12 Most Amazing Recent Archaeological Finds

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what have archaeologists been up to recently well that's a good question and you're in the right place to find out the answer archaeologists have been working as hard as they always do all over the world in recent times and some of the things they've discovered are truly remarkable only the very best of those discoveries makes it into videos on this channel so sit back and enjoy this highlight reel featuring the best of those recent finds 12 million years ago a super volcano erupted in royal nebraska burying all the plants and animals that lived there under layers of ash and preserving them for us to find thousands of years later today we know this area as the asphalt fossil beds the discovery of the fossil beds isn't recent but a recent archaeological expedition at the site has revealed the presence of even more extraordinary well-preserved fossils hiding beneath or alongside those we already knew about five different types of prehistoric horses have been identified among the freshly discovered remains at the site along with three different camel types and a previously unknown type of saber-toothed deer they've all now been categorized alongside the rhinos and wild dogs that had already been discovered there all of these creatures died recently compared to the most ancient discoveries ever made at the site which includes dinosaurs from the jurassic period there's even a full-size plesiosaur fossil on display inside the visitor center along with a map of the area as it would have appeared 60 million years ago back then it was a tropical sea like the asphalt fossil beds of nebraska our next discovery involves something new being found at a site that was already known to have great archaeological value we're headed to the famous nazca lines in peru where an enormous geoglyph of a cat has been discovered on a hillside looking at the size of it you're probably wondering how it hasn't been discovered before but don't worry there's an explanation you'll find the nazca lines and geoglyphs in the rio grande de nazca region of peru where they were carved into the surface of the desert around 2500 years ago nobody knows who put them there or why nor do we fully comprehend their meaning the newly discovered impression of a feline is a later addition to the site created about 2100 years ago it's approximately 121 feet long covering almost all of the hillside it's etched into until its discovery it had become almost invisible due to the effects of erosion fortunately the archaeologists who noticed it found it just in time to restore it and prove that our ancient ancestors were no less fascinated by cats than we are today life wouldn't have been great for human beings 12 000 years ago they had little shelter they were at constant risk of attack from predators and if they wanted to go anywhere they had to walk evidence of one such ancient walk has recently been detected at white sands national park in new mexico usa this set of footprints which appear to belong to a mother and her adolescent son based on their size and shape extend for a little under a mile before turning back on themselves and heading back the way they came curiously they appear to be accompanied by the occasional footprints of a very small child but only in one of the directions archaeologists found the footprints in the bed of a lake that dried up thousands of years ago other footprints discovered in the same lake bed underline how much danger this young family would have been in when they made their journey there's evidence of dire wolves saber-toothed cats and mammoths from the same era not far from the human footprints why the footprints of the youngest child would be present in one direction but not the other is unknown maybe the mother was dropping the child off with its father for the weekend while it's safe to drink tap water in most places in the world today many of us prefer to drink water that's been filtered and purified that might feel like a new age fascination but it isn't thanks to a new discovery we know that the maya were drinking filtered water more than two thousand years ago evidence of this sophisticated practice has been found at takao an ancient mayan city in a territory that's now part of guatemala the city residents took their drinking water from the nearby coriental reservoir but filtered it through a combination of zeolite and grains of crystallized quartz to make it safe and clean to drink this is the earliest known example of zeolite being used to purify water anywhere in the world yet the system was designed so perfectly that it still works today it wasn't until the start of the 20th century that the purifying properties of zeolite were picked up on by western scientists so this is yet another example of the mayans being a long way ahead of their time when it comes to science depictions of snakes appear in many ancient civilizations mythologies and they're often represented as creatures to be fearful of however some people worship them and new evidence of that was discovered in southern turkey in october 2020 this is a greek style snake altar discovered in the ruined city of patara and created approximately two thousand years ago based on the style of the snake design and the fact that it's an altar this is probably an example of the greco-roman people of the era worshiping multiple deities in this case they were worshiping the gods of the underground the marble altar is the first of its kind to be found in the area but the snake motif is similar to others that have been found in the patara area suggesting that worship of this type was common in the vicinity experts have noted that the snakes who were native to this area 2000 years ago weren't dangerous to human beings so it might be that they came to be looked upon as sacred the underground gods that the people of the time believed in were thought to live among the dead although they also played a role in agriculture if crops weren't growing offerings to the gods would be made at altars like this one [Music] we're staying in turkey for this next discovery while the situation we've dealt with in 2020 hasn't been great for most people it's given the environment the chance to recover a little lake iznik is more clear of pollution now than it's been in centuries and because of that archaeologists have caught their first clear glimpse of an ancient basilica that's been hidden at the bottom of the lake for over 1500 years this discovery might only be the tip of the iceberg from an archaeological point of view it's generally believed that there's an older temple dedicated to the god apollo underneath the basilica the circumstances that led to the religious structure finding its way to the bottom of a lake are a little mysterious but it's generally thought that it sank after an earthquake somewhere around the year 740 after being built 350 years earlier what's left of it now is a little over eight feet below the water line around the ruins of the basilica experts have discovered coins from the reign of emperor antoninus pius alongside pieces of an ancient lamp implying that something even older might be