eBay For Beginners | How To Source Electronics at Goodwill!

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what's up crew welcome to another edition of sourcing whoo-hoo we did a Walmart video we did a Ross video both were extremely popular everyone wanted more videos like that so here we are we are going to hit goodwill our favorite stores because ighting today is specifically going to be sourcing for eBay I personally do not recommend sending anything to Amazon that does not have a legit invoice or receipt with it that is because Amazon sometimes likes to come after you and they're gonna ask for proof of purchase and if you have a goodwill receipt it's gonna say electronics yellow or clothing purple that's not gonna fly in Amazon if you have a higher risk tolerance you could totally get away with it tons of people do the chances of them coming after you or a used item is very slim but it's not something I'm willing to do so we're just gonna be sourcing for eBay today and bring you guys along show you exactly which categories we look for what our profit margins are looking for she's gonna be doing clothing cuz I do not know well they were kids at all so it's gonna be a fun day alright so unfortunately our Goodwill's in the Portland area we have a lot of them but they're pretty spread out so it's gonna be a long day we're gonna be puddle jumping day we're gonna what do you think like 20 minutes a store no I mean more like 40 minutes here's where it gets tough when you're sourcing is you have to if you're doing a lot of stores I'm looking if we do 10 stores on the high end yeah our goal is to do at least eight stores which we're good with but if we end up doing 10 stores 40 minute each I'd say quality over quantity let's do the let's do the math 400 minutes divided by sixty six point six hours drive time include our drive time would be probably another three to two three hours yeah lunch for an hour looks like a 10-hour day okay we'll see we'll play by your cuz some stores we're not gonna find anything like and I hope that's the number one thing people take out of this is you can watch youtube videos and Instagram profiles and all this kind of stuff and see all the wins that people post but keep in mind people usually post their highlight reels you're gonna see us just like in the other sourcing videos with Walmart and Ross every store we go to is not going to be a win that's totally fine so we might only spend ten minutes in the dud stores but if we find a good store yeah I mean we're just in we're at the coast at a really good one we spent like a whole hour in there we could have spent two hours if we had time I don't know toddler we do not have today Thank You grandpa thank you very much so this is our goodwill map area of kind of the general Portland area we're not going to hit every single one of them they're pretty spread out but we're gonna try to go to where the biggest condensed areas with these so aside from that we're just gonna basically bring you guys along show you our tips our tricks and our strategies and hopefully you can take something out of it so if that being said time to go get some gas head on out make some money the number one question people always have is where where do you go what are my specific category so I'm gonna show you guys my exact route that I personally go for it most Goodwill's are gonna be set up the same way so I usually go straight to the back to the electronics is my number one category so we're gonna go see what we got over here so I've learned over time there are other resellers so you have to play the role of not taking too much time just on one little section because you might miss something down here so usually what I do is as you get more experience you have an eye for certain types of items so what I do is I do a quick walkthrough of the entire wall and then I'm cherry-picking what I want to look that way I'm not starting just on this corner and doing my research on my phone and then I might miss something that's all the way down here so I just go through real quick cherry pick anything put it in my cart and then start to do my research so number one item to keep an eye out for definitely VHS players you can usually get these things you can see this one is five bucks so five to ten dollars on average for VHS especially if you get the VHS DVD combos those things are going to be sweet yes some goodwill is gonna be a lot more higher price I have paid upwards of thirty dollars for a combo out of a goodwill but it sold for over a hundred dollars so the higher your cost is gonna be on any item the higher the sell price is gonna need to be and I don't have a specific order of tips or advice I'm going to be giving so I'm just gonna throw a ton of stuff inside this video as I go along here so this one I've never seen one of these I've seen turntables but not this brand inside of this goodwill before so I'm just going to put up the eBay app here and type in the name which is stamped in and this one you can see right here T point 5 2 so T boy 5 to see what pops up so you can see brand-new we've got a $300 listing some accessories no I'm really not worried about what these are currently listed for I want to see what customers are actually paying so we're gonna go filter I want to see what is actually selling so one of these sold for fifty four plus twenty five shipping and another someone took the best offer but they had 63 shipping got 92 plus 20 shipping so safely I'd say we can get about sixty sixty to eighty dollars so now you have to look at how much does it cost well this one costs fifty bucks so there is definitely not enough wiggle room in that one all right next we will look up comps on this now the nice part about any electronic they are always gonna have some type of model number on them so they're pretty easy to