12 B2B Marketing Strategies For 2022

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now naturally a lot of b2b businesses want nothing to do with facebook and are surprised that i recommend this sometimes it's primarily because they think facebook is not a business platform and that they will have a better chance at using something else like linkedin and here's why i somewhat disagree with this sentiment email drips are pre-made email sequences that are triggered based on events so you can have emails sent to people automatically on any interval you desire without lifting a finger as a b2b company this can be very powerful for you in fact if i'm being honest we've seen very little success at running lead gen ad campaigns for b2b clients on linkedin's newsfeed though we have seen a whole lot of success at generating leads for b2b companies through all right today i'm going to give you the exact b2b marketing strategy that we use to increase our leads from nothing to thousands so many thousands that we ended up making the inc 5000 list twice now this is the same b2b marketing playbook that we deploy for our clients that have resulted in six figure returns within just 12 months and these same b2b marketing strategies are backed by research and data we've studied research from all over the web including linkedin's very own b2b marketing report so if you want the best b2b marketing strategy from a company that a uses it b does it for other businesses and c uses data to back everything up then buckle up because i promise you that you won't regret the next 10 to 15 minutes everyone is sherman at life marketing your favorite digital marketing agency for small business marketing today i'm not going to hold anything back from you if you need more leads and appointments on a steady and consistent basis then i'm going to tell you every way i know possible to do this today i'm dropping strategies tools and for those who stay to the end some secrets that no one else is sharing for free so if you're new here go ahead and subscribe to our channel and by the way hit the like button below if any of these things help you alright so here's exactly what you need to prioritize in your b2b marketing plan in order of priority number one build your brand building your brand is the most powerful way to market your business and achieve long-term growth and i'm not just making this up this is coming directly from linkedin's b2b institute themselves building a strong brand is proven to be more effective than short-term marketing over time and here's an eye-catching statistic for you according to linkedin research only four percent of b2b marketers measured the impact of their marketing efforts beyond six months and do you want to know how long it takes to build a brand you've guessed it over six months but what this means is that by taking a long-term approach and investing into your brand you will be better than 95 of your competitors because they are all relying on short-term tactics like quick hit facebook ads used as a shotgun approach alright so how do you get started you can do this through publishing youtube videos just like this one recording podcasts writing blogs and creating value-driven social media posts and so much more eventually if you build your brand with the right audience then they will eventually determine that they need the exact services that you offered and how great would it be for them to think of your brand first when this comes up all right number two seo search engine optimization let me ask you a question where would you find services like what you offer how would you discover businesses that provide the exact same things that you provide nine times out of ten you will start your search on search engines whether that's google yahoo or the app store simply being there when people are looking for your services can propel your business to heights is never seen before now here's what i want you to do i want you to tell me another traffic source that can deliver in-market traffic meaning that people are actively looking for your solutions for completely free i'll wait look seo is the single most effective marketing channel for b2b marketing companies it's nothing like being the first search result on a phrase that gets searched hundreds and thousands of times per month and this traffic doesn't stop it keeps coming to you day after day week after week and month after month at no expense to you at all so if i'm designing your b2b marketing strategy the very next thing i'm writing down is seo you need to find high traffic keywords place them on your website and optimize your website correctly to meet search engine best practices if you do this and generate more exposure to your website over time then you'll find your business shooting up the search engines and getting free traffic and leads all right number three google ads the third thing i prioritize here in my b2b marketing strategy is google ads it's for the same exact reason as seo google ads will help you capture people who are looking for you i think i speak for all b2b companies when i say it's nothing nothing like a hot lead especially when you have a very expensive product in a very long sales cycle but here's the thing google ads can be very expensive over time you're charged every time someone clicks on your ads and these clicks are not cheap i've seen clicks as low as a few dollars to as high as hundreds of dollars for a single click it varies based on your industry and how competitive you are but regardless if you are savvy with google ads you can often find low hanging fruit by targeting very specific words that your competitors aren't even thinking about this differs from seo whereas if you