Graham Cooke - 'The Right Time' Aglow national conference 2018 - Saturday Evening message

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so tonight looking forward to what we're doing I want to talk to you about lifelong living promises and I have a particular humungous promise that God wants to give us and then I have a prophetic word just to keep you awake but I want to start off by saying this is a great time for us it's the right time it's a brilliant time and you know we are joint heirs in Christ and we're heirs of God so from this time forward agloe is practicing the art of air superiority air supremacy that's what we're doing we're going to learn how to fight in a different way so we'll you know we'll be like this incredible charismatic air force but also we're going to learn to fight from our identity as joint heirs with Jesus so that we are lifted out of the world's chaos into the kingdom provision that is available for every single one of us you know promises are given so that we can discover the power in God's relationship with his people and God gives a promise he gives everything that he is and everything that he has and we learned the beauty of his nature in the way that he uses promises in our life Therese and I we have so many promises it's like was spoiled for choice we don't know which promise to attack the enemy with on days but it's fun and the thing we love together as man and wife is we love encountering his unchanging love and the majesty of his righteousness towards us that God can only see us in the right way imagine that he can only look at you in the right way he's full of righteousness and righteousness as a gift to us he can only think about you in the right way he can only talk about you and talk to you in the right way why because he chooses to do everything right he is righteous and he loves being righteous and it's a part of his unchanging nature and the thing I love that he's unchanging this is the thing I think that makes me cry the most my eyes leak almost every day just because when I think of his unchanging nature I feel incredibly safe you always know where you are with God because he never changes and his behavior towards you is not his righteousness towards you is not based on your performance or your behavior if you're good bad or ugly on days he will be exactly the same towards you because he never changes I love that about him excuse me I love the fact that I feel totally and completely safe I always know exactly where I am in his heart and and the beauty about it too is that his covenant is not with you it's with Jesus in you there's a reason why God put Jesus into you is so that he could make a covenant with him that would include you even on the days when you were being followed around by the spirit of stupid he made a covenant with Jesus in you and he loves to keep that covenant the Father loves Jesus in you and he loves who you're becoming in Jesus when when Jesus wins we win father loves it Holy Spirit well I mean Holy Spirit is always happy about everything so his promises become our permission to believe his words never fail and there they're built into his truth to us they're built into his truth for us in US and through us and everything in your life every circumstance in your life there are promises available for everything that's going on because as a people we don't navigate through our life by problems or by crises or by chaos we navigate through the promises and the prophecies that God has given us we chart our course don't you love that Jesus my daughter was around 11 I was meditating in my study at home and the door bursts open she jumps in she's down so forth she says dad I want you to have a word with that Jesus Owen what's he doing now he wants me to love a girl in my class who doesn't like me and she frustrates the heck out of me I said honey I think you're gonna have to work it out on your own but ever since that point Jesus has always been that Jesus sometimes in the office were going like sheesh Pat Jesus oh my god brilliant I love that I love it that every day we got something brilliant to look forward to just because he's around and he doesn't matter what our circumstances are because we're not governed by our circumstances were governed by the promise that God gives us about them right so he opens up our horizon all the time it takes the blinders off and he says now this is what we're doing now I want you to think about it this way I want you to explore this promise with me because I'm gonna open you up and give you some open-heart surgery I'm gonna massage your heart got to get rid of all that fear that worry that angst all that negative stuff that doesn't belong to you by the way it belongs to Jesus because he paid a price for it so make sure you're not hanging on to stuff that belongs to him right all your negativity belongs to him because he died for it yes that is the best way to make him slightly annoyed is to be holding on to stuff that he robbed you off seriously if Jesus took away all the sins of the world what idiot brought them back really what clown brought them back I don't want a slide for you but in Santa Barbara we have these amazing people who work for the city and every Wednesday morning they come and they take our trash away and it's like it's amazing is that happen where you live sometimes they take our trash away he's brilliant we put that bin out on the side of the road on a Tuesday evening and in Wednesday morning we never