look up it's not like clothing where you have to have an eye for brands and styles having a model number gives you the exact thing what we're looking for here is a model number now a lot of these different electronics especially VHS players they're gonna have the model number usually right under it or on the corner somewhere some of them don't have it but as we can see on this one no model number is visible on the front so every single one of these on the back panel will be where you can find all the information so we can see right here model number hr8500 56 you search keep in mind this was a $4.99 cost we can see these are what are currently listed but I want to see what the soles are so you can see 33 plus 45 shipping we have a 60 this one had a box 30 plus 40 we got a 60 so safely we can say we can sell this for at least 50 so here's how I actually do the math with eBay you have about 13% for fees you have your eBay fee your closing fee which is 10% and then you have PayPal which is 3% so total about 13 percent your fees so what I do is I take the sale price based on what I think we can safely sell for which is 50 times 0.87 again this is gonna deduct 13% of our fees that leaves us with 43 50 gross now I've shipped plenty of these before this is a very light unit I don't think this will cost me more than $15 to ship that leaves us with 28 50 minus our $5 by cost so we can make about a 20 350 profit and once you do find one that you want to get two things to check shake it cause you'd be amazed how many times there is crap inside of it and then test it by using one of these why I like goodwill I always have one of these outlets now you can only do so much testing in a store so power on so this does power on so as long as it powers on in a store that for me is good enough to be able to take home and then I do fully test it with a VHS and mess around all the buttons make sure everything does work so now keep in mind everyone has different thresholds on what their minimums are so I'm gonna spend five to possibly make a $20 net profit after fees and shipping my cost so for me to spend five bucks to make a $20 profit that's good in my book other people may have a minimum of making $30 over $40 per sale totally up to you to play around with it I recommend you start with lower margins in the beginning just to get your practice so you can learn how to actually create the listing how to take the photos how to create your title how to sell it how to ship it once you get more experience and then you can raise your standard on what your minimum is going to be if you are really wanting to get out there and source and learn how to do electronics then you literally will stand here and you are gonna do the exact same process for every single unit you see on here and here's where people are gonna start say well Chazz that's gonna take forever that's a lot of time is it worth the money I can make more at a regular job this is why most people quit guys I am able to come in here and find stuff and have an eye for it now because I have checked with comps or comparisons on eBay on literally thousands of items the more you do this the better you're going to get at it so in the beginning it is gonna be very time-consuming very repetitive very very tedious but you got to come in here check all the model numbers and you'll start to get an eye for which kind of things are gonna sell better and for how much and this is gonna carry over into things like garage sales where a stage sales which you may not feel comfortable pulling out your phone right in front of strangers and doing this so by getting in here and practicing the more you're going to be able to do this and practice with and learn from it you can walk into a garage sale and get an eye for the value of different types of DVD players VHS player stereo equipment all this stuff you can kind of eyeball and get a good value for all right so check this out standard fancy looking DVD player all you do guys like this is as simple as it needs to be model numbers right there Toshiba model number plug it in to your eBay app and you can see what these have been selling for so this has been selling in good condition for over $100 that one for 175 plus 22 shipping so I safely put this at least 125 but check this out 20 bucks so $20 cost this does not weigh much at all and it's got the instruction manual and the remote that's a huge bonus so I think it can actually sell that for closer like 130 140 if not a few bucks more all comes down to how quickly you want to flip it so a perfect example of yes it's a higher buy cost than the $5 one but it also sells for a lot more so I'm gonna be definitely getting this and here's another situation almost looks the exact same Toshiba SDK 1000 this one is $10 look up the comps and the new one is selling for 30 plus 24 shipping 5 plus 15 35 so you can see that it varies model by model so even though something might look the same because those do not look that much differently always always always just run the model number because you would be amazed of what you find sometimes all right so I want to point out this is not gonna be common so do not expect this to happen very often but I'm really happy when it does this is what makes thrifting so fun 7 bucks now I see we fit boards all the time but they're usually either out of the box or they are used picked up this box thinking this feels heavier than it normally is because this thing is actually factory sealed now anytime you find something you think might be factory sealed always look really close to the factory sticker because sometimes you'll see a secondary sticker underneath that has been cut and then they resealed it this one has not been tampered with at all and then of course you want to double check all the seams make sure nothing was open up from the side