1000 BLADES vs 1 DUMMY! (Happy Room)

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yeah my main concern now is not the mace is dying it's the bouncers on the bottom that's that throw him around okay okay one of the bouncers is done there but we are so close are you serious it's happy room time the game in which we make our best friend zelie which for legal reasons i have to state that zelly is not a representation of any other people or persons it does look a lot like jelly doesn't it now the way we make zelly happy is by constantly unaliving him you get what i mean we'll have a bunch of challenges to complete which will earn us money and also unlock other things that we can use i don't know why i'm just talking we should get into it also like if you want to see more happy rooms so this is the laboratory at the top are our current challenges that we need to do we've unlocked a bunch of things and we've got six thousand dollars to spend so step one we're gonna tear off zelly's limb which is in acid right so we've got our acid shooters over here let's just kind of see how these things work so let's click play we're a little bit out of range let me try that again by putting a bouncer to bounce him over to the right okay so so now he's acid and then we need to chop the leg off right so hopefully that's just as simple as adding a couple of axes all right let's see how this works so bounce never mind didn't even get there all right let's try that again okay acid and uh chop the leg off nearly chop that leg okay not quite so one thing we can do is an upgrade so if we go under fire acid we can upgrade this there we go and then now we can add these things to the ceiling which should acid him straight away we'll place them on the bottom as well then we just need to add i don't know a couple of stakes maybe and some spinneys let's see what we've got okay so the acid but we've already been hitting the wrong direction put another couple spinnies up here i guess see how that works okay all right i think we've got something here we might be on to it take that leg off take a take a leg all right this is my current setup this is kind of what i'm working on this is definitely taking us quite a while to get this one we just need to take a limp wait i thought i have one for a second there wait wait which limb came off i think we got on yes our first challenge that took way too long three times in a row pierce the dummy with the same steak okay well this is a steak couldn't i just like do that and then do that and then just do that well that wasn't hard toss the dummy on three meters using only steaks how would that work did we just put a bunch of stakes around all right let's see how this works i just put a bunch of stakes everywhere okay so yeah so the meter's going up but i don't quite know how that would throw him wait i think i've got an idea so i'm pretty sure yeah these things can be put on a on a wall so if we can put one on the top right hand corner and then somehow basically just jump the dummy up into it that should throw it ready and [Music] oh well that's not working how i expected well i think this is definitely our tactic is covering the side with spikes and then i've just got to make him travel we use rollers if these sort of just travel him towards the spikes i gotta turn all these around like so okay that's oh here we go okay and then will the spikes make him go up one two three okay this is kind of doing it is this gonna make it though oh we did it yay that was a weird one paul zelly wow it's did we just keep this going or when do we stop okay uh you know what that's enough deal 2000 damage with a mace to a mummy well how much is 2 000 damage oh that's quite a lot could we just just do loads of maces you know go crazy and then put a bunch of bouncy things on the floor or does it have to be one single one because that seems unlikely yeah i mean we've done barely any damage and the middle ones are already pretty much broken we might have to do some upgrades so what upgrades are available for the the mace more spikes so it's just more ammo i guess so i think what we do is we just alternate these so everyone is pointing in a different direction and then we put the the maces didn't realize we only had a certain amount to work with here okay so now we just need to do two thousand damage i i feel like this cop this isn't gonna work but i guess we'll see now we just have to sit here and wait like this is not enough maces to do this much damage surely well we're about quarter of the way in we haven't destroyed any of the maces yet which is good we're over halfway now i really don't know if we're going to get this one or not oh that was right on the head that looks painful yeah my main concern now is not the mace is dying it's the bouncers on the bottom that's that throw him around okay okay one of the bouncers is done there but we are so close are you serious so we're definitely in a better place than last time but oh that's about to gone oh no we're in a good place i think we've got this one guys if something would have to go seriously wrong yay we did it okay 10 seconds and zero gravity okay so we did unlock these sort of gravity things i don't really get should we just try and see what happens i mean i don't get it sure we just put a bunch of these and it will just do it right oh wait we just got another one i didn't even notice oh oh oh we got it okay we just got two challenges in one that's great bombs jumped 200 times is that just a case of putting mines down or what i don't