12 Most Amazing Underwater Finds

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what's lurking in the dark and the wet at the bottom of the world's oceans rivers and streams well you never know unless you go looking and fortunately for us plenty of people have some absolutely astonishing things have been found underwater over the years and we've put together a collection of the very best of them in this video [Music] the roman empire covered vast swathes of europe during ancient times and you can find traces of their civilization everywhere on the continent that includes underwater in january 2021 russian divers from sevastopol state university discovered an entire ancient roman port and sea fortress off the syrian coast of tartus prior to their discovery nobody had any idea there had ever been a roman presence there there's only one inhabited island in this region of the coast so it hasn't been extensively explored by archaeologists in the past this sea fortress is believed to date back to the first century and includes a lighthouse marble columns and a primitive hydraulic structure that was probably a quay wall three births for ships were also found at the same location this must have been a major roman shipping port as evidenced by the enormous collection of egyptian vases phoenician pottery and roman stone artifacts discovered broken into pieces on the seabed all of the artifacts that can be taken away are now being handled by the department of antiquities in tardis and will eventually lead to a new map of ancient trade routes in the region being drawn up the discovery of the roman port is a reminder that settlements that were once above sea level are now beneath it we saw more evidence of that fact in october 2020 when archaeologists realized that around a third of the ancient city of fenegaria is now underwater the greek settlement which was founded around 2500 years ago and the area of it that's on land has been extensively explored but the undersea discoveries are brand new the most significant discovery that's been pulled out of the water so far is a marble steel inscribed with the name of king darius the first of persia which helped experts to date the fine he probably had the steel erected in the city to mark his historic victory over the ancient greeks in 494 bce what's still below the water might be more significant than what's been retrieved from it so far archaeologists believe they even found the remains of a whole royal palace that once belonged to mithridates vi during the first century and a 2500 year old temple that might be the oldest ever found on russian territory the most interesting discoveries are often those that solve old mysteries this appears to have been the case with the discovery of the undersea plane wreck in the english channel in late 2018. the wreck is understood to be that of a four-engine hercules u.s air force plane that went down in 1969 after being stolen by a homesick mechanic called paul meyer from a base in the county of suffolk historians have always wondered whether the untrained pilot lost control of the plane or was shot down over the channel now it may be possible to answer that question meyer was known to be drunk at the time he stole the plane which points to the idea of him losing control but he was also being tailed by military jets at the time of the crash the military feared that meyer would accidentally crash the plane in a populated area so may have been ordered to shoot him down to avoid the risk of that happening the wreck is in poor condition after so many years in the water but extensive examinations might eventually provide the answers that myers family who are still alive have waited so long to hear there are literally thousands of shipwrecks at the bottom of the world's oceans but only one of them can claim to be the world's oldest experts believe that title belongs to a rack at the bottom of the black sea according to their estimates the 75-foot long greek vessel has been stuck almost a mile beneath the surface of the water for over 2400 years because of the near total lack of oxygen at that depth the wreck is perfectly preserved the mast rowing benches and rudders are all clearly visible and still attached to the vessel in fact it appears to be in such good shape that experts are struggling to work out how it came to sink in the first place ships of this type have been seen before but only as drawings on the side of ancient greek pottery the best known example is the site of the siren vase which is on display at the british museum the research team responsible for the 2018 discovery has no intention of trying to raise the wreck but did cut off a tiny piece of wood to allow for carbon dating to verify their find it's often said of wine that the older it is the better it tastes wine can theoretically last for several centuries so long as it's kept in a sealed airtight container but even with that in mind it'd take a brave soul to drink this 350 year old shipwreck wine the wine was discovered inside a shipwreck off the coast of hamburg germany in 2010 the shipwreck itself is unremarkable because it's rotted away to the point of being impossible to identify but its cargo is another story 14 bottles of red wine packed in a rattan basket were plucked from the hold and were eventually sent for auction in london where they sold for forty thousand dollars each sadly we have no idea whether the buyers took the bold step of drinking it upon receipt of their goods most of the identifying marks on the bottles have worn away but an inspection of the cork suggests that it was bottled in bordeaux during the late 17th century while it's true that several vineyards deliberately aged their bottles underwater in modern times none of them go to the trouble of keeping it down there for three centuries many german u-boats were sunk in european waters during the second world war but most of them are badly damaged due to the violent nature of their sinking that isn't the case with the type viic submarine u-778 which was described by experienced underwater archaeologist innis mccartney as the most intact u-boat he'd ever seen when he found it in 2001. the vessel came into service in late february 1945 very late in the war and didn't see much action before being captured by the allies the following month view 778 was sent to britain to be scuttled but began to take on water while on its way to the scrapping yard its towing ship was forced to cut it off and so it sank 16 nautical miles off the coast of malinhead in ireland that's where it stayed for more than five decades before dr mccartney and his team came along to find it plans to bring it back to the surface and build a maritime museum around it have been discussed since 2007 and concrete plans were made to raise the wreck in 2020 but they were delayed due to the 2020 pandemic and no new date has yet been agreed of all the things you might expect to find underwater a full-sized human-made pyramid is among the least likely nevertheless one has been found by portuguese divers strangely investigation of