this thing checks out brand-spanking-new which i am pumped for just for curiosity's sake I already looked this up this sells for over $80 on the Amazon but again I'm not touching Amazon with anything from a goodwill even it doesn't sell for as much but it's still gonna be a nice flip so if I filter down to just the new one under condition and new I want to see what there are she's selling for so we can see 65 plus 17 shipping 48 plus 36 50 with free shipping so I'd say we can definitely do at least 60 to 65 minimum on this and again just to double check my numbers if I sell this for 65 times 0.87 to take my fees out that leaves me it's 56 gross again shipping estimates are just gonna come from experience you can always use a shipping estimator online see if you can just guess to me how much this is gonna weigh in the dimensions but I've shipped similar size and similar weight items like that before so I know that on the high end this is gonna cost me like 20 bucks to ship also depends if I go USPS or FedEx so these may 36 minus my $7 cost so I can make at least 29 profit on the minimum side now if my shipping is not 20 bucks and it actually is 10 that's gonna be the better so for step number one I am definitely happy okay and here's the reality of life I just got a phone call going to be six today he is not feeling good grandma just picked him up before we left the house and he are going to go home so just uh and unfortunately going to say bye-bye to the video bye guys but we'll go out to the car she'll drop some tips on clothing and I know tiny tiny bit about some clothing so I'll show you guys in another store but true so we all give you some tips and then we'll do a separate video specifically just what she can do another quick tip to get these IKEA bags so nice to have especially during garage sale season just throw everything in these so we will do a dedicated clothing video separate from this one so you guys get the full overview of live sourcing get this one but for now how do people source clothing when they go in there so our Goodwill's are a little different than I think most of the country and that they price our clothing really high here so I don't buy a lot of clothing from regular Goodwill's I actually go to the bins for most everything that I buy I do like to go to regular Goodwill's and sort through stuff but I will only pick up anything that I could make minimum of thirty dollars because most of like the sweaters are eight dollars here dresses are ten to twelve dollars so it takes a lot of capital to keep that moving and so the bins is a better solution for me but I will pick up higher end brands that will flip for a higher dollar amount in the regular Goodwill's and you just have to by trial and error go through brands right it's it's time consuming it's hard at first just start looking everything up if it looks or feels quality you look it up and you're gonna figure out what brands do well and I can give you a list of brands but they might not be doing well in six months you know I used to sell Eileen Fisher for a lot of money and now I don't sell it for as much so do your own homework do what works wet best for you we have a lot of Patagonia and Pendleton and kind of those outdoorsy brands that do well and at a higher dollar but maybe I don't know maybe Florida doesn't have those those brands because you guys are in warmer climates so learn your area learn what works best for you and just go for it as you can tell it doesn't matter what category you selling a lot of it just comes down to that trial and error get in there and practice that that is how you get experience yes watch the videos look at the Instagram accounts but don't get stuck in just research mode okay eventually you need to just put in the hours that it takes a practicing to the point where you can walk into a store and without using your phone much you can start to eyeball the value of different things sitting on the shelves but you this one is usually hit or miss some days are really really good some days are really really bad alright first find of store number two I love when I find stuff that just looks higher-end so this one definitely is a higher by cost and I would like it's 25 which is a little painful but here's the cops we're looking at now as I said the whole speaker set to go with it 250 which is awesome this one was definitely on the lower end but I'm looking at these two comps right here so I would probably price about 120 such as run the numbers real quick we sell this at 127 - our fees I would leave this at 104 - let's say this on the high-end one cost me 30 bucks to ship leaves a 74 - our cost of 25 so I would leave us with about a $49 net profit from a 25 dollar investment which I am definitely good with so I'm gonna pick this one so I'm gonna try to just throw a whole bunch of different types of products in this video so you guys can kind of an eyeball of what we look out for remotes would be another good thing to keep an eye out for they're usually pretty cheap and people buy these as replacements all the time especially when you get the name-brand stuff like Sony so luckily with the Soudan one they usually have the model number right on the bottom there there's a $3 buy cost six to nine dollar cell crisis and enough room for margin hey after checking all the rest of them those are all duds so there's stop number three it's pouring down rain so everyone who visits Oregon in the summer and you think wow it's so beautiful here just remember we got about eight months of this to make it beautiful alright so I'm at a crossroads where I am split because there's an equal amount of Goodwill's on the east and the west so now I have to determine which way I want to go because of timing I've got about three hours until I got to be home so this might actually turn into a two