Scruffy plays Pikmin 2 in First Person! - Part 2

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[Music] okay I think we are ready to go okay hello everybody yes now we were good to go so hello I'm scruffy and today we're going to be continuing a thick pigment to in first person and I am super excited to get started with this so last time we went through the first few caves the emergence cave the white flower the holo beast in the white flower garden and then we tackled the submerged castle which was a voted idea it was democratically supported so I'm fine with that but probably not the best idea because I've lost most of my Pikmin including all of my blue Pikmin which leaves only one that I impromptu named Flossie last time so we only have Flossie now in the blue Pikmin department and also Manta chord will be here a little later for now it's just me scruffy but I'm not going to despair because I'm not alone I've still got plenty of Pikmin and we are going to recuperate at the beginning of this stream we're going to try a couple other caves before we make a second attempt at the submerged castle I'm actually thinking I'm going to start with the gluttons kitchen and I'm going to go ahead and start that now also let me see if I can get so yeah I'm going to start with the gluttons kitchen because it'll be important to get resistance to electricity and we'll probably still have time in that day to get through the citadel of spiders as well because it's really close to the ship so hopefully we can get through those two caves in one day for the gluttons kitchen I'm only going to need some yellow pikmin which I have plenty of I'm going to take some red Pikmin so that I can use the golden candy pop buds that are in the gluttons kitchen that's the only place that they appear as far as I know and even though I haven't checked the piccola PDL once I want to 100% complete it I mean come on I'm a completionist let's do this so I'll bring a few red Pikmin as well and I'll bring some purple Pikmin because I know that I'll be needing some purple pigment and let's do this so I noticed that I've got a live feed of the chat now it's right beside me at this time I noticed that was a problem last time so sorry about that but hopefully I'll be able to answer a couple more questions in the midst of fighting for my life let's see here I noticed someone asked me why Manta Court is not here yet he just has another obligation he'll be here a little later I wouldn't imagine it wouldn't be more than thirty minutes if everything goes as if everything goes right and I also noticed the question from general crit to kill critical if I have a switch I do not and it's kind of hard to get one now but that's okay I'm planning on getting one eventually so let's kill this guy [Applause] gotten a little better at aiming I see a comment from toasty gamer asking if submerged Castle is on the agenda today it is hopefully submerged Castle is on the to-do list today I'm thinking get these two caves settled where'd he go where'd that snitch bug go there you are you got some Pikmin gotcha yeah if I finish the perplexing cool caves the other ones and I'm thinking maybe some awakening wood caves as well then I'll make another attempt at the at the submerged Castle because all there is left to do is collect some of those treasures on the harder sub levels I don't have to kill the water wraiths anymore oops I made a wrong turn shoot I made a wrong turn I'm just going to take the long way around all right so let's try that again going to take the yellow pikmin around and destroy the electric gate that needs to be destroyed to enter the gluttons kitchen and I'm excited for the gluttons kitchen it takes place inside a giant house whoa whoa what is going on what is going on I'm losing a bunch of Pikmin where are they oh my gosh I'm losing so many Pikmin what is going on they're all drowning what is going on you fools I'm sorry but these Pikmin just didn't want to listen and go on the bridge like I asked I guess that's one caveat to playing in first person you really have to get used to not seeing the Pikmin behind you now some people are suggesting that I restart but I'm not going to do that on this scene in on the stream I'm just going to let things happen as they do I'm not going to take any resets I didn't in the submerge castle and I'm not going to do that now I'm just going to live with it grow some more Pikmin and toil on how many yellow Pikmin do I have now 53 let me get these two sheer what cheer wigs and I think I'll be good to go oh and Louie why don't you come with me by the way guys I'm going to start something new where when anyone sends me a super chat donation thank you so much to everyone that does that and I mean do those to those who can't afford it that's okay I don't mind it's really okay I just love that you guys are all here but for everyone who sends me a super Tet I will play a melody on my melodica here because I still have it with me this one and for everyone who did it yes on Monday because I hadn't thought of this then I'm gonna play a melody for all of you guys at once this is the this is the melody that plays when you collect ten thousand pocos and you finish off the debt and that that first cutscene I thought that that would be a that would be a good theme for everyone who donated yesterday on Monday so here goes [Music] so that's that kind of kind of regal and I think that captures my appreciation for all of you generous viewers so thank you very much again and if anyone wants to donate with the super chat I really appreciate every bit of it so without all the way let's get back to growing some yellow Pikmin and let's collect any of the stragglers that are still hanging out yeah there you are I see you dang that becomes a real issue when the camera is only as large as you are like how did one gets to me how did one get stuck by there I wouldn't have even known that that happened how did you get stuck back there alright here we go what's going on the same thing happened same thing happen guys oh my gosh get out of the water please follow the bridge oh my gosh what is this the Pikmin aren't this just deciding not to listen today [Music] okay okay okay good and let me check for any more stragglers there is one in this in this stump here and over here just lounging about like there isn't something important to do today it's already noon also sorry if there's a slight noise that my microphone is picking up that's my computer working so hard to stream and play this at the same time but it can do it just barely but it can do it let me see I have good only yellow Pikmin in my group here so they're going to work on this you know what they're going to work on this twice as fast because I'm going to give them some spicy spray and Louie is going to take some other Pikmin back oh you know what Louie could do Louie could take a couple Pikmin and grow a few more yellow Pikmin to compensate for the ones that died again at that bridge seriously guys what is wrong with you there we go look at him running so fast oh they're already done that was fast oh yeah that's right um thank you for reminding me Ronnie Bub's two three five I do have the pluck ofone I defeated the water Wraith and I was able to collect that treasure uh so thank you for reminding me I can pluck Pikmin just by whistling them now I don't have to I don't have to individually pluck them anymore there we go that's very alright I'm going to make sure that no Pikmin are out of line when they go on this bridge this is more dangerous than I thought Omar's doing well well look at that all Omar can see the carrying numbers from all the way over here in first person that's pretty cool far is yacht Yazdi I'm sorry if I mispronounced that but you asked what instruments I play and thank you for that question I am mainly a jazz pianist I mainly play piano but what I have here is a melodica which is basically a keyboard yeah this little keyboard that sounds like an accordion harmonica is sort of town and this one has metal reeds so it's a little brighter sound than your average melodica which is why I really like it it's it stands out alright there we go that's much easier so let's have Louie regroup with Olimar and will enter the sub haha let's have Louis regroup with Olimar safely by making sure all these Pikmin get across the bridge in a single orderly line and let's safely enter the gluttons kitchen thank you very much [Music] all right ooh whoa fog was pretty foggy there strong odor was from this hole and it's a sweet one all right you oh I've got to be very careful attacking this I knew it I have to be very careful I can't save that pikmin I'm sorry pick then you're just outside my reach I'm bad Pikmin guys I'm bad at first-person Pikmin there we go oh my gosh Just My Luck at least I got some always carry purple Pikmin guys in case you run into Matai --ts like that you never know [Music] but I was able to flower most of these Pikmin most of them and now I'll enter the gluttons kitchen here we go [Music] alright one thing I noticed about caves last time is that the sound is not on my side the sound the very sound of the game is against me the sound is an enemy not really but the thing is that any sound that is behind me is not exactly played like I won't hear the actual sound I'll hear the reverb of the sound which is a problem because the reverb is kind of distorted and also a lot quieter oh my gosh these mold bears are creepy these little guys oh geez they notice you so quickly look at the UH don't come near me geez I'm not ready for this guys it's completely black in here it's pitch black I can't see the edge of the room and I'd really like to maybe I'll come back here once I have the stellar orb there's a lot of them and they're ugly but they won't get my Pikmin not on my watch I mean a lot of them died today from drowning okay maybe they will get some Pikmin oh no they didn't get any oh there's one left [Applause] okay have any died no none died none died did any died I feel like some died I feel like I lost two now I know for a fact and the music is telling me you hear that xylophone dude addicted who did it did you did it that's telling me that there's danger nearby and it's in that box I have no way of knowing what's in that box this is a complication of playing in first person so I'm just going to have to wing it well they're already there he is go get him please get him oh my gosh I I can't see anything in there I can only assume okay they're carrying something oh there we go I I can cheat my way into seeing what's in there that's what we need the treasure oh man this is freaky I thought it would at least be a little brighter in here but hey at least we got the the master's instrument that's what this is right yes I remember at least we got that and that's the only treasure here so we're good to go let me just collect this guy I do need the stellar orb it's dark in here and I'm afraid but at least I'm on a level field you know nothing's too obstructed and by the way everyone we can go ahead and welcome Manta code to this stream [Music] so now things won't be so lonely Manticore we are just going through the gluttons kitchen how gluttonous yes exactly just getting a couple snacks alright hello everybody glad to be back and this time like any any sort of questions I can alright and have a go at oh this room is gonna be fun by the way I've got a headphone splitter now so you can connect to your let me get my headphones this room is going to be a ton of fun this is the ramp room one of my favorite rooms in the game oh dude I love this room not the ramp room this is the railroad room the railroad really lost yeah in the dark - oh I'm playing his Louie that's right because the music is swinging Louie likes it swinging Louie Louie in all his dolt lease as good tastelessly I wonder if he's a musician oh that's a bad one now I wonder what what Alomar and Louise do in their spare time good question I'm pretty sure Louis eats stuff that seems to be his racket all right bread bugs look at those little guys are so cute yeah and the clockwork Barone it is not so cute oh my gosh I've got an ink stuff hang on hang on like that guy what did he do in his spare time now you'll never know I have to say hmm read books are probably one of my favorite enemies of the game I know just look at their pudgy little faces going around collecting stuff cuz like it's a mechanic like it's an enemy mechanic that's so specific Moonman hey hey oh we got ourselves one of these babies these are very important I need 100 purple Pikmin by some point in the game so I'm gonna sacrifice some Reds there and populate my Pikmin army and check this out Manta chord since I get a lot of rain oh yes whistle those guys out of the ground so satisfying all right you owe first get rid of you nice shot they have a built-in targeting system you see like one with like a factor istic eyepiece and no no no no no you don't maybe even some armor so like some talking like like Mass Effect armor on a purple Pikmin that'd be hilarious all right you got to come out sometime there you go and then his face messes up hey oh oh I got him you didn't get him all the way did you he's taking the train route look at him go choo-choo are you going buddy it's going to collect some food we need to give him some food to collect I'm pretty sure there's like a weight limit on what little big bugs can collect I don't think there's one on what the giant bread bug can collect but I've seen uh bread bugs and deliberately not collect some stuff ooh this one's got a treasure though you can hear it you like reach your hand in there and if there's like a booby trap in it aha perfect chops off your arm there we go Pikmin power Oh someone a a brownie bug Oh Oh what's happened back it's a second brownie bugs 2 3 5 asks scruffy are you gonna try this with a Pikmin one as well um if I'm able to manipulate the camera then yes I will but the thing is the camera in Pikmin one all the files in Pikmin 1 don't use the exact same format as Pikmin 2 so we still need to figure that format out oh right there's a treasure up there I didn't even see it well you can see it goodness through the bottom thank goodness that face isn't cold air is cold so I can't see it up there that's interesting well let it be known that this block does not have a bottom side or it does but it's invisible it's cold it's a cold face oh wait wait wait stop carrying that so the same guy asks umm and Pikmin 3 maybe uh that would that would be interesting yeah that would be like viewing the entire game through the coke ID camera that might be pretty possible yeah that might that might actually be a little more simple yeah I don't know I I have no way of editing Pikmin 3 on my computer right now the didn't they make a emulator for there is an emulator but it's not a lot to work on yeah yeah yeah so that'll have to wait but hey we did get some yoohoo Cola in the form of the answer all your questions it is technically with the right processing power and RAM and all that it would be possible yes um but it would also take a lot more time right because figuring out more files right I don't know those emulators are advancing though I wouldn't doubt that it might become pretty possible in the future um oh there we go I got him I got him and once you get him once you can get him several times you just have to keep your cursor in the same spot I'm sorry a little bread bug look at his anguish I'm sorry oh I got a secret chat oh thank you Omega zero 22 X X maybe odds be ever in your favor I can't wait look at look at the game maybe odds be ever in your favor I can't wait to see you fight the BT long legs considering your new perspective on the world thank you very much Omega 0 2 2 X X and might I ask if there's any melody you want to be played on the melodica because Manticore that's a thing that I'm doing now every super tech gets a melody awesome well um Hickman melodies are preferred please um and Jimmy's games asks what's your favorite Pikmin game my favorite Pikmin game we talked about this last time didn't we we talked about this over the water rape this this is my favorite Pikmin game Pikmin 2 it just to me it has the most wit and experimentation of any of the three games this one is like the funniest one for me the most intricate with the piccolo pedia and the treasure hoard and whatnot [Music] and just the idea of like collecting everyday objects and battling all these weird enemies that's what makes this one my favorite Oh a doge with the dream called us uh or called you sorry the his his or her favorite youtuber and a huge inspiration thank you very much oh and brownie Bub's ask one more time both to both of us who would win Steve or Flossie uh I wouldn't know I guess there will just have to be a situation in which my single blue Pikmin and the single red Pikmin Steve face off I I don't know Oh is Steve a red Pikmin actually did not get to that when did we listen when we stopped with the series during a chuggaaconroy stream with Pikmin sorry chuggaaconroy the the youtuber chuggaaconroy so I don't know I haven't brought out Flossie since the last stream so I don't know how powerful Flossie is well Flossie is a purple thick blue Pikmin well no he said it boss Flossie is our lone blue pick oh my god I am so mixed up it's okay you've had a long day wait I don't need to what am i doing I'm just idling around here I need to get in the hole let's go Lou oh we have another super chat from doodle will of one pound no no comment that'll play it's nice and it's still awesome thank you very much doodle doodle we'll all right I'm going to play some melodies for you guys for Omega 0 to 2 XX let's get the O the motif from Omega 0 to 2 XX asks for an excerpt of the bull X Kingdom theme the bull blacks Kingdom theme good choice let me pause this really quick electricity on this floor so let's see [Music] [Music] that's all I know of that of that theme a little bit things yeah that one's a great one good choice and then for doodle will uh uh asked if you've got a request for a melody to be played on this melodica I can most likely play it someone says that the lipid on the chopper who started the YouTube channel says as the lipid Don is the best pick a bit picnic Erika oh thank you but it's not even the cannon wine this is the fat little enemy I came up with alright this is going to be tricky as established the last time we