100% Speedruns of Sonic P06 are Actually Really Fun

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alrighty welcome to Sonic project 06 all stories 100 if you don't know what this category is it's well I guess you probably don't know what it is because it's brand new because we are going to be playing through every single stage s ranking it and collecting any upgrade along the way when you do this speed run when you start a story you have to commit to it 100 before you can go into another story so we're going to begin in silver story here then go to Sonic then go to shadow um thankfully though even though we have to commit to the story we can play the stages in any order which is really useful especially in silver and Sonic's case those here all stories 100 po6 in three two one let's go wow starting off with a computer stutter that's incredible but uh anyway going ahead and get starting here uh when it comes to Silver stages 100 uh a lot of them are actually not too bad because in po6 they are so much faster and just better characters I'm talking about silver and Company specifically for uh this particular incidents um the time bonuses are ported over directly from retail06 so obviously Sonic Team adjusted the S ranks for the speed of the characters there um but they're kind of busted here in po6 in comparison to the retail game so we are going to be seeing quite the uh uh quite the high time bonuses which is really nice for certain stages there are some stages though in silver story that can give us a lot of trouble specifically his tropical jungle and uh Kingdom Valley um and sometimes Crisis City it seems if you're here live with me but uh for the other stages oh I would say radical train as well radical train is actually interesting and I'll talk about it more when we actually get to that stage but that was sort of way for me who's still alive for him so he gives it back to me yeah okay okay I don't know I kind of like the diamond better chaos you know like you make a Sonic game it's got the Chaos Emerald Zoom makes sense someone will pay off my mortgage no we're not having a Scots tots situation what's up TL how you doing happy Thursday to you it's been a while since I've uh seen you around so depending on the PlayStation event I know nothing about a PlayStation event but I hope it was cool for the people that uh cared about it I only have a PS4 not a PS5 so if there were any like PS5 exclusives or whatever the Showcase yeah I didn't watch it I don't know anything about it but tell me about it what what happened was it good I'll flip the question on you Spider-Man oh is there another Spider-Man announce ment please subscribed to my channel instead see here's the thing chaos as you make a really great Sonic game so people will automatically subscribe to you I have to prove that I'm actually worth watching so or more that uh I can provide valuable content which uh who knows maybe I do at the moment but we'll see go to a metal gear Snake Eater remaster oh remaster I for some reason thought you said Easter egg and I was like why are they showing an Easter egg for like a game released in 2006 or whatever ow you know that one second uh missile stoppage or projectile stoppage that you were talking about yesterday chaos might be nice for this particular section normally we can jump up onto that uh or ride that door up to the top and then just hover straight to the switch but decided to take the safe pass since we can only take one hit there but there we go we got the Lotus of resilience which is going to give us that spin jump and the extended teleport Dash which is why we do Dusty desert first Dusty desert's also an extremely easy s-rank to get like already we're probably like 20 000 points over what we actually need but uh yeah so that's nice uh it's gonna hit the side here these like little pillars against the wall are the death of me when it comes to the ball puzzle I'm really bad at them Yo official Shattuck how you doing welcome to the Stream [Music] you got me waking up at 9am to watch The Stream So you're doing something right hey thank you cookie it's also good to wake up at 9am so that way you don't uh don't blow your your day away all right definitely don't want to go against best segments but looks like we're plus 11 which is fine probably because uh I had to do the uh backup Strat there ball puzzle POG yeah all puzzles really nice now once you kind of figure it out it's not really too big of an issue however sometimes the ball can be mean or Amy can be mean touch such a streamer this is you don't have to watch the stream in 160p you could watch it in 1080 60 if you want the only thing that'll happen are occasional frame drops because the internet's being poo poo today again the thing is is I don't really know how to explain it I might see if I can ask Richard from gdq if he would have literally any idea what's going on because here's the problem chat is it didn't used to be this way I used to be able to connect to any twitch server just fine but for some reason in the last like three days my internet is perfect when connecting to the optimal server so like just in general the optimal server is in a city in Missouri like pretty close to me and I have totally fine internet speeds however for twitch there are certain servers you have to connect to and for whatever reason the internet some days just decides to have really poor connection to them I'm not really sure what's going on but never hurt yourself so bad you try to scream and no audible noise comes out of your mouth I don't think so then the stream buffers every two seconds chaosa I don't know man I'm dropping frames but we're definitely not having any buffering so I apologize exclamation mark internet Mo I literally don't know what to do I'm basically just sitting and hoping that they're maybe doing maintenance on something and it's gonna fix itself but I have very low hopes for that I'll probably be on the phone with them tomorrow uh uh does Emiliano twit server Vex that's smart I should do that okay when it comes to getting the S rank in Crisis City here we can kind of just Speed Run until the end and I'm gonna kill some extra enemies grab some extra rings and that kind of stuff so that way we can get more points one really good thing for points here is running over to this enemy group and just doing a quick grab all gets us a extra thousand-ish which is nice um with the ring counts and our points we should be able to easily get the S rank here do they have to be sick of you at this point well they shouldn't block the phone number because I'm a customer one thing I'm definitely gonna do though is I'm 100 going to just I'm going to downgrade my internet there's no reason I I don't even get the internets that I supposedly pay for so yeah the crazy time bonus yeah the time bonuses are crazy here now Silver's tropical jungle this is a Tuffy to S rank but uh I have a pretty good route here I don't really know if there's a faster way to do it kind of messed up the teleport Dash though so we're gonna have to be a little bit careful here um we want to have these boxes so we can uplift and do a super jump off of those and then uh we can continue on as normal here so what we have to do is we have to come over here we can grab these Rings destroy these enemies uh the route is pretty specific I normally end with like 50 600 points uh so it's a pretty tight S rank but it's pretty consistent in terms of getting it and taking this route and the time and everything uh what I am going to do since this is kind of a preliminary speed run as I'm gonna come up here and grab these extra rings and this dude's gonna fire a missile gonna Chuck it back at them and then we're going to teleport Dash over here I guess hopefully if I play well you can kind of use this as an S rank guide if you're having trouble s ranking stuff but we also have saved files available in the speedrun database if you just want to shortcut getting the S rank rewards and stuff but uh you know maybe you want to do it yourself and that's cool too [Music] we want to destroy those guys then we're going to come over here grab this line of rings grab this line of rings grab these three grab that line of rings and then what we're gonna do is jump down here grab this line of rings this is a little bit of a safety just in case uh because I did have to do a little bit of a slower Strat at the beginning enjoy these guys with the grab all and we should be set to go for the S rank working on s s ranking the stages right now they're failing Epic Proportions I totally agree with you 53 000 very nice you have a question regarding po6 that I was wondering if I can ask it here uh well considering you have the developer another person that works on the game and a person who streams every day it's pretty good place to ask fire away can't guarantee you'll get the answer you want but uh you'll probably get an answer all right this is pretty interesting here what we're gonna do is that and then we're gonna break this that's gonna give us another triple jump basically what I'm trying to do here is just stock up on points with blaze because Blaze has insane combo potential oh does the fire claw keep it going oh it doesn't okay I was like dang there's a fire claw keep the point bonus going that'd be pretty cool if it did uh whatever we don't need those enemies anyway we're trying to do in white cross here is get to 25 000 points on the point total uh the time bonus is around 25 000 points just ask the question well people do want to