or a three part video because we have so many Goodwill's around here and I don't have physically enough time to get them all done today I think we might just continue doing goodwill sourcing videos so comment below if you would like to see more styles of these videos where we are actually going into stores bringing you along with us and showing you what we're finding here is the game plan I just got there with that super store location so I'm gonna head north I'm gonna have one two three I'm the outlet stay I'm gonna go to this one as well and end in Forest Grove and then I basically hit this road down on that to me though so as you guys can see we live in a small town called McMinnville so I've got quite a bit of driving when I go out and do my sourcing days so this is why I very rarely do I ever go out for just one or two stores I have to make it worth the trip so I usually hit a minimum of five stores and then go out sometimes it's goodwill day sometimes it's Walmart sometimes I'll hit one entire city and hit every different type of store I can all depends on time of year what types of products I'm focusing on sometimes Goodwill's or just duds and other stores like Walmart are killin it so I focused on just Walmart and their times Walmart sucks and target is where it's at so I kind of flip-flop and go based on what is gonna have the most high demand product so that's the plan for the rest today and in the next video I will plan on leaving the house a lot sooner and go bingo you can tell when they just put stuff out I'm gonna run comps on all of these special hopefully got some winners all right so here's an example of Houston weekend judgment call I personally like to buy products that I'm seeing or selling multiple times per there's one sold listing in the last 90 days for 60 bucks so you can take a shot at and probably make 20 or 30 dollars profit me I'm gonna pass on as long as I like to see things there so he consistently two winners these are the kinds of margins from before so these were all duds because their ever buy cost is 10 bucks but their average sell price for the most of these right here are only about 40 so I mean you can take a shot out of mike said if you're brand new and you just want to make like 10 15 bucks on the sale that's an easy way to do it I am learning to cherry-pick such as these per 20 he still even though they're slightly higher by cost you actually about your sale price which means higher profit so I'm spending 20 but these to range between eighty and a hundred sell price for use condition with no or no plus they're both just a really good shape as well come this brother printer which is a sweet deal that sells for $100 used only 120 bucks for it but that's gonna be personal buy another product to keep an eye out for simple portable CD players Sony Walkman de 225 bucks there are sold comps between 20 and 30 bucks on these and I sold plenty about 25 dollars easy way to turn 5 into 10 now at these very commenting I'm gonna look out for words make sure the corrosion is not gonna be super nasty under there this one's in a really good shape so sure bill turns 5 bucks into an easy 10 15 profit turn electronics I usually go down another aisle which you can always find sporting stuff is right next to here so this is usually the aisle which is like office supply so I usually will find all my toners hanging out in this aisle this is a dud for today just go ahead ready through all the other different aisles that I check so water bottles believe it or not people will buy used water bottles so you want to look for branded stuff especially like Starbucks and some of the heavier duty bpa-free ones just double check if they got any logos cold vintage stuff up here sometimes that's always some colors for and then next up I have been collecting baseball bats actually which I do not see any in this store now but also tennis rackets so there are model numbers on these rackets to go and check those as well myths footballs you can check the names on all of these and find some stuff you can flip out of the sports section too so we're a little Louisville Slugger right there little tiny little league one so there's gonna be model numbers on these just check comps on here course we are not in season yet but this is $7 to buy an average listed prices are in are between 20 and 205 so not enough margin on that guys some of these other brands are worth a lot more that's too cute with sporting equipment it's all based on seasons it's the time of year so in the offseason you can buy up this kind of stuff so cheap I was buying up a ton of higher-end baseball bats activatable turn $5 each that can retail reused for about eighty to a hundred the same thing with your tennis racquets you got to think at the time of year people playing these sports over the offseason you can get them a lot cheaper especially when you're going to estate sales garage sales and other residents too and then books of course is always a fantastic category to look at there's tons of YouTube videos by experts in sourcing books so these you can send in to FBA no problem education self-help religion reference those are great categories to start with on these so simply you open up the eBay app or the Amazon sellers up and just start scanning and just for me first time I kind of those those phases of types of products so like lately I've not been doing many books at all every now and then I start going in scanning books but for now I'm just gonna pass them some of the books and I know I'm leaving money on the table but my primary categories gonna be my electronics are number one for that eBay comes in I'm running number two is gonna be the office supply especially ink and toner over three is gonna be shoes which we'll head over right now we get the shoes and they're gonna be the same process unless