11 Essential Ingredients for Korean Food Korean Grocery Shopping Guide

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and now hello from Seoul there have been a lot of requests about what are the essential ingredients for Korean cooking actually so many ingredients are needed for Korean cooking but don't worry about it I'm good at making everything simple right even if it's not Korean food the most important ingredient in Asian food is soy sauce as you can see there are so many kinds of soy sauce that you might be overwhelmed but you don't have to worry about it to be honest it doesn't really matter which brand you use as long as it is just regular soy sauce not seasoned one however if we are going to cook Korean food I think it's better to get Korean products if you decide to buy some Korean soy sauce then there's something you should know about it generally there are three types of soy sauce in Korea and it is quite important to use the right soy sauce for the purpose main thing I'm gonna explain boring stuff but don't worry I'll tell you what to buy sometimes if you explain something useless like this it looks super cool the first one is called Jung Joo Han Jung this is for almost everything except for soup I think I use this for every recipe video I'm not so sure so let's say almost every recipe anyways if you go grocery shopping for soy sauce but there are too many options just get this one I think you can make every recipe that I share personally I preferred this hemp pure 7:01 sample I'm waiting for you the second one is scoop cans and soy sauce for soup the biggest difference from other soy sauce is its result here and the color is lighter so it is mainly used for soup have you ever experienced like this you put some soy sauce for yourself it looked too dark unlike what you saw in the video I'm pretty sure the reason is you use no more soy sauce not this soy sauce first sip then do I have to get this soy sauce for Korean food my answer is no that's good news right the reason is I don't use this for my recipe instead of adding this you can put less Jung Gioconda and add some salt then it's not gonna be dark and the taste will be fine at the same time problem solved the third one is Jing Gong Gong it's somewhere between the first and the second one I don't think this is necessary so let's skip it anyways you ran out of soy sauce and if you have to buy only one just get the first one that's all you need the second one is the fishy sauce some people may not like it because of its strong taste I don't like the fishy smell either but if you can use it well it definitely brings out amazing mommy flavor you don't buy it give it a shot you will be surprised there are so many kinds of fishes sauce but I prefer Korean products but as always you can use whatever you have in your kitchen but for your information Thai fish sauce is a bit saltier for me so it may not be suitable for Korean food next cooking wine is known as mirin we use this to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the mint and add some pleasant sweetness to the food this is literally sweet alcohol for food as you can see it has about 14% alcohol so if you are cooking for your kids I don't recommend you to use a lot some people say alcohol goes away when you boil it but the alcohol will not go away much unless you get to flame directly but FYI I love to use this when I make various kinds of sauces and I don't think it's gonna be a big problem if you use a little the next one is chicken stuff it doesn't really matter what kind of chickens dog you use surprisingly Koreans don't use it a lot when cooking at home but I use this to make it simple and easy it helps to save your time and effort if you put lots of time and effort but it doesn't taste good I think it's gonna be very disappointing I don't want you to feel that way I always hope you enjoy your cooking that's the reason why I use this plus it helps to make it similar to the one from the restaurant anyways I mean asked what kind of chicken stock I used since many Korean people don't use it we don't have many kinds I can't see only one here that's why I'm using this people in Korea use this pasta kind of beef stock or young do cooking essence instead of chicken stock but chicken stock is easier to get for you guys right I'm using this for you guys and to be honest I think it's much tastier to make with chicken stock this time Oster sauce I use this as much as chicken stock this is kind of macro sauce that dramatically reduces your cooking time without this you will spend more than 2 or 3 hours to get the flavor you want you can use this for almost every except for white food people ask me what kind of oyster sauce I use honestly I use the one on sale I heard this Lee Kum Kee premium oyster sauce has amazing umami flavor but the price is doubled the next one is kochu karu korean chili pepper flakes this is an essential ingredient for korean spicy foods some people think they can make spicy food with only Korean chili paste gochujang but it's not true chili paste has a unique sweet flavor so it's not suitable for most of spicy food so most of the Korean spicy food definitely need this my case even though the original recipe says we need chili paste I prefer to use the mixture of chili flakes and soy sauce it tastes much clean and delicate but the problem is it's really expensive see it's $4 50 cents per 100 grams it's expensive because it's made in Korea of course it's gonna taste good if you use this but I still can't believe the price and for information although there are some Korean letters on the package it doesn't mean it's made in Korea it's too expensive so we poured a lot from China this time sesame oil the scent of sesame oil is amazing so if you add some in your food it makes you feel like a master of Korean food most of the food with butter is good right it's the same I don't have any particular brand preference I just used what Claire's mom gives to us they are made in the traditional market and it has a deeper flavor than the one from the supermarket but it's not huge difference so you can use any brand next Quinta so you've been paste you may have seen many kinds of soybean paste at Korean groceries look there are so many kinds right you may think it is so famous and traditional ingredients or Korea's use this all the time but surprisingly it's not often used than you think besides soy bean soup sometimes I use this for Korean style of dressing but how often do you think I cook it it's not often so if you are planning to buy soy bean paste I recommend you to get this one which is especially made for a soy bean soup during junk together it's already perfectly seasoned so do we get the best soy bean soup ever with this even Claire can be the master of soybean soup do you need more explanation next coaches a Korean chili paste many people say this is one of the essential ingredients when you make Korean food but it is also not used as often as you'd think except for Kabuki act IV or some sauce for the bibimbap is because it contains flour paste and rice powder in it it has a unique sweet flavor so I don't prefer to use this for spicy food anyways you can choose any brands but I recommend you to use the warm from sunchang or head tender they both are great but I suggest buying a small one because as I only said you're not gonna use it often you can't say Korean food without garlic I read an article in the past and it says one Korean consumes more than six kilogram of garlic a year on average you may thing is crazy right I think so too we put garlic in a lot of food or it broke garlic dipping in a chili paste or some Jam 99% of Korean food needs garlic so keep it in your kitchen all the time the last one is green onion which is my favorite if you have been watching our videos I'm pretty sure you were waiting for this I'll skip the explanation why this is so important for Korean food because I think you knew it some people said Erin is a link not green onion but Korean green onion is a little bit bigger than what you guys know it is even called depe which means big green onion I feel bad for people who wanted to play the drinking game like every time I say green onion do you do a shot because I'm not gonna say it more today I showed you 11 essential ingredients that you need for Korean food sometimes you will be needed more ingredients but if you have this stuff in your kitchen you will be fine I guarantee all right this is it for today and I'll see you next time you
Channel: Aaron and Claire
Views: 766,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean Food, Korean ingredients, Essential ingredients, Basic Ingredients, Ingredients, Korean Food Recipe, Recipes, Basic ingredients for Korean cooking, Ingredients for Korean cooking
Id: PQKljz46djA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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