12 Most Amazing And Unique Abandoned Vehicles

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making technology is an expensive process you have to pay the designers you have to pay for the materials to build it with and then you have to pay for all the work that goes into putting it all together hopefully when that's all done you'll get some money or value out of all of your expenditure for a while further down the line when you're creation no longer has a purpose it's time to write it off or dispose of it there are surely better ways to dispose of an unwanted piece of technology then you're about to see in this video though these are all cases of shocking abandoned technology if you ever visit the forests near st. Petersburg in Russia you'll have the opportunity to meet some colossal mechanical monsters from the mining past of the region you'll find them in King disseminating the skyline three of the walking excavators are still standing left to rust in the same place they were when all mining activity ceased at the site many years ago unlike crawler excavators walking excavators were designed to go about their business with minimal impacts to the soil they stand on despite weighing several thousand tonnes the machines have giant legs which are powered by what are effectively hydraulic shoes very slowly they can walk across the landscape one step at a time these vast machines are unlikely ever to move again though their purpose has been served and now they are only of interest to the tourists who come to see them for a photo opportunity the three remaining walking excavators used to have many more brothers at the quarry but all have since been scrapped one day those that are left will likely meet with the same fate The Burren shuttle program was supposed to be the Soviet Union's answer to the American space shuttle program it could and some would say should have given the USSR supremacy in space but it was never to be only one of the burren space shuttles ever went into space and that was only for a brief test flight in 1988 although more shuttles were built none of them ever flew two of them are now falling to pieces and a long-forgotten hangar in Kazakhstan's Baikonur cosmodrome it's unknown how close to completion these two forgotten spaceships got but they seem to have all the relevant parts in place the exteriors are complete and there's plenty of 1980s technology inside the cockpit if it wasn't for the thick layer of dust and bird droppings that the forgotten shuttles have accumulated during their years in the darkness they'd probably still look ready to take to space tomorrow if it were required of them sadly they'll never be anything more than old curiosities now the t SS Duke of Lancaster is a fine steamship that deserved a better fate than the one it's been left to endure built and launched back in 1955 its first purpose was to serve as a passenger ferry between Heysham and England and Belfast in Northern Ireland over time it expanded its range and began to take visitors to places like Spain Denmark Norway and the Netherlands there was space for 1200 standard class passengers on board as well as 600 first-class guests enjoying a VIP experience that all came to an end in 1974 when the Heysham devel fest route was closed and the Duke of Lancaster was deemed to be behind the times in terms of offering more modern conveniences for example the ability to act as a car ferry it meandered around minor routes for a little longer but then docked in North Wales in 1979 to be converted into an entertainment attraction called the fun ship with amusement arcades and licensed bars onboard local authorities never fell in love with having the fun ship open on their citing health and safety issues it was shut down in the mid-1980s and is now just a rusty monument to yesteryear submarines are supposed to be in the water so perhaps it isn't a great surprise to see that this rare Japanese sub is in such poor condition it's been out on the land for far too long it's also a long way from home these pictures were taken on Kiska Island which belongs to Alaska some of the islands and the chain that Kiska belongs to were occupied by the Japanese during the Second World War which explains what the old a type submarine is doing here the 78 foot long sub has been described by some people as resembling a killer whale InDesign and is one of at least six of its class that were brought to the island in 1942 despite its narrow design to Japanese soldiers were expected to man the submarine at the same time which must have made for a very cramped environment by late 1943 the Japanese had been driven from the island and they didn't have time to pack up all their equipment before they left this poor sub got left behind part of the reason that people buy luxury cars is to show them off if they're not on the road they should be safely in your garage so you can boast about them to your friends when they come to see you the last place they should end up is a junkyard but there's a whole load of them here at this dedicated luxury car wrecking yard in Dunedin England the yard is called flying spares and has been in business for 20 years breaking down unwanted vintage cars with a particular focus on Bentleys and Rolls Royces although statistics on such matters are hard to find it's thought to be the largest luxury car graveyard in the world most of the Forgotten cars come from the 1970s or 1980s although as you can see from the pictures there's also the occasional Continental GT or another more modern car the more recent vehicles have usually been taken to the yard after being deemed past the point of repair after a crash where possible the art extracts working parts from what's left of the cars and sells them to owners of luckier cars that are still in working condition this derelict submarine rack is known as the Yellow Submarine of Coney Island Creek although unlike the Yellow Submarine in the famous song by the Beatles it isn't yellow anymore and you wouldn't want to live in it a Navy Yard ship fitter from Brooklyn had the submarine built as part of a bold scheme to raise the wreck of the Andrea Doria which was a luxury cruise liner that sank near Nantucket in 1956 a careless crane operator ruined his dream in 1971 as the sub was prepared to launch it was supposed to be lowered into the water slowly and delicately so it could be gradually filled with ballast but the operator simply dumped it in as fast as the crane would allow and so it flipped over and sank immediately the ship that are paid for the sub to be dredged back up to the surface but it was too