12 Insane Off Road Monsters You Didn't Know Existed (All-Terrain Machines)

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hey everybody for russian off-roading you need special versatile SUVs these vehicles function well in heat or cold they work equally effectively in the snow of the Arctic and in the sands of Kazoku just look at this monster and how do you like this turbo tractor it's about to get even more interesting as we show you the most unusual off-road vehicles let's go this amazing car looks like a minivan on caterpillar tracks but the first impression is deceptive the Gaz ervice off-road vehicle is a truly invincible monster the vehicle operates at temperatures from negative 58 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit can overcome water barriers climb a slope with an angle of 35 degrees and carry a load of more than 2 tons the all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a four-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 122 cubic liters weighs 5 tons and can accelerate to 37 miles per hour its resemblance to a minivan is not accidental gazelle body panels are placed on the urbis but the frame for the all-terrain vehicle is made of these of our ski crawler tractor plans the lower part of the all-terrain vehicle is a gaz 34 o 39 tracked conveyor with a sealed boat body its hinge isn't open but it has a rubber metal one instead it doesn't clang like tank tracks is more durable and isn't hindered by sticking snow you've seen all-terrain vehicles on wheels and also on caterpillars but what about an all-terrain vehicle based on the Archimedes screw this incredible vehicle is built on the base of the most ordinary u-az instead of wheels auger screws are placed on the SUV there can be 2 or 4 the screws are made of light but durable material they're also hollow and act as buoys keeping the all-terrain vehicle afloat the screws can handle any terrain dirt snow sand and marshy soil the only drawback of this miracle machine is that it literally grinds any surface it passes over this is what the tracks of the auger mobile look like you can only use this all-terrain vehicle where other vehicles won't be driving at all atvs can even be trucks meet the cam as arctic 36 feet long 33 tons and 400 cubic liters of power this giant SUV carries loads of up to 14 tons accelerates up to 37 miles per hour climbs steep slopes crosses water obstacles and easily moves over loose soils the all-terrain vehicle is equipped with ultra wide 38 inch Nortec 7 1070 low-pressure tires which provide excellent traction with such huge wheels it's very difficult to enable it for turning but the designers have solved this problem the vehicle is able to rotate thanks to a braking frame the maximum folding angle is 45 degrees the 16 wheeled giant Golden Eagle 8 is able to move in deep snow propel through water and trudged through swamps structurally the Golden Eagle resembles the cam as Arctic huge tires of ultra low pressure a braking frame and high ground clearance but this snow and swamp vehicle weighs only 2.5 tons with an engine power of 83 cubic liters and carries a maximum of one ton of cargo the main feature of the Golden Eagle is the chain drive of wheels you can put tires of any size on this all-terrain vehicle up to 67 inches the SVG 701 Yamal was created for the transportation of heavy bulky goods along the most difficult routes the length of the all-terrain vehicle was sixty five point five feet this monster weighed 30 tons and could haul 77 tons of cargo the top speed of the Yamal is very low only 9 miles per hour but this giant moves freely on loose and marshy soil climbs up slopes with 30 degree to 15 degree grades and can wade through 8.5 feet of water but why doesn't the huge car sink into the swamp or get stuck in deep snow well the secret is in the 6 foot wide special synthetic rubber tracks thanks to this design feature the 107 ton Yamal creates an incredibly low ground pressure just 2.1 pounds per square inch for comparison the average ground pressure of a person is 4 pounds per square inch almost twice as much local craftsmen can also amaze with their abilities put the wheels of a rocket carrier on a tractor easy to accommodate such huge tires the craftsman changed some elements of the body went over the chassis and almost the whole steering mechanism ordinary rims didn't fit so the guys used custom rims so I forgot to mention they installed a turbine on it to add agricultural machine like power and here's what they ended up with the tractor crosses water barriers rides right through wind blow and isn't afraid of the swamp the huge vehicle sinks into wet peep less than a person does on a modernized agricultural tractor the guys pass along the track for a caterpillar all-terrain vehicle and field vehicles do an excellent job the guys from the combat crew channel did an excellent job we'll leave a link to their channel in the description go check it out not only can you put in a TV on auger wheels but a truck to here's what it looks like these are two motors on the CIL 2906 t1 each with a 77 cubic liter capacity the body of the all-terrain vehicle and the auger screws are made of aluminum which is much lighter than standard iron and the sides and cabin are made of fiberglass the vehicle is 16 feet long and 7 point 8 feet wide and it weighs only 4156 pounds on water the auger moves up to 8 miles per hour up to 7.5 miles per hour in the swamp and 15.5 miles per hour and snow the carrying capacity of this ATV is quite modest only 875 pounds but who needs this meat-grinder truck hybrid well the designers created this amazing machine to help astronauts the landing module can fall anywhere in the mountains in a swamp in deep snow to quickly get to the astronauts they used the auger system the all-terrain vehicle was brought on the deck of a truck