A small batch kimchi recipe you'll want to make over and over! Mak Kimchi (막김치)

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[Music] hello guys we'll be making an easy  kimchi today it's called Mak kimchi   mak in Korean translates to carelessly or  roughly so carelessly made kimchi no uh   that's only in relation to pogi kimchi  the classic kimchi type that we make   for kimjang which is late fall kimchi making  process while the cabbages are at their peak I have a video on that hope you watch it this  is the kimchi we Korean home cooks turn to when   we want something simple and quick especially  during offseason I'm going to address some of   your frequently asked questions on kimchi  making as we go along let's get started I have one head of baechu napa cabbage this weighs about 5.5 lb so this recipe is good for 5 to 6 lb what if yours is only 4 lb then just reduce the ingredients proportionately we're going to cut this up into small pieces but before that I'm going to prepare my salt water I have four cups of warm water here and this is Korean sea salt  one cup is about 160 grams in general I use one cup for  like 5 to 6 pound cabbage just stir to dissolve first we're going to cut this in half so the other kimchi pogi kimchi we keep this head together head  part together that's why it's called pogi kimchi but this one we're going to cut it all up so first we're going to cut off the stem part and these small ones okay we're going to cut this up into inch and a half pieces [Applause] here's the reason I wanted  to make salt water first so I can sprinkle a little bit and we'll repeat the same thing[Applause] all right okay how quick was that now we're  just going to use up all the salt water now   it's easier to distribute the salt water this way  because we pour the salt water as we went along this is going to take about 2 hours so every 30 minute or so just flip them over okay this is the Cabbage I salted earlier  it has been over 2 hours and let's see   how it's doing it's really nice  and soft white part is flexible I did flip them over every 30 minutes now we're ready to rinse this three   times [Applause] [Applause] and this is the third one final one [Applause] make sure to drain the Cabbage  really well and while that's draining we're going to make kimchi seasoning okay the first thing is gochugaru I use about a half cup per  cabbage that size cabbage but you can certainly use more if you want your kimchi really red  and spicy or use less if you like it   less spicy so the next is fish sauce 3 tablespoons and this is saeujeot salted and  fermented shrimp two tablespoons and then 3 tablespoons of garlic this is about one teaspoon Ginger minced ginger and this is pretty much it but what about Korean pear Korean pear adds really nice mild refreshing  sweetness to kimchi as well as feeding the   healthy bacteria promoting the fermentation  but they're not always available your bosc   pear is a good substitute Koreans  sometimes use apple as a substitute   and um Koreans also use maesil cheong  Plum syrup for their fruity sweetness another question I often get is do you absolutely  need sweet rice paste the answer is no it's   classic for kimjang gimchi pogi kimchi that  I talked about earlier the sweet rice paste   thickens the seasoning mix and it adds sweetness  to kimchi and and feeds the healthy bacteria but   for quick kimchi like this or summer kimchi  Koreans make kimchi without any paste or go   for something lighter and simpler so if you  really want to add some grain to kimchi use   leftover cooked rice this is what Koreans  commonly do for quick kimchi like this so   these are totally optional but in case you want  to use I'm going to show you how to use it okay so here's an apple I'm just  going to need like a half [Applause] this is 3 tablespoons of rice  and I'm going to add like 1/4 cup  water and then blend it all together so we got our Apple paste we're going to need a little  bit more water so I'll wash this  off okay mix all this up now we have scallion here Korean chives  buchu is also good in this kimchi I just cut it into about 1  inch pieces or a little over okay now we're ready to mix  everything up let's do it the cabbage has been draining for about 20   minutes and look at the water so it's  important you drain water really well now we're just going to get in there mix it all up and it's not too late to add  more gochugaru if you want it   redder or spicier of course after  tasting it when you taste kimchi try the uh the leafy side cuz these things  take takes time for seasoning to penetrate so try like a small piece on a leafy side it should be slightly salty now cuz kimchi gets  less salty as it ferment okay this's is mixed well okay let's say Your Kimchi needs a little  bit more saltiness you can use any any of   these salty ingredients um like salty  shrimp fishy sauce or or even salt okay now I'm going to add scallions and lightly toss this time all right kimchi is done this is what we call Kimchi  Tong kimchi container they   come in all different sizes they  are available on the this is not sponsored but this is what I like  so I'm just showing you what I use it has an inner vacuum lid it  keeps the air out of kimchi [Applause] and press it down to get the air out now let's just use a little bit  of water here so I don't waste my   seasoning okay and then just pour  it in the little corner back there okay kimchi expands as it ferments so  whatever you use make sure you have   enough room at the top or your kimchi  liquid may overflow as it ferments okay so I'm going to leave this out about  a day just to give it a a kick start but   kimchi fermentation should be done slowly  at low temperature so I'll put this in the   fridge tomorrow day after but it all  depends on your room temperature if   your room temperature is very warm then  a half day may be enough and you're in a   very cold place then maybe you can get away  with the 2 days out at room temperature so check it as you go along it's okay to check this is the kimchi I made yesterday so I'm going to show you how it is after a day  but you can eat kimchi anytime after making it it will just get better as it ferments [Applause] it's really delicious already so freshly  made kimchi tastes really good too okay   guys hope you're all inspired to go  get a head of napa cabbage and try   this easy kimchi recipe I'd love to  hear your kimchi making experience   so leave me a comment below or tag me  on Instagram see you next [Music] time
Channel: Korean Bapsang
Views: 382,841
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Keywords: #Easykimchi #kimchirecipe #authentickimchirecipe #makkimchi #howtomakekimchi #막김치 #막김치만들기 #막김치만들기
Id: mueMKckWQMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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