be nice and courteous I mean I'm sure you've got like 500 DMS stocked up chaos but speaking of DMs I did send you another DM I'm curious to see what you think oh my gosh wait why can't I lift this box was it because Blaze was standing right there that was weird okay uh what we're gonna do here I'm gonna actually grab this rock turns out I can't destroy the enemies with the rock but I can push him oh my God we're sitting at 20 000 points there's plenty of enemies here so we should be able to just uh kind of trash him I picked up these spike balls because while you're holding spike balls with your psychokinesis you can just shred everything it's really nice all right we're sitting at 21 000. uh we're gonna get some good points here because this is a leader uh I did mess up so we are gonna have to take a little bit of a slower route here um we're at 24 000. these enemies should get us 25 okay that should be an S rank right there a bo6 re-translated mod comes out maybe that would require re-translating all the unused dialogue as well but I also don't know how similar it would be to have for all the unused dialogue what was it maybe made English only and what wasn't or something like that all right radical train so again like I said in terms of going fast with this we are gonna get a really big time bonus but the actual score multiplier we can get here is pretty low so we're gonna have to be pretty creative with the enemies we defeat and stuff in order to uh get the point bonus that we need uh along with the time bonus to get that S rank another game running through Steam I do I don't think it really affects anything like in my case uh because I have like a NASA computer but uh I do it because why not [Music] all right what we're gonna do here instead of going on the speed run route we're going to come down here and Destroy these guys and then there's a 20 ring box I think it's a 20 ring box anyway sitting for us up here so or that's a five ring the 20 Rings the next conveyor belt that's true oh six is the there was a lot of potential here game all right we should be set after this ring box so we can just do a slope jump and hopefully hover to a rail oh just missing it but hey dropping off the train works just fine as well I'm gonna jump to this rail and then we should be able to hover up here as long as I don't take a hit we're kind of a shoe-in for the S rank got a few more points than I needed but radical train is surprisingly a pretty tight stage when it comes to S ranking it [Music] all right very nice got the s-rank I did fail to mention that we are uh going through other than Dusty desert we're just going through the list order because we don't need the psychic knife until aquatic base in every stage after it so in terms of menuing the most optimal menuing is to just go in list order obviously except for Dusty desert because it helps out quite a bit in uh tropical jungle in Crisis City as you saw when we played through those stages aquatic base we really don't need to worry about points but uh I like to be cheeky here and do a few chaos snap combo multipliers and we kind of get a little little sneak peek at how Shadows 100 run is gonna go uh because his is really interesting because it's less about the upgrades and a lot more about the execution uh in terms of getting the S rank with him which is really cool foreign we are going to defeat a few extra enemies but it's not a big deal the time bonus is still pretty high but I can't remember it quite off the top of my head so just for safety here if there's an enemy that's gonna take like less than a second to defeat I'm gonna go for it okay move this forward hopefully not take a hit and then one more teleport Dash kind of interested in ESP mode you just fly through that section but we have to actually play it here which is kind of interesting those guys fire boxes are your best friend when it comes to psychokinesis and uh we're gonna go ahead and take the ball here would it be better to oh wait wait wait wait wait doors still open thank God I almost forgot to grab the psychic knife which uh would have been bad because then we would have had to redo the stage we can do Irish fan game that uses Free Riders I gotcha yeah it's too bad the Sonic Sonic Free Riders has such like like I don't know in my opinion it's such a pretty game like I would generally genuinely appreciate like just a fan game Rider's remake like just a remake of the first game that just uses the Free Riders at assets and stuff like doesn't even need different mechanics or anything basically what a triple a company would consider like an HD remaster yeah I'm pretty sure that's beats and who else who else works on that with you Beats Rider's X go let's go all right we can just go ahead and Skip these enemies here [Music] oh my God chaos made it actually uh no you you have a right you have a writer's game oh you're we're trolling we're trolling I'll I'll let the chat figure itself out and while that's happening I'm gonna go ahead and talk a little bit more about aquatic base here um the nice thing about aquatic base is that literally in all three character stories you just get so many points in this stage that it really doesn't matter it's kind of neat it's one of the one of the cool things about uh I think having just a because I know like a thing of get intention for a lot of people also is this 2D in my 3D Sonic game a thing of contention for people is like it would be nice if there were rebalanced s ranks in po6 but I almost kind of like that some stages are just easier to S rank than others like there are some that are that are totally free like aquatic base for every characters are pretty much a free S rank but uh I don't know [Music] yeah as you can see right there pretty much just playing through the stage without defeating any extra enemies uh boom 70 000 points really easy Sonic Unleash PC yeah you can just play on emulator you want to do that for 60 FPS I'm sure I mean if they did colors I'm sure we'll get Unleashed at some point and then we'll have another one of those situations where a Sonic game that was pretty uh pretty obtuse to play uh and was unavailable to a lot of people will be available to a lot of people and people will be like wow the Werehog is actually pretty damn terrible just like with colors in Sonic CD I'm just kidding that's that's my prediction yeah unleash kind of sucks even though the day stages are pretty good nice aim oh I got the best aim that's what my girlfriend tells me anyway in Kingdom Valley here uh we are going to have to defeat a lot of extra enemies and stuff well not a lot of extra enemies but uh when it comes into this next section here there's actually going to be a cool thing we're gonna do uh because we don't have ESP mode we're gonna defeat these enemies and then out Chase these chaos drives so that we can make it all the way over here as you see we've run out of action gauge and then regain our action gauge through there all right gonna defeat this enemy formation so we can get more points [Music] uh boxes dude destroy that which is nice I still think it's funny how sometimes when you Chuck an enemy into like a barrier like that it won't destroy it but like a wooden box will and it's like dang what is stronger than metal apparently oh I didn't know that there were all these enemies here that's nice basically don't have to uh worry about any more points here in section two which is nice now because we started with silver first we do not have the gems with Sonic so we're going to have to just uh play this section normally which means going through the automation which is kind of sad but not a big deal we will be seeing Castle skip of course in Sonic story so we don't have to worry about missing that spectacle here uh we actually get to see Castle skip twice still in this because we have to play Kingdom Valley twice uh to get the rainbow gym [Music] oh [Music] um love the spammable homing attack it's so nice Sonic just absolutely shreds enemies yo junk box how you doing welcome to the stream my guy I'm doing freaking well happy Thursday to you how are you doing man silver Castle skip are you saying that silver Castle skip is better just because the music's different the final three stages even if you restart from section two in Kingdom valley during my practice I was having trouble s ranking it just from section two but absolutely an aquatic base in flame core you you definitely can no question about that in fact in my initial playthrough of the Silver release I I did restart in section two of flame core and easily got the S rank maybe even if you go moderately fast on that stage you're gonna get like a 45 000 time bonus which is ridiculous [Music] as always I appreciate it people are really liking the commentated speedruns uh of course I got the shadow one slated for tomorrow and I'm really excited about that one so I hope you guys like it I hope you guys also like the little uh panels I put in the bottom as well I think they're pretty neat they take a lot of work but I think it adds to it since we don't have a chat box or anything all right flame core Time Flame core we basically just speed run this stage because the time bonus is so high music uh music can really mess with the emotions so it makes sense I guess I should make it really appreciate that we can just bypass that first little part of flame core there it really is too bad it would have been cool to like switch to silver maybe for this combat room or something just playing as blazemore would be awesome or