Amazing Best ever cells/ Bright and beautiful fantasy garden under the sea creation

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[Applause] good morning guys this is Jacob from Sun Coast in Queensland Australia doing an acrylic pour for you today sure that you all know who I am or if you don't then there's lots of videos to catch up on if you're new to my channel but just want to thank all you guys who do subscribe to my channel I appreciate each and every one of you and I really hope the content that I'm putting out you know I know I don't get things right every single time but I do try to give you all guys something different so thank you for subscribing that is my first thing that I wanted to get out to you today so all the paints that I'm using today are the mod mark studio acrylics lovely thick creamy paints made up with my 7030 pouring medium the description and how I make everything is in the drop down box along with online supplier in Australia and also links to international suppliers there is a beginners playlist video link underneath there for you for anyone that might want to have a look at that so today I'm going to do actually no I'm not I'm gonna do the poor when they do the poor I'm I'm doing a bright and beautiful I'm just basically want to do paints that are bright beautiful and uplifting so this is my crazy pour that I'm doing today and the hope that you will like it and hope and most importantly hope that I like it at the end because that's really all you have to please is yourself and if you don't particularly like your work be assured that somebody else will really so all the different techniques and beginners techniques yep they're all there for you guys I've got a whole playlist now with quick creation so their creations that take under 15 minutes for those of you that like quick videos so there's my husband's outside in the tractor it's been quiet all of this time and then I go to film a video for you guys and these out there with the tractor but you know that's life isn't it that's life so that was the turquoise and this is the brilliant red now I've done these colors these are a little bit thicker than I would like for a poor like this but the last pour I did this morning the paint sort of went well it kind of covered the canvas in a different way because I did a lot thinner so I'm just trying it with a thicker paint this time in this particular crazy style so that was the brilliant red now this is the gorgeous gorgeous bright aura a bright yellow I always put the actually that's orange it's me yeah was that orange I can't remember where and I put some like to put yellow in my in my orange so as it's even brighter so this is what's easy and therapeutical therapeutical therapy there oh my god I'm not even gonna say it I need a coffee maybe you time in your art room is therapeutic he's what I'm trying to get out there it wouldn't seem to come out of my mouth so we've got the yellow orange turquoise which go beautiful together and this is the magenta one of the other new colors from Montmartre Studio acrylics so this is quite thick yes I want to definitely do such a nice bright and uplifting pour try and run this around the edges so I don't I'm not one that worries about getting paint over the edges and corners in the first tilt because that can be whoops worked on afterwards and you know whoops scissors you know they're all part of this pouring acrylic pouring too so don't worry about whoops this this is a little bit of pink that I had left from the previous pour so I might just use a bit of that around the edges as well oops-a-daisy so just if you're doing this at home whether you're doing this on your kitchen bench top or in your garage or a spare room just do it nice and slow enjoy each and every bit of the process really it can be so relaxing and therapeutic to us or just enjoy the process and really are the rules are there's no rules because it's your art room your creation so it's your way don't worry about what you think other people might think of it or say about it you know that your your bit of creep your creative time your time to yourself and don't overthink it because you know it's only paint and if it doesn't turn out to your liking there's two things what you don't like somebody else will actually love that's where I find a lot of and it's only paint so if you absolute disaster just scrape the paint so this one I'm doing now is just a very gentle tilting of the whole canvas and stop try and keep you paint resented when you've tilted it one way bring your paint back to the center or pretty much close and just starts again with your tilt don't worry if you don't get all your very edges covered because they can be finished at after your actual paintings finish so some people can ruin a whole painting trying to tilt and cover edges or corners and it's not worth that it's you know just take your time and those can be fixed up afterwards so just tilting this down this end this is really nice and bright and hopefully it helped lifting I know lots of people don't like real brighten out there in your face pause and other people love them so and I'm a lover of them so that's what you find yourself doing is what you pleases you and and that's how it should be you know unless you're right into your ass and you're doing commissions and you need to do a piece because somebody's told you to do you know these are the colors I want but then again I find if it takes it away from your true self commissions are not worth doing if you not enjoying because you're stressing out trying to do please somebody else it's most of the time I feel better that people just buy the art that I've created the way I've created it me know people don't like it and that's it they just move on to somebody else there you see please think so this is what I say about your edges they're quite easily just run your finger underneath your edge of your work you'll get a nice big load of paint that's dripped off and just finger pop your edges I don't worry about them too much so not until the end okay so that is definitely definitely bright bright and I like it I like it so there you go that's all you have to please as you sell I hope you're all going really well I hope you're all coping with this lockdown that were all in and not stressing out too much and I just find the best thing to help you relax and unwind and not think about what's going on in the world is to create something whether it's wood work painting knitting cooking you know just go and create do something that gives you joy okey doke this is my custom black cherry so I made this with the it was the the Crimson and then I added some of phthalo blue and then I added a blob of black so I'd get this real dark cherry so I'm thinking of coming right the way down from the top so we'll