$100 VACATION vs. $10,000 VACATION!

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what is going on there's a freaking cockroach in there don't touch anything this is gonna split us apart so this video is a 100 vacation versus a 10 000 vacation completely inspired by sidemen shout out to them i'm gonna link some of their videos in the description i thought this was a perfect opportunity for a vacation so pearson and i will be going on a luxury vacation in hawaii that is going to total ten thousand dollars meanwhile ben derek and paris will be going on a vacation that is not so luxurious and they cannot pass 100 we cannot pass the amount that we are given and we're gonna make the most of it all right subscribe if you want to and let's get into the vacation [Music] the elevator's broken already we just got here we have to take the stairs this hotel was 62 actually it's not a hotel it's a motel [Music] i mean we have two or three kind of bushy we're on the third floor right i mean that's better than like nothing we got the penthouse of all penthouses at this place so we gotta find the room where are we right now oh my god i feel like we're at one of those like haunted like motels you know what i'm talking about we just got to hawaii we are so excited we have a ten thousand dollar budget so let's see what hotel room we got i'm nervous no you didn't this hotel is amazing insane i wonder how the boys hotel room is oh we're in the dark corner this is scary welcome home let's see uh let's see what we got welcome oh my what uh oh where's the lights i'm not exaggerating it smells like extreme extreme cigarettes in here what is that joking it says this is a non-smoking room and it smells like smoking smells no one listens to that rule because i taste it it's in my throat it's a nice painting though right so far it's not looking too good but maybe maybe it's going to be better yeah it's not even plugged in the only thing in the fridge is the cord itself we have a bathroom we have a bathroom we can all barely fit in our dining room right now i'm like squeezing baby squeezing through everything actually not that bad boys we're on vacation like okay calm down what do you mean it's not that bad like all right let's go let's go get some food yeah the cocoa is really making me understand you know like i'm getting i'm getting pretty hungry me too i'm eating a water bottle yeah i think i thought mcdonald's down the road or like jack in the box oh yeah that sounds good or maybe we could go to like a nice expensive steak house let's do it all right we're currently at mcdonald's because that's all we have the money for only 15 each okay each yeah all three have to eat off of 15 are you serious yeah i need something else there we only have 15 dollars this is going to split us apart our friendship is good you're going to split us apart you are not me can i get two cheeseburgers a large fry get a two big macs uh two big macs do they have a filet mignon we got some japan yeah to celebrate because pearson hit two million on instagram okay you are my mom literally my mom my support system my everything my soul mate my disneyland partner the peanut butter my jelly yup oh you don't like the jelly to my peanut butter i don't like jelly i'll be the bread and we can do both and the bread so far we're off to a great start to a really great start this restaurant is so nice i literally asked the waiter how i'm supposed to behave oh my lanta oh my god have you ever had a steak that good literally never it's melting in my mouth wow wow that is so cool i think it's too hot to eat right now maybe just a little um what what's the eighteen dollars you guys do discounts we got a budget of fifteen fine fine just one big mac just take off one you just want fries get a big chicken all right give them a big chicken all right i want my chicken let's go all right that's it thank you we're under budget under budget what's going on we're adults we know how to count we know how to do math we know how to order stuff off the dollar menu you know how to budget we know how to budget dinner was amazing we got the creme brulee after the strawberries that were on fire i think i have to throw up i ate so much that brings evening to an end we're gonna do some activities tomorrow but um in the meantime let's see what the guys are up to well we got the freaking hood of my car that's our dinner table that's all i need we have 23 left we can't just in the motel all day and eat mcdonald's that's true let's go surfing let's do it yeah we made it to the beach but we don't have surfboards rent shop right there we can rent them right there we can rent them we can buy them let's see what we can do because let's do it boys try to surf wait i don't think we have any money left there's no way that we can rent any of these yeah we can't afford that we gotta go not today all right that's just not gonna work out let's just go to the beach that's free we don't need a surfboard it's free let's go come on the beach is free free guys you can go to the beach whenever you want go to the beach let's go to the beach chill you can't ride my shirts i can't buy new ones after everything we made it to the beach we almost ran out of gas well we got to walk very far to get here but we made it let's go let's go dig a hole [Music] you know what i wonder what lexi's doing right now probably something way nicer than us honestly [Music] that was kind of sick see we're just having good vibes we don't need a ten thousand dollar vacation [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh my god the beach was fun no lie i think i got a little sunburn i don't have gas dude you're joking you're joking okay don't stop stop the car stop the car i've never run out of gas in my car before like that's never happened to me so what do we have to do can we call someone no we're just gonna push the and the one time we don't have any money to fill it up oh oh come on come on i'm out of freaking gas and i have to push my car are we close all right oh my god this gun i hate you let's go come on come on we weren't able to get the car to the gas station because it's like a really busy road i'm gonna go fill this up with gas because we're stranded right now have fun bye [Music] i can't believe we actually ran all the way to the gas station to actually get there the gas was 22 dollars so we have five dollars left let's go let's go we can get some dessert for one of us yeah for me we could split it because i got the gas so no we could split it we'll split it time to check out the bathroom oh my god hmm yo it's kind of nice looking it's not supposed to be nice a random bowl what's a view look like also a view oh it's a nice view of um another building some air vents in another building i wonder what lexi's view looks like right now damn oh warm ourselves do you think we can roast marshall this thing this thing's still on hello hello hello [Music]
Channel: Lexi Hensler
Views: 2,946,453
Rating: 4.9506755 out of 5
Id: IQv2c0d0Yvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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