maybe having just a straight up alternate route where you can play through the stages uh as Blaze it is probably because of him who is this him I have no idea I need to let all right action gauge fill there should be able to get a nice bad neck bounce over to this invisibility invincibility I should say yeah not a whole lot to say here we are gonna have to take a few things slow again because we don't have ESP mode but we actually don't use ESP mode that much in this stage definitely the stages where it hurts us the most is Crisis City um I would say probably aquatic base is a pretty big one as well not having ESP mode Kingdom Valley it's having ESP mode in Kingdom Valley is massive because uh we don't have to go on the right side of the stage at all we can pretty much just hug the left uh ball and not have to worry about who's still alive of course you are Get Wrecked okay that works I meant to do three stacking knives but that's fine yo what's up Phillip how you doing man welcome to the stream and happy Thursday to you I'm getting revenge on uh all story is 100 from yesterday so right out the Black Knight mod how'd you like it look worked really hard on it so I hope it was good is uh his Excalibur Sonic transformation sequence is awesome it'll be cool uh when there's actually a black knight stage to play through loved it that's awesome Focus definitely really good with the the editor and stuff so big fan of his work on that and project wildfire and Excalibur as well just to reskin yes making custom code for like custom actions and stuff is really really difficult unless you're beats and then it's a breeze pgs Cam and Camera volumes off is crazy I would agree very nice we got the uh zero cycle there unless beats who can do it in his sleep yo what's up Bill how's it going you know what see you later buddy I appreciate you but not that much as original animations you can actually use the sword well you use the sword but I'm pretty sure it has the same properties as his Slide Attack or the spin kicks sorry not the Slide Attack what is his Slide Attack uh Excalibur Sonic Slide Attack I'm gonna go ahead and go from up here just because uh you know don't want to die we only have 12 rings ciao Bill yep I still can't unsee the hype train uh the hype train badge as like a really weird pumpkin that's like missing the top left corner or like I guess a Jack-o-Lantern good Swinging The Sword while running that's what I thought it was a smart idea though for sure that's probably the best thing he could have replaced I really hope you guys liked flame core because we're going to be playing it the literal exact same way we just did so uh yeah hope you're excited all right wave motion Blaze and then back to Flame core to grab the sigil this is the Run well as far as I know there aren't actually any uh any other all stories 100 run so this will be the first Place wave oceans kind of nice because we have a whole bunch of enemies we can just fire claw through and Destroy which is really nice oh we got this enemy formation here I want to play it on the safe side and go over these guys and give them some homing attacks I don't really think it was necessary but might as well they're right there any 100 Shadow runs yet I mean if you count mine well I guess you can't count mine because I have uh I have Silver's upgrades so no there aren't I really think that's cool as a nice distinction between all stories 100 that it's not just you know uh mashing all the runs together you actually have an advantage of doing all stories because you have silver and uh well I guess Sonic's upgrades really don't matter because you don't play as Sonic but you have Silver's upgrades for both of the other stories which is cool beats check this this in my opinion beats you should check Discord DMs [Music] aquatic base Was Out For Blood yeah aquatic base is a tough one did you use the shadow release route Amazon or did you go in list order or what route did you use what if I don't IMO beat should not for Secret Ring Sonic to release yeah Secret Ring Sonic looks really cool too plus the uh the super transform is really awesome oh crap I'm really glad I didn't take a drink from my water bottle because this cap is not on correctly there we go this is so run what is what does so run mean dude back to Flame core we go gonna do the exact same thing we did before but uh just about to get to some McDonald's IMO let's go I love McDonald's I don't care what anyone says their fries are banging Plus in the um that was also an accident by the way I didn't mean to grab the shield um in the app they've been having this awesome deal where you can get a free double cheeseburger if you buy one so it's like I just get two double cheeseburgers that shit's like 900 calories and it's so great like 900 gal calories like 50 grams of protein and it's delicious laughs nothing will ever Top Mexican or Chinese food for me but uh God I I love fast food so much it's so bad probably why I got really fat in college dude do you think it's possible tonight what's possible tonight you go to McDonald's it might be possible for me to do that just stack the McDoubles on top of each other I'm huge deal what are you talking about who you could also ask for a Big Mac sauce opinions well you can talk to Loke about it I'm sure Luke would be just fine as long as you're not a jerk me doing a full gemless run uh I don't know I don't keep up with gemless because I don't like the category however silver upgrade list is something I'm very interested in demos just does not appeal to me in the slightest because the gems are my favorite Power Up in the franchise I'll probably one day doing all stories uh upgradeless run but I don't want to just yet outside of Mac sauce yeah it's too bad you used to be able to get the mac sauce for free but now they uh they monetize it in the franchise ever yes I think Sonic's gems are the coolest ability he's ever had upgrade wise the second the second to that is the parkour I think the parkour could definitely be re-implemented in a future game and done really well like especially if they go with the open Zone format having proper parkour and not Sonic sticks to walls and runs up walls would be so sick slowly adore the Wisp I do really like the Wisp as well that's probably my third favorite silver just needs a game he's got one you're playing it right now well I got I'm playing it right now I guess I don't know if you're playing it he doesn't believe I don't know if I don't believe I just don't know this was an extremely good flame core run holy crap let's say the lists were bad I don't think the whisper bad their inclusion was definitely weird and like Lost World and uh the wispins and forces the worst upgrade mechanic hmm maybe the lightspeed Dash in sa1 but I mean I would say the Wiss were pretty poorly implemented in both Lost World and forces they were better in Lost World but weren't necessary I just really wish they went all in on the on the parkour aspect of Lost World because 3D parkour is awesome UD parkour is okay um but it just kind of amounts to wall jumping so there we go Sigil of Awakening and boom silver story done hang 30 minutes on the dot that is much better than what we got yesterday let's head on into Sonic's story and of course we need the proper HUD for that I really wish the Huds would automatically change I did install a plug-in for OBS that almost allowed me to do it but it didn't quite work when it comes to Sonic uh obviously he has the most to collect I'm surprised he's not overbeared by how much uh how much he's got uh on his person in this game but um we are going to be doing the stages in a wacky order which is probably the most fun part about Sonic's 100 um because we want to have the gems as soon as possible the gems that are the most useful collecting the purple gem first uh we would start with aquatic base first but collecting the purple gem makes aquatic base significantly easier so we're headed to grab that uh on the initial run here interesting without the high jump and stuff we actually see this section now uh we don't actually need to defeat any of the enemies no no and I have to reset there there we go first death that was a deathless silver 100 though which is pretty neat ow go ahead and defeat those enemies there are a couple extra things we're gonna have to do I'm not too worried about Sonic's 100 it's definitely the uh the category on best at even though I didn't die in Silver's uh simply because we actually did this run in the shadow release so I wonder if we can do a fun bad neck bounce off of that enemy but I don't think it's worth trying at the moment especially because I'm behind now since I died so that's that's the spin dash to jump delay man oh God that's those nine explosions right there holy what is happening all right here here's the deal here's the deal we're gonna we're gonna get our combo game on here in radical train let's grab this purple Jim and we're gonna absolutely Slaughter all the enemies down here we shouldn't have to slaughter too many because we can get some extra rings to get an insane ring bonus but uh yeah the murder is happening I'm gonna go ahead and do that and I'm gonna purple gem up to this other 20 ring box that's sitting right up here for us then we're gonna get a ton of rings right here and now we're definitely set for the S rank in a radical train here so taking it a little bit slow uh two deaths but we're moving on through or this equals more Sonic and yeah I don't think anyone's complaining about more Sonic