101 Things Every Lock Picker Should Know

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hello again it's lock noob and today we're going to do 101 top tips for new lock pickers and great fun combining this with some friends i hope you enjoy it too i'd love to hear your comments below these are no particular order so let's get going we are really lucky as a lot because there are loads of great lock pick sets out there if you don't know what to buy i always recommend that you go with any of the top major manufacturers out there they all do a good kit find one in your budget if you're looking for a whole set and you won't go too far wrong a lot pick that works for somebody else you see them using all the time they're a great picker well it might not work for you you will just have to find your own favorite one that gives you the feedback that you like and gives you the best position on those pins we all are different we all have our favorites and what works for somebody else again it might not work for you if you're unsure as to what manufacturer makes the right picks for you and you can afford it sometimes trying a hook and or a rake from a few that you're interested in is a great way to try some of them out before you commit to buying a whole set and actually they still can be useful as individual hooks and rakes after you've got a new set anyway you can always put them in with the other picks if you can only afford a cheap chinese lock pick set don't worry they might not last as long they might be a bit thicker they might not be as good in as many key ways but they will certainly allow you to pick up the basic skills of lock picking and have a lot of fun and maybe later you might want to then upgrade to a more well-known brand but again don't worry if that's all you can afford you can still have fantastic fun and a lot of us start that way practice practice practice lot picking is a skill which will diminish over time if you don't practice and you'll only get better by practicing when you see somebody who's really good at lock-picking very confident picking a lock they've never come across before with no keys all those kind of more advanced skills rest assured they have put the hours and hours of practice in in some ways a lot picking's a bit like learning a musical instrument or any other skill like that where what seems to be almost impossible to begin with becomes easier and easier over time this is true for a lot of things in life but comparison is a death of joy and somebody else's success is not your failure don't compare your picking skills to other people you might be better at some lot types than they are and vice versa they might be more experienced and you're not the only thing that matters with lot picking is that you are enjoying your hobby find that lock which you really enjoy picking and you know you can pick and it's a real joy to pick we call them comfort locks it's really really great to go back to one of those comfort locks when you feel your skills are dipping or you're having a bad day you just need to you know bring back that confidence that yeah you can pick a lock it's just that you know it's not working out today that's perfectly cool comfort locks are awesome i certainly have a couple if you're getting frustrated with a lock and for me it happens a lot take a break come back to it let your hands rest let the let everything sort of cool down and just mellow for a bit honestly um being frustrated and getting that stress level up with a lock it will not help you pick it remember it's normal for a lock to open like one of the first times you try and pick it and then it doesn't open again like for ages and you just get really frustrated with it this is completely normal this happens all the time enjoy what you like picking there are no right locks to pick there isn't any particular lock that makes you a good lock picker if you are enjoying your hobby you are picking the right locks for you and there are so many lock varieties out there different types and mechanisms the same for everybody enjoy picking how you like picking if you want to pick pins up pick pins up pins down pick pins down if you'd like to pick things in advice or in hand you do what you want to do it's your hobby again we're not locksmiths out in the field picking locks indoors in the dark in the rain upside down with you know a customer looking over our shoulder dogs biting our ankles so everything we do is by and large a sanitized version of what a real locksmith will be doing so you pick how you want to do it's all great you're it's it's just a skill it's just a hobby it's just some fun so you do it how you like to do it and don't let anybody else tell you what is a right way to pick a lock it doesn't matter the lock picking community is just awesome i've never met more skilled generous awesome people as in the lot picking community and uh i would say to you if you are a lot picker and you haven't been on forums and social media and met other lot because do reach out where you can use a shim use a core shim honestly when you're disassembling a lock if you can use one of these little shims please try and use one of those shims it will save you heartache in the long run especially when you have a momentary lapse of concentration you do something silly like forget that the tail piece has a gap or a notch in it for the circlip which will trap your driver pins or you actually turn the core a little bit too far you end up snagging your key pins into the pin chambers where the driver pins are and it sort of stops you from removing the lock and yeah there's all sorts of reasons why so use a shim don't spend your money on bypass tools and picks for exotic lock types just yet at the beginning of your picking career they can be super fun don't get me wrong but they often don't teach you a lot about different locked mechanisms and and manipulation of those mechanisms albeit fun probably best waiting don't throw away a tool that you don't use so there might be a pick or a specific tool for a specific lock type that you just go you know what don't really use this but quite often you might find it be useful later on down the line and you will really regret giving it away or selling it or whatever if you break a pick then they