The Sonic Project '06 Silver Release DEBUTS at Games Done Quick!

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hello again my friends and welcome back to the gdq hotfix I'm your host smooth operative and you are watching Time Capsule now our next game is a stunning Recreation of Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and while it was technically released as a demo in 2019 uh we like to break the rules sometimes so please welcome stelmo98 for an all-story speedrun of Sonic project 06. hello hello good morning good afternoon or good evening wherever you are in the world as Tippy said my name is thelma98 and welcome to Sonic project 06. well yeah it is based off the original 2006 game we uh kind of cheated a little bit like she said and I am showing off the Silver release demo of Sonic project 06. if you've never seen this game before this is a from the ground up Recreation it's not a mod or anything of Sonic project 06 um it developed and led by Argentine Argentinian programmer chaos X at a whole bunch of other people that I'll be talking about as we get through the run here um it updates updates stage layouts it uh it changes character abilities improves Graphics basically transforming the most one of the most infamous games in video game history into one of the best 3D Sonic experiences anyone could ask for and it's completely free so I'm really excited to do this run for you guys introduction like that I I'm ready oh me too so uh what do you say we get started I guess yeah what do you think chat should we start it up should we I mean I can I can go if do you guys want to see it do you want to see it if anyone from my streams here is there maybe some stomach pogs we could see oh okay there we go I see a couple all right let's go ahead and get this thing started sure yeah give us the countdown here we go all stories Sonic project 06 in three two one let's go now there are oh thank you there are some in-game's cup see in-game cutscenes so I'm gonna be TR try to be quiet during them if I can get through my sentence all right looks like blazing silver are ready so let's get started ourselves starting off in this all stories B Speed Run we are beginning in Silver's story um if you've never played sonico 6 before this was Silver's debut game and uh he's a psychokinetic hedgehog from the future and he's gonna go back to the past and try to save his own future from complete the scratch destruction our opening stage here Crisis City we're going to be seeing a whole bunch of crazy stuff with silver way too much to go into in just one stage what you saw me do right there is use this really cool ability called ESP mode which does a whole bunch of things but just for right now I want you to know that it uh adds a discount to Silver's psychokinesis abilities one of those psychokinesis abilities that we're going to be seeing a ton is the teleport Dash this is basically we press a twice and we use up our action gauge which is the glowy bar in the bottom right uh to basically fly as far as we can as much as that action gauge allows ESP mode allows us to um fly a lot farther so we're going to be seeing some crazy skips with silver here but the fun doesn't stop because project 06 is an insanely quick game and we are scooting on over to blaze here Blaze is pretty much unchanged from the original game but we do have one unused ability from retail 06 put back into our Arsenal here which you just saw is the crow attack even though it looks more like a cat claw I guess they were just having fun over at Sonic team when they were naming different attacks for Blaze so it's called The Crow attack doesn't do a whole lot in terms of combat but it does keep our momentum which is really nice hopping back into some silver gameplay here one thing that I do want to note is silver's Crisis City is the only stage where you start in one section head to another section and then go back to the same section you started in in the game code the first section for Silver's Crisis City is called section f one then we go to section B and then we go back to section F2 uh which is pretty interesting silver obviously was a much slower character back in the original game so with this new speed he destroys some of his stages oh no Tippy can you believe what you're seeing right now I can't and I'm actually can't help but laugh at The Crisis City like 100 crisis going on yeah absolutely and and Silver's such a cool character like wow yeah what you're seeing right here is one of the most amazing cutscenes people were going crazy over this when chaos released the Silver release it's a tropical jungle cut scene made by uh chaos and the awesome Sonic box who's like an animator who's animated stuff for some different Sonic games and a few other projects on their own and oh my goodness it's it's beautiful there's gonna be a lot more where that came from so definitely stay tuned if you like cool cutscenes and Sonic games often the tropical jungle here this is a one section stage and in fact we're almost at the end again silver just absolutely obliterating these stages with his new prowess in project 06. um I guess going a little bit into what silver can do outside of just jumping and teleport dashing he is able to use psychokinesis and if you've ever played a game called Star Wars the Force Unleashed which I actually think may have also released in 2006 I'm not entirely sure for the Xbox 360. um you can basically think of it like what Starkiller does in that game we can pick up objects manipulate them set them down and throw them all that kind of stuff and we're going to be seeing a lot of those physics as we head into Dusty desert here one of the most infamous stages from Sonic 06 because of some billiard balls which I don't know what business they have being in a desert temple but I don't make the game what uh what you saw right there is another ability it's an upgrade for silver that you can find in the game called the psychic knife it's an upgraded version of a new ability he has in Project 06 called the psychic shots which is just a projectile he can shoot to stun enemies and Hit Switches and all that kind of stuff the psychic knife just increases the area of effect and it goes through enemies kind of like if you played a Metroid game samus's plasma beam or something like that again hopping into ES P mode here to use that discounted teleport Dash to absolutely fly across the stage grabbing a capsule in midair there that's called a gauge up capsule which refills our action gauge so we can continue flying since silver doesn't refill his action gauge in the air and we're going to switch over to Amy Rose again project 06 just absolutely knocking it out of the park with its characters and how they play Amy Rose was absolutely the worst play the worst character to play in the original game she was super slow had terrible attacks and was just in general really stiff and clunky to play as project 06 fixes that almost completely