12 Most Amazing And Incredible Abandoned Vehicles

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where would we be without our vehicles well the answer to that question is that we'd probably be making very slow Journeys from A to B by horse Planes Trains and Automobiles have made the world a smaller place thanks to them Journeys that once took days now take a matter of hours however where would our vehicles be without us they might end up anywhere as you're about to find out when a vehicle is a world record holder it deserves to either be in a museum so people can see it especially when the record it holds is for being the longest car in the world that honor goes to the super long stretch limousine known as the American dream that was built by California's Jay orberg during the 1990s Jay took a broken down 1970 Cadillac Eldorado and carried on fixing new parts to both the front and the back until his limo was 100 feet long when he reached that Milestone he added a helicopter landing pad on the roof unsurprisingly the car struggled to turn Corners because of its length and therefore has never legally been permitted to drive on America's roads that limited it to special appearances at car shows and other events but it was on one such Duty in the early 21st century that it met with its fate a company that at least the American dream as a promotional vehicle went bankrupt and the car disappeared when it was eventually found in 2012 it was a rusted beaten up shell of its former self fortunately the autosium automotive teaching Museum of New York took ownership of the wreck and has since performed a full restoration there's a bridge across a river in Georgia that's unlike any other Bridge we've ever seen elsewhere in the world that's because it isn't really a bridge at all and it was never intended to become one you'll find it in the European nation of Georgia crossing a river between curtvisi and al-kalalaki the route is made difficult for Walkers by the fast-moving River and its strong currents so somebody decided to provide a safe way over it by laying a disused rail car across its banks when we say safe we might be stretching the definition of that word a little the rail Carriage is old rusty and rickety judging by the recent pictures of its interior taken by explorers it also seems to be missing much of its floor we don't fancy anyone's chances of staying dry by using the Railcar Bridge any more than we would if they tried to cross without using it we suppose we could charitably look upon this as a way of recycling a rail car that would otherwise have ended up being dumped somewhere but it will probably dump itself in the river anyway at some point in the near future confront train station in Spain might be abandoned right now but it isn't necessarily going to stay that way forever as it was once the second largest train station in all of Europe it would only be fitting if it could be restored to its former glory the site is a strange Place despite its Grand proportions it was built high up in the Pyrenees close to a village that homes only 500 people the Spanish government hoped it would become a major crossing point between Spain and France but sadly things didn't go to plan when it opened in July 1928 it was considered such a big deal that Spanish King Alfonso XIII and French president Gaston dumerge were both in attendance but it quickly became apparent that nobody had taken into account that differently sized rail gauges were used in Spain and France that brought practical issues but the global recession that occurred the following year brought Financial issues too by 1930 less than 100 people per day were using the station shortly after that the tunnels were closed during the Spanish Civil War they reopened later on but by 1970 the station was crumbling and the decision was taken to close it interest from tourists since then has seen a campaign launched to have it fully restored we all know that Americans love their motorhomes and RVs so we guess our next vehicle would be the ultimate dream for every American it's a Triple Decker RV with no fewer than 24 Wheels it's difficult to verify whether it's real or not from these grainy images but to the best of our knowledge there is nothing fake about the pictures somebody actually went to the trouble of taking unwanted pieces of other RVs and then cutting and shutting the whole lot together it looks like the whole thing is pulled Along by a Silverado which is one of the few things that we can think of that might be capable of dragging a monstrosity like this down the road similar to The American Dream limousine we imagine that this bizarre creation might struggle to negotiate roads and Corners it would be much better served out in the desert which is where it's thought to be it doesn't look like the most practical vehicle we've ever seen and we hate to think how hot it would get in the middle of the summer there's no way there's air conditioning throughout this Behemoth forests are largely made up of trees cars are mostly made of steel that ought to make the idea of a car Forest impossible but we know a pair of artists in Nevada USA who found a way to make such a thing happen this is the casually titled International Car Forest of the last Church in Goldfield Nevada but it doesn't look like any church we've been to to be honest it doesn't look much like a forest either it's actually a rough assembly of broken down graffiti tagged cars put together by artists Mark Ripple and Chad sorg who started off by burying a single car nose first in the sand of the desert and then started to provide it with companions there are currently 40 vehicles in the forest some of which are stacked atop one another and others buried in the same manner that the first one was the most impressive and improbable of them is a bus buried at a seemingly impossible diagonal angle but somehow managing to remain upright the artists no longer work together after a creative disagreement but their creation is still standing and will likely stay that way for decades our next abandoned car you'll struggle to believe that anyone once seriously believed it was the vehicle of the future it's Buckminster Fuller's dimaxion and it's currently on display at the national automobile museum in Reno Nevada USA based on this vehicle and the car Forest of the last Church it seems that Nevada is the place to go if you want to find kooky Vehicles the dimaxion inside the museum is the final remaining prototype of Fuller's supposedly Visionary car he called it dimaxion because the made-up word is a combination of dynamic maximum and tension he gave the automobile three wheels and a fuel capacity of roughly 30 miles to the gallon along with space for up to 12 people including the driver to sit inside when Fuller built the dimaxion in 1933 he claimed it was capable of speeds up to 90 miles per hour nobody ever felt brave enough to put that claim to the test the dimaction dream died along with the poor soul driving it when the car was involved in a fatal crash while it was