30 Minute Korean Dinners that Will Change Your Life... or maybe 35...

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello from solo today we are making one of the best fried chickens in the world kfc can't keep fried chicken no it's korean fried chicken all right are you guys ready let's get started [Music] [Music] there are so many great fried chicken in the world but i'm pretty sure you guys all agree this korean fried chicken is one of the best so today i'm gonna show you three different versions of korean fried chicken which are the most popular in korea and with this recipes you may not want to go to koreatown anymore alright let's start with chikimu korean pickled radish if you have korean fried chicken without this pickled radish your brain will say something is missing even though you love that yes it's that important so i'm gonna show you a super simple version for this you will need radish yeah that's it but it should be this kind of korean radish or daikon so don't even think about using a regular radish if you make it with normal radish it will taste bitter or weird i told you so if you get dumped by your girlfriend or boyfriend because you serve that weird stuff i'm not responsible first cut 400 grams of radish into nice little cubes about half an inch on each side will be perfect to pick up this radish in a small container put one cup of water one cup of white vinegar and half a cup of sprite and lastly we have to use this new sugar for restaurant taste so please add one tablespoon of it trust me without this you never get the taste that you might have had at korean restaurants at this point some of you might think what the heck is that well it's basically the same as sweet and low that you might have seen at coffee house and if you go to korean supermarkets you can easily get this and it's less than a dollar so please add some you will see a whole new word unlike your expectations we're not gonna bring this to a boil so once it's all combined pour the liquid over your radish once that's done cover the lid and keep this in the fridge for at least half a day then you can enjoy that amazing pickled radish now let's work on the chicken normally for korean fried chicken we use a whole chicken but to keep it simple i'm gonna go with drumsticks but depending on your preference you can also go with chicken wings brass or even thighs so just use what you have in your fridge that's the best for korean fried chicken brining is the most important part so let's make a brine for our chicken put a half tablespoon of salt one tablespoon of sugar one tablespoon of chicken bouillon powder one tablespoon of garlic powder one tablespoon of onion powder a half tablespoon of cayenne pepper one tablespoon of vinegar some black pepper three cups of water and give that a good mix and then into this brine add in the chicken and mix it around now keep this in the fridge for at least three hours to overnight then you're gonna meet the best korean fried chicken ever what you can't wait that long don't worry about it as always let me save your time so this time right onto the chicken with one teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of garlic powder 1 teaspoon of onion powder 1 teaspoon of chicken bouillon powder some black pepper a half teaspoon of msg and just give it a good massage with this method 30 minutes will be enough so even if you have a scary hungry bird at home like me don't worry about it this is going to be your life saver next let's talk about the better in korean supermarkets or amazon they sell this amazing stuff which is called korean chicken fry mix and with this bad boy you can get the beautiful restaurant quality fried chicken what you can get this then combine 2 cups of cake flour 1 cup of potato starch and a pinch of salt as long as you keep this ratio you'll be fine so don't worry about it in a separate bowl add 1 cup of chicken powder mix 1 cup of cold water and give that a good whisk and then into this batter just add all the chicken and stir them around to get them nice and coated once that's done take out a large food container that has a lid and put two cups of chicken powder mix and spread it out after that place your chicken one by one and make sure they don't stick together now all you gotta do is just sprinkle some more powder over your chicken and shake it that's it what you don't have a container like this then just put them in a large plastic bag and do the same thing that will totally work alright our chicken is ready to be fried let's get cooking fill up the pot with enough oil and heat it to 170 degrees celsius or 340 degrees fahrenheit once it reaches the temperature carefully drop it in and we're gonna fry them for five minutes depending on the size of your pot or the amount of your chicken it's okay to do this in batches so no problem at all when time's up take them out and let them rest just a little bit what it doesn't look like the one from korean restaurants don't worry about it they're not fully cooked yet we still have some journey ahead of us so to get them nice and golden let's do the second fry change the heat to medium-high heat and wait until it reaches 180 degrees celsius or 355 degrees fahrenheit once it reaches the temperature add in the chicken all at once and let them fry for another four to five minutes or on the golden brown trust me this secret double fry technique will bring to the next level alright looks like it's done let's take them out and let it rest on the cooling rack this way the excess oil will drain off and give it a light and crispy texture after that just transfer it to a serving plate how does it look