13 Mysterious Details on Everyday Objects Explained

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[Music] all right grab some popcorn for this 113 mysterious details on everyday objects explained you know we're so used to seeing certain everyday objects that we become completely oblivious to the details yet some of the most ingenious ideas are often hidden right in plain sight you'll definitely be surprised by these 13 nuances on the most commonplace objects out there you ready at Ram's mysterious zig zags now if you look closely at a trams overhead lines you'll see that its contact wires zigzag back and forth instead of going in a straight line to start with all trams have an arm like structure called a pantograph attached to the roofs the upper part of the pantograph is gradually worn down by the overhead wire and eventually it needs to be replaced to wear it down evenly the wire isn't installed strictly along the tram straight path but in a zigzag instead as the tram moves the pantograph slides along the wire and it wears down evenly how practical is that who killed the king mmm not me no sir uh-uh in a standard 52 deck of cards the King of Hearts looks kind of strange sure he's the only king without a mustache but what's even weirder is that he's the only king who appears to be sticking his sword straight into his head oh there are actually several theories on this the first theory suggests that originally the King of Hearts wielded an axe in his left hand but due to centuries of card makers copying the image badly the Kings axe disappeared and started to look more like a sword another theory claims that the King of Hearts represents the emotionally unbalanced French King Charles the seventh according to popular theory the King went crazy and put a sword through his head from fear of being poisoned either way we'll get you some historians also argue that the king of hearts represents Ajax the great while the Queen of Hearts is Helen of Troy the most beautiful woman in the world Ajax was one of Helens admirers but when she refused him he chose to commit suicide by stabbing himself with his own sword ah come on get over it the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom if you've ever seen British coins you might have thought nothing of them well the one two five 10 20 and 50 pence pieces actually depicts sections of the Royal coat of arms when laid out together they formed the whole shield and the one pound coin depicts the entire shield on its backside pretty cool huh it's like a monetary mosaic Hey think about a tattoo like that for your backside you'd be sitting on a fortune well maybe not a fortune the open jar symbol on Cosmetics packaging ladies have you ever searched high and low for an expiration date on your makeup all to no avail in the future just look for this little open jar icon it's called the PA o period after opening and it tells you how long you can safely use the product after opening it the jar is usually accompanied by a number with the letter M which stands for months and it can be seen on almost all cosmetics products just make sure you remember exactly when you open the package so you'll know when 3 6 9 or however many months indicated have passed really makeup goes bad after 3 months or maybe they just want you to buy some more you think the Statue of Liberty's crown I'm sure you're familiar with Lady Liberty whether you've seen her in person or in a picture but have you ever noticed how many spikes are in her crown and do you know what they represent well there are seven of them and they represent the seven seas and seven continents of the world showing that freedom and liberty are universal concepts that should be shared across the world and that crown of hers is a pretty heavy weight to bear each spike weighs 150 pounds the crown also has 25 windows showing a great view I know I've been up there myself now here's another cool fact she was originally the color of pennies because she's made entirely of the same material copper over time the copper oxidized and she turned that bluish green patina color that we know her today can you imagine a reddish-brown colored Statue of Liberty weird blank pages and books now you've probably noticed that many books have a few blank pages at the beginning and/or end but you know why book pages are often printed on large sheets of paper rather than on small individual ones and if there isn't enough content to fill these sheets there will be blank pages publishers often print the word notes or leave some other sign on them so readers don't think it's a printing mistake colorful toothpaste have you ever wondered why classic toothpaste is striped red white and blue it's because it's French right now it turns out that each stripe has different ingredients and purposes fluoride the white part is the most important ingredient in toothpaste it helps whiten your teeth and remove plaque the blue or green gel has antimicrobial and breath freshening effects the red part was added later it contains crucial elements for healthy gums in fact keeping the colors and separate stripes isn't really necessary it's just a clever marketing strategy bidder Nintendo switched cartridges so is your first thought when playing video game consoles to eat the cartridges well apparently that's what the manufacturers of the cartridges for the nindo switch thought when they decided to coat them with a bitter tasting non-toxic solution all jokes aside it was actually a pretty smart move in case kids tried to put the tiny cartridges in their mouth and possibly choke now who would do that yeah my kids the bitter taste is meant to make children spit out the cartridge in disgust numbers on Heinz packets [Music] you've probably never noticed the little numbers in the upper right corner of Heinz packets since if you're like me you rip them open as soon as you get your fries you probably didn't even notice that the same product can have different numbers well the online community demanded to know what they mean because they have too much time on their hands so Heinz replied on their official Twitter page yes they have one apparently these numbers indicate the launch codes for a first strike nuclear attack no not really it's just which filling line the packet was filled on yeah that's all nothing too exciting the hole in the cap of a ballpoint pen most people assume that the tiny hole on the tip of a pen cap is there to even out the pressure so that the pen doesn't leak good gas but the real reason is much more serious if a person accidentally swallows the cap and chokes on it their airway won't be completely obstructed there will still be a small opening for air to get through have you noticed a lot of things where people are sticking the wrong things in their mouths just saying only put food in their pen caps are not desert little bumps on the F and J on your keyboard this is done for those experienced typists that can do their work without even looking at the keyboard the F and J are the so-called home keys or your index fingers arrests and the bumps are there to help find this position indentations on the bottle of wine and champagne bottles lots of people think that this is done so it's easier for the wine steward to grip the bottle when pouring drinks well they might help out in this case that's not why they exist it's because the bottom and sides of a bottle are weaker and can crack when the bottle is being corked the indentation in the bottom serves to compensate for the pressure that accumulates during the process and that's exactly why champagne bottle indentations are much deeper since they have more pressure due to the carbonation tiny holes in airplane windows have you ever noticed the tiny hole in an airplane window and wondered why it was there actually these holes have two purposes first they help balance out the air pressure when a plane ascends the pressure inside and outside the cabin differs dramatically thanks to these little holes the outer windows don't have to bear all the pressure secondly without these holes the window would completely fog up and block your view well that's actually kind of cool isn't it so what fact amazed you the most do you know any other little nuances on everyday objects share your thoughts in the comments section send this video to your friends and remember to press the like button have you already subscribed to our channel no then do it right away because we've got so many more cool videos on the bright side you
Views: 1,913,587
Rating: 4.7957735 out of 5
Keywords: interesting facts, things you’ve never seen, unusual things, amazing things, amazing facts, mysterious details, meaningful details, plane windows, wine bottle, keyboard secrets, king of hearts, UK royal coat of arms, cosmetics, ketchup, expiration date, Statue of Liberty, symbols, books, toothpaste, Nintendo
Id: Wo8gUjPy-lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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