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recently some weird things have been happening since I'm a YouTuber I've been vlogging myself nearly every single day trying to put together Clues because if you're watching this by now I might already be dead it's up to you to bring my killer to Justice guys Preston was murdered let's watch the clip to figure out who it was what was that why is the door open wait wait wait wait wait I swear the security system was armed as well strange guys it looks like whoever came in broke the security system or got past it and to help us find our culprit I recreated the lasers from the security system to test our stealth skills starting with Josh he's a little bit too smart for this though ah there we go let's see what Keeley can do in the security oh my God kind of clumsy there might be multiple Killers here so let's see about two people going through the lasers oh Larry Caleb whoa whoa [Music] all right let's take it back to the evidence I can't shake this feeling as if somebody is watching me why was my security system turned off I'm gonna ask around starting with Dylan this is my first week on Preston's main Channel Preston's gone what am I doing next week yeah so this guy just started doing the challenge without any of us looking nobody's suspecting you because you're the host why would I kill something that I love also it's your shirt Bree yeah why do you have my shirt gray was in his Groove in those in that laser Scott is the most athletic one here I think Lee Josh leave Larry he did she's he took too long I don't think Alan has the Doom to kill somebody he hit every single Lane too clumsy he almost fell but she also did make it through the lasers very sus-free people kill their wives all the time okay I mean husbands Alan I'm sorry you look very clumsy in there and you have a heart of gold you're innocent get out of here actually I have a better idea citizen did you see that that balloon just popped November 7th so important is this a dart is my shooting at me blow dart a dart I think the date has something to do with the murder I don't think the day has to do with anything it's Josh's birthday that is Josh's birthday this is a horrible coincidence rewind it Josh rewind it pause pause pause pause pause those are happy birthday balloons guys if I could spend my birthday doing anything it wouldn't be with Preston oh my God all right we saw in the security clip someone using a blow dart and we have one here and we're gonna test all of you see how good you are at blowing show us what you got am I doing this [Music] right if you look closely in the video they miss Preston I'm not gonna say it to them but just you guys didn't know that all right Scott show us what we got oh [Music] you really don't know how to use this oh this is fun feeling that's the wrong one what just flip it around stop it do you have to put my face to it I don't know if you guys watched the video close enough but the killer actually was bad with the blow dart Caleb how many balloons did you pop did I pop any Scott I was amazing so not sus that's true no that's a good point that's a good point and then gray yeah [Music] Dylan wait you sucked well you should have blown I think you're innocent I think you're so bad at being bad that you're good group clap ready three two one after the blow dart situation I can narrow down to these final eight people one of these however is stealthy but incredibly inaccurate we need to figure out who it is before it's too late it has to be somebody close oh no he's there hey hey bro who's here yeah I think this is funny wait a second he's gonna be in here [Music] oh it's over Let's Play It Again somebody close wait that's a man hand oh you're wearing a bracelet everyone put their wrists up Caleb white gray but listen listen first of all the Killer's bracelet was black two these are just our friendship places we're a little brother and gray we had a friend party okay we had a friend who wear invited does the glove fit we have fingerprints from the murderer from his very glove we saw in the video now we've all done fingerprints and we're gonna see which one is the closest to the murders I don't know my thumb is not that thick put Keely up put Keely up whoa whoa what's your least favorite thing about Preston the stash it's gone and he is too oh Mr it's gonna be mean to myself but that thumb is a lot fatter than the murderers though it's true you got interesting thumbs but you're very thank you saved by the stone one let's go back to the tapes there's a chance that whoever is trying to eliminate me has known me for a very long time luckily I might have stumbled upon some evidence that can help me prove this Theory I don't know who this is but they've been following me and watching me since 2016. wait did you guys see that what was that wait I rewinded it rewind it there's someone in the back first of all that's Caleb and that's wait that's a ski mask person Preston's 510 and whoever is behind him can't be taller than him I don't think that's how that works first Bree let's see how tall you are I'm not 510. show don't tell okay it's five five all right gray what are you five nine it's a change it's 510 on the dot bro yeah very interesting you're about five ten you're like six one wait this is a great shirt though can we just stop and talk about