12 Most Mysterious Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain

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even the most intelligent people in the world don't know everything you can spend your whole life studying science or history but there still will be things that you'll never completely understand that doesn't just go for new discoveries it also covers objects and places that were created by our ancient ancestors we might have vastly underestimated the abilities and intelligence of the civilizations that came before us because all of the things you're about to see remain a mystery to all the experts who've ever studied them in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert you'll find an inhospitable lava dome in the region of Herat k-bar covered in stone structures and strange markings they've been there for more than 9,000 years and take the form of cones circles kites and even what appear to be keyholes or gates it's impossible not to feel a sense of foreboding when you look upon them and it doesn't take a great deal of imagination to see why some people believe that this is the gateway to hell the carvings are so large that they can be seen on Google Earth and would have been a monumental undertaking for whoever created them it's been a little over 100 years since they were discovered but we're no closer to understanding their meaning now than we were then the layout appears to be random but surely nobody would put so much time and effort into a series of giant random carvings what could they have been used for local Bedouin tribes who live in the area refer to them using a term that translates as the works of the elders but even they have no idea who put them there if we ever solve the mystery of the Herat k-bar carvings perhaps we could move on to solving the riddle of the petroglyphs in the maharashtra region of india there are thousands of them many of which depict humans and animals but some of the animals don't belong to this location there are clear pictures of the rhinoceros and the hippopotamus but the version of history that we currently believe says that there's no way African animals like that could have been known to human beings living in India 10,000 years ago these are some of the oldest petroglyphs ever found on earth and so long-distance travel should have been out of the question for the tribes who created them either some animal species traveled much farther and wider than we think they did during ancient times or our ancestors weren't much more accomplished when it comes to travel than we currently give them credit for a fresh study of the primitive artwork was ordered in 2018 and it may eventually conclude that humans traveled from Africa to India much earlier than we thought they did in 1782 Czar Alexander the first of Russia ordered a large-scale renovation of the babel of ski palace and Pushkin a residence that was a personal favorite of his the improvements he ordered included an octagonal tower Lancet windows new parapets and an unfathomably large bathtub we're all familiar with the idea of having a large hot tub for entertaining friends but this is ridiculous you'd have to be a giant just to step over the rim and climb into it carved from one solid chunk of granite then smooth and polished the bath is eight feet tall six feet deep and 17 feet in diameter it weighs almost 50 tons and can hold up to 12 tons of water the palaces and ruins today after being abandoned during the Russian Revolution of 1917 but the bathtub is so well made that it's still in near pristine condition nobody knows why it's so big did the Builder misunderstand the Czar's directions or was this are hosting secret bath time parties with gigantic friends while we're on the topic of giants more and more people are beginning to question the official narrative that Giants have never existed on earth and that's because evidence that they did is beginning to pile up if you have never heard or seen any of this evidence before prepare to be amazed giant footprints have been found all over the planet and they're hiding in plain sight there are photographs from a Chinese village that show a person of regular size standing in what's clearly a footprint in ancient rock the foot is obviously more than double the size of their own then there's the four foot high footprint embedded in the rock close to the south african border with Swaziland also clearly identifiable with toes on the end of the foot the giant footprint of Bhima is one of the best-known examples of a giant footprint being discovered and recorded you'll find that one in B minor hedgy close to bangla door to make matters worse for scientists the rock that surrounds some of these footprints has been shown to be hundreds of millions of years old are they relics of an era that predates human life as we know it what do you think in 2014 a man named Dmitri was trying to light a fire in his home and vowed of a stock Russia using coal he'd gathered earlier that winter morning as he sifted through the coal he found a lump of carved aluminum closely resembling part of a gear mechanism as it was embedded with a solid lump of coal he thought it was a very strange discovery so he took it to the primorye base biologist Valerie Breyer Valerie's research suggested something impossible the object was made of a blend of aluminum and magnesium and therefore couldn't have occurred naturally yet it was around 300 million years old small gear pieces like this are used in a variety of different machines and electronic gadgets today such as microscopes how could such a thing end up embedded in a prehistoric lump of coal 2 conspiracy theorists there are only two possible answers it was either left there by a human time traveler or by extraterrestrial visitors scientists would be to dismiss either possibility but what else are we supposed to believe when there are no other answers let's stay in Russia for a moment because here's another ancient Russian riddle that's been causing a lot of head-scratching in scientific circles it's a figurine with a distinctive looking feather headdress and it turned up in a field used for growing potatoes and novice obras it was obviously made by human hands but it's 5000 years old we have no records of any advanced human settlement in Siberia 5000 years ago and although there were a few nomadic tribes there they weren't believed to have worn feather headdresses like this there were a few Middle Eastern cultures who may have dressed like this but they lived a long way away and died out around 2,000 years earlier the last update we had about this strange figurine was that it would be sent for further testing in 2017 but after that there's no more information maybe the experts are still studying it or maybe their studies turned up some information that they'd rather the general public wasn't aware of so they're staying silent