it looks absolutely delicious right all right let's put our taste tester claire korean fried chicken who can say no to korean fried chicken definitely not me because pasta [Music] look at this crispy batter ready this time let me try the beauty of korean fried chicken this pickled radish [Music] let's see [Music] [Music] um what as claire says to fully enjoy this we need the beautiful signature korean fried chicken sauce so using this korean chili paste and soy sauce let me show you two types of sauces i think the owners of korean fried chicken places are really gonna hate me so you guys have to protect me alright the first one is the red spicy sauce in a mixing bowl with one and a half tablespoons of curry and chili paste five tablespoons of ketchup two tablespoons of soy sauce two tablespoons of korean chili pepper flakes 3 tablespoons of sugar 1 tablespoon of minced garlic 8 tbsp of corn syrup 3 tablespoons of water and give it a good mix now pour that into a nasty pan and bring it to a boil over medium heat for about 3 to 4 minutes yes we could have just added to the pan but don't worry about it claire's gonna do the dishes once it comes to a boil turn the heat off that's it so easy right now depending on your preference you can serve it in a separate bowl and dip it in the sauce but let me show you the authentic way pour the sauce over the chicken and gently coat them with the sauce thoroughly yeah this is the stuff now all you need to do is transfer it to a serving plate and finish it with any kind of crushed nuts you like alright it's done let's see how it tastes clear oh my gosh look at how gorgeous i love little details here [Laughter] let me grow up look at how gorgeous sticky sauce wow thanks for talking okay let me try hmm the sauce is so good you may think it's too spicy because of the color but actually it's not so don't worry about it i'm sure you can handle it so please give it a try so good the next one is honey soy sauce in a small container four tablespoons of soy sauce six tablespoons of honey one teaspoon of oyster sauce one tablespoon of chicken bouillon powder one tablespoon of minced garlic half a cup of water one dried chili and give it a good stir again place it over medium heat and once it comes to a boil it's done just like the spicy one you can put the chicken in a bowl and toss them in the sauce but if possible i highly recommend using a brush this time because this way it's gonna stay crispy for a long time alright it's done let's cut our taste tester clear great she cannot make 2d now we can't talk i'm so ready let me try it [Music] you know what i've been waiting for this this whole entire time cheers i think aaron stole some of it this is it perfect i know you have a great chicken recipe yeah i knew it but by any chance aren't you just getting sick and tired of trying the same chicken recipe over and over if this is you you came to the right place today we are making two amazing korean chicken dishes and i have to say they're one of the greatest chicken dishes of all time alright are you guys ready let's get started [Music] today we are making two classic chicken dishes gemta korean soy sauce braised chicken and takbo kumtang spicy braised chicken now i've given you two great options so all you need to do is just pick the one and run to your kitchen but make sure to hit the like button before you do that thank you in advance all right let's start with gym duck first for this you will need a whole chicken green onion potato carrot onion glass noodles and some dried chilies even if you don't like spicy food these bad boys gotta be used in this recipe and that makes your dish taste gourmet so unless you're allergic to chili peppers i highly recommend using it first let's soak the thick glass noodles in cold water if they just go straight into a pot they're gonna soak up all the sauce in there and you'll be left with very dry chicken like a desert so make sure to soak them in water for at least 30 minutes this is very important next let's make the sauce in a small container combine four tablespoons of soy sauce one tablespoon of oyster sauce three tablespoons of sugar one tablespoon of corn syrup two tablespoons of mirin one tablespoon of minced garlic one tablespoon of chicken bouillon powder a quarter teaspoon of black pepper one tablespoon of dark soy sauce and give it a good mix that's it but by any chance if you want to get that restaurant taste not homemade style say the name of our secret weapon and a half a teaspoon of it i won't say this is necessary but if you feel like it's missing something because you skip this i'm not responsible this time cut 150 grams of green onions into long strips just like any good korean dish it'll be like more green onion more delicious so be super generous with this and then chop an onion into nice big chunks and cut two potatoes some carrots into nice bite-sized pieces here the carrot is mainly for color so if you don't have it you can't skip it but make sure to include the potatoes the starch from the potatoes will thicken up the sauce and help it stick to the chicken you don't have potatoes don't worry about it you can use sweet potatoes no problem at all this time let's talk about the chicken i'm gonna be using a whole chicken that's been cut up into small pieces but if it's difficult to get this just use chicken thighs or breasts no problem at all but just so you know all the good flavors come out of the bones so there's gonna be a difference in taste now blanch the chicken in hot water for 5 minutes at this point some of you might say aaron what are you doing you're going to lose all the good flavor i'm so glad