100 YouTuber Mystery Buttons but Only One Lets You Escape...

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we have 100 mystery buttons voiced by some of youtube's biggest creators and they will be deciding if we get a punishment trivia question for reward ramen and that ladies and gentlemen was a punishment so please like the video subscribe and enjoy when i come back to california i'm going to keep this for you to baggy and you're going to get it right can you send some more i'll do this really good hey whoa all right fine i'll do it thank you my how many views that our original 100 mystery button video get oh no 12 million oh oh why no is it not 12 million it's 11 million oh my come on right in the middle green hat bree thank you bri oh i get multiple preston you don't get any of them that's okay for the content i'm gonna die what day of the week did i start my youtube channel okay zach how am i supposed to know this the date of the week wednesday my dudes sprinkled when was it tuesday oh my god i get it because i was in zack's sprinkler video this one what is my brother's name are you free no no no no no it's it's it's it's it's ryan i know that it's devon i panicked the adventure mine's getting to my head sardines nathan why that is unspeakable fun fact nathan did whip creamy in the face with sardines that makes it makes shut up mustard free i thought we were even how many times do i say sorry i'm gonna give this debris here you go bree there could only be one oh you know about the eye why the eye all right come on blue for mr bass what is the title of my most recent video oh it's really macaroni thank you dengue bros for coming up with this challenge and giving me the gift of google's let's see if those work yep they work all right here we go what is the capital of north carolina uh what is the capital of north carolina charlottesville is it right wait isn't it raleigh how do you not know anything oh there all right ready baby why did i take the goggles off you have to let us know down below in the comments who which youtuber do you think has the button that lets us escape push this blue one blue orbeez oh yes oh you're coming over to my house how many views does my last video have i know okay i know his last video he um he customized the school i know that it was in colorado 13 million views if you tell me it was 12 or 14 million i'm going to snap it was 19 million noob helped me pick this one switch all right since chase pushed the button in this side and it's that side's turn chase has to go again right yeah chase you got to go again oh whoa whoa whoa no no no no what day did i start my channel all right i'm going to say november 13th of 2018 it was like close december 16. oh dude come on it was so close one month away and we're live on butter news is this oh is this butter water butter okay go ball pit balls oh it's the best smelling thing i've smelled the entire video what's it what's the flavor is it rugs berries rap one named both of the videos we posted last week oh so much has happened chase you work on the channel i know we did a hundred mystery buttons and oh oh easy drunk goggles [Music] i was so confident 20 secrets was unspeakable no put your goggles on ew what is that sand that straight up sand you look ridiculous you know that what is my real name no no don't give him any hints i have a really good hint but i don't want to do it come on okay here's the hand here's the hand two people in the company have a similar name trent it's brian how long have i been on youtube oh sugar 11 years old is that hot sauce is that hot sauce i mean it's a little tingly like mainly on the face what do we call our fans wait who is this why is he getting the easiest one the keys the keys the south florida keys what is 87 divided by 29 3 2 1 3 oh actually oh yeah i was like wait a second here we go what is my most viewed video oh the most weird video tell me it's the ball pit pool video oh wait it is it is dumping baby powder literally just about to get powdered i'll take that punishment yeah i've already got this i look good i think he's got enough powder but that's what it smells like baby powder does have a nice smell it does please cinnamon oh cinnamon challenge all that oh my goodness gracious okay paint oh that one doesn't escape and you need some paint okay i got you can you [Music] [Applause] is it good oh it's one of these poindexter hats never in your life will you ever amount to this what's oh i'm really hoping that's oreo crumbles too wait is that a real worm i think i saw a real real dirt i just dug it up from outside what wait that's a real worm these are real places in the name of jesus literally this is insane there's more what was my logo before the fire logo [Music] your logo you don't even know of course i know chase what is this logo before the fire focus it's such a good logo no i don't it was a cucumber oh this was a grenade wasn't it yeah deviantart frags baby oh how many subscribers do i have right oh right now we just have to beat the decimal 11.4 million what's yeah 11.8 11.5 why would you go to the office [Music] pickles no you're the best one oh it's inspiring why is there so much acid please go no not until you press the right button not only you press the right button but the person who doesn't escape first gets the most disgusting punishment of all it's gonna make everything look so far like daycare no not again at punishment's college level yeah oh okay dude oh eggs no i was gonna say it's free think i'm getting yelled at what's happening in the gym if you guys want very clean merchandise from firemerch.com you can get it link in the description what was the title of my first video oh okay that one's actually pretty good okay the answer is i joined face clan i don't want you not to trust me what year did i start my youtube channel okay okay okay okay okay okay it's gonna be 2016. it was 2018 i think well oh that's it's been good celebration wednesday is my birthday oh he has a birthday september 12. oh so close oh that was why is it melons that's refreshing like 100. money it's for scottish ride hospital maybe we'll be uh patients there after this what was the original capital of the united states the original oh that's an original capital united states uh is it new york city yes it is oh what let's go let's go hey i know this is last time where if you get it right the other person gets the punishment how many residents does la have like all right okay it's gonna 15 million not even closer to five also california is like 27 million people yeah but ella oh [Music] please subscribe so maybe we can stop doing these videos
Channel: Preston
Views: 24,954,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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