12 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds That Change History

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every archaeologist around the world shares the same dream to unearth an artifact or make a discovery that could potentially rewrite history as we know it such a discovery has the power to challenge and even upend established narratives revealing new insights into our past and fundamentally changing our understanding of human civilization in this video we're showing you a series of incredible finds that have accomplished just that we're starting with some religiously significant ancient Scrolls dating back to between the first and third centuries BCE in 2022 researchers unrolled and digitized ancient gundaran Buddhist literature which was found in Northwestern Pakistan and Eastern Afghanistan and is now held at the Library of Congress in Washington DC USA the Scrolls contain powerful Buddhist teachings including the dhammapada the rhinoceros Sutra and various abidharma commentaries and were likely written by members of the Dharma guptaka Buddhist school but that's not all there are additional paragraphs and teachings in the newly discovered Scrolls meaning the discovery could potentially rewrite the history of Buddhism providing new points of comparison for previously known Traditions as researchers continue to examine the manuscripts they expect to uncover even more information about the complex relationship between oral and textual transmission of Buddhist teachings Gandara played a crucial role in the ancient world serving as a hub for various cultures and religious Traditions it was here that Buddhist teachings were centralized and spread to other parts of the world including China and beyond that process may have begun with these Scrolls this next Discovery will really speak to you if you're a fan of comic books a groundbreaking discovery was made in July 2022 that could shake up the very foundations of graphic novel history it's always been believed that graphic novels are a relatively new literary phenomenon but now a previously unknown graphic novel has come to light that dates back to World War one making it potentially the world's first autobiographical graphic novel the novel in question is titled voyage and Adventures of a good little German in kangaroo land and it was drawn by a German cartoonist named C Friedrich who was detained in an Australian internment camp from 1916 to 1919. comic follows the life of an autobiographical character who begins a new life in Australia and is suspected of being a spy during the war it's highly likely that this is the tale of Friedrich himself but we can't explicitly confirm this to be the case as it's thought that he may have written and drawn under a pseudonym the discovery of this previously unknown graphic novel is significant not only as an addition to Australia's cultural heritage but also because it could potentially rewrite the history of graphic novels as we know it here's a shocking Discovery from September 2021 that could rewrite the history of Japan during that month scientists found evidence of a previously unknown group of ancestors that migrated to the country During the kofun period using the genomes of 12 individuals from across Japan researchers discovered that a genetically distinct group of people came to Japan during that era which began around 2000 years ago this group of ancestors who came from East Asia were likely Han people from ancient China according to the study's lead author shigeki nakagome until now it was believed that the genetic origins of modern day Japanese populations were comprised of two groups the Jomon hunter-gatherers who lived during the Jomon period and the farmers who migrated to Japan during the yayoi period however the discovery of this third genetic origin suggests that the history of Japan is more complex than previously thought this breakthrough has important implications for understanding the cultural and genetic evolution of modern-day Japan and could even shed light on the broader history of East Asia the findings are considered contentious in Japan but there can be no arguing with the science archaeologists restoring the famous little Doric temple in the ancient Greek city of paystum in Italy have made remarkable discoveries that could potentially change the known history of the city the latest findings were made during the ongoing restoration of a greek temple that was discovered in 2019 near the walls of the city poseidonia which is known today as pastum the new discoveries include a stone pedestal with steps colored terracotta roof decorations with lion-shaped drip Stones a gorgon an altar with grooves for catching blood from sacrifices seven bullheads and votive offerings depicting Eros writing a dolphin in other words it's a temple within a temple the newly discovered Temple is a smaller Doric peripheral that predates the Hellenistic era measuring 50 feet by 24 feet analysis of the clay decorations adorning its walls suggest that it was founded in the first quarter of the 5th Century BC during which time some of the city's most important Monumental buildings such as the Temple of Hera and the Temple of Athena were constructed the discoveries are significant as they shed new light on the artistic and cultural autonomy of the City's community and challenge the belief that the early colonies merely copied the works of their motherland archaeologists in Southwest Spain have made astonishing discoveries during an excavation in barios in April 2023 these discoveries could change our understanding of the pre-roman Iberian culture of the region the team discovered five life-size Stone busts dating back to the 5th Century BCE showing that the tartesian civilization was much more sophisticated than previously thought the tartesians have long been considered a mysterious civilization with Tales of their wealth and Military prowess sometimes veering into mythical territory more specifically tartesians were thought to be a non-iconic culture but the discovery of sculptures shatters this idea the statues were found in a 2 500 year old two-story building at the Casas de turunuelo archaeological site which is described as unique in the Western Mediterranean the site-contained artifacts suggesting the building was an economic and political center for the local area the surviving sculptures may have been buried to protect them from the same Act of Destruction that wrecked the building it could still be true that the tartesians were Mighty Warriors with piles of gold and wealth but if these sculptures are anything to go by they were also a highly sophisticated and artistic culture in a fortunate and accidental discovery that may potentially rewrite our understanding of Maritime history a 13 year old boy from Darwin Unearthed what appears to be a 16th century Portuguese swivel gun in the Northern Territory of Australia in 2012. this exciting find captivated historians and Maritime enthusiasts alike as it suggests that the Portuguese may have explored the Australian coastlines far earlier than previously thought the swivel gun a type of small cannon mounted on a swiveling stand was a common weapon aboard Portuguese ships in the 16th century it's believed that the gun was lost or abandoned during one of the many Portuguese Maritime Expeditions of the ERA this discovery is particularly significant as it challenges the prevailing belief that the Dutch and the British were the first Europeans to explore the Australian coast in the 17th and 18th centuries if the swivel gun is indeed a of Portuguese origin it would suggest that the Portuguese explorers were active in the region at least a century earlier