12 Facts That'll Change Your Perception of Time Forever

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[Music] check it out 12 facts that will change your perception of time forever many things seem to have existed forever and certain well-known people are associated with a specific period of time but have you ever really sat down and considered the relationship between different events in correlation with each other you'd be surprised at how your perception of time really fools you by the way we've hidden three tiny light bulbs in this video can you find them all if you're the first one to find them and write the time they appear in the comments you'll get a mention from us in one of our next videos good luck and let's begin counting down from number 12 when the first Star Wars was released the guillotine was still being used in France whoa unbelievable well let's break it down together the first Star Wars movie was released on May 25th 1977 the last execution by guillotine was carried out in Marseilles France on September 10th 1977 and this exact one was actually the last death penalty issued in Western Europe after that France officially abolished the use of the guillotine along with a death penalty in 1981 so from now on are you going to associate the guillotine only with school textbook pictures of the 18th century French Revolution hey let's all keep our heads shall we number 11 people born at the same moment can celebrate their birthdays on different days can you guess why this is possible if you said time zones then you'd be correct they can be pretty tricky and confusing sometimes for example it's still morning in the US but already the next day in Australia anyone who has flown westward over long distances especially gets what we're saying you're travelling for hours and hours but according to local time you arrive to your destination earlier than when you left oh it's so confusing another interesting fact about time zones has to do with Islands time zones they're often have weird shapes so that certain territories lie in one and the same time zone and here's another example of an island split right in half the tiny island of Market I ain't kiddin when I say tiny this thing is 984 feet by 262 feet at its furthest points the island belongs to two countries Sweden and Finland the Finnish side keeps to finish time and the Swedish to its own time well how convenient would that be a couple minute walk and voila one additional hour to compensate for the fact that you overslept this morning number 10 Martin Luther King jr. and Frank and Christopher Plummer were all born in the same year I just kind of bend your mind there doesn't it doesn't it feel like Martin Luther King jr. and Anne Frank were from completely different time periods and of course they couldn't have been alive at the same time as any of today's Hollywood actors right well the facts speak for themselves the famous American preacher in 1960 civil rights leader was born in the same year as the brave little Jewish teenager who journaled her horrendous experience in hiding during Hitler's Nazi regime in the 1940s Holocaust that came with it they were both born in 1929 along with the award-winning Canadian actor Christopher Plummer hmm now I just want to sing Edelweiss don't you number 9 cleopatra live closer to the founding of mcdonalds than to the building of the great pyramids Wow can't you see it for a limited time at McDonalds the big Cleo you know everyone thinks of Cleopatra and the Egyptian pyramids as symbols of the same time period again not true by the time Cleopatra was born in 69 BC the Great Pyramid of Giza had already been around for two thousand four hundred seventy-one years but what will really blow your mind is the fact that there's less time between the birth of Cleopatra and the opening of the first McDonald's restaurant just 2024 years and do you want fries with that number eight some of the whales that live when Moby Dick was written are still alive today forget this Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick in 1851 in his book the author described a gigantic white whale infamous for its huge size and destruction it caused two ships and while such whales have a lifespan of about 50 to 60 years the bowhead whale can live for as long as 200 years and more so some of the whales that were swimming in the depths of the ocean at the time of Moby Dick could still be hanging around today and remember all's well that ends well number 7 a plane from New Zealand travelled in time yes we've finally done it time-travel sci-fi fans of the world unite no K maybe I'm exaggerating just a little bit what happened was a Hawaiian plane took off from Auckland at 12:05 a.m. on January 1st 2018 the passengers on the plane were happy to celebrate a new year a second time because the plane landed in Honolulu at 10:16 a.m. local time on December 31st 2017 I mean technically it is time travel right number six the grandchildren of US President John Tyler who was born in the 18th century are still alive hard to believe but it's completely true John Tyler was born in 1790 that's over 200 years ago yet two of his grandchildren Leon Gardner Tyler jr. and harrison raff and Tyler are still alive yes grandchildren not great grandchildren or great great grandchildren the thing is at the age of 63 John Tyler had a son lion Gardner Tyler who himself became a father to lion