100 Years Of Superheroes (Game)

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- Today we shuffle against crime and the forces of evil. - Let's talk about that. (lively music) - Good mythical morning! - Now, it's no secret that superheroes have been given a new life in the past couple of decades. - Sorry, sorry. - Whoa, are you okay? - I know you love superheroes. Just calm down a little bit. - There's so heroic. Are you excited about the upcoming release oF the new "Black Widow" movie? Is that what's happening? - I think so? Yes, I am. I will see it. - Okay, so lots of superheroes are now household names, but how long have these household names been in said household, that's the question. - Yeah, exactly. And you know what, almost a decade ago on this show you stated that Hawkman was your favorite superhero. Does that still stand all these years later? - Of course it does. - That's why I keep my original Hawkman cardboard helmet from the trailer that we made 10 years ago or so right here off camera constantly. It's always right here. - Yeah, I know, I know. - I can't put it on because of the bun, but it's always right here. - Well, if so, do you know when Hawkman first dropped? - 1962, man. - 1940. - Oh, I mean, that was just a guess. I didn't know. I'm not gonna be great at this game. - It's obvious at this point, because it's wrong. - That's why we're going to play this game. Yeah, all right. Okay. It's time for The Shuffleboard Game, Superhero Edition. - Welcome to the Shuffleboard Game zone. - All right, y'all know how this works. In every round, we're gonna have an actual superhero appear right here on our set on this super pedestal. - Yes! - And then we're going to have to guess which decade that superhero actually debuted into the world. And then we're gonna guess by rolling our superhero avatars down to the appropriate decade. - Whoever's closest to the actual year wins that round. And the overall winner of the game is crowned to become Master Mythical, a brand-new superhero who gets a special cape and the ability to summon mythical items throughout "Good Mythical More". Let's shuffle. (mellow music) - Let's meet our first superhero. (both laughing) - Hi, Mr. McLaughlin! Hi, Mr. Neal! My spidey senses are tingling! - What's tingling? - My spidey senses. - Okay. As long as that's all that's tingling. - Spider-Man's left foot almost missed the pedestal. Okay, Link, you won last time, so you get to go first. And we were just told a second ago no one has won this game two times in a row since October of last year. - For the first time. - Exciting. - And check this out, and I get to shuffle the me. Look at, you got Superhero himself down here with the longer hair version. And then you got Sidekick here. If you don't know, these are old-school characters of ours. Very pleased to see them return and be catapulted down to Spider-Man's original decade. You know what, I think it's 1950s. - Okay. - Okay, Sidekick. Land right on the 1950. - Whoa! I thought he was going- - What are you laughing at? - It was going so slow and it just kept going. - All right. - Okay. - And I like a little 1930. That's good. - I was thinking 1960s, because I know that Stan Lee invented Spider-Man, right? It's gotta be '50s or '60s. So I'm trying to slip by Sidekick, not hit him and waste a bump. Get into the '50s, but be closer to the '60s. This may be trying too much at once. - Okay. 'Cause you only have one bump. Oh, he's gonna bump me. You bumped me! - I wasted a bump. - You've wasted your bump, and you're in 1970. Stevie? - [Stevie] Born out of the Silver Age of comic books, where comics reached new heights in commercial success due to the superheroes' more humanistic and flawed natures, the belovedly awkward Spider-Man first appeared in "Amazing Fantasy" Number 15 in 1962. - Ooh, you were right. - I think I'm closer. - Are you? - Well, we gotta get it. We need to, I don't know. We gotta have a measurement. We need a measurement. - [Stevie] I am pretty positive you're close to '60. - I'm a teeny bit closer. - Dang it! You lucky dog. But I wasted a bump. - Get the point. (mellow music) - Who do we have here? - I shall shed my light over dark evil, for the dark things cannot stand the light. The light of the Green Lantern. - Wow. That is intimidating. - He's gonna shed his what? - My light. - Over what? - Over dark evil. (Rhett laughing) Got the ring right there. - Okay. Green Lantern. All right, so I've taken the early lead. So I go first, right? My instinct about Green Lantern is earlier than Spider-Man. I think he might