as far as I can tell anyway twenty thousand points 100 rings I think we're sitting pretty for the S rank here Sonic stages as you can tell just from that kind of backup I had to do they're pretty easy to S rank tropical jungle is probably the toughest one um but flexible 100 is yes 100 is extremely fun it's extremely fun and I'm gonna be honest I think Shadows 100 is extremely fun do we get to collect upgrades no but I think the fun in Shadows 100 comes from chaining like chaining with the spear bouncing and Chaos snap especially we're gonna be seeing some pretty cool stuff I think when we get to Shadow story it's gonna be significantly better than the run yesterday was where we died like five times in wave ocean had to redo it once yep so also I optimize if you're wondering why I'm doing tropical jungle second uh tropical jungle Dusty desert and wave ocean it does not matter what order we do them in since there's no gym so uh I just optimized them for menuing and since I wanted to go to Aquatic base after radical train uh tropical jungle is right in between so we might as well do it however we do aquatic base before Kingdom Valley because aquatic base is significantly or Kingdom Valley significantly sped up with um with the blue gym as would make sense this is still the Run oh I definitely imagine it's still a run even with two deaths we're three minutes ahead still so not worried about it we're gonna have a ton of time saved when we get to Shadow at least I hope so I can get my act together retail is looks so nostalgic playing it just isn't as fun though why because of the load times Xenia is absolutely the best way to play o6 it definitely brings the flow up because loads only take like two seconds Castle skip yeah we're gonna be doing Castle scope we're gonna be doing it twice in this run uh what I'm going to do is not spin dash there that should be able to get us the rings on the left side there we go got some extra Rings there that's gonna be really helpful for the S rank I should have been a little bit more to the left to collect even more rings so that we don't have to defeat uh some enemies here but uh it's fine so we're gonna wait just a moment and then I'm actually going to grab this extra ring box here and we're gonna fall down here I'm going to homing attack those enemies to chain them and then uh this is gonna give us a bunch of points right here because there's a lot of enemies 7074 rings I think we're set it's gonna be close but I think we're set both times are only three seconds yeah from what I understand Zenia doesn't run a lot of Xbox 360 games super well but uh 06 for some reason it runs extremely well which is interesting I guess [Music] there we go smoking through tropical jungle just barely getting the S rank but that's kind of the best we want to get as low as possible uh because that means we did it the most efficiently all right aquatic base we're going to be seeing a lot of the purple Gem of course grabbing the blue gym at the end this uh this stage really easy to S rank uh there's so many enemies and Sonic being able to change the chain the bounce attack uh yeah or sorry the bounds jump is what it's called and the purple gem is going to help us out just a little bit as well there we go Above This magnetic pole that's now here in aquatic base it's really nice all right and here we go with a very scary ball skip now because of the delay that I've talked about a little bit there is a spin dash there's a delay that chaos added between Spin dashing and jumping that's the fix for a glitch called the hedgehop um so these platforms are really small and uh I don't want to get uh messed up by the delay eating my jump so don't forget the blue gem don't worry I will not forget the blue gem the only gems I tend to forget are white which isn't a big deal since we visit Kingdom Valley again and um sometimes I miss yellow as well but now the blue gem is very important favorite Sonic voice actor Ryan Drummond I like them all though it doesn't really matter to me who voices Sonic uh this should be just fine here we're about to get a bunch of points in this next section uh with the Sonic here so uh we're gonna just uh hit all these magnetic poles and we're gonna get an absolutely Bonkers score combo bonus here look at that 10 000 points just from doing what the level requires of us we pretty much already have the S rank right now but we're gonna get even more points as we head on through here I'm gonna go ahead and whoops I definitely Meant to hit those dash panels guess we're gonna have a nice time here uh collecting rings and pretty much the enemies we have to defeat in this stage are going to get us uh points that we need even if we take damage here these guys here are gonna give us a nice combo bonus what about for shadow uh I really like David Humphrey from sa2 again it doesn't for any Sonic character it doesn't really matter to me who the voice actor is voice actress is it's fine it doesn't bother me too much all right second ball skip gonna be a little bit slower here because of course we don't have the blue gem if you're worried about points uh yeah there we go you literally have enough score to uh meet the threshold doesn't matter what our rank is or time bonus or ring bonuses at all as long as we don't die but here's the thing that's crazy even if we died and respawned from that checkpoint we could still get an S rank uh because we can just combo a ridiculous amount here there's a blue gym boom destroying uh the longer a unity game runs the laggier it gets so obviously in a long run like this we're going to be seeing some frames stuttering usually only happens in aquatic base um and thankfully with silver uh Kingdom Valley for silver is pretty I would say fairly unoptimized Ryan from the snap Cube dub yeah he's pretty funny and of course whoever plays Black Doom as well is hilarious um and I guess Memphis runs are looking good so far they are they are I'm just really sorry guys that the internet's being being dumb again if it's dumb for a third day in a row I'm gonna be hopping on a call and figuring out what the I can do it's so strange it's so strange on YouTube if anybody in the comments knows what this problem is please let me know like what it is how to fix it if it's fixable because uh the issue that I'm having is the server that I connect to when I do a speed test using the website Ookla um it says that with the optimal server which is one in Missouri that's where I live and it's closest to me um it says I have perfect like upload speed however when I connect to the server the server I have the strongest connection to in terms of twitch is the Chicago one in Chicago Illinois um for some reason my connection to it is just terrible some days and I'm not sure why it was perfect on Tuesday but yesterday and today it's been particularly bad that's not too bad for me yeah I definitely understand it's still viewable for you guys but I like everything to be as silky smooth as possible because I do pay for really good internet so I would like to get really good internet deals the thing is right now literally I would need one quarter of my internet to run a good stream however like it's like for some reason like it can't even do that so I don't know [Music] we are going to lose our gem levels here but that's not too big of a deal in Kingdom Valley for the S rank we pretty much got to just play through the stage but I did collect some extra rings in section one the ring bonus is gonna be gonna be pretty wild how to use silver special ability um it's a little bit complicated do you do you have it first have you grabbed the Sigil of Awakening do do you do have it okay junk box I normally don't do this but uh Silver's the Sigil of Awakening is a very complex upgrade so I recommend going to my silver movement tutorial and I have a time stamp for where the explanation of uh where the explanation of Silver's ESP mode is also a lot of you stop a box Castle skip here we go all right it's one press one press skip hog let's go very used to having all the gems so self-promoting not my streamer I know I know it's it well the thing is is like trying to play this game and explain ESP mode is pretty tough zsp mode does a lot of things in a little bit a few of them are a pretty obtuse and what it does I think I do forget to mention though in the tutorial that um when you use the grab all while in ESP mode you don't stop moving [Music] [Music] all right very nice [Music] daddy Pollock you just mean Mike Pollock I really like Dean bristow's Eggman though rest in peace how you doing controller d-pad up plus RT same for Shadows uninhibited mode do people like this is a legitimate question I'm not judging anyone but do people like read the text pop-ups that pop up when you collect the item junk box sets d-pad up plus RT if you look at my controller input it's this input right there which also seemed to freak out the screen there that was weird Shadow is just Why for me yeah you are using whoops this is the wrong stage you are using um the mod you're using the character switch mod then [Music] yes always read whenever you download a modern Stuff Mod creators generally have a readme read the page read the text reading is good for you goodness Tails wave ocean my beloved yeah it is it is thankfully in terms of the S rank we basically just carpet bomb we don't even really need Rings or anything yo what's up Zen how you doing welcome to the stream if you can hear me right now do carpet bomb people say the dummy ring bongs suck who can you