you brought that up the truth is you're not going to lose any flavor but you're just going to get rid of all the impurities and orders so don't worry about it we'll get a better result alright once that's done give it a good rinse under cold water now into a wall or pot add in your chicken the sauce five to seven dried chilies 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil over high heat once it starts to bubble reduce the heat to medium high and simmer for 10 minutes after that reduce the heat to medium and add in your potatoes and carrots after 5 minutes or once the veggies are halfway cooked add in the onions half of the green onions glass noodles and let it cook for another 10 minutes so simple right now let's turn the heat off and add the rest of the green onions and drizzle one tablespoon of sesame oil now all you need to do is just toss them around that's it but if you want to make it more beautiful add some mild chilies or bell peppers see looks way better right alright it's almost done transfer it to a serving plate and finish it with a generous amount of toasted sesame seeds how does it look it looks absolutely delicious right all right let's cut our taste tester claire wow old vegetables and sesame seeds they make a beautiful presentation [Music] i can't wait to try great i'm gonna add more of the sauce oh my gosh ready hmm and i love that little kick from chili peppers super protective money money let's try the glass noodles it looks divine hmm [Music] which is an arch rival of soy sauce braised chicken if the first one is super addictive because of its sweet and savory flavor this one will make you fall in love with this unique spiciness so you can get excited for this you will need a whole chicken onion green onion potato carrot and chili peppers it's pretty simple right but if you want to upgrade it then get yourself a little bit of korean rice cake if i say the glass noodles are the beauty of gym duck this bad boy will be the hero here alright let's prep some vegetables just like before chop some green onion into nice big chunks i'm gonna use about 100 grams next chop an onion into nice bite-sized pieces again if they're too small they will go mushy as they cook so just roughly chop them and then potatoes take sweet potatoes and cut them in half like this once that's done cut some carrot into nice bite-sized pieces this time chili peppers in korea there are many types of chili peppers but this bad boy is super super spicy so i'm gonna use two yeah that's the spirit but if you can't take spicy so much you can't skip it no problem at all now let's move on to the seasoning paste in a small container combine four tablespoons of curry and chili pepper flakes two tablespoons of sugar one and a half tablespoons of soy sauce one tablespoon of oyster sauce one tablespoon of chicken bouillon powder one tablespoon of tashida korean beef stock powder one tablespoon of corn syrup one tablespoon of minced garlic a quarter teaspoon of black pepper and a half teaspoon of msg as i said earlier this msg is optional but if i don't put this here claire could say the first one is way better because of this teeny tiny amount of msg so in order to be objective i can't have it again blanch your chicken for 5 minutes and rinse them under cold water well if your chicken is really really fresh you can't skip this step but this little detail will give you a better result so i highly recommend doing this now take out a wok or pot add in the drained chicken potatoes sauce two and a half cups of water and place it over high heat once it starts to boil reduce it down to a medium high and let it simmer for 12 minutes and during the simmer make sure to stir it occasionally so that they don't stick on the bottom if you smell smoke in your kitchen because you didn't take my advice not responsible now at this point some of you might want to ask aaron you're not gonna use gochujang korean chili paste of course you could add it but it's way better without gochujang because without it it's gonna taste more delicate and for information that's the restaurant secret so take some notes you're welcome alright let's reduce it down to a medium and add in our onions carrots and give it a quick stir keep adding half a cup of water a handful of rice cakes and simmer for another 5 minutes once the rice cakes are cooked through add in your green onions chili peppers and let it all cook together for about 3 minutes that's it for information if you transfer it to a wide pot and serve it on a portable stove that's the best but since hungry claire is staring at me let's skip the part i don't want to die today alright let's see how it tastes clear if i didn't know the taste of ginda and if you ask me why would you like to try the first one or this one i'll definitely pick this one why because to me red always looks more appetizing is again it's super juicy and tender and bounce at the same time perfectly cooked it's not that spicy as it looks so you'll be fine don't be afraid let's try the potato hmm [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there are so many things i have to show you guys like this pour it and give it a good mix like this [Music] it's slightly different but if you love to cookie i'm sure you will love this try i think it's going to be a good competition between ginta and tabok like chicken breast and chicken thigh all right here's a scenario you're stranded on an island all by yourself and can only eat one noodle dish for the rest of your life what's your pick yeah it's really hard to pick one because we need to choose the best of the best but if i were you i'll definitely pick this