1000 TITAN TV WOMEN in LOVE with Baby!

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in today's video I'm being chased by a thousand Titan TV woman watch to the end to see how I escape from all of them yeah yeah beyond Earth everyone's gonna love my dear veal it's the absolute best baby why do you have a sticky diaper in your hand what are you talking about this is my brand new meal that I just cooked here try some here you go oh hey that's the most disgusting thing ever that's even worse than my expired food hey that's really neat I worked really hard on that meal stay away from me I hate you Dad look out what's in my hand baby ah stay away I don't want to be touched by that Grabber it really hurts help come on come on help me please you're getting put a timeout for trying to cook a stinky diaper you're the worst dad ever let go of me oh my gosh I feel so dizzy being upside down help I'm gonna do a little dance while I have you in the Grabber you're the worst dancer ever and the worst dad ever get your hands off of me hello oh no how did you get released but yeah you can handle this taser right over here take this oh no baby don't use that don't use it I just paralyzed you oh yeah I'm the best you're the one that was really really Grabber help take a little swim oh my gosh you're such an evil Dad I can't even swim help ah oh my gosh help help help someone please help ah that was a really close one hey get back over here Dad I'm not done with you yet haha and I locked the door bye baby I will do a dance on you you have the worst dance moves ever dad I don't like you anymore help let me inside bye I'm gonna go to work Have Fun swimming outside my dad's the absolute worst ideas I gotta do family oh I can't take any hmm maybe my best friend baby Kai can help me find a new family he has a very Sage advice that I can follow along with quick let's find him oh baby Kai where are you Coda I'm at the front door I've been waiting for you oh wait Kai I'm stuck in the backyard how am I gonna get to you why are you stuck in the backyard hurry up we're supposed to be playing oh you're right okay let me try these swings over here all right one two three ow I hit the fence that really hurt oh my daddy this swing stuck this is the worst all right let's see can this car help me get out hmm come on come on I gotta meet up with BB Kai I really need a new family all right let's hop in three two one whoa this car is so fast baby Kai I'm gonna get you as soon as possible I promise I'm waiting all right let's try this week as a ramp three two four midnight shoes let's go out that really hurt hmm okay let's see there has to be like an emergency exit somewhere come on come on come on oh wait what is this little entrance right over here let's take a look come on make sure there's something good here oh there's a new car I can ride let's do this all right let's go ahead and right through here come on come on let's get out yeah let's go I'm in the front yard it's had to destroy my dad's lawn you're the worst dad take this oh yeah wait quick let's meet up with Kai oh baby Kai where are you I'm hiding you're never gonna find me wait a second is that his party hat right over here let's go ahead and say hi Tim oh baby Kai I found you oh did you find me so fast and what are you driving it's my dad's car he gotta hit it in his little shed in the backyard quickly hop on whoa this thing looks insane let me go let me get on and whoa I'm at the front I have the best seat let's go we're gonna destroy my dad's Vlog oh my gosh we're gonna make his front lawn fall just like his head his lot's gonna look so ugly and it's all thanks to me ah the car run oh my gosh Koda why are we on the road you're such a bad driver hey stop making fun of my driving I'm a good driver and you have to admit that I can't ah oh my gosh I got hit oh my gosh me too what is going on oh no wait peepee Kai where are you I got knocked all the way to the front of the house where are you I'm at the front of the house too oh there you are baby Kai holy that was so scary that was really scary but baby Kai boy do I have news for you what happened today oh I made the best meal on Earth my dad said it was absolutely disgusting and what was the meal it was my poopy diarrhea special oh that is nasty hey hey hey you're so awesome supportive as my best friend okay and then what did he do after that he decides he's a baby Grabber and we'd be around like I was some toy oh gosh that's the worst I think you need a new family oh my gosh that's exactly what I was thinking baby Kai can you help me find a new family let's go let's go let's first break into the house secretly yay let's go oh my gosh my dad stopped the brightest he left the front door unlocked what kind of family can you have let's take a look oh wait it's like a kite take a look it's my dad's x to the play box let's destroy it three two one whoa that was crazy and we're gonna Destroy This TV right over here yeah yeah oh that gives me a good idea what if you could adopted by TV man and TV woman oh Kai this isn't such a good thing because I literally just destroyed a TV right there oh gosh I hope they're not too mad I think you'll be a good TV baby though oh yeah I'll be the best TV baby because I'm so good at fortnite and my crafted Roblox oh yeah uh-huh I'm the best well we're gonna have to find out where TV man and TV women are oh wait a second Kai did you hear that I think TV band's not very happy oh no we're gonna have to get on his good side where is he if this TV's already destroyed that there's two other TVs in this house I'm gonna check them out and see if he's there yeah let's go look around hmm okay let's try out the kitchen first because that's always a fun place to explore oh and take a look here's the kitchen you know what time it is Kai it's kitchen demolition let's destroy everything okay let's go goodbye ugly chairs you guys are the worst whoa I'm swinging on the lap take a look oh my goodness Kai you're crazy that's so dangerous I'm bouncing everywhere holy that was really fun be careful all right now it's time to destroy all the China on here let's go come on come on let me hop on the table and it's time to destroy the plates three two one bam this is the best day ever take this and this oh my goodness Kai take a look there's a rotten piece of beat in here oh your dad likes the most disgusting things ever no one should eat this let's go ahead and whack it with this bat three two one oh yeah scary scary look at the spot here we go three two one whoa you're so good at using the baseball bat I am I truly am all right let's get rid of this baseball bat let's see what's in here oh my gosh that's really dangerous there's a knife in there hey Kai look it's a burning candle yeah oh gosh that thing looks a little dangerous ah and take this I know I sprayed myself ew oh I know you have farts coming out of you that's disgusting okay take a look it's like cookie jar come on come on take this oh look at all the cookies over here it's time for me to eat them all oh I want a cookie and I'm gonna run around super fast whoa me too [Music] I feel so fast your dad's gonna be so oh man when he sees this kitchen destroyed well that's okay cause I'm getting a brand new family that's gonna be way better than him that's true TV man and TV women are gonna enjoy this oh my gosh Kai there's another cookie in here I'm gonna eat it look how fast I'm going this is so fun oh my gosh I look at all this nasty food in here we gotta take it on destroy it we come on let's go let's go okay Kai take a look what I have come here oh what is that is that pee no it's my dad's rotten mustard ow that really hurt holy it's so slippery it's dangerous take this guy this is like a slip inside oh my gosh what is happening all right let's see what else is here we got a soda let's go ahead and drink that real quick oh this is so tasty all right let's see what else there's a candy bar that I'm gonna eat as well there's a ketchup ew not that rotten meat that's disgusting I'm gonna drink this as well oh my gosh this is so filling dude I got the spoil steak get rid of that oh not another one let's see what else is in here banana ooh I found a candy bar I got the best one no you didn't because I'm gonna spray you with this ketchup ah it's had to spray it around the house let's go ah there's disgusting stuff all over the floor this is the best kitchen demolition we've ever had but now it's an important question Coda who's your favorite TV man or TV woman it has to be TV woman she's gonna be the best mom ever I agree she's gonna be the best she's way better than skippity toilet oh yeah that guy's just absolutely creepy comment down below who's your favorite skippity character mine is TV woman she's gonna be the best mom ever I agree she's the best all right now back to the topic Kyle we gotta find my new family oh gosh where could they be uh wait Kai did you just hear that sound oh wait is that the TV man sound I think we're getting closer all right let's go to the garage then we're gonna get into attention real quick all right here's the key let's go ahead and open the garage three two one yeah let's go whoa It's your dad's super secret garage like he never lets us inside yep and take a look I'm driving the car oh my gosh look at all the paint over there ah I just slipped this is super crazy let's go ahead and destroy all the furniture in here I have a good idea I think we should set this place of play oh that's a great idea Kai let's go ahead and roll this car over oh gosh quick I gotta get away from here otherwise I'm gonna get torch holy look at the fire oh wait I should back up the car real quick all right let's go ahead and run this is really dangerous guy run run oh wait a second we gotta destroy this car let's go ahead and grab this gun right over here and we're gonna go ahead and shoot this car hold the door open for me Kai quick okay okay I'll hold it quickly quick before your dad figures out let's destroy this car yeah what's going on come on oh no I just need to get closer whoa oh my gosh the key oh my gosh the car exploded run whoa that was so crazy I'm sure TV man a TV woman are gonna love that oh my gosh Kai did you hear that I think TV man and TV women love that I destroyed the car that was insane I think we need to go quick we need to find them now okay wait a second let's go through my portal over here let's hop in three two one jump yeah I love the baby portal let's go best portal ever hey Kai look what I have take this ah you missed I don't get any diaper on me all right that's it I'm gonna grab my other diaper over here get back over here Kai and I got one as well so you better be careful not if I throw up this first whoa you're supposed to be too I slipped in the pool I got you all right that's it you know what you're gonna get hit by this diaper right over here three two one ah you missed ha ha okay that's it you're the worst friend ever and I got the last diaper hey yeah whoa you missed me too all right that's it now I have another one right over here yeah hey that's so real of you that's rid of you to throw poop at me in my own house how dare you that's your poo Coda you're the nasty baby here here's another word yeah oh my gosh Kai take a look at my room it's covered with poop oh gosh your dad's gonna be so mad if he sees this good thing we're gonna get new parents yeah this is the best day ever oh Kai I don't think TV man or TV woman's in my bedroom we gotta check somewhere else quick quick quick let's go let's go let's go all right let's take a look oh wait there's another secret portal over here I wonder why it's blocked I bet TV man A Team woman are up there you're right you're right all right let's go ahead and hop into this portal go go go three two one come on fan whoa whoa and we're all the way at the top of the house oh wait a second Kai why does it say Do not plug in wait is this how we get to talk to TV man and woman I think so quickly let's throw this down over here let's go and grab this plug come on come on let's plug you in go go go okay this plug is too tall for me Kai we're gonna take this TV downstairs oh no let's go let's go TV men and women are waiting for us wait is like a kite is that Scooby-Doo camera up there oh my gosh I think that might be the connection to him wait a second let's see if we can plug him in come on come on he's also Too Tall oh no I think these things might be too powerful we need to be careful all right let's just go ahead and skip that plug in this TV downstairs let's go let's go move out of the way Mr Taco you're in the way I'm just trying to sleep yeah yeah yeah you're always Mr Taco is always trying to trick us he's the absolute worst cat in the world all right Kai you ready let's go ahead and plug this in let's go let's go I'm excited ah okay what happened I can't move the TV just exploded oh my gosh wait that was a fake TV oh my gosh I got a tricked by an imposters TV that wasn't TV man that was skippity toilet tricking us how dare he okay let me just respawn real quick all right Kai let's see let's go to my dad's bedroom real quick but first I want to introduce you to my little friend Mr Bulldog whoa Mr Bulldog hi are you gonna show us where TV man and women are it's even better woman I'm just hungry please give me some food oh whoa whoa wait what are you doing Mr Bulldog I want to eat I want to eat