be earlier than Hawkman or right around the same time, because. - Wow. - It's a lantern. Lantern? Kids don't care about lanterns now. - Or in the, by the '40s. - Yeah, no, not. - Or the '50s. - I think this is back when lanterns still mattered. So I'm going, I think '20s might be too early. That's like pre-superhero era. You know, I'm just trying to land on the T of the '20s, the '30s and the '40s. - Okay. Ooh, a little short. I've got to get around you here, though. - What's your guess, though? - Anything beyond you. - Okay. All right. - I'm taking a risk that the answer is not 1940. So I'm going for between '30s and '50s. Do not want to touch you. - Don't waste a bump like I did. Well, you better hope it's 1930, because that might be your only, well, no, no, 1950. - [Stevie] Unlike most superheroes, the Green Lantern title is not exclusive to one person. Although the most famous version, Hal Jordan, debuted in 1959, the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, was introduced in "All-American Comics" Number 16 in 1940. - Yeah! - Oh, dang it. I mean, you're just lucky so far, but that's all right. That's all right. I'll come back. - I'll take lucky. (mellow music) Okay, in last year's Mythical Census, we learned that one out of five of you liked metal. - Seriously. - So you know what we did? We took that insight and we made this metal tee, inspired by the classic metal bands from when we were kids like Megadeth, AC/DC, and Judas Priest. Pretty cool. - Hopefully one out of every five of you will buy it at mythical.com. See how that works? - All right. We were told not to look towards David until now. I am the pretty sailor soldier of the moon. I am Sailor Moon. On behalf of the moon, I will punish you. (both laughing) - What have we done that we should be punished on behalf of the moon? - You look at the sun too long. - What have you done to look so amazing? - Yeah, right. Wow. Okay. - I don't, I'm not a, I'm not an expert here. So I mean, it feels like '70s or '80s. Probably '80s with that hair. Okay, I'm gonna try to land in between '70s and '80s. I don't want to overthink this too much. - You need to work on your pose game. - I'm afraid of exposing. - [Link] Nice shot! - Okay, fully in the '80s with a little bit of a toe in the '70s. - You don't want to do another pose? You're afraid of what? - So what Sailor Moon does is she does this, but you know, I don't wanna, you know. - I have to win this round to stay in this thing. So I have to use my bump because '80s could be right. - [Rhett] It could be right. - It's like, very flashy colors. So I think you're right with '80s. So I've got to blast you into 2000, because. - These are so top-heavy though, these pucks. So you gotta be careful that you don't- - [Link] I don't know what the bounce is gonna do. - Don't lose it. - I'm also top-heavy. - [Link] Yeah! That's what I like. - If it's in the '90s, I win. Anything else, you win. - [Stevie] Sailor Moon, the iconic middle school student who befriended a talking cat that gifted her a magical broach which transforms her into a Sailor Soldier, has been beautifully saving the world since she was introduced in 1991. - Gosh! Today is not my day, Sailor Soldier Moon. - You're punished. - Hey, take him out back and punish him. (mellow music) Who do we have here? - I am Drax. - Yeah, you are. I am. - [Stevie] Uh, Drax? Where's, where's Gamora? - I'll do you one better, mysterious voice lady! Why is Gamora? - I get that. I've seen the movie. That was funny. - Okay. - Drax is cool. I love some "Guardians of Galaxy", but here's the thing. I cannot, I can't win. I can't win. Even though this isn't even the last round and there are no bumps. - I propose adding a new rule to thine scroll. Okay? - Okay. - I got an idea here. - Now, when you say thine scroll, you're talking about thine scroll? - The Scroll o' Shuffle Rules. It's not on here, and I'm not gonna take the time to write it, but I will say, this is what I'm proposing. See what you think about this. If a player is facing a potential shutout, he shall be award. - In round four. - When players enter round four. - And has no chance of winning. - That player shall be awarded a second bump. - Yes. - This is too much for Drax. (Rhett laughing) - Does that seem right to you, Drax? - If you say so, yeah. - Now, it doesn't technically solve much because you still can't win, but it can make you feel better. Okay, Drax. - "Guardians of the Galaxy". - It feels like this is the kind of thing that was happening in the '80s, flying under the radar, or did it happen