demonstrate to search engines that your website is the most relevant for a search result then you will earn free traffic therefore you will always get a far higher return on your investment with seo on the flip side google ads start working immediately you can turn on a google ad in no time and start generating traffic whereas with seo it could take up to one year to start gaining that momentum either way both strategies are in our b2b marketing playbook to help you increase your leads all right number four facebook ads facebook ads when done correctly can be an excellent source of brand awareness traffic and even leads now naturally a lot of b2b businesses want nothing to do with facebook and are surprised that i recommend this sometimes it's primarily because they think facebook is not a business platform and that they will have a better chance at using something else like linkedin and here's why i somewhat disagree with this sentiment number one everyone is on facebook it has 2 billion users so if you think c-suite executives and business owners don't use facebook then i've got news for you you're wrong they use facebook and arguably more than they use linkedin and number two facebook ads are 10 times cheaper than linkedin ads a single click on a linkedin ad might cost you 5.61 while that same click might cost you 50 cents on facebook and number three facebook ad targeting is literally unmatched to any social media platform today not only can you target by things like job title and industry but you can also target based on behaviors look at like audiences and remarketing audiences so this is why i'd prioritize facebook ads as a b2b company but how do you use facebook ads effectively for b2b marketing if you want the full answer then be sure to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on future b2b episodes that discuss this but in short you need to put the right message in front of the right people in the right places no one is going to buy your 10 000 service after reading three short sentences in your facebook ad what you have to do is you have to build value so instead of going straight for the kill create that value consistently over time with a good offer to pique their interest and further it with email follow-ups and retargeting all right number five linkedin messenger ads despite linkedin ads being terribly expensive there are still several ways to use linkedin effectively for b2b marketing there's inmail ads sales navigator and organic linkedin marketing strategies that work very well for businesses now email ads are sponsored messages that are sent directly to your target audience because it appears directly in your audience's mailbox then they're normally more likely to pay attention to your content in fact if i'm being honest we've seen very little success at running lead gen ad campaigns for b2b clients on linkedin's newsfeed though we have seen a whole lot of success at generating leads for b2b companies through in mail ads all right number six linkedin sales navigator linkedin sales navigator is like linkedin email ads but the targeting is on steroids it's far more targeted and personalized than in mail ads giving you a heightened chance of success for example once you insert your targeting criteria you can filter it by more advanced targeting options like when the last time someone posted on linkedin for example now the con here is that linkedin does cap the number of messages that you can send from sales navigator but here's a little secret that i'll let you in on since you made it this far in the video there are third-party tools that you can pair with sales navigator to send more messages and automate your lead generation process look into a tool called linked helper which is known for being one of the most powerful linkedin automation tools on the third party marketplace all right number seven linkedin organic marketing the good thing about linkedin is that his news feed is still in that gold rush error where you can still get a lot of organic views and engagement for free we saw this with facebook early on where facebook did not restrict business content as much and many businesses saw astonishing levels of engagement now today even if you have one million followers on facebook the chances are that you're only going to reach one percent of them when you're post and that's if you're lucky linkedin's news feed is not as competitive yet therefore you have more room to use it for free to grow your b2b marketing when it comes to using linkedin you should share frequently on the news feed using both your personal and business account and remember to post content that your ideal customers will find valuable you can also publish articles on linkedin a lot of people use linkedin for news and research so posting meaningful content can help establish yourself as a thought leader and contribute to building your b2b marketing brand all right number eight referral websites who's doing all the research in your industry for example in the b2b space there's websites like g2 captera and trustpilot and the list goes on and on and on because b2b sales cycles are so long people are going to do a whole lot of research before making a purchase so what if you showed up where they were doing their research so what you should do is think of all the major websites and blogs in your industry and find out how your business can make an appearance on their website there may even be advertising opportunities that you can use to help you gain visibility alright quick break here we're about to move into the middle of the funnel here everything we discussed so far is meant to help you build your brand awareness which is very important for your b2b marketing