can be repurposed into either make using as probes fashioning into new picks or even making tension tools out of and breaking pics is completely normal metal fatigues over time and they do snap but if it's happening a lot and you're breaking a lot of lock picks make sure you're going back to your basics feeling where the pins are making sure you're picking the pins and not the warding and make sure you're moderating your tension so you're not using so high tension that you end up bending your lock picks recognizing when you're over setting a key pin that is pushing the key pin past the shear line into where the driver pins would normally sit that is actually quite a hard pin state to feel when you're a new picker and it just takes time and practice to get that feel for what an overset pin feels like in a lock uh and it does actually feel different in different locks with different levels of tension used there is no magic amount of tension that you have to use on a lock it all depends on your personal preference your level of skill and the lock itself you just have to experiment some locks like a lot of tension some need feather light tension but some people uh can put on heavy tension on nearly every lock and get opens and some people use super light tension on every lock and get to get an open it's all very different so when somebody says oh you have to use x amount of tension or you only use that amount of turning force that isn't always true different locks need different amounts of tensions and it also depends on the picker all locks pick differently even if they are keyed alike same model same brand and that's because of manufacturing differences it's quite common to have two completely the same brand locks same model similar bittings even and one will be really easy to pick and one will be really really tricky so don't think because somebody has picked a lock and you can't pick the same brand that it's always because you'd lack the skill it can literally be the differences between the locks themselves sometimes we focus on the brand of lock and the types of security pins it might have but things like the biting of the key how extreme that is how good the tolerances are in the lock and how tight that keyway is and so many other factors are just as much as a variable to make that lock more or less difficult and sometimes we forget about that we focus on the brand the model and the tight security pins but not those other factors those plastic see-through locks they are great great at learning how a lock works and when you're starting to learn to pick the positions of the pins and in relation to where your pick is and all those other things but they do not pick the same as a real lock even a cheap real lock a low security rear lock is much harder to pick much much harder to pick than these plastic ones and whilst i see the value in them if you really want to learn to pick locks then you have to pick real locks that you would use for locking things up in real life charts and lists and belt rankings of locks which are more or less easy to pick use as a guide to see how skilled the picker you are well do you know what they are really really great fun i love comparing myself to these lists but they are only ever a loose guide as i said before locks of even the same brand and model just due to things like different key bittings can be wildly and extremely different to each other to pick in real life there are such things as easy hard locks and hard easy locks super super cheap badly made locks can be extremely difficult to pick quite often the manufacturing of those locks is awful and the pins can be um almost like chewed and gnarled and nasty they are inconsistent they catch up inside the lock a really really cheap block although it could be a bargain and when you're a new picker it's understandable you want to not spend a lot of money on locks but sometimes those super cheap blocks can be so hard to pick and can actually put you off for a new picker i always say experiment with as many techniques and tools as you can even on the same lock so if you want to do rocking raking zipping in even using bypasses whatever it is it's always good to try to you know do as many techniques on any given lock as you can just because it's a great way to up your skills in a range of different techniques with some locks with two different sides one's usually on a door try picking both sides a lock especially ones which are used so you have one side which is more worn than the other and also try picking it in different orientations uh pins up and pins down you can get a lot out of just one lock and learn a lot more about it you can go to one side of a eurozone with a segmented follower if you don't have a specific front follower it is tricky but it can be done the notches in some core followers can actually help keep the followers stable so that you can use the notches to guide the pins down into the rear chambers one top tip is you can start to re-pin the driver pins in lock from both sides of the lock it's really useful just because it keeps the follower stable inside the lock and it allows a lot better control of putting those pins back in researcher lock before picking and gutting it it really really helps manufacturers have specifications there are often online blogs and forum posts out there maybe there's a youtube video of somebody else picking that lock and explaining what's happening and taking it apart and and reassembling it again quite often with a new lock there might be things in it that you don't know about for example check pins and side pins and all those kind of things which if you don't do your research you won't understand why you can't pick a certain lock same with gutting it could be that you end up destroying the lock because you don't realize that there are um other pin chambers that you've missed or um other cutaways and all sorts of other things ins going on inside that lock which you do need to be aware of before you start to disassemble that lock so do your research before picking it really helps know what tools you need what techniques you need how to gut and how to reassemble otherwise you are actually taking quite a risk in not only picking butt gutting and maybe even reassembling that lock