this shirt real quick that's a great shirt where did you get that firemarsh.com after this video can I get a couple of my own Caleb I pulled up a photo of calebit this proves your innocence we don't have to measure you that's messed up come on dude Larry oh my gosh Larry you are like eight feet tall that means you're innocent next piece of evidence log another pressure reacts episode ladies and gentlemen do we see anything do we see anything hey you guys okay out there did something fall what dude who made this mess guys this isn't funny that's my Lambo the murderer made a very big mess so we're gonna see how messy all these suspects are wait you okay you just look suspicious all right 30 seconds is up geez why did he beat the mannequin so hard that's suspicious it's actually a little league baseball star Eloise why are you cleaning it up you're supposed to make a mess you're not supposed to wait I'm just gonna test something out real quick Bree she doesn't like messes you look very innocent also I'll give you like can you clean all this up for us these are people that I just know are innocent Alan no way he would be able to sneak past my security system we're marking him why is the ax moving off of the suspect list as you saw from the video the person was about five foot ten inches Larry is well over six feet someone is grabbing the ax which brings me to an interesting individual my wife Rhianna she's an absolute neat freak and there's no way she would have made a mess like that wait where's my ax it was just right here was that the murder weapon oh I must ask you guys something the ax disappeared on his desk clearly the murder has an affinity for axes and we're going to test it out [Applause] next scene three two one innocent we are down to four people he's had four yeah I'm innocent chase you can't do that let me show the freaking shirt one more time next video next video oh were they pointing in there like is that how he died well he poisoned his food oh yep oh my gosh dude what the frick was that was it saying it poison it's a bottle of arsenic poison or arsment poisonous I have a rope in my car we I know what to do why don't we just use the rope that's set up behind you already we're gonna see which one of us is the most capable of climbing a rope come on bro I don't know why I'm cheering for you to be our brother's killer oh gosh okay I got this kind of good better than Josh Scott's up a little monkey man this guy's just casually Spiderman ah all right guys I got it notice how we need to talk to you we didn't where are you going no oh my go go wait what was it whoa Scott are you okay without a shadow of a doubt it's between these three individuals my youngest brother Joshua maybe he was tired of me milking him for Content or does he want to take over the company business for himself gray has been a super fan for almost 10 years watching me since I started making Call of Duty videos with my friend Kenny I've done everything I can to keep gray as happy as possible as one of our viewers my younger brother Caleb he just got married recently and has been talking Non-Stop about starting a family he's written into my will and if I die he gets a nice chunk of change are we really not gonna talk about Scott what are you doing now hey wait he sees someone so this one [Music] dude this dude's gone he's got hands look at that look at that someone is strong enough to punch through a drywall I have some drywall in my car I'm gonna bring it out we're gonna figure out who's can do this in the video we saw the Fritter or be able to punch right through it yeah get out of the way is that through let's see it's definitely through that's not it doesn't make you look good well it's fun oh killing's fun next person I'm not one for violence but gotta do what you gotta do wait hold up hold up wait wait killer use his right hand to [Music] prove to us that you don't have anger issues we all agree he's innocent he could he did not punch a hole in the drywall he didn't follow directions love you Caleb please feel better did he actually die when he went to the drywall yeah I should have known how long it was you that pale skin curly hair kind of cute in those blue eyes Preston literally just described the killer in front of our eyes he said it was pale skin blue eyes curly hair and kind of cute Josh that's you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Josh do you think he's cute he's a pretty good-looking dude and do you think Josh is cute yeah yeah well I don't know I don't like where this is going so I brought in an artist for this exact moment you're a criminal drawerist right with this sketch we're going to figure out which one it looks like you guys leave the room give the artist some space whoa [Music] all right okay I'm done you're done yeah I know exactly who this is Josh great come on in Josh Josh okay so I know Josh and gray look the exact same but looking at this picture I think it is absolutely
Channel: Preston
Views: 7,284,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I was murdered, Murder Mystery, Extreme Challenge, preston, funny, pranks, challenge, mrbeast, brianna, ssundee, unspeakable, jordanmatter, stokestwins, gametoons, aphmau, dhar man, sidemen
Id: tin3E-K7xvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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