Buying a $1000 Mystery Box!

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[Music] this is my time well hello there and welcome to a new video now listen happy October first of all unless you're watching this and it's not October then happy whatever month it is but please notice my beautiful Halloween decoration you see my Halloween decorations enough about that listen today's video is exciting and no there's no clickbait in this title i'm spending a thousand dollars today i don't even have that to spend on myself my refrigerator is empty look that's three weeks old not much better on this side I got this juice when I moved into my apartment that was three years ago sad onion I don't even know what that is awful empty heartbreaking I know but let me tell you how this video came to be my friend Shane and I had an idea to do a video called thousand dollar mystery box okay so here's the situation so I'm gonna give you thousand dollars and you have to go out and fill this box with a bunch of random crap and then I'm gonna open it tomorrow and have myself a Christmas wait a minute anything I want yeah that seems like a very very bad idea yes now I know what you might be thinking wait a minute Garrett how can you justify spending a thousand dollars on a mystery box I can't neither can Shane so we reached out to a company called quit told them what we wanted to do and they said we will sponsor your video so this is my first brand deal and it's just really cool when an app or a company gets behind youtubers like us it means a lot because it lets us keep on doing what we love which is making videos for you guys so let me tell you what quit is before we get into our spending $1,000 I can't believe I'm saying that sorry quit so is it really great app and it deals with something that is near and dear to my heart which is stickered and you can go into the app and you can browse around for stickers which you can then insert into your conversations when you're texting people and there's nothing they don't have they got Johnny Bravo they got Power Rangers I'm talking the cool nineties ones not the new ones they've got sticker packs from Adventure Time Marissa development Bob's Burgers clearance oh my god Clarence sticker pack if you don't know that show please watch it sorry I know this is Anna Clarence Brandel I'm just very excited about that but they got Powerpuff Girls are you kidding me come on and they even have marble sticker packs and yeah they have Black Widow in case you're asking and she kicks like this yeah but I'm sexier than that and better than that cuz I'm just a gross boy and if you go into the app and you go into their collab section which looks like this you can find sticker packs love you boy love me and not only that they got pictures of a whole squad hey I'm sorry but you saying the word squad it just doesn't work so maybe don't do it again okay cool I'm not gonna say the word squad again but they have pictures of my friends and my friends I mean Shane drew Rylan dunno Chito even though cheeto hates actually everybody also what's happening with my face here you so outside of me and my friends and a bunch of other cool youtubers you can send lots of stickers yeah that's right they've even got Breaking Bad stickers so now you can send your friends and family stickers of that guy who killed that little boy in episode 51 if that's what you want to do so thank you to quit now I can put some food in my refrigerator which is gonna be great so I can eat and live and keep on doing what I love which is making YouTube videos for you guys thank you the world for your support basically so all the information to get quit for yourself is not only in the pinned comment but it's also in the description so go check it out for yourselves alright we have a thousand dollars to spend now can't believe I'm saying that oh my god one of the places we're going as you hear around Halloween shop spooky things always oh my god okay so let's go buy and put together our thousand dollar mystery box for Shane and then we're gonna go give it to him oh and I'm very glad you're coming along so let's go oh [Music] my god look at this okay focus sorry I have thousand dollars in my pocket and I'm gonna do this right I'm gonna try to shop at local shops who need local support now my first stop is somewhere a little bit scary now listen to this there's a business here in Los Angeles that I've suspected as a drug cover-up the front operation apparently they sell cupcakes okay I literally never ever ever ever seen anyone in there I think it's a situation where they have like a basement where they're talking about murders and crimes and selling drugs and then there's a bail when someone's walked through the door and then I think like a big Russian guys gonna come out with tattoos and be like what could I show you you know and he won't even know about cupcakes you see the movies all the time it's like oh it's a sub shop but then in the back there there's you know putting friggin drugs and bags and stuff and then like the boss is in like the basement going like drug but like drug lords do I'm gonna bust them can you imagine me as an actual cop I can't hands up criminals get your hands off the drugs and put your cops at air hands in the cups I guarantee there's gonna be no one in here it always looks like this but it's open okay but it always looks closed they don't want people in there oh look look these are the donors of the bakery they're having a candid conversation about their operation I can't wait to sell so many drugs you and me both buddy and we've made billions just in one day from all the crime I can't believe our cupcake operation is so smooth no one suspects us all right let's get in there and see if they'll actually sell us some cupcakes look at that that's probably a crime car there's probably bodies in the back of it right oh yeah right daily special by three cupcakes get one free more like by three guns and get one friggin dead body for free just four of the crazy carrot cupcakes thank you so much okay it turns