1,042 Ender Dragons VS Minecraft Speedrunner

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what would happen if you made every hostile mob into the Ender Dragon where did that could you because I think I could I recently beat Minecraft where every mob was the warden and that was too easy so that's why we're doing this this might not even be possible because in the end every Enderman is the Ender Dragon but we're doing it anyways the Only Rule if I die I lose so I attempted this over 100 times and finally this happened oh there's a village right there okay hold up this is uh no dude guess we're going down in the caves okay oh my God I actually found something all right so we got wood but I'm stuck in a hole so we gotta find food or we're gonna die okay they're shooting at me oh no diamonds what I can't even get the okay oh my God the village is right here hold up okay I need to get food oh my God I hear the dragon just give me food just give me there's Dragons All Around Me just get food [Music] oh my god let's get away stay away from me please well we didn't die right away that's a good sign first thing we gotta do is we gotta get to the nether oh my God Spot has been absolutely decimated oh there's another Village all right let's get some stone tools and then hopefully the village has good stuff see okay oh my God and how am I so weak already what oh there's blacksmith there's blacksmith okay okay I think he left okay never mind he's underneath me man what is this okay I'm just wait not bad okay oh a room portal dude get away from me dragon oh my God go away what do I do can I it's not a cast I can't knock it back uh what have we got mending a helmet okay that's uh not bad I think the extra trades are gone I'm just gonna get some hay bills then I can still hear them but like I don't know where they are what there's another one armor oh my God oh my God leave me alone please dude dude what are you oh my god oh iron iron okay I can get a bucket [Music] what don't you dare break my furnace no no no no no no go away dude I will fight you yeah leave there the longer we spend trying to beat the game the more likely we are to die so we gotta get to the nether right now oh there's actually a room portal there okay we're good okay ah we're still gonna die gonna get some armor and ax shovel some snowballs okay what's in here chest plate not bad and oh Pats okay I'm gonna break the crying obsidian so we can make a portal here uh hopefully I don't die okay that's one and that is two okay we're good oh there's a village right there okay we just need lava that's all we need we just gotta complete the portal I don't know if I want to go down in these caves though oh there's lava down there is that like a whole thing or only one piece okay that was a lava lake now it's the whole obsidian really there's oh there's three pieces of lava that's exactly what I need okay okay calm down calm down dragon oh my God oh my God leave me alone please this could work okay it's one oh my god get away from me we are okay okay okay oh there's another level like way over there oh sweet that's like right underneath the thing all right let's build the portal [Music] uh uh what what okay [Music] before the nether but a bam but a boom Oh leave me alone stop oh my God I'm ready I'm so nervous for this I need to get lucky with a fortress right away um oh that is not what we need okay never mind that's a Bastion oh my God it's not even fair the Ender dragons are just hitting all the lava from the ceiling and it's just all falling down onto me now like what we'll see if we can actually find a fortress because I've only found like two of these in my other like 80 attempts so far I'll take his path you know what okay come on what oh my God oh my God what do I do this is stop stop being on fire stop stop oh my God [Music] oh my God I cannot believe this how did you find an Enderman well every hostile mob is the Ender Dragon except for Enderman in the Nether and blazes in the nether because I need them to beat the game father's Wonder here there's one right here okay this is doable I can actually do this I can actually do this run okay blazes are here oh here's the spawner okay why is there so many oh my God somebody just died oh my God the blaze runner's gone the Play spawner's Gone okay there's another oh there's more over here okay okay there's a few oh my God this is doable we can do this okay I'm at seven I'm at seven oh my God this is gonna be so dangerous this is not fair they're everywhere oh my God how am I gonna get around them okay I gotta I gotta get to the portal ah there's lava everywhere this is so terrible oh my God police blocks come on let's go let's go let's keep on going wait yes this is it this is it oh my God what am I doing well we made it out alive the next thing we gotta do is get ender pearls which means which means we gotta go back to the nether I am definitely going to regret this now since the only mobs that can spawn on the nether are Enderman blazes and Ender Dragons a lot of Enderman spawn so we should be able to get ender pearls pretty quickly but at the same time he's not in an Ender Dragon oh no oh that's lava I had to worry about Ender dragons and falling lava oh there's what on the ground [Music] we did it oh my bro stronghold that's what we gotta do next we gotta find the stronghold with these ender pearls oh my God [Music] oh my God Dragon what is wrong with you what is that the whole thing almost ended right there for what so I know there's a way that you could find the stronghold quickly but I don't really know it I'm not really a speedrunner um even though the title might say I'm a speedrunner okay drinking leave me alone oh my God dude dragon please stop now things started to get really intense a lot was on the line so much so that I stopped narrating this so here I am from the future I threw some ender eyes and I eventually found this Birch Forest ooh Birch forest and then I like threw another Endura you know the drill and uh oh my God no my arm already broke what okay I gotta get down here come on oh my God this is all destroyed down here I mean we kind of made a path for me so I'll take it oh my God why is there so many I mean come on oh my God it's right here [Applause] okay I just gotta okay leave me alone lose dragons let me find this oh no oh no this might be the end okay come on where's it I've got to find this fast oh my God I made it oh my God I made it okay we just gotta get up to the surface I do not like the sound of that okay that's one three dragons works that's fun okay okay dude what how am I gonna do anything in here okay that's one we got it okay I gotta get up here oh my God please stop please stop okay okay did I get it okay I got it one more at least oh my God okay I'm digging down I need more blocks this is just stupid yep [Music] oh my pickaxe broke bruh [Music] okay we just got a few more up here I'll get this one first oh my god seriously oh my God okay I can hit it from here I think and can you stop hitting me off let me get some food we should be good I hope I think okay what seriously oh my god oh no oh no okay I gotta get the crafting table back what why is there so much stuff around it okay come on here we go all why did that do so much to me okay I got that one we have three left that's it two left two left come on hit this oh my God we have one left oh my God oh my God we got one more pillar left like we can actually get this done I did not expect to get this far I I need more blocks that's what I mean thank you all right that should be good I think there's only one left it's this one the tallest one there you go I think that's it this is it wait what is this not the Dragon what what do you mean he's the one down here no no you're telling me you're telling me any one of these could be the drip how many how many are there there's 67 of them [Music]
Channel: Azp3ct
Views: 19,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qV1BvvRvRLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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