beneath the ruins getting down there to find out for sure though is easier said than done the next stop on our tour is in ludzke ukraine there you'll find liabar castle and the nearby zartoriski tower there's nothing new about either of those structures but there's plenty that's new about the structures that have been discovered beneath the tower during an archaeological investigation of the tower one of the team of experts noticed a small hole in the corner of the tower's lowest level after requesting assistance and removing a few bricks the team suddenly found that they had access to seven previously undiscovered rooms running beneath what was previously thought to be the tower's lowest point taken altogether the rooms cover an area of more than 300 square feet yet they don't appear on any maps or plans of the tower based on the room's shape and design experts believe that they must have been the tower's dungeons oddly a single horseshoe was found on the floor in all seven of them the purpose or symbolism of the horseshoes is unknown the discovery was made in october 2020 and there are still archaeologists there right now working on the possibility that there might be more rooms found beneath the castle right now in the united kingdom archaeologists are being given a last chance to come over locations that will shortly be destroyed when the country builds a new high-speed railway network one of the areas that the network will run through is stoke mandeville in buckinghamshire where experts have been investigating the ruins of saint mary's church which was built during medieval times there they found evidence of graffiti etched onto the stones 700 years ago this isn't like modern day graffiti with people simply tagging their names though a fearful christian would have left this graffiti in the hopes of warding away evil spirits and witches the so-called witch marks take the form of a spoked wheel with a hole drilled in the center the idea was that spirits would become trapped in the hole and unable to find themselves out of the maze-like lines drawn around them the church remained in use until around the year 1860 after which it was demolished due to the construction of a newer church closer to the middle of town which marks are probably nothing but superstition but the residents of stoke mandeville have never reported seeing any witches so perhaps they work it's hard to imagine that anything in egypt is older than the pyramids given the fact that the pyramids were the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world nevertheless here's an ancient village in the country that was founded at least 2500 years before the first foundation stone of the great pyramid of giza was laid the settlement which was found in october 2020 doesn't yet have a name was first settled in the nile delta around 7 000 years ago that takes it all the way back to the neolithic era experts were able to gain an accurate date for the location by sampling organic matter from plant residues and animal bones found in storage silos among what's left of the old town the discovery of stone tools and shattered pottery indicates that this was a settled community as opposed to a roaming tribe of hunter-gatherers the concept of egypt wouldn't have existed in the minds of whoever lived here they lived long before king menace united the north and south of the country and created the first ever pharaonic dynasty in late september 2020 work began on the construction of a new water conduit running between theodosia and kirk in crimea almost as soon as it had begun the work had to be stopped because of the accidental discovery of the old town of adshiel a settlement that was populated between the 14th and 15th centuries and dates back to the time of the golden horde some other small settlements have been found in the surrounding area but none that are quite as interesting or significant as ad shield this site will offer experts a rare chance to find out more about how people lived and died during the crummy incarnate about which little is known and little study has been performed the area will have to be explored delicately and one of the first things that scientists will be trying to work out is why so little of the settlement remains we'd expect to see ruins like this at the site of a 5 000 year old settlement not something from 500 years ago fortunately only about 10 percent of the land it covers will be occupied by the new water conduit so most of the site ought to be preserved it's tempting to believe that everything there is to know about ancient greece has already been discovered the country's covered in ancient ruins and almost every part of it has been dug up and sifted through by archaeologists at some point despite that amazing discoveries are sometimes still made this 3600 year old figurine definitely counts as an amazing discovery the marble statue is one of a collection of artifacts that were found in the remains of a prehistoric village on santorini a greek island in late october 2020 the figurine was found alongside marble jars alabaster vases and a marble vial it's thought that they might be relics of the therian society about whom we know almost nothing because they didn't leave behind any written records or any illustrations that might tell us anything about their culture or beliefs one of the few things we know for sure is that the civilization appears to have perished in a huge volcanic eruption in the year 1628 bce the village the artifacts were found at is called akritiri and it's been nicknamed greece's pompeii because of the multiple significant archaeological discoveries that have been made there recently we are returning to ukraine now where the ubort river runs through the olevsky district of zeetmore not far from kokino in august 2020 archaeologists managed to extract a ultra rare drevelansky boat from that river ancient boats like this seldom turn up so to find one that's more or less still in one piece is almost miraculous the whole boat was dug out of one single pine trunk somewhere between a thousand and fifteen hundred years ago ships of this design are known to have been used as both military vessels and commercial transport ships typically they would be manned by a crew of seven quite why this one came to be stuck in the u-board is unknown robbers might have attacked it or they may have just gotten stuck in the muddy banks of the river the u-board has notoriously sharp turns and would have been far deeper one thousand years ago than it is now the drevlians lived in an independent civilization in this part of ukraine for several centuries before finally becoming part of the kievan rus under the rule of princess olga in the year 946. 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Channel: Inforado
Views: 187,764
Rating: 4.8596268 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Recent Archaeological Finds, archaeological finds, ancient finds, archaeology, mysterious finds, ancient found, incredible finds, recent archaeological finds, ancient artifacts, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: lZHexiLpz04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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