in the 2000s and it all happened very quickly and then they just put the movie out? I don't know, but here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hit the '80s and then rely on you bumping me. But your bump is just gonna push me into the 2000s, which I think is an equally good answer. So I'm trying to land in the '80s. - That is a hard roll there. You overshot it. Now, "Guardians of the Galaxy" probably came about when they were like, really obsessed with the galaxies. I think my answer would be '70s, but in order to ensure that I'm still in this and take advantage, I've gotta knock you off the board entirely and then land in 1970. I'm gonna knock you in the way I should have knocked you last time. This one was in honor of Gamora. (Rhett laughing) (groaning) Not my day! Not my day! - I love the way your superhero just kind of settled face down, like. Yeah. This is not your day. Not your day. - [Stevie] Okay, Drax the Destroyer was actually just a normal human being until he was killed, had his spirit grabbed in the cosmos, and put into this powerful body to fight against Thanos. Drax has been engaging in intergalactic combat ever since his debut in "The Invincible Iron Man" Number 55 in 1973. - Ooh, you shoulda just landed on '70s and gone with your instinct. - You tempted me with the bump! (mellow music) - Okay, who do we have now? - I'm Batman. - Nice voice, Batman! - Thank you. - [Link] This is, wow. - Your ears are kind of like they're, they're going one direction. - They've just been in the washer. (both laughing) - You do your own laundry or is that an Alfred situation? - Alfred does it for me. - Alfred, yeah, Alfred does it for you. - I cannot win. - You gotta tell him to iron the ears. - You're gonna go first. You have an opportunity to win, like always in the final round. - According to the rules. - A bank shot into the correct answer completely circumscribed, if that's the right word. - [Link] I ain't out of this. - Batman. Batman's old. Superman is like '30s, probably, right? It feels like Batman was kind of on the heels of Superman, but 1940s has already been taken. (Link imitating "Batman" theme music) I don't know, 1950. - I hope you overshoot it. - [Link] Okay, I overshot it, but I'm a little bit in. - So I've gotta bank shot and land directly in it. You've made it where that's impossible for 1950. - You think 1950 is the correct answer? - Well, I can't land on it, so I hope it's not. So '90, '70, '60, '40 are all taken. - If you were able to come right here and bank right here, I think technically you could fit right here. And if you basically get right here, even if you're going into the black a little bit, I'm still gonna say that that's good enough. - I don't think 1930 is the answer. I think that's too early. I think it has to be '50. I'm gonna see if I can slide in here. Oh no! (Rhett laughing) - How appropriate is that? - Oh man. - You know what? I'm not, I'm quitting the rest of the day for anything. - Okay, Stevie, what's the real answer? - [Stevie] Believe it or not, that isn't David in costume, but actually billionaire Bruce Wayne. - What? I'm not Bruce Wayne, I'm Batman. - [Stevie] The infamous playboy philanthropist has been moonlighting as the notorious vigilante Batman ever since his first appearance in "Detective Comics" Number 27 in 1939. - - Ooh, it is the '30s! - Wow, the 1930s. - I couldn't have banked it anywhere though. It doesn't matter, and you know what? The back and forth battle continues, Rhett. - Yes, it does. - Because you have won and you get to become. - Master Mythical! (dramatic music) Well, I don't know what kind of powers I have, but Chase is my caper. - So you get to be. - [Both] Master Mythical! - And you get to subscribe. If you're not already subscribed, you should do that. And click the bell. - Master Mythical says do it! Subscribe! - You know what time it is. - I'm Ryan from Naperville, Illinois and this is my superhero collection and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Ryan's trying not to wake somebody up. I bet he knows more than I us about superheroes too. Click the top link to watch us guess some weird superheroes' names based on their bizarre powers in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Bring out your head-bangin' in a beast with the mythical beast classic metal tee, available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 868,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: ooHv1pGIa8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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