played this stream electric of electric gates like these little conduits like those they're active but in first person we can't see the electricity that's coming from them which is a big disadvantage but it won't be so much of a difference advantage once we complete this cave oh my gosh I'm really close to that once we complete this cave and get immunity to electricity so I just need to shut all these down make sure that they're not moving or sparking or anything like that because it's much harder to tell if they're active or not and let's get rid of this annoyed beetle um what would you call your your subscribers scruffy what would I call my subscribers of beautiful people false alarm no true alarm that was a true alarm that was a nano beetle flipped over and ready to strike geez I should probably leave mine on electricity resistant Pikmin behind that's probably a good idea you purples and yellows and Louie your your you're not electric resistant Louie you don't think that you are all right let's take these seasoned yellows and go charge or discharge somewhere I know because a little electric humor there this one's still active like you can see the sparks going off in between them but still it's kind of hard that creative sushi says scruff scribers scruff scribers I love it official term you guys can call yourself scruff scribers thank you creative sushi that's a great idea oh I love it and there are now over 4,000 of you guys thank you so much over 4,000 scruff scribers oh they're not winning now they are no they're not Hey oh that was close I nearly lost 15 Pikmin to that bread bug how do you lose a Pikmin to bread bug by being bad at Pikmin in first person that's out it's not that hard let's see you know what I could trap this bread bug with these uh anode beetles I could get him all right now for that other super chat let's let's get a melody going yeah he's after these anode beetles here I think are you you are good cuz I'm after them too how many are you give me that all the way there you go okay let's get a melody going how about the the motif from the perplexing ghoul perhaps unless there's a casino oh come on I can get you I can't get him with yellow pikmin they they they're thrown too slowly maybe with a purple pigment almost red locks into the I think someone asks for the lipid on theme the lipid on theme yeah I could do that really quick oh and the final trial the final trial let's do that one and yeah I forget the rest but that's at least the first part of the motif and let's also do the lipid on [Music] [Music] and that's Lebanon's theme and on melodica one more because I remember this one and it's really good a the forest naval the forest the forest naval yeah I can't really do that a melodica but you know it cuz it's like I'm a slide guitar like it's kind of like yeah I can't really do it justice on a continuous pitch instrument I'm sorry about that but I'll practice that one maybe I can get it right oh shoot I forgot bread bugs earn back all their health if they're allowed to get an item back to their again so I'm gonna I've got to take this guy out hold still this isn't working got him okay so now yes you stole that from me and now I'm stealing it back oh right ooh hello okay so aha this is important this is one of the only instances of the golden candy pop bud in the entire game so it'll be important ooh you might be holding something I'm sorry okay you know what I'm just going to assume he's fine he's okay well actually I'm not they just looked like little crescent roll bugs Oh someone asked you know the the Emperor bulb waxing from Pikmin one ooh I do not on the grade that's a good one for next time though that is a great one for next time that is a difficult one I know it starts out like yeah but I don't know how it goes from there it's a very atonal a very intense piece and I really like it I need to learn how to play that one especially on melodica it sounds cool alright let's get out my whoa no come back don't go there there's electricity there it's dangerous oh we can't stuck and he's my last red Pikmin - oh come on now I got it have to go grabbing Louie's gonna go grab him I'm your Louie so this is why I brought the red Pikmin in here oh he's gone he's a good dog here's a good what Oh someone else for the Pikmin to title theme the Pikmin 2 title theme okay um let's try and keep the requests based on super chests for now because I also need to play the game in addition to place requests but I will play the Pikmin 2 title theme [Music] mmm ah [Music] Oh [Music] so there's that one I love that one so now I don't have to worry as much about red Pikmin being in danger because there are no red pigment yeah yeah that's how it goes let's just focus on getting this treasure like the director of destiny over here hey quick question we can see the way this needle is pointing is it actually North I can't tell which way is north in this game all right do the will has a super chat from two pounds he says believe me if all those endearing young charms believe oh could you help me out with that I'm afraid I don't get that that reference I'm sorry [Music] I mean at the at the very least I we could look it up yeah and then play it but I don't know that that light motif I'm sorry we're gonna look it up yeah if you could really quick all right we've almost got the directors destiny in here director of destiny directed to our chef and now we don't even have to worry about that big oil pluck puffy nut fluffy puffy blow hog over there so let's head to the next hole and figure out what this light motif is so that I can play it for you so believe me believe me at all endearing young charms is a popular song but in 1808 Irish poet Thomas More using a traditional Irish air okay uh-oh there's a bull bear on this floor we look up that little teef well I get ready to fight this bull bear yay I won't give up on this I will play this motif and I will beat that bull bear over there at the same time probably not that's a little more than I can handle he seems to be stuck though which would be great I love it I love it when bull bears get stuck you want me to play it yes I will memorize it to the best of my ability and then play it back in real time let's take a listen Oh hold on add I guess I have no other choice but to face him right now but he's stuck I don't have to worry about him right now do I yeah I don't have to worry about him he's he's trying to drink from that Cup hang on just a second guys [Music] [Music] okay [Music] that was for you Yoda will something like that I that's the best I can do impromptu after hearing that but thank you so much for the for the for the donation oh here he comes thank you so much for the donation and I think I got that right now it's time for me to take on a bull bear oh my gosh look how tall he is ah not on my watch okay I'm using my using my poison cuz that was just too scary he took a bite right out of me I mean he missed but I could see his lips opening oh I'm just losing Pikmin left and right to hang those eyes oh oh that's not good either tweet a bunch of Pikmin are about to die if I don't act [Music] happiness em blend that's what I need come back okay so this is even the gluttons kitchen is harder than I thought all right Dan the man contributed $5 down sorry thank you dan the man and says when you're finished with Pikmin 2 will you consider streams of one and three perhaps with a self-imposed challenge ie 50 big thing max or done under X days that is a great idea I love Pikmin challenges and you if you have a suggestion then I can accept your challenge how about that oh and also um a lot of people have been asking uh what your position on or theories on Pikmin for liking Pikmin for and well I think that it's it's definitely going to be coming soon I I mean I don't know what to feel about whether it's going to be at e3 or not but I I don't know how to feel about it like I haven't really made any expectations about it so far I just want to see what Nintendo has in store because I know they're working on Pikmin court they love Pikmin the they don't want to give up on Pikmin but yeah I haven't really made any expectations for what to see in it yet I just I just want to see what what Nintendo has up its sleeve do you think it's going to be about the the Pikmin 3 crew um I don't see how they couldn't be included [Music] do you think Louie's gonna be in it how could Louie not be in it yeah all these characters have become memorable it did not include them would be kind of bad so let's make that an expectation I at least expect that it'll have Olimar Louis the the co-pi 8 crew assuming it is a continuation of the story and not like a prequel or a or a reboot or something like that because I have heard I have heard some rumors that it might be a reboot which would be equally interesting like I'd like to see what Nintendo's take on it after so many years you know what banjo master 64 I really hope there's a type of Pikmin that's resistant to explosions and checking torque I've imagined that for a long time that's been a quite a like a in a subtle dream of mine over the years of playing Pikmin yeah that'd be pretty nice but also kind of unnatural what's resistant to explosions a deal Pikmin I don't know I guess so concrete that should have liked Pikmin that our resistance in nuclear rage stone Pikmin + Sloan Pikmin deluxe like nuclear Pikmin nuclear ticking or uh okay well we got rid of our first bull bear that one's pretty a geranium Pikmin oh but the sublevel is even worse cuz you know who's here oh dude what am I gonna do what am I gonna do about larva cockroach Pikmin cockroach a nuclear explosion perfect and they can walk up walls and that'd be pretty cool but also disgusting but not really their picnic and their cockroaches the packages aren't and all right you can and larva beetle on the other hand they're bad they won't rest until get out of there and get out of there everything is squashed with the rock I can't even see him I have to see him through the plate okay good news is you won't fire rocks at me if I keep bombarding in with picnic they'll just worry about shaking off the Pikmin which is good so I can get rid of this threat threat neutralized and then I'll have all of our come in with the yellow pigment and get rid of the little bowl brats like you yeah you're a bull bed and you although I could also use the cannon beetle to get rid of these guys which is a pretty cool strategy oh that uses no Pikmin at all oh it's too late now what's the matter I did someone asks you to pause when you kill the armored cannon beetle oh there are others on the stage oh shoot I just lost one yeah here it's hole yeah let's doing schpeel a little call back to my sound effect in Pikmin 2 trivia video when you there's one and he's attacking when you kill a armored cannon bee larva or decorated cannon beetle and then pause the game you hear the full sound effect the full death sound effect which is quite long and very weird [Music] so let's subject you guys to that I almost got it oh there we go no hey alright I guess he wasn't too chatty there's there's at least there's one more in here I know there's at least one more yeah there he is let's see if we can get it from him whoa look out almost got him geez why isn't it making the noise that's weird is it is it only the the red ones the decorated ones maybe I but that shouldn't be the case whoa there was the rock did you see the robot on the distance of his still traveling they hit the invisible wall oh there was the antenna the TV inside the big spread hi Jeff the sulking antenna right there oh oh yeah there it is well thanks to the treasure gauge I knew where it was but sorry the the cannon beetle didn't feel like speaking its mind but we'll encounter others oh definitely make sure you guys get to hear that noise oh yeah yeah people are saying it's only the decorated cannon Biel's okay well thank you that's a oh wait what am i doing I can just whistle these guys that's a mistake on my part in that video sorry about that yeah also um you guys are awesome with your creative Pikmin types it's it's it's pretty awesome is it burgeoning it often types oh yes all of all sorts of Pikmin types that's funny oh it's becoming kind of difficult to see there was even a scruffy pikmin oh thanks guys all right I think the threats for the most part are neutralized and we got the sulking antennae it's sulks it's only got one channel it's the sulk channel why is it soaking I don't know oh there's gonna something's gonna drop out of this guy here he's got it yeah there it is you see how we barely heard that that's the sound antagonizing Heston we can only hear a fraction of the sound when it comes from behind us so that's really a problem that's a problem I didn't foresee when I came up with this mod but it's a problem that will not completely forestall us that's not the right word well not completely inhibit us that's better alright I think that's all the treasure accounted for on this sublevel oh yeah what did happen at the beginning what did I miss what happened at the beginning oh man I just tried to leisurely get to the gluttons kitchen I mean I kind of lost my way a couple times because the landscape is completely foreign to me again but I was just trying to get there and all the yellow pikmin were hanging out in the corner between the bridge and that ledge just taking a swim and some of them decided to yeah a bunch of them just drowned without my noticing it until it was too late and it happened twice yeah and I feel so stupid wait all the treasures are gone right okay yeah I feel stupid now the the bridge proof Pikmin makes sense that's what I need some bridge proof Pikmin all right guys boss time and one of my favorite bosses in the game inspiration for the lipid on it is the giant red bug and the room is fully illuminated now I forget how is the lipid on different from this again lipid on doesn't carry treasures back to its den lipid on just straight up straight up swallows the enemy the lipid on is completely made up by the way I made it up it's not a cannon Pikmin enemy ah well case you missed it that's the only time I'm ever going to be scared by the giant red bug I was scared by the giant red bug ladies and gentlemen your your stream guide like seriously yeah those are no beetles really go with discharging their Orissa T Rob dies Rob does rips asks how do you kill the lipid on how do I kill the lipid on well why would I want to kill it to get the treasures back well what if it's rightfully what if they regularly belong to the lipid on I'm just kidding I'm thinking that there's a big pile of you know fat on its back so to get to the part you can actually attack you sort of have you have to have your Pikmin you know dig it out yeah yeah but attacking it would remove fat off of its body triple king says to fry him that's a that could work what if you or what if he shocked him with like electric stuff we're getting back to this you know what I'm okay let's make another expectation of Pikmin four now that breath of the wild has come out not going to spoil anything about breath of the wild because I don't own it and I have avoided spoilers so far with it so I know nothing about it but I do know that in addition to using a physics engine crafted specifically for the game it also uses what's called a quote chemistry engine unquote which means that different objects interact with each other in different ways like fire objects can set things on fire and that applies to most objects in the game and then water things will put out that fire you understand yeah like it's it's dynamic chemistry in the game and what I'm really hoping for in Pikmin 4 is that now that they've crafted that sort of technology in the Nintendo switch they use that in Pikmin 4 seeing it like water would put out fire or electricity would travel through water oh dude if you could like shock water enemies yeah exactly if Pikmin could somehow harness like the yellow like it's like the yellow pikmin doing their circuit thing yeah exactly yellow Pikmin have electricity running through them in this game so why not put that to some use not just their immunity to it but harnessing it that would be amazing of course you'd have to make it easy enough to understand that you can use it easily they're like from a gameplay perspective but but yeah I think that would be really cool a chemistry engine in Pikmin it seems like the perfect perfect match yeah there's already very element based you could have to have you have to find like some way to like direct redirect water in order to get it to like a fire that you can't put out yeah exactly wouldn't that be awesome that would increase the puzzle element of Pikmin so much you could have trough it very for the water and it was also in giant Rolph quick when you can only have like three at one time Pikmin have undergone undergone a a great evolution where they've become trough shape so they can carry the water they're immune to oh hey people also they want them at tights and there's so many of them I could just grab any one of them look at that nice people also ask how whoa no you don't how Louie would prepare B lipid on how Louie would prepare the lipid on uh I think he'd fry it I mean what else do you do with all that raw fat you could you could use it to light your lanterns yeah but that's not food related well but that is practical but like that's not me what orlimar does yeah but like he says with like oh god cannibalism um but he says with um the the giant red book gotcha gotcha gotcha to that it's like just a mountain of meat that's like really really flavorless yeah well this would tend to be the opposite wouldn't it a mountain of meat or a mountain of fat that's extremely flavorful but he would mention that's very unhealthy for you because Louie likes to live lean sometimes hey hey I got it this will come in really in handy this will come in really in really handy really yes will come in very handy really must have been a Greely handy Kyle really it will alright we'll get that poor giant bedbug it just looked like it's taking a nap it's lazy self so let's grab some electricity hey scruffy and this is a the chopper who started a YouTube channel uh-huh hey scruffy remember that time you drowned all the yellows also if you remember their little screams and they're pleased to put them on the show you can you come to it yes I remember that it's kind