Gardner Tyler jr. at the age of 71 now granted this isn't really a normal occurrence it was just made possible by the fact that the men in this family are very well you know active even into old age number five Warner Brothers Studios appeared when the Ottoman Empire still existed in 1903 the Warner Brothers opened their first movie theater called the cascade their parents were originally from the Russian Empire and out of 12 children in the family it was actually just Harry Albert Sam and Jack that started the famous company by the time the first world war broke out in 1914 they had already been producing movies by the year 1918 they had opened Warner Brothers Studio as for the Ottoman Empire it appeared in 1299 it was one of the greatest empires on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and in its golden years it stretched from the Caucasus in the north to Egypt in the south and from the Persian Gulf in the East to Hungary in the West the Empire had existed until 1923 when the Turkish Republic was formed number four throughout the life of queen elizabeth ii there have been 16 different US presidents elizabeth ii was born in 1926 when Calvin Coolidge was president of the US since then there have been 15 successors I wonder how much more she'll live through number three Tiffany and company jewelry company is older than Italy the Italy we know today aka the Italian Republic was established in 1861 and Charles Lewis Tiffany and John young opened their first store on Broadway in 1837 but you probably wouldn't have recognized the company in its early years at first the store specialized in stationery and fancy goods and went by the name Tiffany young and Alice it wasn't until 1853 did the founders change the name to Tiffany & Company and started emphasizing jewelry now here's another little historical tidbit have you ever wondered why the company chose that particular shade of blue to be its brand color Empress Eugenie de Matteo the wife of Napoleon the third inspired Charles Tiffany the Empress was a fashion icon in the 19th century and after the businessman had seen her portrait in a beautiful blue gown he immediately knew that the color would be extremely popular so he made this the color of Tiffany's brand [Music] number two if you could fit the entire history of earth into one year humans would appear at 11:35 p.m. on December 31st let's imagine the Earth's 4.5 four billion year history is squished into one calendar year if you crunch the numbers you'll see that one second would equal 144 years are you ready to begin our journey through time let's do it in January in February you're better off staying inside constant harsh winds and rains can destroy even massive mountains in a second at the end of February however single celled life is making its appearance near underwater thermal vents and in coastal waters in June 60% of the Earth's surface is still underwater multi-celled organisms start popping up around July 17th but there's still prestigious creatures living in the oceans of the world no offense mr. krabs in October you can witness the Continental Divide but there still aren't many plants early November brings the first springs of plant life and starting on the 18th there's an explosion of complex life in just a few days the oceans become crowded with fish creatures dub amphibians climb out of the water to spend some time on shore December starts out with flying insects that help spread plant life across the land dinosaurs show up on the 13th but their time on earth is short lived an enormous asteroid smashes into the Yucatan and the force of the collision releases a heat pulse that spreads fire all around the planet this fire roasts are giant reptilian friends so the dinosaurs become extinct by the 26th of the same month a the next day earth completely recovers spreading grass throughout the land on the 27th this herbal food source gives rise to mammals and primates on the 28th and finally the first humans start walking around on the 31st of December at 11:35 p.m. and there you go amazing stuff right number one we are now closer to 2033 than the year 2000 when you hear 10 years ago you still think of the 90s not the 2000s don't you isn't it crazy how so many people are guilty of this well here's a friendly reminder it's been 18 years since the Year 2028 since 1990 but we have just 15 years until the year 2033 so where the heck are those flying cars and teleportation devices we're all promised I'm still waiting hey which of these facts has opened your eyes to the true character of time let us know in the comments and did you manage to find all the lightbulbs hey that was easy right then share this video with your friends and remember to give us a lot all we stay on the bright side of life
Views: 4,280,000
Rating: 4.5136747 out of 5
Keywords: facts about human body, amazing facts, shocking facts, facts you never knew, brain power, facts of life, scientific facts, interesting facts, things you’ve never seen, unusual things, facts about planet, facts about earth, facts about people, historical facts, facts about egyptians, first Star Wars, guillotine, Martin Luther King Jr, Anne Frank, Christopher Plummer, Cleopatra, John Tyler, Warner Bros. Studios, Queen Elizabeth II, bright side, brightside, titanic
Id: CDso1ph6004
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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