we end up jumping so high oh yummy pillow um okay I guess just eat whatever you want this is gonna take just okay don't you think oh my gosh what is happening whoa okay he's eating some of the bed this isn't good what are you eating oh my gosh look how much he's eating Kai he's such a fat dog oh my gosh oh no I feel like he's gonna have a crazy accident on the floor accident I just eat a yummy food this is no accident uh Kai something really bad is happening over here I think I smell something real funky oh no what is gonna happen please please please stop Mr Bulldog you're making us really sick with your farts bars I understand yummy treats oh my gosh Kai this is not good at all what is going on help oh no oh no Mr Bulldog be careful be careful I just eating my yummy treats come on come on I need my baseboards ah no way little guy he's pooping everywhere hell oh no this is very bad he diarrhea all over the floor help you wait Kai look there's two TVs up there whoa way is this the connection to TV man and woman hello hello hello uh Kai what's wrong they're not really talking right now [Music] you know TV Man TV woman are you awake I won't make it by some strange baby kid what's going on oh my gosh it's TV man oh my goodness TV Man TV woman I want to be adopted it's your family by that's the absolute worst sure I'm TV woman of course you can be my son really wait okay so then how do I become your son wait wait I want to be your son too let's become a new family of course YouTube Happy Brothers I will be your parents but first things first you ever got to do a a couple of things what might those things be um I think the two of you need to go into a secret portal for a secret portal oh my goodness wait a second I think I know where what is what else do we need to do of course you need to talk to our friends stupidly toilet I forgot the house cause it's been really dry for him recently but wait a second would that really hurt you guys don't worry that'll prove to us that you want to be part of this TV family oh this is perfect all right Kai we know what we need to do let's go let's go let's go to the secret portal all right Kai quickly quickly let's go to the portal charge that's proof that we deserve to be part of this TV family all right let's go ahead hop in my bedroom over here gosh I didn't realize this portal would be so helpful Kai let's go let's go this is our final baby Mission all right let's go ahead and hop in here I'll see you on the other side Kai hi wait for me wait for me hurry up Kai we gotta do this quick and I'm coming over well okay I think we made it let's just double check there's nothing's out here ah perfect but wait ah it's really hot here Kylie gotta get out of here quick oh it's the car that we destroyed let's run away quickly we definitely did not do that go go go babies where do you think you're going and why is my car destroyed oh no Kai he just came back home from work quick quick quick we gotta get out of here I'm gonna be your dad forever and I'm gonna give you 10 million timeouts don't you dare try to escape from my family oh my gosh Kai we gotta get out of here quick here's the let's go let's go once we flush it we'll be part of the TV family and we can say bye bye to your dad hello Scooby toilet we heard it was really dry in this house like you wanted us to flush you oh I'm really excited for this this is gonna be crazy all right Kyle let's go ahead and hop into the flushing portal three two one go whoa this is crazy ah whoa we're flying around whoa guys take a look everything's flooded and look TV man and TV are safe in the bedroom over here whoa we've accomplished the mission thank you TV Man TV woman we're TV babies now I don't think you guys realize what you have done uh Kai what's going on oh no I guess we'll have to find out in the next video are scary if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to click on the video that's on the screen and subscribe thank you bye oh my gosh this is gonna be the best prank ever I'm gonna destroy my dad's x to the play box let's just go ahead and throw in the oven right over here hi yeah oh I missed hold on I gotta grab this quick before my dad comes back home come on come on come on yeah there we go I had to close the oven and we're gonna turn it on now my dad's exit the play box is gonna burn baby why is my house a mess uh uh oh it's just a funny little prank don't worry about it but hey look I made a new dish why do I smell something burning in the oven oh no let me go take a look ah it's my extendo play box I spent two thousand dollars on them and you can have a can of my bees here we go oh my gosh baby how dare you do this to me oh my gosh I'm gonna feed you some rotten mocha's Revenge no you're not goodbye I'm gonna hide from you get back here baby yeah this milk is expired help let gonna be asked away ow how did you break free baby get back here where are you oh good he can't see me quicker quick I can get out of here okay let's just hop into my secret portal see you later dad baby you know I can't go inside there get out of there well I'll see you later Dad bye I'll get you and put you in timeout forever oh no you're not oh that was a real close one all right let's go through my secret portal to my bedroom that's quite the journey but hey look I'm in my bedroom this is perfect all right let's just go ahead and grab my sticky little diaper over here one more thing I need to double check is that the camera's down three two one yeah yeah let's go I just heard the camera with my dirty diaper double jacket spy on me all right let's go ahead and grab another diaper and let's head outside surprise and I took the diaper and I'm gonna throw back a tune ah stay away from me he can't see me in here baby where were you I just saw you a second ago slowly rolled a bit and run run oh no I'm stuck help ah I found you you're such a new baby guess what I'm gonna ship you off to an Island an island please don't please don't I've been a good boy I'm gonna put you on the slip and die and teleport you to the ocean hey look all these Sail Away ah have fun out there wait whoa where am I oh my goodness am I in the ocean hell somebody help oh my gosh am I both sinking help this is no fair for it baby I hope wait oh I see Sam blow me and wait there's an island behind me oh my goodness I'm saved yes let's go oh this island looks kind of spooky hello is anyone here let's see this is supposed to come please suck it in the sand and so this is not going to help me escape uh let's see what if I clad this nope I'm too small for that okay let's hide this ah wait who are you oh my gosh this is skippity spy toilet stay away from me I heard of your kind I'm spying on you and I'm gonna tell everyone that you're on this island oh yeah well take this run I'm gonna go alert the others let's take down this baby ah stay away from me oh wait okay there's a secret little room right over here that's a close one ooh look at a ladder all right oh okay Come On Let's Escape Let's Escape Let's Escape okay we're safe for now oh my goodness well I let my chopped on this is not good at all I need to find someone like TV woman to help me but where on Earth is she hello TV woman are you here oh my gosh no he's right over there again stay away from me skippity spy baby has been located time to attack baby oh yeah well take this where'd you go take this yeah oh that hurt I'm gonna get you no you're not ow that really hurts oh my gosh this could be spy told it's really strong stay away from me where are you I'm gonna get to you you're never gonna get a TV woman all right we'll take this hi yeah oh my gosh let's give me a spider it's really fast ah why is this baby so strong I'm gonna Retreat uh I got you okay that's a close one oh wait there might be something in this house over here quick quick let's explore hello is anyone here hello hmm let's see oh good there's no toilet here at least I'm not gonna be haunted by one of those again hello is anyone here gosh it's so quiet where is everyone hello oh look a ladder oh in a box let's see what's inside whoa a gravity gun what help is this gonna do for me gosh this is such a wasteful weapon oh wait never mind that is such a cool weapon let's try that again three two one oh my goodness dad is gonna be able to get me I'm the strongest baby in the world oh wait did I see something over there hello oh my goodness is that Scooby TV woman oh it's TV woman you're not TV woman still wait for me you cream gonna get you no you're not take this hi how dare you you will never go against the skimply toilets oh yeah we'll take this another Barrel oh oh I'm Gonna Get You Baby Let's Get Down from these stairs take this red oh we will destroy you baby the skippity toilet Army is coming oh my goodness what's so creepy stay away from me you're ugly and disgusting where did you get that weapon stop it right now oh my gosh okay take this in your plug oh don't do that oh my goodness this guy's Invincible this is not fair oh let's grab that wheelbarrow right over there come on come on come on there we go you're so weak compared to me Skippy toilet stay away from me don't you dare throw that on me I'm the skippity commanders give me the commander blah blah blah like you're anything special take this oh that hurt I'm gonna go call for some reinforcements no you're not stay away from me take this oh why is this baby so annoying yay let's go I wore it off the skippity commander this is the best day ever okay let's just go ahead and explore this beach over here you know what this Island's not too bad I can relax all the water really taking the sun oh this is not bad at all pop wait why do I hear a helicopter sound what's going on oh my goodness who are you I am the skippity general I'm gonna take you down stay away from me run oh my goodness why is he so big this is so unfair stay away from me get back here here my dinner you know you can't be eating babies for your dinner okay I gotta run this way run oh my goodness and he's shooting stuff at me take this hey yeah but did zero damage oh my goodness this guy is way too strong take this it's explosive run hey yeah take this and take this boat right over here come on yeah you will never find TV woman wait a second oh my goodness you can't fit in here yeah bye goodbye your baby you can't get me a Skippy Commander I will send my minions after you what minions you have deathly against me because I'm the best baby ever oh yeah uh-huh do a little dance Destiny ah he's shooting at me quickly quickly I gotta get out of here oh my goodness there's so many exits over here all right let's see Cloud the ladder over here oh my gosh quickly I gotta go up the spiral staircase over here up up up up come on I'm almost there this can't be too far go go go yeah and I made it to the top the safest place on this island this is the best day ever huh what a nice view such a perfect day and wait a second is that my crush right over there is that TV woman oh pal someone help me oh my goodness it's a damn so distress we gotta go downstairs quick go go go go go go go all right come on is this the elevator Oh yay this elevator is going down perfect oh can you go any faster please I gotta save my damn Soul distress all right quickly we gotta go outside I'm coming my future wife Hold On Tight oh my goodness it is you TV woman look it's me your savior oh it's a little baby do you need my help what no you cried for help when I was on the tower over there oh but you look so small how can you help me because I'm the best baby in the world the strongest one and the mightiest oh finally I found a human that's not skippity they've been attacking me all day oh man that's terrible i've been attacked by a ton of skippity toilets it's been no fun we need to get out of here quick TV woman do you have any ideas I don't know we need to hide quickly I think the skippity toilets are coming right now all right so let's do their way run quickly quickly we don't have much time I think the toilets are coming back oh no oh no I'm scared all right hop in this tunnel with me quickly oh no TV will be your too tall for this tunnel I'm a Titan TV woman this is way too small for me oh gosh okay follow me that over here oh no oh no I can hear them coming right run okay let's hop up this playground over here uh wait a second you're still too tall for this building too although I guess this is better than nothing okay let's hide here for now oh man it doesn't help that you have four giant TVs and you're so tall oh gosh hopefully I can use some of these Powers against them this is gonna be scary I really hope so I really need your help and we need to get off this island Pronto we need to find some power-ups and weapons first so we can take down the skivity Army hmm let's see where can we go for that do you know TV woman I think we need to explore more let's go over there to find weapons what do you mean that little house over there you really think there's gonna be something useful there yeah I think so let's go oh my goodness wait TV will be Tuesday at the distance what is that thing oh my gosh it's a skippity oh oh my goodness and it's so big too how can you do this to us run run run run oh my goodness stay away from me uh oh no I hope it doesn't see us run oh oh there's no way to YouTube oh my goodness quickly get inside get inside run run run oh my goodness look TV woman