on the matter 20:17 was also the year that researcher and photographer is MIT's Molly went out for a walk in the Kosovo mountains and found something that defies both belief and description we'll let the pictures speak for themselves as much as possible here your eyes don't deceive you this is a rounded shaped stone with an electromagnetic coil integrated within it the wires are made of copper and are part of the stone itself rather than being added to it after the stone was created as if the copper in stone were somehow fused together to make one artifact there's also a series of convex bands carved into the stone acting as an insulator in the Reverse for symmetrically engraved circles the chances of this object occurring naturally are zero and it's impossible to say that it could be anything other than a transformer here's the problem with that idea hizmet submitted the artifact for basic testing and was told that it's 20,000 years old that means that it can't possibly be a generator and yet it so clearly is since then is has refused to submit his discovery for any further tests because he's convinced he'll never see it again if he does very little is known about Italian map maker Urbano Monti we know that he was born in Milan and that his parents were aristocrats we presume that he had a very keen interest in travel and geography if he didn't he couldn't have come up with the enormous map that he's famous for a map that displayed knowledge that someone from his time shouldn't have had the colossal map made of 60 individual sheets of paper measuring 27 square feet when fully assembled has the north pole at its centre a perspective that nobody else would have used in 1587 but Montague completed his work and very few people use even today his idea of Japan is a little off kilter it's positioned east to west rather than north to south and yet it has accurate place names and locations marked on it that no other Western map of the era featured monta had never been to Japan we have no idea how he acquired that knowledge or why he felt so able to draw the earth as it might appear as if he were hovering far above the North Pole when he was making sketches the much fabled sculptures known as the fat boys of Guatemala might not have the most flattering name in archaeological history but they do have some remarkable properties as their title suggests their short squat depictions of male figures but there's more to the sculptures than just their shape the pre Olmec carvings which stand in la democracyos Town Square are around 4,000 years old and possess a positive magnetic charge the placement of the charges on the right hand side of the head of each statue mean that this wasn't an accident the artists who created them knew what they were doing this predates the earliest known human experiments with magnetism which happened in China about 2,000 years ago the position of the statues created a u-shaped magnetic field but what the ancient Mesoamerican civilization that created them would want with such a field is anybody's guess there's no sign that they ever worked with iron so they couldn't have had a practical use for one yet again this is an ancient question without an answer returning to Europe we find the statues known as the Giants of menthe a promise standing close to Cobras on the western edge of Sardinia an island that belongs to Italy they're impressively large creations each of them stands eight feet tall and they have large flat disc shaped eyes that make many people who look upon them feel a little uneasy they've stood the test of time but nobody knows quite how much time they've spent standing there most experts place the date of their creation between thirty one hundred and twenty eight hundred years ago and point to the nura gate civilization as the most likely builders unfortunately our records of the nura gate people aren't extensive they were driven from their land by the Roman Empire around 2200 years ago and the Romans stamped almost every trace of them out of existence they must have taken a liking to the sculptures though because they left them alone the 1974 discovery of ancient tombs close to the statues implies that they might have been positioned there to guard the dead but that's just speculation in the summer of 2019 a farmer named Tom Gibbons felt his plow strike something solid while he was working his field in Sampson County North Carolina USA when he got out to investigate he found this battered heavily eroded stone face he immediately knew he was out of his depth but understood that he might have discovered something historically important that prompted him to get on the phone and call the experts but unfortunately the experts he spoke to didn't know much more than he did and they still don't the carving is large almost two feet across from ear to ear and closer to three feet from the top of the head to the chin it's the fact that it's made from sandstone that makes it so hard to date the substance erodes very quickly because it's soft so this could be as comparatively recent as a century old or could be more than 1,000 years old archaeologists might be able to offer a better guess if the design was familiar but it isn't nothing like this has ever come out of the ground in North Carolina before nor anywhere near it it might even be the work of an ancient fraudster there's no shortage of candidates when it comes to trying to work out who made the so-called I idols of tell Brock they're ancient and they come from a part of Syria that was once occupied by the Sumerians the Acadians and the Babylonians that means we can narrow down the field but we don't know which culture to thank for the curious alabaster statues they range in size from a few inches to one or two feet and they've come out of the ground and the shadow of a structure known as the I temple the bulging eyes of the carvings which may have been used as tributes to the gods of the temple have prompted a lot of UFO conspiracy theorists to suggest that this ancient Syrian culture might have had contact with extraterrestrials but it's likely that they have a more symbolic meaning than we with our modern eyes are able to decipher or understand perhaps everyone's got it completely wrong and these are actually nothing more than harmless statues of owls it seems unlikely though a spiritual meaning is the most obvious answer but the answer doesn't cover all of the questions subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 3,493,668
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Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain, mysterious discoveries, mystery, incredible finds, mysterious finds, unusual finds, unexplained, cant explain, scientists cant explain, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: ht6nVMwWCAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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