with some brand new character animations again made by Sonic box and Chaos X to give her her Adventure move set plus a double jump we got a hammer jump we've got a hammer swing we've got a spinning Hammer attack and all sorts of stuff and the main complaint that people have with Amy and project 06 is her section is just not long enough because she is just too dang fun to play as and in all that time it took to explain her it's already over and unfortunately we're not going to see her for the rest of the game as we switch back over to Silver here I know hello and goodbye essentially yes this game is just so dang fast but as we move on here we're just destroying some other enemy waves what I'm doing there is using a move called the psycho shock which stuns enemies in a radius and then all I'm doing is pressing the RT button to quickly pick up the enemies and put them down which immediately destroys them you isn't another property of ESP mode right there it creates a giant ESP blast that destroys all the enemies in the surrounding area that opens the way to the ball puzzle don't worry about it the ball puzzle is not nearly as egregious as it was in retail 06. okay Austin awesome job fixing up the ball's momentum and physics and all that sorts of stuff and in addition to that you can actually hold the ball with your psychokinesis to completely stop in in its tracks Silva goes flying in a bad spot like it just did right there you don't got to worry about it one bit and just get it as it swings right around the hole right around the hole there we go straight into there getting us to the goal ring three stages in already now Estella you know so much about this game did you play the uh I guess the 2006 version like on release like what is your experience with that game so with retail 06 which is what I refer to the original game to as to differentiate the two um sure yeah is uh I played it at the end of 2006 and in 2007 and I thought the game was pretty bad even when even when I I was younger it's it's really easy to see the cracks even with some Rose tinted glasses on but me like a lot of other people just see the absolute potential that was in Sonic 06 and it takes games like project 06 to really uh fully realize that potential that the game had a lot of people uh have said and have told chaos that these are the best incarnations of the characters in 3D ever even including official media so that's amazing that's pretty high praise for a Sonic fan game there I even call this a fan game this is this is just a straight up video game it is so fun yeah and the fact that it's free still blows my mind you go download it right now if you want if I've convinced you yet I'm guessing a quick Google search can find you the correct uh place to be to get the game absolutely just a Google Sonic project 06 chaos X and you'll be in the right place for sure if you see any metal music uh or cool anime trailers you know you're in the right spot the the lead developer is quite the Dragon Ball fan which I don't blame a very cool Series so amazing Bliss you're talking about a little bit we just did a quick first section as Blaze there nothing too crazy going on just uh just a little bit of stuff we'll talk about her more in her extra stage because she does have a full length stage all by her Lonesome um I guess talking a little bit about the structure of o6 is that each campaign has three characters you got your main Hedgehog that being Sonic Shadow or silver and then generally two Amigo characters if you've maybe figured out by now the two of May the two Amigo characters in silver story are Blaze and Amy you're gonna be playing his blaze a lot more which is really awesome but again just such so unfortunate that we only get one small section with Amy but just zooming on right along here I don't I'm talking over my own words without fast removing is we're off into radical train radical train is one of Silver's shortest stages we're just going to be using a lot of teleport dashes here so if there are maybe some questions from chat uh if anybody's asked anything yet on what's going on we're just doing ESP mode and then just uh double tap an a to just fly across this stage right now I think a lot of people are shocked that this is a fan game that exists because of how impressive it is um and with all the changes you know making the characters smoother and everything I'm wondering like do you have a preference and character that you like to uh I guess play as in in this version every character is so intricate and complex that you can find fun in any of them it's it's really hard to pick a favorite because they're all so good that's fair answer the question but I know but that's okay that's just the truth of it I have positives to say about every character in this game I did I was able to get my hands on demo one uh which just contains Sonic's Kingdom Valley and Sonic's uh wave ocean and play it from there um I didn't start speedrunning it though until 2021 when the shadow release came out it featured all of uh Sonic and Shadow stages pretty appropriate here as we're playing as the Hedgehog right now um but uh yeah I've been speedrunning it for about two years um and it's just been an absolute blast and been streaming quite a bit as well so uh definitely a fun time to speedrun as well as being an absolutely insane game casually as well um hopping into silver aquatic base here silver uh unlike the other two hedgehogs has probably the biggest difficulty spike in the entire game when you go from radical train to Aquatic base that's when stuff starts getting serious uh these these next three stages are quite a bit longer and they have a lot of harder tricks going on here again use an ESP mode just oh it's such a cool ability there's there's so much going on here we're gonna see another bit of ESP uh modes benefits is that we're just going to run into these enemies and it's going to automatically stun them for us no psychic slap or psycho psycho shot or psychic shot my goodness sometimes these abilities are a little bit hard to say there's so many yeah I love I love it even then it's hard too but uh continue on continuing on here in aquatic Bay section one wrapping up there isn't too much going on we're going to do a quick teleport Dash over here using that ESP blast once again destroying all of those enemies and then using a little ability called the grab all which grabs all of the stunned enemies in a giant radius around silver doing a quick restart there because I want silver to be out of ESP mode one really interesting perk of ESP mode as you can see it's governed by that red meter that's underneath my big glowy action gauge that's called the maturity meter and while ESP mode is active you cannot charge uh you cannot extend its duration at all so I have to be very careful with when I activate ESP mode because I need to make sure that I have it for as long as I need it for so that restart there takes us out of ESP mode and then