Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

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what's the time Play Time s m i e every when you are down and out need and SMY m i [Music] every the wind's really scary I can't sleep hey we'll be okay guys I promise all winds blow away eventually catnap please help us go to sleep catnap we need it catnap please help us sleep sleep [Applause] sleep everyone knows Huggy wuggy and Poppy playtime but are your children safe from playtime codes latest toy what you've seen here is playtime CO's own smiling Critters a limited series cartoon meant to celebrate the release of the toys sharing its name yet both now face the fire sparked by the inclusion of one key member this is catnap and like the others of his line you just pull his little tail and seems innocent enough however parents across the country report their children experiencing strange and often violent nightmares and beside them their little grinning catnap doll now with controversy growing playtime Co has announced the recall of all catnap toys from The Smiling Critters line His Image cleared from all promotional material but damage already done will disappearing be that easy the exact cause of these incidents still unknown only one thing appears glaringly certain your children are not safe with catnap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for all right Miss Harper please explain the situation spare no detail well like any not all the children were getting sleep it was peaceful quiet catnap had the Red Smoke in the room then suddenly there is this scream not me happen I know but this I mean dilated pupils and quivering lips the way her eyes darted around the room and I swear her hand in mine it felt like her blood was boiling beneath her skin she saw something too something horrible she I'm sorry I don't mean to miss Harper we'll provide the very best care we can offer you have my word but this is important did Marie happen to describe what she saw Yes a monster she said said that it was colorless gosh I could feel a poor little heart pounding for her it was right there and her movements they were so wild arms flaing legs kicking hm uh I wanted to talk to her see how she's doing I I just I really need to hear a voice right now that would not be advised Miss Harper there are many concerns we must address at this time but vital show normal and we'll continue to monitor she'll be okay well pardon me if I'm not comforted by that just bring my little girl back to me I'm Bubba Bubba hey I remember you an elephant always remembers want to know what I remember about you [Music] hey hey can you hear me you look kind of lost I don't want you to die so I'm going to help you check this out look at the tube thing on the back wall ready booom you can use that battery to open the door whoa did you do that I guess that's where cat found you I know you're probably mad at poppy for not letting you escape but she needs you we need you you are our mission together we can save a lot of people including you play care is straight ahead it's the home of catnap one of the smiling Critters there used to be eight of them I think now it's just him play care is his church his hunting ground whatever he wants it to be you better get moving quickly we'll keep in touch oh and by the way my name is Ali nice to meet you h hey I'm kicken chicken want to go outside and hang out it's looking pretty bad outside I've never been outside before will you come with me I'm here follow me I'll step out [Applause] first for hello my name is Elliot lwig when you look around at the world today what one thing do you think it needs more of I asked around once money I never have enough understanding I can never get any faith the common man has lost it each answer was different and I could perhaps see some little truth in each but I think each was also missing something something simple you see not one of them could muster a smile a smile is Hope a smile is love a smile is understanding and there is nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile to be the spark that ignites all their hopes and dreams or it is only through hopes and dreams that we may create a better world one where our children need not be afraid one where they are protected after all this company and its toys are nothing without them these children deserve to smile they deserve to love and they deserve a safe home that is why it is with enormous pleasure that as the founder of playtime Co I announce play care our very own onsite orphanage but it's not only that it's a school a playhouse a place to belong our very own ecosystem beneath the surface dedicated in every inch and detail to ensure ing a child's smile it's teachers and counselors mothers and fathers until such a time they have all of that in you may play care bring joy inspiration and smiles to all who enter these doors for what gives life its meaning if not a smile it's me again Ali cool place right the kids used to live here now look at it anyways do you see that statue in the middle of the room take the stairs that go under it there's a really cool room in there that powers literally all of play care I can give you a key down there I'm Hoy Hopscotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me I'm Hoy Hopscotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me so you got the key now the question you're probably asking yourself is where does it go well head back out and you should find a door just to the left of the cable car you took down here welcome to the gas production Zone the Beating Heart of the whole evil play care system all that gas you see coming from the machine is made right here in the factory it's called the red smoke right now it's all headed off to the right we need to make that red smoke go left instead that's how we can get to him the machine will probably have a few dumb safeguards for you to work around but I think you can do it I'll call you once it's done [Music] w [Music] [Music] m yeah [Music] yeah [Music] oh no someone killed the power okay I sent you another key it's under the statue use it to get into home sweet home then once you're inside find the building's backup generator good luck for is for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] TR news this morning as of 9:45 a.m. local authorities report that the body of a young boy has been found on the estate of the late Elliot lwig an esteemed toy maker and originator of the Playtime company at this time an identity for the child awaits official confirmation found in an upstair bedroom in a large following recent events playtime Cole was asked for any comment regarding the discovery this is what they had to say quote it's