Online Courses for Data Science Specialization

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hello all my name is Krishna Khan welcome to my youtube channel in this particular video we are going to see which are the best online courses for data signs that are available in market now note that this particular video is not sponsored by any of the online Institute's so whatever I am actually explaining regarding the best online courses is based on reviews based on the content that they have put you know based on the syllabus content that they have and apart from that based on some of the free videos that they have basically provided on that particular platforms of this now it is not like you after I specify all the best online courses you should just go and buy it you know first of all review by yourself try to see what are the course content present over there and then you take a better decision for yourself okay now to begin with the main thing is that I have received a lot of questions from many people regarding freshers right freshers are not getting any calls with respect to data science and yes I feel that is true you you initially you will not be getting calls with respect to data science I don't want to just demotivate you but understand that companies are many companies are starting a ai ai machine learning deep learning departments in there and then they are preferring at least people for some numbers of years of experience like two to three years of experience the reason is that they don't want to spend money with respect to training on data science for the freshers and one more thing guys if you are getting opportunity to work with any companies regarding any profile with respect to IT let it be a Java developer dotnet developer Oracle developer pl/sql developer anything if you are a fresher please go ahead and take that particular job there will be chances where you can actually do internal movements within the company to go into data science domain considering that you have that specific skills so you need to have that specific skills add that skills into your you know experience by learning things and if you're not getting opportunities that is fine but just try to implement in the current domain in whichever domain you are basically working in your company and try to move that particular work experience by lamenting some data science project and then showcasing to your higher management if the higher management sees that caliber in you they'll definitely move your domain they'll try to switch you towards the data science domain within the company itself because if they will be hiring from the outside definitely that resources will be pretty much costly when compared to yours since you are working in that particular company for a current a longer time now some of my friends has done this internal movement they were initially Java developer they have done the movements from Java to big data or data science domain itself in the company so the main thing is that now you may be considering that which will be the better opportunities for freshers so I would like to specify now though all the best line courses for data science and which course if you specifically take will be good for you now this selection process that I have done for the best online courses will be based on three conditions okay first of all will understand what is the course then we'll try to find out whether it is affiliated with any of the college's premium colleges which I mean and whether thus they provide certification which will be basically very very important for you because certifications plays a major role if you are a fresher in data science domain as I said that companies will not spend much money initially to train yourself so you need to have some kind of experience the experience that you can gain is basically from the certification okay so let me just specify all the best online courses of data science first I would like to prefer Coursera now in Coursera you basically have a course called as applied data science with Python specializations certificate from University of Michigan okay so this particular certification I mean this particular curves from the Coursera is a very good course because I have seen the content what are the different contents that are basically present and it basically covers you know data science with respect to Python okay for our programming language I will definitely come in a while okay for our programming language also I have selected a course from Coursera itself which is pretty much famous the few reviews are way good and the feedback is very very good okay now when you take this particular course once you complete it you will be getting Coursera certification and Coursera certification is worldwide accepted in many companies because they know that Coursera the people who will be basically teaching they are basically PhD guys you know so that basically means that you'll be achieved you'll be getting a lot of knowledge from that particular course itself and definitely it'll just be like if you even you're a freshman you'll be at least just like 1 or 1.5 years of experienced because you have done this particular course along with the certification but guys if you have the certification make sure you know the concepts well otherwise you may get interview calls with respect to that particular certification if you don't perform well in that particular interviews definitely will be rejected okay so based on just certification you'll they'll not hire you for interview screening basically your resume and getting selected this certification may be helpful okay the second courses with respect to our programming language now this is called as data science specialization from John Hopkins University now this is also one of the very popular course in Coursera and a lot of reviews and feedbacks have seen in that particular in for this particular course itself and the feedbacks is awesome and this is with respect to our programming language so any people who are interested with our programming language and they need to understand data science I think you should go ahead with this particular course again the certification is worldwide accepted okay now after that I would also like to select one more you know course that is basically provided as a micro masters it says that the course name is basically statistics and data science micro mark masters from MIT and this is actually sold in the online platform called as EDX okay so when when you have this particular course is also very very good based on the content and the syllabus that I have seen and this course is basically provided by MIT now you know MIT is one of the most premium institutes in the whole world in US and the fees for this particular course is somewhere around the 1 lakh inr that is indian rupees or if i just convert that into dollars it will be approximately somewhere around $1,500 and this particular course is for 11 months and I think within 11 months you'll be able to get the certification and that also depends like how fast you are basically completing the content in short now about the Coursera right I'll just specify some good things about Coursera is that they also provide you financial aid now Coursera certification works in such a way that they'll ask the payment will basically be in the monthly manner so it is it is dependent on you whether you are able to complete it in two months or three months so every month there will be a fixed amount that will be deducted from a credit card and if you require any financial aid please they provide they do provide financial aid for students and many other people who have financial problems but you have to go through a formality and to check that particular formality I've given the link in the dock you can basically go over there and check it out now the fourth you know online platform that I would consider is basically udemy I take on udemy as you know not all the courses regarding data science are very very good but some of the courses in that specifically good I have also seen some of the courses over there and the explanation wise I'll not say that it is completely in depth but yes to start to begin coding as a data scientist you can basically use that particular courses itself so from udemy have selected two courses one is from Jose patella and the course name is Python for data science