12 Most Amazing Artifacts Finds

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the word artifact has a broad definition it can be something small or something enormous it might have been made 50 years ago or 5 000. an artifact is really just an object that was made or crafted by human hands and tells us something about the culture or time period it came from they're found by archaeologists studied by historians and fascinating to us let's see and hear all about some spectacular artifacts in this video what could be more australian than a boomerang it's as closely associated with the land down under as kangaroos are while boomerangs are treated as fun objects similar to frisbees today the making of them is an ancient and sacred aboriginal art in february 2021 an 800 year old boomerang was found in a creek close to a remote river archaeologists believe it to be a relic of the boone warren culture but in historical terms it's actually a relatively recent creation the oldest boomerangs ever found in the country were made more than 20 000 years ago there are even boomerangs involved in aboriginal creation stories which hold that the mountains and rivers were formed by ancient people throwing enormous boomerangs and spears the country's native inhabitants use them as hunting tools a skilled boomerang thrower could hit a target up to 300 feet away with precision discoveries like this one connect australia's present to its past the artifact will now be repatriated to the present day boon warang who live in the kulin nation in victoria there was big news for fans of ancient weaponry in november 2019 when an ancient sword was found in chechia archaeologists in the country say that the weapon is bronze age perhaps as much as three thousand years old and constitutes a major archaeological breakthrough the artifact was found in the region of reichnov nad nitznu in the bohemia region alongside an equally old bronze spearhead bronze age discoveries are relatively common within the region but swords are very rare in fact this is only the fifth prehistoric sword to be found in chechia within the past 10 years it might be the case that there are still more weapons to be found in the area which is why archaeologists are reluctant to give away the precise location of the find more than a year later it's unlikely that the sword ended up here by accident if it had been lost in battle it would probably have been buried with its owner the fact that there's no burial site nearby implies that it was left behind deliberately perhaps as a form of votive offering given the immense value of the sword and the quality of the craftsmanship it would have been quite an offering to make portraits are often intended to be flattering depending on the level of sicko fancy shown to the subject by the artist they may not always be accurate representations of the people being painted that's why they can sometimes be misidentified in mid-2019 a miniature portrait was sold at auction in london on the understanding that it was the likeness of sir walter raleigh it wasn't until late 2020 that the truth became known this is actually an extremely rare example of a portrait of king henry iii of france the true nature of the two-inch high portrait was finally revealed when the new owner removed its frame revealing the signature of artist jean desco alongside the date the painting was completed in 1578 decor was appointed as the official royal painter in france by king charles ix in 1572 who died two years later and left the throne to his younger brother henry how this piece ended up in england is unknown but the most likely explanation is that it was stolen out of the country amid all the confusion that occurred during the french revolution many royal portraits were destroyed during that time including almost all those of henry iii so the find is a real hens tooth [Music] we're heading back to bohemia and chechia now to check out a whole graves worth of ornate and fabulous goods from the 5th century the grave which was discovered in early 2021 appears to have been disturbed in the distant past that's not uncommon for the graves of wealthy people from this century because the roman empire was collapsing in the west and people took valuable goods from wherever they could find them for some reason though one long chamber within the burial site had been left intact waiting within that chamber were four gold clasps inlaid with precious stones a gold leaf headdress ceramic vessels glass beads a knife painted eggshells and vast quantities of textiles and leather the occupant of the grave was female and was somewhere between 35 and 50 when she passed away the entrance to the log cabin would have been obvious to whoever carried out the raids on the other tombs so it's strange that it was left alone perhaps the robbers were interrupted during their escapade and had to get away quickly sadly it will probably never be possible to say who this woman was but she was clearly someone of wealth and taste [Music] the puzzeric carpet or the passeric rug depending on which of its two names you want to use is the oldest carpet on the planet despite that and despite the fact that it's a little rough around the edges it's in better condition than a lot of rugs that are still in people's homes today this beautiful piece of textile craftsmanship is the work of siberia's ancient pastric nomads they made it around 2 600 years ago and used it to cover the floor of a tomb inside the burial mound of a scythian prince what's so amazing about it is that the design is very similar to many carpets that are still made today which is a reminder of how ancient the tradition of carpet making is textiles don't often survive for 1 000 years let alone more than two but this one got a little help from nature when it comes to preservation sergei rodenko who found the tomb in 1949 noted that it was broken open long before he came across it the broken roof exposed the contents of the tomb to the extreme cold of mongolia turning everything inside it into a time capsule the word crown is actually a catch-all word that might refer to any one of a number of cranium decorations worn by royals and monarchs a tiara is a type of crown as is a diadem diadems are more like ornamental headbands than the type of crown worn by the queen of england and were far more popular in ancient times than they are today we know that the ancient royals of spain once wore diadems because very occasionally we find them one such occasion was in early march 2021 when this stunning silver bronze age diadem was found in the country it's only the sixth diadem ever to be found in the european country and the archaeologists believe that the woman who owned it would have been so powerful that her people were probably terrified of her she was buried alongside a man but the man had far fewer grave goods than she did aside from her diadem she also had necklaces rings spiral hair pieces bracelets and a silver rimmed drinking cup the presence of the latter artifact has led archaeologists to believe that whoever this person was she was deemed so noble that her lips weren't allowed to touch a regular cup she belonged to the el argar culture but so little is known about this culture that formal identification is likely to be impossible if you know and love the works of j.r.r tolkien you'll be familiar