we can charge it up again with all those enemies rather than wasting those precious precious energy cores uh to power up ourselves moving on here uh we're just gonna hit these two magnetic poles a fun gimmick of aquatic base there are these magnetic poles around the game uh around the stage sorry that uh just destroy all the enemies into the surrounding area seeing some 2D there I didn't know I was playing Sonic Colors or something like that um not sure why chaos added that I thought this was a 3D game but anyway uh chaos right uh as uh it's probably evident chaos has added a whole bunch of new camera changes just to make some sections a little bit easier those uh laser Gates can be kind of hard to see when you're looking at the character from behind so he put it to the side just to make it a little bit easier for the player which is very nice hopping into Kingdom Valley here oh we got a cutscene Sonic's so fast after that cutscene he just vanishes into Oblivion hopping into Kingdom Valley here this is silver's hardest stage and is probably the most punishing stage in the game the reason for that is with the route we are taking there are no checkpoints so if we take a dip in the water there it is back to the beginning with us which we definitely don't want to do and I'm going to be doing a little bit of risky stuff here because uh unfortunately it's one of those stages where if you play it safe you go really slow um if you play it risky you go really fast there isn't really much in between here so we're going to be doing some crazy stuff as we run through with silver here using that psychic knife again destroy all those enemies to get maximum duration on our ESP mode here as we're about to do a depth of trunk defying trick we have to have let our action gauge sorry uh blow up all the way there or go grow oh my goodness words all the way there because if it is not completely full we can't make that teleport Dash which is pretty crazy but grabbing that eagle under one minute is very good time for Kingdom Valley here now don't worry if silver is your favorite character I am not you know sending him to his Doom uh what chaos did here is he made the trigger to switch to different Amigo characters massive so we can just kind of Chuck silver into the void there and then switch over to Sonic as we do uh his little section in Kingdom Valley since silver was the newcomer in retail 06 they wanted to throw Sonic and Shadow into his story uh just so you know you could get used to him and stuff what I'm doing right here with Sonic is called Castle skip this isn't the only time we're going to be seeing it but I know people who watch the streams like throwing their stomach pogs out when we do that and once again we're just gonna Chuck Sonic into the void here and just switch right on over to Silver telling us that we did a good job I don't know if uh sending Sonic the Hedgehog to his Doom is necessarily the best thing for a Sonic the Hedgehog game but it works for us all the same finishing up Kingdom Valley here we're just going to do a couple psychic shots which is going to destroy this Tower our ESP mode running out just at the right time for all of those energy cores to collect in the silver which means we'll have one more uh activation of ESP mode in order to do this ESP blast as we head on over to the end of Kingdom Valley here just one blast destroying all those enemies and Booyah we are finished only a couple more stages left in silver story has Sonic been at the end at the end of every result screen uh no he's only okay he's only no he's only uh Silver and Sonic go through Kingdom valley together okay uh yeah just just a cool little thing because in the original game the other characters that are supposed to be kind of going with uh the character you're playing as just vanish Into Thin Air um so yeah that's a nice touch then oh very there are little details uh all over project 06 which is it just makes it all the cooler it's like finding little details in your favorite movie or TV show chaosa definitely shows that he is quite the Sonic fan with this game and uh I don't blame him Sonic games are pretty fun interact with the community a lot oh absolutely chaos is uh actually in my streams quite frequently uh let's see talks about different things he's patching for the game there's actually a patch for the Silver release coming out pretty soon uh where he's gonna add a lot of uh cool new stuff and make some bug fixes and that kind of thing because he has very high standards for the game and I don't blame him it's definitely paid off in flame Court here um you're seeing me do some crazy stuff with some bad neck bouncing if you played the original game you know silver normally can't spin jump I know I'm a little late getting to it but uh one of the upgrades that silver can grab in his story called the Lotus of resilience allows him to do the spin jump and the bad Nick bouncing in Project 06 is some of the best bad Nick mountain in the entire Series so you're gonna be seeing it a lot more in the other Hedgehog stories as well doing a quick ESP blast here gonna destroy all those enemies gonna do a quick psychic knife to take care of that Ibis lizard there then pick up that guy Chuck him into the other one and now we have ESP mode for the rest of section one of flame core and we're gonna get a pretty cool visual shot here as we head to the end of section one um let's see what else can we talk about oh I know what I want to talk about so what you're going to see as we enter section two of flame core here is there are these runes on the ground that you've been seeing me activate with silver that either uh make platforms for us or open doors or that type of thing in retail 06 because you know they didn't have a whole lot of time to finish the game these runes had a default position however chaos went in and meticulously went I think there's over like 35 or 40 runes in the game and oriented them toward what they activate again just one of those small little details that just really set project 06 apart from a lot of other just Sonic games in general official or otherwise heading off into section two here we're just doing uh some platforming again because silver isn't quite as fast as uh the Hedgehogs were more familiar with he doesn't have uh quite as lengthy of stages and is a lot more platform heavy uh they tend to be shorter he's going to be our shortest speed run we're going to see today right here uh I like to call this guy I call him Bill uh because he keeps his company while that door opens you know uh clenches his fist trying to attack silver but unfortunately we are just way too fast for him activating ESP mode one more time here as we attack the four of Iblis which is our big monster that we're trying to defeat that created this ruined future here what we're gonna do is wait for that uh shock wave to pass then we're gonna stand on this platform and do a Teleport Dash ride up the Collision of that