12 Most Mysterious Ancient Artifacts Finds That Change History

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no matter what any history teacher might have told you it's very difficult to be certain about the intricacies of human history it's not like anybody alive in the world today was around thousands of years ago to serve as an eyewitness to whatever went on our understanding of history is mostly gleaned from records and discoveries made by archaeologists and sometimes the discoveries challenge the accepted facts a recently unveiled map in Beijing has sparked A Renewed debate over who discovered the new world first China has joined the ongoing dispute with claims that Chinese Admiral Zhang hee reached the Americas in 1421 predating Christopher Columbus the theory gained popularity through Gavin Menzies controversial book 1421 the year China discovered America Chinese lawyer Liu gang purchased a map dated 1418 displaying the outlines of North and South America which could support Menzies theory if genuine however many historians quickly dismissed the map as a forgery Menzies on the other hand supports Liu's map stating that it combines existing information from other Chinese maps of the same period supporters of Menzies Theory also point to a Portuguese map from 1419 with similar mistakes suggesting they were copied from Chinese sources despite these claims critics argue that Menzies claims lack academic support the controversy adds to the collection of pre-columbian claims including the purported landing by Scottish Earl Sir Henry Sinclair in 1397. nevertheless Skeptics assert that rewriting history is unnecessary and caution against a deceptive narratives ultimately even if the Chinese got to North America in 1421 that is still long after the Vikings landed in Newfoundland the Aztec Sunstone also known as the stone of the five eras or the calendar stone is a remarkable artifact from ancient mesoamerica carved from Basalt this massive Stone disc measures over 11 feet in diameter and weighs around 24 tons it is adorned with intricate and highly symbolic carvings that reflect the Aztec understanding of time cosmology and the Divinity of the Sun the central image on the stone is the face of the sun god tonatu surrounded by elaborate concentric Rings representing different Cosmic elements and celestial bodies the stone also features intricate calendrical glyphs and representations of the four previous Suns or eras that the Aztecs believed had come before their present one as a masterpiece of Aztec Artistry and astronomical knowledge the Sunstone offers a glimpse into the rich cultural and religious beliefs of the Aztec civilization today it stands as an iconic symbol of ancient Mexico and serves as a reminder of the advanced civilizations that thrived in mesoamerica long before the arrival of Europeans not to mention the fact that it's a testament to the artistic skill of the Aztecs Jerusalem is forever being picked over by archaeologists and historians seeking to prove the truth of the Bible in the Old Testament and some of them believed they'd made a breakthrough in January 2018 when a tiny seal was found close to the city's Western Wall the 2700 year old clay artifact Bears a Hebrew inscription that identifies it as the property of the governor of Jerusalem seeming to prove that such a post existed during the first temple period while the Bible claims that Jerusalem had Governors thousands of years ago with references made to a governor called Joshua during the time of King Hezekiah and another called masaya during the reign of Josiah no physical evidence to support the idea has ever been found before on the face of the seal is a depiction of two men standing face to face with each other both wearing striped knee-length robes or tunics it's thought that it served as a logo of sorts for the governor of the time and was carried by Messengers to demonstrate the authenticity of official Communications having finally found one such seal the Hunt is now on to find more more than 100 years ago a significant archaeological Discovery took place near Stromberg chechia when workers Unearthed a 5 000 year old disc doing no small part to its obvious Beauty and value the artifact ended up in a private collection remaining largely unstudied until recent times the disc known as the Silver puka was found at katuch near Stromberg an area once renowned as an archaeological site that was unfortunately lost due to Limestone mining in 1964 the Museum of the novajiken region acquired the silver puka along with other artifacts discovered in the same location weighing about half a pound and measuring 8.5 inches in diameter the disc is made of silver which would have been a rare material at the time the artifact was made the disc was likely used for ceremonial purposes either worn on the chest or hung on an idol or object during 2012 it held the distinction of being the oldest man-made silver piece in the region north of the Alps today the disc is housed in the shipka museum adding to the Region's Rich historical Legacy the Archimedes Palm zest is an extraordinary manuscript that has fascinated Scholars and mathematicians alike it consists of parchment pages that were recycled in medieval times with the original text by Archimedes erased and overwritten with prayers and religious texts however through painstaking efforts the hidden writings of Archimedes have been revealed using Advanced Imaging techniques the poem set contains remarkable insights into the mind of Archimedes including his works on Geometry mechanics and Mathematics it includes treatises such as on the equilibrium of planes measurement of a circle and on floating bodies showcasing his profound understanding and pioneering contributions to these fields the palimpsest also contains unique diagrams and calculations that provide valuable evidence of Archimedes methods and problem-solving approaches notably the palimpsest revealed a previously unknown work called method of mechanical theorems a significant breakthrough in the history of mathematics this method demonstrates Archimedes ingenious approach to solving complex mathematical problems using mechanical means and geometry principles the Archimedes palimpsest stands as a testament to the Brilliance of Archimedes and the dedication of modern scholars in restoring and deciphering his work it offers a rare opportunity to delve into the mind of one of History's Greatest mathematicians enriching our understanding of ancient Greek mathematics and inspiring further exploration in the field the voltaic pile invented by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta in 1800 was a groundbreaking device that marked a pivotal moment in the history of electricity it consisted of alternating discs of zinc and copper separated by pieces of cardboard soaked in an electrolyte solution such as salt water or sulfuric acid when stacked together these discs created a series of connected cells generating an electrical current this revolutionary design laid the foundation for the development of the first practical battery the voltaic pile demonstrated the concept of chemical reactions producing electrical energy it revealed the principles of electrochemical cells and the phenomenon of galvanic electricity volta's invention paved the way for significant advancements in various Fields including telegraphy electrochemistry and electromagnetism without wanting