11 sensual things black women do that white guys love

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in this video I will be going over 11 things that  are sensual about black women and mixed race women   because when I say black women I also mean mixed  race women 11 sensual things that black and mixed   race women do that white guys absolutely love  now not every white guy may be able to fertilize   these things as with my other videos I tend to get  really detailed but yeah I think that you'll laugh   you'll enjoy these 11 things I will not be reading  from my phone but I do have to Wow I wrote some   some keywords on my phone so let's get started  with the first one these are by the way these   are divided in guest herbs and accessories what  I mean with accessories is how they how black and   mixed race women hold certain things that they  they own or that they use so let's get started   with the first one guest your hand on the counter  what I've observed with black women is that day   you know one day when you're in a grocery store  and when normally a woman would pick out something   and she would say oh I want that or I want that  well what I've noticed with dark-skinned women   is they they're very um not always of course  and a lot of these may be generalizations but   I've noticed it with a lot of different women who  are dark-skinned they are very gracious in their   movement so they don't know I want that and I want  that I need to make sure it's shown on camera a   lot I want that and that piece of chicken and yes  um some chicken wings and they make these little   these little creases kind of head movements and I  first started noticing this several years ago when   I was observing a black woman in a supermarket  and that is and I've mentioned this in different   videos they have this this is kind of like this  disgraces nasur about them and then as soon as   they start interacting with the the sales person  behind the counter for the meat department or the   bread department then they make these these these  these these on a mat so it's difficult for me to   do this but they disease hand movements and then  they say I want that and um and that and yeah just   just just to to to from those over there kind of  like that so that's the first one the second one   I'm going to have to turn the camera for this  one the second was kind of like this they put   their elbow on the wall kind of like this very I  know this looks silly the guy doing this but it's   just you know the the way that they they position  your elbow and they just kind of go through their   hair kind of like this it's a very calm it's a  very gracious kind of way of of doing things and   I don't know like if other men will will notice  this but what I've noticed with black women is   they have this this is almost exaggerated but not  in a bad way but there's almost exaggerated kind   of femininity about them and normally exaggerated  is used in not so or positive context but I do   absolutely mean it a positive context you see  this kind of like this as if they're the queens   of femininity that is not to to put down other  races on I know I know it gets boring but I have   to I have to include that in these videos because  I try my other best not to do that but they have   these these movements about them it's like this  it's like this wave you know we look at the ocean   you you see those waves crashing into the shore  it's kind of like that it's a black woman has   this natural flow about her that makes her very  very gracious this is also why they say mother   nature she's feminine she's a woman and when  I look at a black woman and she makes a little   hand gestures and the elbow I see that reflected  in that black woman so let's get to number three   let this one is a little lamb yeah it's a little  more I don't say erotic I guess you know you have   these these videos on on YouTube where they are  I believe it's called twerking but yeah who knows   but it's similar to that it's when they walk their  leg derriere their behind it's sort of especially   I see this especially of course with with with  ladies who are you know have a more full of duis   or fool um to us behind we see that there they're  behind it moves with that flow of that curve with   them as they walk I'm sure you're seeing this  and it really like it no it just invokes the the   imagination of some of you will say all lolis  he's um he's talking about the sexual arousal   feelings but that's not even in it's just that  that what I just explained any previous examples   about the wave it's that the movement when you  see a woman walking you see her behind left to   right left to right left to right if you look  at it from a kind of an angle it's almost like   that wave because you know the wave makes that  same movement but then it's like waves crashing   in you see that I've been like a like a yeah  like a wave you know the force of example is   this is actually in the interaction with with  men one thing that I've noticed is that when a   black woman is either interested in you or find  something that you say interesting they're one   of their shoulders like the left one or the right  one doesn't really matter they lean forward that   it's just very gentle kind of leaning forward  or with the other one coming said does that   translate well on the screen kind of like that  hmm it is that so mr. Nemec yesterday so now the pit one is something that and again  not to generalize but I have maybe seen   a handful of black and makes I should just  say dark-skinned women because I see this   with other races who are dark-skinned as  well or yeah dark skinned let me not get   into too much details I've noticed that  dark-skinned women maintain eye contact more so than non black or a non dark-skinned  women someone is just breaking into a car they   maintain on contact they they create this