see them by the way they're always so early Wednesday morning empty trash can rubbish gone whoo it's like getting saved every day but could you imagine one evening Wednesday evening knock at the door and it's a guy you haven't seen before and he says hello I'm your trash guy I take away your trash every Wednesday and you know we really enjoyed just taking all and robbing you over but we just thought you know just for a change we'd bring you back so we couldn't find your bin so we just laid it out on the lawn and you've probably got a little bit from next door a little bit from them but anyway you'll figure it out if that ever happened what would you do you'd be straight on the phone you'd be so irate your voice gets so high pitch the only dolphins could hear you you'd be slightly annoyed right so why is it that we let the enemy bring back to us something that Jesus took away I'm just asking just asking we're so accommodating to the devil trash that's my trash oh okay well I'll find a place to put it really all that stuff belongs to Jesus you're not allowed to have it bad Christian bad we are persuaded by promises just like Abraham listen to this I'm gonna read you from the Bible Romans 4:17 as it is written a father of many nations have I made you in the presence of him who believed even God what's God believing about you he worked it out yet you want to know by that flipping book I'm kidding God is believing something about you and the whole art of walking with God is that you believe the same thing so you're on the same page all the time it's not rocket science so simple an Englishman can do it in the presence of him and being whom he believed even God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist that's like a Cleveland Browns whim or something apologies if you're from Cleveland oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean it really in hope against hope abraham believed so they might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken so shall your descendants be without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body you know God doesn't ask you to deny the existence of a negative he just asks you to put it in the right place in a place where you don't really have to consider it because the promise is so much bigger so much more viable so much more vibrant so much more powerful so much more beautiful why would you want to even think about a negative thank you for the golfclap I appreciate it without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old and then he thought about Sarah and that was just killing me funny this is like I'm pretty sure her wound I'd I think I heard he died once like 20 years ago and then he says this yet with respect yet with respect to the promise of God he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith giving glory to God and being fully assured that what God had promised he was able also to perform therefore it was credited to him as righteousness excuse me [Applause] come on I know you kissed the Bible as well right [Applause] promises highlight the absolute faithfulness of God to you everything in his nature everything in his personality everything in his heart you know God as such a massive heart but he gives everything to you in that promise it is unthinkable that you would not receive the fullness of that promise as you stand and walk in him here's the thing for a lot of us and I'm definitely got my hand up on this one we pay more attention to the circumstances were in than we do to the promise God is giving us we have more respect for the thought that things may not work out but the possibility of this is going to get bad that the probability is well I don't know this probably won't work for me we have more respect around a negative than we do around God's kind intentions need to flip those around God gave you a promise in the first place so that you could hold on to his faithfulness because he doesn't lie he won't promise you something and not deliver but you have to partner with him and it's okay for you to consider stuff just don't give it any more power than it should have never give a problem more power than a promise this is what we're learning now because we're all learning how to become joint heirs from this point on and what I'm doing this evening is I'm gonna give you a strategy not just in your own personal life I'm going to give a strategy for every lighthouse for every region for every nation in agloe in terms of how to get on the same page with God how to walk with Him in full assurance of understanding in complete confidence in who he is and how to govern in your own life through the promises that God has given you we need a strategy for the goodness of God if we're gonna be joined as it is absolutely essential that we have this immaculate confession about goodness here's where Theresa and I live at the moment we made a decision a while back that we would never ever allow ourselves to be challenged by a negative that we were only going to allow ourselves to be challenged by the goodness of God so we determined that every situation that was against us was actually a challenge from God to us to see how much we believed in His goodness and also it was a challenge to himself because he likes to partner with us it was a challenge to himself to really talk to us about this is what I want to do this is who I want to be this is how I want to walk with you this is the peace and the rest I want to give I want you to enjoy this