shouldn't need to be said but don't pick a lock you don't own unless you have the owner's permission it's most likely that it could be illegal get you in trouble and if you damage that lock then you've damaged somebody else's property picking locks can in fact damaged them especially locks with uh delicate trap pins master wafers all sorts of things can go on inside a lock if you pick it you do risk damaging that lock now experience and care and research can help mitigate those but if you do start picking a lock do understand that you do risk in fact rarely damaging it unless you are collecting locks and you really really want to collect brand new locks in packets it's often not economical to buy new locks and secondhand locks or locks that you swapped and traded are often really really really good ways to save money when you're first starting a hobby if you can't afford to buy one then you can make a cutaway lock with no power tools just by using a hacksaw and a file and a bit of knowledge and cutaway locks can be of great value to a new picker because they do allow you to see uh where your pick is positioned what pins aren't picked yet maybe which pins are overset they can be re-pinned with different security pins uh different key pin bittings all sorts of things they can add a lot of value to a new picker who maybe doesn't have an awful lot of money to spend on new locks just yet when taking apart the lock gutting disasters are always going to be expected at some point you will end up destroying a lock even if you've taken it apart before and done all the research quite often a momentary lapse a concentration maybe you didn't use a shim your followers slipped whatever happened cat jumped on you as you were trying to put it together you can expect to absolutely destroy a lock at some point no matter what you do it happens don't worry about it best thing is to just move on raking a lock is often one of those techniques a new picker starts with and then a lot of pickers move on to single pin picking picking one pin at a time some pickers consider that to be a more skillful approach but actually raking can be as skillful as single pin picking in some cases and i've certainly seen some people who uh can do wonderful things with a triple peak rake which i can barely do with a hook pick on its own so don't think that raking isn't a skill sometimes we just don't advance our skills with raking over time because we concentrate our skills on single pin picking and therefore we sometimes only remember raking as we remembered it when we were learning to pick to begin with challenge locks are awesome that's where somebody has taken apart a lock put in next more extreme bitting of key pins changed and modified the barrel of the lock and the pin chambers maybe put different springs in modified the actual driver pins all sorts of tricks but challenge trucks can often be easier to pick than commercially available high security locks with good tolerances just because by modifying a lock from the manufacturer's original design you often increase the amount of um variability inside that lock decrease the tolerances and often though that that sort of change those changes all together make the lock a little bit easier to pick for a next skilled or experienced picker and that's worth bearing in mind when you're designing these challenge locks are you actually decreasing the security of the lock are you actually decreasing the amount of skill it takes to open it when you have the opportunity try and explore the other aspects of lock sport when you can because oh my goodness is there so much out there to explore you can make picks you can make tools you can do key impression and key casting um i mean the possibilities are endless out there everything from 3d printing to silver soldering i mean it's the amount of skills which you can um utilize in lock picking as a hobby is just phenomenal and it's one of those things which really really really make this a superb hobby to start and when you can really just try and uh see what else you can do around this hobby it just makes it so awesome all loctites offer their own set of skills to learn so if you've been picking to standard pin tumbler locks for some time and you think oh well if there's anything else to pick out there well you don't have to just go higher and higher security locks and more exotic locks you can just go different lock types there are disc detainer locks way for locks there are leave locks curtain lever locks there's all sorts of different lock types out there all offering their own sets of skills to learn uh you know their automotive locks safe blocks combination locks everything you can think of out there and all of them take a set of skills which you can spend a lifetime honing so this is one of those hobbies that you can really never fully master everything it's great new locks pick far differently to old well used possibly dirty locks so especially they've not been cleaned picking a brand new lock of the same brand of model as one that's been using a door for 10 years every single day they pick far differently so it's always good to try to just pick a range of lots of different ages as well they all offer their unique challenges never think that a lock is impossible to pick it just might not be possible yet the only lock you're guaranteed not to pick is the one you never try we all have a naughty bucket we all have a load of locks which we just can't get ahead around just yet but don't ever throw them away or exchange them because the sense of pride when you finally get that level of skill and you get one of those locks open is awesome when you get new lock picks from a manufacturer sometimes the edges can be a little bit rough maybe and that can catch on the warding inside of the keyway a little light sanding might actually be needed but remember a mirror polish isn't although it does look great like most hobbies having great equipment and all the equipment it doesn't equate to skill you don't need everything to become a great lock picker a good set of picks load attention tools and some nice locks is all you really need don't use oil lubricant in a lock that is lubricated with graphite it's hard to know sometimes especially in padlocks where you can't disassemble