100k mi Tesla Model 3 Icy & Slippery Road Trip To CES In Las Vegas!

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hello and welcome to basically boulder colorado jordan is with me behind me is the tesla model 3 performance that you know and hopefully love from this channels we've done many adventures in this car and jordan it's time for another this is my first road trip in eb it's jordan's first eevee road trip we cover evs he reviews evs and you've never taken a big ev road trip so we're fixing that today we have some crazy weather conditions out here with the snow we'll talk about that a little bit but we're going from here in colorado to las vegas for ces [Music] guys it's ces week in las vegas and while the show is partly hybrid it's part virtual part in person well i think we were in need of a little bit of an adventure i've stayed home for the last seven consecutive days which the record i think is as a record for this year and so time for a trip we're gonna happen in the model three we have the nokian all-season tires which is actually the perfect uh tire selection for this trip because we're gonna see some varying weather conditions all the way from this crazy snow we actually have a whole review of these nokian one tires on out of spec reviews in deep snow very impressive tire it's certainly not a replacement for a dedicated winter studded you know snow and ice tire but still pretty good and i've run them all year in hot temperatures and they didn't melt off so a pretty good one tire solution if you will they're mounted on of course the martian mw03 wheels we have 101 000 miles on this car something like that and um i don't know what else do we say the car's broken no autopilot well it has autopilot until you hit a bump and i think there's got to be a loose connection somewhere in the back because every time you hit a bump it freaks the whole car out says parking brake failure motor isn't going to work i don't know so we either will make it or we'll get stuck but it'll make good content we got the uh spare tire in the back of this thing and uh the modern spare and it's jordan's first ev road trip let's do this let's do this you join us now inside of the model 3 we're down to 64 i actually left my house oh wait this has the new software that i don't know where anything's gone i left my house at 100 state of charge um how do i see trips uh right i got 352 watt hour per mile took me an hour 16 minutes to get here do you really do that commute all the time i do yeah i love driving i've never been here that's crazy you need an electric car yeah i do okay well that's pretty wild i didn't actually realize how far you drove uh jordan works for out of spec of course he does a lot of our reviews and stuff like that but is this your first time on out-of-spec motoring uh yes it is well hello to the new audience seeing you for the first time we are going to the las vegas convention center convention center let's see what it says it's 10 11 a.m right now this is the best part of tesla's you just put it in and it already knows where we have to stop it knows the traffic knows everything route planning is fantastic it's so good so there's no way we'd get there at 103 p.m that's to our first charging stop and it says we'd get there at midnight which is perfect so we might either make it to vegas tonight or we'll stop does does this account for time zone changes do you know it does not i believe that'd be 11 a.m 11 p.m i don't know what i'm doing i've never used this new software before but anyway let's hit the road let's reset our trip for vegas so lifetime hundred thousand five fifty three three hundred twenty seven watt hour per mile this was from our last road trip we're gonna go vegas baby how do i get an exclamation point uh there we go vegas baby and how do you reset it what does this make any sense to you nope this is the worst software change tesla could have ever made to their cars look you have to click this and then you have to put your heated seat on here they usually just have a nice heated seat button there yeah now you have this empty space down here and you can't slow oh you can slide on this the other day it wasn't working yeah you can okay and the nice thing is when you slide the passenger they still stay synced doesn't matter let's hit the road [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys we are just rolling up to the edwards colorado supercharger i didn't even know this one existed to be honest uh this is i think the first time i've been to it yep definitely doesn't seem familiar been to this fueling station but uh i guess the supercharger is just back over there perhaps it's at a starbucks as well this might be the perfect location because i left the house at 100 state of charge we're down to six granted i went a little bit out of the way to get to jordan's and it's cold it sounds like there's regular ev charging to the right but r says to turn into this wendy's so let's do that we'll take a look at our trip statistics as we're pulling in and it says that we did on this trip uh 343 one hour per mile which is really good considering we