to the desired point and was unloaded there with a crane once on the ground the auger rode confidently on the most difficult terrains which would have been impassable for other equipment the Antarctic all-terrain vehicle kharkiv Janka can withstand up to negative 112 degrees Fahrenheit this amazing vehicle was built on the body of an att army mule parts from a t54 tank were used to create the all-terrain vehicle but the tracks were made to rollers longer and wider to reduce surface pressure a 520 cubic liter diesel engine was installed on Kharkov shankha and the all-terrain vehicle was able to drag not only its own 38.5 tons of mass but also a trailer weighing up to 77 tons on top of this the vehicle doesn't get stuck in the snow and can climb up to 30-degree slopes if you want a comfortable car with a nice design the Vepr v9 is definitely not for you but if you want to get from point A to point B offroad then you won't find anything better than this ATV the bore can plow through deep snow doesn't get stuck in swamps and doesn't spin out in the mud negotiability of rough terrain is achieved through the broken frame design when immersed in water the use wheels become pontoons and the all-terrain vehicle can sail albeit not far but still but fantastic versatility is not all the bore is also incredibly easy to maintain it has the most common four-stroke snowmobile engine even a novice mechanic can fix it now don't forget about its upgrade ability the bore is built with lego-like components it can be reassembled as you like and for any purpose and the most amazing thing is the price of this wonder starts from just $2,500 and this interesting experiment didn't make it into this series the CIL 132 C was created to be an off-road tractor instead of standard tires the designers used thin walled pneumatic rollers with a width and diameter of 3.2 feet on the all-terrain vehicle weighing six tons they used a unique all-wheel drive formula the front wheels remain motionless and the rear ones were responsible for steering with this design the turning radius reached 26 feet at the same time pneumatic drum brakes were installed only on the front wheels it sounds impressive but the truck was too heavy and clumsy so it couldn't handle the terrain Tanger Trek all-terrain vehicles look like small tanks and their cross-country capability is no worse this compact off-roader is equipped with either a 35 or 68 horsepower engine that's more than enough for this baby wheeled models use low pressure tires with large lugs but they can be replaced with tracks if desired caterpillars with a width of fourteen point nine to nineteen point seven inches are mounted on the ting or track the compact all-terrain vehicle creates minimal ground pressure just 0.3 pounds per square inch the Tingler track can ascend slopes with a grade of up to 40 degrees maintain a side tilt of up to 30 degrees and overcome obstacles more than 1.5 feet high it can also cross holes up to 3 feet wide and get out of ravines with walls diverging at 100 degree angles for more difficult situations the ting ur track has a winch and a hook this baby climbs steep slopes like an experienced rock climber designers have crossed a minivan with a tank and a car with a meat grinder so why not cross an ATV with a boat the three-axle four-wheel drive truck zi l 4906 t1 Bluebird weighs eighteen thousand five hundred nineteen pounds with a length of twenty nine point five feet why it's so small well the reason is that the frame for the Bluebird was made of aluminum and it's body is composite in fact this is a boat on wheels all six wheels drive with independent torsion bar suspension and no pressure control system the rear pair swivels thanks to this design feature the 30 foot machine can turn around on a platform that is only 59 feet wide add to that a 10 speed gearbox effective wheel slip protection and completely sealed disc brakes and what do we get in the end a lightweight unusually maneuverable and super reliable SUV that can go literally anywhere this amazing all-terrain vehicle was used in combination with the CIL 2906 t1 auger to rescue landing astronauts and last of all just look at this monster the MA Z 7907 is completely unique this giant was ninety two point five feet long and weighed seventy two point five tonnes the MA Z 7907 could carry loads weighing 175 tons this monster has 24 driving wheels of which 16 are steered as a power source an advanced gas turbine engine from the TA TB tank with a capacity of 1,250 cubic liters was installed in the vehicle the engine rotated the alternator and the generator was powered by electric transmission which consisted of 24 synchronous electric motors one for each wheel with a diameter of 60 5.5 inches amazingly this giant was quite mobile the ma Z was able to attain a speed of up to fifteen point five miles per hour and could turn around in a limited area to increase mobility the designers made the first and last four pairs of wheels turnable and they turned in opposite directions this giant machine was designed to transport and launch transcontinental nuclear missiles well that's all for today which all-terrain vehicle impressed you the most tell us in the comments thanks for watching see you soon
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 536,727
Rating: 4.6619992 out of 5
Keywords: only in Russia, all-terrain vehicle, off road, Off Road Vehicles, monster off road, off road drive, vehicles, 6x6, machines, homemade off road vehicle, russian off road, russian off road trucks, russian off road vehicles, 4x4, diy vehicle, extreme vehicles, off road trucks, most amazing, off-road machines, bizarre vehicles, russian off roading, Best Off-Road Vehicles, Most Unusual Off Road, Sherp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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