there's a little tunnel over here quickly hop down jump there definitely must be something in there okay that's up close what TV woman let's never do that again oh this hell is very mysterious but I think you're too tall for this it's okay I'll guard the entrance go inside and look for some good weapons thank you thank you I'll be right back all right is there anything here no okay uh oh wait I'm back in the tunnel I was in earlier hmm there has to be something else that's useful over here let's hop through it right here hello is anyone here that can help us this island is deserted except for all the skippies they're so scary hello is anyone here okay I'm safe for now but wait a second what's under this document over here oh a stick of this head real quick I think I found something really good oh what is this a fizzy gun oh my goodness this might be a very helpful weapon against the skippities let's go ahead and show TV Woman TV Woman TV woman I found something what is it what did you find I found a physics guide take a look oh wow that's really useful we can use it to attack the skivities yep exactly all right quickly let's go back upstairs and fight that skippity toilet we need to beat them immediately you betcha I think we can escape this curse island oh let's give it a toilet where are you understand there ever was oh yeah I will say hello to my little weapon right over here and I bet you I can fly with this too let's attack him charge oh no baby how are you flying because it's so unfair you know what it's hard to activate my legs oh my goodness look he's floating in the air baby you're the strongest ever let's throw him into the ocean all right come on come on let's do this [Music] not if I could do something about it come here quickly quickly we gotta take him down quick baby throw him in the ocean come on come on oh my goodness I think he's stuck baby Coda you have to go quickly the skippitys are gonna come I can't move him he's completely stuck you know what it's time to try my little rocket friend take this oh that really hurts come on come on this is no fair let's move it quick I think he's too strong we need to retreat for now the skippitys are gonna come oh my goodness take a look see people but I got him wow you're just too strong baby let's go all right goodbye Skippy toilet we're never gonna see you ever again I didn't do anything to deserve this yes you did goodbye doll I have fun being lost in the sea yeah we did a TV woman for the best team ever yeah we did it this is too good oh my goodness you're the best girlfriend ever if I do say so myself um I never said I was your girlfriend yes you are we're stuck on this island together so that makes you my girlfriend never hey come back here stop being so mean it's time for you to meet my real boyfriend wait a second is that Titan TV man yep and I've been trying to power him up I just need to feed him one baby ah stay away from me run I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get my real boyfriend again never I'm running away from you man this is not fair I helped you with this island and you're gonna betray me like that as your boyfriend oh you're the worst get back here baby I'm gonna give you some candy take this oh wait wrong weapon run your powers are too weak for me I'm gonna get you oh wait he was like crappy good let's try this again oh here's the new block come on come on I need to use you oh my goodness why is this thing so slow come on can I have a weapon oh my goodness you're shooting at me stop it oh oh my goodness did I take that TV movement yeah let's go oh yeah best dance I beat you yeah I'm the best baby ever okay that's how to dispose of this TV man he's too big for this island and I really need to find a way out of here honey boo reboot reboot reboot did I just hear that correctly ah wait you're still alive I added my extra batteries and I'm gonna use this to take you down ah stay away from me I'll hold your boyfriend hostage come on come on oh my goodness he's too heavy for this weapon help don't you dare ow ow ow quickly I gotta run away run I'm gonna use my TV weapons to hypnotize you oh my goodness don't look at her TV still look at her TVs do we oh come here baby oh my goodness why isn't this book working somebody help me please help baby get over here where are you oh no the boat completely crushed help oh my goodness the TV room is over there ah no I was looking at her screen somebody help I'm Gonna Make You Lost at Sea forever well my beautiful girlfriend's TVs I think our big hypnotized right now follow me baby you're under my control now and that's the end of the video If you guys enjoyed watching be sure to click on the video that's on the screen and find out if kodo survives the Titan TV man bye yeah let's go it's time to play some baseball with this beach ball I have three two one hi yeah oh my gosh it went so far and it's bouncing everywhere oh no it's gonna destroy the TV that was a close call baby why was there a weird note left at our door a weird note what does it say it says it was a love letter to CODA a love letter oh my gosh girlfriend s go I'm the best baby ever baby have you been having a girlfriend at school instead of studying how dare you hey don't throw that donut at me like that take this hi baby it's time to put you in detention you're just jealous cause I have a girlfriend ah hey let go of me I'm gonna make sure you never get one ever again you're gonna stay here forever alone you're the worst dad ever this is illegal you can't just here all by yourself I'm gonna make sure whoever has a crush on you never gets inside this house again my dad is the worst I need to find out who this sick secret fan of mine is that I could beat them in person hmm But I need the help of my best friend baby Kai let's see what we can do hmm let's see now how are we gonna break out of my room oh my goodness wait I forgot I have the secret teleporter right over here that my dad doesn't know about this is perfect let's just go ahead and shut the door come on teleport me three two one whoa take a look I'm in another world wait how do I get out of here oh Coda is that your voice yeah Kai it's me oh wait I just got out Kai where are you I need your help I'm hiding somewhere you're never gonna find me oh watch it learn I'm definitely gonna find you are you outside at least yeah I'm outside I'm somewhere in your front door somewhere near my front door boy do I have a surprise for you let's go ahead and hop in hello Kai where are you say hello to my little friend charge ah how did you find me so fast this isn't fair you were shaking the bush take a look at my new ride what on Earth is this thing whoa and I think I'm inside as well it's my dad's car that I stole because I need your help Kai ah Coda you're the worst driver oh my gosh I need to run back inside run oh my goodness Kai are you okay what on Earth was Dakota you're the worst driver ever I'm so sorry but anyways to the point Kai I got a secret love letter from a fan girl oh my gosh someone has a crush on you we need to go figure out who that is immediately right let's go inside quick quick quick oh I wonder who has a crush on you hopefully it's not someone weird like skippity toilet oh my gosh don't remind me of him he looks so creepy oh yeah let's see who could be my crush oh my goodness I really hope it's not that fangirl from preschool oh gosh that better be someone better than that but how do we find out who it is hmm let's see I wonder if we can find some answers in the kitchen let's go and let's bring this baseball bat just for safe measures come come let's go let's go hmm let's see could it be this chair over here nah a chair would have a crush on me that would be really weird Coda I think it's someone else I think so too is it the table nah that's also really weird oh wait a second Kai I have a little surprise for you oh gosh it better not be something weird again like your diarrhea it's something suspicious it's just this little base right over here oh gosh that thing looks really weird what is that take this yeah oh oh what was that that was so mean Coda I have no clue what that was but it was kind of funny seeing kids get thrown on you here you can have some rotten milk ew you're gross how could you do that to me take this you know what I regret the baseball bat and hit you huh you wouldn't dare come on come over here I need to get a home run you're never gonna get me I just got you to take this ah you hit my diaper that's so mean of you now your diarrhea has leaked all over your butt okay okay we need to Focus who on Earth has a crush on you we need to figure it out you're right you're right let's see let's go to the gym downstairs and figure it out whoa what is inside this place it's my dad's band cave slash gym and take a look I think this is why the fat girl has such a big crush on me look at how buff I am you're not that buff Coda oh wait your arms are bigger than mine you see I'm not buff well take this ah I just flew all over the room how did you do that cause I'm the buffest baby in the world take a look I'm guarding this 45 pound weight and I could throw it so easily yeah whoa wait it's time for me to get buff too hey hey hey I can't have a fangirl fangirling over two babies that's no fair everyone's gonna have a crush on me instead uh Kai you look a little stuck there oh holy this is too heavy oh gosh what is going on is this too heavy for me oh my gosh let me throw that set you three two one yeah uh Kai you're looking a little stuck someone who oh oh God that was a close one let's never do that again oh gosh and I'm not that buff this is so sad it's okay Kai quickly we gotta find my fan girl let's go through the secret portal I really wonder who has a crush on you it better be someone really good I think it will be because she left me such a nice note come on let's go let's go let's go whoa we're up in your room oh my goodness that's right my arsenal of diarrhea diapers take this Kai charge hi hi don't hit me with that that's the most disgusting thing I've ever had I'm gonna get you back ah I'm stuck in your diarrhea bin you're stuck now take this you hit the chair you're the worst and I'm Gonna Get You Where Are You Koda hi yeah all right stay away from me I don't want that poopy diaper yeah back here Dakota oh yeah I'm gonna have my little throw up gun take this ah oh my gosh everything's getting destroyed help ah Coda you're disgusting how does anyone have a crush on you because I'm the best above this baby ever oh yeah uh-huh let's do a little dance and now my dance is better look at mine of course it's not cause I have a fan girl and you don't hey maybe I'll convince that hey maybe I'll convince your fangirl to be my fangirl instead let's go oh no uh uh you know what I'm gonna find my fan girl first let's just go through the attic which you don't know how to get to let's go come on come on I need to talk to my friend Mr Taco all right get back here I'm coming right after you Mr Taco Mr Taco quick I need to find my fan girl foreign oh my goodness Mr Taco you're always so sleepy wake up huh what's going on studies quick I need to find my fan girl before Kai steals her from me what a fair girl I've never heard of such a thing well someone said they have a crush on Coda and we need to find out immediately someone has a crush on you but you're such an ugly baby hey how dare you I actually got a love letter unlike you Mr Taco fair enough would you guys like me to take you to this bag girl oh yes let's go let's go come on Kai have fun let's go let's go all right hold on tight here we go whoa wait Mr Taco you're going a little too fast where are you taking us oh don't worry about it it's right up here whoa wait we're going everywhere Mr Taco ah help us and here we are goodbye whoa and what is this place uh this is my dad's office oh wait this is our Bulldogs here maybe he'll know the answer hello Mr Bulldog someone has a crush on me do you know who it is and share a new dimension with the iPad whoa wait Kai did you hear that we have to enter our new dimension this is insane whoa let's go let's go but wait since they have a crush on you I think only you can enter oh no Kai I need my best friend though it's okay I'll make sure your dad doesn't get back and stop you oh thank you so much Kai you're the best friend ever all right Kai I'll see you on the other side thank you so much good luck Coda find out who your crush is all right let's hop it in three two one ah ah Whoa We where have I am I at a water park oh my goodness this is so cool I've always wanted to come to one of these oh wait what is that that this is hmm could that be my fan girl let's go ahead and beat her oh my goodness I'm so excited to be her she sounds so awesome hello bad girl is that you oh wait a second is this is this skippity TV woman ah Dakota I'm the one who has a crush on you you stay away from me Brad oh my gosh she's the most dangerous TV woman in the world stay away from me oh my goodness she has four TVs on her arms run go down the slide quick quick quick I'm fighting TV woman Titan TV woman oh no this is bad news all around quickly run so much swimming this is really exhausting ah she's right behind me run get back here no stay away from me this is the worst day ever oh my goodness where am I gonna run to oh wait I could just hide over here yeah she's never gonna see me buy