had to come all the way up here now granted that 106 miles we only got about 170 miles to that full charge there because i was about 62 miles from your house yep something like that so um yeah that's pretty pretty sucky range i think these things might may have degraded a bit more than we would have thought look at this person just stopping in front of us blocking the entire walkway come on oh my goodness oh and almost trips great well let's go find the supercharger and plug this thing in 250 kilowatt the car was preconditioning on the way over so it should just start up and zap right up do you see the supercharger anywhere it says it's this way what does this make any sense jordan how do i get it to show the supercharger oh it says it's on the back side oh there are perfect so i guess we'll just try and squeeze around everyone if we can i don't want to crash into this nice range rover thanks so let's do it should we skid [Music] we're the only ones here this is great and we have arrived at six percent state of charge let's get this thing juicing up never been here before this is a new one and it's perfectly positioned open up the flap in we go let's take a look at our charging speeds this is your first supercharging session on a road trip that's right you've done uh supercharging before the tesla is properly disgusting and dirty uh interesting even in these cold temperatures the cable cooling is kicking on on the v3 let's see if this thing was warm enough to accept some good juice here and let's see how it even displays charging wow it's all the way over here in this little tiny font this is an awful ui system i honestly want to sell the car this is everything that we could possibly do is worse why would they put that over there wow so anyway it's sitting at 94 kilowatts so usually what teslas do is they'll kind of get connected get uh you know happy with each other the car and the charger and then they'll ramp up after it starts accepting some juice so let's see what we have here we'll find the starbucks and uh yeah go enjoy edwards a little bit what was your impression of the tesla on the first leg broke it uh yeah yeah has a suspension thing there has a suspension thing in the back and then gives us all the warnings service notifications no active alerts but here's all the the ones that we did have oh well it is part of the fun we're going to get this thing taken care of with a big service visit overall drivetrain i think is really stout it's just that's over 100 000 miles of hard use yeah we're already up to 115 kilowatt 116 and going going higher jordan give us the news on our charging we were ripping pretty good yeah for a while we hit 240 and uh 230 and then now it's 64 kilowatts at 48 which is crazy so on the last software this car would do about 110 kilowatts at exactly 50 percent i'm just hearing the fans kicking on now so i don't know if that 62 kilowatt was a thermal issue before uh i've charged this car from seven percent many times in hot weather and never had it thermal throttle like this before this is like stuff we deal with on other evs yeah this is weird weird never seen this charging thing it's creeping up 70. what's it doing 71 73 74 maybe it just needed the fans to kick on and it was taking them a while who knows but either way we need to stay here for another 20 minutes the other alternative so grand junction would be the next charger let's go north up here the problem is i don't know how to find the other chargers there's no more charging button so i have to go here at a stop charging and then it'll show me that's ridiculous so glenwood springs says it's a short weight one stall out of order that's always the worst supercharger so i agree with this i say we do a deep charge and skip glenwood springs because that's an old even pre-150 kilowatt unit one's out of order and it's completely full with a short wait and no one's here so maybe people should have planned their trip a little bit better so okay let's skip that one nice that the tesla knows and i agree we'll just head over to grand junction where there's only one spot available and it's also an older 120 kilowatt station but that's you know living in this uh transition period if we had a ccs adapter for this car which uh i think this car is too old to accept it but the new ones can um with some modifications like our friend ryan did to his plaid we could charge 200 kilowatts wow yeah so that would have been way faster to charge at ccs in grand junction than the supercharger in this case but that's all right we're just using the supercharger network on this trip i don't even think i brought my chatimo adapter it's all right we don't need it so just gonna hang out here and charge for a bit well we just ran in the store we got some water and snacks and we're charging at 66 kilowatts at 72 so that makes sense to me and then i got this pretty cool water bottle it's called a hydrate spark so what i do is i pour water into it i should have filled this up in a bottle refiller but i love smart water i am a water snob if you will there's a water bar i want to go to you fill it all the way up like