one [Music] today we are making jajangmyon yeah the nice and thick blank noodles that always come out on youtube but we're not gonna make a regular jajangmyun it's bigger and fancier and in my opinion this is one of the greatest noodle dishes of all time so if this is something you haven't tried before you should give it a try trust me you won't regret it for this you will need onion green onion butter mushroom garlic chives ginger shrimp squid pork and shinjang black bean paste since i want to make this a little fancier i'm using a lot of stuff but as long as you have pork black bean paste onion and green onion you'll be fine so don't worry about it first let's prepare the black bean paste which is the most important ingredient for jajangmyeon when you go shopping for this you should grab a korean product and sadly there's no substitute so you gotta make sure there's korean written on it if you use products from other countries i can guarantee that's gonna be delicious and probably something weird will come out i told you already so if that happens i'm not responsible all right in a cold pan or wok add half a cup of vegetable oil one cup or 250 grams of black bean paste and place it over medium heat and then we're gonna fry this for about two minutes and make sure to keep stirring it in this step the black bean paste can't stick on the bottom so i highly recommend using a non-stick pan if he scorches on the bottom because you didn't use it i'm not responsible when you see the bubbles in the middle give it about 30 seconds to one minute and that's pretty much it it's been going well without any troubles nothing crazy congratulations you're almost there here some of you might think it's too much but don't worry about it once it's completely cooled down you can't keep this in the fridge and it should be fine for up to 2 weeks so try to make a lot of different things with this but i'm pretty sure you're going to make this jajangmyun over and over again because it's too delicious now let's prep some vegetables first finely mince 4 grams of ginger since it's a small amount of ginger you might want to skip it but if i were you i wouldn't do that because this teeny tiny amount of ginger will make a huge difference in taste next onion you can cut this any way you like big or small doesn't really matter so you can't even slice it if you want but since i have a strict judge who really cares about texture i'm gonna chop it into nice big chunks still cold out there i don't wanna sleep on the street and then chop some green onion into small pieces a lot of recipes say you need different types of vegetables such as guinea carrot and cabbage but i dare say you don't really need them trust me what really affects the taste of jajangmyun is onion and green onion that's it this time grab a handful of garlic chives and cut them into long strips if it's difficult to get this you can use bok choy instead or it's more of an aesthetic thing so you can skip it no problem at all now let's move on to the mushrooms i'm gonna cut six button mushrooms into quarters just like chives it's not necessary either but obviously this bad boy will make your jajangman a little more fancier so if you have some leftover mushrooms bring them all and then cut some pork belly into nice bite-sized pieces you could use pork legs shoulder or anything you have but make sure it's a nice fatty cut because fat makes everything taste better that's why i always use pork belly but in korea restaurants don't use this for jajangmyun why because it's quite expensive here but i think it's not that expensive where you live so give it a try then you will definitely meet more delicious jajangmyeon alright you guys remember i always say green makes your food look fancy do you remember that but there's one more thing that does the same thing that is seafood alright let's say you ordered pad thai at a thai restaurant if there's shrimp or seafood in it it's more expensive than other protein right for the reason i brought this squid and shrimp at this point some of you might say what frozen seafood they're too fishy yeah sometimes but don't worry about it if you blanch it in hot water like this you won't taste fishy if you could have a big big fire just like a chinese restaurant you don't have to do this but if you just add it right into the frying pan and make a stir-fry then i don't want to talk about it it's your choice but don't complain to me all right we're set let's get cooking with tutti responsible oil in a wok it doesn't have to be new you can use the one that you fried black bean paste with don't waste save the environment and then add one tablespoon of lard and heat it over medium heat lard is totally optional but i would say this guy will take it to the next level once it's nice and hot add in the pork belly and let it cook for about 2-3 minutes the goal here is to render out the fat so that all the great flavor from the pork comes out to the oil yes this is the restaurant secret you're welcome when the pork is nicely browned add the ginger and stir-fry that for about 30 seconds and then add one tablespoon of soy sauce and give it a good stir for another one minute here please be careful because the oil will be hot and it could splash back on you but still this tab will give you that amazing fragrance so it will be totally worth it high risk high return now increase the heat to high add in your onions green onions and stir fry for about 2 minutes or until they are slightly softened and then keep it in your seafood one and a half tablespoons of sugar 1 tbsp of oyster sauce 1 tablespoon of chicken bouillon powder and stir fry for another 