12 Most Incredible Artifacts Finds

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what makes an article valuable is it worth more money if it's very old is a beautiful artifact more valuable than an ugly one perhaps it's the story behind it that makes all the difference that's what we choose to believe and we're going to try to prove it by telling you the true stories of some incredible artifact discoveries in this video long before the invention of written languages people would use seal stones and seal rings in place of a signature if something came with a seal mark on it you could be sure it was a genuine article seal stones are usually tiny which makes them rare discoveries for archaeologists but one of them turned up in jerusalem national park in march 2021 an examination of the seal has confirmed that it belonged to a woman called elekana and is around 2600 years old the age of the artifact dates into the first temple period and the fact that it belonged to a woman makes it all the more unique it confirms that she had a legal status of some kind allowing her to own properties and conduct her own business it's likely that it was once set into a ring but the ring itself hasn't yet been found the stone also bears the name of the woman's father this suggests that her father standing in society was greater than her husband's and so she was the most important figure in her own household we wish we knew more about her in the year 9 ce three legions of roman soldiers encountered germanic tribesmen in the teterberg forest the meeting didn't go well for the romans all twenty thousand of them were wiped out and dying was just the beginning of their troubles some of them were ritually sacrificed cooked in pots and then eaten in september 2020 a relic of that two thousand year old battle was discovered in the forest by archaeologists it's a carass a form of body armor that protects both the front and back of a soldier during battle this is both the oldest and most complete caress ever found the archaeologists responsible for the discovery also found a clue to the soldier's fate laying nearby in the form of a shrews fiddle a device used to lock people's wrists to an iron board worn around the neck metal artifacts like these are found so rarely because the material was usually recycled after it was no longer useful but in this instance the tribesmen didn't seem to have any interest in that the battle of tedeburg forest was one of the biggest defeats in the history of the roman empire and they never again tried to push this far into germany [Music] inflation is a problem that the world's financial experts have to deal with every day but it's not a modern problem inflation has been an issue for as long as money itself has existed and it's one that the roman empire attempted to stamp out in march 2021 a series of ancient inscriptions from the roman and hellenistic periods were found during excavations close to mugla in turkey within the boundaries of the ancient city of stratton ikea the most interesting of the inscriptions from a historical point of view isn't a declaration about the ruler of the city or a record of a battle but a simple price list for common household goods and grocery items more than 200 goods are listed and the prices on them are thought to be maximums vendors were welcome to charge less if they so desired but were forbidden by roman law from charging more the romans believed that suppressing prices would keep inflation under control it's a fairly crude method but it might well have worked a calendar found at the same site is also raising eyebrows as based on its dating system the current year should be 35.05 it'll take some more research before that can be explained [Music] the golden masks found inside tomb 7 at monte alban southeast mexico are a little scary and we don't just mean they're scary to look at they're also scary because they were made using mysterious techniques that we have no idea how to replicate today the monte alban collection has been hailed as the most significant and valuable ever to be discovered in mexico and it's not hard to see why the 2500 year old artifacts are dripping in gold and incredibly elaborate whoever made these beautiful treasures wasn't only gifted when it came to working with gold they were also capable of processing rock crystals and turning it into jewelry their mining and craftsmanship skills were centuries ahead of their time the tomb was undiscovered until it was found by renowned archaeologist alfonso caso in 1932 caso was responsible for cataloging a lot of these treasures but sounded a note of caution about their origin although the place was once the capital of the zapotec empire caso believed it was built in five stages over many years and the zapotec might not have made these treasures their true origins remain unknown giving birth to a child isn't exactly easy today so imagine how much harder it must have been for people living several centuries ago with no anesthetic or medical equipment back then it seems like the best protection and assistance a woman could hope for while giving birth was the presence of a so-called birthing girdle made of a piece of parchment like this the 500 year old yellowed artifact which is held within the welcome collection at the university of cambridge in england was subjected to biomolecular analysis in early 2021 it was found to contain cervical fluid and human proteins that puts a long-running debate to an end manuscripts like this one are covered in prayers blessings and invocations for the safe delivery of a child but until now it's never been known whether they were actually worn or simply clutched by the mother during the birthing process now we know for sure that they were worn and judging by the evidence reused frequently that's not exactly hygienic but giving all the other risks associated with having a child during the medieval era that would have been the least of a new mother's worries [Music] at some point in the very near future a new gas pipeline will be built on the danish island of funen archaeologists have been given a chance to excavate and survey the route of the planned pipeline before it's built and that opportunity has led to the discovery of this incredible bronze age sword in the village of hair the long-lost warrior's weapon discovered in march 2021 is approximately 3 000 years old rather than being lost in battle experts believe that it was carefully wrapped in bass fibers then placed into a pit as a ceremonial offering the bass fibers have done an excellent job of preserving the sword so much so that the bronze blade is almost completely intact as is the hilt which was made from tack winding around the horn and wood such is the delicate state of the artifact that it had to be disassembled before it was taken away from the site for scientific analysis but once that important work is done it'll be put back together and displayed at the montergarden cultural history museum in odin's while it's always fun for