Do most white men secretly like black women?

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yes another angle do most might do not do most white men secretly admire black women and again that's one of those questions where you can easily generalize but I think that let me just get that curtain out of the way I think that that is actually the case and this is a question that I got from Elaine on a s with the last video a video that I put out recently asking my viewers for four topics excellent question by the way these are really really good questions and topics that I would like to speak on now do do do most white men secretly admire black women I can't say most but I will I will definitely say many and I'm going to how to say corroborate or explain this yeah that's not the same but I'm going to substantiate this yes with with an example in a moment but before I do I don't know if it's most I just know that there are many many white men who like black women dark-skinned women and the reason being is because I see it now let me actually you know let me start off with that I'm 45 now when I was 20 21 22 I worked in a supermarket it was one of my first jobs and there was this guy that worked there white guy and his name was Barry and this guy was like your typical ladies man like he he always had a girlfriend you always was talking to women and he had you know he frequently had different girlfriends now he always like he he had this this this tanned kind of white skin lousy helicopter he had this tanned kind of skin and he liked women with a tan skin and you know being the perceptive guy that I am and that I've always been I I once asked him I said I said do you like do you like black women do or do you like you know of women with some color and he at first he evaded my question and then he said no I don't I don't like i don't really have I just like white women you know I like I'm like I like to you know date my own race and then one day yeah this was from like in these supermarkets you have these these these groups of people that come in at night and all they do is add products to his shelves they call that the filling the filling team it doesn't matter but one day this is I don't know where she was from where she from yeah she was from an African country I believe she was from Nigeria and she had this really dark kind of skin and she came she came working there and from the moment that I saw her and Barry worked her I saw him looking at her every time she looked walked by he would look from the corner of his eyes to that girl so at one level one time I was a I had a little you know like a kind of like a cheeky kind of mood and I asked him again I said you know do you ever want to ask you that question do you like black women I said yeah why and I think he could I think he could already like feel you know my question coming I said well you know that girl that that recently a forgotten name that recently joined the team do you order the filling team do you have you seen yeah yeah I've seen it yeah I said well I've noticed you looking at her a few times and I'm he he got mall I wouldn't say bread face but I noticed that he was getting kind of a blush I could see it through his Tim and I said you know I mean if you if you'd like this woman that's fine but then why why would you hide it you know and then and this is so peculiar he said again he said I only date within my race and this got me thinking and you know I saw this topic this afternoon I thought well I'm gonna make a video about this this got me thinking if white men you know secretly like black women could it be that the reason they keep it a secret is because of the the race difference like not the fact that their dark skin because that's what he he's he's attracted to her what he was attracted to not saying that he isn't anymore of course of course it's only natural what this was this was in the past could it be a shame thing in front of his parents kind of like men being shameful of being kind of like men being shameful of being attracted to two plus-sized women could it be a shame and you know this shame is not something that that originates from yourself it always has to do with other people like your family or your friends and I don't really understand that shame in this country because the racism I mean yeah it is you know it is it does happen here but it's not as prevalent as it is in the u.s. so I never I never really understood that but anyway I was thinking about that and I thought well could it be that he really likes that girl and I just I I had to know so some weeks went by and then we were all sitting in the canteen and he came in it she was already sitting and there were three spots left so she was sitting here here was an empty spot there was an empty spot and in front of her wasn't an empty spot and he took the seat right in front of her but here's an that this is so this is so peculiar like what I would have done if I was him and I had this you know this issue where I would want to conceal it where you know I would want to keep it a secret which is I mean I would never do that but let's say that I was him I would I would make it my business to sit in the corner so I wouldn't directly look at her but he didn't do that he said across from her so he had like the perfect few like like the full front of a few and I mind you this was a very crowded canteen it was very feel fulfilled a lot of people a lot of people were standing too but he wanted to make sure that when he would look at her when he would look at her he would get this full-on fume I mean I could be I could be mistaken but if he really liked if he if he wasn't interested in her why wouldn't he pick the first chair so he's she was sitting here why won't he pick this Jenna I know you see this in mirror but that was actual I mean that was closest to where he came from though it was closest to the entrance of the canteen no no he didn't do that he said right in front of her but instead of looking at her he was still concealing it because what he did now was so let's say let's say that that let's say the cheese let's say that you're you're her and I'm sitting here now instead of you know looking at her straight he just kept looking like this like this then every time because then I see these things I don't know how it works for other guys but I see these things every time that she would look to the side like Luke would look away or like like just someone else in the room boom immediately he would look at her so he made sure that he had the perfect vantage point to look at her but he would only look when she was not looking it wasn't even about him concealing it from other people he just didn't want her to see and that kind of threw me off because I was like well if if he wants to conceal it then why does he make it so obvious to sit in front of her and look at or sorry to look at her and I thought well that that that basically because I was I was analyzing this and I was like well that that dot that doesn't make sense with regards to you know me thinking that he wanted to conceal it but here's the thing I was the only one who asked him about that at least I think I was probably the only one who is noticing that he looked at that girl and then one day I asked him again and I said look I'm just curious you know I mean and he was slightly annoyed with this he he said what do you want to know so bad I said well yeah I said I sent him a very inquisitive person and I just you know I mean these things interest me and I just don't like I don't understand if you are ashamed why you are ashamed now mind you this was not a stranger for me this was a guy that I talked to regularly but it was always about music about the latest house music and he finally said you know he said Cohen I I think she's really attractive but it's new for me and the thing was that that in the area that I lived there were not a whole lot of black women so Mike very well be then either he had not seen many black women or you know darker skinned women or he just simply had not seen them and worked with them up close and you know it makes sense that that he was attracted to black women because he would always seek out girls with a 10 or who who frequently you know either when lying in the Sun or would go to these tanning studios so this is just one example but how does this work in the in the broader sense I think that many white men are attracted those who who you know supposedly say that date or who say that they they're not I think they are because men in general love it when women come from let's say let's say you're you live in that country and there you go to another country or live in the state you go to another state you come back with this this nice tan this nice blush in your face men like that so if they like that then why wouldn't they want why wouldn't they be attracted to a woman with some color on her skin that's really yeah that's really the long and short of it and I think it makes sense and I've said a similar thing with my videos on curvy shrine well the channel you know if men like curves on top as in you know breasts then why wouldn't they like it in other places but it's society that messes with our minds it's society that says you're not supposed to date outside if you're raised or you're not supposed to date a woman who doesn't have to stand our body think about it so that's why I think that many many many many white men love darker skinned women or black women and yes I know there's a difference you
Channel: Coen Naninck
Views: 286,025
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Id: wlzWrybZt6U
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Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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