these rocks over here where are you oh there she is I don't think she sees me okay I think I should be okay but oh my goodness she's so tall she's gonna find me hold up I can see you with my TV ah oh my goodness run she sees me oh my goodness this swimming is so exhausting help somebody help me please get back here baby oh my gosh quickly I gotta run run run run come on come on come on I made it to win I have a leg up on her please somebody help me come on I'm gonna do some Parkour oh okay oh where is she oh my gosh she's all the way over there quickly run let's go up these stairs I think I can get away from her here go go go go go go go go go go Titan TV will make your two top to run up here I'm coming oh no wait a second ah she's coming up the stairs run ah run get back here Coda I'm gonna be your girlfriend not in a billion years to the worst stay away from me let's hide behind this wall I think we should be okay oh my goodness I really hope she doesn't find me this is the worst day ever this water park is so big I think he might be hiding somewhere in here stay away from me quick I gotta go back up on those stairs run I'm gonna use my TV powers on you no you're not stay away from me run oh my gosh this is so exhausting somebody help me please why does this feel like an abandoned water park ah I just hit you with my TV power oh my goodness wait that was so deadly and we thought I gotta stay far away from her okay she doesn't see where I am right now did he go down this water slide oh wait she's going to the water slide without me that's so unfair I definitely like water slides more than she does oh she's the absolute worst let's see let's run over here oh good she doesn't see me going to that big kids room let's go let's go let's go I'm coming oh my goodness I don't have that much time I gotta find something quick wait a second what is this gun a gravity gun a TV woven I have a surprise for you I'm over here TV woman I'm at the very front entrance it's time for you to become another TV man oh we'll see about that hey TV will be look what I have what on Earth is that get away from me it's my secret Little Weapon take this oh I missed run you're just a weak little baby I'm gonna get you go you're not stay away from me run come on this is no fair I just saw tiny little baby you can't do this to me take this yeah oh I miss again come on I need to get her please take this I'm the most powerful TV woman there is I'm the Titan one I don't care if you're a Titan or a regular TV woman I'm never gonna date you ever take this oh oh wait I can barricade the door there's no way you can enter this room hey let me in let me in I'm only an evil TV woman there's no way I'm letting you in here this is My Sanctuary looks like I'm gonna have to use some other methods okay that's closer now this is the absu worst how could I get stuck in this situation like this okay I need to find the exit to this water park otherwise I'm screwed let's see oh wait is this the eggs right over here oh my goodness wait I see the city outside oh okay let's see I have a crow bread over here okay let's smack this window yeah uh oh wait it's not working let's see let's use this rocket launcher three two one yeah oh my goodness are you telling me that this window is rocket launcher proof this is the worst baby look who it is behind you oh no who's behind me ah run away ah come over here baby oh wait can you get over this wall you're stuck over there we'll see about that oh no I know you're gonna be stuck there forever oh I hopped over the wall run hey yeah ah that really hurt oh my gosh okay you know what I'm gonna have to use this rocket launcher on the TV woman don't you dare do that I have a crush on you I don't care you're ugly at me take this oh my goodness sweet she's Invincible this is no fair run I have the power of 100 TV woman's combined I'm the evil Titan TV woman Rod go up the stairs go up the stairs there has to be another way out of here come on go up the stairs go up the stairs go upstairs quick quick don't you dare go down the water slide oh wait that's just fun idea let's see she doesn't see me right now let's go on this one this is so fun oh my gosh this water slides so huge whoa she definitely doesn't see where I am whoa this water slides so fast whoa oh look behind you ah wait how are you behind me this is the absolute worst I'm coming okay uh I don't have any other options help let's see okay so you can't get out of this little island over here oh wait no she can help where are you I don't see you oh this is perfect I'm hiding in the rock this is the best you can't even see me where is Coda okay let's just go ahead and pull out my little RPG oh TV will be do you want to say hi to our little friend take this I did it okay let's take a look real quick let's see if she's actually down oh my gosh I took her down yeah let's go this is the best day ever all right let's have some real fun at this water park oh my goodness I'm gonna slide out of the biggest slide over here let's just go up the stairs oh man I really wish my best right baby Kai was here it would be way better than this ugly TV Titan woman it's time to reboot oh did I just hear that correctly oh wait her corpse is gone where is she oh my gosh wait she's alive again what is going on hello Kai where are you I need your help Coda where are you I recharged my batteries oh my gosh let's stick to these pets over here quickly run run run oh okay I think I'm safe for now Titan TV woman look up there's no way you can get me up here oh my gosh how did you get up there because I'm the best baby in the world oh yeah uh-huh I'm the best baby ever it's time to use some TV powers against you oh my goodness sweet how do you have a RPG was no fair I have all the power since I'm the Titan TV woman you'll stay away from me okay let's see where could I go where can I go somebody help me wait there's a stall over here this is perfect okay let's just open this up and we'll hide right in here oh okay I got to relax for a little bit now this is so scary okay let's open the door and see where she is oh wait okay I think she's gone this is perfect oh wait no there she is way over there hmm let's see there has to be something I could use ooh a pulse God this is gonna be the best laser gun on earth oh TV woman come over here where are you baby take a look at my little gun and you missed oh don't worry it's gonna hit you soon now you're stuck ah oh my goodness this is perfect like weapon teleported here out of this universe yeah let's go oh that was a safe one hmm okay I feel you little girls let's go ahead and take a shower oh my goodness you have got to be kidding me how is she over there rebooting rebooting Koda where are you oh my goodness wait she can't see me behind the walls over here okay let's just do a little roundabout okay she can't see me I see you oh you've got to be kidding me ah she's shooting projectiles let me run get back here never okay we have to do something quick I can't keep running forever I'm just a tiny little baby help is there a bait is red here please somebody help me oh shut all the doors quickly quickly all right it's time to block these doors with my bookshelf over here all right let's Place one over here ow that hurt me okay let's Let It lay down like that let's go ahead and close these doors over here close close quick quick all right let's go ahead and close this door right over here whoa wait what are that bookshelf launch like crazy come on come on come on I can't do this all day ah oh no the bookshelves hit me oh my gosh I respawned and I see her right over there hide hold on where are you oh my goodness there has to be a way I could get out of this oh what if I disguise myself as another skippity character this is the best idea ever okay let's see what's in my little wardrobe over here oh camera man let's do this all right I need to go ahead and use this rocket launcher all right three two one jump and perfect I'm cameraman now the TV woman will have anything against me hello TV woman whoa why is cameraman here I heard there's a ton of commotion outside and I decided to check in is everything okay why does it seem like you're hiding where Coda is this is a little suspicious Coda what's a coda I've never heard of makoda before Tristan cameraman what are you doing here again like I said there's a ton of commotion outside okay I guess I'll believe you where are you Coda oh if I get it I can't believe I got away with this this is perfect and she doesn't even suspect a thing this is perfect oh Titan TV woman perhaps I can help you find this Coda person oh that's perfect since you have a bunch of cameras I'm sure you'll find him in no time let's see where could he possibly be let me use my camera abilities real quick oh wait it looks like he's right next to us us but how is this possible right next to us what does that even mean it beats he's under us above us wait no this is what make it he says how can you be near us I'm so confused what's going on or perhaps am I Coda wait that's you in Disguise Coda how are you camera man cause I'm the fastest Geyser in the world take this ah oh my goodness is Titan TV women's right over because I surprised her with the surprise attack oh my goodness wait I think I did it yeah let's go oh let me get out of this costume real quick okay finally now I can have some fun at this water park let's go this is gonna be the best day ever yay let's go it's time to slide is the biggest water slide at this part let's go down the water slide this is the best water slide ever oh my gosh this is so much fun I really wish Kyle was here okay oh no not again how is she live I'm Never Gonna Let You Escape oh thanks for watching the video If you guys enjoyed watching be sure to click on the video that's on the screen and subscribe bye yeah let's go okay so finally play some Minecraft my dad has been so mean to me let's play on The X in a play box and my iPad right over here and I'm gonna play with the custom mod that has cameraman in it it's gonna be so fun and he's gonna be my dad in the game wait a second why is there no Wi-Fi oh my dad's the absolute worst oh I turned off your Wi-Fi baby see if you can play any Minecraft now you're the worst dad ever take this and I did no damage because I'm way too strong as you're dead well this is gonna do some damage to you Dad oh my word how dare you yeah home run I'm the most powerful baby in the world take I know that tasted so gross and stay away from me Dad you're the worst get back here baby you're never gonna see cameraman again I'm gonna be your dad forever no no no no no please let me grab some food I feel so gross ah you know what Dad I'm not very happy with you so take oh oh wait and I took your bath I have a little taste of your own medicine no no no no no stay away from me oh my gosh that really hurt you're the worst dad ever let go of me ah let's see where I can put you maybe I'll have you go take a swim outside hey no I just a little infant you expect me to swim ah help me support diapers help and now you're all stuck in the pool have fun baby you're never gonna see cameraman again my dad's the absolute worst trapping me out here when I'm just a little baby how could he do such a thing I have an idea it's hyper beating it adopted by cameraman and Camera woman this is gonna be the best day ever but wait I need the help of my best friend baby Kai oh baby Kai where are you Coda where are you and why do you have no Wi-Fi in the house I'm trying to play some Roblox my dad turned off the Wi-Fi because I wanted to play with cameraman on Minecraft wait but cameraman's the best why would he ban you for the I want to see cameraman too yeah I think it's because I want him to be my dad instead of by Evil Dead that keeps giving me expired Well your dad's the worst so maybe it's time for us to be adopted by cameraman family I really want to see camera woman too yeah you're right but wait where are you baby Kai I'm outside the house come get me okay okay oh my new car let's go ahead and give this a test drive ready go this car is so fast and it has something trips let's go ah oh my goodness I gotta be really careful about the steering let's go ahead and break through these doors hey yeah oh nice we made it through come on I need to say hi to my best friend baby Kai let's go let's go oh baby Kai where are you huh where is he baby Kai where are you you'll never find me huh why is there a shaking Bush oh wait I heard there's a rabid creature behind there all right it's time to wrap it in three two one charge oh hey how did you find me so fast oh were you the creepy creature behind the shaking Bush hey it's okay baby creature I'm your best friend Kai but hey Kai take a look it's my new ride oh yeah uh-huh the best ride ever hey you took the key out haha I'm gonna drive the car no you're not it's my car I'm the one that bought this with my own buddy oh gosh you seem like a bad driver though ah ah car crash that really hurt oh my goodness explosions left and right what's going on Kai uh baby Kai you're looking a little Burt are you okay there oh my goodness baby car are you okay oh my gosh what just happened the car exploded yep and there was another cartoon behind us it was crazy you're the worst driver Coda like you're already better but anyways we either find a plan to become adopted by cameraman and Camera woman we really