little stag might I think it's stalagmite there that gets us to the spring on top of the core and destroys Iblis well ibliss is core anyway we still have to fight him but unfortunately in the current release of project 06 there aren't any boss fights it's only the stages that is planned for the next release I think but that is our final stage with silver and uh but we're not quite done with this story yet we do have an extra stage each uh Hedgehog story has an extra stage where you play through a section with one of the Amigos and for silver it is Blaze in wave ocean now if you're familiar with the original game you know that wave oceans set at daytime but like how the beginning of Crisis City was set at night wave Ocean looks uh a little bit nice so I'll just give you a second to take in the absolute prettiness that this stage embodies as you can see just some absolutely gorgeous Sunrise visuals here as we head through with blaze one thing that I want to talk about is that if you've played the original game you know that Blaze has a double jump in Project 06 there is a move uh called the spinning claw which was in retail 06 but uh it's not mapped to the same Button as some of her other abilities like it was it has its own separate button and if you do a spinning claw in the air after a double jump it refreshes your double jump so that means Blaze has a triple jump make making her an incredibly vertically gifted uh character allowing us to do some crazy stuff especially as we're as we're gonna see at the end of Blaze's wave ocean here one cool thing that you're going to see in a couple of the stages is that chaos actually made a bit of his own custom level design because some of the stages in retail 06 definitely were cut a little short Blaze wave ocean being one of them because she is just such a fun character to play as so normally what we would do in the original game is go left here and hit the goal ring but we're actually gonna go right and and go through all of this level design right here which is some pretty cool stuff definitely not bad about playing more Blaze she's one of my favorite oh looks like we're gonna be playing this for a little bit longer um but uh she's one of my favorite characters in uh in all of Sonic just a very cool idea for a character and who doesn't love fire powers so get a shortcut here and then we're gonna manipulate some of the terrain get a slope jump off of jumping against that wall which allows us to do a batnick bounce and which takes us straight to the goal ring and that silver story my goodness I'm like half a sentence ahead of everything I want to say you really are gosh I'm like I'm blown away like I don't know how you're gonna top this like oh man well get ready because that was the shortest one yeah okay well I'm I'm ready for we're doing Sonic next yep Sonic's up next I should have I should have said in the beginning we went we're going Silver Sonic Shadow um okay the easiest way to explain things and uh silver as you know the newcomer here so I figured we want to show them off first heading into Sonic's campaign there is a lot to talk about with this guy if you played Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Adventure 2 you're really gonna like his move set because instead of having basically no physics or momentum like in the original game chaos meticulously went and studied the Sonic Adventure 1 and Adventure 2 code to sort of recreate the Sonic Adventure physics and Sonic project 06 which make these levels insanely fun to play because that uh regarded by many including myself is some of the best 3D Sonic has ever controlled um so we're gonna see the bounce attack in full force here we're gonna be seeing homing attacking spam dashing all that kind of stuff but additionally we have these eight of custom abilities that are only in Sonic 06 and by extension project 06 called the gems each one augments Sonic's abilities in a different way you saw the blue gem as we were going through wave ocean there that's the one we're going to be seeing the most in addition to the purple gem which is a gem that grants us the ability to have extra jumps we're going to be using those two the most but additionally as you've already seen there's a gem called the Rainbow Gem it was an unused ability in retail 06 they didn't have time to fully integrate it so chaos fully integrated a fully playable supersonic into project 06. so if you like supersonic I'd say you're gonna like Sonic's campaign unfortunately supersonic to kind of Bounce balance him out a little bit he did not allow you to switch to other gems while you have the Rainbow Gem and supersonic active so what we do instead is we wait until we get to one of these mock speed sections which control infinitely better than they did in the original game you have full 3d you have full mid-air movement you have full ground movement there are a couple of abilities that you're not going to see me use hopefully that allow you to slow Sonic down in case he's going too fast for you but the great thing is that supersonic if you are supersonic before you enter a mock speed section you get to do the mock speed section with Supersonic and he is insanely fast compared to uh his base form so uh hopefully I've showcased that well in wave Ocean's mock speed section here we got three more of these so we're going to be seeing this golden uh this Golden Boy quite a bit at least hopefully you do have to have 50 rings in order to transform into them so if I maybe take a pot shot before we get to a mock speed section we might not see him but uh hopefully if everything goes well we'll be able to see him quite a bit throughout this story and that completes wave ocean so shiny oh yeah we're going to be seeing a lot of uh we're going to be seeing every single gem in this speedrun I have designated at least one spot for each one but uh if anybody has some questions or if uh anything you want to comment on smooth operative uh if you'd like to this is a great time to do it this is one of the princess stages where basically we're playing as a Nerf Sonic all we can do is use the anti-grav slide really which contrary to its name allows us to actually uh be affected by gravity like we move faster we go down slopes but anyway I'll turn it over to you if anyone has any questions or anything sure yeah we'll um chat if you do have any questions feel free to weigh in I'm kind of curious stelmo like what are some of the games that got you into speedrunning as a hobby um Sonic project 06. oh this is this your first Speed game technically no uh I did play Super Metroid I am a huge I'm not afraid to show I'm a huge oats and goats fan I have seen him I know he's he's well known around the uh the speedrunning community especially gdq stuff uh I've been watching him since for forever and my first gdq run that I saw was in 2013 which was him and I think sweetnam doing a Super Metroid race and uh I started speedrunning Super Metroid um but in