with the concept of one ring to rule them off if that fictional ring has a real-life historical equivalent perhaps it's the ring of seneciennes this ancient roman gold ring was stolen from its owner sylvianus 1600 years ago legend has it that the distraught sylvianas consulted with witches to ensure that the thief would be cursed along with anyone who owned the ring in the future today it's owned by the british national trust and displayed at vin manor in basingstoke hampshire sylvianus always believed that it was senecianus one of his peers who is responsible for his theft the curse he subsequently had inscribed upon a lead plate and left at the temple of nodens is a testament to his rage it reads sylvianis has lost a ring and donated half of its worth to nodens the gods will permit its bearer no good health until it is returned to this temple it appears that his suspicions were correct because an inscription inside the ring reads senecianus may you live with god that's quite an arrogant thing to have inscribed in a ring you've stolen but then again thieves have strange morals if you fancy yourself as an antique hunter or an amateur archaeologist a great way to get started would be to go to flea markets you'd be surprised at how often people sell objects without having any clue about their true value in 2018 carl martin was at such a market in his hometown in england when he came across an ornately decorated ceramic pot the seller told him that he'd been using it as a toothbrush holder and wanted a price equivalent to ten dollars for it carl is a professional auctioneer and realized the true value of the piece immediately he paid the price the seller wanted and walked off with his purchase hardly able to believe his luck the pot is actually a 3 900 year old relic of the indus valley civilization of western india it was probably brought into england from india at great expense many decades ago but somehow ended up in the hands of someone who had no idea what they were dealing with its true value is at least several hundred dollars and perhaps if the right buyer could be found more than one thousand carl is yet to cash in on his bargain but hasn't ruled out the idea of doing so in the future we started our video in australia and now we're going back there to check out this extremely rare glass spearhead which was found on the australian island of rottnest in june 2017. the artifact is such a beautiful shade of green that i could almost pass for an emerald the discovery of the object was a very fortuitous one professor len collard from the university of western australia was on a fact-finding mission on the island with a group of students when one of them spotted a sparkling object in the undergrowth after a little research they quickly realized that it came from the point of a weapon and is at least 200 years old clear glass spearheads have been found on the island before as have ceramic spearheads but this green glass type is the first of its kind to be discovered there rather than being used for hunting it was probably used for trade although it might briefly have been used for hunting quoku wallabies before becoming a bartering aide rather than keeping the artifact len and his students reburied it at the place of its discovery to respect aboriginal beliefs about leaving the past where you find it scratching shapes and patterns into pieces of rock is the earliest form of human expression we've been drawing the things around us for almost as long as we've been sentient ancient rock carvings are always interesting but this limestone carving of an auric discovered in the aubrey blanchard rock shelter in france in 2012 challenges our existing notions about human history the artifact is astonishingly old archaeologists believe that it was carved 38 000 years ago auryx are the ancestors of all modern forms of domestic cattle but the species itself became extinct during the 16th century what's odd about the presence of an auric carving here is that there wouldn't have been any of them in the surrounding area the people who lived here all that time ago hunted reindeer not oryx the style of carving is consistent with examples that have been found in germany and further afield in europe that suggests two things firstly a degree of culture sharing between france and germany and secondly the fact that the people living in this cave had a concept of what an ark was despite having none to look at in their local area the answer might be that they traveled much farther and wider than we've always believed they did and so history would have to be rewritten as we conduct further research and study into the world's oldest trading civilizations and networks we find out that they were more sophisticated than we could possibly have imagined a few years ago one of the most compelling examples of this is the helgo buddha the religious artifact was made somewhere between the 6th and 7th centuries probably either in northern india or afghanistan it was found during archaeological excavations at helgo sweden in 1954 as most of the discoveries made at helgo date back to the viking era of the 7th century it can be assumed that it arrived here not long after it was made the archaeologists who found it considered it to be such an out of place artifact that they barely wanted to consider the implications of it but we now accept that it's solid evidence of trade links between the middle east or far east and sweden well over 1 000 years ago it also further underlines the point that while the vikings are often portrayed as a violent barbaric race of conquerors and invaders sometimes deservedly so they were also accomplished travelers and traders [Music] earlier on we heard about an old ceramic indian pot that turned out to be an incredible antique fair discovery it was a great story but it's got nothing on this next one several years ago an anonymous buyer in england bought this cute chinese case from a charity shop for one english pound he kept it for a few years and then decided to sell it on ebay in 2019 with an asking price of 10 pounds he was quickly flooded with offers which prompted him to take it to an expert and have it valued the expert nearly fell off their chair this is an incredibly rare 18th century vaz that was made specifically for emperor kyon long the emperor's family rose is marked on the vase which is also an indication that it should never have been removed from his palace the question of how and why it came to be removed and find its way to england is unanswered the flat back of the otherwise pear-shaped vase suggests that it was originally intended to be mounted on a wall whereas the attractive yellow shade was reserved for the emperor's use only its true value is closer to 80 000 english pounds equivalent to around 110 thousand dollars it's now been sold only this time through a professional auction house rather than ebay subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 34,693
Rating: 4.8633881 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Artifacts Finds, artifacts finds, ancient artifacts, ancient finds, amazing artifacts, artifact found, archaeological finds, archaeological artifacts, archaeology, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: 4cfOde_GIug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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