sickening Elliot lwig was a great man and those who knew him understood that he was not capable of violence let alone what others now claim he had a deep love in his heart for children like this one making the actions of whoever planted this body all the more sick we look forward to clear this good name both in the public eye and in the eyes of the [Applause] law [Music] [Music] you need to run despite play time's proclamation of ludwick's Innocence many believe his [Applause] refusing be [Music] [Music] [Music] get yeah you got this [Music] man get up get up get up [Applause] w greetings employees and welcome to your first day here in playtime we're certain that in the days to come you'll find your new family here every bit bit as loving and supportive as your own feel free to wander the Halls sit in the mess for lunch or watch our children Play and Learn to their little hearts content join the Innovation ISS where the bounds of science are continuously pushed or join the counselors of play care whose diligence and care for our children will help shape a brighter future just you see now every one of you has your part in that future so should you come back tomorrow feeling unhappy for where you are or what you've done worry not for your supervisor is here and happy to listen and should you come back years later your conscience finally getting the better of you may you descend into the dark and the dust finding all that awaits you are incomprehensible Horrors each hung hungry for your return each eager that they might find you perhaps they'd smile at you from a shadow their smiling mouths full of teeth and meat and plastic watching and waiting patiently for their turn at a warm welcome or perhaps they won't allow you such time to figure your place in the world you'd left a world that it's theirs now welcome [Music] [Applause] home [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] he yeah subject is stable designated 1 3 22 clear neural abnormalities were detected in his recent checkup though highly irregular we've pulled him from the home suite home just before lights out to perform what are you doing with my friend I what are you doing out of bed how did you get in here is Kevin sick why did you take him away I I yes Kevin is very sick very very sick but we want to make him better but he can only get better if we take him to where we can provide proper care and give him proper rest well do you really you think you will be okay I should think so we're good at what we do son we paid attention in school learned and got our proper rest when we needed it just like you need it now I should think come now let's get you on back to bed okay it's been a pleasure meeting you Joseph and I promise you your friend will be all right when you see him again he'll have never been better [Music] for [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] h [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] for [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] I [Music] what yeah for [Music] [Music] no no let go they didn't do anything wrong we're actually here to help this place makes her tense I'm glad that olly could help you get this far he's the reason we found you at all looks like the train crash hurt us both you've been through so much you deserve an explanation come on hey you'll be okay we'll be okay listen I'm not your enemy but I can't just let you leave what's happening down here is bigger than all of us and I need you so we can get revenge on those monsters who've tortured you who've tortured us they didn't act alone they're Disciples of the original the Prototype do the [Music] honors prototype knows we're coming by now you try to escape he'll kill you before you ever reach that front door he's the reason I was trapped in that God awful case for so long you have no idea of the things he's done let me help you kill him let me help you save everyone we've all seen you how capable you are you killed Huggy you killed Mommy you freed me you are perfect for this catnap is coming he's the final obstacle the Prototype is placed against us we can't stay here keep yourself safe Oli will call you hey hey it's me again it seems like poppy explained everything now and she turned on the dome's backup power now the plan from here is pretty simple we need to restore power to the gas production Zone first go back to the home site home building you were just in you should be able to find a big power cord somewhere around the porch grab it and plug it in underneath the statue awesome look at that remember that generator you turned on inside of home sweet home well that was a backup generator for just that building and every building should have one now you've just taken home sweet home's backup power and routed it here we're already halfway done H but where to go next everywhere is pretty dangerous around here that Playhouse especially yuck so your best bet is probably the school catnap usually leaves that place alone sending you the key now okay make this quick turn on the generator leave and plug the school's power cord into the center be careful in there I I don't think I can connect to you on that side of the Dome and you won't be alone there's someone else in there too you're not yours this is Mr Delight speaking please excuse the interruption students remain in your seat until the Bell has rung and no going in the Halls without a home pass wait I recognize you yes I remember you used to work here how are you alive hm Barb oh Barb says you're looking for your coworker ERS catnap wouldn't like that you're here you should leave for your own [Applause] [Music] safety for is not a good listener are you you're a lot like the other humans in that way I wonder if your screams will sound like theirs [Music] too I look forward to finding [Applause] out did you know that there are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body for comparison the Earth around the equator is almost 25,000 miles the smallest bone in your body is the stapes in your ear still damage it and you risk losing your hearing want to learn more about human organs pay close attention in class [Music] is [Music] a [Music] St [Music] [Music] this a is [Music] a yes [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] a h [Music] a [Applause] what a I'm Hoy Hopscotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me on three with me one two three didn't get very far did we again one two three nope still didn't make it [Music] a stupid clucky elevator what was that reie nothing nothing let's just get this shipment dropped and go hello my name is Elliot L when you look around I take it you're not a fan of these plays are you nope never like the feel of it I mean