do with any other character who can do that no one didn't blame the Creator for things the only the only thing but you did put it in the change long the only thing I don't really blame people for was the change uh to Shadow's uninhibited mode for the shadow release changing it to d-pad up and RT but even then it was still in the changelog so I don't know you wouldn't see the text pop up uh because you'd already have the memory Shard light since we could transfer save files but it's like read please but that's one thing I learned from customer service and it's not even like because people are dumb it's because when when a person has a problem they'd want to talk to a person they don't want to talk to a sign or they don't want to like read something for help you know what I mean so it's like I I have a million times like in the description of every single YouTube video I have I have a download to the Silver release oh what's this game what's this mod I have shorts that literally begin with Sonic project 06 a fan game created by chaos X and there is still someone in the comments who's like oh what is this yeah and it's like I don't know if I could have been more blatant give me that green gem now I would say I'm definitely at fault for that too uh two clicks two clicks nice good job uh actually aiming on there Sonic wave ocean pretty simple uh box speed section and ring bonus is what we're gonna go for here when it comes to getting the S rank oh I already have the green gym where's the download link yo chaos cool mods you made for uh oh six it's really fun oh but I'm I'm definitely at fault for it too so I don't blame people because I kind of understand why and that's the thing about like technology and doing like stuff like this is you just get the same questions over and over again and it gets really tiring for you but the important thing is to not blame people for asking the question because even though you've answered in a million times this is the first time they're asking about it what would be an example chaos you mean like that it's a fully Standalone project and stuff for dude [Music] but that's the thing too especially when it comes to something as popular as po6 you have new people coming in all the time and it's just like you know they're gonna be like dude when you adding the bosses the only thing I legitimately couldn't believe is that people were already asking about the next release when the Silver release dropped like the day in that stream people were like yo so what's When's the next release it's like bro can we enjoy can we enjoy the Silver release for like an hour at least actually play the game that's fair how do I actually play the game well son you click on it and it opens it's incredible one thing I am curious about chaos is why did you end up because I know up until the Sonic release there was that little pop-up that happens before you started the game where you could like change inputs and stuff why did you remove that did that just stop working or something like because I would think that would definitely solve the input issue updated all but when's the next one yeah it just baffles the out of me it's like could we you know enjoy the Silver release for like a little bit also that that flash on the bounce race it looks more green than it did in the shadow release but maybe I'm tripping the Duke of soleiana to the rescue true so download the game Dusty deserts next Dusty desert's actually a really easy S rank but it's a bit weird on how you actually get it fast uh basically we're gonna speed run as normal and Things Are Gonna Change when we get near the end of the level it's kind of cool actually how we S rank this level rather than just collect Rings destroy everything a pop-up according to Unity was only meant for in development builds and not for final product usage wait so did you like flag the shadow release as like a a build or something in the input viewer I mean just I'm confused by that according to Unity [Music] Emily didn't fix it well when I did my all demo speed run it it seemed to uh it seemed to work for me when I changed the inputs on some stuff also for the all demo speed run that that project is currently in Development I've had to get pretty creative with how to edit that video because it's such a large file and hopefully it's gonna work um I'm able to edit it now but uh it might not uh I may finish editing it and then it might not work so um but yeah hey stay tuned for that once that video goes live we're gonna move to Legacy of Solaris but I want to get that video finished first before we start any Legacy of solar stuff so probably we will start Legacy of Solaris I know I said we were gonna start this week but we got new categories for po6 anyway Chad we are in white Acropolis get your cat gems cat jams cat Jam jams and stomo jams out in addition exclamation mark jamming jamming in the chats good night party along with us so let's rave um Legacy of Solaris probably won't be next week because next week's Memorial Day and stuff um and then uh we will probably start Legacy of Solaris after that weekend so like June 4th ish so it's coming soon it's coming soon that will hopefully be the final delay for the playthrough but uh there's a few things I want to finish up with po6 before I depart from it for a little bit didn't work 100 never get a future it's selfish of a buggy launcher for it gotcha makes sense all right so with white Acropolis we're gonna get like a 25 000 Point bonus and we can get a lot of points here obviously because we're Sonic and we can combo like crazy so we're just gonna do combo off of this enemy here and then what we're going to do is some launchers are gonna spawn or Searchers actually and uh I don't really care about defeating them what I do care about is getting these rainbow rings it's a bit scary but we get a lot of points from those rainbow rings and then obviously we have a huge huge combo potential here I want to hit the Searchlight so these guys spawn and we can include them in the combo uh because we can't really worry about Rings since we're gonna clip right through here thankfully that enemy is right next to the sky gem so we can just grab that I'm gonna hit this Dash ring to grab the invincibility and then we're gonna head over here and defeat this leader and that should be enough to get us uh 27 000 yeah we're fine uh so we can just come here and because I think because we were Invincible we broke the rock but or it might have been level three blue gem I don't know about Generations Project 06 demo there's a Generations Project 06 demo I know there's a there's an o6 project for Generations that's fine yeah saving a lot of time there since we don't have to redo uh redo that the only real issue we've had so far in Sonic's story is um radical train I think pretty sure we best ranked everything else I haven't quite been focusing on it but I'm pretty sure we did otherwise this is going to be quite the dead run yeah that's what I meant I mean it's fine I haven't played it in a very long time I think the last time I played it like the 06 models weren't even a thing uh but who knows maybe I'll download it and and play it again that's by Brian knew Sonic right and I'm pretty sure that's where the Silver Sonic Kingdom Valley cutscene originated from alrighty ciao let's get the 360. I don't know if chaos did it first or if that project did it first your tutor says hi oh well hello wait a minute why do you why are you talking to a tutor while watching the Stream prices City I should say free S rank uh the only thing we have to do a little bit differently is at the beginning of section two here we are going to yes hello to the tutor um what I should uh at the beginning of section two here we are gonna grab a shield because the uh debris in the mock speed section can be a bit unruly so background as I do my work oh nice foreign background noise for you I'm genuinely honored that's like the second best compliment I think you can give a streamer at least in my case is usage for background noise oh my goodness now here's the thing because we have the shield we don't want to use the yellow gem because oh do we get a shield right there I don't think that's a shield power up I think that was Rings or something oh gotcha uh don't forget the yellow gem that definitely happened in early runs but uh the yellow gem actually gets rid of your shield and because we can't use yellow gem in the mock speed section well would be an interesting feature that if you had the yellow gem equipped you could actually have it in the mock speed section but I don't know how you would balance it uh with like the maturity meter and stuff unless you just had the yellow gem be a one hit yo bomb squad chill the out bro not funny say probably one more like that in your band my man I'm getting real sick of these dumb jokes oh um well we don't have uh we don't have that I think we instill S rank though I think we still can I have some we can get some good combo game going here in uh section three and collect some more rings I think we still got this because the time bonus I think we get like somewhere in the ballpark of thirty thousand points section three hit the section three section three of Crisis City is quite mean I I do have to say uh we're gonna go ahead and take this there is yeah you can still S rank I'm pretty sure I could still S rank even if I died in the mach speed section but it is a little bit nerve-wracking that uh we done because now we don't have the shield which kind of sucks uh you