terms of serious speedrunning project 06 is basically the only game I play nice yeah so so I don't have to ask what a viewer could expect from a stelmo stream I'm assuming this is the this is the the bulk of it this is what you get with maybe a few more memes and puns thrown in there as well um like one I'm sure uh there's a bit of a copy pasta that my chat likes to do when we get into white Acropolis here so I'll let them take care of that and save you all the Spiel on that one but um moving on to another gameplay style they just really threw Sonic in basically every single scenario this is the fourth and final gameplay style he has in Project 06 this is snowboard Sonic works very similarly to the Sonic Adventure 2 snowboard except that because of the terrain fun fact white Acropolis section A here is actually terrain that was outsourced Sonic team did not create this um and it kind of shows it's a bit bumpy and there's not really super amazing awesome Collision going on so what chaos decided to do that in the event you get stopped by some of the weird Collision on the snowboard he added this little kick move that you would see maybe someone use on a skateboard um uh to allow us to just go Max Speed right there but other than that we pretty much do tricks just like we did in Sonic Adventure 2. now I am going to continue my rant here in section two of white Acropolis because you're gonna see a fun little trick I like to call phasing through walls uh obviously nothing's ever named that before we're just gonna hug this Laser Gate and then homing attacked the enemy across from it a little bit of an oversight in the Silver release because the homing attack range was increased for Sonic and Shadow in this uh in this demo is um the homing attack ignores Collision so if you can see an enemy on the other side through a semi-permeate surface like those laser Gates um you're able to homing attack to the other side of it which is what we did there completely skipping Tails a section but don't worry he's got a full length stage we'll be seeing at the end of Sonic's campaign here so if you're a big fan of Tails like I am uh don't worry we got you covered little cutscene teasing that Sonic and Shadow go through this stage at the same time here Crisis City is our second and final snowboard section here and there's one thing if the chat could help me out on this I know people who are normally in my stream and stuff like definitely help chat out there's a little trick we like to do um it's totally faster definitely doesn't lose time at all but it's just something real cool that chaos deliberately left in the project uh left in Project 06 just because of how fun it is to do as we're coming up here on it uh it's if you're familiar with snowboarding tricks and stuff I think you're gonna like it let's get the 360. who let's go yes you can you do have full mid-air control while you're on the snowboard there but the swag doesn't end there because Sonic also likes to go down these slopes backwards as well uh just kind of showing off the prowess of how well designed the physics are in Project 06 what you expected to happen would happen Sonic going down backwards on the snowboard as we enter Crisis City section two here this is a crazy stage there's going to be a whole lot going on and we're going to be using a lot of Sonic's blue gem here uh to give us a short burst of speed too uh just make us go really fast through this section now one thing I want to talk about with project 06 is that it's an incredibly forgiving Speed game there's lots of checkpoints throughout there just like the one I passed so I'm going to go through for this trick once and looks like we got it very nice so what I did is I used the blue Gem and there was a little outcropping on the side of that platform there and I use that outcropping to get a very slight slope jump which gave me just enough distance to homing attack that rail on the other side which is pretty crazy that that's something you can even do in this game what we're doing right here is I'm outpacing these energy cores and switching to the purple gem because the gems can actually be leveled up in this game each gem can be leveled up three times each level enhancing its ability and it takes three energy cores to level up a gem uh those enemies give us three energy cores so I have to switch to the purple gem fast enough that when those energy cores fly into Sonic we can actually have them be in the purple gem so we get two jumps there and can skip some level design here we go into section three probably one of my least favorite goodness so looks like unfortunately we're not going to be seeing Supersonic in this next Smock speed section but that's okay showing the forgiving nature of project 06 there is a checkpoint right where we had to do that big scary trick but it's all good now as we go with regular Sonic here into The Crisis City mock speed section one thing I want to talk about in the mock speed section that maybe you've seen me uh do a little bit maybe you've caught on to it is that there's actually a thing called the homing attack refresh in project 06. this is something exclusive to this game I've never seen any other Sonic game have it is that for Sonic and Shadow if you do a jump Dash which is when you press the a button again in the air with nothing to lock onto to do a homing attack um you can actually do Sonic and Shadows air action for Sonic it's the bounce and for shadow it's the chaos Spear and that will refresh your ability to do a second jump Dash which greatly extends the range of what we can do and when I was talking about that trick where I used the blue gem to get a slope jump I actually did a homing attack refresh to get enough distance to homing attack onto the rail on the other side um pretty crazy stuff additionally to that uh actually I want to do that before we go into the next stage here there's some customization options in Project 06 most of them are cosmetic but one of them you can change is is the jump Dash type the jump Dash type you're seeing me use which only affects Sonic and Shadow is the Legacy jump Dash and the reason that we use it is that it preserves Direction which you're going to be seeing later in the game what I wanted to do in the customization options here is I'm going to switch the spin effect to Sonic Adventure for the rest of Sonic's story uh they're just they're just different like cosmetic effects you can do and now we have the Sonic Adventure spin ball and the Sonic Adventure sound effects uh which is pretty such a nice touch yeah a fun little detail again there is just so much love and passion poured into this project it's it's impossible sometimes just to not look at it at all which is how cool some of this stuff is heading on oh yeah heading on into flame core here flame core is my favorite stage uh in Sonic Story Probably the entire game can't lie and say that it's not hard carried by the music both sections are just