12 Most Amazing Treasure And Artifacts Finds

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treasures and valuable artifacts could be hiding anywhere around you maybe they're buried at the bottom of your garden or waiting to be discovered at a thrift store in your town or city you never know when they're going to turn up but when they do turn up they can cause quite a stir like all the amazing artifacts and treasure discoveries you're about to see in this video the first place an archaeologist would probably look if they were hunting for ancient roman frescoes is probably pompeii the buried italian city has been a treasure trove for archaeologists for two centuries but it's not the only place in mainland europe that turns up priceless roman rewards there's also an ancient roman villa in arliss france which has become so well known for its fresco discoveries that some experts are calling it the french pompeii fresco discoveries like these are rare outside of italy but here we find classic roman imagery including bacchus dionysus and musicians playing harps the works of art were shattered into pieces when they were first discovered in 2015 but thanks to the care and detention of experts they've since been pieced back together when you look at their vibrant colors it's hard to believe they're almost two thousand years old archaeologists aren't sure who owned the villa but based on the quality of the artwork they owned it must have been someone of great means and power archaeologists sometimes find artifacts that are so challenging and so hard to explain that they file them away for years in the hope that someone else will come along in the future and provide an explanation that's been the history of the so-called bush barrow dagger discovered close to stonehenge in england in 1808. the dagger was coated with gold when it was first discovered but the gold began to crumble away the moment it was exposed to the air now all that's left of that gold coating is a few precious shards what baffles the experts about this artifact is the level of complexity involved in its design and decoration the dagger is around 4 000 years old yet it was once inlaid with over 100 000 gold studs each so tiny that they can barely be seen with the naked eye the studs were bound into tiny holes using tree resin and arranged into zigzags with an astonishing density of one thousand studs for every point one square inches whoever carried out this work either had tiny hands or incredibly sharp eyesight experts have even wondered whether this might have been the work of a child as creating this pattern would have been almost impossible for anyone with adult sized hands the gold might have faded but the mystery endures when the world's largest horde of ancient celtic coins was discovered in 2012 on the british island of jersey it's fair to say that the coins weren't in great condition almost all 68 000 of them were fused together into one giant metal lump the discovery made by amateur archaeologists with metal detectors has come to be known as lescatilion to horde it took experts nearly three years to separate the coins away from the cluster but they got there in the end aside from the coins the block also contained glass beads gold neck torques and bags with gold and silver decorations experts believe all the artifacts were buried together by french celts somewhere around 2070 years ago probably in an attempt to hide them from invading roman forces it seems the romans never found the horde but the original owners were never able to return for it either the collective value of the treasure is estimated to be around 7 million and for now it remains on jersey but the island's authorities haven't ruled out the idea of selling it to the highest bidder in the future 68 000 coins is quite a lot but we know of a story that involves far more than that in 2015 archaeologists confirmed the discovery of an incredible two million coins hiding in the dark inside a 2 000 year old tomb in the jiangxi province of east china the total weight of all the copper coins added together exceeds 10 tons it's thought that the tomb belonged to an ancient nobleman who went to his eternal rest with more than ten thousand gold and silver trinkets chimes and bamboo slips along with his colossal coin collection archaeologists believe but are not yet sure that this is the tomb of leo hey the grandson of emperor wu who was buried two thousand years ago it took five years for archaeologists to clear out the tomb and yet they believe there might be more to find at the same location their research indicates that the tomb of leo hayes wife is also in the vicinity but they haven't yet been able to pinpoint it copper coins were of low value in the china of the time which would have made this entire horde worth little more than a hundred thousand dollars in relative terms at the time of the burial but its value is obviously far higher now considering the historical context you never quite know what you're going to get when you buy a mystery box from an antique fair most of the time you'll probably end up with a box of useless junk but there are exceptions when greg pack paid five dollars at an antique sale in 2019 he ended up with far more than he bargained for upon opening his purchase greg found it was full of glass photographic plates he knew a thing or two about photography so he immediately realized they were very old but he also realized they were potentially salvageable by scanning the negatives and processing them through photoshop greg discovered that he accidentally acquired someone's precious family memories he took to social media for help in identifying the owner and over 129 thousand shares later he got an answer from someone who believed they recognized their great great grandfather in the pictures greg had always known the pictures were old but it turns out they'd been hiding inside that box for more than a century the images may not have a cash value but we're sure the family they've now been reunited with considers them to be priceless pearls come from oysters almost everybody knows that but you don't tend to expect to find a pearl inside an oyster you've ordered in a restaurant and especially not an exceptionally rare and valuable pearl anton and cheryl shermer of new jersey usa went out for dinner in october 2019 and got the shock of their lives when their meal was served anton tucked into his oyster but winched as he almost bit into a hard object rolling around in his mouth when he spat it out he was stunned to find it was a pearl and not just any old pearl either the oyster came to the restaurant from washington state and was a cold water oyster it's rare for pearls to come from warm water golf oysters for one to come from a cold water taylor kumamoto oyster is virtually unheard of graciously anton and cheryl elected to hand the pearl back to the restaurant where it's been framed and now hangs on the wall they ate for free that night and they're still dining out on the story now in the united kingdom in january 2021 a former hospital worker passed away at the grand old age of 97 in the city of derby priscilla kidman had