really get that one bombs jumped yeah that's not it these are mines i wonder if it's something to do with grenade throwers and then what bounces or something i just want to test this oh it's got to bounce over them interesting now he's just getting wrecked it's still going up though oh the bombs themselves have to jump not him we could only get this oh we did get it oh i thought zelly had to jump over the bombs or something three grenades ricochet off axe and hit dummy so let's get our axe out here i mean should we just put a bunch of axes down and then put a grenade launcher down i mean i don't really get what else we would do big grenade launchers and then put a bunch of bounces to keep them in the right place and then there we go oh that's not a great start all right now we're talking so grenades activated uh they're not hitting the dummy nearly no there's there's one there's i thought that was two oh we got it okay ten monsters in zero gravity i mean sounds pretty easy to me and then monsters well we got that super quick okay keep 10 monsters in zero gravity for 30 seconds that sounds a little bit more difficult do we just put like zero gravity things up here as well i mean uh i don't know how we would do that for 30 seconds that sounds kind of crazy to me okay maybe we won't focus on that one right now 10 seconds dealing laser damage while the dummy is in the air okay we can do that one where's our laser gun oh the laser one we haven't actually unlocked yet okay this white this white line yellow line over here we need to do a lot more damage apparently although the crossbows have always been pretty good with damage all right okay not bad i don't know if we're gonna have enough uh ammo for this one actually we're halfway but we nearly run out of ammo we're gonna need a we need more than this for sure we're probably gonna have to like set him on fire as well probably okay let's try this so let's use some of these middle slots for some of the the effects so we've got the fire gun the acid gun we'll put some of these ice guns around uh well i mean what else can we do here we should change these ones to be sort of bouncing inwards put some monsters in there we go all right let's see where we can get with this oh all the arrows missed because they iced okay that's not a good sign we might need some like sharp weapons as well for this wow this is getting chaotic uh he's on fire now and we've run out of crossbows and we didn't get much further we also got this tesla thing i actually don't know what it does we can put a couple of zero gravity one zero gravity thing down all right uh okay can't tell if this is going well or not uh i mean a lot's happening i'll tell you that we could probably put some explosives in here actually switch out some of the crossbows for them like that might be effective don't think we've got enough damage still i don't think the the monsters are going to do anything with this he's definitely seen better day so i'll tell you that yeah okay that's cooked all right let's see where we get with this oh look at that damage okay that was beautiful okay let's see oh yeah that spike in the middle is something else oh that is good i think we've got this we haven't got this are you kidding me oh we got it we were so close we didn't get our laser though i don't know how we're supposed to get that yeah we got those is that going to get delayed oh we got it we got the laser okay so let's check out our new weapon the laser weapon okay the ultimate test is just cover the entire wall and bounce it towards there okay there we go and all right there we go so bounce up lasers oh wow okay we need 12 of these though apparently yeah we've got we're getting the 10 seconds laser challenge thing but we're gonna need more than that let's upgrade them so that we can put them on the roof i think that's a good step okay okay well i don't know we're not getting the dummy flies through 12 oh are these not mini lasers okay but we can get the the are you serious we nearly got the 10 seconds one okay i think if we did that again we'd get that one at least come on zelly don't do me don't do me come on i think it's because they're getting used up too quick we need lasers in other places i guess more lasers i hear you guys i hear you guys okay we're just gonna put them all around i mean why not we've got the money for it okay i mean actually we could we don't have to even do the left ones we can just do the upwards bounces although we might be able to ah this one isn't they're not gonna go to the right are they oh we got it keep ten monsters in zero gravity we need to do that one next i just don't really get how i feel like just placing a bunch of these like can't be the answer it doesn't really make sense does it right let's put the jumpers in like so i don't want to put too many down actually okay and then we'll let you just fill the rest of the zero gravity things okay so if they hit the ground does that does that fail no it doesn't so can we keep this going for 30 seconds that's the real question here those gravity things are not lasting it's gonna be game over i mean we definitely don't want them too close to the bottom because they bounce right all right well honestly i'm just gonna keep clicking play until something happens because we're getting so close to the 30 second mark nearly there don't fail me now hey we did it all right burn a dummy down in the water then freeze him in another one okay so basically we need to get high damage so that we can upgrade the things to complete