absolutely insane in terms of the soundtrack though I would say it's not really a hot take that o6 had amazing music and product06 basically uh doesn't touch the soundtrack as all at all not that it really needed to but we're just going to be seeing more blue Gem and purple gem movement as we head through the rest of flame corn here so if there are any questions I want to make sure that uh I have ample time to answer them so for sure I first started was it difficult at first you know like how how is your learning experience been with this game project 06 while it is a very forgiving Speed game it's one of those games that's very easy to learn but incredibly difficult to master I maybe look uh making some of this stuff looks look easy but I promise you and this isn't me saying like I'm better than anybody I'm just saying that it's that it's not especially gem switching it's one of the hardest skills to learn when you're speedrunning Sonic story especially if you're like me and you run with all the gems because I should have mentioned to find the gems in this game uh they're actually scattered around all of Sonic stages and some pretty clever hidden spaces so uh I guess you could call this a new game plus run technically um but that's probably one of the hardest skills to learn and it's really just practice the more you practice the the better you play which I would say Rings true for a lot of speed running oh absolutely now it sounds like this is maybe easy to approach but difficult to master and um you were talking about the gems too somebody earlier asked what does the blue gem do the blue gem uh like I had mentioned is a short burst of speed so each gem actually has like a name to its action that it does and you can see it right there it's called Uh I believe it's called mock speed uh all I do is I press the right trigger on my Xbox uh 360 controller and uh it just gives Sonic a boost as you can see right there and as you level up the gem to uh level two and level three that boost lasts longer and uses less of Your Action gauge so you can use it more often I hope that answers your question it does thank you oh my goodness the fun just does not end in Sonic project 06 as we move on into Sonic's radical train again going to be seen a lot more of the blue Gem and purple gem don't worry if you're fans of the other gems we will be seeing those later um one of the gems that I do want to highlight as I just mentioned they all have different like custom names uh to each of the actions they Grant Sonic and I have to make special mention to the sky gem because the uh move that you get for the sky gem is called the gun Drive which I think is just a really cool name uh even though it really doesn't describe what the sky gem does at all it's basically like an ender pearl from Minecraft except uh you get to keep the momentum that you get uh between the travel points uh which is kind of interesting I will be showing off the Sky Gym a little bit later uh as well if you're more curious if that explanation didn't quite do it for you um but I don't know I think it's a pretty cool name thankfully being able to actually play a supersonic in this next mock speed section here another thing that uh is pretty you know I would say very chaos X in design is that supersonic like silver when you go into ESP mode uh actually has an area of effect blast so what I did right there is I transformed into Supersonic in a very specific spot in order to destroy those enemies with the blasts and open that cage that activated the switch immediately here we go I don't know what Eggman put in this train to be able to outrun a mach speed light bashing supersonic because I should say the light Dash is in this game and in mock speed sections it's the fastest form of movement um but he outruns this this guy somehow and I have no idea how that's even possible blows me away like 100 I don't I don't get it but uh one thing I want to make mention again just another really cool detail if it played Sonic Adventure 1 in the final boss fight to call who's one of the characters in that game that mentions that when supersonic is moving fast enough he turns into a lightning bolt and that was represented by blue aura when your light dashing was Supersonic in the mock speed sections he has a blue aura wrapped around him uh turning into a lightning bolt in quotes I would say next stage here tropical jungle another Sonic in the princess stage one thing I do want to talk about with these stages is that I think they're the most underutilized in the game uh Sonic 06 for its many faults one of them wasn't Sonic's level design in his stages specifically and tropical jungle and Dusty desert that we went through earlier are both proof of that there's so many multiple Pathways there's High routes bottom routes left route right route all different ways you can approach these sections but it stumbles just a bit because we're playing as Sonic and the princess and it would have been so much more fun to be able to use all of Sonic's abilities in these stages but we can take what we can get as these stages are still fun to run through we do have one more section of tropical jungle so if there are any other questions smooth operative I'll throw it over to you yeah you know I we brought up uh the Mortal Kombat movies earlier in the the show for Armageddon and I'm kind of curious like did you see the Sonic movies that came out you know the past couple of years what your opinions are of those I uh I didn't see the Sonic movies and I quite enjoyed them I would definitely say Sonic 2 is better than Sonic 1 you know kind of the the normal first movie gets gets uh gets the franchise off the ground whereas the sequel kind of kind of runs away you know with all the elements and fan service and all that type of stuff I would definitely say if you're interested in Sonic the Hedgehog as a character game series at all ooh taking a little death there but nothing too bad yeah no worries I I did see uh both both Sonic movies and I enjoyed them quite a bit um chat what do you think of of the movies what was your what was your favorite moment from either movie it's gonna sound really silly but there's a moment in the first movie where like I don't know Sonic blows up or like runs into something and James marsden's character is just like Sonic what are you doing man that's my wildly specific uh moment that I like from the first movie oh I get you for sure that's awesome it's a it's those little little moments yeah yeah really show a lot of characterization and stuff for sure uh I'll be quiet here because we got another cutscene so and again we got Silver and Sonic working together in Kingdom Valley probably the poster the poster stage for Sonic uh Sonic 06. uh this was used in a lot of pre-release material back in 2005. I know there is a Tokyo game show demo that had the first section that we're playing through right here in addition there was an E3 demo and an Xbox Live arcade demo