feeling  at least within me that they're really interested   in hearing what you have to say maybe it's a  maybe it's just a something that they naturally   have inherited not something that they've been  taught and that's what makes it so special for   me because it doesn't seem like something that  they've learned but something that has always been   part of their their their makeup their genetic  makeup or their jeans or whatever it's that you   talk with them and they look at you and they look  at you intensely and it's like you're talking to   a person I say duh when we talk to another person  you're always talking to a person but I don't get   that same feeling like sometimes I talk to people  and it's like I'm talking to a wall it's like they   they're in front of me but then they're not and  I'm like are you even listening to what I say and   I never get that with a black woman I never never  ever get that well I would say for those handful   of occasions in my entire life and I'm I'll be  45 to share I've almost never come across that   a black woman says in front of you you have a  conversation with her and she looks at you and   she no she raises her eyebrows when when things  may be not clearly understood she really and I   guess this is a separate point she really shows  through her facial expressions if she's following   along with you whereas with many people that  I encountered in my life who are not black   they are it's like their face just like remains  there's a certain sturdiness in their face like   a like I don't know a lack of movement the lack of  detail it's I'm thinking out loud here so so bear   with me it's just when I talk to a black woman  it's like well afterwards I'll talk to her she   goes a letter way I go about my way yeah I either  must have said things that she really liked or I   made an impression on her or while she was really  engaged in the conversation and that is something   that I think is a it's a different Pro doctor like  when you hear so many bad things about black women   in the media but do people actually look for these  things do you even see these things or people used   to talking to people who are just like robots  these are things that I I see now I've already   sort of mentioned it the eyebrows when a black  woman talks to you and she raises her eyebrows   when she's surprised or she kind of frowns like  this when she's in depth or when she laughs she   really raises both eyebrows whereas you know when  she is uh interesting my grace one orbit the other   um that is something that I I have really finding  fun intriguing with with black women they you know   after I've said it with the with the behind I've  set up with their body language I've said it with   their shoulders the first thing that I mentioned  hand on the counter the guest errs let's not just   hand on the counter it says the jesters all  that woman's had in general everything about   a dark-skinned woman she uses her body language  she really uses and it's it's like epidemics like   it comes natural it's not something forced it's  not something that is appearing Lee a learned   behavior it's just something that comes natural  with them and I you know I see it otherwise I   see it and it is it's a huge attractor it's what  I believe to be part of the whole confidence thing   you see confidence can be learned confidence is  a learned behavior but what I've always find it's   the first time I'm saying this unto you what I've  always found with black women is that the whole   confidence thing is with them it doesn't seem  like a learn behavior it seems like a genetic   thing something that that has always been part of  them when you look at black babies for example or   in kindergarten or five or six years old you see  this is kind of like this there's aliveness that's   that's even more so present than with non black  children in kindergarten of those ages basically   and I think that that that whole aliveness is is  adopted into their adolescence as then growing   into adults where blossoms or blooms if you will  into that conference I don't know if I make sense   with how I you know describe this I'm thinking  out loud here so if I write these things down   I could be more detailed but then as you've seen  with some videos it becomes more like me reading   it aloud and I rather just do things on the fly  like this so yeah those eyebrows they definitely   I call them eyebrow tactics now we've all seen  it lip biting people do it men do it sometimes   but women are really masters headed that said  when I see a black woman do it black women do   it like they normally like when you do it more  it gets kind of old but black women that I see   they do it all the time it never gets old they  just had that naturally when they're intrigued or   when they're fascinated or even one day when they  frown or sometimes doesn't it look silly when I do   it but the lip biting thing for them is something  that it's not a standalone thing it's something   that that that they do with everything else that  I just mentioned the reasoning of the eyebrows the   the movements of the hands the movements of their  body and I yeah it's just man I wish it I wish   that I could I could I could explain exactly how  I see this but I think that the English language   sometimes has its shortfalls okay the last one  in the guest you're nodding in agreement to let   you know that you get us you know how how people  do that you know they they do it automatically   like but when you're talking to someone you very  often you have these people that just keep they   keep they keep nodding yeah yeah yeah it's like  a robotic kind of like a robotic thing like well   they're just they're just nodding basically but  are they really getting me when I see a black   woman do it at black man too Mississippi about  black women and not all these things by the way   