them what it's been lubricated with but if you mix oil and graphite together it creates a really sticky horrible paste and it just gunks up your lock when buying use locks try to get one with a key to make sure it's in working order quite often um you have no choice you get a big battery lock some don't have keys and most of them will work but i always say try to get locks with keys just because it just makes a better thing you can test it opens it's easy to gut when you've got a key all those kind of things so yeah i always recommend buying a used lock with a key shrink tubing is your friend especially for those lock picks with bare metal handles it just makes them a little bit more comfortable it's really cheap easy to apply and it's just awesome to have a load around if you're a lot bigger and wiper blade inserts are also your friend get them off mates when they're changing their windscreen wipers same if you're changing your own windscreen wipers on your car or truck um the flexible inserts which keep the wiper blade itself flat against your window are springy made of stainless steel quite often they are great making tension tools from you can never have enough locks you really can never have enough locks if you're a lot picker it's great collecting locks you never have enough it's always good to go back to loxie picked um and just yeah keep honing those skills it's always good to have new locks there's a challenge out there for you to pick you can just never have enough locks watch a lot of lot picking videos it's always good to see how other people approach a lock it might be so much you go oh i didn't know you could do it like that or ah that's how they did it or maybe oh they're using that pick um that would be really good for my lock she has a similar biting when first learning to lockpick watching a range of pickers can be really helpful to you know learn a load of different approaches to picking locks and the load and just watch um how different pictures of protruloc your style will be your own style but sometimes it can help emulating other people's styles and techniques to begin with just to learn what works for you so super thin picks want under eighteen thousandths of an inch in in thickness are often hardly ever needed uh there are locks where you do need super thin picks maybe down to even ten thousandths of an inch and when you do need them you really do need them but for the most part any lock pick around 25 000 to 18 000 thick that'll get you through most of your locks most of the time thicker stiffer picks just give better feedback so when learning to pick a lock if you can maneuver a thicker pick in the keyway and it's not rubbing against the warding allows you good access to the pins usually the thicker the pick the better you will use twenty percent of all of your pick tools eighty percent of the time there would be a handful maybe four or five picks and rakes that you will use all the time and they'll be all the rest of your tools you'll use some of the time uh it doesn't mean that they are a waste but it's honestly just have a look at the pictures the most you will find you only use a handful of them expensive locks self rated as high security by the manufacturer do not always equate to being locks which are hard to pick they might have other qualities against anti-bump physical attacks all those other things but they might not mean that they are hard locked to pick you won't be good at picking every day so don't be hard on yourself some days they just won't work out for you maybe got other stresses in life maybe just thinking about other things maybe you're excited about the holiday you're going to go on the next day just remember you won't be good every single day don't be hard on yourself recording yourself picking can really help you learn and maybe help other people if you put it on youtube record yourself picking play it back see what you were doing maybe you pick up on saying you did which when you were in the middle of pick um you didn't notice maybe you'll hear sounds on the recording which you didn't pick up before and you can concentrate on next time it's a really good way to learn and again if you put it up on youtube maybe something which other people can learn off a cheap vise a little suction vise for a few dollars can go a super long way and it's one of those pieces of equipment that i recommend any new picker to get as soon as they can they hold many many different lock types they're really cheap and it's a great great way to keep a lock stable when when you're picking it's honestly so you probably should buy straight away when you learn to lock pick the first set of picks you buy is most likely to be the the wrong set of picks for you um i mean i know some lot pickers who got lucky on their first lockpick set but you can do as much research as you want and quite often you tend to just buy what you think is the best slot pick set at the time and a few years on you'll either made up your own kit or you'll realize actually prefer another manufacturer after all and you tend to buy their picks don't worry about it we all make mistakes but never throw away your old kit don't read too much into youtube lock picking what you see is nearly always real people picking real locks in you know in real time on camera and it can look very impressive but what you don't see is the maybe the years of practice running up to that it didn't show the practice put into that particular lock before filming started didn't show the failures and the re-records just bear that in mind that youtube is fantastic great resource but it is also a small distortion of reality and don't use it to gauge your own picking skill just don't it's fantastic i love youtube but don't put yourself off lock picking by thinking other people are better than you just because you've seen this on youtube hardly any lock is picked first time by a lock picker approaching that lock for the first time it just isn't you know it might be that you got the attention wrong you need a different pick or whatever so if you get the impression that some people just pick up a lock and pick it that can be true for some blocks some of the time but hardly any lock is picked first time one cool thing to do is just try keeping your