to sound like we're veering into hyper verbally the voltaic pile played a crucial role in shaping the understanding of electricity and sparked further experimentation and innovation in the field it inspired scientists like Michael Faraday and led to the development of more powerful and efficient batteries ultimately revolutionizing the way we harness and use electrical energy in our daily lives without it the battery might never have been invented and then where would we be huh the con greave clock invented by English engineer Sir William Concrete in the early 19th century was a remarkable time keeping device that impressed the world with its innovative design and mesmerizing movement it was in ornate weight driven clock with a unique mechanism that employed a chain and fusey system what made the congreave clock truly remarkable was its ability to Showcase a variety of movements and intricate automation these movements included rotating Celestial Globes miniature ships sailing on water flying birds and even dancing figurines the clock's mechanism relied on the principle of changing tensions on the Chain allowing for controlled and precise movements the con greave clock became a symbol of luxury and technological sophistication adorning the grandest houses and inspiring awe among its viewers though it was highly admired for its mechanical Ingenuity the clock also posed challenge due to its complexity and required regular maintenance despite its popularity during its time the congreave clock eventually fell out of favor as advancements in horology led to more accurate and reliable time keeping devices nonetheless it remains an important artifact in the history of clock making showcasing the creativity and Ingenuity of its inventor Sir William congreve borugak jagyangu also known as the water clock of borugak Pavilion is a fascinating historical time keeping device from ancient Korea it was created during the joseon Dynasty in the 15th century by King sejong The Great and his Royal Scholars the clock utilizes the power of flowing water to accurately measure time water would flow through a small opening into an upper chamber causing a float to rise indicating the hours as the float reached a certain level it triggered the release of a metal ball which would strike a bell to Mark the passing of an hour this ingenious design allowed for precise time keeping without the need for mechanical gears or weights the burugak jagyang new was not only a functional timekeeping device but also a symbol of scientific and technological advancements during the joseon dynasty it demonstrated the king's commitment to promoting The Sciences and improving the lives of his people today the water clock of borugak Pavilion stands as a testament to the Ingenuity and creativity of ancient Korean engineers and remains a treasured relic of Korea's Rich cultural heritage it's just a shame there's so little of it left Leonardo da Vinci had one of the greatest minds of any human being who ever lived he was a polymath perhaps the most gifted multi-disciplinarian in history and came up with new Concepts and new ideas throughout his life some of the most striking of them can be found in the Codex atlanticus this 12 volume set of manuscripts is full of drawings and writings from the mind of the master and is the largest individual collection of his work DaVinci considered all manner of things on the pages of this codex from musical instruments to Flying Weaponry there's even a workable design for a parachute contained within the Codex it's thought that da Vinci worked on the first of the designs in the Codex in 1478 and the last in 1519 also included are a few basic sketches of ideas he had for paintings complex mathematics astronomical observations meditations on philosophy and a design for a mechanical hydraulic pump some of the designs are outlandish a giant crossbow for example but all of them were plausible and in many cases hundreds of years ahead of their time many people are obsessed with buying branded Goods these days but branding and marketing appear to go back much further than most people imagine we know that because it seems that at one point a little over one thousand years ago every Warrior worth his salt in Europe wanted an off-beared sword like this one they've been found all over the continent and experts believe they probably started out as a viking Trend although that can't be proven as far as we know they were the first swords ever to be made from casts with iron melted together with carbon and then poured into a mold that process did away with the impurities that weakened many of the blades of the era and gave the Warriors who owned them an advantage in combat nobody else in Europe appears to have been able to replicate the process for at least 200 years so the question of how the Vikings came up with the idea is unknown it might have been stolen from an Asian tribe they conquered but that's really little more than a best guess [Music] if you've studied religion you'll already know that when Muslims perform their daily prayers they do so in the direction of Mecca that's led to the common misconception that Muslims pray toward Mecca they don't they pray toward the Kaaba building in Mecca also known as the house of Allah of all the Legends and tales that surround the Kaaba those that pertain to the black stone in the easternmost Corner are the most mystical according to the Islamic faith the stone is black because when Adam entered Heaven the stone soaked up all of his Earthly sins to make him pure it's perhaps more likely that it's turned black because it's been kissed and touched by millions of Muslims during a pilgrimage who do so because they believe that the prophet Muhammad once kissed it the truth behind the myths could be obtained by removing all or part of the stone to study it in a laboratory but that is out of the question like so much about this 4 000 year old building the truth will probably never be known the Malia altar stone is a fascinating archaeological artifact for many reasons it's the only known example of hieroglyphs being carved onto stone for example however its true value lies in the fact that the symbols etched onto its surface are almost identical to the symbols carved on the legendary feistos disc the artifact was found close to Malai and Crete by a farmer during the 1990s it was probably created by the ancient Minoans and is similar in design to the altar Stones known to have been made by their civilization but is the only one bearing hieroglyphic markings to have been discovered thus far by cross-referencing the glyphs that appear here with those on the feistos disc it's possible to interpret the text as if you care for force and quantity correct your path to the goddess many that's clearly an imperfect translation of the original text but it gets us a step closer to working out what the fistos disc might have been made for even if we understand almost nothing about the goddess Manet and what she stood for subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 11,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious Ancient Artifacts Finds That Change History, artifacts finds, ancient artifacts, artifacts, change history, mystery, mysterious finds, archaeological finds, 12 most, top 12, most mysterious
Id: Abn-bFW-yUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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