that showcased the stage uh with this full section one integrated as well uh which is some pretty cool stuff when o6 released the actual consensus was that Crisis City was the best stage in the game which is partially why it was in Sonic Generations but over time and especially with project 06 uh Kingdom Valley has kind of Rose into the ranks of being the fan favorite stage I guess I gotta ask his smooth operative what is your favorite stage in this game that you've seen so far I really liked the kind the country one that you went in uh the last one we played yeah what was it called ocean uh tropical jungle or do you mean wave ocean the woman positions and stuff yeah yeah the one at the beaches I I couldn't help but think of um the the beach level that you play in in Mario Kart 64 like it just kind of it's been so long since I've played I know it's been a while since I've played Mario Kart 8 guy for sure oh my goodness don't I don't want to play you in Mario Kart 8 yeah I will rage too hard but I mean but I love the beach so any Beach level in a game yes sign me up oh absolutely beach beach levels are great and especially in Project 06 we saw in Blaze's wave ocean that we got to play at his Sunrise uh in Sonic's wave ocean we got to play it at daytime there actually is one more uh time of day we're going to be playing wave ocean and that's something cool that chaos X did on a lot of the stages in this game is kind of change their weather effects or change their like just how they look in the game and it adds a lot of uh diversity considering that at the end of the day they are just kind of remixed versions of each other and each Hedgehog's story because as you can kind of see we are going through in fact the same exact set piece here with Sonic that we did in Silver's Kingdom Valley doing Castle skip once again there um but we unfortunately can't throw Sonic into the abyss we do have to play through the rest of the section so um I do want to talk about right here if you're fans of more gems here is the yellow gem it activates the Thunder Shield um this works basically like Sonic Adventure except it's tied to your action meter and right there I switched real quickly to the red gem which while being amazing in retail 06 as it have the speed of everything except for Sonic it actually has the speed of everything including Sonic in Project 06 that was just kind of Chaos's way of balancing the red gem because you could pretty much easily cheese all of the S ranks in this game uh if you just held the red gem from the start of the stage all the way until the end um but yeah I'm just showing off those two Little Gems there I'm sorry if they weren't uh the showcases you wanted but uh that was the best place that I could use them in uh unfortunately fantastic thank you thank you I'm having a ton of fun I hope you guys are as well how is Chad doing do you guys like should I keep playing or are we good have we seen enough stages don't know should someone keep playing chat what do you think what is it type one in chat Chad is moving so fast I I think the fans are out in full force this uh Fourth of July this Fourth of July yeah happy Independence Day everybody I tried to make my attire as festive as possible for you all you are very festive and I appreciate that thank thank you yes of course I mean got to celebrate celebrate freedom or or something or something for sure we got one more stage in Sonic's campaign here he does have one extra stage compared to all the rest of the Hedgehogs because you know he's Sonic the Hedgehog so you gotta play him play as him the most in his game um but aquatic base is pretty fun we're gonna be playing his Tails and Knuckles I kind of uh uh was a bit oversighted that sentence didn't make any sense I kind of overlooked that's what I was looking for Knuckles when we played as him in flame core so I'll try to make mention of him here unfortunately he's one of those characters again kind of like Amy and silver story where they have a whole bunch going on in our really cool character but uh kind of one of the things that's pretty interesting is that project 06 is so good that there has been a bit of discourse being like should this even continue as a 06 like remaster remake reimagining whatever you want to want to call it because the elements the chaos is added are so good that we just want to play more stages as Amy we want to play more stages as knuckles we want to you know play full length stages and all of that stuff so kind of an interesting thing and I would say quite a compliment to chaos X because his game is so good we just want to play more of it as I struggle to stand on this pole I didn't talk about him too much and we're going to be talking about him more in Tails wave ocean but he does pretty much everything you'd expect him to do his flight here is uh in full force his flight is here in full force um and an interesting thing is that it's actually tied to the action gauge now normally this wouldn't be like that cool because it's like oh it's just a flight meter like you'd see in something like breath of the wild but uh a cool thing is that because it's tied to the action gauge if we defeat enemies we can actually refill his action gauge in midair as you saw right there and extend his flight time which is just again just a really cool little detail and very consistent with all the rest of the characters in the game that allows us to do some cool stuff like what I just did right there he also has a tailspin but again I'll be talking about that more as we get into the next stages here uh switching back to Sonic real quick again using the gimmick of aquatic base which is hitting all of those magnetic poles to destroy all those enemy formations and zoom right on through to Aquatic base section two where we're going to be seeing more of everybody's favorite knucklehead but first we got to do a quick automation skip here and I'm gonna switch real quickly over to the purple gem as we jump right on over destroy these enemies with a quick homing attack and spin dash right under these lasers here aquatic base definitely has some of my favorite music in the game as well I just it's kind of interesting that they went the foreboding route uh since this is Sonic uh ultimate stage uh in his story at least story-wise uh Tails wave ocean while it is at the end of the list in the trial select you play it like halfway through the normal story if you were playing retail 06. Knuckles here Glide over everything his gliding has been vastly improved from retail 06 he no longer drops like a rock and uh he actually has some really cool moves associated with him like a um like he's got different punch and kick or not kick combos but different punch combos uh so if you liked Mortal Kombat Knuckles having a little bit of that fighting game Spirit uh in his character um additionally he has the drill drive from Sonic Adventure 2 and he's got a move called the screwdriver which is kind of like