this you give it 10 seconds when you put the cap on it and uh then it tracks your your drinking through an app so it forces me to drink water it beeps and dings and hits my watch if you i was thinking we could include these in the outer spec store they're pretty neat we would just put a logo on there that'd be the same price as the normal bottle and um yeah if you guys want us to sell some of these bottles along with some other cool things that i use every day uh that would be the idea this one says estimated charge time remaining five minutes this says one minute what why this is the worst software i've ever used in a car genuinely this is really bad just like all the things you have to go through at least it's snappy it can do so much but it's like all right it's not the worst software i've ever used we've used some pretty bad software but it's pretty annoying anyway we're ready to go enough energy uh you know i listened to tesla on this particular one because it's cold weather 16 degrees outside there's varying weather uh and traffic on the way so better to have a little bit of buffer we've just dipped under 50 kilowatt charging that's way too slow but let's unplug not your typical out of spec style but we're avoiding a pretty slow and old supercharger to head to another old and slow supercharger in grand junction some of those pumps have lines and we didn't have a line how about that empty supercharger oh my god the guy almost lost it in the freaking this guy right here going right oh let's just spun it [Laughter] that was great he was full hard locked to the left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys we're just sitting on a sheet of ice here watch this full throttle literally nothing happens we're barely getting speed ready full breaks for this literally nothing happens we're on the great nokia and all season tires but for this stuff i really want those hakupalita ev winter tires uh that are studded that uh you know i we could have put on before this trip but i figured we're going to vegas it's going to be warm if i knew that the mountain pass was going to be this icy that would have been wild i only have my hazards on because i saw this uh murano coming up behind us with some vigor and uh new york plates they i'm sure they don't understand what we're dealing with here maybe if they're from northern new york but yeah you see new york plates coming up on you and yeah you just kind of stay out of the way i'm from new york so it's okay [Music] [Music] wow [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] we are just pulling into the grand junction supercharger i haven't been here in over a year i think been doing this road trip a lot but look it's completely full is it so there's one space open it looks like all red tesla's what and the red bus normally it's all white teslas because that's the free color now it used to be all black teslas and um you know it's all all uh white our red tesla's here that's pretty interesting so let's get this thing backing in let's try not to hit anyone else's car we're just gonna squeeze right here in the middle on ice we're just spinning backwards and we should be good to go here fairly soon so here we go plugging in at 10 state of charge this is a very early installation oh it doesn't even want to go in that's because look there's some snow in there so the good old trick looks like one's opened up you got a [Music] yeah it's just a block of ice in this supercharger handle i can't get it out and so therefore this one's going to be down [Music] until it gets above freezing whoa and the cables get wild too this one's going to be down until it gets above freezing it won't even stay in its holster we'll just rest it back that way we'll go plug into 1a so here we go this is going to be a slow charge 120 kilowatt this hand this cable is nice and moving because it just charged that model why it's warm i'm trying to think what we can do to kind of get this one to work over here you can see here got has ice inside of it it's not going to shock me don't worry you could you could uh you could lick this thing it doesn't it has to send a communication signal before it sends dc power i think what we're gonna do is leave it facing well it's in the shade too we don't really know perhaps we could get some warm water or something yeah you just gotta lean it back so let's see how quickly we're charging here on the model 3 that was a crazy drive on the way over i mean sections of the road with just zero grip really wish i had my studded tires on ramping up here 47 kilowatts we have to share stalls so that's all we're gonna get this is our only option so let me explain a little bit about why we're getting such terrible charging we're gonna turn off climate control just to give us every last benefit we can this is gonna be a long charging session so you can see here this is 1a 1a and 2a somewhere over there presumably are fed from the same cabinet of superchargers a version 2 supercharger and on the very early installs it used to go 1a 2a 3a and then 1b2b3b this was a very common layout now they go 1a 1b and tesla even recommends leaving