challenge with me I want you to see everything as a challenge to my goodness in you which is just the other flip side of the coin that everything is a possibility every situation in your life has possibilities for God to do all kinds of stuff and where that takes you is it takes you into a place of calm an expectation what the Bible calls hope and then if you're really bright you'll actually move yourself alone into anticipation where you're looking ahead and then on certain days when you realize oh my god I haven't had a problem for 17 days what's going on how am I supposed to grow up when I haven't got a challenge that brings me into a greater experience of goodness now you can say well that's pretty out there shrinking but actually isn't it's just the mind of Christ it's the way he thinks seriously it's the way he thinks listen don't mess with the Prophet don't make me come down there seriously it is the way he thinks and since you're being made in His image it's the way all y'all are gonna think right this is what we've got to look forward to we're gonna blast to smithereens and love that word smithereens good old Irish word I'd blast you to smithereens oh he will it's brilliant we're gonna blast to smithereens every ounce of negativity in your head in your heart in your little finger wherever because you don't need it so we need to give it back to the enemy and push it back because it's not ours it's his and we need to be taking on board who we are in Christ who God wants to be for us what he's making us into in terms of his likeness and have a jolly good time and when learning if the promise highlights the absolute faithfulness of God and that teaches us how to hold fast the confession of expectation and not lose hope that's Hebrews 10:23 we live in expectation the God's gonna do something absolutely amazing promises are heavens currency the old carrier yes in our men in Christ and we inherit them by faith so that we can believe in God joyfully I could hear all the cogs going round in your hand right now promises come in all shapes and sizes but we need a feud are exceedingly great and precious to God otherwise if some promises are not great we won't see or experience how amazing he wants to be for us I get persecuted a lot which is a great pleasure I've had thousands I don't know I stopped counting at 50,000 I don't even know why I was stupid enough to count that far but the number of hate mail I've had over the years sad to say I think it's declining either that or miss Jenny's hiding them somewhere people riding you know like double sided 12 sheets double-sided closely typed no paragraphs you always know that it's a demon because they can't paragraph they don't know they don't understand punctuation or paragraphs and so you will get like letters you know cursing me and my family and all kinds of stuff and hope you die and gruesome death and you know telling you that you're the second cousin three times removed from Satan really cute stuff and there's a brilliant verse in 1 Peter 1:4 I'm gonna read it I like reading this I like reading it to the Lord when I get a nasty letter well can I have some more nasty letters it's so much fun if you are reviled for the name of Christ you are blessed see now that is brilliant thinking it's like God saying don't focus on being reviled dude there's a blessing right next to it there is no revulsion that can come into your life that doesn't have a blessing attached this is what we're talking about we're in the kingdom different rules apply it's like the world is playing baseball the kingdoms playing football somebody's gonna get hurt you're in the kingdom now and there are different rules the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is on your side so if you are revived for the name of Christ you are blessed why because the spirit of glory and of God rests on you I love going into my meditation space with a really ugly horrible demonic letter and then just putting it down on the table and saying okay Lord read that read that and I'm just assuming the position because I want the spirit of garden of glory to rest on me is the reason why I have a brilliant articulated view of who God is for me I take advantage over what the enemy is doing that's why I wrote a book the newness advantage big clue there are so many things in your life that God intends to turn around open them up so you can see the beauty and the power and the provision and the possibility and the promise that's actually in your life because of what the enemy is doing the guys are making me nervous spirit of garden of glory rest on me right now please I feel like I'm being persecuted oh really there are some promises that need to be that will be so big they will take your breath away you'll be you'll be doing you know you're being fluent in dolphin could you be going really yes if you're living with someone wonderful it's pretty important for you to have a sense of wonder and not just I wonder what's going to happen hey that's like Basecamp one on Everest I wonder what's gonna happen now but a sense of wonder is you're awestruck by who God is there's a reverence in your heart for the nature of God and you have respect for everything that he says some of us I think you know enjoy listening more to the enemy than we do to the Father because our ears seem always to be tuned towards a negative isn't there a problem that aunt isn't there a worry that aren't you fearful about that Wow no thanks for asking weird person