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oh my gosh this is gonna be the best prank ever I'm gonna destroy my dad's x to the play box let's just go ahead and throw in the oven right over here yeah oh I missed hold on I gotta grab this quick before my dad comes back home come on come on come on yeah there we go I have to close the oven and we're gonna turn it on now my dad's exit the play box is gonna burn baby why is my house a mess uh uh oh it's just a funny little prank don't worry about it but hey look I made a new dish why do I smell something burning in the oven oh no let me go take a look ah it's my extendo play box I spent two thousand dollars on them and you can have a can of my bees here we go oh oh my gosh baby how dare you do this to me oh my gosh I'm gonna feed you some rotten mocha's Revenge no you're not goodbye I'm gonna hide from you get back here baby free baby get back here where are you oh good he can't see me quicker quicker I can get out of here okay let's just hop into my secret portal hey see you later dad baby you know I can't go inside there get out of there well I'll see you later Dad bye I'll get you and put you in timeout forever oh no you're not oh that was a real close one all right let's go through my secret portal to my bedroom that's quite the journey but hey look I'm in my bedroom this is perfect all right let's just go ahead and grab my sticky little diaper over here one more thing I need to double check is that the camera's down three two one yeah yeah let's go I just turned the camera with my dirty diaper now my dad can't spy on me all right let's go ahead and grab another diaper and let's head outside surprise ah stay away and I took the diaper and I'm gonna throw back a tune ah stay away from me he can't see me in here baby where were you I just saw you a second ago okay let's slowly roll the dated run run oh no I'm stuck help ah I found you you're such a new baby guess what I'm gonna ship you off to an Island an island please don't please don't I've been a good boy I'm gonna put you on the slip and die and teleport you to the ocean hey look all these still away have fun out there wait whoa where am I oh my goodness am I in the ocean hell somebody help oh my gosh am I both sinking help this is no fair for a baby I hope wait oh I see Sam blow me and wait there's an island behind me oh my goodness I'm saved yes let's go oh this island looks kind of spooky hello is anyone here let's see this supposed cup please suck it in the sand so this is not gonna help me escape uh let's see what if I clad this nope I'm too small for that okay let's climb this ah wait who are you oh my gosh this is skippity spy toilet stay away from me I heard of your kind I'm spying on you and I'm gonna tell everyone that you're on this island oh yeah well take this run I'm gonna go alert the others let's take down this baby ah stay away from me oh wait okay there's a secret little room here that's a close one oh look at a ladder all right oh okay Come On Let's Escape Let's Escape Let's Escape come on go go go go go go go okay we're safe for now oh my goodness well I lit I trapped on this is not good at all I need to find someone like TV woman to help me but where on Earth is she hello TV woman are you here oh my gosh no he's right over there again stay away from me skippity spy baby has been located time to attack baby oh yeah we'll take this where'd you go take this yeah oh that hurt I'm gonna get you no you're not ow that really hurt oh my gosh this Skippy spy told it's really strong stay away from me where are you I'm gonna get to you you're never gonna get a TV woman all right we'll take this hi yeah oh my gosh let's give these fights but it's really fast ah why is this baby so strong I'm gonna Retreat I got you oh okay that's a close one oh wait there might be something in this house over here quick quick let's explore hello is anyone here hello hmm let's see oh good there's no toilet here at least I'm not gonna be haunted by one of those again hello is anyone here gosh it's so quiet where is everyone hello oh look a ladder oh in a box let's see what's inside whoa a gravity gun what help is this gonna do for me gosh this is such a wasteful weapon oh wait never mind that is such a cool weapon let's try that again three two one oh my goodness dad know Skippy toilet's gonna be able to get me I'm the strongest baby in the world oh wait did I see something over there hello oh my goodness is that Scooby TV woman oh it's TV you're not TV woman stay away from you cream I'm gonna get you no you're not take this you will never go against the skippity toilets oh yeah we'll take this another Barrel oh I'm Gonna Get You Baby Let's Get Down from these stairs take this run ow we will destroy you baby the skippity toilet Army is coming oh my goodness why does he looks so creepy stay away from me you're ugly and disgusting where did you get that weapon stop it right now oh my gosh okay take