12 Most Incredible Archaeological Finds

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you won't find average archaeological finds in this video they've all been left on The Cutting Room floor we only have room for the best of the best discoveries it doesn't matter where they came from or how big or small they are all that matters is that they're mind-blowing and we are going to dive straight into the thick of them right now if there were an ancient Citadel covering an area of just under half a square mile in Romania you'd like to think that someone might have noticed it earlier than June 2018. nevertheless apparently everybody missed it until then the shocking Discovery was made in irad County if we're being fair to experts The Citadel was so large that what's left of it can only be seen from high in the air archaeologists have carried out exploratory Digs at the site since the discovery and concluded that the Citadel was built around 3 400 years ago during the Romanian Bronze Age It's been named sitate veche which translates into English as the old Citadel this is easily among the largest fortifications built during that period so the question facing historians is why someone felt it necessary to build a fortification this large in this place based on Ancient records it's three times larger than the famous city of Troy the foundation nations of the old citadel's Palace have been found recently and measure 350 feet by 140 feet that too would have been one of the largest buildings of its type during that period what manner of Citadel once stood here and why is there no record of it our ancient ancestors did battle with swords and Spears so let's check out a spearhead Discovery this is a Bronze Age find and it was found on the island of Jersey in the English Channel in early 2021 the discovery was made by amateur metal detectorist Jay cornick who says it's the luckiest and most valuable discovery of his life he was out with his instrument on a beach close to the Tiny Village of gory when he found the weapon the wooden shaft of the spear is made from Maplewood scientists have been able to carbonate the wood and gave the spearhead an age of around 3 200 years professional archaeologists say there are two factors that make this an especially rare and valuable Discovery the first is the fact that the spear is still fully intact and the second is that it's unusually large for its era it's so big that it would probably have been impractical for a hunter to carry it which suggests that it may have had a ritual use instead of a practical one alternatively maybe its owner was a giant archaeologists in Kyushu Japan have discovered the largest sarcophagus tomb yet to be found Within the yoshinogari Ruins dating back to the late 2nd Century to the middle of the 3rd Century During the yayoi period the tomb is an impressive 10 feet long and six feet wide surpassing the size of any other tomb found at the site the stone sarcophagus itself measures eight feet in length and two feet in width the tomb's lid features engraved linear symbols including x's and hashes believed to have protective properties untouched and intact it suggests that the tomb was never looted and may contain valuable grave Goods of historical significance covering over 430 000 square feet the yoshinogari site has been continuously excavated since its Discovery in 1986. it includes settlements granaries workshops and over 3000 jar burials from the early and middle yayoi period this recently uncovered sarcophagus tomb is unique among the late yayoi Graves found at the site originally situated on a hill where a later Shinto Shrine was built the tomb was inaccessible until the shrine was relocated positioned at a high point with a splendid view of the surrounding area the tomb likely belonged to a highly influential individual now we go back to England where a team from Cotswold archeology has discovered a vast Bronze Age Barrow cemetery near Salisbury the excavation conducted ahead of a housing development project uncovered evidence of flattened round barrows dating back to the beaker period and early Bronze Age round barrows like these usually consist of a central burial chamber a mound and a surrounding ditch the cemetery contains approximately 20 or more barrows arranged in small clusters some showing multiple construction faces among them is an oval-shaped Barrow possibly of Neolithic origin or associated with Neolithic activity at the center a collective Mass grave holds the remains of adults and children two additional Graves with Beaker burials from the start of the Bronze Age were found as well as Neolithic pits containing a cache of red deer antlers used for Tool making the Dig also revealed remnants from the Saxon period including a possible sunken featured building preserved Timbers iron knife blades Ceramics and a late Iron Age cultivation Terrace this is a June 2023 Discovery so there's possibly more to come from it in the weeks and months ahead thank you a lot of what you need to know about the Dover Bronze Age boat can be ascertained from its name it's a boat it's from the Bronze Age and it was found in Dover England to dismiss it that way would be too simplistic though this is one of the oldest surviving sea-going boats in the world the vessel was discovered accidentally by construction workers in the process of digging a new Road in September 1992. it's roughly 3 500 years old and was in such a delicate State upon its discovery that it almost didn't survive the excavation process a team from the Canterbury archaeological trust eventually cut the boat up into sections and removed it piece by piece over the course of a full month they then reassembled it at a specially dedicated gallery and Dover Museum where the boat remains to this day the significance of the vessel is hard to overstate 30 feet long and made from Oak and U branches it's sturdy enough to have crossed the Dover Straits from England to France the boat is of a type that helped the ancient residents of England to meet and trade with the people of Continental Europe we're off to Greece now where a significant Discovery has been made at the thoricos archaeological site located 40 miles south of Athens during excavations in 2019 researchers initially uncovered what appeared to be the corner of a tomb but further exploration revealed that it was actually the remains of the earliest Iron Age house in Attica dating back to the 10th or 9th century BCE the archaeologists have since identified five to six rooms with the largest one showing evidence of a paved Courtyard inorganic and organic analyzes of the site indicate a period of use from approximately 950 to 825 BCE the presence of grinding Stones suggests that the building served as a residential structure potentially indicating a complex society or social hierarchy further planned scientific investigations will explore aspects such as animal breeding and the mining of silver ore in the area the thorico site has a rich history with evidence of inhabitation since the 4th millennium BCE and a connection to the polis of Athens in the early 900s BCE excavations will continue with funding from the Gerda Henkel Foundation allowing for a comprehensive study of the building and its contents over the next two years located beneath the ancient city of osimo in Italy is a complex system of caves tunnels and Wells harboring an intriguing array of ancient figures and symbols these underground environments interconnected