12 Most Amazing And Unexpected Recent Finds

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we all know the feeling of coming across something unexpected and finding ourselves enchanted by it it's a feeling that archaeologists and paleontologists are intimately familiar with but you don't have to work in either of those specialist fields to get that feeling amazing discoveries are made every day all over the world and sometimes they happen entirely by accident make yourself comfortable and we'll tell you the stories of some of the most amazing finds of all time perhaps you're familiar with the phrase save the bees save the world it's a reminder that most bee populations are in decline which is terrible news for the environment because bees are responsible for around 80 percent of all pollination across the planet with that in mind it's very good news that a brand new species of wild bee was discovered in israel right at the start of 2021. this new species is called lacio glossum dorkini and as far as we know at the moment it's exclusive to israel's central coastal plains it belongs to the halactoday family of bees also known as sweat bees the tiny insect is barely a quarter of an inch long from nose to tail experts aren't yet sure how they came to be in the area but they suspect their presence might be linked to the fact that a collection of non-native eucalyptus trees were planted in the region in the 1960s that implies the bees came from elsewhere so now we need to try to find them in their native environment so we can understand them better despite what the pictures of this next incredible find might look like they're not the result of someone blowing glass balls and leaving them on the coastlines of oregon in the usa these are glass fishing floats and they've made it to the american coast from as far away as japan and even norway while they're not generally used by the fishing industry anymore they used to be in common use in those parts of the world where they were employed to keep fishing nets afloat as glass isn't biodegradable they can theoretically remain in the sea forever so they'll continue to wash up in places like lincoln city oregon for many years to come the first glass floats are thought to have been made in 1842 by a company based in norway they replaced earlier models made from cork or softwood the ideas spread to japan in 1910 and millions of them were made before the industry began to switch to plastic and aluminum replacements in the 1970s since then most of the glass floats have been trapped in circular currents in the pacific but occasionally make it to places like taiwan polynesia the caribbean and of course the u.s and canada human beings have been painting the things they see ever since they worked out how to make permanent marks on the rocks around them they started off with lines dots and swirls and progressed from there it's thought that the oldest figurative work of art in the world can be found in a cave on the indonesian island of sulawesi it's a depiction of a wild boar and it's approximately 45 500 years old it was found in january 2021 as archaeologists continue to explore a limestone karst valley that had somehow gone unmapped until 2017 despite being very close to the largest town on the island when archaeologist adam brum and his team entered the region's caves their local guides informed them that they were the first ever non-natives to set foot in them the existence of this painting plus two smaller ones close to it in the cave challenged the idea that rock art began with humans living in europe during the ice age it now seems more likely that the practice began in either asia or africa or perhaps even right here in this indonesian cave in late 2013 a maintenance crew was sent to examine a pipeline close to alberta canada that involved digging up the area around the pipeline to take a closer look and when they did they discovered this enormous 35 foot long dinosaur fossil on the edge of spirit river despite its gargantuan size the fossil is only part of the whole dinosaur and it's not a large enough part to identify it with paleontologists and experts believe that it's a hydrosoar of some kind and might have been a duck-billed dinosaur but at least some of its remains might be embedded in a hill and would prove difficult to extract if this giant creature was a hydrosaur it wouldn't have posed much threat to the animals around it despite its gigantic proportions hydrosoars were slow moving creatures that mostly ate vegetables and grass the creature on earth today that's most liked them is the cow discoveries like this are relatively common when companies go digging new pipelines or replacing old ones they can often bring projects to halt for weeks or months while experts have to be brought in the australian newspapers reported in march 2008 that a farmer in southwest queensland woke up one morning and found a space ball on his land if you're wondering what a space ball is you're not alone people weren't sure then and they're still not sure well over a decade later james sturton who owns a farm in charleville says he found this strange-looking object sitting in a small crater as he headed out to feed his cattle it's hard to describe the artifact in any way other than to say it's a vaguely ball-like tangle of twisted metal and james is positive that it's fallen from a space rocket of the kind that's used to launch communication satellites the ball is hollow and the exterior coating is made of a material that feels like carbon fiber james contacted nasa to see if it might have come from one of their rockets but got no response space junk does appear to be the most likely explanation though objects fall from space back to earth fairly regularly but the majority of them land in the sea james ought to consider himself lucky that his spaceball didn't land on his house or on his head our next incredible find is either a very elaborate fraud or an indication that the nazis were doing something very strange involving scientific experiments during the second world war it's a collection of inhuman looking skulls that were found close to what was described as a nazi briefcase in a cave on mount boshic russia in 2016. the briefcase contained a map of the antagea region fully colorized and dated 1941 and the outside of the case was stamped with the symbol of the honor nenobi a secretive organization operated by heinrich himmler and charged with finding proof that the world was once dominated by the aryan rays himmler's secret division quickly branched off into experiments paranormal research pseudoscience and occultism are these skulls somehow connected to whoever left that briefcase behind and what manner of creature did they come from are they as some people believe them to be the skulls of aliens vladimir melikov the scientist and archaeologist responsible for their discovery refuses to hand them over to a third party for testing because he doesn't trust them not to go missing so we lack the necessary