this Cinder plug oh don't do that oh my goodness this guy's Invincible this is not fair oh let's grab that wheelbarrow right over there come on come on come on there we go you're so weak compared to me Skippy toilet stay away from me don't you dare throw that at me I'm the skippity commanders give me the commander blah blah blah like you're anything special take this about her I'm gonna go call for some reinforcements no you're not stay away from me take this oh why is this baby so annoying yay let's go I ordered off this off this Commander this is the best day ever okay let's just go ahead and explore this beach over here you know what this Island's not too bad I can relax on the water I'm really taking the sun oh this is not bad at all why do I hear a helicopter sound what's going on oh my goodness who are you I am the Scooby-Doo ity General I'm gonna take you down stay away from me run oh my goodness why is he so big this is so unfair stay away from me get back here you're gonna become my dinner you know you can't be eating babies for your dinner okay I gotta run this way run oh my goodness and he's shooting stuff at me take this hey yeah but it's zero damage oh my goodness this guy is way too strong take this this is explosive run hey yeah take this and take this boat right over here come on yeah you will never find TV woman wait a second oh my goodness you can't fit in here and bye get back here baby you can't get me Scooby Commander I will send my minions after you what video do you have Daddy against me because I'm the best baby ever oh yeah uh-huh do a little dance quickly quickly I gotta get out of here oh my goodness there's so many exits over here all right let's see Cloud the ladder over here oh my gosh quickly I gotta go up the spiral staircase over here come on I'm almost there this can't be too far go go go yeah and I made it to the top the safest place on this island this is the best day ever huh what a nice view such a perfect day and wait a second is that my crush right over there is that TV woman oh pal someone help me oh my goodness it's a damn so distress we gotta go downstairs quick go go go go go go all right come on is this the elevator oh yeah this elevator going down perfect oh can you go any faster please I gotta save my damn Soul distressed all right quickly we gotta go outside I'm coming my future wife Hold On Tight oh my goodness it is you TV woman look it's me your savior oh it's a little baby do you need my help what no you cried for help when I was on the tower over there oh but you look so small how can you help me because I'm the best baby in the world the strongest one and the mightiest oh finally I found a human that's not skippity they've been attacking me all day oh man that's terrible i've been attacked by a ton of skippity toilets it's been no fun we need to get out of here quick TV woman do you have any ideas I don't know we need to hide quickly I think the skippity toilets are coming right now all right so let's run away run quickly quickly we don't have much time I think the toilets are coming back oh no oh no I'm scared all right hop in this tunnel with me quickly oh no TV will be your too tall for this tunnel I'm a Titan TV woman this is way too small for me oh gosh okay follow me that over here oh no oh no I can hear them coming run run okay let's hop up this playground over here uh wait a second you're still too tall for this building too although I guess this is better than nothing okay let's hide here for now oh man it doesn't help that you have four giant TVs and you're so tall oh gosh hopefully I can use some of these Powers against them this is gonna be scary I really hope so I really need your help and we need to get off this island Pronto we need to find some power-ups and weapons first so we can take down the skivity Army hmm let's see where can we go for that do you know TV woman I think we need to explore more let's go over there to find weapons what do you mean that little house over there you really think there's gonna be something useful there yeah I think so let's go oh my goodness wait TV will be do you see that at the distance what is that thing oh my gosh it's a skimity oh oh my goodness and it's so big too how can you do this to us run run run run oh my goodness stay away from me uh oh no I hope it doesn't see us run oh there's no way you need to fight for oh my goodness quickly get inside get inside run run run oh my goodness look TV woman there's a little tunnel over here quickly hopped out jump there definitely must be something in there okay that's up close to a TV woman let's never do that again oh this hell is very mysterious but I think you're too tall for this it's okay I'll guard the entrance go inside and look for some good weapons thank you thank you I'll be right back all right is there anything here no okay uh oh wait I'm back in the tunnel I was in earlier hmm there has to be something else that's useful over here let's