancient frog fossil on seymour island close to the antarctic peninsula's tip in april 2020 we may now have a better understanding of when the continent first got its icy covering the previous best guess was that it happened around 200 million years ago based on giant amphibian fossils but this tiny frog lived no more than 40 million years ago it wouldn't have been able to survive an icy climate so conditions in antarctica must have been more temperate back then the frog is a member of the amphibian family known as calitopic phthalia dye which can today mostly be found in south america's warmer parts including the central chilean portion of the andes that implies that not only was antarctica free of ice it was positively hot in december 2019 a biologist went to check on drake's beach in california usa in the immediate aftermath of a storm what he found there gave him the biggest shock of his career it looked like a shipment of toys bound for an adult store had washed up on the beach but these thick pink cylinders aren't toys they're a little-known species of marine creature known as fat innkeeper worms but it's not hard to work out how they got their nickname of penis fish the creatures which grow up to 10 inches long and can live for 25 years usually live in u-shaped burrows under mud or sand but were probably dragged from their burrows by the storm and deposited in confused miles on the sand ivan parr the biologist who found them says this phenomenon has been known to occur after storms in the past albeit never on this scale while they're a rare sight in the western world they're considered delicacies in south korea japan and china where they're often served with a vinegar and gochujang dip said to be chewy and surprisingly sweet we'll take their word for it while we're talking about strange discoveries on the beach check out this bizarre creature that washed up on watery beach in new zealand in early 2018. would you have known what it was by sight or would you like the woman who found it and took these pictures claim it was a mythical sea creature and quite possibly a dragon the idea of this being a dragon is far-fetched but it took a while for anybody to come up with a better explanation the creature appeared to have a large spiky head and a long tail more than six feet long it wasn't until the story caught the attention of te papa new zealand's national museum that the truth was finally revealed the creature was hard to identify because these remains don't account for its full body this is actually just the brain case and vertebra of a depturus in aminatus better known as a smooth skate this particular smooth skate has likely been deceased for some time as every other part other than the brain case and vertebrae appears to have rotted away it probably had a good life though a smooth skate can live for up to 25 years as long as it isn't accidentally caught up in trawler nets during work to replace a water main below magistra skya street in vinicia ukraine a rusty old chest was discovered in the foundation of an old building in august 2017 the chest was a confusing thing to look at aside from the fact that it appeared to be covered in centuries of rust it had a series of german inscriptions on the side accompanied by the star of david this part of venezia was once populated by a jewish majority in the days before the second world war so was this a german relic or a jewish one who owned it and where did it come from a team from venezia museum was called and they decided that opening it would be the best thing to do that involved the use of special cutting tools and only deepened the mystery the box is actually a safe that dates back to the early 20th century and is polish as opposed to german inside it was a set of documents that appear to constitute the technical schematics of a power plant this raises the possibility that the owner of the schematics didn't want technological information to fall into nazi hands and buried them inside the safe as the germans approached venezia during the early days of their offensive [Music] what on earth is a ship doing in the euro forests well actually that's a long story here's the rusty old vessel perched among the branches of a forest in the chelyabinsk region of russia where it's said to have been sitting for several decades pictures from the ship's interior appear to support that assertion the paint is peeled off and all the moving engine parts have disappeared alexander greckov who took the majority of these pictures did a little digging to find the vessel's full story and found that it arrived here or at least close to here in 1982 the ship was once part of the pacific fleet and was used as a mine sweeper while it was in active service it was moved to a camp close to schezninsk in the early 1980s to act as an educational facility for children in fact it would have been a kind of living history museum unfortunately funding for the project dried up almost as soon as the ship was delivered so it was cast aside in the forest and left where it landed quite how it ended up in the trees is unknown what could be luckier than finding a diamond well how about finding two at once with one nested inside the other that's the incredible discovery that was made in siberia in october 2019 and it's thought to be the first of its kind found anywhere in the world the gemstone which was found at the nyurba mine in siberia formed around 800 million years ago and contains a tiny hollow pocket within which the smaller diamond moves around freely it's likely that the inner diamond formed first and the second diamond grew around it later trapping a pocket of air in the process the double diamond has been nicknamed mastoiska which is reference to the famous russian nesting dolls that are stacked one inside the other the diamonds would not be particularly valuable in isolation the outer one weighs 0.62 carats the inner one is a mere .02 carats but the unique nature of the twin stones is likely to attract a high price if they're ever sold on the open market nuclear fallout bunkers aren't especially rare in america there are several private ones earmarked for the use of the president and high ranking officials if the worst were to happen and there are also several extremely exclusive bunkers set up for the rich and famous they're a less common site in canada but here's a very unusual one that exists on the outskirts of toronto at hornings mills it's called arc ii and it's the largest fallout bunker on the north american continent despite that it went almost completely