lived a modest life and lived in a working class area of the city and although her family knew she was interested in antiques not even they knew the full extent and value of priscilla's collection until they came to clear out her former home it turns out priscilla had been quietly acquiring and storing antiques for almost 70 years among the aladdin's cave of treasures were beautiful pieces of embroidery from the 1680s a charming teapot from around 1770 and a wooden globe made in 1810 australia would have been a recent addition to the globe back then it had only been discovered 40 years earlier when experts and antiques were summoned to the property by priscilla's amazed family they also found fine old ceramics pieces of silver paintings and even greeting cards and letters written hundreds of years ago putting evaluation to a collection that's so eclectic is far from easy but experts believe it might run into several hundred thousand dollars [Music] the california gold rush officially ended in 1855 but it briefly came back to life for one california couple in february 2014 just in time for valentine's day the couple was out walking their dog in santa ana when they noticed something glinting in the sunlight beneath an old tree they did a little digging and eventually unearthed just under 1500 gold coins all of which were minted between 1847 and 1894 and show no signs of ever being in circulation because they're in mint condition coin dealers valued the find at a breathtaking 10 million dollars that's a far higher figure than the combined face value of the coins which adds up to around 27 000 but some of them are so rare that they might fetch as much as one million dollars per piece the coins were neatly divided into metal canisters when they were found and so had obviously been buried under the tree deliberately but nobody has any idea who buy or what for the couple chose to remain anonymous when their treasure discovery went to auction and are now enjoying their retirement on the back of their extremely fortuitous fine [Music] archaeologists have no problem with traveling if they believe they're going to discover something valuable when they get off the plane in 2016 a team from sweden's university of gothenburg were working at the site of holosuit and tech a bronze age city on the island of cyprus when they came across a previously undisturbed tomb it's always a nerve-wracking moment when you enter a tomb for the first time because of the fear that it may have been raided or looted in the past but it quickly became obvious to the swedes that they were the first people to step inside it for around 3 200 years rather than being a burial place for a single individual it appears that it's a family tomb containing nine adults and eight children the tomb's oldest occupant was only around 40 when they passed away evidently none of the family lived a long life but the presence of gemstones a golden daidam egyptian scarabs earrings beads and more than 100 ceramic vessels suggest they managed to acquire significant wealth in the few years they had from all those objects it's a detailed painting of a woman's dress on the side of a minoan vase that's provoked the most interest among archaeologists because it offers a rare insight into the fashions of the time fashion is something that's changed a lot over the centuries there was a time when no self-respecting male member of the aristocracy would dream of being seen in public without his hat pen a fine hat pin was a sign of wealth and power so we imagine that king edward iv of england was extremely irritated when he lost this one in a field in lincolnshire at some point in the mid 15th century the artifact remained lost until it was discovered by amateur archaeologist lisa grace and her metal detector in april 2019. what gives it away as being the king's own hat pin is the fact that it's designed as a sun in splendor which was edward's personal emblem and features a purple amethyst at its center purple amethyst is known to have been a favorite of the monarch you can even see the piece in a few portraits of the king painted during his lifetime it's thought that the hat pin may have been lost in battle and was only found in 2019 because it was disturbed when the farmer who owns the land plowed his field it's now in the hands of the british museum who are considering the question of whether it's possible to declare with 100 certainty that it belonged to the king [Music] the adventures of huckleberry finn written by one samuel clemens also known as mark twain is considered by many to be the great american novel twain published it in 1884 after years of struggling to finish it at one point he took a three-year break from writing the novel and feared he'd never be able to come up with an ending when he eventually returned to the text he made significant changes to the first draft for many years it was feared that the original draft was lost forever but it turned up out of the blue in an attic trunk in 1991. it's known that the documents were sent to james frazier gluck of the buffalo and erie county public library in 1887 but they were thought to have been lost in transit until gluck's own granddaughter found it in her hollywood attic she had no recollection of her grandfather putting it there only half of the content of the book is contained in the handwritten manuscript but it differs significantly from the finished product we won't spoil it for you if you've never read the book but the whole manuscript has since been digitized and uploaded to the internet if you'd like to go and check it out [Music] living as a student isn't easy from a financial point of view your accommodation is often cheaply rented and the furniture inside that accommodation assuming you've even been provided with any at all often leaves a lot to be desired in 2007 a german student decided she could no longer cope with the shoddy sofa her landlord had provided so she went out to a flea market in berlin to replace it she settled on a pull-out couch that cost her around 215 but didn't actually pull it out until she'd brought it back home when she did she was amazed to find a painting hidden inside the sofa the painting isn't large measuring only 10 inches by 15 inches but it is valuable it's called preparation to escape to egypt and was painted somewhere between 1605 and 1620 by a student of venetian master carlos saraceni it's even possible that sarah cheney had a hand in the painting's design and composition unsurprisingly the student decided to cash in on her good fortune and sold her surprise painting for just under thirty thousand dollars we presume she used the money to buy a much better sofa or perhaps even to rent a much better apartment [Music] subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 67,936
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Treasure And Artifacts Finds, artifacts finds, archaeological finds, treasure finds, ancient finds, ancient archaeology, ancient, artifacts, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: yf_NZdEzYU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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