promises create attendant expectation I love the fact that he loves to attach a promise to a problem and he does it so that you can disempower your disappointment and refocus recalibrate that's what a promise does it refocuses you it recalibrates your thinking it o it gives you a fresh vision and when you allow those things to happen there's an expectation that rises up in you there's a trust in you because you know that God is unchanging and so you trust the nature of God you know most of us believe that God can heal but our big question is we're not sure whether it'll heal me right so it's hard for us to have faith it's hard to have faith when you haven't got trust see we trust in the nature of God we trust in who he is for us we trust in what God is being for us because he doesn't change and when you can trust the unchanging nature of God faith is easy it's dead easy I can do it faith works by love a love comes out of trust your relationship with God is always wrapped up in the multiple acts of favor that he bestows on you in Jesus name listen if you're going to be as big as Jesus you're gonna have to have all the promises he had over 300 prophetic words in his life I'm only at like 47 I've got some growing up to do you get all the promises that his father ever gave him Jesus was rich the day after he was born because some weird King gave his dad a gold brick independently wealthy while he was still in diapers as he is so are we now you're all thinking brilliant gold brick and I asked for that definitely whatever ask for something here's the thing I like about promises when you have a promise there is no more need to take the problem to God no more need it robs you of that we take our promises to God instead that's why I like all the you know Lord you said cards brilliant idea miss Cathy Lord you said cards Lord you said I like that I like taking out my prophetic words and say what about this one this is from 1979 what about that one Lord you said this any won't yeah I like that one it's not time yet I like the one from 1984 though how about them do that one I write I write everything down God says to me I write down every promise every prophetic word we have conversations about them on a very regular basis why because promises are currency in our life when you have a promise there's no more need to take the problem to God we take the promises to him instead and we learn the language of joy and peace in believing not promises does for me it means I can live every day under the smile of God every day knowing exactly what his intentions are scripture talks about he does this for the for the good pleasure of his will he does this for the kind intentions of his will I like living every day under the smile of God in a chaotic world where everything is falling apart through greed corruption government ineptitude we're not being challenged by evil we're only ever being challenged by the goodness of God Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil so I'm going to read a prophetic promise there's meant so much to me down through the years and it's never failed to deliver it's been one of my prime points of development in trust faith an experience of God so this is a promise that I'm now donating to agloe worldwide and it's going to be part of your training program for the next 12 months in lighthouses we're going to study this it's got seven iwill statements in it it's a corker we're gonna study it we're going to write prayers out of it we're going to create expectations out of it and here's the thing you will be accountable for your expectations I say that in the nicest possible way every lighthouse we're going to be accountable for what we're learning why because we have to turn the tide we have to reverse the flow we have to send some goodness towards the enemy because it's really painful for him we have to assault him with goodness you can't handle anything like that but we have to learn how to be provoked by the goodness of God how to become profound in our relationship about the goodness of God how to have a sense of such huge expectancy that we get turned into different men and different women our lighthouses become lighthouses places of promise places of provision places of possibility and our thinking our vision our language gets adjusted upwards so we begin to live an elevated lifestyle and then we begin to affect the people round and about us we can affect people with the goodness of God that's what Jesus did he went about doing good then in our regions in our leadership teams every officer anybody in any kind of position in agloe is going to be accountable for the people around them to make sure they come into something so profound and if you want to lead a mob like this into a whole new realm of goodness and power and expectation and faith and Trust to the point where we are unstoppable then you got to keep ahead of that lot serious I'm serious we need this is our next step up from life changes game changes this is an outcome of those two programs this is an outcome of that training that you come to a whole new place where you are never defeated again because the father the father has never lost a fight Jesus is undefeated and the Holy Spirit always leads us in triumph and that's the side that you're on and so what we need is an initiative in agloe that takes us out of them out of the basement into the penthouse takes us away from downstairs thinking into upstairs thinking takes us into the realm of Colossians 