Unlocking the Power of Winget Package Manager: Top Features You Need to Know

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hey everyone and welcome back to my channel on this channel we talk about the latest hot topics Around Da Nero a your vir your desktop Windows 365 inun entro ID and much much more today I'm going to explore with you my favorite way of deploying applications onto a ver desktop on Windows 35 session host and images we're going to explore winget so what exactly is winget well winget is a package manager for Windows and it's got everyone talking about it potential impact on the way that we managed software deployment for session hosts and also images so let's talk about the challenges face with previous package management options on windows they're just not cutting anymore right and there's a clear need for a more robust solution to make the process smoother and more efficient inun and confli manager are great but they can be complicated to manage it can be slow to deliver applications to end users images and session hosts now let's explore the exciting features of wing get so from its userfriendly command and interface to its seamless compatibility with various packages formats winget is designed to make software installation and updates a complete breeds and here's the reason why I love it so much winget simplifies the entire process of managing software on Windows it's an absolute Game Changer so say goodbye to complicated installations image management and updates all thanks to winget I've been recommending winget and package manages like chocolatey to my customers because they're so easy to use and so so so powerful they make image management and application deployment and absolute breeze so when combined with nerdio ex extremely powerful solution also as they are command based it makes it ridiculously easy to completely automate your image management or dat process using winget something I've done on many many deployments so in summary Wing offers a huge advantages and has the potential to revolutionize the windows e system it's a tool that's here to stay and make our lives easier in the tech world now here's your call to action I encourage you to give Wing get a try and share your experiences with me in the comment section below so let's explore these new tool together and see how it can really enhance your application deployment and automated image management solution for as you vers Desktop Windows 365 Windows 365 or any other solution so what are you waiting for let's dive into the world of winget let's embrace your future software management together and don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button for weekly updates for myself thanks for watching so let's talk how we can actually get hold of winget so by default winget is actually um installed in Windows 11 um and it was installed by default in Windows 10 version 1909 onwards so if you have any version earlier than that then you need to um manually install it so once you've got your windows 11 machine up and running let's do a quick check to see whether wind get is actually installed so the command to run this is winget SL info okay so if you run that um we can see it's actually saying Windows package manager so essentially that's what Wing get is um so we can see here I'm running preview version um which is a related version I'll put the downloads link that below um and then I'm at version 1.9 okay so if you ever want to see whether Wing get's working properly or whether it's installed on the system just run winget info and that will give you what version you're running and also obviously running that we'll make sure that it is installed properly okay so now that we got wind get installed let's actually go and install something right see how easy this is so we can do this on the command line right so if I go to Wi get install Okay and then let's use vs code as an example right so I'm just going to go vs code click enter okay so what's actually doing that's actually connecting to this URL it'll download that and then it will install it for us okay so start your package install extracting the files there you go simple as that okay so if you think about what you can do with this you could like literally put this into your your I don't know terraform scripts your devop scripts um your deployment scripts whatever you want it's just a really good way of deploying applications um and then let's just double check that's actually installed um and we can run that yep so there we go okay so that's vs code and it's stalled directly from the common line using winget so let's now have a look and see which applications we got installed on my machine so I'm going to go here I'm going to go wingets list so this is all the applications installed on this desktop um which we we get NOS about and therefore when get command those applications right so we can see here we've got Edge we've gotx hero we've got Cortana and we've got power automate so um again a good way of taking an inventory what software is installed um on the machine from the command line um so next we'll actually see how we can actually go and update oh the all those applications all right so let's see how we can now update all those applications on this uh desktop PC so if I wanted to do this manually right but have to get a list of all the applications then have to go and check one by one on the vendor's website to see which applications are actually uh updates are available and then download them and then install them okay but here I'm going to do in one single command line right so we're going to type in wi get upgrade all okay so let's see what this does so it's telling me there's four upgrades available which doesn't surprise me because this is a freshly built workstation and then it's just going to go away and install all those updates for me okay so again if you were doing this within your um sort of update codes uh via Nero via um any method you choose to um it would just run this automatically so you could set this to go on a recurring schedule like every week every month whatever you want um and then this will go and just install those application updates um automatically pretty cool right very very very powerful um because this is a completely automated way of keeping everything that you need to um up to date so you can see from here it's basically says we're updating vs code um and we're updating Windows terminal and it tells you uh the version that it's got installed and then the version that it's got available um as well all right so let's now explore the the search functionality um so obviously this is searching AC cross the Windows store um so for some applications which have already been made available so let's imagine a scenario where we're trying to install a browser right so um let's see what kind of browsers we can search for so we're going to do Wing get search browser okay and it's going to bring me back a list of all the browsers which it's got within its um sort of database so let's pick Firefox as an example so we've got um Firefox here okay so I'm actually going to install Firefox so let's go for Wing get install Firefox maybe that's not the name or is it multiple package you found okay so I'm going to go for the one below so Wing get install so the differences are you see the nine so that means that one's held within the Microsoft store so that'll be the link directly within the Microsoft store and the second one the winget one and that'll probably be just a link to um the the file Within M's website so let's pick this one so I'm going to pick this one it's it easy and then we getall maybe not okay so we get install and then mazilla Firefox okay so that's downloading it directly from Milla okay it's going to download the very latest version as well so it's verified the hash it's now doing the install so again let's go and have a quick look I now have uh Firefox installed so I can do a search for Firefox and there we are we now running a very latest version of Firefox okay so there you have it some very basics of wingar as you can see it's extremely powerful enables us to do everything by code so if you combine this as mentioned previous times with like with devops with Nero um with anything that supports sort of command L installation deployment it can be extremely powerful because it means I can literally to script out my whole deployment I can automate my update method of my images my session hosts physical workstations whatever you want but the beauty is it just doesn't support light stop within the um Windows store or connected to third parties but you can actually use your own applications with it as well so um if You' got a custom MSI file or a custom MSX file that you packaged up you can also deliver that using winget by creating a private winget repo I'll do another video on creating a private winget repo um using nerdio um but for now I just wanted to show you the basics of what Wing is capable of doing so I'll see you in the next video thank you goodbye [Music]
Channel: Neil McLoughlin
Views: 212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: package manager, winget windows package manager, how to install or update apps using command line on windows 11, windows 11 winget, windows package manager, azure virtual desktop, windows 365, what is winget, how to install winget windows 11, winget upgrade all, winget, winget install, image management
Id: lsptKLJNlZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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