and machine learning bootcamp so Jose Padilla is basically the author was basically given this particular course the course is awesome I have seen that course personally the content is given in such a wonderful way the explanation is also done very nicely and this is with respect to Python only the second course that I'd like to specify and again this is more another most popular course which is called as machine learning A to Z hands-on Python and R in data science and that is basic and this is provided by Carol Eremenko and head label okay so this particular course is also very very much famous and yes the content is good the best part is that you have both Python and our programming language in this particular course so again the link is basically given in this particular word doc you can basically have a look now there's all courses over here you can see that you will be getting certification with respect to that online platform suppose if you are doing that course from udemy so will give you'll get a certification from your domain whereas in Coursera you'll get the certification from Coursera affiliated by that specific universities like when I'm saying applied data science with Python so you'll be getting a certification of Coursera affiliated with the University of Michigan okay similarly the data science specialization from John Hopkins University now as you know that co sera from all these courses Coursera certification is most worldwide accepted udemy can be handy because it will actually specify you that yes you have knowledge about that particular subject and again when you are considering all this particular certification I'd also like to specify some certification in India specifically where they provide you post graduate diploma okay now this certification I basically selected three important online institution one is upgrade now upgrade is basically they are they have collaborated with triple IT Bangalore a triple IT Bangalore is one of the most premium institute in Bangalore in India itself with respect to masters your PhD so all this kind of courses they usually provide but when they have collaborated this with triple IT Bangalore they do provide post graduate diploma apart from that they provide masters of science that is ms now this PGD is basically collaborated with triple IT Bangalore apart from that if you want masters that is basically collaborated with some foreign universities so this upgrade they provide you know lot of courses with respect to data science with respect to blockchain and many more now the best thing about upgrade is that if you get a certification that is affiliated to triple IT Bangalore now triple IT bangles as it is one of the premier institutes you will be able to you know easily get calls if you try to put that in your certification and again they help you in your resume preparation they help you for your interview preparations and all now apart from that there's some things I think many people will be worried about in upgrade the coast fee is very very high and again it is 11 months course quite big course itself 11 months course and the cost of the fees as I said you is very high over there again it depends on your financial status now the second the online Institute that I have seen is something called as great learning now in great learning also you get post graduate diploma certification again that is probably somewhere on six to eight months of course with respect to data science and again they also help you in the resume preparation and interview preparation the third online course which is my favorite and I'll tell you why it is my favorite because the course content is awesome first of all let me name the course name the course name is applied AI course one of the best course that I have ever seen in my life because the course content is so awesome because in every videos that I explain you about right you need to know the maths and starts with respect to each and every algorithm right so that if you just go and see the course content about that it has included maths it is it has included statistics linear algebra all the specific things apart from that you know it has it has covered machine learning it has covered deep learning it has covered computer vision and it has also some of the most wonderful capstone projects now when I say capstone projects I'll just name out some of the capstone projects like Netflix recommendation you have Facebook recommendation system you have basically self-driving cars you have you know something related to malware virus detection some of the coop if you go and just click this link and see which is basically given in the applied of applied AAA course there are lot of you know wonderful capstone projects with through which you'll be getting a huge amount of knowledge now when I say self-driving cars just understand in this particular project you will be be able to get you'll be able to learn computer vision you'll be able to learn deep learning and when you are integrating them what a wonderful application gets basically created okay apart from that I also saw one of the most good project is that music generation and that is with the help of deep learning and many more you know our capstone projects are there now the best part of applied AI course the feasts is just 25k you know the feast is 25k and within this fees they also provide you placement assistant you know so the placement assistant is basically provide assistance is basically provided to you and this course valid it is for eleven to twelve months now if you are able to complete the course within eleven to twelve months and they will definitely help you for the placement assistance they'll help you prepare a resume interview preparation all the things okay and suppose if you are not able to get the job within that 11 to 12 months they return back your money okay they return back your money it is basically placement guarantee program what they have actually specified in their website itself so applied AI course and one more thing is that you have a lot of YouTube videos freely available with respect to apply their course you can go and see that particular videos again the link will basically be given in this particular word doc if you go and see the explanation is awesome the main thing let me just introduce that the instructor the instructor name is Shrikant and he has basically cleared his master's from IAC Bangalore so this is one of the best college in India he has worked with Amazon and he has a very good number of years of experience and if I talk into terms of teaching I think he's one of the finest lecturers who has basically taught machine learning deep learning data science the main thing is that it tries to collaborate everything let it be machine learning deep learning let it be in the math statistics behind it wonderful content if you go and see is youtube free videos so from all this particular course and again as I said you that the course fee is just 25k and you are getting the money back guarantee so based on my suggestion like if I want to select one of these courses I will go out with applied AI course and yes apart from that this applied AI Coast has really impressed me because the course content is awesome and only one problem I felt is that the validity of the course right 11 months or 12 months I would like this particular course for the lifetime but again it depends on those companies how they work and all so this is all about this particular video short and sweet I have explained you about of all the best online courses over here and now it is up to you go and research on that particular colleges and Institute's sorry do go and go and research on that particular Institute's try to find out more and more information and then only if you are planning to join then join not on my words because every course every institution has done a wonderful job in providing their course so I'll see y'all in the next video I hope you like this particular video please do subscribe the channel if you have not already subscribed I'll see y'all in the next really have a great day thank you one and all you
Channel: Krish Naik
Views: 268,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Applied AI, Data Science, MAchine LEarning, Deep LEarning
Id: _XbttSk3ALs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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