2 minutes lastly add half a teaspoon of msg as a sacred weapon now some of you might be thinking what msg alright enough is enough today i think i'm gonna have to put my foot down on this msg jajangmyun without msg i don't like it because without it it doesn't taste like a restaurant don't get me wrong i love homemade stuff but it just doesn't taste right to me so if you want to get that restaurant taste i mean something you had in korea or korea town then please give it a try something magical will happen to you a message company call me i'm waiting for you now add one and a half tablespoons of fried black bean paste and stir it all together for about 2 minutes you know what i totally forgot to add the mushrooms it is supposed to be put along with the seafood but don't worry about it it should be alright and once everything is well coated reduce the heat to medium add half a cup of water and bring it to a boil once it comes to a boil carefully add the corn starch slurry and give it a good stir alright the sauce is done let's keep it warm until the noodles are ready here some of you might say aaron i can't get the jajangman noodles they don't sell here you know what that amazing sauce works really great with any type of noodles like kaigooksu soba uron or even pasta noodles they're all fine so just make sure that you cook the noodles according to the package instructions don't worry about it everything will be fantastic now bring the sauce to a boil over high heat and add the drained noodles and then quickly toss it around for about one to two minutes actually you can just place the noodles in a bowl and pour the sauce we made but if you stir fry everything like this it will become more special that's why it's more expensive than regular jajangmyeon once everything is well incorporated turn the heat off and strain some garlic chives 1 tablespoon of toasted sesame oil and just give it a final mix now all we have left is transfer it to a serving plate that's it but if you want to make it prettier then add some sliced cucumbers see green always makes your food look fancy alright it's done let's cut our taste tester claire this is something i always want to eat but didn't order it usually comes in like this size like two or three servings and there's no way to finish it by myself plus it's more expensive than regular jajangmyeon so believe it or not this is my first time to try this let's mix it up [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] this might be a little shocking but if you go to a korean chinese restaurant they serve it with this tamoji yellow pickled radish and raw onions how do i eat this just dip it in the chunda like bean paste let me show you like this just a little let's try it [Laughter] [Music] i'm sure adam doesn't want to talk with me anymore but i'm so happy about it [Laughter] it's so delicious [Music] but don't get me wrong it's delicious you must be craving some nice and heartwarming stew but at the same time i'm pretty sure you don't want to cook all day for the sip of soup but don't worry about it if you invest just 10 minutes you're gonna taste the best korean stew that you ever had all right now you guys ready let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] today we are making kimchi jjigae one of the most popular korean stews and as always i'm gonna show you two versions the authentic one and a super simple version although i'm gonna share a super simple version the authentic one is not hard to make or time consuming so unless you're like super busy to save the world i strongly recommend the first one alright let's start with the authentic version for this you will need green onion onion chili pepper coffee pork and of course kimchi before we start cooking we need to talk about a few things here first you gotta use well fermented kimchi i dare say no one can make good kimchi stew with freshly made kimchi maybe i could but that's like an absolute truth or something so if you just bought it from supermarkets please wait until it gets a little bit sour i told you already so if you mess up with freshly made kimchi not responsible second meat today i'm using pork belly because the fat in each layer will make your broth flavorful what you don't have this at the moment don't worry about it you can use other parts like pork shoulder or lag as long as it has enough fat in it you'll be fine alright let's prep some vegetables first slice some onion into thin strips next chop some green onion into small pieces if you cut it diagonally like this that will make your dish more beautiful like a restaurant and then the same thing goes for the chili peppers just cut them diagonally actually these guys are more of an aesthetic thing so if you don't have them just skip them no problem at all after that cut some tofu into nice big chunks and set them aside now it's time to prep our stir ingredient kimchi cuz 300 grams of wet fermented kimchi into nice bite sized pieces here if you don't have another cutting board only for kimchi just put it in a bowl and cut it with scissors otherwise because of kimchi stains on the cutting board it can guarantee your safety from your mom you know what i'm talking about and then chop 150 grams of pork belly into bite size pieces if you don't care about the texture and just want to make it faster then you can actually use ground pork but since i have a hungry bird at home who really cares about texture there's nothing much i can do about it i really want to live longer now let's move on to the seasoning paste put one tablespoon of curry and chili pepper flakes half a tablespoon of soy sauce half a tablespoon of fish sauce half