out it wasn't a drug front operation it turns out it was just a really sweet woman and she was excited about baking oh my god there's a Halloween crows in danger Halloween crown hello in crow okay he's gone oh you know what actually I don't when Shane opens this I don't know if he'll have eaten yet I probably should grab him a sub so I just got Shane this subway but it's a footlong so I'm just gonna take a bite there's enough for him it's just sharing okay I did eat half of it I ended up eating a lot of his half as well let's go get some coffee you can bet your little asses I'm gonna go ask to pet that dog you guys know I'm a transit boy well so far we have some subway and a coffee one coffee oh I got the cupcakes too oh that is wonderful but let's put it back so Shane doesn't get upset you know we're gonna go now we're gonna go to this on thirst store that I loves my favorite their store it's called a Jewish woman's Council and it's all the money goes to women in need so it's a great cause we could spend a pretty dime there and and and and feel good about ourselves oh look Judge Judy I'm literally just following a hot guy through a parking lot in my car like a actual creeps he even drives a hot guy car I Drive a Prius I feel like that makes sense [Music] the manual how to be a man what does this book even st. Paul SiC it tells girls how to behave taller girls were along their dresses that hug your legs a bit oh this is fun look presto puffs adult briefs we could put these on in the video and just piss our little pants uh you're coming with me well obviously we're getting her mm-hmm Aaron Carter to remember the good times oh I don't think he's seen this Trek excuse me I had no idea Dora went through a cowgirl phase I'm gonna by saying this disgusting wig also I just heard a guy singing in this thrift store it was so beautiful I'm gonna ask him if he'll sing for us what do you do your singer what's up yeah would you sing us a song like on camera please yeah oh what's goin on in that beautiful mind I'm on your magical mystery ride and I'm so dizzy don't know what hit me oh my god Elijah think where can they find your music this man Eli music class go follow him listen to that alright back to the [Music] I am devastated I offered her $500 for that little baby mask thing and she said no $500 she said she couldn't sell to me because it was one of the Halloween decorations just for the store Oh Shane would have been so disappointed by that purchase I just have a good question I have $1,000 to spend today on just whatever I want do you have any hot ideas can you take me to the most expensive oh okay looks like a good one to me wait what is it called tonight it takes two to play that could be for one why does that always have to be 224 dollars just to make your genitals slippery oh I forgot there's a Chipotle in there shopping center but I'm trying to be healthier so I shouldn't okay next we're gonna go to one of my favorite businesses in Los Angeles it's a year-round Halloween store you heard me correctly they never stop selling spooky things ever the one bad thing about them is they're insane about people filming in their stores so we'll have to do it on the down low I have to be quiet cuz they're gonna scream at me but look they have a whole book full of human dissections we need to speed this all this has got a vibe oh it's a book full of dead children let's get it oh my God look you dare me to stack these little mischief makers watch I will so didn't think I knew it they're too sweet I can't not get them these about the dad look at you ready they usually always yell at me for taking photos in here and no one's yelling at me and I was kind of wanting that for the video I thought it'd be fun you know what I'll do I'll yell at someone yeah I don't care what you do I don't even work here there are so many memes in here me when someone says they don't like Harry Potter that's me when I haven't eaten and when I haven't eaten in 12 minutes just imagine a little burrito right there I don't know this is some sort of when heat clingy when mom catches you getting in to do the cheez-its hey stranger you want to help me come up with an internet meme for this like when you you know um that's when I wake up on Monday and I remember I have depression oh my god you're good why does this look like me under bite and all come on look at these things weren't the trip alone look at that come on so I think the Halloween store was a success we didn't even get yelled at once oh my god I just got the most incredible idea do you guys know what singing telegrams are look I'll show you what a singing telegram is look at this scene from the movie clue we'll try not to shoot ours but that's what a singing telegram is so I'll have a singing telegram deliver the mystery box to Shane's place oh you have booked this Marilyn yes we got Marilyn Monroe I have no idea what this woman's gonna look like or how this is gonna go but Marilyn Monroe is gonna be at Shane's at 5 o'clock so we have to hurry and get to our last stop on the list which is Target Shane loves target so I have to go to Target we've already supported local business enough that a low eaton store was so expensive okay Marilyn Monroe is gonna be the Shane's place in 30 minutes and I still have to go to Target and do so Tim much you know what no before I go to Target you know what I'll do I'm on Magnolia Street right now and I'm about to pass a Taco Bell there's always like a ton of high school kids around this hour you know hanging out at Taco Bell cuz I guess that's what little boys and girls do nowadays I'm gonna go buy some minors some Taco Bell this might be illegal let's do it 24 tacos let's do like ten of those beef burritos oh and then a Mexican pizza as well like there's just a trillion tacos in their huge ass bag to talk about though I'm gonna find a homeless person I wanna see if you were doing some really crazy stuff by a tree they look a little dangerous let's do this take the bag please oh my god I have to buy a lot more stuff at Target I'm freaking out I'm