hop through it right here hello is anyone here that can help us oh this is deserted except for all the skippities they're so scary hello is anyone here okay I'm safe for now but wait a second what's under this document over here let's dig into this head real quick I think I found something really good ooh what is this a physics gun oh my goodness this might be a very helpful weapon against the skippities let's go ahead and show TV moving TV Woman TV woman I found on something what is it what did you find I found a physics guide take a look oh wow that's really useful we can use it to attack the skivities yep exactly all right quickly let's go back upstairs and fight that skippity toilet we need to beat them immediately you betcha and then we can escape this curse island oh skinny toilet where are you oh YouTube there ever was oh yeah I will say hello to my little weapon right over here and I bet you I can fly with this too let's attack him charge oh no baby how are you flying because it's so unfair you know what it's hard to activate my legs oh my goodness look he's floating in the air baby you're the strongest ever let's throw him into the ocean all right come on come on let's do this little physics not if I could do something about it come here YouTube attack oh no no quickly quickly we gotta take him down quick baby throw him in the ocean come on come on oh my goodness I think he's stuck baby Coda you have to go quickly the skippities are gonna come I can't move him he's completely stuck you know what it's time to try my little rocket friend take this oh that really hurts come on come on this is no fair let's move it quick I think he's too strong we need to retreat for now the skippitys are gonna come oh my goodness take a look see people but I got him wow you're just too strong baby let's go all right goodbye Scooby toilet we're never gonna see you ever again I didn't do anything to deserve this yes you did goodbye doll had a fun thing lost in the sea yeah we did a TV woman for the best team ever yeah we did it this is too good oh my goodness you're the best girlfriend ever if I do say so myself um I never said I was your girlfriend yes you are we're stuck on this island together so that makes you my girlfriend never hey come back here stop being so mean it's time for you to meet my real boyfriend wait a second is that Titan TV man yep and I've been trying to power him up I just need to feed him one baby ah stay away from me run I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get my real boyfriend again never I'm running away from you man this is no fair I helped you with this island and you're gonna betray me like that as your boyfriend oh you're the worst get back here baby I'm gonna give you some candy take this oh wait wrong weapon run your powers are too weak for me I'm gonna get you oh wait he was like crappy good let's try this again oh here's the block come on come on I need to use you oh my goodness why is this thing so slow come on can I have a boyfriend oh my goodness you're shooting at me stop it yeah oh my goodness did I take that TV movement yeah let's go oh yeah best dance I beat you yeah I'm the best baby ever okay that's how to disposal this TV man he's too big for the silent and I really need to find a way out of here honey boo reboot reboot reboot did I just hear that correctly ah wait you're still alive I added my extra batteries and I'm gonna use this to take you down ah stay away from me I'll hold your boyfriend hostage come on come on oh my goodness he's too heavy for this weapon help don't you dare ow ow ow quickly I gotta run away run I'm gonna use my TV weapons to hypnotize you oh my goodness don't look at her TV still look at her TVs do we oh come here baby oh my goodness why isn't this book working somebody help me please help baby get over here where are you oh no the boat completely crushed help oh my goodness the TV room is over there ah no I was looking at her screen somebody help I'm Gonna Make You Lost at Sea forever well my beautiful girlfriend's TVs I think our big hypnotized right now follow me baby you're under my control now and that's the end of the video If you guys enjoyed watching be sure to click on the video that's on the screen and find out if kodo survives the Titan TV man bye
Channel: Koda's World
Views: 227,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whos your daddy, whos your daddy flood, baby floods the house, baby flood, baby floods the toilet, funny game, pranks, family friendly, kid friendly, clean, no swearing, koda and kai, whos your daddy funny moments, baby pranks dad, whos your daddy gameplay, whos your daddy game, baby escape, crazy fan girl, siren head, skibidi toilet, skibidi cameraman, skibidi speakerman, titan tv man, tv woman, tv woman love story, stranded at sea, stuck on a raft, lost in ocean
Id: bD9PLr5ke7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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