12 days Plan To Learn Python For Data Analyst And Data Science

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hello all my name is krishnak and welcome to my youtube channel so guys today in this particular video we are going to discuss a 12 days plan to learn python for data analyst and data science now remember guys usually people take a lot of time for learning because they don't have appropriate content with them they don't have a proper plan structure in their mind or they don't have a proper structure and they also don't know like what exactly to learn so in this particular video and this was also requested by one of my subscribers saying that krish i have just completed my college and i really want to learn data science and i'm actually free for one or two months just tell me quickly that how i can learn data science and for that initially you really need to know python programming language so here i've actually created your efficient 12 days plan with all the content and the materials for you all so that you can actually refer it and actually learn it so let's go ahead and try to discuss the 12 days plan to learn python for data analyst and data science now the first step is you really need to remember few points that is if you are planning for this 12 days plan you know please make sure that you devote three to four product three to four productive hours daily okay and this is very much important guys it's not like you just have to devote only one or two hours three to four productive hours and it may not be continuous like you can get up early in the morning like 6 a.m and finish it till 8 a.m and then in the evening probably 6 to 8 that is also a very good plan and that is how i also initially started modern time is very much important so in the morning time what i used to do is that i used to study a lot you know and in the evening time i used to practice a lot so in this particular way you need to divide your time slots then be energetic while learning so that is the reason why i have set up the morning time like from 6 a.m to 8 a.m that time your mind will be fresh okay keep your mind free this is very much important guys you should not be thinking about ten different things while you're learning because that will not be counted as a productive hours right and then you need to really come up with two hours of studying plus two hours of practice you know practice is also required so i told you from morning 6 a.m to 8 a.m study and from uh evenings 2 a.m uh sorry 6 a.m 6 p.m to 8 p.m practice more and more okay practice more and more when you're studying that time also you can practice when i say practice you're taking a new problem statement you're practicing by with the help of python itself now uh here i've actually divided into part four different parts so this is the part one part one is basically start with jupiter notebook learn the basic syntax and when you're learning this i have noted down some of the topics that you really need to learn like basic arithmetic operations control and conditional structures loopings for while loops if condition if else conditions you know user input how to give a user input then you have strings you have integers floating values typecasting so these are the common things that you really need to learn when you're starting with python and here you really need to devote only to two days when i say two days that basically means two hours two hours always remember like that if you are changing your timing pattern at least then the number of days may increase and this is important just go in the same structure in the same structure also i have created all my videos i'll also show you that python playlist at the last so in the same way you can actually go ahead and again remember guys please follow that two plus two four productive three to four hours productive some people can just go with three because they may be from uh programming background they will be able to quickly cover it then uh this entire plan why i'm saying it for fourth specifically for non-programming people you know if you are able to devote that much you'll be able to learn it now this is basically the part one here you just have to devote two days okay and then coming to the next part here this particular part i have given is that three days here you really need to focus on inbuilt data structures now in python you have lot of inbuilt data structures like list you have you have list strings boolean variables you have python sets dictionaries tuples functions in python so till tuples i think tuples additionally set list these are some of the important data structures which you will be commonly using as we go ahead as you come up with new new libraries there also you really need to learn with new data structures like data frames like series like arrays and all also will be there then apart from this you also have to need to learn about functions in python so you really need to learn functions in python you need to learn lambda functions you need to learn iterators and generators you need to learn exceptional handling and import libraries guys i'm telling you don't over complicate yourself just go on following this particular uh whatever topics i've actually written and learn in that particular way that would be more than sufficient to get started as a data analyst and data scientist i think if you learn this much you'll really be very good at data analyst part with respect to data scientist you really need to learn some more libraries which i'm actually going to show you okay so this is with respect to part two here you have to devote only three days okay now coming to the part three this is the most important till here i've actually told you to practice in jupiter notebook so this jupyter notebook i've told you to practice now as you go with respect to part three start working in ids which is your favorite id it may be pycharm it may be spider but my favorite idea right now is vs code so start working with vs code id there you need to learn how to create classes objects methods inheritance polymorphism data abstraction encapsulation why i have given four days understand guys