sweating and I feel like I'm gonna die do you think this pumpkin is cute this little guy yeah it's fun for Halloween you know oh wait hang on here this is 50 bye I love you I don't know what happened I just wanted to ask her if she thought it was precious cuz I wanted to share the joy cuz I look at his face and it just brings me to life but she didn't speak English and she thought that I was trying to give it to her a night and I said no I wouldn't give I wouldn't give her that I like him too much and then and then I just thought oh just give her $50 you know hope that's okay I hope she doesn't think I was trying to be like you know being like you take out your your boobs are your ass you know for me I don't need her to do that I just wanted her to get her own pumpkin anyways we kind of get into target oh that's kind of cool they got like you know thick mannequins you guys I'm sorry do you think these are good flowers it's a thick mannequin revolution I love the honesty of this target cuz we're diet coke boys both of us really oh my god I literally can't find my car I'm gonna be like late and then the telegram woman's gonna get there and change I can understand what the hell is going on oh there it is okay all these well I went to Target I got I got sisters on blu-ray I got a GoPro for filming scary videos I got flowers you guys understand Marilyn could already be there singing to Shane about a mystery box it's not even put together yet oh god I hope fake Marilyn Monroe is in there yeah Shane's gonna freak out he'll not know what's happening no one's gonna know what's happening and all I've wasted two hundred and fifty dollars hurry movie gals I need to get to my monrell impersonator you're fine you're cool but move girls okay I'm at Shane's I think I beat the Marilyn Monroe singing telegram lady hey you know move out of the way Riley where Shane are you serious Marilyn Monroe is on her way Ryland what window she ain't getting here he's collabing way to get to you you have like a character coming as Marilyn oh yeah mystery Oreos half-eaten Subway sandwich pumpkin carving kids Ryland so we can just do that anyway see you are literally just like adding to your own family with this oh I made Marilyn's at the top of the drive I got my boy Brian here I got the mystery box ready to go wait oh my god okay so I got banded so we got the mystery box prepared and our wonderful wonderful man oh my god there he is I don't know it's okay come on come on come on that's it look that's all you get here okay look this was the journey of getting the contents of the thousand dollar mystery box but over on Shane channel you can see when we actually opened up the box and it got insane oh my god so I'll put the link to that video at the end of this video go check it out if you haven't already guys thank you so much for watching and by the way if you want to catch me between youtube uploads you can always find me on all the platforms Instagram snapchat Twitter right here at this handle so come say hello because I am very likely to say hello back because I love talking to you guys very very very much in fact I do a little thing in my videos too where at the end of my videos I ask you a question you respond in the comments below and then I choose my favorite responses and I feature them and I'm gonna be doing that right now because in my last video I became Pennywise the clown from it and I walked around Hollywood asking people out on dates and if you haven't seen that video I'll put the link to that at the end of this video as well but in the end of that video I asked you guys a very important question what is your favorite scary movie your answers were incredible let me read you a few of my favorites right now Emilie Muller said Teletubbies because Teletubbies yeah I get that one I don't know who created those but that person is crazy and was just looking to damage all of us hey all sunnyvale said what kind of drugs are you on dude a little drug that I like to call life okay buster Jake mill said final destination - yes it's so cool ASMR Gaming said you're gay which I asked her what your favorite scary movie was I haven't seen that one but it probably it sounds great LOL r.i.p said you look like my grandpa what that lobster shirt well you know what LOL r.i.p your grandpa must be very handsome and very cool Nicole Jensen said post every single week Nicole that is my goal I want to post every single week so bad and I promise you I will soon but its brand deals like quid that I did in this video that make that possible because people want to support me then that means that I can make a lot of youtube videos so thank you very much again to quit and that is a very important goal of mine Nicole I promise I'll get there you guys thank you so much for watching and the question for this week which I am very excited to hear your answers to and you better tell me in those comments below is what are you going to be for Halloween this year and if you're watching this after Halloween tell me what you were for Halloween this year 2017 Halloween costume I want to know your ideas if you want to talk them out comment below I'll talk them out I respond to more comments and I think any youtuber on YouTube I'm not kidding I love written comments so tell me what your gonna be for Halloween this year can't tell you that I want to be this year I'm gonna be a cowboy it's gonna be great I love western movies I love Cowboys and I want to be one that's why I'm growing this beard aren't you guys happy October happy Halloween and I'll see you in the next video and I can't wait to make another video for you and thank you so much for watching this and I don't know what I'm doing and bye [Music]
Channel: Garrett Watts
Views: 4,230,886
Rating: 4.9627299 out of 5
Keywords: Dollars, mystery box, ebay, challenge, Suprise, fun, Haloween, Spooky, 1000 Dollar, Shane Dawson, Ryland Adams, Ryland, Cheeto, Uno, haul, shopping, spending, spree
Id: 8SojRElADbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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