of burned into my memory right now I lost so many Pikmin off of a simple mistake I could have avoided very easily twice you sure I'm the type of person you want to challenge with a Pikmin challenge I feel like I'd not do it justice because I mean I played this a long time but it always manages to surprise me especially in first-person and when I'm at a very big disadvantage you're not sure but I feel as though perhaps this could just I could have misheard it but I thought I heard like the Mario Underground the Mario it's random but there is it's random but there is a chance it will happen because you know the base instrument is built in octaves and just the pitch material that they chose for this piece yeah it could happen but it's likely not intended it's random alright we got the meat of Champions is that the the deviled ham you're talking about no devil ham is in the submerged Castle still it's sitting there with the cookie it's growing mold with the cookie yes but with the cookie I need to go back and get that cookie because cookies are delicious and now we get to see what the room looks like I'll certainly say it's no mansion but hey it's a living space it looks like a big toy box actually you know with the wood planks and all the trees and everything it's just that it's all neatly assorted in the center along with some plates and food and bugs and stuff so that's it that's the gluttons kitchen we did it oh okay I'm I'm sorry if I'm not getting it all of your comments I I remember seeing this one before um scruffy what are your favourite bosses of all Pikmin of all Pikmin okay and I guess you don't pick my last 10 Pikmin one didn't have like defined bosses but well my favorite was it yeah my favorite boss in Pikmin 1 would be the well between the BD longlegs in the Emperor bull X it would be the Emperor of old Lex I love the armor although just cuz it's like you have to all that you really have to figure out how to do that so like the Emperor Bolex is the final boss of the game so it by default is my favorite boss but as far as like difficult enemies that kind of become bosses I yeah I would agree the armored cannon beetle is one of my favorites I love the way it looks we got 40% more than 40% of the Dead recovered and we have just enough time let me put away a couple yellow Pikmin they've had enough today and take out some yellow red Pikmin and then let's go to the the Citadel of spiders let's say they should have more questions of um one and I can't think of a good reason like a good excuse for this but if locations are revealed to the vegetarians in Pikmin 3 then what's wrong with Louie um I feel like the cope by its might have gotten that wrong I feel like the co pipes don't know that much about cope I about polka tations because they're like you know when they first meet that data file by orlimar there's like from Hoka tate yeah they're there you know the guys that only eat vegetables you know it's like foggy to me it sounded like it was foggy in their memory so I feel like cope IDEs wouldn't be your go-to source on hoga tations some cultural appropriation yeah there's some deep stuff going on in Pikmin 3 deep stuff going on in all these games anyway let's discover and conquer the Citadel and spiders oh it's so bad except for the BT longlegs let me get back to my boss yeah boss question because you started with Pikmin one right and people are asking about the puffs tool to like is that one really a boss if pick the one I love all the bosses in Pikmin one night what is that one really a boss of Pikmin 1 it's sort of I mean like a mini boss it's sectioned off in its own area like yeah there's no you know cinematic boss miss about it but it's an important creature it only appears once no in the gears place it only appears once in the forest navel I'll make it yeah so yeah it's an important point and yeah I can't leave it out I like mushroom Pikmin I like the the puffs - a lot I don't know that's a tough question for Pikmin warm for Pikmin - I want also the snag rit's snagger it's all around like they appear in every Pikmin game they're one of my favorite classes I'd really one of my favorite parts about the snagger it is that wait wait wait something's eaten Pikmin that's the reverb problem I could just barely hear Pikmin being nabbed there that's a problem of one of my favorite I already lost two and I didn't even realize it oh and they asked about the smoking frog what's your opinion on smoke thrown I feels like a news cat I'm losing to you what is your what is my opinion back scruffy what is my opinion on the smokey prog uh smoking products difficult very difficult it's a piece of work and love nugget yeah it's a I don't know it always feel it always felt a little too difficult for me oh wait oh shoot it's not dead yet sorry I'm trying to focusing why am i focusing on a skitter leaf there's no treasure left in here I should just be going to the hole I don't know I kind of like the smoky prog but I I do like it but it just feels weird fighting it it feels completely different from all the other enemies for me so yeah it's more but it's more of a secret than a defined boss that's how I feel yeah yeah that's what I think of it [Music] alright so I'm moving on to I'll go ahead I mean that's going to be in the stream so I'll go ahead and confirm yes my name is actually max um that's Ari I I knew I knew what happened I'm not this thing but it's okay that's that's my first name I I am the gold but it is fine but let's just call me scruffy if you don't if you guys don't mind cuz I like the name scruffy alright but moving on to Pikmin 2 boxes Pikmin 2 bosses let's do it the Empress Bowl blanks this is one of my one of my friends that I which one the first one or the the birthday flan all of them ooh this is going to be tricky there isn't there one there is one spot where there are two in one place right no no no no no I only remember that there's a hack where there's two of them in one place that's probably where I remember let's take my burliest fighters and go face this this place but yeah the Emperor's bull blacks is one of my favorites the water Wraith is one of my favorites just because of the way it's introduced do you know you're powerless to defeat it until the very end of the cave where you're introduced to oh yeah I got him until the very end of the cave where you're introduced a purple Pikmin and you finally get the power to you know show him who's boss like I love that it's a completely new way to introduce the boss like he's always there stalking you until you get the upper hand at the very end of the cave I really enjoyed that so that's one of my favorite bosses and what about you're a giant bred bug you gotta love him giant bred bugs so adorable alright you I caught them off guard what's up I didn't lose anything what's your favorite longlegs my favorite longlegs mmm tough question I really like the hairy leg wigs recycle shaggy well shaggy hums I'm not good at this I like the shaggy long like truth you know what dweeble you can keep a and these other greebles I don't know we might have to back um my favorite longlegs shoot I do like the man at legs a lot it's a it's really weird and very intense enemy like it makes for one of the most intense battles of the entire picking going and I know it's a bunch of hiding and coming out and hiding and coming out but just like the way it completely throws you off guard as far as how powerful it is is what makes me really like it and I do like the shaggy long legs and the Baldy long legs in Pikmin 3 those are great um speaking of Pikmin 3 like I think I've gone over my favorite losses in this game for the most part I like all of them but yeah the Emperor's full blacks the giant red bug the man at legs and what was the other one is head I mentioned one other and the snag rates are my favorite in this game and then when it comes to Pikmin 3 hands down the hem applause bat that's my favorite like my favorite by far do you like the fight and wheedle I do like the title evil and we got the paradox : ik milk I'm pretty sure that um to answer your guys questions I'm pretty sure I'm scruffy if you can confirm this that the do evil and one legs families are not connected or are they the do evil and the long legs no weevils are part of the dweeble family the arachnid the that's the Iraq Iraq Nords yeah the long legs are part of the Iraq Nords the two are rivaling families they conflict often yeah one of my favorite parts of Pikmin 3 bosses um listen a great because it's confirmed that all snag rats have legs that's true yeah that's really cool but they all have feet but it only pops up after you kill it and then you drag it to your back to your base like that makes a lot more sense so all of the the em the in the inmense the men's miss of the bosses in Pikmin 3 really uh yeah that's true I can't leave out the quagmire colopsis a good candidate from one of my favorite bosses just because of its size I love the UM the mere slug the sand belching mere slope yeah yeah that was Oh looks because you don't you don't like until you hit it out of the sand you don't realize how enormous it is yeah and the big bulge in its belly that soon you become the crimson banquet yeah oh wait I'll need to get out of there oh no I lost a purple Pikmin and a red Pikmin to electricity am I just going to run the gauntlet of ways I can kill Pikmin in this game I hope not might as well know might as well not ha you can't reach me from there if you can hoo what is your least favorite boss what is my least favorite boss oh I don't want to pick on any of them they're all so good okay I will save the score net maestro got a lil repetitive heart though well it's hard it was I wouldn't say it's hard I would say it was enthusiast yeah yeah cuz the score that's were so hard to hit yeah yeah that turned out to be one of my lesser favorite I'd say but I still like the scorned at maestro I've even made that little animation about it playing a Greek tune on its bit on its beat but as far as least favourite bosses I don't know I'm certainly not going to choose any Pikmin 2 ones because after I'm reliving all of them in first person well I I'm gaining a newfound respect for all of them even the giant red bug it managed to scare me I think that's worth some recognition what's behind here what do you uh what do you think about paint Pikmin what I think I hate Pikmin it looks pretty fun it looks like a it looks like an interesting twist yeah I like I like how I think they have like realistic birds in hey Pikmin realistic they've got a big bird head on two legs like a bulldog I didn't my memories fuzzy on most things but uh yeah hey Pikmin does look pretty fun I think it's an interesting little twist and although I know it's not going to be as big or intricate as the real pick as the Canon Pikmin games although this one might be can you never know Oh surely Canada I don't know like that so would be really cool that's the one thing I'm worried about with it because like they're trying to save orlimar has crash-landed on a wee-wee planet that still has Pikmin and very much resembles the old planet and also has to collect a bunch of sparkly on that exists in treasures I know oh it sounds a little it sounds a little bit let's just do it's a little far-fetched for me as far as Pikmin goes that's but it does sound like an interesting game I'm excited I would have to say that sparkly umm is even worse than picked them in you yeah pictum of you is the coincidence for the ages like you named your vitamin on your home planet after the species you're going to discover and the console you're going to be playing on and which happens to be of the say the same as the gamepad that you take all your photos and videos and get on yeah god so many shameless plugs now it's fine alright let's take care of this guy that one little yellow Pikmin has been trooping and keeping this guy at bay for me so let's finally take a move how did you become interested in um we got Pikmin 2 that was like one of the earlier games that we even owned for the Gamecube and we got Pikmin 2 first I'm kind of biased towards that one because it was my first encounter of a picnic it was just so well done I learned several English words playing it like I had no idea how to spell hors d'oeuvre before I played this game and now I do but yeah then we played the first Pikmin game because we were like this is so great we got to try out the original since this isn't sequel I found it substantially more difficult actually I mean Pikmin 2 is difficult but Pikmin 1 was really challenging but after both of those I was like I cannot wait for Dickman 3 and I spent the all of those years theorizing about what Pikmin 3 could be I have to say that Pikmin 2 you said that Pikmin what like Pikmin 1 is way harder and it is um not just because of the time right and strained there's a buried treasure here not just because of the time constraint but because just it's harder because right well one the pick the controls may be less response yeah the controls hand a little harder and enemies are generally less forgiving crueler Oh but bad-guy Pikmin 2 is also the only one that doesn't have a time constraint beat them up Louie or Alomar and I feel like that does take some of the the intensity out of your situations like a really I think there's enough intensity in Pikmin 2 to we're planning it out as much as you want is it feels good yeah cuz you need to yeah exactly especially like when you get to the the wistful wild okay right you you have to plan that out yeah you're going to get a fixation so that I like that there's there's time for everything in Pikmin 2 and I do feel that Pikmin 3 had a good way of divvying up its time oh sorry guys a dolphin crashed on me but we didn't lose too much just that sub level just that sub level and I know I spent a lot of time on that sub level because I was answering questions but I'll try and focus on getting that sub level done a little faster yeah try and focus on getting this done a little faster because I want to go back to the submerge castle sometime this little boy oh they're all back hello again let's deal with you come on guys let's show these these insects what for these program terminating bugs and like I just have to pick one over there where'd you go hey Pikmin I do love the name hey Pikmin it's fun to say hey dick men how many time if you how many times you think you've said that in your head hey Pikmin get over you get hurt something like that yeah or when I hear Pikmin news it's like hey it's Pikmin hey Pikmin quit stealing them by the way this isn't this isn't good I mean I can just whistle them out of the ground but it's annoying I keep losing Pikmin in twos ooh your opinion of orlimar represented in Smash Bros represented in Smash Bros he's too big I think I'm just loving no I'm just kidding I just remember in brawl they had the one scene where of the robbed was being attacked by Pikmin that were of the right size yeah and then as soon as that ends your as soon as that reaches with orlimar that's like half the size of Captain Falcon yeah and the Pikmin that are - I I don't have the problem that was just for a joke but I don't know I I like how he's represented in in Smash for that part either the trophies get a few details on which is kind of bad but that's okay I mean it's difficult to transfer all that cannon information from one game to another when you've got so many games to compile into one big fighting game I also missed the Pikmin chain in smash 4 bu Pikmin chain was cool but I do like the wing and picnic move yeah it saved me countless time oh yes ah another one guarding the water chestnuts beat him up guys oh here's a different question uh scruffy this is uh roses are red that much is true violets are scruffy I use 3d modeling but eventually quit because it was just so frustrating to navigate a lot of programs how do you suggest I get started again um well I mainly I only actually have ever used blender uh which is a program that's based mainly around knowing the keyboard shortcuts there are a lot of keyboard shortcuts so like that's the big hump that you have to pass learning blender in particular but once you get past it it's it's actually pretty easy to use so I would recommend starting with just some basic YouTube tutorials looking up the the API manual of blender that really helps it explains it in very good detail if you want to start with blender that is if you want to start with something like I don't know Maya or 3ds max like it's your choice but that's the only one I know anything about so yeah what I would recommend is just starting with the manual getting a sense of how you move things how you rotate things how you scale things they can all be done with simple hot keys in blender and once you get used to that that's that makes it easier so yeah just look up some videos and spend some time with a manual if you want to get into a 3d modeling thing a 3d modeling program there are too many I know beetles in here but there are no treasures in here so I don't have to worry about them because when it comes to an ode beetles as a as a biologist from the planet Hoka tape I feel like orlimar for the most part would want to keep them alive to study them unless they threaten dis life in this pigment going back to favorites uh which I know is your your your favorite thing to do is a big favorite save it yeah this is which it delve into that paradox if you will um what is your favorite captain and pickup game captain and Pikmin tight okay there is a place where I can't Louie and and I [Music] think yeah this just you gotta go with Louie yeah it's just so well all the other ones are great too like Indy if you follow Pikmin one you know you really get to know all Omar and you like really root for him I love that but I started looking at him look at him he's just so lovable look at him but I've got to go with Louie just because he's so mischievous um the cooking thing yeah where he cooks all the grater creatures came out of nowhere I loved it the only thing is I really really hated him in Pikmin 3 because I was told I really just had a super duper grudge well I mean he already caused all the problems in Pikmin 2 so I'm expecting not like not actively up to his old tricks you know like I didn't just run around and broke break through giant cinder blocks with his his explosive body hey I can just run through this now check that