because you really need to practice a lot that is the reason why i've given four days and if you practice all these particular concepts properly trust me when you're implementing an end-to-end project with respect to data science it will become very very much easy and all this kind of implementation i'm actually given in my playlist also so you don't have to worry about that okay so part three is all about oops and here please try to devote around three to four days uh which will actually help you to be better on all these particular concepts okay you really need to know this guys because at the end of the day you will create an end to end data science projects okay and that time you will require it now coming to the part four so this was the part three part two part one i've already discussed now the part four is that you really need to learn all these libraries which i have written over here to learn the advanced data structures which are most basically used for any kind of analysis that you do in uh python in data science itself so you have numpy numpy basically means you are just playing with arrays you have pandas you have matplotlib you have c bond you have skype and then you focus on performing eda eda basically means explorative data analysis you know the upcoming steps are called as feature engineering feature selection but eda really needs to be very very strong and for those kind of videos everything i'll be adding it in my python playlist so that you can follow in that specific way so i'll talk about numpy numpy are very much important because here you'll be able to play with arrays pandas obviously it's an amazing thing amazing library you should like help you to read different different kind of data sets like excel csv uh json format table format it can be any kind of format and you can do a lot of analysis over here then you have matplotlib for visualization purpose c bond skype see matplotlib and c bond will be more than sufficient for doing most of the visualization things i have not in built in in depth written all the libraries that are required but the most important libraries that will help that can help you get started with data science then skype is also there and then focus on performing eda eda you really need to perform you need to go and take up complex data and you should start visualizing it analyzing it and taking out more and more observations from that that is the most important so this is the final part with respect to learning this now this will definitely get you started with python guys the part towards specialization this i've actually kept it as my separate part uh probably this is not that compulsory initially this you can learn after you learn machine learning or deep learning so here is basically the frameworks for web developments here you can spend two days either for flask and xango i'll suggest see go with flask only xango will take definitely some amount of time it will probably take five days but to get started with flask it will be more than sufficient for two days here you can create amazing web development amazing apis and i have also created an entire playlist on flask on that right you can definitely have a look on to that so this is the framework where you really need to spend two days specifically for flask okay so coming to the next one that is playlist for follow from my channel one is complete python playlist and flask this to playlist has all the videos whatever i've actually discussed in this and probably guys if i'm telling you right if you follow that morning to evening pattern you have all the materials in front of you you have all the practice materials in front of you just follow this you will be able to learn it quickly okay the final points to remember guys focus on your end goal okay if you are focused if you if you're focused trust me in this 12 days instead of 12 days you'll be able to complete in nine days keep some time frame in your mind don't procrastinate this time frame you know okay today i'll not study okay let's let's postpone it for another two days no okay learn every day continuous learning is required and at the end of the day do not hesitate to search in google google is your friend guys any queries just go to him okay now i'll just go you this these are the final points to remember now in my next step i'll show you all the playlists that you should definitely refer and this will definitely help you to complete your python within 12 days okay so this is the plan that i have created for you so yes let's go through the playlist guys here is the entire python playlist so here you can see all the points that whatever i've actually written in the ppt i've actually kept up all the topics like that uh along with your eda exploratory data analysis and some amount of feature engineering so definitely if you are able to do this i think within 12 days all the materials are here i've also given a lot of practice materials over here and once you are very comfortable with this you can also go ahead and learn flask this will probably take another two days for you to learn right so you can definitely refer all these particular materials guys again remember why people take more time because they may not have a proper plant structure in your mind uh in their mind they don't have a proper plant structure to what to learn how to learn from where do should they take the materials and all i've created all these things please make sure that you utilize this and complete your learning as soon as possible okay so i hope you like this and remember guys once you learn practicing is the most important thing you really need to practice more and more right and by that way you'll become more and more perfect so this is it from my side guys i hope you like this particular video please do make sure that you subscribe the channel i'll see you in the next video have a great day thank you bye
Channel: Krish Naik
Views: 66,996
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Id: 7DSpYPja9qM
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Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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