you start to practice and get the experience where you can just eyeball stuff and just cherry-pick in the beginning you have to look up most of these to learn different style most we should know by now but if you don't give this in the beginner style of video your style codes thank you this right here please relay at four seven five is the style of the shoe - 400 is going to be the color with yes believe it or not people buy used and conditioned shoes are pretty simple to clean up make it more the better obviously the higher the price but their quality you want to make sure that they are so you go through each tag is gonna have its own here's Miller Nike you just go through start running those comps you're gonna have three box and then Vitas Skechers they all kind of have their own variation of the code but most of them are gonna be right on that tag but for closing has I have definitely mess tuned I am NOT great at clothing but I do know enough I'm usually just at the men's section especially when you start to find stuff like this cycling gear anything that sports specific these are usually good ones to look up and what you're gonna do for clothing because there's no model number most of time you're gonna look up the brand and then the style of clothing that it is the crazier the print usually the better the price I just pulled out a cool-looking Harley Davidson sweater out of our hometown goodwill a couple weeks back it's amazing what you can find when you're starting to dig through here you'll find some vintage Nike stuff which always does really well you'll find some jerseys sometimes there's all kinds of cool stuff so even if you don't know exactly what you're looking for just err swiping through the clothes and like I mentioned earlier is just practice so I'm definitely in my practicing phase with clothing right now another side tip too is every single Sunday they changed the color of the tags so every single article of clothing in here well not just clothing about any product in the entire store it's gonna have this little color right here so these are blues so if we come through here that's read so if you come in here and hunt down the purple tags that's gonna 50% off this week and then on Sunday we'll change to a different color us but not least that I check is going to be the glass case which every store has one typically gonna be a little bit higher dollar items not all the time though sometimes there's no rhyme or reason for what goes up there exactly but I've already gone through scanned everything couldn't find much so I gives you a basic layout of the store kind of my personal route that I do again there's so many different products and many different categories and that you can spend a half of a day if not all day inside of one store but now that you kind of see my routes I'm gonna repeat the same process and probably hit another four or five six stores we are after two stores and people always ask to like why do I buy the bigger stuff because I love the margins it's a little extra work because you have to custom box a lot of stuff bubble wrap with extra time but the margins to me make it worth it because I'm spending 10 15 20 dollars per item so my average sell price is between 70 and 80 dollars so for me that makes it worth it this is when you know you're getting closer to the planning area because the prices go up that's all a side tip is if you were in big cities trigger a venture comes to the smaller towns cuz we never seen prices like this go about the higher price stuff is you have to have a higher sell price so for me to spend 25 bucks I would need to sell this for at least ninety to a hundred for it to make sense so what I'm gonna do is keep a mental note that this store has some really good items because these are selling between 6070 s-someone one of these suppurating so what I can do is just remember that there's a bunch of this blue tag coming out so next time that it's Sunday I can check back to see what stores are being clear in style 50% so it's blue tag pops up I'll remember this store at some good stuff so this is what makes thrifting all worth it I just pulled this factory-sealed out of the bottom of this basket that just came out $7.99 everything is new on it at the end 960 PC there are no new condition ones that have sold there is one listing for 68 and I always double-check the Amazon price if I can't find much rank is not fantastic so it's gonna take a while to sell but I'm turning eight dollars into potentially 50 I'd say 40 to 50 so if I come in guys Allah says 68 but no sold so I'd come into like $49.99 a nice markup right there also great brand to keep an eye out for I only know this from watching Trista Sorrell and I looked up the exact model of these there look these guys up not a lot of comps to go by but a pair did sell for 100 bucks recently so you're gonna go based on that and they're only 20 bucks to buy little banners out homesick so have to get him something new with tags gecko flippers also scored this guy for 10 bucks comps were about 40 another category to keep an eye out for board games believe it or not people pay money for some of these especially if you get factory sealed ones I think the best one I did so far was early on about two two and a half years ago I actually found a factory sealed monopoly Beatles edition so keep an eye out for different monopoly Edition some of those do really well if anything that's factory sealed and then last is gonna be a retro stuff so you can fight board games in here from 1960s 1970s some of the older stuff is really well I will say a crappy part about board games you got a check for all the pieces but nice part is with eBay you can actually buy a board game and if you're missing any specific pieces someone is usually parting them out on eBay Singh it by that individual pieces