out hey lovely but anyway yeah he's the he's the villain of the series if there is one and I love it and also just that goofy look he has on him you know all he needs is a big tour Lee mustache twirls sometimes ago yes I call it the day yeah exactly thank you for looat izing it as voice an awesome dude yeah Louie Baltimore and his musics wings you know well so does the president oh shoot the president said though the lesser-known Oh got all mark or the the lesser-known will pay captain the president get out of the way orlimar I do like the president's whistle yeah the car horn I like Louise whistle the toy train whistle and I like that they're all separate you know they're all separate sounds they have unique sounds let's bring that back in the next pigman game gotcha you monster water dumbbells I hope that well I don't not let necessarily hope is not the right word but they would be interesting if like for pikmin poor they would just like increase the scale of each area by you know like a ton like you know twice three three times the size yeah uh and then give you all five characters yeah that'd be crazy all five characters have been hacked into Pikmin 3 before it can just handle it casually like I could do this the whole time what you wanted 5 captains oh I'm sorry I only had three things I'm sorry you can do that on your own Oh I've been noticed this of watery that's not fair there's a watered humble right behind there what am I supposed to do you could throw something over it but it's a wall I've got to break it down first but you don't oh you know would be cool if you could throw other things besides pikmin like like leaders like or well it yeah or bomb rocks or yeah if you yourself could throw the bomb Rock that's not attached the pic though or if you could like pick up a pellet and throw it to some Bickman yeah like if you know you could be more more involved ressort evolved you could use tools yeah love it up to Olimar in the 2001 a space odyssey scene where the early humans beating bones with another bone yeah that'd be awesome you could have leaders help Pikmin carry something why not someone roams the same team here brownie bugs 2 3 5 says to play us along with your whatchamacallit melodica wait what song is that a song a song a song what song let's try this song that sort of works let's do another one how about the purp like or this that's so satisfying yeah they're for the flame of tomorrow no less oh that's true Spartan m80 leaders can throw Bob rocks and multiplayer yeah I love that feature that was all know that was the we got sure that was the most fun I think I had on the victim to battle mode was throwing Bob Brown bond rocks at me yeah well yes oh my gosh get out of there get out of there oh yeah save I shouldn't have thrown all my white Pikmin come on a level like what a Pikmin is eaten but like not all the way he's still okay I just imagine like when that happens you have like a little Pikmin that has like crunch oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no like a pickle boss the way no oh no is what I was trying to say intriguing is you lost a Pikmin how do you feel well what else is new the creature showed symptoms of poisoning after consuming white pigment perhaps white pigment excreted poisonous something how fascinating let's let it happen again and again how fascinating kill more openly you know what I'll kill them what I have them well at least he left behind a chocolate let's eat them yeah that seems safe to sell the Hoka tations chocolate that's been in this thing that's just been poisoned aha Hey I would not have seen this in first-person mode if I hadn't decided to explode we should we should make streamed highlights Oh that'd be fun stream highlights Thank You brownie Bub's 235u you've been you've been really good help yeah this chat you and I've gotten creative sushi but you know what I don't want to name names that's just that's mean I don't want to name names everyone's everybody's been helpful here with all these questions the favorites I'm serious I'm not being sarcastic here I love answering these questions I love talking about picnic you know it's what I love and what that is and all of that and all that all that jazz get out of my face all right we got one more treasure on this floor and then it's off to fight the Biddy longlegs with its B long legs yeah that was a good description all right we got the time capsule look at the puppy good ooh that's a good one Christmas 95 how about your favorite treasure my favorite treasure hmm I like the rubber ugly I like the rubber ugly - um my favorite treasure hmm I don't know I okay one of my favorites from a gameplay perspective is actually the doomsday apparatus because it forces you to find purple Pikmin and keep them like ultra valuable make sure that they're that as fewer lost as possible and just the fact that it takes so long I don't know that is not one I like it from a gameplay perspective but obviously it's not my favorite treasure and not in any other recovery I also like I've always thought that one was like a nice the challenge for you to you know yet that which ones do I like a lot I like the the wiggle noggin um what is this pile of sand doing here being a play on the sand what else what else do it what other treasures do I really like that's a good question on all of you all you work on the oil down here um I like the prototype detector a lot because it's a retro Nintendo toy which was a really cool reference and also because you know if the tool it gives you it's one of the most useful tools in the game there we go now I've got Pikmin working on that regal diamond listen to this hear how the sound becomes so greatly reduced when it's behind you that's my issue that's the that's one big problem that I'm facing here what else what other treasures do I really enjoy um I like the hideous Vittel I enjoy you Laura treasure thank you I enjoy you good treasure you guys are all treasures I enjoy you I'm going to collect you with my Pikmin I'm going to collect you and stuff you in a hold and sell you to the people on my whole planet let's not do that okay it's BD time so um oh people your mouse what's that your mouse my mouse Oh my mouse hello go back in your hole not there not there how about there sorry I can't remove my mouse right now I'm just going to have to let it stay there for a second oh right you're in here all right you you know what one of my favorite enemies middles was that the bearded amp right oh yeah that's a good gotta be one of my exes I are there any I knew guys can help me out with this are there any other mammals like definite mammals in Pikmin Linkwood enemies definite mammals maybe the hairy bull board it's hard to tell what kind of animal they are I'd assume like based on how they talked about them in the piccolo pedia that it's some sort of insect yeah most of them seem to be like insects but it's kind of weird it's not built like an insect all right 25 yellow Pikmin seems like a good number yeah is it what is the common thing with the practice of but I always find it interesting like people is and I noticed this a lot because it got a lot of airtime um in secret life of pets and when people put the the butthole on their animated animals people notice it yeah and I'm like why well they mean some is it is it let's let's stow the talk about bug moles for a moment because I'm about to encounter a very difficult boss and I kind of want to focus on somebody the whole the false bat the phosphate is a mammal cuz it's a bad there you go boss bad and that's my favorite boss in Pikmin 3 all right this is in let's watch this guy fall down ready here he comes any minute now oh my gosh this is scary any moment now he's gonna appear out of the blue come on guys don't keep us in suspense misty be be always oh no no no no wait the treasure gauge is going down I missed it oh yeah oh god I missed Oh God oh my gosh when this this is crazy okay let's try that again whoa he is big he's bad and he's beady ladies and gentlemen the BT longlegs let me go collect my pick that high careful careful careful oh wait you don't have any time I want a very tightly knit group though all right I'm gonna wait until he stops I can't just attack him willy-nilly I've got to wait until he rests cuz I don't want any Pikmin getting stomped on go go go go go go go yes oh my god guys that is terrifying let's get out of there oh jeez uh yeah all right you want a piece of me I'll take a bunch of pieces out of you yeah you're starting to flake apart there look uh he feels very spidery does my my fear of insects is just off the charts right now this is so is so real like this holds up so well and in first person it's just uh okay this is it whoa whoa whoa whoa Wow yeah all right and flakes time yay nachos yeah we did it we did it okay we got the key to well haha someone said I missed the lunar longlegs the lunar longlegs uh I guess quick description lunar longlegs was an enemy I had planned out for pikmin forever that I treta that I scrapped as an idea just because it was so ridiculous the lunar longlegs would be a creature so massive that it has gravity that Pikmin can walk him and it would try to stomp you with its four massive feet that's sort of the gist of it but there would also be like storm clouds on the creature and water and dirt and everything it would be like its own little planet that's all trying to attack you land I know it sounds pretty awesome the pirate clock but yeah but what over 9000 yeah uh like I know it sounds pretty awesome on paper but the logistics of playing that in Pikmin would be just a nightmare so that's not going to happen I wonder how would you how would you kill it you had to dig far enough it to reach its core and then start attacking its core but yet the core would be like a brain this object seems familiar I will combine it with the president's onboard you know hand held parallel dimension control yeah obviously the Home version sensors equation would explain a lot yeah sensors indicate a massive dimensional shift at a distant location that kind of happens when you just fiddle around with a key and you're parallel dimension controller I'm achieving a message from you you can I do really like how this was handled combined a key and a parallel dimension controller and all the locks everywhere in every dimension just open I do really like how this was handled though to give you this message challenge mode can now be addressed accessed from the title screen and then he just you know he notices that it's in a language he can't understand and like he just dismisses it as gibberish it's so well done I love that yeah it's little things like this that make me love this game is my face shaky its cheeky cheeky its beady well it's not bt anymore we beat the BB beat in bt long legs i'm going to stop down I'm going to head towards the geyser and leave this cave because we've finished it we finished two caves in one day oh it's still day seven people are asking about pigment forever um it's just an idea I'm gonna set the record straight it's just an idea it's I lost too thick more more fan fiction than reality more yeah it was more a fan idea than an idea for an actual game guys if I'm going to make an actual game and I do have plans to make one I don't want it to be based on someone else's franchise I wanted to come from my own personal ideas that I you know that I grow from scratch I just hope that's understandable so I'm sorry to those of you who like really want the ideas and picking Pikmin forever but yeah I don't have the tools right now to make that happen and even if I did like I want to make a game that that comes from a little more original idea because you know I can't just sell off a game about Pikmin it's intellectual property but even for just making it like I want to use those tools to create something completely new that's just what I want to do and hopefully someday I'll be able to do that anyway I can go ahead and end this day because there's nothing I can do left and this time let's see all the treasures I got I got the mattock fanfare get that dramatic fanfare and let's also see how many Pikmin I lost and let's have a vote ladies and gentlemen vote right now should I go to the awakening would tomorrow and do caves they're like the bull wax kingdom in the Snagit hole or should I go to the valley of repose grow blue Pikmin enough to get beyond that gate and tackle the caves there the subterranean compost in the frontier cap or go back to UM or immerged castle I shouldn't go back there yet okay not yet nice so Valley I propose are awakening would um I noticed a question about how long this is gonna last ye what do you think could this one go later then uh we could go later yeah I'm cool with that if you guys are cool with that this stream can go on later than the last one um maybe 10:00 Eastern Standard Time let's do it I lost oh I lost 48 Pikmin to water today and you didn't even see that I lost so many yellow Pikmin to that one stinkin bridge and I lost 12 in battle for a total of 60 adding to a very clean 160 Pikmin lost remember how I said I wasn't going to lose any more at the end of the last three that's like sadist math I've ever heard yeah I'm his hero I'm not you're my hero those pikmin didn't deserve to live geez I'm not my own hero what kind of leader am i well let's see here let's look at this uh look at this voting voting what's uh I I um I'm seeing more value proposed alia proposed yeah let's do it you sure about that Volvo proposed ah let's see hold on hold on oh god it's pretty even actually even let's see I [Music] yeah it is pretty even I don't know it's coming up a little more value proposed to me I think so value ever yeah value because it is yeah we got value of repose man but hey we're gonna do both of them in this screen we're gonna try to I don't know how I'm gonna defeat the value of repose negret hmm it's more yeah why not but what I really got to do is grow my blue Pikmin because I only have flossy right now I'll be damned Flossie I only have Flossie poor little flossy stuck in there alright Flossie let's come out and Flossie will help me grow my blue Pikmin team right Flossie right there we go look at Flossie going she's she's really going at it girl Flossie yes good job look at that plus you already had some friends someone asked um Manuel Gonzales asked oh no I'm sorry not Manuel Gonzales the next one Daniel J livers El XXXIX asks what is your favorite area in the three Pikmin games favorite area and the three Pikmin games which I guess would be like what's your favorite area in between Pikmin 1 and 2 and then Pikmin 3 because well not necessarily my favorite area in Pikmin 1 is the forest navel which didn't reappear in this game oh it didn't know it reappeared in Pikmin 3 though well yeah as The Forgotten Cove that was pretty sweet of him but yeah in Pikmin 1 it's the forest navel because you start in the dead center and you can explore any which way you know it's very dark it's the where the challenge of Pikmin really starts to set in there's just so many ways to explore and so many shortcuts you can set up like it just really suggest to you that efficiency is now the name of the game and you've got a you've got to really find the best path to carry stuff so yeah I really enjoy the forest naval for that reason and if you want to know more about it actually I can recommend a friend of mine a youtuber the sneaky spy the sneaky spy we made a video but specifically about the forest naval and why it's his favorite - and that's a really good video I think you guys should check that out but yeah that's my favorite in Pikmin 1 in Pikmin 2 how the jury is kind of out I really like the valley of repose like the wintry feel the all the stuff that remains to be seen after the first couple days that you know you have to come back with blue Pikmin and then it all gets revealed to you like that that's really sweet but I also really like the perplexing pool because of all the puzzles that are packed into it it's it's really perplexing I love the part of perplexing pool that's like right behind that starting area the big dudes right animal nice yeah all right I got its gun has gotten so many little things in it yeah brass the shell oh god the shell puzzle the shell pass or no the shell is just dumb under the ground isn't it the giant conch shell yes but the onion the onion is a puzzle the onion replica forgive me it's not the real onion it's the onion replica honey are you okay we got blue Pikmin coming in Louie can get some red Pikmin and yellow Pikmin out can't you Louie that's right you can and in Pikmin 3 favorite area hmm tough question whoa I've got Louie vision he sort of slid into the view there hopefully to help out little yellow pikmin um yeah Pikmin 3 it's tough I really like all the areas they're beautiful first of all they're all beautiful and they've got a lot of cool puzzles and just little design elements to them that pop out at me I really autumn place yeah the Twilight River the music the spiderwebs the arachnoid webs yeah everything about it the Miss coordinates I really wish they had more of just the score Nets because I was warms yeah cuz I like this garnets they made me feel like the flying Pikmin had some more purpose not that they don't have purpose but it was nice oh there we go blue Pikmin uh people are asking what your next uh scripted video is gonna give out good question it's kind of up in the air at the moment let me beat this whole board first and I'll tell you always putting up a fight he's a fighter ok there we go whoo gonna crush my felling to me good thing there's no crushing glitch in this game not as much as as much that should be a part of Pikmin for is you can get hurt by at least the time that should you not be a part of Pikmin family bu but that's like it makes sense okay um let's see what else was I talking about Oh what my next scripted video that's right so I'm not sure um I've had an idea about talking about the water in Pikmin 2 and how its placement its location can be edited again like that's because also the sound effects of Pikmin entering water um oh yeah in Pikmin 1 they can occur on every frame so you get that weird sound effect but um but yeah I was thinking of maybe talking about the water in the games and since Pikmin 2 is the one I can edit show a little bit about how water works in the game that'd be pretty cool but I had