an archaeologist to find a single buried artifact it's a lot more exciting for them to come across an entire treasure trove buried together a lucky research team got to share that joyous experience in march 2021 during excavation work in buckabrani hungary a team from the hermann auto museum working in the area were in the middle of excavating an ancient cemetery when they made the discovery which includes conical plate pendants golden hoops copper picks and polished stone axes the experts believe that the artifacts almost all of which were probably buried as grave goods are around 7 000 years old so far 34 different graves have been identified and opened and although the human remains they once contained haven't survived in every case the objects they were buried with have the civilization that laid their dead to rest here appears to have been very localized all of the building materials for the grave goods came from the nearby carpathian basin with the gold extracted from its rivers and streams we have no idea who they were but through discoveries like this we're slowly getting to know them eleven-year-old zv ben david recently went for a hike along the nahal habisor in the negev desert of southern israel with his father as he was walking along he drew his father's attention to a tiny object poking out of the ground the youngster's find turned out to be a 2500 year old relic from the first temple period although the statuette is extensively weathered it's still easy to identify the eyes and nose of the woman it represents as well as her headdress and the child she clasps to her breast it's barely three inches tall and was probably cast from a mold according to experts from the israeli antiquities authority they go on to say that figurines like this were relatively common during the first temple period because they were good luck charm amulets they were especially likely to be given to new mothers or to couples hoping to have their first child as a way of promoting fertility the owner of this amulet may also have owned other similarly made amulets intended to ward off attacks by evil spirits or promote good health let's hope that this is a lucky discovery for his v and his family [Music] the question of what is and isn't a calendar from an archaeological point of view is a subjective one so it's almost impossible to get a universal agreement on what the oldest calendar in the world is the one in warren field in scotland has a very strong claim on the title though it doesn't look much like the type of calendar you might have hanging on your wall at home today though instead of tracking hours days or weeks this network of 12 wooden posts set into pits would have made it possible to track the passage of the moon through the sky and therefore keep track of 12 months even if they weren't quite the same 12 months we observed now by monitoring this lunar calendar the society of hunter-gatherers who lived in warren field would know when to start preparing hunts for seasonal animals it's a crude way of marking time when you sum it up like that but there's little doubt that it would have been effective what's especially impressive about the war and feel calendar is that it's around 10 000 years old we're not aware of any calendar of any kind invented anywhere else in the world until 5000 years later [Music] if the monument in warren field is the world's oldest calendar is our next artifact one of the world's oldest maps the archaeologists who found it think so this heavily carved and inscribed heart-shaped rock found on the danish island of bornholm in november 2016 might represent the position of specific pathways and fields on the island in ancient times it's believed to be around 5000 years old it's a wonder that the object was ever found at all it's barely two inches wide so if it was ever intended to be a map it must have been a hand-held one there may once have been more to it though some of the experts who've had the chance to inspect it say that it's missing a piece what all of the experts agree on is that the marks on its surface didn't get there accidentally some of them look like little ears of corn whereas others might be plants there are rock carvings in the italian alps from around the same era that have been interpreted as symbolic representations of the landscape and they share the same style this might have been nothing more than a quick reference guide for a local farmer but it's a fascinating find all the same [Music] our next discovery is a human tragedy that shakespeare would be proud of and a love story from long ago in november 2013 archaeologists in andong city south korea discovered the mummy of a man called yung tae inside a tomb he's thought to have been a member of the ancient and influential ghasian yi clan of korea and was laid to rest 553 years ago surrounded by letters written by his loved ones the most heartbreaking of them written in old latin is addressed simply to juan's father sadly it doesn't seem that untai lived to see juan born the letter is from his grief-stricken wife who confirms she's pregnant with his child but struggles to see how she's going to be able to live without him she also begs him to visit her in her dreams but also asks him how he could die and leave her behind such is the intensity of her grief that the document is difficult to read despite the body being very well preserved it hasn't been possible to determine how ingtai died from the content of this heart-wrenching letter we can only assume that he died young when archaeologists go digging through the remains of ancient settlements they quite often find jewelry it's far less common to find the tools used to make that jewelry whenever we do find those tools we learn more about the craftsmanship of our ancient ancestors jewelry making tools are the pick of the discoveries made thus far at the site of ancient khetobi in kazakhstan where archaeological excavations have been ongoing since mid-2020 a few engraving tools show us how these ancient crafts people went about creating the finer details of their jewelry but experts also found a beautiful copper casting mold which shows that some of the jewelry in catobe was mass-produced just as it is today the discoveries come from a wide age range but most of them were made during the middle ages alabaster idols turkish coins and glazed ceramics have also been found at the site but nothing that's got the experts quite as excited as these old tools they might not be worth a great deal of money but from a cultural point of view they're invaluable subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 116,309
Rating: 4.8902197 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Artifacts Finds, artifacts finds, ancient artifacts, incredible artifacts, mystery, mysterious finds, archaeological finds, archaeological artifacts, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: bbVibLM6kzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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