can S rank it but you have to have the time bonus like it's not like a free S rank if you have zero points like if it took you like 10 minutes to get through the rest of Crisis City you're not gonna S rank the stage let's see here shouldn't take damage from that so we're in level four all right we're good ring pass should be over here yep all right almost 300 Rings 7 000 points I think we're gonna get 30 000 points from the uh from this so I think we're good I think we're good happens for Monster other characters since it's just Sonic right now yeah we'll see it'll definitely be interesting oh yeah more than enough the combo game gameplay wasn't even necessary in section three but uh I'm glad I did it anyway do [Music] will always be funny to me yeah that's kind of what happens with um uh with the dialogue in this game as they generally say like oh gotta be careful here and then I die and it's funny red gem let's go uh flame core uh pretty standard for S ranking we're just gonna do some combo game uh when we switch back to Sonic after knuckles in section two basically gonna give us the S rank but having the shield from the red gem is really nice Silver's Yahoo yeah it really is that's kind of one of our silver memes now so hey there we go gem is the most useful I've heard it is it's the most useful as being part of the gem slots oh when you sky here I genuinely I don't think that tornado is that bad of a line delivery honestly my favorite ones are are Yahoo and Amy I wanted that one is hilarious that's your stream notification that's true it's true here's my stream notification all right no tube clipping here we're just gonna well I guess technically we could tube clip but we can't make it to the end of the stage anymore so no reason to do it that tornado's carrying a car that's a classic for sure oh whoa it's just a funny line yeah I can see that Philip but your opinion's wrong bro it kind of sucks I was really hoping in Sonic's 100 we would use you know Knuckles to combo here since he's got all these cool attacks and stuff but uh nope Sonic's still better at the combo game so it's gonna fly through here we might not even to combo that many I think we want to this is another stage where we want to hit 25 000 points I can't quite remember the S rank here and that's why I appreciate you Phillip because you understand especially should be able to just combo off of those guys because we do have the 80 rings uh I'll go just for safety here and we're gonna go around this way grab some more rings and defeat these guys and hop through the rainbow ring even on this rainbow ring I feel like is in such a weird spot it's like why is there a rainbow ring there it doesn't like go over a Chasm or anything blocking that I think we are well set for the S rank here foreign Sonic is definitely the most broken for score just how easy you can chain stuff Shadow's pretty close to him though I definitely think Sonic's better though because you can move faster because bounce jump Dash bounce jump Dash you can keep chaining that over and over again okay radical change Gumball Kingdom Valley let's go almost done uh we don't have to worry about the s-rank so we can just fly over here all we gotta do is get section three grab that Rainbow Gem and then finish up Kingdom Valley as supersonic hopefully if I don't take any hits only his opinion matters I mean my opinion doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things regardless of whose stream it is and me to get moving yeah that's a fun one too yo-yos but hey we get to see silver in his upgrades again so that's fun my other's good I haven't tested it nearly enough but it should be mostly okay well that's what Gordon's for [Music] yo usual pie how you doing uh going pretty well this is currently the only run we've done today all stories 100 is an extremely long category compared to the other stuff in a p06 so uh we're really working through we might have time for another one uh but I can't really go over time today like I did yesterday so I might just do a regular all stories or something like that uh so we can use that ESP mode and such I definitely needed to do a bad neck bounce I've got the S ranking on the brain don't fall through the clock Dusty desert seem to feel way better that's good yo could you make a customizable option to have the old camera do you still have the issue when you're in like a corner and you like the camera spazzes out uh chaos it's uh it now goes through walls anyway alrighty Chad load up your Stella pogs for Sonic castle castle skip version two here we go oh God I always get scared sometimes that debris on the tower can knock Sonic and uh yeah it's all good skip oh let's go not something I can fix easily okay that's like uh that's a bigger issue I thought maybe what your camera fix wow nice well guess we're not finishing a supersonic but oh well the 20 ring capsule here but damn the fact that that chandelier does damage yeah the bounce the bounce kind of bounced me up too high and yeah oh well we got the Rainbow Gem it's fine we're just not gonna see supersonic at all which kind of sad but we can see the yellow gem though uh SuperSonics yellows Super Sonic lists yep do do I not realize that fire is bad uh because I like Blaze and she's got fire powers so fire good maybe I don't know the most requested quality of life things what were the most requested life had to be so hard because to make something truly great it takes a lot of work not necessarily hard work just a lot of work water can also also be bad pretty much everything can be bad if you think about it all right time for shadow story this is gonna be fun so the main thing is that of course Shadow doesn't have any upgrades other than his S rank reward which is the memory Shard light so when it comes to his hundred percent you can definitely see it as not fun in a way because you don't have anything to collect but what is super fun about it is chaining for those uh high score bonuses to get the S ranks however we're not going to be seeing a lot of that in white Acropolis because we are going to cheese the out of this S rank uh we basically just have to speedrun the stage and do one extra thing here uh which is gonna be pretty cool do [Music] do do do do I practice Shadow's story a lot yesterday after the Stream So hopefully we'll have a much better Showcase of his 100 run here so what we have to do is one we want to chaos attack these enemies and then we are going to stay in the air and then just hold there and there we go automatic 29 000 points because of defeating that leader which is pretty dang crazy we want to shoot for 36 ish thousand points uh before we hit the goal ring um but thankfully destroying the searchlights with Shadow actually gives us points there are five search lights so we're just gonna have to defeat a couple enemies in order to uh get the rest here Eggman you can spin kick twice if you're fast yeah but I'd rather just not take the risk of losing the combo bonus to be honest with you oh just these guys oh wait it gives us 2 000 points I thought it was just one thousand oh it is just one thousand okay I must have killed an enemy on accident or something yes tornado kick is quite the answer to a lot of things so I get you and that rock has turned out to be really useful do be running yo what's up lit how you doing how's that uh how's that shatterstone have you uh passed anymore or no doo doo like I said nice S rank right there white Acropolis to start off very nice in practice yesterday I actually got the IL set in Kingdom Valley I highly doubt that's going to happen again you're cured oh stelmo Paul POG man after 7 months dude congrats your fuckinglations for those who don't know Lit C has been fighting a shatter Stone which is a kidney stone if you don't know what a kidney stone is um it's something it's like a little speck that gets lodged in your kidneys which makes it extremely extremely extremely painful they're generally like the size like literally the size of it could even be like a grain of sand and um what happened to LIT is that that kidney stone then shattered into what 12 pieces so not only and it's also incredibly painful to pass the kidney stone because the only way you can get rid of a kidney stone as far as I know is oh we also got Bazinga key let's go uh the only way to pass a kidney stone is to well pee it out and uh yeah it's incredibly incredibly painful how many how many times did you have have to pass if you don't mind me asking because you had 12 of them right change position slightly based on RNG how about not it's the worst pain imaginable yeah my uh one of my ex-girlfriends got a kidney stone and it was just one six times I got the others removed damn dude you have gotta feel like you're on air chatterstone sounds metal as kind of shout sounds like a Pokemon evolution item but yeah congratulations lit I hope I hope you were able to go out and celebrate with some loved ones man cause wow what causes hit Stones I believe it's just like a build up of mineral I think it depends on your diet it's very rare it's very rare and regardless of what you eat it can still happen um but to be honest with you I couldn't tell you like what actually causes it all right when it comes to Kingdom Valley here all we're gonna have to do is hop into these towers and defeat some enemy formations to get some combos going nothing too crazy here you can be pretty leaning at the time bonus is really nice in Kingdom Valley especially if you don't get hit but we did get hit so I'm gonna have