it's impossible to say that with certainty as a single gun isn't proof of the presence of an organized exploration team but the idea that the Dutch and the Brits were the first to come here can no longer be said with confidence king of surprising Australian discoveries here's another Australian tale that could rewrite history a small bronze Buddha statue found on an Australian roadside in March 2023 has experts and amateur sleuths alike buzzing with speculation about its Origins Unearthed in remote Western Australia by two filmmakers searching for evidence of French explorers the six-inch tall figurine is believed to have been crafted in China hundreds of years ago during the time of the Ming Dynasty despite extensive research and microscopic analysis confirming the statue's authenticity its origin remains a mystery could it have been left behind by Chinese explorers during the 15th century long before the first European explorers arrived in Australia while some historians are skeptical the tantalizing Prospect of a Ming Dynasty Expedition reaching the continent has captivated the public imagination valued at three thousand pounds to five thousand pounds the figurine is a rare find and its potential historical significance makes it all the more extraordinary the filmmakers hope to unlock the mystery of its Providence with further research aided by cooperation between the Australian government local indigenous communities and the Chinese Community their original idea for a documentary about French explorers has now been scrapped the crypts of Rochester cathedral in Kent England became the site of one of the most impressive archaeological excavations in the history of the area in 2015. despite a prior radar survey of the site no traces of what lay beneath the crypts had ever been identified so it was an incredible surprise when a wealth of artifacts and structures were discovered during scheduled development work among the discoveries were a Roman building a gargoyle and a Norman structure even more fascinating were the pieces of the original William of Perth Shrine believed to have been lost during the Reformation which could finally be put back together archaeologist Graham kevel has described the discovery as one of the biggest archaeological projects that's ever been done in Rochester and considers the Norman structure to be a find of historical significance it could potentially prove that the cathedral is even older than previously believed the current story of its history goes back to the year 604 which is when it's said to have been founded by Bishop justice but it now seems that the cathedral might have been built on the site of an even older religious building in a dramatic and historic case two men were found guilty in April 2023 of conspiring to illegally sell a cache of anglo-saxon coins that experts claim to hold the key to the rewriting of the story of 9th century English History and the iconic King Alfred the Great the coins were part of a Viking horde discovered in herefordshire in 2015 valued at about 12 million pounds on top of their financial value the historical value of the 44 coins recovered by police is deemed Priceless the judge described them as having immense historical significance and one curator has even said that they literally enable us to rewrite history the coins are believed to shed new light on our understanding of late 9th century politics and revealed the previously untold story of the relationship between Alfred King of Wessex and sailwolf II king of Mercia historians have in the past been unkind to sail wolf II believing him to have been little more than a puppet King installed by Viking Invaders However the fact that his face appears alongside Alfred's face on these coins suggests that rather than being foes the two kings were allies and may have worked together against the Vikings we don't know as much about mercuria as we ought to the kingdom ruled an enormous amount of land in Africa for over six centuries and its base of power is thought to have been close to the ancient city of old dangala in Sudan in July 2021 we found out something new about the ancient residents of the town they had the largest church ever discovered in the Nubian region the local press called it the Nubian super Church experts and researchers there have found two surviving walls of the church's apps bearing still visible portraits of The Twelve Apostles they've also found the domed covering of an ancient tomb the tomb is yet to be opened but might be the final resting place of an important Archbishop of the Christian era of Nubia which began in the 6th century and ended in the 14th Sudan is almost entirely Islamic today but during the time of the kingdom of makuria it was a Christian stronghold the church is so big that it might be more accurate to refer to it as a cathedral that would be fitting as records indicate that old dangala was about the size of medieval Paris during its peak years the kingdom it served as the capital of was as large as Spain and France combined poetry is an ancient and important form of artistic self-expression but just how old is it that's a difficult question to answer but until recently historians thought that the first so-called stressed poems were written during the 5th Century in September 2021 that estimate was pushed back 300 years by the discovery of a short ancient Greek poem it reads they say what they like but let them say it I don't care go on love me it will do you good it seems that poetry about unrequited love hasn't changed much since the invention of the medium itself the poem is inscribed on a medallion that was recently found around the neck of a young woman in an ancient sarcophagus in Hungary it's notable because it differs in meter from traditional forms of ancient Greek poetry and uses long and short syllables of the kind more traditionally found in quantitative verse this is the specific type of poetry that appears in the Byzantine Christian hymns of the 5th Century it's best described as a musicalized form of language the root of all modern songs and as far as we know it started with this lovelorn poem the history of humankind in the Americas is poorly understood every time we think we're getting closer to the start of the tale something is found that pushes the date of human arrival back further here's a discovery that does exactly that it's a set of footprints that were found in White Sands National Park New Mexico in September 2021 and the footprints are about 23 000 years old this proves beyond all doubt that there were humans already in the Americas at the time of the last glacial maximum most of the prints appear to belong to teenagers and young children with only a few adults present prior to this discovery most archaeologists believed that the earliest date that could be given for humans arriving in this part of the world was sixteen thousand years ago this blows that idea out of the water knowing that these people were here gives us a new problem though now we have to work out who they were and where they came from people didn't suddenly spawn right in the middle of North America so they must have got here from somewhere else subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new 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Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 11,475
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Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds That Change History, archaeological finds, ancient finds, artifacts finds, artifacts, mystery, mysterious finds, finds that change history, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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