a space between you and the car next to you in the ui but that's not what you want to do here you actually want to all park next to each other um and that would be the most efficient use of your charging station so once 1b unplugs which is the red model 3 over there then our charging will go up to 120 kilowatts which is old school so basically i see some construction going on over here perhaps we can look and see if maybe that's an expansion to a version three what do you think that would be great that would be great but it's still two and a half miles off the highway yeah yeah so not quite sure and uh looks like we're we're sharing stalls with that very dirty red model three right there um and three a we could switch however that's also plugged in down there to that black model three so we're just stuck here at 50 kilowatts let's go to taco bell what do you say let's do it and well that is some of the problem with dc fast charging is handling a peak demand versus a average load and well we're the only ones left and it really hasn't been more than probably 15 20 minutes we stopped in the taco bell got a quick dinner i think i'm gonna ask jordan to take on this leg but we're really the only ones left and i think we're charged up enough to go let's take a look here how are we looking ready to go ready to go would you mind driving yep cool let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] so [Music] welcome to beautiful green river utah we've been here on other out-of-spec motoring road trips and we've spoken at length about this charger in one of them uh let's see if it works it was not plugged into its little holster interesting well it's connecting and we'll see how it likes it anyway the uh the ones down on this end are the older superchargers i believe there was four here originally and my guess is these based off of the install location uh when we spoke about in the previous these are the 120 kilowatt units like we used last time in colorado and i believe this expansion are all the 150 kilowatt chargers so we of course at this particular one took the spots that are the newer ones just being here from past experience of i think it was almost two years ago we were here playing around with this anyway i don't know if i've been back since then we're already charging at 115 kilowatts ramping up looks great got cold got down to four degrees on that stretch but then it warmed up to 20 in the town pretty wild 125 kilowatts nice 130 hell yeah nice well it's a beautiful night here in utah absolutely gorgeous and we're just enjoying the otherworldly views coming through here at this time of day for sure jordan we have enough charge to continue onwards in the freezing cold although it's 22 degrees it's warming up it's warm it's balmy out there all right will you do us the honor of unplugging the car and uh we'll hit the road someone else had showed up with some cute dogs that was awesome off we go to richfield long trip and i always end up leaving green river with more charge or less charge than needed because i'm like i can make it and then you can see here even though the car said we're good to go it says a four percent arrival there's a ton of elevation through here and so we're just gonna take it nice and easy keep the heater on 72 ish we don't have a heat pump in this model three which would help in the cold weather so let's uh get this thing going and we'll head off towards richfield utah [Music] made it to ridgefield richmond rich something all right that's locked in it's about nine degrees out here nice and cold and it's green man i hate sharing stalls look at this we got four over here and just uh well four stalls and three cars so yeah we're gonna have to share with that guy all the way down at the end so yeah definitely sucks but 51 kilowatts man that is brutal thankfully i think we're back in the land of closer superchargers from here on the way in it certainly gets a little bit closer so we don't have far to go to get to beaver which has just been extend expanded to a 250 kilowatt maybe that's not true it says 150. huh i could have swore that was more than that anyway i guess what we'll do is we'll charge up and keep going so i'll do what we have to do sitting at 55 kilowatts nap time we're doing the good old tesla dance 1a just unplugged we picked obviously the wrong one you just never know we're on 2b which means we're sharing with this gray model 3. what we're going to do is unplug we're getting currently what 56 kilowatts right now right yep 56 so we're going to unplug and see the charging speed difference going over here to 1b now that we don't have to share styles this is the downside of early supercharging uh locations also this whole station is just covered in ice down here i almost just lost it so jordan's just gonna be pulling over this way what a crazy stretch we had to charge up so much and go pretty slow over here just because you know we don't have this car set up for max efficiency i took some air pressure out of the tires for ride comfort we got the roof bars on there this is an older model three without the heat pump that would make a