unnoticed until it was spotted from the air in 2017 the majority of the facility is made from the shells of more than 40 hollowed-out yellow american school buses which have been connected to form a network of subterranean passageways once the network was built the entire area was covered over with reinforced concrete leaving the buses 15 feet underground and accessible only by a large doorway there's room inside to accommodate up to 500 people with enough supplies to last for up to five years if necessary local couple bruce and jean beach started building the shelter back in early 1980 both of them are now in their late 80s and it's unclear what will happen to the site after they're gone going treasure hunting with your best friends sounds like it might be fun but it's only fun until you actually find some treasure and then you can't agree about what to do next andy artson and james pets a pair of former friends from england know all about that they discovered a collection of over 1500 romano british coins dating back to the 3rd century in a field close to lymington hampshire but the dispute between them hinges on the fact that andy found some of the coins first and then called in his then friend james to help him excavate a wider area james went on to find the majority of the coins but andy wants to be named as the sole finder of the coin horde that might have something to do with the fact that the collection has a value somewhere in the region of fifteen thousand dollars and if andy is named as the sole finder he would also be the sole beneficiary of any sale once the landowner's share is subtracted the matter set to go to court and it's probably safe to assume that the friendship between the two men is well and truly over [Music] in motoring terms a barn find is a vehicle that's been locked away inside a barn or a garage for years on end hidden from the outside world most barn finds are interesting only because of their age but this next one which was found in kiev ukraine in 2019 is interesting because it's a total one-off it's a racing zapporo sets identified as zazz 968m with a handmade body and a single seat for a racing driver it's been described by some people who've seen pictures of the car as a batmobile made out of scrap metal and we're inclined to agree with that description the front of the car is to be brutally honest a complete mess the back however gives you some idea of the kind of power this vehicle was capable of on the racetrack the fiberglass body is ultra lightweight so the bulk of the weight comes from the modified zapporo zets engine with its two carburetors nobody sure why it ended up hidden in this garage for so many years but it's been sent on to a specialist workshop where it's hoped the engineers will get it running again for several years in portland usa there was a local legend that there was a chevrolet pickup truck at the bottom of the river that runs through town sent there by a girl who'd had an argument with her boyfriend in march 2020 a team of divers decided to find out if the story was true they didn't find the chevrolet at first but they did find a whole fleet of 20th century cars hiding underneath the murky water one of them was a mazda rx-7 now if you know your cars you'll know this is a valuable vehicle that deserved a better fate than being sent to a watery grave next to come out of the mud a 1973 ford mustang mach 1 followed by three pickups the last of which was a chevrolet love it appears the local legend was true but the angry girlfriend of the tale was far from the only portland local to ditch a car in the river sadly all of the cars are considered too badly damaged to be restored how they ended up submerged is a mystery although insurance fraud is considered to be the most likely explanation it's easy to understand how and why scientists have not yet been able to make a perfect map of the seabed because there are parts of the seabed humans are yet to reach however everything that exists on the surface ought to have been mapped by 2020 or so you'd think well that isn't the case though in march 2020 melting ice in antarctica revealed a whole new island off the coast of the pine island glacier shelf the rocky outcrop is only around 1500 feet long but it's independent of the glaciers around it and it's been claimed by a small colony of seals the research team who found it has named it sif island and hoped to use the small strip of land which is made of volcanic granite for research into the effect of climate change on rocks that exist beneath the antarctic ice there are no rocky islands or outcrops like this for at least 50 miles in every direction the scientists who made the discovery went home with a few rock samples but they'll be back soon to perform more tests as more and more antarctic ice melts and retreats new island discoveries like this might become commonplace [Music] in 1951 a black and red meteorite was found by the roadside in australia it's been examined and tested many times since but as technology progresses and we're able to perform new kinds of tests we're finding new information about the origin of the rock in september 2019 a startling discovery was made the rock contains a type of mineral that's never before been seen in nature and may not exist naturally on our planet at all the mineral has been named ed scottite in honor of the world-renowned cosmochemist edward scott it's possible to produce this iron carbide mineral during iron smelting but the mineral inside the several million year old meteorite appears to have been formed naturally that coupled with the fact that the rock also contains large amounts of carbon has led scientists to theorize that the meteor might come from the core of a planet that was destroyed in a collision in space in ancient times it then reached our solar system and spent a few million years in the asteroid belt between jupiter and mars before another collision sent it in earth direction finally resulting in a crash landing close to the australian town of wetterburn the new mineral has now been accepted into the international mineralogical association subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 326,226
Rating: 4.7904811 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Recent Finds, mysterious finds, recent finds, amazing discoveries, incredible finds, unbelievable finds, recent discoveries, cant explain, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: X65_b9Exkhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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