can become camera babies we need to go inside quickly to find them yeah you're right wait a second isn't there a camera out here that we can take a look at oh where is it maybe it'll give us a clue as to where cameraman is let's see is the camera over here no I could have swore there was one out here huh I guess it's not on that side maybe it's over here hello cameraman hello camera little bit could you be our parents we know you're watching hello where are you we're about to join your family huh I guess there's no camera I guess we gotta go back inside the house Kai quick quick follow me to the basement yeah we need to break inside all right let's hop it in three two one I slid down the stairs be careful Kai ah I fell down as well oh wait a second what is this area wait I heard I heard this all right let's go ahead and use this one two three yeah let's go I said buff I'm the biggest baby ever hey Kai say hello to my little friend hiya ah I flew all the way to the back how are you so strong suddenly it's cause I did my weight training and now it's time for me to be extra fast as well three two one go go go go go go go yeah I'm about to get extra fast too come on that was really difficult okay yeah really strong well look at me I'm way stronger look at this 3 000 pound weight that's like two pounds Kai you're so weak okay yeah ow what was that for you know what look at this this is 8 000 pounds come over here Kai let me throw this at you holy that looks really happy don't you tear throw that at me hey Kai come here take this hey yeah hey how dare you I'm gonna tell on you and this is ten thousand pounds take that well that's pretty strong but I bet you're still not as strong as cameraman he's way stronger than you that is true and wait I don't see any cameras in here Kai we gotta go upstairs quick yeah we gotta go quick before your dad finds out run run ah that really hurt oh wait a second we're in the kitchen what on Earth is this place whoa it's a secret tunnel yep it's a secret tunnel to get us to the kitchen let's go nothing in here that we can use oh what is this hey baby hi take a look what I have yo that's a box of poop yeah you're all stinky now you know that's disgusting Coda wait were those cookies ow that really hurt wait Kaya take a look over there it's a camera whoa wait maybe that's connected to cameraman oh wait a second Kai I just realized we don't have an iPad near us we can't take the cameras maybe if I throw this water bottle on it it'll do something hey yeah hey gosh Kai look what you doing bro oh no I didn't mean to do that now we can't connect to cameraman you know what that's it take this yeah hey oh gosh I guess we have to find another place where the camera is then yeah you're right let's see is there one in the laundry room let's go double check but oh my goodness wait can I look at my skin it's so green what's going on ah whoa you're a baby Hulk oh okay that was a close one hey Kai take a look at this ah I'm flying oh look camera hello cameraman is that you I have a sacrifice it's baby Kyron over here hi don't throw me as a sacrifice look look cameraman it's Phoebe Kai he's all plump and fat It's a Wonderful cameraman oh my goodness wait is that you Caravan are you gonna be my dad well depends are how strong you are baby take a look at me I'm so buff I'm way before the my best friend baby cut ready take this don't do that to me at home see carriers look how buff I am now adopt me I'll probably just adopt the both of you make sure you go find the iPad and enter my world oh God did you hear that we gotta go get the iPad good luck babies from camera woman oh my gosh is that camera woman oh my gosh Kai we gotta go quick quick let's go to the garage let's see if there's another iPad there let's go let's go I can't wait to see them and oh my goodness Kai take a look right over there it's camera woman hi babies whoa It's camera woman I think she's testing us we need to do a good job to get to their world oh my goodness okay wait Kai quickly let's check the car and see if there's an iPad in there go go go go go go oh wait there's no iPad in here Kai my dad must have hit it in his office dang it your dad's the worst let's do some damage to his car this is gonna be the best destruction ever three two one oh did I miss uh oh okay I gotta be a little careful come on ah I'm on fire help me out is really hurts oh gosh you threw it in the wrong direction Coda okay left princess like that never happened okay quick we gotta throw another candle in it three two one hi yeah oh man why isn't the car catching on fire this is the worst oh gosh maybe your dad realized what we were doing he made it waterproof oh wait Kai just exploded the car whoa we're just way too strong even his car wasn't strong enough to waterproof the fire now wasn't that really cool to see camera a little bit you have to be impressed by her these Suds that's almost good enough you need to do some more do some more don't ask anymore come on let's go let's go let's do it let's show them that we're determined to be camera babies all right Kai let's go ahead and do a kitchen demolition charge your dad's gonna be so mad when he sees this yeah ow that really hurt yeah let's go Kai destroy the table charge and to make this easier I'm gonna grab the face baseball bat right over here let's go whoa the baseball bat's gonna destroy everything your dad's gonna be so mad exactly because he's the worst the worst dad of the world all right Kai you ready for some serious demolition charge hi yeah okay let's go you're about to go down kitchen hey yeah whoa this is insane all right let's go ahead and Destroy some furniture over here this little cup yeah Goodbye Says ugly hey you hit my diaper oops I'm so sorry at least you didn't have a poopy diaper unlike you hey hey hey we're in this together stop making fun of my diaper yeah and let's go I'm gonna Rush towards your dad's refrigerator I bet there's a bunch of nasty food in there oh wait let's go ahead and Destroy with the baseball bat hey hey hey stop throwing the food you missed take this home run you hit me all the way over here oh wait a second hey hi I have a little present for you yeah let's go poop diarrhea ah I'm flying all over the place oh my gosh Kai there's so much diary everywhere it's so gross Ah that's because of you not me nah it's cause of you let's be honest here oh hey Kai take a look rotten hot dogs take this oh that thing is disgusting I can't believe your dad eats that every day I know it right he's insane and I take this nasty hamburger here you go oh that thing must be like nine months old anyways quickly Kai we gotta get out of here and find my Dad's iPad go go go go go go go go to the secret portal come here let's go let's go I'm on my way all right I think if I'm correct there should be a little fan ah wait where are my beds through let's go oh Kai we made it that was a really close one that was really scary I was scared your dad was gonna find us hey Kai take a look what I have take this haha you missed I'm gonna throw it back at you no you're not cause I'm gonna grab another one come here ah don't throw the diaper at me you're nasty come here baby Kai you love the soul of I die first yo the nastiest baby ever I'm gonna throw this at You Ah that's really dangerous Kai yeah yeah oh man keep this in my shots come on last one you're never gonna get me oh yeah come here hey yeah yeah I hit you you oh the poop is disgusting I'm gonna hide inside this basket cause you're the worst uh Kai that's where my poop is from ah let me run oh my goodness Kai you're so dorky oh wait a tablet let's see if it works wait there's no Wi-Fi but that's the worst oh no we need to go turn the Wi-Fi on or else cameraman and Cameron woman won't be able to see us oh this is the worst day ever take this iPad you suck okay okay we need to find it quickly so we can enter the world yep come on quickly let's go through here oh wait a second hey Kai tickle what I have what is that that looks really suspicious it's the potion I've been making for the past year Ready set go ah you hit me that thing is disgusting look uh take a look at my barf potion oh it smells like broccoli yep because my dad fed me way too much broccoli recently anyways quickly let's go to my dad's bedroom go go go whoa what is this place I have no clue but take a look there's another cameraman wait is this an imposter I think that's a fake one because it's not saying anything to us oh my gosh wait Kai that means he's alerted by dad that we're here oh no we need to find cameraman and woman quickly never you guys will be stuck in this world forever and you will never have a camera man or camera woman as your parents oh my gosh Kai quickly we gotta go to my dad's office I think the router's in there go go go that thing is so scary we need to go inside run oh my gosh wait can I take a look it's Mr Bulldog oh no and he does not look very happy oh oh wait Kai I think he's just asleep oh wait he's just asleep not just his normal grumpy face he's never gonna see us oh my goodness sweet Kai it's the Wi-Fi quickly we gotta plug it in go go go and there's a tablet right here let's use this to enter the world babies I'm home my spy told me everything oh no Kai he's home quickly we gotta hop through the portal oh no we're not gonna make it in time I need to distract him you get inside quickly no okay please don't come with me it's okay go meet cameraman first I'm gonna distract your dad no oh my dad is absolutely the worst quickly we gotta hop into the world before my dad catches Us in three two one [Laughter] whoa wait am I in my bedroom again oh wait the iPad didn't work but I'm feeling kind of strange what's going on uh hello is anyone here huh this is so strange it looks exactly like my house oh my gosh wait it's my dad down there stay away from me ah what is that noise let me go upstairs I gotta close the door come on close wait oh no you're my dad my new dad Caravan oh hello baby I adopted you remember yes I do remember oh my goodness dad you're the best I'm so glad I could call you that now welcome to your new family baby so what are we gonna do today you're officially a camera baby so let's figure out how you can use your camera Powers come downstairs with me oh let's go let's go all right so what's the first thing we're gonna do dad well let's see if you're actually a true camera baby we're gonna test you see if you can put three cameras up here all right let's do this one two three uh oh wait they're all on top of my head oh no it seems like you're still a little baby you need to work on your powers but hey take a look I'm placing down all the cameras and look this was been following me wow you're a real camera man I'm so proud of you little baby this is the fast aren't I just way better than your real dad oh you are trust me on that and take a look at your new kitchen super clean without any rotten food oh my goodness sweet but I don't see any food here oh yeah cause cameras don't need to eat obviously we're cameras Oh you're right but I kind of feel hungry right now oh I guess we'll have to ask camerawoman to feed you some food wait is she here too I think she should be upstairs somewhere let's go take a look oh my goodness I'm so excited to be camera moving let's go let's go yeah it's your new mom but first you have to decide who's better cameraman or camera woman and you better say it carefully all right let's go let's go oh camera woman or should I say Bob where are you hello wife where are you we have our new baby oh wait look there she well I can't believe it I have a mom down it's camera woman say hi to the baby foreign oh that makes sense okay sorry Bob have a good night's rest listen camera woman just the best she is but honestly cameraman you're the better Dad that's what I thought I'm the best okay so what's the next activity dad hmm let's go take a look outside and see what the world is like over here uh Dad I think the door's locked uh oh I think we're not supposed to go outside let's just stay inside for today baby wait but why don't we go through the backyard come on let's go oh let's go take a look at your new world baby okay as I sleep for a week let's go this is so fun now that you're a camera baby you can swim much faster than a normal baby that's not true that's so fast look at me going Dad wow you're doing so good baby whoa look at me go oh wait is that a shed over there let's take a look what's inside oh let's see let's see oh it's just empty this is kind of weird uh yeah wait why is this so creepy dad uh oh I think we have a thief a thief where where I don't know but I had a bunch of cool stuff for you stored in here did you really oh my goodness whoever stole that is the worst yeah he stole your computer I was gonna give you a computer to play some Minecraft no I went that's a place of Minecraft Let's Take a look outside in the backyard I think the thief might still be there yeah let's do it okay Dad I have a really bad affiliate about this but I think we should check the front yard oh no let's go let's go but before we go make sure you arm yourself with some weapons baby you need to protect yourself so far I have a favorite that's the cameraman bazooka let's use this charge let's go let's go where is it wait it's a toilet bed over there oh no it's skippity toilet I hate that guy okay okay we have to be really calm about this