by vertical Wells and chimneys form a labyrinthine network noteworthy palaces like Palazzo Campana Palazzo riccioni and Palazzo Simonetti and Palazzo Gallo are all linked to this same network comprising 88 caves and several narrow tunnels these underground spaces likely served purposes such as Escape Routes storage facilities or water passages we say likely because the true origin of these caves remains shrouded in mystery possibly due to the secretive nature of the people who built them throughout the network one can find various symbols including religious boss reliefs housed in the cantonin caves and symbols associated with the Templars of 1167-1317 and the Knights of Malta other reliefs feature esoteric symbolism referencing legendary places like Atlantis and the Temple of Solomon among the many caves the galleries beneath Palazzo Campana are the most notable containing two Chambers adorned with boss reliefs depicting allegorical scenes all in all the grotte DI osimo offers a unique underground experience filled with historical and symbolic significance the binting Cloverleaf map also known as the world in a Cloverleaf is a significant mapa Mundi created by Heinrich bunting a German Protestant Pastor Theologian and cartographer published in 1581 as part of binting's travel book of Holy Scripture the map is now now housed in the Erin leor Maps collection at the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem a mosaic replica of the map adorns the fence of Safra Square the location of Jerusalem City Hall this map following the medieval mapamundi style presents the world in the shape of a Cloverleaf the Clover shape symbolizes the Christian Trinity and is also featured in the coat of arms of binting's birthplace Hanover Jerusalem takes the central position on the map encircled by three continents represented by the three leaves of the Clover Europe Africa and Asia are all each Illustrated separately depicting their respective countries and cities additional areas of the world are depicted outside the Clover shape the continents are color-coded with Europe and red Africa and yellow and Asia in green surrounding the Cloverleaf are depictions of the Ocean featuring sea creatures monsters and a ship other notable elements include England and Denmark as Island shape above Europe the Red Sea painted in red between Africa and Asia and a separate representation of America as the new world in green golubach Fortress located in galubak Serbia is a well-preserved medieval castle that has witnessed centuries of battles however the castle now faces a different threat as it gradually slides off the hills and into the Danube River despite this ongoing challenge kulubach Fortress remains a significant historical site built in the 14th century The Fortress consists of 10 Towers safeguarding three inner compounds its strategic position along the Danube made it a formidable stronghold enduring numerous conflicts and changing hands multiple times as the centuries ticked by the fortress's strong stone walls withstood the test of time and the ravages of War however the introduction of modern technology became its undoing in 1964 the construction of a hydroelectric Dam resulted in flooding along the Danube shores as a consequence the lower Bank of gulabak Fortress became submerged by Rising water levels furthermore a road was built through the castle walls demonstrating that the only way to breach golubach was through poor planning efforts to restore the stricken Fortress began in 2005 and remain ongoing despite the challenges posed by its precarious location golubach Fortress stands as a testament to the Region's Rich history and serves as a reminder of the impact of modern development on historical sites Britain must be a good place to go looking for ancient coins and treasures because they have a habit of turning up there with impressive regularity the largest ever collection of ancient Roman coins found in the country is called the Frome horde and was found by delightfully named metal detectorist Dave crisp in April 2011. in the process he started a bidding war the British museum wanted The Horde for its collection but so did the Museum of Somerset which is close to where the coins were found the local Museum was determined to hold on to the set of 1700 year old coins and eventually managed to secure them for a price of just under half a million dollars we hope they had a lot of space to clear to show their new acquisition off there are more than 50 000 coins in The Horde and experts are still going through the laborious process of studying them one at a time as the whole cache was found together in one giant ceramic pot it's likely that they were someone's personal fortune and they may have been buried for their own protection as Rome's grip on the British Isles Slipped Away during the 4th century let's talk about the elephant slabs of Flora Vista archaeological discoveries don't come much more mysterious than this the official history of the artifacts holds that they were found by a ten-year-old boy exploring Native American ruins at flora vista New Mexico in 1910. what happened after that is unknown but they turned up in the archives of the Arizona State Museum in 1950 the slabs take their name from the fact that a sign from being covered in inscriptions both of the tablets feature carvings of elephants the inscriptions cannot be translated and might not be an attempt at written communication at all the elephants are even more problematic than the inscriptions the slabs are clearly ancient but everything we know about history tells us that there were no elephants in North America until the 18th century when they started to be imported from abroad more recently controversial archaeologist Dr David Imhotep claims the inscriptions are African and prove that Africans visited the Americas long before Europeans bringing their elephants with them but there's precious little evidence to support such an outlandish claim trying to reach either the North or the South Pole is a perilous Endeavor and one that not everybody comes back alive from if you're struggling for survival out there in the cold you'll often be forced to abandon any item that isn't necessary as you try to make it back to base or wait to be rescued even the legendary British Explorer sir Ernest Shackleton isn't exempt from that rule he took part in the Nimrod Expedition between 1907 and 1909 which almost claimed his life he made it home but he left his favorite whiskey behind Shackleton had taken several bottles of mackinlay's rare old Highland malt to the Antarctic with him as a personal comfort and a means of staying warm but had no space for them on the return leg and left them in the ice 100 Years of snow and ice settled on top of them but a New Zealand research team eventually located them in 2018 and carefully extracted them from the ice they're now back in Scotland where one of them has been thought out and opened apparently it's still good to drink and it tastes fruity [Music] subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon [Music] foreign
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 15,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Archaeological Finds, archaeological finds, ancient finds, artifacts, artifacts finds, ancient Egypt, Egypt, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: kr6NuhtR8C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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