3 set your mind on things above not on things on the earth so this is it you ready it is in Jeremiah 32 verse 38 to 41 I love this I'm going to kiss my Bible in two minutes this is the Lord speaking so it's a prophecy they shall be my people and I will be their God and I will give them one heart and one way that they may fear me always that fear is reverential respect for the nature of God they will have reverential respect for me always for their own good and for the good of their children after them and I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them to do them good that means goodness is going to be eternal it's going to be a constant it's going to be a part of your relationship with him that you have an expectation of goodness in your life because he's gonna have an anticipation that he can do anything good in your life so we're coming up to that level I will not turn away from them to do them good I will not stop doing you good and I will put the fear of me in their hearts the reverential respect for me in their hearts so they will not turn away from me that's one of the prayers I pray constantly throughout the day Lord thank you so much you putting put your fear in my heart that I won't turn away from you but your reverence in my heart for the king and for the kingdom so I won't depart from you I love that prayer I must pray I don't know 20 30 times a day because I like it so much I will rejoice over them to do them good and will faithfully plant them in this land with all my heart and with all my soul that's a promise in a half a hang on nothing ambiguous in her promise it's just seven I will statements let me read them out to you I will be their God I will give them one heart in one way I will make an everlasting covenant with them I will not turn away from them to do them good I will put the reverence of me in their hearts so they will not turn away from me I will rejoice over them and I will faithfully plant them in this land with all my heart and with all my soul that's unequivocal everything he is is in that it's like he's looking at you saying I dare you to believe me I know that time I was in sunrise and had that prophetic word and and I heard it on the platform and I said you want me to say that he said yeah you really want me to say that yeah I mean right now yeah hey sure yeah okay so I turned to Dan and I just said the Lord says bankrupt to me if you can pull on me to such a degree that if everyone pulls on God at the same time there's gonna be a run on the bank in heaven now that's a challenge as the Lord's saying challenge my goodness because you have to get a huge idea of what goodness looks like for you this is personal it'll be corporate for all of us but it's deeply personal you have to know the fullness of God's heart towards you in Jesus we have to know and we have to know it by experience we have to have encounters with it it has to become normal it has to become commonplace it has to get to the point where we're all talking about goodness if we're all good it normal utterly normal like there is no other life available to us except unending everlasting goodness because God is faithful [Applause] they're gonna be meetings where we're going to read this out together every time we get together someone's gonna read that scripture in your midst in small groups with family with your friends in your lighthouse read it aloud meditate on it meditate on every iwill statement I guarantee you'll be right you'll be filling up need to go back and buy some journals from the Glo store because you'll be filling them up with promises and and God will want to specifically target situations in your life with goodness he wants to overwhelm you he wants to overpower you he wants you to come to a place where you're so excited about a problem because of the kind intentions of God are so rooted in your heart you can't think any other way you can't see things any other way and so you're going to be spending a few time rejoicing and the other half giving thanks and then occasionally praying out your expectation before God but what you're never gonna do is you're gonna you're gonna stop praying like a widow stop that bad Christian stop it that's my two word counseling ministry stop it and you're gonna be praying like a bride someone living in the fullness of expectation does that sound too good to be true if it is and I'm not doing my job properly if it's not too good to be true it's not God if you're not overwhelmed it's not God if you're still living under a cloud and he's not the cloud it's not God God is gonna deliver us into a state of mind so Hugh it will not only change you it will change the streets where you live the subdivision you live in the town you stay in the cities that you visit [Applause] meditate on each I will statement we're going to write prayers from this passage crafted prayers that agree with your promise and we're going to learn to pray in line with God's will in a whole new level but more than that this next timeframe we need to train everybody in agloe to live to learn how to stand and live in the goodness of God and so our questions are going to be so what good what's happening right now what's the goodness that you're praying for what's the goodness that you're expecting let's have a look at that prayer maybe we should upgrade this prayer and so a spirit of proclamation needs to come on every one of us great expectations about constant consistent goodness and then we're going to