applied a black man gives the hand on counter  thing and other feminine movements that is not   for things that black men do by the way speaking  of which I have been asked to do a video about   black men and let me know in the comments if you  want to see that video I am not attracted to black   men but I do notice similar things with black men  that like women do some people tend to think that   I hate like men because I make videos for black  women as a white person I do not hate like men I'm   just putting it out there and I kind of have to  repeat that in every video unfortunately brother   but the nodding in agreement it's kind of like  when a black woman does it even if she doesn't   frequently it's it always follows this the rest  of the the movements of her face the the eyebrows   the movements of her mouth the the lip biting  when she smiles again I keep saying the wave   but that is it for me it's a it's a very natural  way of having a conversation with someone it's   not like you're you're talking to a robot when  you talk to a black woman and she not then you   just know that she's getting what you're saying  and whereas I very often not just guess but also   know when people are not listening I would close  to a hospital so that time you know that that what   you're telling them they're not getting because  when I ask questions right after saying certain   things or five or ten minutes later and I have to  repeat again what I say then you know that they've   not been listening and it just basically uh is  it five o'clock yet can I go home now God like   that I never get that with like women never ever  they're always listening they're always interested   if you're not interested they will let you know  now as for the accessories which brings me to   the last three points something that I've noticed  as a burden for inform yeah the I've noticed with   a lot of especially the young generation of black  women let me put down that thing and show you okay   so you notice that like when they have a purse  let's say I have a purse like this and they like   there's a super on the purse and they go like like  like if if a non black personal dude is of course   they're there they're non black women who who are  gracious to but almost every black woman that I   see they have like this this that they make that  that movement again with that with the hands that   I've seen for the hands on the counter thing and  then points sporting stuff out but the hand just   kind of like like goes out of their pocket and  it just they hope that they open the zipper in   together and then they that the hand goes inside  and they grab the phone hello Kings here is your   name Sydney fashionista sis coincidence of by the  way just made up that name but it's like that that   very they're very gracious kind of opening that  zipper and then their hands is going in and don't   know when I see that's like oh man damn that's so  feminine and it's just that dad that's that very   like gracious way of doing things now the other  example is I already kind of said it but like   like their hands are going in and then I'm picking  up their phones but even if it's not in a bag when   a woman gets and this is the next example gets a  phone from her back pocket or something they make   that same the same one saying hello with you know  ashy knees or SH and I are they hold the felt like   this kind of like they're they're contemplating  something you know some so many things that and   that you can observe ibaka black women that  are absolutely gracious and yet they're being   absolutely burned in the media and in society  this is shame it's a damn shame but hey at least   at least now you know that it's just a bunch of  hogwash the last one in this video that's the the   soup-eating example you see and there's there's  there's there's more things I guess you know what   I didn't write that down but you know I put that  let me let me do the spoon first and then I'll   be done I'll do the knife so I guess it's 12 or  13 points in this video one day when that when a   black woman eats and I was with this this family a  couple years ago I was still a postman and I don't   do it at work anymore but there was this this  family from Suriname II that invited me in and   they were part Creole part Indian and they invited  me and I came there every day and then he's very   hospitable people and I ate soup with them and  I was you know from the grandma I was looking   at the whole thing I was very you know shy like  then I still have but and I was I was observing   the women eat the soup with their spoons offenses  went like this and then but then I need a spoon   I'm gonna be right back now look at this so I'm  eating soup or I'm her right now guess I'm just   showing this to you and then you see this this  this this this smile forming on their faces is   like like another another joyful swallow of this  most wonderful soup I can't really I sometimes you   know I I guess my descriptions I like a little bit  but yeah that's um that's another thing and then   you had the thing with the knife how they liked  it again that's at the hands and the the wrists   the movement of the fork and a knife you know I  guess that's like a twelfth example I lost count   maybe twelve thirteen fourteen points but yeah so  many different things about a black woman black   ones behavior that white men love and they're  much more and I will make videos about them in   the future that's also as far as the video goes  I hope you liked it if you did don't mind sharing   it with other people and then look forward  to seeing you in the next video goodbye bye you
Channel: Coen Naninck
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Id: 9w5GIx70e88
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Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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