Subscriber Fishing HACKs ( super useful )

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[Music] foreign subscriber hacks and I think every one of them is awesome but if you don't like them blame my subscribers because it was there like I said they're awesome they're awesome so let's get started on them subscriber hack number one I've got a subscriber and his name is Dwayne pool and I was lucky enough to meet Dwayne this year at catcon 2023 but Dwayne sent me a video and this video was about bait Rags because either on my last hack video or the one before that I showed how you could take these little grommets and make your own bait Rags just like the ones they sell and then you can use a shower curtain hook and hang it on your boat well Dwayne had a better idea and like I said he sent me a video about it my name is Dwayne I Met You in Louisville with my son at the catfish conference when you're catfishing especially us uh the problem that I always had was when you wanted a rag you couldn't find it or when you're traveling down the river the brag blows away and then it's landed in the river and you don't even know it but what I came up with is I went to I think it was either Harbor Freight or Walmart and I bought this little snap ring kit just uh hammer these little rings on your rag then I take the other end and I screwed them onto my seats I got one here and I got one here what I do is I just take my my rag snap it in place and now I got a rag that it's not going to blow away going to be on my seat until I want to take it off and boom there it is I thought I'd share it with you you can share it with your viewers you have a good day sir now you can get these little snaps and they come in pieces and basically you put them together yourself they make the kinds like these for leather and they make some that you can screw into you can get these little punches like this one and like this one and they have a little die to come with it but you can take these punches and this die and you can put these snaps together and all I do is take a snap and put it on an old towel just like Dwayne did then I fastened the other side to this piece of cutting board I got now you can just take your snap and snap it in and it holds it on there see what I'm saying this is actually a pretty good idea you can put it on your boat like Dwayne did or if you're a golfer you can attach these things to your golf cart instead of using those shower curtain hooks you know what I'm saying yeah you know what I'm saying subscriber hack number two I got this heat gun right here from Harbor Freight and it's probably one of the best investments I ever made honestly because I've had this thing for at least five years and I've made countless video hacks with this heat gun I mostly used the heat gun when I'm doing heat shrinking tube I made Dragon weights with heat shrink tube I used that heat gun when I made my green light video you may have seen that one but I actually covered this green light with clear heat shrink tube which was a pretty awesome idea I even used it on my planer boards if you didn't see this video I made these balsa wood planer boards the top is actually made out of bottle wood it's pretty dang tough as you can see because I've been using these things for years and they work really good but I made my own shaft to go on my planer boards and I covered this threaded Rod shaft with heat shrink tube but as much as I like this heat gun and as handy as it's been to me I've kind of been wanting a cordless Heat gun because every time I use it I had to run a drop cord over here and plug it in well I switched over to DeWalt tools and this is not an app for the wall it's just what I've been using so I'd like to have a heat gun that uses DeWalt batteries well I looked up to Walt heat guns and DeWalt heat gun is like a hundred bucks and it don't even come with a battery if you get one with a battery it'd even cost more so I got to looking on Amazon and I found this heat gun this heat gun takes DeWalt batteries but it's not a DeWalt heat gun I'll tell you the truth you can get these things for like 25 bucks off of Amazon that are made to take DeWalt batteries but the thing that made me pull the trigger on this was one of my subscribers and his name is John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith I hope that really ain't his name he said he'd been using the bower brand operating tools and he got a bower cordless heat gun from Harbor Freight and what I thought was so interesting about his comment is because it makes a lot of sense he puts a cordless heat gun in his boat then when you're out there winter fishing and you're freezing to death you know sometimes even though you don't want to you have to take your gloves off to bait your hook take a fish off the hook for some reason but your hands are going to get cold this thing goes up to 550 degrees and you can adjust the fan speed but you can turn this thing on set it there and use it as a portable heater on your boat and that's a pretty freaking cool idea I don't care what nobody says plus when I'm out here doing DIYs now I ain't gonna have to keep running the drop cord that's awesome too but thanks a lot John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith for making me buy a new heat gun my wife appreciates it that's all I'm saying you know even if you are using this thing for DIYs it's cool because it's got its own built-in stand I mean you don't have to hold it and you can cut this thing on and lock the button well you got both hands free you know what I'm saying I'm just saying subscriber hack number three I had a video about glow sticks that I did a couple of years ago and I had another subscriber leave an idea in the comment section and I couldn't find the comment but it was a pretty good idea now he said that you could take glow sticks these are safety light sticks but in reality there ain't nothing but glow sticks and you can get glow sticks at Dollar Tree and Walmart or off Amazon the cheapest that's a little tip for you if you want to buy glow sticks but he said you could take glow sticks and let's say you're using Bait fish and you got them in your live well in your boat or maybe you just got them in a bucket of water and you're bank fishing it don't matter live wells alive well and he said you could put glow sticks in