being demonstrated at the Chicago's World Fair in 1933. this classic car junkyard may have been created on purpose rather than being discovered by accident but it's still the last thing you'd expect to find in the middle of a forest in the Tiny Town of white in Georgia USA old car city as it's known is the property of Walter Dean Lewis who grew up on the site it was formerly a general store which opened in 1931 and sold Auto Parts now it's home to more than 4 000 rusting classic cars including the very last car ever owned by Elvis Presley some of them are kept looking shiny and new but others have been left to the mercy of the forest having stayed exactly where they are for decades and becoming home to animal and plants in a few cases tree branches are even lifting some of them up off the ground visitors are welcome at the Museum site which charges fifteen dollars if you just want to take a look or 25 dollars if you want to take photographs if you're lucky Walter Dean Lewis will even show you his skills on the piano while you're browsing we have another car Cemetery to look at but we have to leave the United States of America to find it it's Kirko car Cemetery which you'll find in Tings Reed Sweden to be more specific you'll find it in a peat bog it's not the most auspicious of surroundings but it's home to a long forgotten collection of European cars like Saabs and Volvos they're still the occasional American muscle car to be found among all the other rusty old hulks though the collection was put together by AKA Donaldson starting in 1935. this was his peat bogg which he farmed by hand ake noticed that the surrounding forest was being used as a Dumping Ground for unwanted cars so he started taking them in and selling any useful Parts left attached to them the car parts business quickly started making more money than the peat harvesting business so AKA started buying old wrecked cars on an industrial scale he passed away in the year 2000 so what's left at the site now are the cars he either never got around to stripping or the shells of the even older cars that have already been stripped the first big country music star of the 20th century was Hank Williams you might have known that already but you might not have known that when he passed away in 1952 at the age of 29 he did so in the back seat of his car doctors never found out what killed Williams but it's thought that his heavy drinking and his morphine habit probably had something to do with it almost everything connected to William's short life has a value to collectors and that includes the blue Cadillac he died in it's now on display to the public in Montgomery Alabama where it goes by the less than subtle name of the Hank Williams death car it's not as out of place an exhibit as it probably sounds when you first hear of it the exhibit is the centerpiece of the Hank Williams Museum and is surrounded by signed pictures tour photographs portraits and other Trinkets and trimmings of the stars all too brief musical career it might sound a little morbid but all of the Care and attention foisted on it means that this is one of the best preserved 1950s Cadillacs you're ever likely to see walking through the desert of Qatar can be a hot dry difficult experience so if you stumbled across a collection of over 20 000 cars Vans motorbikes and other vehicles covered in white sand you might suspect that you're seeing a mirage this is no Mirage though it's all Wu care scrapyard and it's where cars and Qatar go if they're impounded or found abandoned and their owners can't be contacted on average cars stay here for a maximum of four months during which every attempt is made to trace the owners if there's still no contact after those four months the cars are crushed and then recycled exemptions might be given for rare or valuable cars or cars in especially good condition which are taken for auction when the four months are over it's plain to see from these images that the majority of the cars at Al Wu care don't match that description they're battered relics that should have been sent to the scrapyard long ago and the majority of them are never claimed during their four-month stay in fact based on the images it looks like the scrapyard's owners are a little behind schedule with their supposed four-month crushing policy foreign if you've ever seen the Harrison Ford lead 1993 movie version of The Fugitive you might recall the scene right at the beginning of the film where Ford's police transport is hit by a train and both the train and the car go over the edge of a cliff while Ford Escapes the wreckage from that crash can still be found close to the Great Smoky Railroad in Silva North Carolina USA 1993 was too early for movie Producers to use CGI in the same way they would create such a scene today so the people making the fugitive decided that the best way to achieve the desired effect was to crash a real car into a real train the impact tore the car in half and derailed the train it looks great on the big screen but the movie crew had no use for the Twisted wreckage once they were done filming so they simply abandoned it where they left it that was almost 30 years ago and it still hasn't been cleaned up the site of the Collision is still occasionally visited by fans of the film but their numbers dwindle as the years pass and so it's probably high time somebody came and sorted this mess out [Music] for the train enthusiasts among you istvontalik train yard in Budapest has to be considered a must-see site which makes it something of a shame that access is only granted to those who have documented permission from the Hungarian government to fans of locomotives around the world the site is better known as the red star graveyard and it's hiding a few grisly Secrets it's thought that some of the rusting old locomotive stored here were used to transport Jewish prisoners to meet their fate during the Holocaust the complex was built in the early 1900s as a repair yard and in the distant Southern reaches of the site there's a repair facility still in operation but the vast majority of the buildings and engines here are long abandoned and forgotten the majority of the trains date back to hungary's Soviet era hence the red star nickname and we're supposed to be repaired before being sent on to the city's Railway Museum sadly it looks like the work required to make them presentable is never going to be carried out subscribe to the channel turn on the notification Bell and enjoy watching new videos on my channel thanks for watching and see you soon
Channel: Lightning Top
Views: 1,192,482
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Keywords: 12 Most Amazing And Incredible Abandoned Vehicles, Scientists Still Can't Explain, top 12 Ancient Technology, Mysterious Artifacts Finds, Ancient Technology And Mysterious Artifacts, Ancient Artifacts, 12 most, top 12, lightning top, compilation, lightningtop, EverSee, Mysterious
Id: h-JeP51auKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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