practice goodness to everybody around us no one's going to be safe from a blessing doesn't matter who they are the best fun of all is when you get to bless your enemies people who don't like you that's a good day at the office and then you bring it that bring that goodness and you get together in your groups and when you come in you put your goodness together as individuals into the corporate hat and you declare from that place of corporate understanding of what goodness really is and we expect things to be released we expect things to happen because that's what God is training us for taking in your place of work take it across your neighborhood and the question you need to be asking is what will God rejoice to be for you and to do for you what would make him happy if he's practicing goodness on you he's got designs on you he's got plans and all the plans I've got for you plans for your welfare not your calamity no chaos in the kingdom just goodness and that goodness makes us so remarkable to God and therefore remarkable to people round and about us we're gonna get a crash course in what goodness really looks like we're gonna come to a deeper level of assurance in him and our groups across this great ministry we're going to fill our groups with the knowledge of God and the knowledge of His goodness and in every region we need to take inventory of God's acts of goodness we need to start recording it state to state city to city lighthouse to lighthouse making a record of the acts of goodness because what are you doing you are formally writing down your history about going to the next level and anybody who comes into a glow in the next 5-10 years is going to come into that history they're gonna come onto that platform they're gonna read your history they're gonna read your testimony and then they're going to follow that road because they won't know any other wouldn't be great that every state wrote a book about what God did about and then but halfway through the book changed to be not just a record of what God did for you but actually a record of what he plans to do in that state then we could mail one off to the governor right we can give them to the mayor in your town this is what God is doing we are here I have my own theory about this time in the book of Acts when it says people were saying the people who turned the world upside down here also I remember I heard it a few times like you know the world was going oh my god they're here the people who turned the world upside down they're here also I don't read it like that I read it like there were people because the fame of Israel went out across the world right the fame of what Jesus was doing is going out and people would see Christians coming and then they will go round start knocking on doors oh my god oh my god oh my god they're here they're here they're here so people who turn the world upside down they're here oh my god everything's gonna be okay now everything's gonna be okay oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god my dad can get healed my mom oh my god my brother can get a job and lazy what name oh my god oh my god oh my god if he's amazing the people who turned the world upside down with the goodness of God um they just moved into our street oh my god we need to give him a week to settle in and then throw a block party wouldn't that be something wouldn't that be something to me this is like the most powerful way for the church to get her respect back in the world we believe in something so powerful so amazing it changes everything and it's changed us yeah I'm telling you there are going times when we're going to come round and take the temperature in your state we're going to see if it's hot red hot or white-hot lukewarm is not a temperature here's the thing this is a lifelong promise and by it we can measure the growth of trust and faith in people we can measure the growth of the kingdom in families in groups in regions across the nations where a glow is represented this is where we can put a finger on the pulse of life in a glow right across the work we represent we can measure the quality even of the leadership gift that we have and we need to do that because we're raising up an army to take the promised land to turn America into the promised land to turn any nation we're in into a land of promise so we need leaders who can do that we need people who can follow that we need people in agloe to take responsibility for God's promises and for the prophecies it can't just be Jane's job but she's like one of the best in the world for me of always remembering promises always calling them out always talking about them but we all have to be that good we all have to be saying this is our currency this is our trust this is our faith this is that place this is our position in the kingdom and therefore it's our governance in the earth we need to fan the flames of trust and faith we need to be thrust into places of experience and encounter in the kingdom in the places where we live in our very hearts at the very least the first thing that should disappear is every single negative we should stab it in the throat I like that idea so okay let me finish by prophesy ready put everything down assume the position hands out stupid look on your face perfect calling this prophecy intentional inheritance beloved I am determined to build a house in the earth a temple of goodness so tall its light will be seen in the highest and the lowest of places goodness shall be the