badly damaged to be used for its original intended purpose nowadays the only passengers it serves are the brave souls who sit on it to use it as an unorthodox fishing platform our next collection of abandoned equipment comes from a top-secret location in Russia and as soon as you see it you'll understand why the photographer who brought us these images wants to keep the location secret they probably weren't supposed to be there this is a collection of relics from Russia's Space Age including ships and ship parts that were intended for both manned and unmanned flight there are even so use capsules here which should be surely of interest to the public if someone were to come and collect them and put them in a museum pictures from inside the capsules show us just how little room there was for the cosmonauts who once travelled in them being inside one of these while up in space must have been terrifying possibly the most interesting capsule in the whole collection comes from a soyuz tma-21 signed by the three cosmonauts who flew inside it constantine cozy Heiner and Victor afanasiev the scorch marks on the exterior of some of the capsules show us how dangerous re-entering the Earth's atmosphere can be if you enjoy science fiction you might be aware of a sub-genre called steampunk which imagines a world where electricity had never become the default way of powering things and steam power still rules this steam shovel is the kind of technology you'd expect to see in a world like that we think it was made by Booker s although as there's no manufacturer's logo on the rusty old machine it's hard to tell we do know what it was used for though it played a vital role in digging the 90 mile long Davidson ditch aqueduct in Alaska during the 1920s it's also thoughts who have been used in the construction of the Panama Canal prior to that sadly nobody seems to have found a use for it once the aqueduct project was completed and so it's been standing alone and disused for almost a century even with all the rust though we can see where it came from the name of the town of Evansville in Indiana is stamped proudly on the side the galaxy must have been a proud cruise liner once but it's not looking its best these days information about the enormous boat hotel is difficult to come by because nobody knows how it came to be cemented to a beach in Koh Chang Thailand and the locals don't want to talk about it apparently the ship has attracted superstitious beliefs because people are said to have gone to explore it and never come back if that's true then perhaps it's a ghost ship in more ways than one the condition of the interior suggests that it was abandoned in a hurry there are still personal items in some of the cabinets and the guest rooms still have beds and bedding some parts of the ship are in better condition than others but the cats and dogs who live on it now seem to be perfectly content with their unusual home the ship is huge and must have cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build when it was brand new but the only business it attracts now is a $20 visitor fee charged by the one security guard who it's an eye on it this might look like a space shuttles external fuel tank but it isn't it is in fact a full scale model of a space shuttles external fuel tank why would anyone go to the trouble of building such a thing and then abandon it when their work was completed the answer is that NASA built it but never intended for it to be used in a real flight instead they used it to stress test their whole design which is a duty the model performed for three years at Alabama's Marshall Space Flight Center between 1977 and 1980 from its retirement until 2013 it was a display piece at the Kennedy Space Center after that it was sold into private hands at an auction with the winning bidder living in Keystone Heights Florida they managed to get it as far as Green Cove Springs using a barge and a tugboat but then it appears that they ran out of ideas as to how to get it any further it can't go on the roads because highways would have to be closed and power lines would have to be disconnected with seemingly no way of moving it it's been left where it is The Forgotten Hulk of the GM Aero train is a testament to General Motors failed vision of the future of rail transport during the 1950's GM used to supply engines and other parts to train companies during the 1940s and 1950s and so over time they developed the idea of building their own trains a train that would be cheaper to build and move faster than any of their rivals they got the speed right but they forgot about the comfort factor the Aero train was made out of aluminum and was therefore lighter than almost anything else on rails during its era the low weight made it capable of reaching and exceeding 100 miles per hour back in the 50s that was some seriously impressive speed sadly the speed came at a price passengers were rattled around inside it as it turned corners and the lack of downforce meant that climbing up hills was a real struggle for the Train by 1957 it became clear that the idea was impractical and so now the unsuccessful trains our museum pieces there's a McDonald's restaurants in almost every major town and city in the world the company makes an incredible amount of money and that's why they can build a whole steel and glass barge for a one-off event and then abandon it as soon as the event is over this is the so-called Knick barge which was built for the Expo World Fair when it visited Vancouver in Canada during 1986 the vessel was intended firstly to give attendees to the Faire somewhere to eat and secondly to showcase the unconventional locations that McDonald's believed they'd be using as restaurants in years to come the whole McDonald's on the water idea never really caught on and the restaurant moved out of the barge on the last day of the fair since then there have been repeated attempts to turn it into a bar or another restaurant but none have ever come to fruition the condition of the mcbari's in terrible so the chance is still there for an enterprising businessperson if they want to take ownership of it but it's gathering more rust as the years go by subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 1,648,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Abandoned Vehicles, amazing abandoned, abandoned submarines, abandoned vehicles, abandoned places, building abandoned, spaceship abandoned, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: aFmzrDXi6ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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