don't you think these kids deserve some real sunlight instead of flood lights and painted Skies hell we're not even allowed to talk to these kids isn't that sorry Ste sorry that doesn't sound like the rich I know well trying to stop being so pissed off all the time my wife says I'm a lovely man but I got to control my temper so I'm doing it for her you're just different Rich honest to a fa but I always like that about you yeah but you're one of the few you know Rie with my retirement coming up um they've been pushing hard for me to choose my replacement I'm thinking about giving the role to you really really nothing official yet but I think there's a decent guy beneath all that graft and horest hardw workking man you prove me right I said your chances are pretty good wow I uh she I don't know what to say I I'm just glad to see not everyone in this place has it out for me not everybody rich not everybody [Music] [Music] for [Music] is [Music] hi I'm bobby bear hug want to know how much I love you I love you to the Moon and back oh [Music] for me a [Music] I [Music] [Music] you good [Music] yeah you you're papy's Angel come to save us nothing left to save not here Lord catnaps home Angel their home a million pairs of eyes are on you now watching waiting hungry they want nothing more than to CW beneath your skin and eat away at you bit by little bit fill what feels empty inside themselves that thing Catman the prototype is his God and this is what he does to Heretics these little toys follow catnap to avoid that very fate and in return they are fat we try to fight it the prototypes control I am the last of the spelling Critters listen to me you need to get out of this place you need to live you and probably could fix this and dispat this the torments oh no go leave me please just go [Applause] run go leave me please just go [Applause] run [Music] f do day says fetch go go as far as you can hey are you all right no ouchies or lost body parts I'm really glad you're okay I don't want to lose any more friends to this place hey did you see the shrine catnap made it for the Prototype see before catnap turned into catnap I guess there was some pretty serious accident he almost died but they say that the Prototype saved his life giving up his own freedom in the process in catnap size the Prototype is a superhero and has saved this place so catnap treats him like a god killing everyone that opposes him us included if we're not careful that Shrine did it scare you if you thought that was terrifying just wait until you see the real thing anyways we're really close to the end I sent you a new key you're going to the counselor's office instead it's not ideal but it should have enough juice if you can get that generator going and plug it in I think we'll be done and keep keep your eyes open for catnap every shadow and every flickering light is a hiding spot he always stalks his prey first he'll take away anything you have to defend yourself and when you're at your most vulnerable he'll kill you catnap lives for the hunt good luck talk soon be [Music] for see oh Mr and Mrs Hartman come on in please have a seat how was your right down it was uh nothing like we were expecting Mr lck's speech was well it just confirms for us that you're the orphanage we want to go through it's a truly magical place I felt right at home from the second I entered you opened that door the first time and you just know you're never going to leave kind of like finding a home as a child and always thinking of it when you want to feel comforted I understand you want to give Jeremy that home yes and we would like to adopt ah amazing you'll be perfect for oh what well it appears there's been some complications complications what kind of complications I I don't know um the form says testing what does that mean tell us what does that mean Miss graper we deserve a better explanation than that don't you think you're in charge of all this how could you not know and why are we only finding out about this now I I don't I'm [Music] sorry hi I'm a crafty corn can you help me with my my painting pass me the blue please thanks now can you give me some red [Music] he he [Music] a is a [Music] [Music] [Music] he for [Music] something for yeah yeah what [Music] [Music] find the flower find the flower this is in a place you come back from do you have any idea what you're [Music] doing do you know what's happened here do you know who we once were do you see why we have to end [Music] [Music] this do you even know what's real [Applause] no you don't [Applause] a leave play here or I'm coming for [Music] you something's gone wrong grab the cord from the counselor's office and plug it in underneath the statue we need to reach 100% good luck de [Music] okay that should be enough power now take that huge battery to the gas production Zone so we can get out of here it's the door by the cable car you arrived on good luck for yeah for yeah [Music] for he [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] a oh that's that's for [Music] he that for oh good you're here and you've done it again The Impossible just like I knew you would catnaps gone the red smoke is is diverted everything is falling into place thanks to you where to keep going then then you deserve to have the truth you came back because of your co-workers you want to know what happened and why this this is your answer we called it the hour of joy [Music] [Music] [Music] I remember hearing every moment of it it went on so long so agonizingly long they tried to hide to run anything to stay alive I remember their cries what's going on why is this happening what are those things senseless Slaughter that's all it really was they killed everyone the guilty the innocent didn't matter all that death didn't fix anything and then once it was all over they dragged those corpses down below where they'd never be found and they ate the bodies to stay alive prototype has to die for this for everything soon as we reach the bottom we'll send the lift back up just hold tight okay after you all right once we hit the ground we need to be cautious there's something what what she doing no no we're coming just hold on come on come on go faster [Music] [Music] KY [Music]
Channel: The Game Archivist
Views: 5,632,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, chapter 3, poppy playtime 3, poppy playtime chapter 3, catnap, full game, ending, puzzle, how, pillar, pylon, light, battery, boss, how to solve, how to beat, end, good ending, best ending, secret, tape, tapes, key, where
Id: mRfdY4AJRkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 9sec (7929 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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