antidote to greed and self-preservation goodness will form the building blocks of trust and faith they shall make away for untold millions to find their way into the kingdom because it was the goodness and the kindness of God in and through his people that drew people into the kingdom real growth says the Lord comes from the questions you ask me not from the circumstances that question you fullness is the only certainty in life and I speak these words over you so that my joy may be in you and that that joy will be full and you will learn to live every day under my smile and when the enemy comes calling I'll be the one that's laughing and you'll be the ones that are grinning and laughing with me I am commissioning you to cultivate goodness in your life in your city in your region by partnering with the holy spirit these days of chaos it shall be the evidence of being in Christ of living in the new man I am banishing measure from your midst measure cannot handle the chaos that is released upon the earth only a life focused on goodness and fullness can fully inherit all that heaven is releasing into the earth only the beloved will grasp the good pleasure of my will my people do not disown my glory you are not the same as everyone else and so you will prove you're being changed from glory to glory so that the bride will begin to be revealed in and through a state of astonishment and the astonishment in the world will provoke a harvest of souls so enormous it will change goat nations into sheep nations goat cities into sheep cities and the Lord says if you will it with me no one will be safe from the goodness of God the goodness of God will override and overrule and govern every area and the stories of glories must be recorded and sent around the world in goodness shall there come a union between the head and the body and the mindset of the bride shall speak from a new realm of anointing behold I give you more promises than you will ever need and we will create a new economy built on strategic extravagance of God in the earth and the power of the kingdom will overwhelm around the world beloved this promise is deeply personal to me it's personal for you my people and it carries my guarantee my word will not return to me empty it will accomplish my purpose if you let go of it others will pick it up so that the promise will succeed in the matter for which I sent it let the promise impregnate your secret place so that it comes to fruition in you it is vital to me that you allow these promises to put you ahead of worldly matters so that you are ahead of the curve so in the news there will be real news of unprecedented acts of goodness unprecedented up turns in economists miracles and provisions that make the feeding of the 5000 look like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party you will become the bandwagon that people will want to jump on and as world events darken the landscape your light of goodness will open the heavens blessing favor miracles and resources will flow into the places that connect with the kingdom and the church will no longer be in recovery instead it will bear the fulfillment of Isaiah 61 for that in goodness you will rebuild the ancient ruins in the promises of God you will raise up the former devastations in the enormous provision of the kingdom you will repair the ruined cities and the goodness of God will touch the desolation of many generations we are in an unprecedented time together some of us have been training for this all our lives to live for something so profound so enormous it dominates us we become obsessed about the goodness of God this is the right time for us to step into this place because the world is in chaos but not us never us we're in the kingdom and and he's promised to others as he is meaning Jesus so were you in this world let's pray father I thank you I can feel your smile right now you love this stuff you love giving us something enormous to do you love giving us something unprecedented to believe and you're so confident in yourself you plan to enjoy every second of this with us because this is where you get to do what you've always wanted to do commit us to a life of transformation commit us to a lifestyle of transformation renew our minds every single day so we represent your beauty your holiness your goodness your kindness and we become as unchanging as you so father here we are we're all a little over awed by you but then you like that too you loved showing yourself to be big you walk to and fro throughout the earth looking for a people on whose behalf you can show yourself strong well here we are here we are Lord this year he's gonna be the most unprecedented a couple of years in our life there is a quickening spirit on this ministry we're not gonna take a year just to get started we're gonna get started and see how fast we can get there you know that Lamborghini I'm always talking to you about now will be a good time because I want to go as fast as I can into this place and I sense in your own heart a beautiful divine impatience that you want to take us there you're hungry to see us living in you in that way you hunger and thirst for us to know you in fullness and so lord we say okay then [Applause] that's not a glow we say I do
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Id: UujZ_IlNNaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 4sec (4024 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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