to be a little extra careful when it comes to the enemies we defeat oh yeah mostly comes from sugar I think the wrath of malicious Gods yeah that's true oh all right we should be able to take care of this enemy formation and then just uh do away with having to worry about points um yeah calcium buildup that's right [Music] previously I'm a damn Champion you are dude even with kidney stones you graduated too dude Banger after Banger congratulations lit I'm super happy for you dude it definitely hurt I knew whenever you came in here that you were still fighting that that and I I could not I could not do it I would be crying like a baby literally every single day and just whining and whining and whining about it you beat your time yo chaos where's that invisible wall whoa yeah we're definitely killing it drinking the milkies gives you the stingies you I did not enjoy reading that sentence [Music] all right Crisis City pretty free S rank we are going to have to defeat a couple enemies but the nice thing is we can actually wait until the very end of the stage because what we can do is go into chaos snap and uh there are a lot of enemies we can chain which is probably what I'm gonna do at the end there RNG I hate this category yeah we're gonna have to separate between kidney stone and shatterstone well I definitely didn't mean to homie attack those enemies but I'll take the extra points now you're the world record holder dang what is what is like I guess the record for the most like kidney stones pass like largest shatter Stone I guess because like God I can't imagine having one kidney stone and then lit you had 12. like watch it be something ridiculous like 30 or something maybe a skip called stomo skip wait what are you talking about what skip one trillion wow that's a lot of kid with that many kidney stones even fit in a person's body one bazillion trust me guys I Googled it breaks into multiple you'd have to pass individually yeah got bad kidney stone RNG it sounds like it seems like The Internet's been stable for a minute Chad how uh how's the stream been I've been looking over occasionally and seeing it I recommend refreshing your streams I did turn on ultra low latency mode since I reduced some of the graphic settings so you guys should be maybe like at most a second behind it's been good dang right as you say that we got it we got a uh we got some drops and Frames but it's fine I really appreciate all of you even through all these internet issues that have been happening since November that you've all been here and supporting and everything guys are all awesome because I press k no always have bad RNG I hope you have the best RNG for the rest of your life man love your content regardless of Internet no thank you mule that really does mean a lot try my best man try my best I like Beyblade uh I never really like got into like the Beyblade anime or anything but me and my brother had Beyblades when we were growing up uh nice glad that went well oh my God Shadow please Shadow please all right I would love to not get troll trucks here another thing I was talking about yesterday uh of course we get troll trucks um the second hit here like you can get hit it happened to me in practice yesterday you get hit right there if your timing is bad unlike the second swing up yeah I think with just optimal movement you're always gonna get troll truck there with the increased homing attack all right what we're gonna do here is we're actually gonna take the spring uh so I can grab some rings here activate chaos snap and it's time to start chaining some enemies so uh chaos snap is ridiculous spear bouncing is ridiculous plus we have some debris we can uh refresh our homing attacks off of okay miss that but we can do that and then go on this jump panel and then hit that unfortunately we were a little too slow there but we can go down here it's good to be in snap and not Lance for these one-hit enemies because if you are in Lance your normal chaos here uh does damage does it lose time to change rails I don't think so but it's also not a huge deal I don't think dang that was close I definitely need to be more careful in Crisis City that that was scary close to missing the S rank and that's the worst stage because that Shadows longest stage it has four sections flame core flame core is an interesting one her Shadow uh we are going to activate chaos snap We're Not Gonna activate any of the owl that freaking puffed jeez um We're Not Gonna activate any of the rest of his chaos boost because we don't want to defeat enemies in one hit because like I said with chaos Lance um let's level two chaos boost your default chaos spear instead of stunning enemies does one point of damage to enemies so uh because a lot of enemies in flame core are one hit we uh and we want to use our chaos Spirit to maintain our air uh or maintain ourselves in the air uh we want to make sure that uh it doesn't do damage in case it locks onto an enemy and stuns him so are you doing this here the second fight coming up is going to give us a ridiculous amount of points yeah like I said the fun in Shadows 100 comes from actually chaining the S ranks and stuff and not from the upgrades though I still would love if the memory shards were separated out in Shadow stages I think it'd be kind of fun um the only thing is that the only way it could really work is if they were Progressive upgrades if you don't know what that means Progressive upgrades are like so there would be four locations right one for the blue one one for the red one one for the black one and then um s ranking and have the memory Shard light behind but uh what what it would mean is that in all four spawn locations if you've collected no memory shards you would have to get the blue you would have to get the blue one first so no matter what level you went into you would collect blue first and then after that you would collect red in the rest and then you would um collect uh black and then lights the only thing that would be kind of weird about it is that the memory Shard lights I guess wouldn't be locked behind the S rank anymore well it still would be locked behind s ranked but if you found the memory Shard light location then uh like if you found a different thing at the memory Shard light location then you wouldn't be able to collect it but I guess if chaos really wanted to if for whatever reason he ended up going with the system uh I guess he would require you to get the all all the other chaos shards before getting the memory Shard light which I think is fine not every character needs to be completely similar to Sonic's gems well it wouldn't be similar because Sonic's gems aren't Progressive do well it would be locked by the S rank regardless Affleck because the the gem that would spawn in Dusty desert wouldn't spawn unless you had all the s ranks so like the splash screen text I guess could say like go exploring because a new memory Shard has appeared or something like that I don't know one Sonic character who would beat tails tails is the goat all right radical train here we're gonna do the same ish thing uh we can't skip the train because we don't have enough time to combo and get enough points to S rank so uh we're just gonna play this stage as normal ring count is always flame core flame core is a stage that hits you a lot for sure yeah we're gonna take some Springs destroy some stuff we're gonna go ahead and destroy this enemy formation here I don't quite remember but I think if we're above like 20 30 000 points we'll be fine come on Eggman why are these barriers in radical train that like the solianans like set them up [Music] uh we want to defeat this one of me formation actually all right we want to be careful not to homing attack here because there's an enemy sitting down there and it's really hard to recover off of that all right we're gonna defeat these guys open up the cage we might actually be able to do the second train skip here uh because I'm not gonna be attacking this enemy formation thankfully in section two we're not on a time limit at all uh until we go down to where the second bike spawn is so we can take our time here to collect all these rings and ring capsules uh so that we can get the S rank uh which since I took a hit I definitely want to do a lot of guys here we'll go ahead and chain these guys just for some extra points and go ahead and homing attack both of those and then we should be able to destroy the train and be totally fine 96 Rings 19 000 points I've got faith practical train is definitely not a terrible stage to have to redo because of how relatively short it is so not too worried about if we have to play again also get the black memory Shard yeah the thing is is that that's not congruent with the other like it's not required to get the other upgrades like all the other upgrades with all the other characters in order to get the S rank reward but I think for shadow that that's fine since he's like the ultimate life form and and would need to be at full power to unlock the memory Shard light it'd be cool I think all right aquatic base free s-rank don't have to worry about it at all we basically get like 30 000 points just off of the final fight room alone as long as we don't uh like land on the ground or anything unless we get a ton of points here as well so not worried about it in the slightest I do want to learn how to do this uh boostless obviously because we have to do it boostless here in 100 but also just because it's better yeah I really like this stage too uh because when showcasing Shadow speed run this is the only one where it's viable to use all four levels of chaos boost so I really like uh I really like this stage for that ow I always get this confused with silver section level two level three what's chaos blast oh wow nice oh wow I didn't hit either of those guys chaos boost one but now it takes 15 like or is not as easy yeah it's it's faster to do boostless 100 percent um then going straight up to uninhibited mode uh because of how long it takes to get it on inhibited mode now fortunately not having uninhibited mode kind of makes this last fight through fight room a little bit slower but uh it's still pretty fun and we're gonna get a ton of points from it as well uh it wasn't really worth doing the tornado kick there I don't think ow oh no I lost my rings I really need those all right there's our Lance there's our Lance thank you and 58 000. 