12 Creatures You Wouldnt Believe Are Actually Toxic

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twelve creatures you won't believe are actually toxic number twelve the spanish fly the Spanish flies technically not even a fly but rather it's a bright green blister bill that's known for secreting a terpenoid known as cantharidin this is what allows the beetle to have a bitter taste and smell it also acts as an irritant when it comes into contact with the eyes and skin of hungry predators not only is CEM thyroid and found in their skin but also coats their eggs just a few drop of this effective poison is enough to kill a full-grown adult number 11 the cone snail the cone snail comes equipped with a harpoon that's a modification of its radula the organ found in mollusks that functions as both the tongue and the teeth the harpoon is hollow and barbed and is connected to the end of the rajala located inside the snails throat when the snail senses its next meal close by it shifts its proboscis which is known as its mouth towards the prey and fires its harpoon the harpoon is laced with venom and is fired using a strong muscular contraction its venom almost immediately paralyzes its prey and it reels back its radula with the prey and begins to chew their bite is described as being something similar to that of a bees and the larger species are the cause of at least 30 known cases of human fatalities number 10 the monarch butterfly monarch butterflies lay their eggs solely on milkweed plants which emit a toxic SAP once the eggs hatch the baby caterpillars eat the leaves of the milkweed plant and ingest the plants toxin this toxicity is carried into adulthood and the toxin spreads throughout the body and into the wings however the most deadly dosage is stored in its abdomen this defense mechanism was developed for the sake of birds who try to eat them so whether they snip off a piece of their wing or gobble them in one bite they can at least retaliate it usually only takes one bite for the bird to fly away because of the odd flavor of the Monarchs toxin even then the poison can have side effects that lasts for several hours number nine the little Shrike thrush the Shrike thrush might look harmless as it sits on a tree branch and sings its songs our scouts for food but this little bird definitely isn't one you should take lightly or at least eat this species of bird happens to be one of only three known poisonous bird species it becomes impregnated with the poison that it ingests from the insects that make up the majority of its diet its poison is so toxic that it's even known to be just as toxic as the one the poison dart frog secretes always be cautious of cute looking creatures because you never know number eight the hooded patokwa the hornet patokwa of New Guinea is quite appealing to the eye with its contrast of black and orange coloring not only that but its melodies are just as wonderful sadly that's where all the pretty things about this bird end and it should only be admired from afar why do you ask well if you touch any of the bird skin or feathers your skin will start to tingle and go numb the American ornithologist who studied this bird back in 1989 John du mocker said his skin felt like he was on fire he didn't stop there he put a feather on his tongue and it went numb for a few hours apparently the poison is believed to come from the beetles that they eat the same beetles where poison dart frogs get their poison number 7 the spur wing goose it wouldn't be wise see this specific one even though you actually can't spur Winkies are known for mostly consuming blister beetles which are very toxic so toxic they have been known for the ability to kill full-grown horses the sparrow wing goose can enjoy as many blister beetles as it would like because it's immune to their toxins which allows them to be stored in their bodies if you just eat 10 milligrams of the toxin then say goodbye because you're a goner just like their name implies these geese come with Spurs on the bend of their wings that they can use to cause harm number six Pfeiffer's flamboyant cuttlefish if you come across a highly colorful animal be cautious as its most likely poisonous this is especially true for the creature known as Pfeiffer's flamboyant cuttlefish normally a brown color this cuttlefish shifts to red black and purple with golden spots when it becomes distressed and the tips of its arms turn into a dark shade of red this new look serves as a warning to potential predators that lets them know about the cuttlefishes toxicity the toxin is located inside of the cuttlefishes muscles and is said to be as deadly as the one carried by the blue ringed octopus however unlike the blue ringed octopus the cuttlefish is only poisonous and not venomous number five the Pacific Newt the Pacific Newt also referred to as the Western Newt gets its name from the fact that they're mostly found exclusively on the North America Pacific coastline typically they're either colored black or brown but when they feel threatened they lie down on their backs to show off their bright underbellies this is the warning that lets predators know that they're dangerous sadly not all heed this warning and they eat the knew anyways thus resulting in not just one but two deaths the four species of pacific newts each come with different levels of toxicity but the most toxic one is the rough skinned Newt that's responsible for one human fatality even when they're not ingested they can still cause irritation of the skin pacific newts have the same toxin as pufferfish that's called tetrodotoxin number four the slow loris what's unique about the slow loris is that it's one of the very few poisonous mammals to exist their toxin is secreted on the inside of their elbows and they cover their young in it to prevent them from being eaten the slow loris will also lick these stalks and producing patches and lace their bite with the poison so don't be fooled by their cute and giant eyes or when they start lifting their arms up they're quite dangerous number three the floral snake did you know that almost all snakes are venomous but only a select few of them are poisonous that's right and the floral snake is also called a tiger keelback snake classified as being both poisonous and venomous yup its skin secretes the poison and at the same time its fangs are filled with venom its venom is natural but the poison that it stores in its glands is actually from the toads that it eats what's cool about this is that the snake processes the poison to make it even more lethal than it was before they can even pass the poison to their offspring to keep them safe number two the blue cloud forest millipede introducing the blue cloud forest millipede this bright blue creature is classified as a Paula Desmond millipede which is just a fancy way of saying that it's in the largest family of millipedes Paula Dez Mitte this family includes approximately three thousand and five hundred different species that's a lot of legs they can grow to be around less than an inch all the way up to five inches and have no eyes whatsoever these blue beauties aren't just for show like with most animals the colors to let other animals know that they're poisonous and now for number one the first be sure to subscribe for new videos every day number one palate OA coral there happened to be several different types of coral and only a select few of these possess toxic properties that haven't been thoroughly investigated yet the most deadly of these coral is the palate OA it's poison is so toxic that at 25 nanogram dosage is enough to kill a rabbit a lethal dosage for a human would only take five micrograms pala toxin is known for being one of the most toxic organic poisons in existence the symptoms of palatov poisoning range from difficulty breathing to chest pains and low blood pressure unfortunately for those who are stung there's no known cure and death occurs within a matter of minutes [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 714,974
Rating: 4.5977116 out of 5
Keywords: Talltanic, creatures, won't believe, actually, toxic, animals, unbelievable, dangerous, poisonous, venomous, real, bizarre, terrifying, facts, shocking, deadliest, exist, unusual, wild, wildlife, beetle, poison, cone snail, venom, butterfly, monarch, toxin, bird, Spur-Winged Goose, Cuttlefish, Pacific newt, warning, color, cute, beware, slow loris, bite, snake, millipede, palythoa, coral, Animals You Wouldn't Think Could Kill You
Id: sErfI-6uwYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2016
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