to save that because I had to make sure this mod was working okay and no water was out of place you know because I want this to be vanilla game except for the the camera there's that I'm also thinking of maybe some music analysis videos about Pikmin because Pikmin even with the videos I've made and the videos every one is made like Pikmin hasn't really received enough attention video wise I think you guys are very persistent Flossie and Steve yeah your thoughts my thoughts on that you shape it might that would I ship it we were already there um I don't know where'd my blue Pikmin go are they all but I would I would I would put them in the ship and then that would be shipping it there you go um what is your favorite Pikmin song says the sick rose who did a super chat and contributed $2 thank you very much the sick rose um they also say they love you well thank you love you too and I'm underwater and while these blue Pikmin are working on this wall I'll tell you my favorite song and I'll play it on melodica if I can figure it out I don't know my favorite song I like em all um let's go with my favorite song in Pikmin 2 since that's the game I'm playing right now my favorite song in Pikmin 2 I got to go with perplexing pull myself I love perplexing pool but I also really love the valley of repose I'm gonna play the valley of repose [Music] and solo over a little uh Dan the man I'm really sorry of what was you could you please repeat you're a super chat song request I'm very sorry than I missed you oh boy this is gonna be tricky tell you what I'm gonna do oh boy oh and you got to make sure to listen to the yeah that's right that's right I'm gonna beat this guy with Pikmin tied behind my bridge ooh check this out it's coming right back to me Oh nope ah okay after you finish this video one of its numbers uh-huh for Pikmin 3 mission mode Pikmin 3 mission Goodwin which I got flattened yeah oh but I got him oh but you got me oh but I got him again though yeah that's really creepy when something in first person is following you alright wait before we before we go to the next right and I need to pause the game when he dies um Pikmin 3 mission mode let's see [Music] something like it goes something like that and then the other one is yeah so that's all those go now let me kill this guy all right back to kill come at me roll over here roll over Beethoven okay that is the sound of a very a very overdramatic death Oh perfect Louie thank you let's get rid of this drain or let's Doge with a dreams challenge Jose with the dream challenges you to play Pikmin one with hitman only 55 like you can grow Pikmin but only 250 only 250 if I lose Pikmin can I grow more yeah well I guess the boys are the dream uh if you lose like do you mean like you can grow Pikmin like only to a total of 50 Pikmin in every onion or can you have like as many penny pigment as you want in your onion but only have go let's know that would kind of know just yeah only lefty pikmin total only fifty pigment total and uh is that first person if a good first person it would have to wait until that's possible and we you'd have to practice yes definitely there we go and you know fire allowed alright I don't think I'm going to get to any caves today but bright and early tomorrow that'll be the first thing we get to do I'll at least be able to build this bridge and maybe get started on the wall separating this with something yeah man that's how I play Pikmin except I've wasted a lot of Pikmin lives which is the part I don't normally play like all right now orlimar will regroup like a captain they're done and now you guys can come across I know there are treasures here that I'm missing including the snag Rhett oh oh but I kind of want to get started on that poison wall because that takes a while since I only have a couple white Pikmin hahaha can you play the C sticks home can I play the C stick song well I can play the first part of it but once it gets kind of crazy I don't know how exactly it goes but I can give it my best shot just uh yeah let me pause it here for a second something like the head you sort of just dot random keys but it has a very specific sort of tone to it you know uh-oh we got bubble Pikmin I know I know your dance moves are fantastic where are you oh I love though did you see the way he looked at you did you see the lifelessness in his eyes as he stared at you no well no I'd like to pretend that I didn't but no I did oh wait you think you do it sure gets dark around here at night when all the Pikmin are going here how the trumpet is kind of ghostly it's kind of weird what happened because it's the first person Hey maybe did the instruments depend on your orientation like this they're a music player object playing the music tune in next week when we won't be able to find out at all well here's today's report anyway no funds that's no fund but we will we will get some more tomorrow and we gave Flossie some friends that's nice but one died of water can I have a single day one besides day one where no Pikmin died I'm still on and he's still on the lam from the debt collectors man so today it was kind of a crud day but tomorrow we'll get through two caves I promise because of the power of repeating a bunch of questions over and over again uh uh what is the name of a Steve and Flossie's child which is a flawed question in itself because yeah who knows if they're even together and yeah oh it's the key because Vic Minh don't reproduce that way that's also true yeah but who knows if they're even together like um I'm gonna get out my blue Pikmin you need glue cooking for I'm just gonna bring some blue Pikmin and some yellows good morning yellow Pikmin and some Reds but only 20 Reds because I'm gonna try and increase my Hey I did not tell you to do that now I've got to call out some Pikmin I'm definitely going to call out some purple Pikmin today I need I need purple pigment all the time there's a request to play the Pikmin 2 boss theme shoot uh that's a tough one that's Tuffy it goes something like you know something like that it's it's all F Phrygian with an e in there sometimes but I don't quite remember the melody it's a trick it's a it's a bouncy that music theory prowess is it really fridge like what other saw blobs are there plenty but what other it's in fridge Eames Phrygian oh there are plenty you know if you want to like really I mean I bet there's a ton of jazz homies frigid yeah if you want a really like angsty I guess sort of metal rock or intense feel you use Phrygian or Locrian Locrian is the Locrian sort of the odd one out when it comes to modes but the wistful wild is actually in Locrian the melody is all right guys you tackle this wall in an orderly fashion I can't really tell what's going on so I'm just gonna throw it yeah there we go okay yeah so they're working on that Louie good ol Louie always up for adventure doing the dirty work stuff is gonna go punch the heck out of this guy until he's dead and did you see this check this out the rest of his body underneath the ground nice well I expected that did you yes I mean are they just gonna make another model of the larva just I mean you see the whole thing I don't know are they you see the whole thing when he shakes yeah but just to satisfy the the coming out of the ground animation I don't yes I'm not not that's not even that's not even practical this is I'm not even touching him look at this I I have no chance against him this requires Pikmin which is unfortunate because Pikmin are very fragile and I can't see them okay I'll have him over here so that is so that is boulders don't do any damage this is a crazy battle I am constantly falling down the slope so I have to move up while throwing Pikmin and just looking at this disgusting hideous beast that just does no all kind of cute but we did that now we can collect the reward his crown and with for that I'll use my trusty yellow pikmin andy dandy let me look up I'm glad I added that feature oh the wall is done let's it's it's a it's knocked over oh don't tell me I've got Mechanica is the best girl says a scruffy did you know that you can actually decipher the pill bite text input link I did and it's wonderful it contains all sorts of little messages here and there like that's what told us that some of these areas are based off of pikmin one areas it's like the preview oh man hang on I'm getting getting withered here I need to get rid of this withering blow hog first yeah it's so cool they wrote all these messages in English but they used co-pi text as a sort of encryption for the secret messages like the Garden of Hope is based off the forest of Hope in the first game that's actually written in on the preview of the garden Hope a Garden of Hope when you're in the Drake but they wrote it in co-pi text so that's really neat and if you want to know more about that I'd recommend looking on picah pedia Pikmin wiki comm you can find a full list of all the co pipe messages we've deciphered how many how many were at your hand how many what were at your did you decipher any yourself Oh me no no they work pretty quickly on that wiki I'm sure but it was so cool to find that out all right I think we're gonna go with the one that we opened up first the submerged castle first the merge Castle through the subterranean complex yes hype for that one yeah man it legs battle and Gatling drunks who this game is putting me through a lot [Music] now I I could exert hey did you see this physics if I'm asleep sitting cross-legged this crown is solid you see that you just doesn't have a hole for wearing a balance it on your hand yeah maybe it's not a crown at all maybe it's like a cake tin you know what do you want to make decorative crown shape what is that warbling set to salute lag that is the crown above ground treasures make that noise when they're nearby and they're not being carried yeah it's to help let them let you know that they're there and this one is being particularly feisty with its clipping so I'm going to just go in the cave and you're saying that all above-ground treasures emit a noise which means all my blue they're probably radioactive yeah yeah yeah that's a good yeah that'd be a good logical reason that they make noise like that but also it's to you know help you find them a little bit I guess it helps you find buried treasures they make that noise they don't make that noise in caves that's the important part they don't make that noise and caves only above ground so yeah listen for that little drone sound effect and you'll know that a treasure is nearby now all of you guys you know where we were going you could have followed us is that all my Pikmin none other no other straggler is good I'm going to exchange some blue Pikmin for some purple Pikmin because there aren't that many water hazards in the subterranean complex because you know it's all metal it's all rusted and what not so let's put back some blue Pikmin with your favorite boss music out of all the Pikmin games definitely Pikmin twos boss battle news I do like very engage of the music for um Pikmin ones bgallagh legs oh yeah the first time I played that that legitimately creeped me out oh yeah yeah that creature in general creeps you out in the first game yes because it's a lot more it's got a lot more I feel like it's got a lot more to it but it'd be a the Pikmin 2 version not like in its AI yeah I feel like one I feel like it's smarter just that could just be me but I feel like it's smarter and it gets faster when it gets hurt in this well it's certainly more creepy in first person Pikmin 2 oh yes most definitely well ladies and gentlemen let's no longer beat around the bush let's enter another highly anticipated cave the subterranean complex where we will encounter the manet legs and various other fun friends but I'm this is the first time I'm entering one of these with a hundred Pikmin I think in this stream so that's saying something so how I handle my Pikmin so Mechanica is the best girl for it Mechanica is best girl I said oh there's no water has it's all scruffy what do you think happened to P Adam at 4:04 a / earth to turn into what it is now before you answer well you know what after you answer because this might change your opinion um well I think we all know what it is now it's the president's parallel dimension controller that's not what I was is that what I was gonna say it was fiddling around with it one day you know he dropped his keys he brought him back up he said hey why not put these in my parallel dimension controller oops massive voltage if the public's oh oh my cousin carried are you being carried uh what just happened I heard where is he dang the Pikmin just attacked him brought him down killed him carried him and salvaged him without even seeing okay I only thought maybe a bumbling snitch bone you gotta let go your Pikmin so you can get carried yeah I only vaguely heard it um but I wanted to add to the question I wanted to add that the obviously the answer is now that all the radiation killed the people because you know yeah that's true you've got got the irradiated noise treasures above ground this is a bad idea this is a bad idea this is a bad idea but I'm gonna do it anyway because that's how I do things okay plus you've got all of the the weirded out animals that are now yeah from nuclear radiation probably highly irradiated yes and in Pikmin one the Geiger counter yes which orlimar doesn't even understand always is on yeah and it's always you know something's attacking me there he is yeah it's always twisting the area it's always reacting violently so I think it's fair to say that radiation is if not the main thing a large contributor to the way earth is now as its stated with PMF or for people are Brody Bub's two three five asks thank you for all the comments yeah yeah it's every two all of you guys oh you know one more there's still alive you're he's gonna eat he's gonna eat something okay now you're gonna you guys are keeping this a lot it's nice yeah keeping it interesting well they wants you to recreate the political tone with the crook again yeah could capture it I guess with your equality Oh oh god I gotta um yeah get the poem linkage books I see what you're you guys are talking about hang on I've got to rescue a few straggler pikmin who think they can just laze around at the other end of the stump you you and you and there were two more oh they're over there oh you uh random at soul I think we're gonna have to look through Louie's notes again to make sure up to accurately answer this question but they say which of Louie's notes would you be the most clanging because some of them do stuff sound pretty tasty yeah yeah that's good let go of your Pikmin well hang on this is a pretty precarious situation you know but not without Pikmin all right all right so let's figure out once and for all how being kidnapped by a bumbling snitch bug looks in first person whoa ha ha okay the one advantage I can actually see that's awesome it's like it's like a vantage point but thankfully I escaped accrue any damage but that's gonna be tricky because it's gonna be much more it's going to be much weirder if I actually get captured by one of those and like I'm like what is happening that this is suddenly happening to me or or a jelly float or a jelly phone that would be weird to be looking to the young phone and yeah getting around only the greater one the greater started jelly photo yeah oh no yeah now all of ours notes say that anyone who is captured by this insect is clearly an idiot but I don't feel like that's the case I think I feel like he does this before he wants to test how it what it's like I feel like he's just playing it off there all right you white Pigman let's get rid of this poison so that other Pikmin can join out they already did well let's let other Pikmin join in on this fun right other Pikmin and Willie gotcha whoa no I didn't uh I'm being carried but and it got all of our - one thing I did like about Pikmin 3 oh we got Louie he got Louie one thing I did like about Bowden well 3 wait a minute ok ok one thing you liked about picking through their enemy creation is it's well it's kind of a love-hate thing um it simultaneously simultaneously Simon it got all our simultaneously um made like combine the different types of the same enemy from Pikmin 2 ie the snitch bugs like the Pikmin 3 snitch bugs could get the captains and the Pikmin yeah it consolidated enemy yes it which makes each enemy like a little more interactive yeah a dynamic dynamic yeah this is the world looking for dynamic um but at the same time you lose some variety yeah but it's still nice it's cool yeah [Music] yeah let's turn the light on yes because playing video games a dark okay that's all the treasures here I'm gonna continue on oh this place is deep are you excited for creating dirty bugs yes and no I've already faced oh yeah you already faced the one I faced one I faced one in the submerged Castle where am I going and it was very unfair cuz he could he could firebomb rocks through the wall he is a meanie and then um the UH here's thing what's all should be right behind no I should know this because I love the name so much but here it is a nose jelly float of the the Medusa lurker yes the Medusa lurkers like I really need to play that game again because I can't remember the names Medusa lurker pyroclasm Xclusive lesbos luge umm sleep quit being such a [ __ ] jeez okay this environment is pretty cool but I shouldn't just walk around willy-nilly cuz Pigman could die here just by my throwing them um and hey there's some careening to ridgey bugs but that excitement but that also mixed together all of the I'm gonna go jelly floats that enemy while also making them like 10 times more annoying yeah I'm gonna take my bombs just let it shake off your Pikmin just by moving yeah I'm gonna take my bomb squad of one and if the length of these bonds infuse the bomb rocks by like cutting wires and such if wait up with your wire cutting pikmin they'll oh yeah the like pliers for heads take that you flying monster I hope what is your favorite creature death animation oh man this is getting pretty specific well I like it creature death animation shoot that's a tough one I have to say the emperor bull black's is definitely up there which one the first game or the second game of the second game where it sort of just flails around these alive does all the spin yeah all of the space alright those