keys separate to your locks on a different key chain or something like that why well knowing what the bitting of a lock is can really help you determine what tool to use and it can help you maybe read which pins to only lift a little bit and which ones you lift a lot to pick the lock if you don't have the key and you keep them separate after a while you'll forget what the biting is like for a particular lock and that means that every time you approach that lock it'll be um and i'm air quoting here a bit more realistic and a bit more of a challenge it's a really good way to learn to to pick boxes to just keep the keys separate but keep the keys one really fun thing to try is revisiting your collection even if you picked load locks just grab a whole load of locks at random just sit down maybe have some quiet music on in the background get yourself a drink and just just go and have a nice quiet picking session it can be really stressful leaving and a lot of fun especially lots which you know you can pick and you know they're a moderate challenge but you know you can get there just really nice confidence boosting um just having it you know even if it lasts a few hours of lock picking it can be super super good fun swapping and exchanging lots of people in the community is a great way to save more money and experience a wide range of locks maybe from different countries than you're able to to get normally outside of youtube there are loads of free tutorials blogs and forum posts out there um available online for you to to delve into as a lot bigger there are so many things out there you know for you to access these days online about locks even going to the manufacturers themselves and looking at their lock specifications and the the pictures looking at patterns all those kind of things superb resources online these days so don't just sit on youtube get out there explore the net and see what else there is out there about locks there's so much out there so many great blog posts and um and articles it's great and there are loads of free 3d printing resources available as well even if you use a 3d printing service or you have a 3d printer at home you can print so many tools for lot picking followers uh 3d printing disc detainer picks pinning trays so many things out there just to help you with your sporting hobby it's really worth exploring what's out there that you can get 3d printed or 3d print yourself avoid locksmith specific tools especially ones with single lock types they can be really cool and i would never say to somebody if you can afford it and you're at the right place in your locked sport hobby that you think is a worthwhile purchase but for the most part locksmith specific tools you're not going to get a lot of usage out of as a lock sporter so until you're at that place in the hobby where it makes sense to do so just try to avoid buying those lots myth specific tools for now tool rolls and pencil cases make great cheap pick cases as you get more and more equipment um sometimes you just need somewhere to store some stuff especially if you've made your own picks and tools and tool rolls and pencil cases on ebay or other other places can just make really good storage solutions progressive pinning is a great way of learning a new and hard lock if you've been struggling with a lock and it's got say six pins and you just can't pick it maybe if you're confident in doing so remove all the pins and springs from the back three chambers so you're just left with one two and three pinned up that means that you can learn to pick a three pin lock then maybe populate the chambers in position four then five and then finally six build up that skill build up the knowledge of the lock uh and it can be a great way of learning get a cheap lock disassembly kit sooner rather than later for the most part that'll just be some followers and some tweezers but could have other pieces of equipment as well learning to disassemble and reassemble locks is a huge part of the lock sport hobby and again if you want to do things like progressive pinning disassembling locks is the way that you do that if picking a lock is just not working out for you on a particular day slow down calm down take a breath maybe even take a rest but go back to really feeling those pin states quite often we rush a lock we rely on our innate skill that we built up over the years but it sometimes helps to just go am i really concentrating on the pin states am i feeling for when a pin is set under set over set am i really feeling that small amount of counter rotation that shallow spools and serrated pins might offer am i really thinking about whether there are bevel pins in there sometimes going back to basics and really concentrating on the lock and taking it slowly can really help remember lock picking isn't just about what you feel with the pick on the pins it can be also about how it sounds and sometimes how the lock feels if you're holding on to it use all of your senses because of the distance between the tip of the hook to the shank short hooks often give better feedback and more intuitive positioning that is to say where in your mind's eye you feel the tip of the pick is inside a lock than a deeper hook does so the more at the deeper the hook quite often the harder is to in your mind's eye imagine where you are in the lock and get a feel on pins so that's why quite often we use a short hook first and then move upwards in terms of the hook depth in a lock when learning to pick it you can get a lot of feedback from holding onto a padlock when picking it in hand because you can feel the pin setting and maybe sometimes the core rotation with your off hand when picking the lock sometimes you can't pick a lock because you just don't have the specific tool and and that is sometimes sad but true sometimes you just can't approach picking a lock unless you've either bought or built design created the tool for picking that lock making your own tools for a specific lock can help you learn a lot about lock itself and can be incredibly satisfying to do we all buy stuff because it's cool even if it's not practical there's nothing wrong with it if you can afford it so there's no shame making up your own pick set from multiple manufacturers is often the best way to get a