12 Most Amazing Recent Archaeological And Paleontological Discoveries

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all of us living in the world today are a product of the people places and civilizations that came before us that means we'll always have an interest in discovering more about the world as it existed years ago and so it's a good thing that we find out new information all the time in this video we're going to look at some of the most amazing recent finds in the fields of archaeology and paleontology some of which have to be seen to be believed we're starting off in Egypt where construction work has revealed a long-lost temple hidden away on the banks of the Nile the ancient structure which is 2200 years old was found in the city of Tama and is covered in engravings that make reference to the King Ptolemy the fourth this particular Pharaoh of ancient Egypt has always been a fascinating subject for historians because it appears he never really wanted to be a pharaoh at all he was shy of making big decisions during his reign and was more interested in pursuing the creative arts eventually his lack of firm leadership led to his people rising up against him and he was overthrown and deposed thus far three of the walls of the old temple have been unearthed and professionals are slowly and painstakingly working to reveal the rest of what's left of the building aside from the written references to the king there are also carvings of Hoppe the Egyptian god of flooding comparisons to xcalibur the legendary sword of King Arthur were on everybody's mind after a recent discovery in Bosnia a team of divers swam 40 feet to the bottom of the verbis River and wreck of ice to retrieve a sword that had been embedded in stone at the bottom of the river for centuries it isn't the real sword of King Arthur of course we can't be sure such a sword ever existed but it's a rare and surprising find in its own the long sword is of a style that has a rude name we won't repeat it here but it's a word used to reiben illegitimately born male it comes from the 14th century a time when castles veca CH and wreck of ice was in use as opposed to being the ruin that it is today only one other sword from this era has ever been found in the country and so once it's been cleaned up it's expected to become a popular museum exhibit what makes this recent discovery of a Roman chariot and two horses in Croatia so unusual is that it's so complete and so well preserved only very wealthy families would have been able to afford such an extravagant burial 1,700 years ago when the burial mound was created and there would have been an elaborate funeral ritual to go along with it when the remains were interred it's likely that whoever was buried here along with their horses was an extremely important and notable person in the Pannonian Basin during their lifetime given the size of the burial mound experts think it was likely used to house a whole family rather than one specific individual so they're expecting to find more remains as they go about the process of excavating the entire site somewhat unpleasantly it's likely that the horses were still alive at the time of the burial as they would have been intended to serve their owner in the afterlife [Music] you don't have to be an archaeologist to make a stunning discovery even a school boy can do it if they have an inquisitive mind and an interest in the sciences science obsessed young young Z who is 10 years old was playing with stones in the dong River area of China's Guangdong province when he stumbled across to find which has got archeologists in his home country extremely excited all Zhong wanted to do was find a stone that was small and firm enough to help him crack walnuts but in his search he came across a series of objects that didn't look like any rocks he'd seen before he didn't know what they were but he knew they were worth further investigation he called his mother over and she correctly suspected that they might be dinosaur eggs she got in touch with experts who verified that the eleven eggs Zhang had found were indeed from dinosaurs and date back to the Earth's Cretaceous period that makes them more than 66 million years old sticking with the theme of dinosaurs for a moment paleontologists have recently discovered the remains of a completely new and hitherto unknown species of dinosaur in Australia the location that the remains were found in once formed an ancient Rift Valley between Australia and Antarctica some 120 million years ago if there's any creature on earth today that bears a resemblance to this small dinosaur it would be the gazelle based on its physiology we can say with certainty that it would have been a very fast runner when it rested on its hind legs it would have been no larger than a kangaroo the size and shape of the jaws suggest that it probably preferred to eat bird when it came meal time the distinctive jaws have also given the dinosaur its name it's been called galliano Saurus because the jaw bone looks a little like an old galleon style sailing ship this is the second new dinosaur discovery in Australia in recent years the herb eating Qantas Oris was also found there last year we know that our ancestors were big fans of building stone circles thousands of years ago what were less clear on is why they did it and in some cases even how they did it all of those mysteries surround the recently discovered underwater stone circle that has been found beneath Lake Constance the formation of stones there which were unquestionably placed by human hands runs parallel to the shoreline of Switzerland and is even being called the swiss stonehenge by some people within the media although the eight-foot white stones are now 15 feet below the surface of the water scientists believe that at the time they were laid five thousand years ago they would have either been on the shoreline or in very shallow water the landscape has changed quite a lot in all the years since any speculation about what the stones were used for is just guesswork they could have been burial mounds we're sore even signposts indicating some kind of primitive trade route while we might never know whether or not the swiss stonehenge was a burial ground we can say without hesitation that this next recent discovery is it's a Pictish mass grave and when it's fully excavated it may turn