your Livewell and it'll help you see your bait when it's dark which is actually a pretty good night fishing hack I should have thought about this before I made my night fishing hack video Dang It Anyway let's take some of these glow sticks let's throw them in our bucket cut the lights out and we'll see how good we can see in there just using glow sticks [Music] Milwaukee's good State because with that fat bottom on them these things standing up and that's kind of cool anyway let's cut off the lights and let's see if it works why be dead gum if it don't work you can see everything in there that's freaking awesome look at outside the bucket that's pretty cool I like it so when you're not fishing and you're using live bait are you some glow sticks in your live well and you'll be able to see to get it out easier I'm just saying that's pretty freaking cool I really do like the way that these glow sticks are fat on this end and when they float they stand up like this I kind of like that for a live well but one more thing that's cool these things last over 12 hours so you know they're going to last your whole trip and that's cool too hike number four I did the video several years ago and I had one of these anchors on that video you might remember it a lot of people was asking me why I had a loop at the bottom of my anchor I'm going to give you a demonstration of how it works so I got my anchor hung on my weld table and stuck on there real good I'm gonna pull on the anchor rope Until It Breaks and I'm going to show you how this part brake can get this part loose let's see that again let's see it again in slow motion let's see it in reverse [Music] now let's see a bunny let's see it again with the bunny foreign I showed that anchor on a video is because this was the cheapest anchor on the market and I've made about four anchor DIYs one of them was even an anchor that you don't have to weld and actually turned out pretty cool well since covered the price of anchors have went up probably twenty dollars but the thing is the prices went up on everybody's anchors so the never loss anchors are still pretty much the cheapest ones on the market I got to talking with the owner of this company and I showed him the video where I made the anchor that comes apart and the reason it's nice to have an anchor that comes apart is because if you've got a small anchor Locker or a small storage box in your boat if you can take it apart it'll fit in it easier well after me and him talking he came up with this design and it's pretty freaking awesome and as of right now as far as I know there's only three of these anchors in existence and I have two of them you can tell I've been using this one right here as you can see you can pick it up by the chain and it works like a regular old anchor but if you get stuck and you break this tie strap right here then the chain goes to the bottom like any other anchor and it pulls itself loose now you could put a pin in this and hold it together but I kind of like the fact that it can come apart because if you break its anchor and make it come apart you still can't lose any of your pieces because the chain holds it all together but if you're looking for something like this I'll leave a link in my description box tell him that you want one of these because he don't even have these on the market yet they're brand new but I gotta say I really like this thing and I know I know somebody's gonna say this ain't a fishing hack but this kind of is a fishing hack because this is something that me and the owner of never lost anchors come up with together subscriber Hat number five these LED lights in my shop when you buy these type LED lights they always come with one of these little kits and in the kit you'll have some screws wall anchors stuff like that but they also come with a chain and you could take these chains if you don't use them for your last and you can link them together that'd be a way to get you some free chain that's all I'm saying I can't remember which subscriber told me about this but it was a subscriber's idea whoever's idea this was leave it in the comment section so I can give you credit for it anyway let's get started you can get this thin chain pretty cheap probably about three dollars for this but if you go to most Hardware they'll sell it to you by the foot and it'll be even cheaper but you can take some of this chain and you can get these cheap shower curtain hooks these are the cheapest ones that they make and normally you can find these for under a dollar a lot of guys use these on the golf towels well you take your chain the length that you want it and then you take your shower curtain hooks and you put these two things together and you got yourself a fishing Stringer that right there is a pretty good idea and this right here will work great I mean it's a lot like a fishing stranger that you would buy now this is a fishing stranger that you would buy and this is the Stringer that we made you may notice they got the same exact kind of chain on but I actually like opening and closing these much better than I like opening and closing these and it only took me a couple of seconds to throw this thing together but if I was doing this to be cost effective it's not going to be cost effective because these stringers aren't that high you already got some chain so you're not paying for your chain and like I said these shower curtain hooks are usually less than a dollar now if you catch big fish like I do then you're probably going to eat something a little bit more heavy duty that's all I'm saying well there you have it no subscriber hacks were pretty dang awesome and I really do appreciate you guys sharing them in the comment section and by email which you can find in my box section on my channel page so that I can show share them with everybody else you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I'm just saying and if you like this video then go check out this video because you'll probably like it too or hey just go check out one of my videos I got a bunch of them and they're all awesome because this video is over know what I'm saying over [Music]
Channel: Fishin N Stuff
Views: 134,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VSl3yLGKxbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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