give it a go I normally like to do a center swipe or diagonal but I'm gonna try this right the way down from the top I want to put on a thicker line than I would normally do because it's got to travel a long way don't mind if there's much pain that might paint at the top because I can always tilt it back until it is off so that's wiping today ago it might be that's a bit bent its noble doing a swipe that you've got a bent piece of swipe material because then that can sort of send your wife off tether just got a little bit of a nobly bit sticking out here it was a soft plastic vial divider and it had the little bit sticking out for files so I cut it off but there you go so it's nice and soft but it's also got a little bit of weight about it they don't add that bit of weight enough for you to get a good swipe at all so I just allow about the top centimeter not worried about the top because I can tilt my whole work back what's what what's that money clip in flippers okay what why is this why is this that's strange but you know maybe my it's my swipe tool I've got a bend in there let me try it again I'm not too worried cuz there's actually I can just fix it up this way look at those cells popping out in those bright colors like that look or just yeah don't get stressed out go my fitness up just ruin to you happen nothing really cannot be fixed and if it needs fixing with scraping off the paint then that's it so be it it's only paint not going to worry about that bit just yet so let's give this a go oh I think it must be my swipe it's not it's got some irregularities about it mean you know that's all good who cares it's only paint don't get stressed out but I see everything can be fixed just like in life it's how hung up about when things don't go right you know so so such is life okay haha I might have to move this out a little bit to get that cornice wife down come on guys move nicely for me there you go just try and get this kind of already reminded me a bit about like a tropical pour like an undersea tropical pour I love that that dark crimson so give give it a go and make that one up it's real dark cherry or Clarets it's just beautiful I love it I use it quite often and I love mixing it up so maybe Montmartre might you know help me make that whole thing in one I think we have got a crimson there but it's well the chromosome is that color that's what I mixed it originally from I just added like I said that bit of phthalo blue and a blob of black here we go my gorgeous wonder one which is a heat embossing tool first the air bubbles brings up these cells helps bring up themselves nice and slow doesn't burn anything very safe just heat your paint nice and slowly so it just brings off everything's a lot slower than a butane torch would but it works equally as good beautiful that will just I'll just go away and leave that for half an hour I'm gonna go and have a cup of coffee and look at these gorgeous cells within cells like this an orange yellow and the turquoise in cells that one's gone into green because obviously it's mixed with the turquoise and yellow they are gorgeous little beauties and I'm gonna go away leave it and we'll be back I'm gonna leave that to develop whether I want to do some balloon rolling and sliding on it I will decide that after I come back and see how the cells have formed but that's gorgeous something is gonna really pop out and do exactly as I want it being the bright and beautiful you could either go a little bit off for you sorry about that guys I believe it exactly like that or you can balloon embellish it with kissies rolls so much you can do if you liked the particularly like that then all's done with you die those cells will pop out even more and then having the swiped color it kind of makes a 3d look it kind of makes like a negative space look behind it I will be back soon okay guys I did come back to it I left it for a bit longer than I wanted to so the very edges have dried but I don't think I'm gonna do much more to this because it kind of looks like bubbles underneath the oh she kind of looks like an under I didn't under the sea guard at what do they call it underneath under the sea garden or but yes just a quick show you how to balloon deep at this stage Randy edges is pretty dry so I was bit disappointed that I left it a bit too long but it's got amazing sir so there's just pushing nice and firm and push out oh look at that that is actually a perfect it's just probably dried perfect for doing their balloon kisses at the moment because it's bringing all the colors up look at that oh I should be pressing those gorgeous colors onto another canvas which you can do but so these are balloon kisses in brings up all the gorgeous colors I'm going to press it back over that one that's a bit dry on the edge so yeah that gorgeous cells gorgeous cells within cells and the colors are just stunning I really like it that is a balloon roll so that's a balloon rolls basically basically roll it so it creates this lovely feathering it's another nice one so kisses and rolls up there oh look at that when you've got such bright and vibrant colors it's just it's just stunning to do those kind of things with your work really nice so whether I do a roll through here or okay wow wow wow wow colors jumping off the canvas that is gorgeous I love it I love it I really do love it it's something about the colors to me doing colors with bright and vibrant colors it's just me when I do my brains badges and gold so they might look nice but it just doesn't give me heart so much joy as what colors give me now that is just oh I just love it and that's it the person you have to have that feeling about and may feel like that is you is you just you've got to love what you do if nobody else likes your work nobody else loves it but you do then you know so be it so there you go guys I'm not gonna do any more to that that is stunning ah it's a deets just a lovely garden in Paradise it just reminds it's just bright vibrant and out there and I love it so thank you guys so much for joining me for whatever reason it's actually made me feel emotional I don't know if it's it's lockup for everybody that we've all been going through and the bad news that we've all been hearing but that gives me joy that painting gives me joy and it's just I don't know if you call it be them epidemic epitome or whatever it is it's um just made me realize like I'm important my art is to me and color it just gives me joy so there you go I'm going crazy getting emotional over this but thank you so much guys I do really appreciate each and every one of you and until next time and bye for now you
Channel: Gilly Kube acrylic pouring art Creations
Views: 386,135
Rating: 4.9247284 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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