big difference in these temperatures and uh good right there jordan and let's get him let's get this thing juicing up here feels good outside about 10 degrees we saw a low of about zero on this last stretch no one's used this supercharger in a while that cable is just ice cold doesn't even want to budge love that so let's get this thing juicing up and um gotta love it the good old supercharger dance version two has been a while been doing so many ccs road trips forgot some of the intricacies over here on the tesla networks well guys here we're just ramping up on the charging but we're already up to 67 kilowatts i'd say a worthwhile jump but why is it just sitting there that should go all the way up i guess we'll just give it some time it's only added a kilowatt hour this should be doing 120 kilowatts i believe this station let's see what's crazy is if this had a ccs adapter we'd be so much faster also this is so stupid i gotta go here click this thing edit trip is this true do i really have to do all this just to see the charger gosh i can't even hit the right buttons oh wait am i not doing this correctly add a stop that's right then charging then i can see the supercharger which it says there's a short weight but there's two spots open and it says 150 kilowatt max but we're only doing 65. jordan what's going on here i don't know well i say we don't need to push it too much longer we can probably stop somewhere around st george or something like this somewhere in this area um before we go into vegas for the morning i don't think we need to go all the way in but we'll see how we feel now one quick note i did notice are the two other cars that were here charging uh before we arrived both seem to go inside the drivers and bring all their stuff and super smart for them to charge tonight before the car is cold so when it's this cold out it's supposed to get into the well into the single digits here tonight uh for low temperatures if they were to leave the cars out they're tired tonight go sleep wake up and charge it could take them two three hours to charge in the morning if that's uh really truly gonna be that cold the thing is um you know these cars battery packs won't accept any charge below freezing and certainly won't accept any reasonably quick charging until they're really warm so always charge up the night before and winter time so that you can get your fast charging in now go get checked in do your thing and then in the morning on the way to your supercharger then your battery pack will warm up throughout the drive but definitely don't pull in with 10 state of charge let the thing cold soak and then expect any kind of good charging and honestly you might even break the battery if it's if you're really low and it gets that cold these are again the intricacies of evs no i went to beaver like you did earlier and clicked on it and it showed 150 but then i clicked on it again and it showed 250. what anyway i know they expanded it so i guess they're counting their expansion as two separate installations eight of them are out of order that's a big wait there's only five available of 24. there's gotta be so many cars there well i guess we'll see but it's only 45 miles we're at 30 percent why does it think we need 20 minutes to get there beaver utah we should be able to make it there now honestly yeah one percent we're just going to charge up another until 35 36 because we're not going to spend all day sitting at 70 kilowatts i'll hyper mile over there if we have to but that's where we can get the fast juice so we got to get out of here as fast as possible this sucks well we never really peaked higher than 74 75 kilowatts we're the only ones here i don't know if it makes sense to move again but i say let's get out of here go to real proper modern motoring version 3 supercharger in beaver utah so let's step on the ice here get out that was probably the worst charging session of the trip we got lucky at the taco bell because uh that other person unplugged but man this is it is a drastic difference road tripping a ccs car versus a tesla on this particular stretch yeah just because those are all 350 kilowatts and they're all dedicated 350 kilowatts we could have already been there if we had a titan which is crazy look there's certain routes that tesla can only do like for example living where we live going to wyoming you couldn't own a ccs car and do the wyoming stretch but on this particular stretch by far tesla has some old infrastructure that really needs some serious upgrading because that that is a significant difference in impact on our trip here oh yeah especially in cold weather when we're not getting much range we need the most amount of charging possible anyway back on the road heading out of beaver utah and on to hopefully some better charging wait we're not in beaver no we're in uh rich bridgefield ridgefield we're heading two beavers heading to beaver do you know there's an exit in michigan maybe i shouldn't say this on youtube but i will there's an exit in michigan somewhere around detroit i can't remember exactly where that's exit 69 and it's for beaver street