evidence to say for sure while knowing a thing or two about archaeology or paleontology is useful when it comes to making significant discoveries it isn't necessary all you need is a sharp eye and an inquiring mind that's how a 10 year old tourist found this 90 million year old fish fossil at a colombian monastery in early 2018. had been hiding in plain sight the whole time but nobody thought to query it until the young visitor started asking questions he took pictures of the fossil and showed them off to staff at a nearby museum they in turn contacted canada's university of alberta for an expert opinion and the university considered the pictures to be interesting enough to send someone all the way to colombia to see the fossil with their own eyes the trip was worth it this is now thought to be the oldest fish fossil in south america experts say this fish which has been named candelarinkus padolai has no living relatives but could most closely be compared to a barracuda back when it was alive most of the northern andes was underwater all of our discoveries so far have taken place on earth so let's look at one with galactic implications in january 2021 astronomers announced they'd identified a linear group of over 500 stars in our native milky way galaxy that might be considered as a family they used the term because all of them appear to have formed at virtually the same time as part of a stream of stellar matter a phenomenon never before studied in such detail it's thought that more than 8 000 stellar systems exist in our galaxy although no others are known to be as long as this one aside from being born at the same time perhaps even at the same moment they're all moving in the same direction across the universe at the same speed and spin at the same rate the group has been named thea 456 after the greek goddess of light measured from one end to the other it stretches across 570 light years and probably formed 100 million years ago in astronomical terms that's still quite young the word metropolis has come to mean great city but it's also a real place metropolis was once a mighty city in the ancient world and its remains can be found in turkey we know that it was once one of the biggest centers of economics on the planet during its heyday and as of early 2021 we also know that it was a pioneering place when it comes to hydraulic engineering and recycling rainwater that's because four separate newly discovered water cisterns have been identified within the ruins it's likely that the cisterns were built during the city's late roman period roughly 1500 years ago between them they would have held 600 tons of water so could easily provide for the daily needs of all the city's residents along with their necessary agricultural requirements they would have also hydrated the whole settlement close to the acropolis and provided water for the bathhouse it's not without reason that any modern city considered to be modern and high-tech is described as a metropolis it's because the first city to go by that name was so far ahead of its time [Music] we salute the endeavor of the person responsible for our next discovery it's the largest gold nugget ever found in the british isles and to find it a treasure hunter had to lay face down in a river wearing a dry suit and a snorkel for several hours manually combing through the riverbed beneath him it can't have been comfortable or pleasant work but this beautiful 22 carat gold lump weighing 120 grams is a more than adequate reward for his efforts in its raw form it was worth a little over a hundred thousand dollars is it as raw as it appears though the nugget shows a telltale sign of being engineered or perhaps attacked in the distant past there's a hole in its middle and experts don't think it got there through any natural process it's more akin to the type of hole that would be made by an ice age farmer using an antler pick the resulting damage was enough to break the nugget clean in half but it can be fitted back together again just as cleanly and snugly as the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle it now belongs to the crown estate although the intrepid river crawler has received a finder's fee for it [Music] around 2000 years ago the northern coast of peru was inhabited by the mochi civilization they created mud brick pyramids and made beautiful jewelry and metal tools displaying a skill with soldering and gilding that wouldn't become common in the rest of the world for several centuries they also made this strange shield out of feathers which defies explanation the archaeologists who found the shield inside a temple at panamarca believe it to be around 1300 years old the moche had no written language but they left behind detailed murals and paintings that have helped historians to understand their customs a little better feather shields don't appear in any of those illustrations which make this discovery something of an enigma the base of the artifact is made from woven basketry with the surface made from two differently colored textiles upon which concentric circles of yellow feathers once existed the shield would have been useless in combat for obvious reasons so it must have had some kind of ritualistic or ceremonial purpose of some kind we wish we knew what it was it appears to have been deliberately buried face down in the foundations of the temple so perhaps it's a symbolic defense of some kind the archive of the national library of australia is enormous and even the people in charge of the facility don't know what's in there that's why they need the assistance of researchers to help them catalog their archives and occasionally those researchers come across something unexpected we saw that happen in december 2020 when a student researcher came across a box of potentially tasty snacks these chocolates are 120 years old and once belonged to the celebrated australian poet andrew barton banjo patterson the cover of the 10 features a picture of queen victoria of great britain and gives us a date and an origin for the chocolates south africa 1900 in a brief message the queen wishes the bearer of the ten a happy new year boxes like this were sent to british troops fighting in the boer war as a way of boosting morale as banjo wasn't british and didn't fight in the war he was probably gifted or traded for the box with someone who was there the chocolates made by british master chocolatier cadbury are still in their original tin foil wrapping and can therefore still theoretically be eaten we're not convinced it'd be a good idea to try all the same subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 141,848
Rating: 4.8484597 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing And Unexpected Recent Finds, unexpected finds, surprising finds, amazing unexpected, most amazing, archaeological finds, recent finds, archaeological discoveries, dinosaur found, 12 most, top 12
Id: fI0ZyxeUSCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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