out to be the largest ever found in Scotland researchers found the burial site which is on Scotland's Black Isle in September this year there's a range of barrows of various shapes and sizes they're the smallest of which measures 25 feet across and the largest covering more than 130 feet it's believed they've been there for approximately 1,400 years the discovery marks the end of a prolonged period of searching for the archaeologists who found it they were tipped off about its possible existence when they found a Pictish stone six miles away from the site earlier in the year which strongly suggested that there had been previously unknown Pictish activity in the area tantalizingly there are some indication that the pics may have actually reused a much older burial site some of the artifacts discovered so far appear to be prehistoric in nature when this Roman ship went down off the coast of menorca some 1700 years ago someone missed out on a large delivery of beautiful am free we do have some good news though despite being under water for such a long time the containers are still in excellent condition it may still be possible to complete the delivery they're just a few centuries late the shipwreck is of a wooden boat approximately 35 feet wide and was probably a trading ship it's unknown what caused it to sink it was barely 100 feet from the coast when it went down it's possible that it was overloaded and sank almost immediately when it set off from the shore the M Faria are still sealed and therefore probably still contained the wine olive oil or fish sauce which they were generally used to transport experts are now hoping that if they exercise great caution they may be able to bring them to the surface and open them if they do turn out to contain wine we don't recommend that anyone tries to drink it historically we've always thought that ancient humans spread more quickly through the open plains than they did through rain forests because rain forests were hot tightly packed and full of savage animals we naturally assumed that human settlers would avoid them and look for open ground elsewhere now we have to reevaluate that opinion because of discovery of some 45 thousand year old quartz tools in sri lanka they're the oldest tools ever discovered in the rainforests of South Asia it's thought that they were specifically designed to attack animals living in the trees so they could be caught and eaten similar tools around the same age have been found in Europe many times but never in this part of the world even more interestingly they're not dissimilar to tools and weapons that were uncovered in the fahai in cave a few years ago and those tools were only 4,000 years old it appears that human technology in sri lanka barely progressed in almost 40,000 years early christians had to be very careful about where and how they showed their faith because of fear of persecution but it didn't stop them from creating beautiful works of art now one such work of art has been discovered in an ancient church close to the Sea of Galilee fifteen hundred years after it was created the mosaic which depicts Christ feeding the 5,000 with loaves of bread was found in what's now hippos in the north of Israel the church was almost completely destroyed by fire sometime around the Year 700 but almost miraculously a thick coating of ash protected the mosaic from harm the floor of the church which is also a mosaic depicting two birds drinking from a goblet has also survived the passing of the centuries perfectly intact the locations existence has been known since about 2005 but excavation work only began earlier this year archaeologists have been greatly encouraged by this amazing discovery and will be hoping to find more exciting artifacts there as they continue their work coming across a lion in the jungle would be terrifying enough for anybody so we can't even imagine how petrified we would be if we were confronted by this newly discovered ancient species of giant lion it was as big as a polar bear fortunately the human race didn't exist from these gigantic beasts roamed the earth they became extinct approximately 20 million years ago the annoying thing about this discovery is that it could have been made far sooner the fossilized remains were misfiled by accident and have been hiding away in the drawers of a Kenyan Museum since the 1970s now that they've finally been found again and properly examined they've been given the name semaa ku Baku Rock Africa a wonderfully descriptive title which literally translates into English as big African lion the animal would have been a part of a larger species of man known as hi Anna dance all of which are long since extinct the name comes from the fact that the teeth of the creatures resemble those of a hyena although there isn't thought to be any connection between the hyenas of today and the giant lions of the distant past this two million year old bird might look a little bit like an ostrich or an emu but in terms of its size it was more like a giraffe it was more than 11 feet tall and would have weighed 500 pounds when it was alive known as stru Theo domani cenis the flightless bird was discovered on the Black Seas northern coast in 2018 the discovery was a happy accident road workers in the area accidentally broke open a previously unknown prehistoric cave which has turned out to be a treasure trove for archaeologists and paleontologists alike the unearthing of saber-toothed tiger fossils had already provoked a lot of excitement but when experts realised they were looking at the bones of a totally unknown creature that excitement reached fever pitch their next job will be to find out why the creature isn't alive anymore although you don't have to use too much imagination to work out why what was effectively a gigantic chicken would be close to the top of the menu for predators subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 313,782
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Keywords: Amazing Recent Archaeological And Paleontological Discoveries, archaeological finds, paleontological discoveries, recent finds, recent archaeological discoveries, valuable finds, new finds, amazing discoveries, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: Oxb4PHCIK5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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