guys are getting rid of their bomb rocks well they have mouths they have like little red mouths what where where where check underneath their eyes but that's where their nose is further look but little red bar well god it's so cute with their worm lipstick red you said you had a fear of insects well the okay to find me a real insect that looks like hang on hang on I'll be there could be a bomb there could be a bomb there is a bomb oh that one's dead Oh check it out check it out he might get ya he's gonna get ya oh no I told you I didn't even see him I told I said it out loud with my with my words with your mouth that is below my nose oh there's a bomb left gosh darnit red Pikmin I love you but sometimes you activate bombs that weren't meant to be activated I really like it when I can ground him before he where there was a bomb bomb I got it I got it ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba rock that was my bomb rock ha ha ha ha yeah oh yeah it's going platinum Hey oh don't fall you fell I think they fell no they didn't fall yeah he's almost dead why can't you just be dead [Music] don't come this way no you're not allowed to go that far you can throw it at Louie Louie's be a decoy okay good man these guys are tough they require some serious calculation planning but I got him now okay I really love the careening doraji bug death animation how it just flails around and then stops for a second and then all of its balloons popped at once and it just took also on that note I really like the wall-e woggs death animation because it's just sort of it it goes you know stiff it's believable now another one okay at least this time he wasn't able to chew up bone rock these guys oh Jesus ask - she says yes she says really hello she says I love your boundary break videos asks you thanks for joining the screen anyone and don't think of it but I'm sorry I was so focused on our conversation Oh two bombs at once um sorry whenever i apologies she says what did he ask though it was if they asked you if you what you thought about hatred oh yeah well it's an interesting twist like a 2-d game play the whole like the whole simplified puzzle element like I'll admit I'm not as excited as I would be for you know a full body three pick 3d Pikmin game but it does look interesting it does look fun and I love adding any info to my compendium of Pikmin knowledge so like I know it's going to have great music I know it's going to have good enemy design and it will have some cool puzzles I imagine like I don't imagine that it won't deliver a good game and so that's my thoughts on on pay Pikmin I'm excited for it and be like two years thank you very much it's thank you thank you very much for watching the stream I like your videos as well I really do like just messing with the camera finding secrets like that I love stuff like that as you can see from my mod of this game alright this guy actually gets kind of dangerous in in environments like this because he could throw Pikmin right off the edge of the map [Applause] but it's okay as long as I can bring him down and I got it that's good how he's able to bury Pikmin in solid metal it's another story and I just let a Pikmin fall this is so vivid to like the sound was pretty uh pretty uh upfront like usually it's hidden in the background blaring in its disappointment yes all these Pikmin are just disappointed in me like come on man I thought it would be easier to play as Olimar and Louie from their perspective but it's not it's much worse okay if I know yep if I know the Pikmin developers they hide bomb rocks by this point in the game they just let them fall on your innocent little eggs si is so good that's not great well it is great but not to not to be trying to live here anyway there's more treasure on this floor and that's what's important let's go find it here it is that was easy except there's probably gonna be a bomb Rock no no bomb Rock I feel like I'm getting ready for a Tex Avery moment here okay fine and that guy okay okay we're safe now we're safe we're good we're never safe I'm safe is this the spirit vlogger or the Omega flywheels spirit vlogger yeah this game this is the spirit vlogger that sounds like I don't know it sounds like something sort of part of the underworld yeah well this is where these kind of experience this is an underworld of sorts it's under the main world man I don't want to have my spirit vlog yeah me neither sublevel three I don't remember these sub levels very well at all but I know eventually we'll get to a rest point which will be nice and at the end of this we'll get the stellar org which means that we'll be able to see as far as the eye can see in caves which in first person it's not very far at all all right we got more cannon beetles so I need to start stole my Pikmin in a safe place place where not to much will happen as long as this is safe as long as bombs don't drop no and I think we'll be okay yeah and now a bomb drops yeah all right you you're in a very inconvenient spot you know that oh it did nothing well some enemies talking about well he isn't our bird yeah armored cannon beetle larvae like he hasn't grown up into an armored Gabby but he's still an armored Kennedy alright there's another one now is he and well is he an armored can it be a letter or is he an arm or is he an armored cannon beetle larvae I think he's an armored cannon beetle larvae I think that's that's my two cents oh uh thank you brownie bugs for reminding us that we still have to get the Grunk sound get the grunt sound yeah then get to the groins and we'll get we'll try to get the going son she says asks you if there is any chance there will be a two-player co-op pack starting mmm that would be interesting yeah I'm not sure if I have the tools to do that necessarily but I'm part of a Pikmin hacking community that's one of our like big goals that would be so cool if we could divide the story mode into and and multiply is also a first-person battle mode that is a much closer possibility like you and I could have some streams of that that would be awesome Oh oh yeah creative CC says um to plug the public Pickman discord yes perfect idea so there is a public Pickman discord server it's very active people talk about pikmin all the time and I don't have the link on me right now and I I don't exactly know where to find the invite link but if someone could provide that I'll add that in the description of this video when it's archived and then anyone who wants to join the pikmin server feel free like we love having new members and just there's always something to discuss with pikmin really there is I know we haven't gotten picked my news in a while but this game is just too interesting to put down anyway let's carry back this screw I think this is the adamantine girdle or is it adamantine I'm gonna say adamantine uh-uh she says ask are you able to share the hurdles that stop us from that hack the core two players talk about um mainly we don't know how to split the screen and how to give a like I'm not exactly sure what separates the modes what separates the controls within those modes I haven't really delved into that but like allowing two-player inputs during the story mode is probably the biggest issue splitting the camera I don't know if that would be the hardest part I don't know yeah I really haven't looked that much into it I'm afraid it's sort of a pipe dream for me um but I'll ask about that I'll get back to you on that and um someone asked who I was I am Scruffy's brother yep Matt d'accord and together we stream Pikmin yeah this is my now my second video ever on YouTube yeah being a part of a video yeah Scruffy's video boom and it's very nice to have you here yeah we grew up with Pikmin we we love it alright there's all of our hey al Ahmar carry this whoa oh okay that egg kind of move the spring a little bit I need to go refill on some Pikmin um yeah I I want to look more into split screen story mode if we could manage that that would be amazing I'll definitely ask what would be the challenges in that because we still don't understand a great deal of the file structure in Pikmin 2 and we can we can sure get it to crash a lot that's very easy but yeah I don't even know where to begin actually when it comes to providing split-screen and other modes than it's designed for we did decide that our favorite captain was Louie correct yes the old launcher he's not as much of a dolt as he seems I mean he got yeah he got the President to believe well the president oh oh oh this is still an enemy over there I don't think it would be that hard to get the President to believe something where was that enemy there is an enemy over here I thought I saw digging digging no okay I guess not okay well I did want to show you guys it's hard to see but when you get to a certain distance see all those Pikmin into the distance yeah how very few of them are moving at a certain distance Pikmin will revert to T pose so that they don't have to animate themselves Oh at such a large distance yeah because that's all that makes sense yeah cuz they're small you know and they don't need to spend all that processing power or yeah when they're so far away oh I don't want to use up my blue Pikmin that I just earned so let's use my red bigger to get these white pinon do I really need that many wiping um maybe I don't need all those white pigment yeah you know what I don't need all those white Pikmin I've got enough to complete the game I think and I know the next floor is gonna present me with a bunch of white pigment opportunities but yeah I don't think I need all those white pigment I normally don't bring that many anyway I've sort of come to the maximum maybe I'll get a few but I've sort of come to the maximum that I normally bring into caves so so that's fine um you said you could you can no I can't I can't decide on the favorite Pikmin I love them although Bullman Boldman are nice i they're up there so they're not my favorite but I kind of have a soft spot for them I guess which is so cute okay who do I turn into white pigment how about a couple of these yellow pigment just just five I'll go with just five that's enough when we get to purple Pikmin I'll get some more purple pig back because I need purple in fact it usually ends up that I have to grind this cave to get enough purple pigment for the doomsday apparatus but I won't have to do that right now nice always using or that usually that reminds me they took the AHA they took the purple poison out of Pikmin 3 and I'd like to see more poisons added to upcoming Pikmin games yeah poisons are an interesting strategic element yeah got them on Luigi come on Louie one more instance of double spread which here doubles phrase this this once and I think we're good to go did the head on to the next hole I think this one is main lead weevils but I'd love yeah I'd love this aah new poisons would be my favorite thing to see in the new Pikmin game new new sprays yes not yeah and maybe not like getting them from something other than barrels this one doesn't have a lot of types of dweeble there's a lot of one you could craft poisons I don't know with chemical physics or chemical oh man pickle of things that'd be pretty cool that would be that would I mean it so if we're going into that level of depth in upcoming Pikmin titles yeah that would be awesome because right now it's only one ingredient for your sprays if you can like mix poisons like they mix the juices in the Pikmin 3 also - on that note gotta be one of the most satisfying things I've ever seen is watching the Pikmin 3 fruit juice pour in 2 cups oh yeah that's meta ball animation - you know add mix colors because the liquid in the juice being poured in Pikmin 3 is also based on meta balls hey this guy sees me hey you can't age me sorry um um so any idea or new Pikmin types though nope nope nope not one not one not even a thought not even a color yeah well they branched out this time like they went with Pikmin with wings or Pikmin are rocks you know like it wasn't just colors they did have solicited colors but they were gray and pink right they did have specific new colors but I wonder if they came up the colors before they came up out of the pick I'm sure they came with the thought of the Pikmin so the treasure is much closer than normal good let me get some white Pikmin look at all these white pigment fast little guys and head down there and [Music] carry it back up as quickly as I can so as not to cause any bomb related incidents and be nice metabolic still on me he's still on me okay no no harm no harm done I accepted the volatile two people I would like the idea of Pikmin that have something to do with lighting effects Oh be nice let's be pretty cool I mean they wouldn't be necessary though let's get out of there get out of there unless they were like infrared lights that could illuminate certain objects or enemies like could only be seen yes whoa this doesn't have a bottom either look at that no culling on that platform there I can see all my Pikmin mean hey why uh hey Pikmin see how useful that name is yes my favorite is imagining a sort of I think I've told you this but I haven't told everyone was like imagining is sort of just mike wazowski rendition of that you know hey Pikmin it's a musical big record kept from what so happy a cut uh-oh there's still there's still treasure in here come on dudes you're wearing the bombs Finn look at this look out Lois all right did they always have the weird bulgy ears of the co bites have yes but the co fights have different years like so foldy they're bulgy but it's like where your hole is supposed to be it is a dome Alomar Alomar has all of our Lois polka tations have more pointed ears whereas Co pipes have rounder ears but they're all still very bulky yes oh he's heading towards the other Pikmin goodbye okay where's Louie there we go what oh there's a bomb back there I heard it I heard it yeah you see that narrowly escaped I'm waiting I'm waiting bomb rocks gonna drop because Pikmin are supposed to be here or a vault I'll do evil no sure how about now no okay jeez that has me on edge but anyway at least the treasure kept back safe only only lost three white Pikmin jeez what's wrong with me where's the hole over there yeah the whole ways of it also a parasite Pikmin like mushroom picker oh no no no no like actual Oh like the one like in fact one that in fact well open but technically those are the bold men they've infected bull boards they're called Bultman well yeah I know but like the parasitic Pikmin that we never see right those are the vocal that's what Boldman is that the name that Bulman represents those parasitic Pikmin never never see I know but to see the parasitic Pikmin that we never see to see the Boldman yeah the no because there's the Bulldog first and then there's the parasitic Pikmin that makes the bolt men right see I was thinking that they called the parasitic Pikmin the bolt men even though like the only time they've seen it is infecting the ball board but they separate the bold men and the bull board so I'm thinking though it becomes it becomes a different animal but it's like it's it's brought it's when two things come together I see yeah that also makes sense so if we could if you could harness that and control enemies like the ghost power up in that Kirby game yes in Sequim flouride screen as well that's it that was the best Kirby power okay I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with you on that oh yeah problem but I did like that power it was fun controlling other enemies even though it didn't really do much with it it was kind of a secret fun powerup but yeah if you could follow the parasitic pick them to you know I would I would I would make some merit points and put wood Pikmin fight with each well I guess Bultman fight Bultman so well you could have a parasitic Pikmin snag read quite a regular side of it true that was you Oh dreams dreams dreams which is also a game that I can't wait to come out yeah where you can basically create anything and the only way it's like you might like space 3d modeling for dummies well 3d modeling for people who liked a little big planet 3 modeling for artists not for 30 modelers I guess some and for people who like motion controls and on the ps4 handled anyway but this is Pikmin we're talking about yeah sorry that game is not even out yet yeah I know I got I got sidetracked it's thinking about all the good games that will come out eventually you know the first thing I'm gonna try to make in dreams if I get it right Pikmin Pikmin of course that's the first thing I tried to make it a little big planet we need to get out of here yes you do oh oh he made it he survived he's evolving this is serve up this is this is survival of the fittest he is now immune to explosion okay whatever you say what doesn't mean I'm gonna hurl him in it any more bombs well you gotta test it no that's the ship's philosophy that's not my philosophy you know the ship wants to sacrifice all these white Pikmin when you see like that yellow Pikmin doing like a Rocky style of training animation to Sybil into okay this guy is persistent this guy is kind of freaking me out because if I attack him he's going to shake off my Pikmin over the cliff so I feel like I've got to lead him to a spot where the wall isn't so thick and I could possibly get him to go off the edge of the cliff or I could just knock him around a little and here you just walk our just walk off the side please it's fine it's fun or maybe I could lead him the other way yeah there we go all right now other Pikmin Louie look alive Oh careful look alive cautiously look more than just alive okay okay good good now I don't want to throw Pikmin on him because they could be knocked right off the edge so I'm just gonna punch him a little yeah be caught in a cloud of poison but it's okay hey no no no no no no no no no no no you are not allowed this is disallowed oh it doesn't even seem to be picking up so tall when he's in first person yeah I feel like eventually I'm tiring him out yes got it okay sorry about that that was a bit of an ordeal but now I can carry his spoils yes good [Music] yay this one is and we forget the name of this one the repair juggernaut cool but there's still just good treasure in here there it is and it's dweeble deceive as many of them all right if I could get him to drop a bomb rock near the weevils Hey what are you doing here I did not say