4.0 uninhibited in Shadow and Silver release it'd be ridiculous I think that in terms of the speed run now uninhibited is only viable here in um here in aquatic base I did some testing the only other stage we used it in was flame core and um I don't know I think in uninhibited mode I did the first section of flame core like a second faster um than just being in chaos boost one plus so you can stay in chaos boost one you don't have to do any resetting or any of that garbage so I think it might not be worth it to go uninhibited in flame core anymore heard my sarcasm wait what sarcasm what did I say push of a button you can go beast mode true oh if you press K yeah wave Ocean's actually pretty fun to S rank when you don't suck at it uh with Omega here we're basically just going to be running and gutting quite literally uh there are a lot of single Target enemies that we can just hit on our way over to Memphis here it's really nice do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do you can actually chain those really damn quickly um but yeah just a couple points most of our points are going to come from uh switching to Shadow and this Shadow section right here it's like unity's lagging not surprised we uh have been running for about an hour and a half here so all right I'm gonna go into chaos boost oh damn unfortunately hit the ground there but that's fine oh the lag let's go yeah we want to stay in chaos boost one I'm gonna continue our streak here uh I if I did it more optimally we would have had that first combo still going but I mean 26 000 points is still fine for sure actually it was the time to finalize it this time restart the whole stage it cuts my S rank yeah that's the that's the tough part about s ranks for sure is when you get wrecked up near the end of the stage all right we have to be really careful here knowing what happened to us yesterday to happen again but thankfully we're good all right and I guess just for funsies we have infinite hover uh infinite bullets here so we might as well just mow everything down here we go we some rings just for fun see if we can get the hover car into the goal ring okay never mind we're just we're just going dude the downfall of Dave yeah with Omega 144 FPS dude that sounds insane it's awesome and there we go wave ocean on the first try uh have we had to restart any stages I think the only stages we've had to restart in Sonic story so this was a really good run not deathless uh definitely one of the challenges I do want to do is do a deathless all stories 100 but uh yeah definitely not worried about that right now oh shadow oh Shadow all right I'm just gonna restart hopefully the terrain can be a little bit nicer there we go dude we this is the 06 Hummer car uh maybe oh my God Dusty desert easy-s rank we play as Omega and we just blow everything up it's great oh I hear is skill issue there's nothing wrong with my game it's flawless so yep basically does the desert S rank plays Omega blow up everything uh that should do it funnily enough it's kind of interesting that you know we kind of had to move side us side to side to hit that switch but because omega's bullets crossed now we kind of have to aim off the switch so that the bullets hit it kind of interesting I imagine the trajectory of egg of omega's Gatling gun bullets was changed to not have to do that but oh well it doesn't matter it still works [Music] oh boy here we go I don't know what it is about Shadows Dusty desert but I have to pee again so we're we're really gonna be speedrunning oh come on in oh that dude didn't even see me nice but yeah this is a big combo bonus right here boom 21 000 points easy peasy uh now we just gotta gun it to the end of the stage and hopefully not die along the way and we're set and we get to play Dusty desert a second time which is great it didn't mean to get that but whatever the tornado kicked Bean mobile is really the answer I didn't know that was needed that's the shadow run that's okay after this we're probably gonna do some upgrade the silver which I'm really excited to try out I have no routes for that except for obviously Dusty desert since we do it upgrade this here so I'm excited to Fumble through that run and see what happens easy yes rank let's go do [Music] we are doing uh quite a bit better than we did yesterday teleport Dash about to be insane well it's going to be the opposite of insane actually but uh yeah we'll see Gordon's not here to criticize me yeah Gordon would uh would eat me alive all right let's go ahead and grab this invincibility this is how you S rank tropical jungle you grab this invincibility and then just climb into these robots here they're gonna give you a lot of points the time bonus on tropical jungle is freaking ridiculous so uh basically we just need to chain together all these robots for a combo and uh just gun it to the end with uh obviously we can't clip anymore so we do have to find the keys but that's not too big of a deal do do uh maybe we'll have this key over here uh I don't know I feel like I should be worried but I don't think I am like I don't think I need to be but thankfully there's some ring capsules we can grab down here I guess feel a little bit better about it hey guys see you later we do have this final enemy formation here that's gonna give us a lot of points because of these uh boxes and if we're smart we can chain them and I think we're good let's go like I said time bonus is pretty ridiculous in tropical jungle but uh if we don't get the S rank this is a short stage so easy to do again yeah 38 000 points it's like a silver stage so honestly we might not even need to defeat that first enemy formation the last one might give us enough points as long as we chain it right there we go memory Shard light thanks for playing oh my goodness but I'm not done yet chaos I'm not done yet and I haven't even played the test stage E3 Crisis City or xbla Kingdom Valley I don't remember where I started okay you start out at the last stage all right now we just have to worry about speedrun and Dusty desert which uh is pretty much the exact same thing we did before man I love seeing those splits 23 minutes ahead it's beautiful whoa Shadow whoa my man overshot it a bit there thank goodness that trigger is there having to actually do section one of Dusty desert would be terrible and that's why I put it in the bingo that's uh I still need to update for the Silver release that we can start playing bingo on stream not s ranking a Shadow level on the first try couldn't be me uh uh give me that please okey-doke come on do hit the switch please thank you I think I aim a little too high there which is why I don't hit the switch all the time I really appreciate chaos that you put uh the elimination complete line there it's really nice so you know when you actually defeat every enemy in that room ah dang was hoping to wrap around to the left but he turned a little bit worthless consumer models that's a gray line I somehow I always move my camera but I'm somehow never in the center of it pretty annoying also my cap is like Way High there we go I look more like myself Omega is still the best what do you mean W run yeah this run is pretty nuts I like that we can just get out and uh blow up kind of reminds me of an action movie there's a memory Shard light who needs switches do Oh you mean just in terms of official Sonic stuff I got you unfortunately not worth it to go uninhibited here you just gotta collect the item bit of a shame but that's how it is all right that was all stories 100 world record world record world record world record world record I really hope you guys enjoyed that it's a it's a really fun category to race but thank you all so much for watching have yourselves a fantastic rest of your day and I'll see you in the next one for everyone who's live with me I gotta take a piss so I'm gonna go do that [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Stelmo98
Views: 37,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world record, sonicp06, shadow, shadow 06, super sonic, super shadow, silver release, eggman, sonic the hedgehog, Project 06, speedrun, sonic 06, sonic p06 100%, sonic all gems, sonic p06 gems, sonic p06, sonic p06 s ranks, sonic p06 all s ranks, sonic p06 s rank guide, sonic p06 silver upgrades, sonic p06 shadow upgrades, sonic p06 sonic s ranks, sonic p06 shadow s ranks, sonic p06 silver s ranks, 100% speedrun, sonic p06 speedrun, p06 silver speedrun, p06 shadow speedrun
Id: nQlOb2WNxm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 6sec (6246 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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