strategy but this alone is not going to drive leads and sales alone you're going to have to do some work after that awareness is generated to convert more results so here are my tips and tricks to do this and by the way hit that like button for me below if any of this stuff is helping you all right number nine email newsletters all right y'all stay with me for just a second here i get it email marketing is not sexy but the truth is is that it is still one of the most powerful ways to nurture your audience the single greatest difference between b2b marketing and b2c marketing is your sales cycle b2b companies have a very long sales cycle this means that even if you generate a whole lot of buzz and awareness you're still going to need to establish a relationship over time to nurture your leads with value until they convert and that's exactly why you should be using email marketing ninety percent of people still check their email every single day and that is every reason why you need to take email marketing seriously in your b2b marketing strategy with email you can continue to build your brand while baiting people at the same time to take action on buying your services so if you're sold on this then this is exactly what i recommend you to do start sending email newsletters weekly if you can i'm personally sending at least eight email newsletters per month to my subscribers right now so that's about twice per week so the more you can do it the better you can use a platform like activecampaign which is my personal favorite or something else like mailchimp or constant contact but whatever you do do something as a b2b company you can't afford not to send emails to your leads all right number 10 email drips what happens when someone contacts your business do you contact them and how soon and is this automatically done or manually done regardless of your answers here email drips can make this much easier for you email drips are pre-made email sequences that are triggered based on events so you can have emails sent to people automatically on any interval you desire without lifting a finger as a b2b company this can be very powerful for you especially if you carefully craft these email drips to fit the psychology of how people actually buy your products and services alright number 11 retargeting just like email retargeting ads help you stay in touch with your hottest leads for example if someone is looking at the pricing page on your website then they're probably a hot lead so what if the next time they got on facebook they saw an ad from you or what if the next time they watched a youtube video they saw a youtube ad pop up right before that video began or if they're reading an article online what if they saw a banner ad from your business retargeting ads have very high conversion rates in comparison to ads targeting people who are completely unaware of your business and that's because the people you're retargeting to are aware of your business and therefore more likely to convert number 12 push notifications here's a bonus tip have you ever seen those push notifications that pop up on your desktop or mobile device well this is another form of staying in front of your hottest leads when you're a b2b marketer you need to make as many touch points as you possibly can this will give you the highest chance of converting your leads into buying customer when you have a very long sales cycle so the way push notifications work is that you'll need to use an app like intel and install it on your website then it'll capture the ip addresses of people who visit your website and you can create custom push alerts to go out to them alright everyone we've covered a lot for you to consider for your b2b marketing strategy so let's go ahead and recap this so you can get right to work here's everything that you need to put into your b2b marketing playbook number one build your brand by adding value via youtube blogging podcasting or social media number two use seo to help people find your business for free number three use google ads to help people find your business for a fee number four use facebook ads to build your brand awareness and warm leads number five use linkedin messenger ads to reach a broad audience directly number six use linkedin sales navigator to do personalized outreach number seven use linkedin organic marketing to build your brand number eight use major industry websites to reach people looking for your business number nine use email newsletters to build your brand and nurture your leads number 10 use email drips to nurture your leads without lifting a finger 11 use retargeting to stay in front of your audience everywhere online and the bonus number 12 use push notifications to reach your audience on their desktop or mobile device guys if this video helped you out at all then please help me out by giving me a thumbs up below and be sure to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on future episodes that can help you grow your business i'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: LYFE Marketing
Views: 32,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linkedin, linkedin marketing solutions, social media, marketing, B2B Marketing Strategy, b2b marketing, lead generation, b2b marketing strategies, b2b vs b2c marketing, b2b vs b2c, b2b lead generation strategies, b2b lead generation, b2b leads, growth marketing, email marketing, marketing analytics, video marketing, content marketing, marketing online, internet marketing, marketing strategy, marketing tips, business marketing, digital marketing, Adam Erhart, marketing show
Id: ZuU6_KZtmBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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