Dippity toilets are super mean to cameramen we need to take him down you know what whatever charge go go go go go let's go this is the test of your true skills wait the rocket went straight through him oh no I think he's really strong we need to get in closer charge yeah I hit him but wait why is he still alive oh no I think he might be too strong let's try a few more shots oh no I'm on my last ammo Dad okay three two one charge oh wait Dad it did work oh no I think we need to run inside the house let's not get him Heroes spawn run this is so scary ah open open come on let's go let's go where's the door why is the door locked oh this is get inside oh okay that was a close one ah close all the doors oh my gosh I hope skibly toilet didn't get inside yet all right just in case I have my little crowbar right over here wait we need to check if camera when it's okay oh no I hope skibly toilet hasn't gone to her yet quickly let's go check it out here go go go go go go go oh wait I think I see something through the window dad oh no it better not be that toilet all right three two one oh no there he is oh no it's skippity toilet he's the worst guy on Earth let's take him down a little bit and you'll be without a camera woman you don't do anything to camera woman while she's sleeping charge take this oh my gosh why are my shots going through him oh no this is so strong we need something stronger you guys can't do anything let me use my crossbow oh Dad I don't think that's doing anything wait wait a second dad I think this weapon Works take a look whoa what is that baby you're the best let's take him down with it come over here Skippy toilet hey what are you boys doing how dare you that really hurts oh yeah well take this ow that really hurts why are you using the taser against me ow you're doing a good job camera baby you're the best take this ah I get paid I can't do this anymore yeah let's go he was taking down Dad we're the best team ever let's go we won the camera family wins take this yeah we won let's go that's the end of the video If you enjoyed watching be sure to click on the video that's on the screen and subscribe bye oh yeah I've been the best meal for my dad's surprise party let's go oh yeah uh-huh and what meal could that be baby it's coda's big bean surprise oh no not the baked beans I know you're gonna have some diarrhea and don't you dare do that I spent two weeks preparing for this party well too bad so sad I'm your awesome son here we go let's just spray it everywhere yeah let's go oh no my dinner party is filled with diarrhea I'm super mad at you baby that surprise sludge ever you know what I'm gonna give you a big time out how about that hey let go of me I didn't do anything wrong I'd hand the horrible Dad I'm done with this diarrhea baby you're the worst dad ever let go of me how dare you I'm Gonna Keep you stuck here how about that let go of me ah get off of me she you never baby you're gonna be stuck here while I enjoy dinner with my friends okay that's not very nice you can't leave me in here all alone oh yeah and about that you're gonna have a very special friend coming to you soon that I personally will give to you I'd be friends if I die this can't be good at all oh boy I'm so worried about this what's gonna happen to me all right now if my dad's not the smartest one here so it's gonna be super easy to just hop out of the bed here we go hmm okay and let's see it's a door unlocked come on come on light down lock the door okay we're just gonna have to go through the secret portal over here let's open up the event come on come on all right let's just throw this away over here yeah and we're gonna hop on here whoa okay let's try that one more time come on come on we're gonna hop through the portal wee ow that didn't work either okay hmm let's go ahead and try this we're gonna skip through the window all right let's go ahead and grab one of the blocks we're gonna check it right at the window in three two one yeah yeah that worked okay let's go ahead and hop on top of the drums let's hop on those windowsill and we're gonna dive off all right my dad doesn't keep the back door locked so let's go ahead and unlock it all right perfect and let's go to the front door oh I really hope it's BB Kai That's a special guest I really miss him it doesn't seem like anyone's at the front door what's going on ah what that doesn't sound like a real person hello knock knock [Music] uh are you my new friend that my dad invited oh I'll say more than a friend all right let's open the door ah wait who are you you're a stranger get back here I'm your new fan girl oh my gosh a fair girl I've heard of your kind before you guys are really scary I'm not scary I'm not scary let me grab my baseball bat stand back Coda don't be scared give me a kiss oh heck no stand back yeah get away from me oh away get away from me you're so disgusting you're not a bad girl of mine yes I am I'm a crazy fan girl stand back hey yeah come on stay away from me Hoda do you have a crush on me no I don't you're so nasty hiya hey don't do that oh yeah well stand back yeah stay away from me oh boy oh boy I gotta get the electric gun let's go let's go all right here we go stand back I have a taser not before I get you first not if I do first wow perfect run oh my gosh she's so scary stay away of course my dad wouldn't fight my fan girl over this is the worst I'm Gonna Catch You Oh no you're not stand back from me oh boy I gotta go through my secret portal over here go go go go go come on come on okay three two one come on chop chop chop chop chop whoa that was a close one I really hope she didn't follow me where are you oh okay she's still downstairs but at least I have a place to hide for a little bit oh let's see let's tell this guy at the little Earth over there hi yeah whoa It's a smoke bomb that's so cool and let's see over here oh there's a laser light this could be very helpful later on today a Christmas tree but it's not even Christmas yet but that's perfect for the baby if I want to Chopper up here all right and let's open up this little box over here oh that's the use one here oh and look there's a little cat hello Mr Taco it's nice to see you again oh Carter why she just leave me alone I hate it when you disturb me oh Dad says Mr Taco trust me there's way worse babies out there does what dusters right now God says I don't even see the baby where is it whoa oh no my fat girl just came oh my gosh that baby's horrifying come here oh yeah I have a secret weapon hiya ah help me this hurts my eyes step back you ugly baby oh my gosh quick Mr Taco we gotta run away ah okay sonny let's get out of here before you get creeped out by that little girl uh oh the door's locked oh you've got to be kidding me run I'm gonna get you give me a little kiss come back come here ew I've never given you a kiss in a million years run Mr Taco run give me a kiss right now you stay away from me you're the worst fat girl ever quickly Mr Taco get away from her all right Sonny let's get out of here oh wait I haven't been in this area for a while make sure you grab the key in the waste basket oh good idea Mr Taco you're so smart all right let's go ahead grab this key and let's go to the car run run oh boy oh boy okay here's my dad's card quickly let's get inside all right let's go ahead and it's the key and let's start the car come on oh gosh I gotta open up the garage door I really hope she doesn't come through uh come on come on yeah let's go the garage doors open yeah all right let's go ahead and hop in the driver's seat uh uh oh why isn't the car starting hello hello car why aren't you starting oh this is the worst come on Coda come here oh no not her what are you doing get out of my house I don't want you to be here you're an ugly baby what do you mean I'm the prettiest one oh no she's right behind me quick I gotta run ah oh wait my dad didn't fill up the gas for this car get back here Coda give me a little kiss ew stay away from me ah oh my goodness this is the worst outside the prettiest fan girl come here no you're the ugliest bad girl oh my goodness I gotta get out of here before this baby hurts me hey fan girl I have a little treat for you hey hey don't throw that don't throw that on me oh watch it learn yeah oh quick run that was a distraction I gotta get out of here before she gives me a kiss I'm coming Coda oh my goodness I really hope she doesn't know how to use a trampoline oh my gosh she's catching up I gotta quickly run over come on all right three two one chop chop chop chop chop one two oh gosh she's right there three whoa whoa that was a close one okay I don't think she knows how to use a trampoline so we should be okay and check out my new whip yeah let's go the best baby card in the market what is this a trampoline I'll use it oh no please don't tell me she knows how to use it I'm coming oh no oh no oh no this can't be good oh stay out of my backyard you creepy little psycho I'm coming very fast give me a kiss Coda right now never you're the worst fan girl ever I'm in the backyard stay away from me yeah she's too slow to catch up to my car oh wait why is she turning around oh wait no stay away from me ah I got you hey you miss me let's run over you again charge don't hit me your dad told me I could give you 20 kisses oh disgusting ah stay back I'm in the car hi Coda ah still ah get out of the car run oh my gosh I gotta use the secret weapon go go go go go go I'm Coming For You Ah perfect here's my dad's super cool car you just said a chance against me hello fat girl it's hard to get rid of her with my dad's super car ah help me not so fast get back over here I'm running away oh no you're not I'm gonna catch up to you with my super cool new car get over here you're never gonna get me hey look who's behind you I'm coming over I'm a faster baby no you're not I'll catch you up to you hi yeah oh you hit me in the rock stars wait did she teleport oh my gosh yes she escaped oh this is perfect it's high to Joy so nice lollipops and cookies in my Dad's Kitchen it yeah this is the best day ever I have the whole house to myself oh okay let's go ahead and relax after a very stressful day oh I really hope I never see her again ah wait I thought you disappeared what are you doing over here stay away I'm ready to give you the ultimate mega kiss stay away from me ah you're a disgusting baby get over here oh my gosh oh my gosh I gotta find my secret weapon in here stay away from me ew Dakota I know you have a crush on me no I don't you're a nasty baby stay away from me all right let's just say another table okay okay I think we lost her oh no wait she's right over there ah look we even have the same diapers we'll stay away from me oh my gosh sweet lollipops this is perfect let's go ahead and eat all of them oh no she took the other one over there run super speed oh my gosh okay let's see oh hello I have a knife you stay away from me take that oh okay I think that's what we're gonna put wait why does she have a baby Grabber in her hand this is a fan girl weapon I'm gonna get you Coda yeah ah get off of me oh this is disgusting stay off of me ow ow ow come on oh my gosh wait what's going on you're ready for a little kiss no never stay away ah all right it's time for me to give you a big juicy kiss never stayed away from me I'm never gonna have you kiss me oh gosh now what is that thing you're holding now say hello to my little spray friend oh my gosh we gotta get away from her quick ah okay we gotta go up come on come on come on oh my gosh this spray sucks where are you Koda jump jump run hey yeah oh okay I don't think she knows where I am one two three uh-oh Coda where are you oh god oh wait she's on the stairs three two one okay quick quickly we gotta go upstairs one two three okay we made it quick we gotta go to the port of my room I'm gonna bring the taser to taser you oh no oh no this can't be good stay away from me all right let's go to the door don't leave yet I have a little taser well say hello to my little portal friend I'm gonna disappear forever and you're never gonna see me ever again goodbye you ugly fat girl baby don't do that no yeah oh my gosh the portal really worked yeah let's go oh thank goodness I'm out of here that was such an annoying fan girl baby oh yay there's a TV over here I can watch let's just go ahead and relax wait why is there a baby cry like what's going on oh this is really strange I thought I was the only baby here oh my goodness you have got to be kidding me Coda I'm back yeah stay away from me hey yeah take that and take this you're a nasty little bear girl baby oh yeah I'm Gonna Be Your fangirl baby forever how about that look at me I'm all sad give me a kiss you know what you can just keep this and kiss that all right goodbye now oh okay oh that was a close foot in I'm kind of hungry let's see what can we make let's go ahead and open up this toaster right over here let's add some bread we're gonna have some nice little cheese what else ooh Some Tomatoes some pastrami over here oh this is gonna be tasty sandwich some ideas and some mushrooms last but not least let's go ahead and add a pickle and we're gonna add another so I said bread let's go ahead and pick a toasty oh this is gonna be so whoa why did it explode oh wait why is it telling me to feed the baby what's going on oh this is the worst oh wait there's a title of the fridge quickly