these challenges pretty much i'm just gonna kind of go a little bit crazy um we're just gonna put down a bunch of different things first of all we're gonna very nicely place our bounce pads and then now for our weapons i mean i do our axes any good we'll see you know we'll put a couple of stakes down up in the ceiling and then weapons we do want to keep you know fire going at all times we need to get acid in there as well actually we will use the top for that stuff a couple of ice guns there some lasers on the side oh we're out of money already we want some explosives grenade thrower okay we can put a couple of these in there okay this is looking very bare for what i wanted i don't think we're going to do a ton of damage with this i need to know what does the best damage i mean don't get me wrong we're doing well but i don't think this is going to get us 8 000 damage i mean we're actually quite close but we need we need more than 8 000 damage that's the reality here we might get our best like our technical oh explosive nice oh wait okay we got the mini laser well at least we can get another challenge done are we gonna get to the fish that would be really helpful no i think that's gonna be us there oh we got it piranhas yay okay so uh mini lasers so what was the task for that a dummy flies through 12 mini lasers so i think we're supposed to yeah we'll just put that on the sides we'll put our jumpers in there and then we'll just basically maximize the amount of mini lasers we can put well it's not 12 lasers but i'm kind of just curious to see what's gonna happen wow okay that was that was uneventful and these things don't do any damage a w flies clockwise three times around a block with four mini lasers i mean we can do that for you sure there's kind of a weird request but you know i'll accept it which way is he gonna fall he's gonna fall right so if he feels right we need to go this way this way hopefully it goes over the block okay that's this makes no sense okay that that's a start okay well that okay it stopped i don't really get this one flies three times around a block with four mini lasers oh okay we stopped again okay so that's kind of like does that count as once okay land on that one there and over okay and then over again that kind of counts apparently and then over again okay we might have this couple more that doesn't it's not counting you need to go under there we go i that one was weird okay 52 burn a dummy down in the water then freeze them yeah we haven't checked out what these pro oh so interesting oh wait we just got another challenge didn't even notice burn a dummy and then freeze him in another one oh okay so this one is the burner so we put a fire gun here and then we put another piranha one around here that is gonna ice him okay so he's burned and then you that didn't really count he needs to be oh that did count hit a dummy with a steak eight times while he's in water okay let's get our piranhas in again and then just put a bunch of stakes that's one two three okay four i don't know if this is enough spikes hopefully it is don't know how many this is now six oh that's not counting is it what if we put spikes at the top is this working i don't really know i don't know if this counts as in water well i mean we've got six seven this the last one okay we did it i think the spike has to be in the water that's why it stopped okay keep a dummy in a gravity ray for seven seconds do we have a gravity ray is this a gravity rate this is not a gravity ray is it we just haven't unlocked gravity right here i'm guessing ah okay that's the next one well i think we've done pretty good i think what we'll do to end it is we'll have a finale with everything that we've unlocked today that sounds fun so first of all just gonna place down my bouncers and then we'll put our piranha pits either side then we've got our mini lasers which we'll put like across and then we didn't have any spikes we did unlock laser guns i mean we'll put a couple of axes because these things do pretty good a couple of stakes and there we go all right so this is everything that we've earned today pretty much looking good i don't think this is going to get us a high score but it's cool to see so those piranhas are all done though so they keep doing damage i don't think so the gravity things they're not that useful right now for us so we don't particularly need them it'd be great if you could go to the left side there's a lot going on over there all right more piranha attacks nice oh wow that's doing that's doing some mad damage the stakes are probably one of my favorite things i know we've had them for a while all right and then let's just get the the axes done oh he's covered in piranhas so the water pretty much stays it's actually quite useful for keeping in this in the air especially when you've got the gravity thing come on let's get a couple more hits on the axe there we go oh all the piranhas fell oh it's just sort of floating in the water now just stay there huh well anyway that's the end of this episode of happy room big thank you to zelie for joining us and if you guys want to watch some more there are videos on the screen also if you want the merch you can head over to slogo.com and grab yourself something now bye-bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,062,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, happy room, dummy, simulator game, solo, dummy simulator, blades
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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