that's awesome [Laughter] off we go we're going west am i going the wrong way okay u-turn see i don't know i was taking a guess here we're going back down the wrong way so what do i do here go right right and then oh las vegas let's do that this charging sucks we're going home [Laughter] there we go proper direction [Music] [Music] we are just pulling off the highway here in beaver utah this has always been a huge pain point especially for the salt lake traffic going to vegas or la well guess what uh from what i've heard the original installation was there i think it was four stalls then they expanded it to eight and now there's a huge version three installation 24 stalls i think is what the computer said and looking at them over here on the right now we've stayed at this quality in a hotel before and my friend dan from what's inside actually i think saved this station single-handedly apparently tesla forgot to pay their electricity bill uh and were just you know basically their rent and the electricity bill to the guy who owns this place and he put like potato sacks over the chargers here this is how the story goes i was just talking to him recently about it let's just cruise through here turn your high beams off model y um and wow look at this the stations go all the way down you can see there's a few that are still being commissioned this is brand new they still have the tesla socks over them and um but that's okay version threes are nice because you don't have to worry about where anyone else is you just kind of roll right up and plug in so we'll stop here do this anyway um yeah he basically uh the guy who owned this place put sacks over the chargers no one could charge dan made some tweets about it tesla was right on it i guess this was a couple years ago and now they put in this giant version three this is sweet we are getting ready to go 47 kilowatts thing says one minute remaining i think we'll be a bit limit on the edge and unplug the lights seem to be motion activated around here so let's unplug not a great charging session not terrible but certainly had this dip midway and then it walked itself back up into drive door closed and off to nevada [Music] our screen just rebooted nice i have no idea how fast we're going i have no idea if our turn signal's on i can only tell because i can see him on the outside of the car there it is [Music] look at that minus 56 percent arrival oh god he wants us to go back to saint george stay below 70 it's thinking there we go i thought about life [Music] and we have arrived at six percent state of charge i have not been to this location but there's superchargers over on that side and this side version three unit you can see quite a few cars charging here pretty school plugged in at the casino sick well we just booked our hotel for the trip las vegas hilton at resorts world seems pretty nice four and a half star hotel i am super stoked um so we're gonna stay there you know i always book things super last minute it's 11 32 p.m look i like ultimate flexibility when traveling it took us a little while we were just comparing and contrasting different hotel deals and stuff like that but i think um we found a pretty good one with free parking and walking distance to ces when i noticed last time i was at ces it was just a pain in the butt to drive around to find parking i was paying like 60 to 80 to park this thing yeah so we found a hotel within walking distance so we're just gonna dump the tesla there we charged up a little bit extra just in case the level twos were taken at the hotel and so we have 80 percent we only have to drive uh 81 miles so we don't even have to worry about charging until it's time to leave vegas but you do have to see the v3 there it's really cool sweet let's head out this was a nice super charging spot perfect amount of time to book our hotel and off we go then to las vegas nevada [Music] [Music] [Music] and welcome to las vegas we have made it jordan's first time here in the city a lot of firsts for you this trip ev road trip what was your impression of your first ev multi-stop road trip honestly not bad not bad yeah it was easy easy it wasn't like each stop was hours it was like 20 minutes yeah and then we were still complaining about it but yeah it's really super great lovely weather actually cold but not too much wind i was pretty impressed so all is good the is absolutely disgusting from that trip going over the colorado rockies getting covered in salt and sand and schmutz from everything but hey that's what cars are meant for they're meant to be used let's go check into our hotel it's this crazy tall one whoa here behind me and we'll see y'all in the morning looking forward to this [Music]
Channel: Out of Spec Motoring
Views: 58,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Model 3, model s, model x, tires, drift, skid, track mode, Kyle Conner, Roadster, Elon, Rich Rebuilds, Road Trip, Cold, Weather, Range, ESP, Track, Mode, Performance, Standard, Short, Review, Comparison, Buy
Id: 9HGgvt8vbzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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