you can come along but we will help you okay let's see here I could get that there's too many of them I could get serpentine serpentine and drop a bomb rock near these two evils of near these weevils please this is making me uncomfortable yeah the okay off to a dizzying start okay you know what here's what I'm going to do I'm going to get this guy to climb up the geyser not that way this way keep going you don't you're not allowed to change your mind all right fine so I'm going to lead this guy into my pickling like I did last time or I could lead him into the bomb rock yes yes yes yes yes oh oh there we go so I guess Oh interesting it is yeah it is a few he can it's a shield but he can only lose the treasure when he stands up if he's lying down he can't even lose the treasure but as soon as he gets up umm yeah soon as he gets up he loses the treasure immediately he stores all that damage geez all right so first things first I'm gonna have to deal with that fiery to evil they can't get to him Oh what's my nothing I was thinking about saying something okay I mean Jesus for curious I'm gonna attack this guy first wherever that bomb might rent we have to get out of here quick okay crisis averted but we also have to get those out of the anode beetles way oh there's so much to consider okay yellow Pikmin are going to enter that area first these yellow pigment that are the square-dancing oh not anymore okay and then these yellow Pikmin are gonna follow suit and know yeah that'll work goodness oh I brought red pigmented it how did red pigment am part of this Greek red pigment yeah stay behind I know how much you like the sparkly lights but they're dangerous didn't you watch the Pikmin short movies and you know what happens to that poor blue Pikmin the pig parts of the Pikmin short movies have to be part of those disturbing experience I've ever had before yeah what what oh that the Reggie bug got you man lesson learned don't play near to Ritchie bugs dirigida bugs don't mess around alright you flying clown that yeah there you go your bombs are trash throw them away I was just trying to get rid of the anode beetles they're legitimate threat get out of there oh no I'm bad hopping like flies I know it's like don't remind me yeah doing the best I can oh no no no no the Purple's no it's okay I call them all back no need to overreact oh there's always a reason to over yet that really scared me okay now giggles okay [Music] the annoyed Beatles and they all have like cold cuts and sing in harmony and they're horrible at once made you know oh that's right I have few yellow picking now guys I'm sorry I'm making a poor example they're setting a poor example [Music] please know it's just so hard to see and and remember where everything is I swear it's playable I swear I'm playing it I'm doing it oh no but don't worry I heard that why have a fire point of fire pain I have it under control for the most part where is picton for healthy I'm on fire you stupid captain why aren't you all that you might whistle in my pain away yes I wish I could whistle people's pain away let's see if I can whistle this tune it's kind of all over the place yeah it sort of works you know I can kind of whistle anything and it kind of works [Music] all right no more pikmin trouble we've got enough Pikmin trouble I've lost mm 1/4 of the Pikmin I brought in here I've got 75 left and I mostly lost yellow Pikmin which is gonna hurt me when it comes to battling Gatling Gronk's king boos battling it no matter how incompetent at Pikmin 2 you become great if you aren't playing in first person and it will always love you thank you guys sorry we haven't been talking to you guys well um yeah it's I know it's my job oh I can already hear them alright so first things first you guys want the extended growing sound effect I don't know how well it's going to come across in first person but I'm gonna try and get it to you let's see if we can get it here remember oh remember the the getting the right sound that's what I'm trying to do oh yeah oh yeah there it is let's see if you do that again Oh doll are two of them ah mission abort [Music] like with the the second Gatling Greg peeks around the corner slowly yeah please tell me who's your favorite dolt who's my favorite dolt I feel like this is a whole this is such isn't traffic west yeah but it's like the same time it's like an easy question to answer it's Lois of course is that Lois theme song now who's your favorite dolt it's Louie something like that we could write that yeah I nearly got drunked you done got groin I'm this is I don't want to you're putting me in a very uncomfortable position here gatling drunk I don't want to have to go this way because this way is where the bombs are but someone said I'm their favorite don't I feel like I just lost a Pikmin yep I lost a Pikmin what did I lose him to a bomber on a Gatling growing it's one of the two perhaps it was just old Pikmin that's two Pikmin age this is not the time well pick one itself ages and it ages rather well yeah yeah but do Pikmin his creatures age well they probably do they mature like plants but do they wither in Pikmin one they do but do they wither as animal plants plant moles plantable animals the planet of plan doubles yes how do I beat these gatling growing see I'm gonna take some burly purple Pikmin purple my burple Pikmin your purple picked into the planet also yeah a little purple pick right on the plenum also so I'm going to take my purple planets and go fight a getting drunk to where be okay none of this game is English words anymore my purple plant moles and spring to lie clingy and yes flower polo Beach [ __ ] and I can mix pic and words into that perfectly you know you're going to take my blurple animals with this blinky do and the Medusa lurker and go pyro 12 elude Medusa Liz Medusa little word but it all sounds kind of gibberish you I love it alright now we notice this me notice me rolling ah but don't do that don't do that get out of there you're crippled do you understand how important you are get a man you think the moving woman I got him on the run I got well I don't oh oh now we got a carry carry him whoa we'll get him sleeping go go go hey he is just like he just gets hurt so he decides to sleep it off like like when you eat too much and then you feel really full except he doesn't eat the liquid I don't know if they're gonna make it back in time uh I don't know if they were gonna ignite that bomb rock no they're carrying they did oh oh really what's there they don't ignite bomb rocks when they're carrying know that so do you not know that they're there they're pigs I haven't played this game in a long time they're busy oh okay we've got a serious situation here I've got to distract or he could just not see me because he has only 180 degrees feel the vehicle hey buddy or he could just be distracted with something else I don't see what's as important as looking at me right down here oh we got one but they're out of range now what was so important that he that he didn't want to shoot at me though okay quickly okay we're fine we're good now we're fine but that guy is carrying treasure in him and I've only got seven yellow pikmin what am I gonna do what am I gonna go home I'm gonna take those yellow pikmin you're only six now okay I feel bad so how is the carrying the carry drug doing he's done oh he's done I'm sorry I wasn't even paying attention i tased him okay good now yellow bee yeah is your favorite Galilee droid dance my favorite Gatlinburg dance how many gallons audiences aren't they how many guys how many gotta lean Gregg dances are theirs let's let's wait a second no no this is this is important okay he exploded okay guys also remember we don't want him coming back my favorite gatling drunk dance detling sorry gatling not getting a brownie Bub's uh 2:35 I am okay with you calling me man mantids old mats adult okay do you wish Gatling drunks for in Pikmin 3 I kind of do I like them they're so they're so powerful yeah it's like did it also question does the tail thing work when you attack the tail again I'm unsure because they tell you they specifically tell you that in the game don't they in all of ours notes he says in theory it could work but no one's willing to test it I mean I feel like yeah it kind of works my default because if Pikmin are on his back he can't shoot at them but you really can't get that much damage in before he decides to shake Pikmin off and there's one more treasure in here but now that the Gatling get Gatling Grunk threat is nullified I can go about it a little calmer oh no I can't [Music] he really caught some distance got some height from that bouncing off that furious adhesive here I guess adhesive I like the background in here as well concrete walls it does feel very mechanical how would how would um how would you imagine growing could be translated into the gameplay of Pikmin Bri um I thought about this before actually uh they'd have there's still treasure here let me guess it's by the greening too rigid ugh oh um and before you start I'm really sorry about my snorting and sniffling and my coughing I have a I am recovering from a head cold and I'm pretty sure you've passed it on to me a little but that's okay yeah anyway um question me again um how would you imagine Gatlin growing to Gatlinburg in Pikmin 3 yeah Gatlin glitchin the Gatlin growing wave oh god that was horrible I was horrible limp yeah I've thought about this before they they have I would think they'd have crystal shields instead of that's what oh who said that they'd have crystal shields instead of the glass rod you EJ Ross said that yeah I think that's a good idea so you could break it with rock Pikmin but like Scudder Chuck's breaking it would make it faster so it would go into like a rampage maybe yeah maybe something like that and it still works either those make the tail a real thing yeah and the tail I would think it would look more like a like an actual goldfish the tail would be a little more goldfish like and I think I think it should also be a little more mechanical well yeah yeah that'd be pretty good like if like the tail would like spin like I do like the tail does be well like I mean um I do like I I have to admit I do like the tail design here because it looks like a good mix between a fish tail and a wind-up key yeah so that's good this thing is worth 300 who pays 300 Paco's for this well it is a thirst activated activator so if it active so if you buy that and then you also buy fly you also Bly the quenching emblem oh yeah then you'll then you'll never be thirsty again or you'll always be thirsty and always be quenched at the same time yeah so just drinking liquids faster no you don't even have to drink anything yeah or you can just sensationally yeah you get the feels alright sublevel 8 finally we're out of the the weeds for just a little bit you can focus on building up our purple pigment supply because I do want to increase my purple Pikmin count purple Pikmin are very germane um brownie bugs to three to p5 asks for more um Pikmin sound / model trivia in tha and I think that's that's that's a good request yeah I'm gonna increase my blue Pikmin count as well because blue Pikmin are the ones I need the most stuff especially for the upcoming caves video cookies asks um what is one thing you'd like in a future Pikmin game one thing one thing if I could contribute one thing to a future Pikmin game yes I would ask for a piccolo pedia another pickle video yeah of the new enemies or just like okay there are yeah if there are old enemies then make no more entries about yeah put some up like the updated weak spots yeah affect my eyes and Olimar would have obviously learned more about the creatures by now so that's the one thing I'd like to ask foremost in the next Pikmin game and TJ Ross asks it after you finish a first-person streams are you going to do any streams in the future I feel like I want to yes that's fun and I know that um you focused on Pikmin I know you're you're thinking of branching out a bit yeah I mean you'd have to find another game that you love that falls into the what you love category I love all sorts of games but yeah I just have to find I don't know I want to find something interesting to teach using a game like Pikmin because all my videos so far have been teaching interesting things about like 3d modeling sound design or game design in general using Pikmin that's what I really like about Pikmin I can use it to teach stuff and it teaches stuff in general you know it teaches cooperation puzzle solving words teach us some good words to use so another another game that is so um so inspirational in its components hold that thought check this out you can see the pigment in the candy pop bud as it's turning them into other paper watch this there they are this is either spinning around a little bye-bye they're getting churned and color change it's in the stomach of the candy pop bud yeah anyway you were saying Manticore uh another game that is so um I guess unique and inspirational in all of its aesthetic components yes is what you would be looking for oh yes yeah I don't imagine it's all too hard to find that game but of course let me there are plenty out of it yeah yeah I was over there out of there there are plenty so yeah I don't know I'll get back to you on what else I'd want a stream or what else I'd want to make just general videos about but I've also been thinking that if I can if I keep up the streaming I might come up with a separate channel just for that to keep things organized there'd be scruffy streams and then there just be scruffy a lot of these things of Manticore wealthy you'd be including yeah but that's down the road I'm not sure when I'm gonna that's still I'm still planning that out [Music] okay uh no I'll do this the fair-and-square way the one one spray you're not even using the the red poisons in combat no until this battle most likely oh this is gonna be a doozy you ready guys here we go what what was what was all that why were the Pikmin making that noise early were they falling I don't want to come onto this floor with like 66 Pikmin if you give me you better not okay I still have already good there it is the man it legs here we go here we go here we go this is going to be quite the battle it's it it it activates its primary defensive weapon which is firing a giant machine gun at you so laser uh not even a laser it is well it's Lewis uh Louie with a guiding laser so but it's they're not like they're like cattle growing pellets their bio pellets yes by bio pellets like the pellet Posey but worse so Louie is gonna take cover with Pikmin pals and orlimar is gonna take the burple plant moles and go attack this guy see if we can get some good damage on it and don't do that whatever that is what are you doing they're scared oh there was Ian through there okay yeah just stand here he's just gonna watch through the bottle yeah we was just gonna stay in there all of our oh geez oh gosh yeah I've already got significant look at that is a significant damage but now I have to go all right I gotta go goodbye oh look out look out look out man it's like half-life 2 those choppers shooting at you you're the the giant Walker robot see if I can think it's basically what it is it's hard to hit him with Pikmin purple it's hard to hit him with Pikmin yeah it is I think you're gonna have to do something else in Purple's I think I can get him I heard one it's so difficult because I can't hear when he's opening up his gun thing oh no oh okay he's aiming for Louie Louie should say Louie thank he's almost over there though like Thank You Louie I don't know if I can shoot over we can he shoot over walls ah okay let's not yell too loud he's smart no he's not smart enough smart enough why are you going after Louie have you just gotten smarter dolt identified Oh No no no get you out of gosh so when does that happen yeah he knew he knew he found them all right all of our all of our distracting no going over here how I'm in first person man anything can happen oh my god those long steps he's in the long legs family uh-oh he's going after orlimar now is he he's still going happening ok ok no hi baby whoa check this out hi bluey Louise gonna go over by the geyser is that going to work if I keep the Banat legs here are you I can't see what's happening okay good good this way this way come on come on yeah yeah oh you got him got him Go Go this is how that's how purple pigment working now I just have to go behind here and hunt he's got to go do a tactical retreat uh what are you doing gonna get it good if it ever sorry but this isn't funny okay everybody get off and go hide oh no you got another one did you see the laser yeah it was right on my head target acquired there are only everybody everybody I'm gonna leave a Pikmin oh I can't throw him a throw any gunshot over the wall yes that's what happened see that's the problem I can't hear what he's doing over there oh it's could be it could be it oh I gotta yeah there you go yeah boom dang jeez that was crazy oh yeah you should have used the stray see I told you you don't use this phrase in combat you know people are yelling at you for that I'm sorry people Oh either way you won yes I lost 10 Pikmin in that battle that's not bad that is bad well it is it's I mean it's not good but it's not like any Pikmin losses lost I mean it's it's a loss but it's like that was really difficult and he got smarter so but in light of these events hey we can now see completely look it clears right up look at oh wow that is its instantaneous gratification stellar or create the solar system all right it'll brighten underground areas and it sure does look at it go beautiful I can see everything clearly nice this is also one of those caves that I was actually too scared to even enter yeah so don't you be laughing at my mana expand right you've got nothing to say i i will pay more attention to be chat and their a aiding advice yes I lost 45 Pikmin because probably most of the people in the chat are better at macquaire than I am and probably a lot of people are better at Pikmin and I am probably a lot of these people will be better at Pikmin first person than I am yeah when you release it yes I'm working on the tutorial I'll create it for you guys alright so there's still some time in this day how many Pikmin have I got 14 6 16 16 26 let's restock and take on the fort the frontier cavern what