kit that works for you using a pinning mat can help reduce the risk of you losing pins and springs to the floor when assembling and reassembling a lock it can really really help if you remove the retaining clip or mechanism from the back of a lock so that it's easier to gut especially if you're picking on camera that can be super risky because when you're withdrawing your tools once the lock is picked you can often risk pulling the whole uh core out of the lock body uh spilling all the guts everywhere and sometimes actually destroying the lock when buying lock picking equipment shop around look at multiple reviews ask your friends ask people in community what they think you can never always unless you actually try it yourself find out what will work for you but i always say do your research before buying something not every lock bargain is you might see a lock on sale on a retailer and think wow that's gonna be a super bargain but quite often it isn't even if you see a bargain shop around look on secondhand sites look on different retailers quite often people inflate prices um on second-hand sites when they don't really know the real value of a lock um they just know they actually spent a lot of money on it and want to recoup some of that money back quite often if you just wait a bit longer you can get that look for a lot lot cheaper non-standard tensioners like feather tensioners and tension rings they often work best with lock pick guns and electra picks they don't really work out for when you're picking a lock by hand manually most of the time a solid non-twisted tension tool is the best because it conveys the best feedback you can never have enough tension tools and quite often you need more tension tools and you need lock picks because getting a nice tight fit in the lock in the right position which doesn't bind the core when it's when you're putting under tension that is so super important to get that right before you start picking a lock if you can physically meet up with real lock pickers um even it's just down the pub or in a conference or anything like that just to talk and to learn from them to chat and to trade with them it's an awesome experience and i would definitely recommend you do that at some point ideally when looking at buying lock picks if you can get the euro slim or slimline versions of a lot pick from manufacturer they are often better because they will navigate more keyways than picks with higher shank heights don't forget with some locks you can literally pick through the warding with the deep enough hook you don't have to pick around the warding there is no right profile of a pick for a particular lock in 99 of the cases if it works for you it works for you tensioning a lock top of the keyway or pin side or bottom of the keyway away from the pins is mostly a preference but both give more access to a locks pins depending on the keyway lock picking makes you a more considerate and sensitive lover being tired and stressed or otherwise chemically impaired is not conducive to lock picking when interacting online or in person encourage other lock pickers remember we all started somewhere a lot you might find easy another skill picker may find hard and vice versa i still have locks which some of my friends find really easy to pick and i struggle to pick those locks whilst there are other locks which i have which i find super easy which some of my friends find really hard look after your hands don't forget to rest them getting blisters and cramp especially when you're getting frustrated using too much tension it's a real thing don't forget to rest look after yourself using an insert or shim at the front of the keyway can actually protect from damaging the lock itself don't forget you can change tension position halfway through picking a lock at any point it just takes a little bit of care it's nothing wrong with swapping picks halfway through picking either if that pick isn't working out keep that attention on swap picks away even swap from raking to picking and picking to raking not all disattained lots can be picked using front tension some only tension from the rear or from the center and that can require specialist tools just due to picking the lock or at putting too much tension noise or or something else you will eventually destroy or permanently damage a lock you will never run out of picking challenges the journey is never over i've not met any picker ever who claims to be an expert in every different lock type and mechanism for every brand you might not want to explore all different lock types but certainly you'll never run out and never become a super expert in everything this is one of these hobbies which will go on for a lifetime and you'll still feel that you have a lot to learn when starting out though just try concentrating on one lock type at a time so for example standard pin tumblers or dimple locks or whatever it really helps just to concentrate on one lock type at a time when you're first starting out so you can build up the skills and knowledge of block picking and then branch out you don't have to try everything at once otherwise it can become quite overwhelming and my final and top tip is subscribe to this channel if you haven't subscribed already it really helps me out share the video if you liked it and think other people will benefit from it if you have tips that i haven't covered and you think that i missed add them below make this a resource that other people can read and comment on underneath the extra tips below um i really like encouraging new lock pickers and and and trying to get the wisdom of the community out there uh so that everybody can sort of learn from each other so yeah do add some comments i read them all or reply to as many as i can if you like this video please leave a like that would be awesome of you and of course i'll see you all next time
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 269,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lock, locksport, lock pick, lock picking, locks, Padlock, open, pick, picked, picking, lockpicking, locksmith, spp, single pin picking, gutting, gutted, how to, guide, tutorial
Id: dg6k4pWHSTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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