a tablespoon of minced garlic and give it a good mix i know some of you might be worried because of fish sauce but don't worry about it you know what if you know how much fish sauce is in your favorite kimchi you're gonna be freaked out so just follow my lid you're gonna be okay with this teeny tiny amount of fish sauce trust me that's gonna be only full of umami no fish taste at all all right everything is all set let's get cooking take our wok or pot place it over medium heat and add half a tablespoon of neutral tasting oil once it gets nice and hot add in the pork belly here you don't have to cook too long until it gets crispy we just want to render out the fat and get a little bit of color so it should be about 3 minutes and here i know it smells really nice so you'll be tempted to eat this but please don't once you have a bite you can't stuff yourself and notice there's nothing left it's not a korean bbq episode let's do it later now into this beautiful fat throwing some kimchi and the seasoning paste we're going to stir this around for about 6 minutes here you should keep stirring it because chili pepper flakes are so easy to burn what is burned already sorry about that there's nothing much i can do about it so please be careful the next step is totally optional but if you want to make it extra delicious add 1 tbsp of lard trust me it will make you feel like you're at a korean restaurant oh it will once it's completely welded down add 2 cups of water and a few shakes of black pepper but instead of just plain water i'm gonna use 2 cups of rice water that i got from rinsing the rice then because of the starch it's gonna taste better but not that much now place it over medium high heat and cook for another 10 minutes and then add half a tablespoon of tashida korean beef stock powder what you never tried it trust me it will make it so much better so you might feel like you just found out the secret weapon of korean restaurants and just like any other soup or stew the longer you boil it the better it's going to be so 10 minutes is just a minimum time if you boil it for like 20 or 30 minutes the pork is gonna let out more of the fat and it's gonna make it more flavorful but just make sure you add more water so it doesn't all evaporate now i'm gonna transfer it to a tupagi korean clay pot of course you can just finish it in a pot and serve it in a bowl but if you want more authentic vibes this bad boy is a must once that's done add some tofu onions green onions chili peppers and cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes or until it's bubbling hot alright it's done what you want to make it more pretty then finish it with half a teaspoon of korean chili pepper flakes see it looks way better alright let's cut our taste tester claire oh my gosh the sizzling sound makes me crazy um [Music] oh let me try it [Music] when i was a little kid i was not a big fan of kimchi but still i was crazy about this kimchi stew even though i didn't like kimchi because when it's cooked it's a totally different story so if you're not so sure about this kimchi stew give it a try you won't regret it because of my kimchi chicken [Music] [Laughter] the first recipe was pretty simple and easy so you can't believe there's even a simpler version well you know what i can't make kimchi stew in less than five minutes with this bad boy but let's spend five more minutes and make it properly for a 10-minute kimchi-jjigae you will need kimchi canned tuna and green onion what you still can't give up the good presentation then just add some chili peppers here with this people won't notice it only took 10 minutes so to reduce the cooking time we gotta use only the leafy part and this kind of knife and cutting board is too good for the 10 minute recipe so i'm just going to cut it with scissors and put them directly into the pot next let's add one tablespoon of korean chili pepper flakes half a tablespoon minced garlic half a tablespoon of tashida korean beef stock powder 1 teaspoon of fish sauce half of the canned tuna which is about 50 grams and the oil from the canned tuna now get that on medium heat and saute those for about 3 minutes what's really important here is we should add all the oil from canned tuna that's the key when the fat meets kimchi it creates an amazing flavor and this is the secret to how we get the best kimchi stew alright it's been 3 minutes let's add 2 cups of water and let it cook for about five to seven minutes over medium high heat since i used a very thin bottom pot i think it's gonna take me only five minutes last but not least let's add the rest of the canned tuna and some chopped green onions if you have any leftover tofu in your fridge please set it in it's gonna make it more visually appealing now to finish let's add some chili peppers and a few shakes of black pepper like claire said kimchi-jjigae and a fried egg they're match made in heaven so don't forget to serve with some rice and a fried egg all right let's see how it tastes [Music] good let me try the broth first [Music] hmm [Music] ready [Music] i like it [Music] you
Channel: Aaron and Claire
Views: 514,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korean dinner, korean dinner recipe, chicken recipe, nooodles recipe, dinner recipes, rice recipes, jjajangmyeon, kimchi, kimchi recipe, korean fried chicken, korean food, black bean noodles, jjajang, jjimdak, dakdoritang, dakbokkeunmtang, chicken recipes, asian food, asian recipe, kimchi stew, kimchi jjigae, aaron and claire, aaron and claire recipe
Id: 5Yqa_qRaxgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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