do you say uh Joel bored larva Jordan a castellanos says hey scruffy wait for the easter egg what is the could you clarify on that he might mean um gathering 20 of each Pikmin oh I know what you mean if I would wait toccata some totaku Oh phew I'm sorry the talking right if I wait at the who's carrying blue Pikmin it's always bluefin if you wait win if I wait oh I only have 16 white Pikmin that's my if you wait sorry if I wait three minutes and like 55 seconds after um those caves the on the cave complete screen if I have the came at the cave actually complete then it plays to the Sakai song yes really yeah huh I'm learning uh how many Pikmin of each type do I have that works wait I only have ten yellow Pikmin that doesn't work and vortex asks could the behavior of the man at legs be affected by the first-person perspective I don't know but I have reason to think so cuz that was was unnatural yeah that was not how the man at legs normally behaves I don't know maybe it affected its aiming system a little bit its I did I have no idea the aiming system would have to do with the camera though yeah because he's I mean he's aiming he's still aiming at the models right I have no way of knowing okay 24 purple they've been on my side and completing a Blake lastname asks do you like playing in first-person I do it's hard but it's really fresh you know like this this is completely new for me I love it it really puts Pikmin on the scale that it that I think it deserves you know you really feel small and that's great um if I pronounced this incorrectly I'm sorry but um seanix do um asks scruffy when will this be open play I'm still unsure about that I'll probably have it I'm probably going to have it after I'm done with this stream maybe a little before but I'm still working out how I'm going to distribute it and just the tutorial in general but it won't if not before the stream ends it won't be too long after the stream ends it will be soon I I promise that that's good oh that's a good question Sterilite I feel like this would be easier with the wiimotes controls um okay could this be could this mom be used on the Wii oh they're all the way over there okay I've got a dash back grab some Pikmin okay but all you're doing so I'd say this could be done on the Wii version as long as it's available in dolphin to be edited but I don't know it seems like it might get a little weird on the Wii version because the cursor can be pointed anywhere so you might have some trouble pointing it at the ground when you're in the first-person perspective if you know what I mean like it's a little you know what I mean it's a little easier when you've got a 3/4 view or a bird's-eye view you know gives you some easier depth around which to point the cursor um also brownie bubs 237 um the reason I was late to this stream um it was and I wish our really really wish I could like wasn't but the reason was that I had to work and because I am an irresponsible clod I was not able to schedule around the streaming but I tried as best I could as best as I could it's fine yeah yeah you didn't come in too late and you were able to miss that slaughtering of Pikmin I accidentally did by drowning all right I would have liked to have been there so frontier cavern time and this is just taking a toll I don't think we'll be able to get to the submerged castle on this run I'm sorry but this is the frontier cavern okay I'm sorry [Music] hey no no you don't ah sorry ready right off the bed a white Pikmin attacks that hairy bull board and he's down and where am I okay a white pigment just decides to go up and attack that uh-oh Doodlebug oh this is I can't find that pick okay I've got all my pick of the P I'm like that Doodlebug yeah I was going to say cyan i-43 of wanted to remind you of the three beautiful yes yes yes II see success and this is are you doodlebugs I'm definitely gonna double spray which that because it's about time I stock up on some ultra bitter spray [Music] and these plants are really bugging me I mean there are a problem in the original game you like they limit your visibility a little bit here Oh for those of you who didn't see last time in the stream inside this this concrete oh dear inside this concrete there's a polygon of shade that allows it to look darker in there so that's pretty cool there's lag yeah I mean I could stop the stream and start it again but that's salty durability I'm new to streaming guys how do you solve lag please if there's any uh any way please let us know um also what type you want to embed in the stream for today I'm thinking 10 it is 9:30 to Eastern 17 so we'll get through will get it through as far the frontier cavern as we can and yeah there's some lag right oh they say it seems fine now it's better now very little lag okay it comes and goes it comes and goes I see so oh the stream will likely be um and in about 30 minutes yeah 10 o'clock Eastern Standard Time yeah so yeah we'll try and get through as much to became the scruffy we'll try and get through as much as he can of the frontier cavern yes Wow glitching those double poisons I've got and they said don't don't push the character like go to the other side well you can't really on this time but go to the other side and whistle the other captain and then drink but he doesn't drink what like I can see how that could work but he doesn't drink from with one whistled he goes right through it I don't know maybe uh like what he gets to it dismiss him oh that's it yeah that's probably yeah there we go yeah that's easier thanks guys well we're hanging out dangerously close to that hairy bubble art there unfortunately I have 24 purple Pikmin that are helping me out uh and I'm kind of lost I'm looking for treasure I know that I know I come from Hoka Tate get you yeah well done Woods the hill a little squeaky makes me come back everybody don't die don't die don't die also bring back poison in future hitmen because it was planned but it it never got released in the final picking 302 more questions uh-huh oh yeah it's lagging pretty bad but uh two more questions do you have a favorite chord a favorite chord you know I know I do but that's just a major seven nine major seven nine nines I do not have a favorite chord at all because chords can mean many things in many different contexts but I'm a simple man uh and also uh will you play through player battle after you beat the story mode sure if we figure out how to yeah uh and any chance of first-person challenge mode I'm pretty sure that's gonna happen yeah probably that's I mean there's no way that shouldn't happen right but let's finish the story first story is difficult enough this is enough of a challenge mode alright I've got to find the treasure here and get out but we have brownie bugs t37 has three questions for us let's hear him yeah there any bumps would honest whoa mmm the essential furnishing fake pearl in it yes [Music] oh-hoh flowers what are all the instruments you play scruffy asks created social all the instruments I play well we can divide that into all the instruments I play well and all the instruments I've tried the instruments I play well are pretty much piano & melodica and you know I can dabble on percussion if you want me to I've tried for guitar but I've forgotten most of what I learned so I have to relearn that how exactly do I get to the hole from here oh here's a have you tried djembe I have yes we were both in a drum group at yeah African drum group yeah high school so I have tried djembe and I love it I own one actually and I have tried a little drum set it's always fun z.z lon I can answer this question for scruffy um yes or he she asks what was the first language you spoke you said you learned English from Pikmin 2 uh-huh I learned some English words from Pikmin 2 like some more advanced English words yeah we were like 8 he was like 8 I was like 5 something like that but I I learned English first and I didn't learn it all from pigment - hey hey no no no no turn back turn back or just do you do that just die let's get good okay um I need to get him while his babies a lot of a lot of a lot of ending questions uh little brownie bulbs with their three questions for you what's your favorite enemy in the game my favorite enemy in the whole Pikmin 2 I think so oh and vortex is careful with the falling rocks thank you and vortex but I'll just be careful with all rocks and ginger oh so many questions a favorite enemy is gonna be a tricky decision um I don't know man it's there's so many choices I mean I love the classic bull board is it bad that I don't like the hairy ball board I mean he's kind of he's a regular keyboard with less health and hair yeah I don't know which enemy I like the most maybe the Gatlinburg Atman groin I mean I know it's a pain but I just love its design it's so quirky and odd on to my question from granny Bub's what do you think can be the means of these streams and it's pretty obvious we got dolt we got um Oh what's Steve and Flossie well Flossie came from this stream he didn't come from this dream oh well still Flossie and Steve um I think that's the big ones yeah I think that's the big ones okay and for both of us uh what's been each of your favorite things in both streams I it's it's gotta be a submerged submerged Castle so far has been my favorite experience I was horrified yeah I loved it and the cookie the cookie in particular uh but I liked facing off against the man at legs that was all the bridge I got the bridge thank you uh a LMAO the bridge the bridge yep the bridge in this team yeah yeah the SM yeah well it is now I guess we can make a mean amount of my failure see that's where all the best ones come joy receptacle wonder what's in it happy oh it says happy Christmas on the side with with with a star man oh that's so cool and that and that thing and a snowman wait is that wait wait oh look here we go Oh in Santa ho let's see is it yeah there's a star what's the blue guy a snowman oh uh scruffy a lightning cyan MCTS asks do you like anime uh yeah I haven't I don't watch it all that much but I do like what I see where's the hole and I tell what I don't see so can't see it that's not to say I don't like it uh yes uh Sonics dude if I'm pronouncing that incorrectly I'm sorry we scruffy is uh I believe planning on making co-op uh if you can coop coop what for the for this game co-op story mode well this co-op in general co-op what I don't know challenge co-op challenge mode is already oh you mean in first Percy eh yeah that's that's planned let's get some beds Minh that's plan like co-op challenge mode and download our plan oh the the coop story mode is that that would take some work yeah if it's even possible yeah alright so there's also a bull bear on this stage and I can't even see where he is because of all the walls this stage is a big maze uh I can hear him for sure and vortex says of watch stein's steins gate I guess it's an anime yeah I I told you last year to do so and you haven't I know I haven't gotten the time what an excuse I do need to watch it I need to watch a lot of things a lot of animes a lot of oh not animes the games this poison is very good partially in the snow uh-oh here he comes he's noticed me Oh what is the next stream um I'm pretty good I can't I can't be tomorrow but I can do Friday can't be Friday at all don't um well what do you think guys Thursday or Friday well I can't I just can't do Thursday I can't do Thursday before 4 o'clock Eastern Standard Time before 4:00 when we don't do it I mean I can't do it after 4 o'clock in Standard Time I mean if we if morning the street would be acceptable yeah if morning stream would be acceptable I could do it then Eastern Standard Time [Music] and we could continue this stuff I know there's more enemies on this stage but I hadn't known that the the ground got so choppy with the snow piles would you guys be alright with a morning stream every day but if we could also do a Friday stream but if we did that Manta chord couldn't be here we'd still have to do a morning stream basically yeah but yeah well until what time would you would be available on Friday uh by 5:00 in the afternoon yeah okay so yeah we could do a morning or midday stream on Friday yeah if that works for anybody again this is all Eastern Standard Time and even if we if you guys miss a warning stream all of our stuff is going to be a archived archived so you can I know it's not it's not quite as good but you can always watch it afterwards it's hidden in this corner interesting it's just hidden in this corner right here so you think we could maybe do morning streams Thursday and Friday uh that could work that could be arranged it could be arranged I mean in the week everything well yeah and I if we don't finish by then it's work I can't I can't do Saturday either sorry guys our schedules we we need to we're busy we're busy dudes Oh [Music] Pickman man 1,000 yes we are doing a 100% of this first person 1 yes that is without a doubt going to happen even with going back into the submerged castle yeah lucky me Philip Parker asks um have you considered putting it on widescreen so you can view of more of the game at once yeah I have I've actually tried testing it a little when I was testing it I kind of prefer it the way it is in its original format or its original screen size there's still treasure down here alright I think yeah I think we're gonna finish up this sublevel and then call it an evening how about oh there's electricity I think we should stream tomorrow yeah a tomorrow morning stream that's Eastern Standard Time that's Eastern Standard Time you decide on a time 10 o'clock we could do 10 yeah so we could do 10 o'clock Eastern Standard Time and go for a couple hours how does that sound to you guys where is this electricity coming from I need to know I need to okay where's there's all along I'm just about to meet him okay there is yes there you are this place is quite a labyrinth there we go and hopefully nothing drops from the sky yes so yeah ten o'clock stream Eastern Standard Time tomorrow 10:00 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. is that sounded good to everyone yeah everyone's saying it works for them cool alright so that'll work for us hmm and we just collected the last treasure on this sublevel so I'm gonna go to the next I know I know some of you guys have school I'm sorry uh for how long probably two to three hours probably it'll be a little shorter could be three hours four hours maybe okay I mean we have no I have no time constraints until much later that's true yeah the Decker bird oops that's not the one I want I want the hole there we go oops there we go okay so this sublevel is complete and with that I think we are going to end the stream here so um yeah but yes we will resume the stream at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time tomorrow we'll play for a couple hours do more of this cave completing stuff hopefully try and get to the point where we can get back into the submerged castle because I really want to show that watereth who's boss but for now we're going to stop the stream here yeah that was good it's good yeah it's dream made a lot of progress we got through the two caves in the play yeah and we're almost done with the second cave in the with the last cave in the valley of repose wait did you go you didn't go through uh-oh we still have shower room though oh that's right we still have shower room shower rooms gonna be fun that's gonna be awesome um that's gonna be really hard yeah so yeah um we're gonna end the stream here I'm noticing now that I can look back at the comments uh we I mean some people are going to be able to watch it because of school right I'm sorry I'm sorry about that um but thank you guys thank you all of you for watching um I saw a couple of requests for melodica tunes here at the end here end of the day theme is one of them the so there's there's the end like the end of day can you end to the day theme into what I love um hang on I'm gonna do a couple of these requests so the first one is like shoot and I don't have enough keys [Music] and then that goes into yeah [Music] you you [Music] and that's that one uh pickle pedia piccola pedia ooh oh that one's tricky that one goes like [Music] something like something like that yeah it's a it's a strange one but um pick when one creature Mont montage theme ah how does that one go something like something like that oh here Z yeah I don't remember how that one there we go - let's do one of my favorites the Pikmin one challenge mode theme um you mean something like that that's it yes um impact say I forget how you know the B long legs and it keeps going on like that oh how about one more we've got five minutes yeah we have plenty time wishful wild [Music] [Music] they're tightened weevil tightened weevil oh I used to know how to play the title and yeah I don't know the rest um Pikmin 3 rain uh that one's just kind of textural it doesn't really have that much melody to it so it's just [Music] you [Music] like that everyone wants me to play all-star uh so I all right if I play all-star it's going to be the last one because that's not Pikmin themed the jelly float pool oh the jelly float pool that one goes like [Music] um I you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] um all right now all I can do a little of all-star [Music] that's that and that's the end of that all right uh how about someone I love yeah so now I'm gonna do some what I love and I'm gonna grab a different instrument for this one this time this is the the get to get to lately it's a mix of a classical guitar and a ukulele so it kind of makes either genre each is meant for a inauthentic and I'm going to play it on this um so thank you guys for watching very much and I'm going to try my best to play it on this it's not my main instrument but thank you guys very much for watching thanks for all the support the donations the comments the questions it's really mean it's it's awesome it's a lot of fun and we're going to continue this tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time so until then dude dude dude due to do doo-doo-doo what I love I'll see you then bye everybody
Channel: Scruffy
Views: 112,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yV050HhafN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 43sec (14383 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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