let's go let's go oh okay uh here's the bottle of milk I guess oh wait why did the tunnel just shut itself oh gosh okay quick quick we gotta Escape oh it's it's so cold get me out of here that was a close one uh the kitchen's still on fire you're the worst baby ever at ew why are you giving me that nasty look give me a kiss now never you know what I'm taking you to the poopy station ew and you just farted you know what you can just stay outside goodbye how dare you I'm your favorite fan girl hey let's watch some TV this is perfect oh I bet you Kodak has Minecraft channel is going on right now this is the best content ever oh okay fine I guess I'll let you back in you're the worst and ew I hate your poopy diapers nasty give me a kiss never okay let's just grab your ugly little diaper oh my gosh why are you on the floor get on the changing mat oh my gosh I gave you a kiss ah baby bad girl stay away from me you're the worst baby ever oh my gosh why do you look so angry let's just shut the door oh okay that was a clip ah wait why are there testicles over here what is going on give me 10 kisses right now right get out of the apartment oh my gosh what is going on I will never let you leave this place okay okay quick and quick we gotta get through here oh my gosh what is going on this fat girl's insane Coda come back down oh my gosh why are you here okay quick we gotta break the glass grab the pacifier all right where is this ugly baby oh yeah baby you could eat this pacifier instead of kissing me no okay that was a close one what a nasty fangirl baby thinking she could get everything out of the what kind of a baby oh wait why are you awake hi Coda you thought you could Escape me what are you doing stay away from me you're the worst baby ever oh whoa wait why did the house get so dirty let me out help you're gonna be stuck here with your fan girl forever okay let's just grab you real quick get to bed you ugly baby all right let's just go ahead and grab this plushie and put it in the cot hurry hurry hurry oh do I have to read you a bedtime story why are you looking at me like that you're so gross read me a story right now Coda well I'm not gonna read it to you so I'm just gonna flip through the pages this book is so boring ew why are you why are you scribbling this book and why are you throwing oh my gosh wait what's going on I shall not you thought you could Escape me oh wait what on Earth is going on why is there another portal ah I will be your fangirl forever oh okay that was a really bad read ugh wait why is this apartment so disgusting hello is anyone here oh all the doors are locked oh look this door's open hello is anyone here okay a little strange why is it so disgusting in here hello uh hello why is it so quiet hello is anyone here let's see oh some food over here there's some eggs uh but this is really strange hello this is a really strange house but at least the fangirls in here let's just go ahead and leave goodbye all right let's just call this elevator wait a second why is it working hello is anyone here this is really strange huh why is it telling me to not go upstairs what could possibly be that that's so scary hello anyone home whoa wait what is going on hello oh this is so creepy wait why are your eyes over here fat girl I thought that was such a dream oh my goodness what's going on let's get out of here quickly oh perfect okay let's just call the elevator get out of here okay two one open open open come on come on we gotta get out of here quick oh wait why is there a teddy bear here do you think you can escape your fan girl of course I could oh let's just get out of here oh okay wait that was just another crazy dream I think we're okay now but wait why am I stuck in this elevator hello hello oh no wait why is the elevator failing ah what's going on oh my goodness this can't be the fan girl still what's going on follow the White Rabbit oh my gosh this is really scary hello this has to be the fair girl baby she's the absolute worst oh my goodness okay follow the white rabbits oh wait why did the door just come here Coda give me a little kiss no you are gonna give me that key right now oh hey get over here what what what huh get over here uh stop running away from you ugly baby where am I where'd you go oh there you are get over here you ugly baby you'll never get me you're just too slow come on come on uh you can't find me haha I found you get over here why does this baby keep running away where am I where am I hello Phoebe do you want a wonderful hey that's not very nice stop burning away from me get over here right now okay you know what we're just gonna investigate the apartment let's see there's some leftover food ew this looks really gross what is this apartment let's see we're gonna pick up the record is there a record player over here hello oh perfect let's go ahead and play the record right over here let's see musical gibberish let's go ahead and put on here not piano because like Ugh such a waste of time oh hello one oh wait hello baby give me the key ah you're so annoying oh oh wait why is she drawing the sheet music this is really creepy too oh wait what's going on okay I need to fight this musical note wherever it is hello is anyone here please give me the last piece of the music hello hello hello hello oh look a lost soul okay we got it hello oh where could this last musical note be this is so annoying hello is anyone in this neighborhood please help me oh my gosh wait here's the last piece of the music all right let's go ahead and put it down let's play the piano here we go Rockabye Baby on the cheetah oh wait hey there you are you ugly Fair girl I kind of like this song hey give me that key right now oh wait a second a switch hello ooh a secret title all right let's go in oh this is really creepy I really hope I get it out of this Fair girl nightmare hello oh no I went the wrong way this is horrible oh my gosh quick congratula lullaby ride okay we gotta get out of here quick let's play This Record and get out baby you're the worst first Todd to be like that okay let's go ahead and play the record I took the key from you I distracted you goodbye baby let's get out of here let's go let's go let's go right yeah let's go okay let's go on the elevator get out of here oh no the power is out hello you can't escape me I'm gonna give you a big fat juicy Kitty I don't want your kisses stay away from me oh the Dead the generator group let's go let's go oh no what's in this Locker oh so fuses it's perfect all right let's go ahead and insert the fuse one more one more come on come on oh wait a second why are there eyes up here what's going on no matter what happens Coda I'm gonna follow you forever forever and ever and ever and every everything I stay away [Music] thanks for watching the video If you enjoyed watching be sure to click on the video that's on the screen and subscribe bye yeah it's night time it's time for a sleepover and tonight's extra spooky I don't think you're getting any sleepovers here baby you're gonna be stuck here alone what are you talking about I've had a good little boy recently you've been a bad one because I'm gonna feed you this expired move that's so gross ah fruit otherwise hi oh okay that was a close one how dare you feed me expired milk Dad it's just too funny I love doing that but anyways I'm going on a trip so you better not invite anyone while I'm out of the house you better stay on your little baby crib okay bye have a nice trip I guess that's what I thought goodbye baby you better not be naughty when I get back or else some creepy monsters are gonna haunt you more monsters there's no such thing as monsters anyways it's time for an extra fun slumber party with baby Kai it's time to celebrate with a dance oh yeah uh-huh Let's Dance all right it's time to get BB Kai for this epic sleepover let's go oh baby Kai where are you uh something strange about that bush over there why is it shaking so much uh is there a monster behind there oh gosh I better get this Rock All Right three two one yeah ah don't scare me like that baby Kai that wasn't very nice I just wanted to pretend to be an evil monster to scare you okay that was a pretty good prank all right baby Kai my dad is gone on a trip it's time for an epic sleepover whoa and it's so dark outside look at the Moon over there wow it's so big and it's a full food extra spooky let's get inside quickly it's really dark I'm kind of scared all right you scaredy cat let's get back inside the house whoa and your dad's really gone yeah he's really gone dad you're the worst and I hate your expired milk wow we're gonna be home alone this is gonna be so fun let's go oh uh Kai did you just hear a knocking noise uh I did but there's no one that should be here uh let's check the front door again I don't think anyone should be knocking right now this is really strange hello is anyone there [Music] foreign oh that sounded really creepy I don't really know what that is uh yeah let's get back inside I heard from the neighbors that when you hear that noise it means there's a siren head outside a side head what on Earth is that oh trust me you don't want to know it's one of the scariest monsters in the world oh hopefully okay I think we should be safe for now anyways Kai are you ready for some epic cookies in the kitchen yeah let's go quickly we don't want that siren head stealing any of them oh don't worry this house is extra reinforced oh Kai do you see that up ahead what is that is that one of siren heads minions I have no idea but it's looking extra scary oh my goodness wait what is that this cupboard over here maybe it'll protect us oh my gosh she used to use it maybe it'll run away and maybe it's scared of it oh yeah all right here's my extra special vacuum take this uh Kai it doesn't seem to work oh gosh what do we do I have an idea Kai let me grab my baseball bat real quick oh gosh be careful maybe siren has a over there I don't think so this house is extra reinforced there's no way he's gonna get inside if we don't beat this siren head minion he's gonna tell us our head we're here oh don't worry he won't hey siren head Stop scaring us right now I got this baseball event and I'm not afraid to use it against you get away from my house oh gosh I hope that worked oh look Kai he's running away he easily got scared of my baseball bat see I told you it would work haha he's a stupid minion but wait what if he's telling siren head that we're here we need to run away quickly ah don't worry about it Kai anyways are you ready ready for what you need to be careful Coda it's super dark outside it's time for a kitchen destruction hi yeah let's go I guess we always have time for this let's go I'm gonna get some super speed oh my goodness you're ready so fast baby Kai I'm ready to destroy everything let's go go go go go go go we have the whole night to ourselves this is great your dad's gonna be so angry when he sees all of his stuff destroyed oh yes he is all right let's go to the fridge it's time to destroy all his rotten eggs ew all the food inside here is so stinky your dad's so disgusting I know right all right here we go three two one hi yeah and I destroyed all his eggs haha they're all broken that's hilarious and it's time for me to hit the cheeseburgers up top here yeah yeah cyberhead's gonna be scared of us now since we're the most naughty babies ever oh yes we are [Music] foreign did you just hear that oh gosh I think it came from the backyard run we need to get to a different room quickly oh my gosh wait we used to head into the garage let's go let's go let's go they're never gonna find us there siren head you better not come over here oh boy a really scary kind this isn't looking good whoa and it's the garage your dad left his car here I know right perfect for us cause we get to bang it with this baseball bat yeah let's cause some destruction so your dad can be mad all right I'm gonna go ahead drop this bat and we're gonna go ahead and do something really evil to his car time to throw some paint at it yeah let's go yeah ow I slipped on the paint that you just threw oh I slept on the paint you through all right you know what whoa you're sliding girl like crazy let's keep throwing paint your dad's gonna be so mad when he sees we've used all his colorful pain I know right oh yeah hey Kai take a look I have the poop paint hey yeah hey don't throw it at me you got so scared of the paint all right you know what time it is it's time to set the car on fire yeah I'm feeling a little cold from the rain we need to see something burn all right let's go ahead and give it a lot of gas right underneath and then we're gonna go and spread it around make sure we have a nice long line so that we don't get ourselves burned all right and then this side fits empty so we're gonna go ahead and throw a flame at it all right baby Kai are you ready we're gonna go ahead and toast this car let's go three two one oh my goodness it's getting extra toasted here but we can do better hi yeah uh oh wait why did it explode I'll add some finishing touches hey yeah whoa okay you did it congratulations we have a bonfire now whoa it's so warm but wait what if the siren head smells the fire and he's not gonna come especially since he's afraid of fire that's what I heard to the Legends oh I don't know about that I remember fire super loud what do you mean that there's no such thing