the discovery is currently being handled by the portuguese navy rather than archaeologists which make us wonder what else might have been found at the site the pyramid was found by dioclistiano silva and his colleagues between tar sierra and sal miguel in the portuguese azores silva's measurements say that the object is 120 feet tall with a square base that covers 24 000 feet some archaeologists are trying to push back on the idea that the object could possibly have been made by human hands because of its age this part of the world has been underwater for twenty thousand years at the very least so it'd have to have been made by a pre-ice age civilization based on what we think we know about such civilizations that ought to be impossible the investigation has been ongoing since 2012 so either something has been found that the portuguese authorities don't want to tell us about or the mystery is proving to be exceptionally difficult to crack back in the late 1980s and early 1990s coral island marine park was a popular tourist attraction attracting thousands of visitors to a small cave close to the city of nassau in the bahamas attractions to offer visitors at the park included stingray pools a museum hotel accommodations and an underwater observatory these days the park is abandoned and some of its infrastructure is slipped below the waves to join the observatory the park was sold to marriott in 1995 and renamed silver k but never recovered from the effects of hurricane floyd in 1999. somehow its history has been all but forgotten in a little over 20 years even some of the tour guides who offer snorkeling and diving tips to the sinking attraction misrepresent it by saying that it's an old lighthouse or research station the upper decks of the facility are in a dangerous state of disrepair and will eventually collapse into the sea one day but for now it's still possible to see exotic marine life swimming around the old aquarium perhaps they're hoping the humans will return to feed them one day czar nicholas ii of russia knew he was coming to the end of his reign in early 1917. he abdicated under extreme pressure in march of that year but before doing so he ordered an enormous shipment of benedictine liquor in cognac to restock his liquor cabinet it never reached him the enormous shipment of 900 bottles of alcohol was aboard the swedish steamer kairos when it was attacked and sunk by a german submarine uc-58 at the start of march the ship is still at the bottom of the sea of island today but in november 2019 divers managed to access it and began retrieving the tsar's undamaged bottles the freezing waters of the baltic are considered to be ideal for storing and preserving spirits so this century-year-old booze is almost certainly still safe to drink the company that made the cognac closed decades ago but the company behind the benedictine liquor now belongs to bacardi which has shown interest in acquiring some of the bottles for their private company collection had the shipment ever reached its intended recipient it might have brought him some comfort during a very difficult period in his life that comfort wouldn't have lasted for very long though because nicholas ii was executed by the bolsheviks in july 1918. at the very end of 2020 polish archaeologists made what they describe as the medieval find of the century at the bottom of lednica lake the artifact that's got them so excited is a 10th century sword that's so well preserved that its decorative inscriptions are still clearly visible and parts of its leather scabbard still cling to it it's not the only artifact that was found during the search but it's the standout item the fact that the sword hadn't been found before now is a mystery in itself the island is historically significant because it's where duke meisco the first was baptized during the region's conversion to christianity and archaeological expeditions have visited regularly since 1982. the sword was found beneath the remains of a 10th century bridge that would have been considered a remarkable feat of engineering for its era stretching over 1 000 feet across the lake the elaborate decorations on the sword mark it out as belonging to someone of great importance who's to say that it didn't belong to duke mesco himself you'd expect to see a traditional red double decker bus if you paid a visit to england but you probably wouldn't expect to find that bus underwater at the bottom of a quarry lake there's one to be found at chepstow diving jungle though and it's far from the only unusual attraction for the many divers who visit the area the old dolomite quarry was converted into a diving attraction many years ago and its owners have some pretty off-the-wall ideas about what to sink into the water to make the dives more interesting aside from the bus there are also three planes three tanks and even an old british royal navy wessex mark iii helicopter despite the thick layers of algae and the palpable sense of decay the chopper has only been in the water since 2007. the still waters of the quarry might be ideal for diving into but they're not so great at preserving the artifacts plunged into them for those interested in such things the planes are a british aerospace jet stream 200 a bae-146 and a devonshire aircraft the bae-146 is a particular favorite with divers because it's in good enough condition to enter and swim all the way through the hole but nothing compares to the unexpected magic of the double decker buzz [Music] some of the artifacts we've looked at in this video were placed under water deliberately others ended up there by accident this one exists somewhere between the two it's osborne reef a collection of more than two million tires that were sunk close to fort lauderdale in florida usa in 1974. the intention was for the artificial reef to attract and sustain marine life sadly it achieved the opposite the tires were mounted on concrete jacks but the steel clips that secured them to those jacks corroded in the water and fell apart leaving the tires free to drift across the seabed where they became an ecological disaster not only have the shifting tires made the artificial reef ineffective but they've also collided with natural reefs in the surrounding area and damaged them disturbing marine life in the process despite a number of cleanup attempts during the past two decades fewer than 100 000 of the tires have thus far been retrieved the rest are still out there and are potentially still causing damage we guess this is a reminder that even the most well-intentioned plans can sometimes go awry and that the sea isn't a safe place for experimentation subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 159,997
Rating: 4.8459396 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Underwater Finds, underwater finds, underwater discoveries, found underwater, finds in the ocean, finds in the sea, amazing finds, underwater, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: z7YRan8wX9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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