or you can buy an older set that's worth some money and then you can part them out as well the five will make some money [Music] so it might just be time of day it's getting to be almost 6 o'clock p.m. and also maybe my location as well but stuff like duds prices got higher deeper I got in the Portland area definitely lots more people of the stores after about four o'clock everyone's getting off work a spoke too soon the Samsung 15 sells for about 60 to 65 which would leave about a 20 to 25 in net profit so this is definitely exciting I've been wanting to get a stand that would hold my bubble wrap so it's portable around the office and I was gonna buy one for like 150 bucks $7.99 and that's gonna work out fine alright so that unfortunately concludes today obviously with a little man getting sick on stop Juan had to go back home got a later start to the day then we would have liked but still got through six goodwills got a decent amount of stuff back there so what I'm going to do is go home tonight show with little men and the family get to the office tomorrow unload do the final numbers show you exactly how much we spent on everything and roughly about what we should be able to profit and welcome back to the office this is most of what you guys saw in the first part of the video and I saw the exact process it's not that hard you just go through cross-check the model numbers with eBay sold listings see what they're going for see what you can buy it for have enough wiggle room in your pricing we do free shipping so we have to keep in mind what the shipping cost is gonna be these smaller units like this that are usually smaller and lighter these usually cost on average for us shipping from Oregon using FedEx SmartPost or FedEx home delivery is about twenty to twenty-five dollars on average obviously if it's shipping just a few states over this will be closer to like fifteen to eighteen dollars but in general we try to factor in about twenty twenty-five dollars shipping on smaller stuff as we get down to the larger more heavier units these can be upwards of about thirty to thirty-five sometimes forty dollars shipping it way down to Florida or New York but in those cases of knowing that ahead of time I have to be able to sell this stuff for a lot higher of a price to overall have a better chance of an actual margin so if I'm gonna sell this guy for 100 bucks and I only paid 20 and I pay 30 dollars in shipping I just gotta make sure that ROI is gonna work for me does it work for everybody like I said I love doing this kind of stuff I think it's a type of market that a lot of people don't like because it is extra work and time that goes into it but for the margins I love doing this stuff now I will say this was all sourced inside of the day that you guys saw in the beginning of the video it's actually been two days since I sourced that stuff I did go out again yesterday and picked up a few more items using the exact same method so I'm gonna sit down and show you guys exactly what the total buy cost was for everything that you see here all right so for the sake of not making this video go on for another hour and individually breaking down each of these I'm just gonna give you what the total buy cost was and then what I'm going to do is on my eBay account when these are listed I'm going to use the custom SKU and I'm gonna tag each of these as a lot and when all of these sell through I'm going to make a detailed breakdown video of the actual results I can go through and show you screen shot by screen shot what I think all of these will sell for but it's all theory until the sale happens so I'm gonna make a separate results video so my total buy costs for all of this pile here including the stuff that's behind that was three hundred and ninety-seven dollars now with my sourcing method you guys saw that my average buy cause for a la this stuff was about twenty bucks my average sell price that I like to stick with is about eighty dollars now after my fees my shipping and my original buy cost is deducted bare absolute bare minimum I like to double my money but more times than other I'm actually seeing triple my money on a lot of this stuff so I'm just gonna say bare minimum if I have to drop all my prices to my rock-bottom I'm still gonna double my money on this those are types of margins I like to play around with this is not gonna be a business model for some people you need to do trial and error and find what works for you but for those of you interested in electronics this is how I personally do it I'm not saying it's the best way or the right way it's just the way that I like to do it and it works for me so far so that being said stay tuned for the results video of haul number one and this can easily turn into its own series where we do haul number two and three and four etc this pin number one thank you so much for tuning in that's been Chas from side hustle pros be sure to subscribe to the channel stay tuned for future videos by hitting that notification Bell button that will notify you every time that I go live which is every single week or when I post new videos like this have an awesome day I'll see you guys later
Channel: Side Hustle Network
Views: 209,933
Rating: 4.8564825 out of 5
Keywords: ebay for beginners, selling on ebay, selling electronics on ebay, selling used electronics, used electronics, how to sell on ebay, how to ship electronics on ebay, ebay shipping, retail arbitrage, how to find products at goodwill, how to source for ebay, sourcing at goodwill, ebay for beginners 2019, ebay course, how to make money online, how to build an online business, how to flip on ebay, ebay shipping for beginners, ebay tutorial, retail arbitrage for beginners
Id: LZS8lSlw_Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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