as bad are being loud anyways let's sit by the campfire well it is so warm my face is getting all red look ah be careful Kai you're gonna get hurt oh I made it out safely uh Kai you gotta be more careful this is an open flame that's true that's true uh Ty did you just hear the siren head noise again oh I think I did it's coming from over here oh this is a good this is a good oh my gosh do you see him he's right over there oh my gosh that siren heads minion he's gonna tell us we're here let's run quickly oh my gosh quick go through this air duct right over here hey yeah go go go go go go oh I don't want to be captured by siren head run red red this is a good Kai this Iron Head knows where we are now because of his minion I hate evil monsters we need to run upstairs to run from them oh my gosh run quickly can't get into my bedroom it's extra safe in here the siren head definitely can't come in here oh gosh I hope so I'm really scared I'm about to pee in my diaper oh yeah well Kai we have some ammo that we can use against the siren head let's use my diarrhea diapers against them oh why are you rolling around in your diarrhea that's nasty hey well you know what you get to deserve this hey yeah ah that Miss but I'm gonna throw it at you ah yo girls all right you know what Revenge it's time for me to throw this one at you hey hey you're not we're gonna hit me I'm way too good for you no you're not come back here oh BB Kai stop ready you hit me oh that's disgusting I can see your poo everywhere uh wait Kai I just realized what what happened we wasted all of our ammunition oh my gosh this is all your fault because you started throwing it ah I'm sliding all over your poo yeah kind of what you deserve oh gosh now we have no defenses it's okay we can use my building blocks right over here oh building blocks I don't think siren head's gonna be scared of a stupid blog oh don't worry this would be extra effective against him hey yeah oh my goodness Kai stop we cigarette ever we don't have that many building blocks it's okay we have plenty look over here hey great now you're letting all the rain into my room how dare you Kai oh gosh do you think the siren head could hear us from here I think the siren head's gonna be able to get in with this broken window uh I think we need to move rooms then oh don't worry we'll be fine I think we should be okay uh pie did you just hear that oh I think I did it better not be his stupid minion again uh Kai look behind you why is the closet door moving oh the closet door's not moving for me I don't see anything uh should we check it I think we should I think you can check it I'm a little too scared oh Kai you're such a whip Kai the minions inside quickly throw your Billy bucket in charge ah so let's throw it you're done minion you're never gonna take us to siren head yeah um Kai that is absolutely nothing run ah let's run outside he's gonna chase us quickly quickly we gotta go inside the vet right over here push it push it push it oh gosh is he gonna see us oh no we better go quick otherwise see we're screwed whoa where did we just go uh we went into the basement but it's a little smoky I wonder why oh gosh maybe it's because siren heads in our house now or maybe it's because of the giant bonfire that up at the garage oh gosh it might be our fault that we set the car on fire now they know where we are I think we should be okay but ooh look Kai there's a little ball blaster in here oh maybe that'll be good against Iron Head or his minions let's try this on you yeah ah why are you hurting me that does so much damage I was just testing the ammunition it's not being such a party pooper I found a weapon let's use it on you what on Earth was that oh wait whoops let me pick it up again and use it on you ah my eyes oh my gosh I smell like poop ah stop it's a poop laser the strongest weapon ever you stop and stop it it hurts my eyes ah whoops maybe I used too much of it on you Caillou baby y'all poopy how dare you take this ah don't hit me with that don't hit me oh okay we can better find a way out of here I don't think we could stay up here much longer but how are we gonna get oh who's gonna take us out did somebody say get you out who said that huh is that the siren Dominion no you dumb dumb that's me Mr Taco the cat the cat where's the cat right behind you Kai it's sleeping whoa there's a cat in here all right you guys if you want to survive you guys better hop on my back oh boy Kai I don't know if this is gonna work who do you think we should do I think we should get on the cat we have no other option before the siren Hood comes quickly quickly get on then let's get out of here all right so this is gonna be a puppy ride whoa oh boy cat you better watch out he's in my room right now oh don't worry Sonny's gonna go to an extra secure location called the basement oh boy cat I hope you're right otherwise this is gonna be a very scary night oh gosh where is this place oh I think this is my dad's man cave thank you for getting us here Mr Taco no worries but first i'm gonna eat everything oh Mr Taco don't eat everything you're gonna get really sick oh yummy pool balls oh what is the cat doing he's eating all my dad's stuff stop it Mr Taco you're being a very bad cat nonsense I'm doing everything correctly yum yum yum yum oh boy Kai better hop off quick three two one oh that was such a close look Kai let's never ride out of the cat again oh gosh that cat was so creepy oh my gosh Kai take a look it's a muscle machine and look at the poster behind it it says oh my gosh Kai take a look at me I'm so buff the siren head's gonna send no chance against me you almost like us buff as a guy in the poster I do you're right oh my gosh Kai quickly get yourself some muscles before siren head coach oh gosh how do I do this I've never used this machine before in my life you better use it quick otherwise siren head's Gonna Get You uh yeah yeah well I think I'm buff look at me my arms are so strong yeah let's go BB Kai we're so strong I can curl these muscles easily look at this oh my goodness you're the most strongest baby in the world along with me the siren head's not gonna stand a chance against us nor his other evil monster minions yeah that side had such a weak wig [Music] oh Kai did you just hear that oh I think I did what was that I think it was the minion again should we check the Cellar Doors yeah let's be careful bring a weapon just in case oh boy I'm so scared you guys are so dead the side head's Gonna Get You not if we could defend ourselves first oh my gosh Kai do you see that up ahead oh my gosh I think it's coming aha let me point the laser on it stop yeah good job Kai take it down with your laser I'll use my ball Blaster yeah oh gosh this evil tree monster is gonna tell siren head we're here we need to run immediately quickly quickly all right we're gonna Escape in three two one hi yeah run run run let's go quickly is the bed right over here we don't have much time oh my gosh quickly quickly get in the bed we gotta get out of here yeah Ah that's so scary all right Kai get over to the fan over here we gotta go whoa oh whoa now we're inside the fence let's go here we go we oh that was a close one we're back in the bedroom again oh gosh where can we go next to hide from siren head uh thank Kai let's go into my dad's bedroom I think it's really safe in there oh yeah your dad must have something there to protect us oh boy but it looks extra destroyed especially with the bonfire we just said it's okay it'll provide some warmth we gotta do a little fire party in here yeah let's go I'm so warm from the rain oh baby Kai look what I have ketchup oh I don't like ketchup that looks disgusting eat some ketchup it's good for your health oh I just left on the ketchup aha ketchup's all over me help me this ketchup's so expired yeah oopsies I just show you one of my dad's security cam oh that's perfect that means we can get on his bed without him knowing let's go yeah let's open up all his drawers and see if there's any food for us oh my gosh this is a lemon soda yeah let's go drink it drink it oh my gosh Kai I just show this dresser Ah that's perfect your dad's gonna be so shocked when he gets in here I just did the perfect prank and he's gonna be so bad when he gets back home all right Kai let's see how much destruction oh my goodness he destroyed the bed I had a very fun time trampolating on it let me enjoy you we this is so fun your dad's gonna be so mad when he has to clean this all up for us well he has to because he's my dad and we're babies so we don't have to do anything oh my goodness can I take a look it's my dad's rotten hot dog ew I wouldn't eat that if I were you it looks really nasty you're right and oh my gosh this is spoiled hamburgers oh why does your dad always have expired food all right let's see is there anything in this I said that we could use uh Kai why are there a ton of peanuts in here uh I think you should eat some uh yeah let's just ignore this drawer let's see there's nothing in that tour and not to get this short but hey look there's a body spray over here take this ah it's making me choke that body spray is disgusting oh that was really fun look at me I'm dancing let me join you in that dance well my moves are so cool look at mine mine are way better [Music] uh Ty did you just hear that uh hear what I was too busy dancing can I take a look behind you ah he's here again you babies don't know what's coming to you what are you talking about stay away from us you rotten little babies are gonna beat siren head very soon oh gosh don't tell siren head we're here he's gonna destroy us it is my quest I must tell him where these two mean little babies are oh gosh Coda I think we have to run quickly before he tells him and you know what take this deodorant oh yeah oh gosh gee it is really hard hey yeah you're going down quickly Chiron we need to make it to your dad's office that's the last room go go go go go go go we don't have much time quickly get inside whoa this room is so weird I know right my dad's gave me computers all weird oh my goodness the tablet quick we gotta connect to the internet let's turn the Wi-Fi on let me you plug in the Wi-Fi real quick up quick get to the iPad we gotta transport out of here let's go let's go inside one of the game worlds maybe he won't catch us in there you're right okay three two one here we go oh wait what we're in Minecraft we teleported into your Dad's iPad and we're inside Minecraft now ew you look like an ugly baby ew hey stop hitting me oh my goodness at least I'm better than you you're peeing your pants nasty I'm not picking my pants where uh I see it right there hello this is disgusting who gave me this Minecraft skin it's because someone's so scared of the siren head how dare you I'm not scared hey hey stop hitting me we're best friends oh gosh but I really hope siren head didn't follow us into Minecraft there's no way he would know we're here right it's impossible it's not like the minion knows what's Minecraft is yeah I don't think he'll know where in Minecraft I think we're safe for now let's get to some High Ground I think we should see where we are this is a little spooky and it's night time oh my gosh Kai this is worse than I thought why is it starting to feel a little creepy we're stuck on an island [Music] uh Kai there's something Euros do you hear that oh gosh there's no way they followed us into Minecraft right I really hope that uh should we go back in the forest oh gosh I think so let's run right quick quick we gotta get out of here otherwise we're so screwed [Music] uh Kai wait a second was that behind us oh my gosh when did it get here let me run run oh my gosh it's so tall help me help me hit the siren heads in here oh my gosh look he killed all the Sheep over here oh gosh do you see a coda it looks so scary it is super scary I don't know how it found us the minion must have told him where we were this is really terrifying look how tall he is oh God I think it sees us we don't have any options but to fight Dakota oh boy all right let's charge it in three two one go go go siren head you're going down you're super weak go go go Kai let's take him down charge we can do it siren has just a little Noob monster yeah let's go oh my gosh look at the desired he's so weak oh no okay oh no this is a good I better take the outside and hit myself charge yeah you're going down siren head ah Koda and Kai were slayed by the siren head and unfortunately they were unable to defeat him will anyone be able to defeat siren head at this point we'll see in another video If you enjoyed this video be sure to click on the next one and subscribe
Channel: Koda's World
Views: 490,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whos your daddy, whos your daddy flood, baby floods the house, baby flood, baby floods the toilet, whos your daddy meme, funny game, pranks, family friendly, kid friendly, clean, no swearing, koda and kai, whos your daddy funny moments, baby pranks dad, whos your daddy gameplay, whos your daddy game, baby villain, baby escape, crazy fan girl, baby school, siren head, skibidi toilet, skibidi cameraman, skibidi speakerman, titan tv man, tv woman, tv woman love story
Id: EQhoePs48Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 33sec (7233 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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