the maximum heat Knuckles attack uh right there you just saw me use our second to last gem the green gem which is a area of effect tornado attack I used uh an earlier enemy encounter to level it up to level three there so that way I could use it to defeat those enemies really quickly find I use the white gem which activates the Homing smash which for all intensive purposes is just a stronger homing attack able to make quick work of those uh beefier enemies that regarding that door but that's aquatic base finishing off uh the last we'll actually see of Sonic here um unless chat's loving it there is some extra stuff but you know don't want to assume anything maybe they're not having fun but uh I don't know about that if what you're saying screw smooth operative I I can't see him if you're having fun uh what is it type one I don't think I already used that Joe you did but we'll allow it anyway moving on here into Tails wave ocean Tails wave ocean is a stage um it's probably one of the more lackluster ending stages for a story uh again just because we love Sonic project 06 so dang much we wanted to include these extra Amigo stages into the speed run so naturally because it's fastest to go from the top of the list to the bottom of the list in terms of menuing uh we do this stage last which uh it's kind of interesting because it's a fairly easy stage to get through unlike places wave ocean where uh you actually can have some difficulty especially with the new level design the chaos added in that stage uh Tails can kind of just fly over everything so this is more of the kind of reflecting on the rest of your run seeing how well you did you know where you messed up and and where you can kind of recoup before you start your next attempt but talking a little bit about Taylor's abilities here before he's off screen forever is he does have the tail swipe and the Rhythm badge from uh Sonic Adventure 1. which is pretty cool to see it again in another game here additionally unique again to project 06 is an air tail swipe attack uh it's really cool and you saw me use it in aquatic base to defeat an aerial enemy and keep my flight going um but additionally he has these dummy ring bombs which were in Sonic Heroes and in retail 06 they're basically just big bombs that explode into a bunch of rings that damage enemies but that was Tails wave ocean and finishing off Sonic's story with a nice little bow with my personal favorite character in the series how'd you guys like Sonic's story was it good it was good and I stand by what I said about wave ocean that's the best it is the best and I think you'll be excited in Shadow story because there's a little bit of a surprise in his wave ocean as well all right moving on with shadow think of Shadow as a more combat Centric Sonic but don't take that as he is a slower character oh no no we're going to be seeing some crazy fast speed with Shadow starting off here in white Acropolis um you can see he does have the spin dash just like Sonic does and we can just zoom right on down the slope using physics to our advantage here as we fly uh off these slopes we're gonna jump up and hit that switch and then we're gonna use a unique ability to him called the tornado kick this ability in retail 06 was only able to be used while stationary but it did do a lot of damage chaos said nuts to that we're gonna let you use the tornado kick on the move and it is basically the answer to every combat encounter Shadow has um so you're going to be seeing seeing me use that tornado kick quite a bit and it is incredibly fun to pull off whale well moving on over to Rouge here uh she can glide just like Knuckles and she has all of her martial art combos as well but I'm going to be quiet for this cutscene because it's pretty cool come on don't underestimate Rouge I was only a little slow all right there we go using a little bit of unused dialogue from the original game there are a whole lot of unused lines that are sprinkled around project 06 but that's the main one just kind of showing a shadow and rouge being a little bit of friendly uh or I guess rival rivalish friends because they're not necessarily Rivals they're definitely a team but you know just being a little snarky towards each other and I think it adds a lot of character since we don't have the 06 cutscenes in this game but uh it's pretty cool stuff moving on here in his final section of white Acropolis we have to destroy all five of these searchlights which we can do by using the homing attack to climb up the base of the Searchlight and then destroying it either with a chaos spear or with the homing attack real quickly after the stage what I'm gonna do like I switch the jump ball type between silver and Sonic's story to the adventure type there's actually an Adventure 2 spin ball as well and sends Shadow debuted in Sonic Adventure 2 I figured he would be the most appropriate to use it in so we're gonna hop over to the extras menu and switch that spin effect on over to Sonic Adventure 2 and then hop right back in where we left off into Kingdom Valley now one of the things that is a gimmick for Shadow's story is that he can be in four different vehicles in the speed run we're only going to be seeing three of those four vehicles uh but one of them is the hang glider these hang glider sections are basically hold uh you don't even have to hold forward it just flies forward by itself and double tap a every three seconds so chat if you could help me out the next time we see that hang glider section if you all could count to three for me uh just so I remember when the Boost was shadow that would be much appreciated Rouge the Bat we are gonna do some treasure hunting while in retail 06 the treasure hunting was locked to specific locations chaos actually re-added in the radar and the key randomization in certain sections we played as is Rouge they're not in every section we play as her but it kind of just adds a little bit of replay value as the keys can be in very different locations uh in these small little treasure hunting sections thankfully they're not nearly as large as something like mad space from Sonic Adventure 2. but they're definitely a fun little thing uh that I definitely don't uh uh don't feel upset playing through even though I'm not the biggest fan of the treasure hunting stages in Sonic Adventure 2. chaos had a really nice balance of uh letting us get a move on while also uh having a little bit of variety in each Shadow run we do moving on here to the second of the three vehicles we're going to be seeing is Shadow's hover car uh this one kind of like the hang glider is hold forward and turn when we need to um but there's actually something really cool that I'm going to show off in this section A little bit of an Easter egg so if you don't want to be spoiled and play project 06 yourself close your eyes right now I'll let you know when to open them back up but if we head into this tunnel here and Destroy these enemy formations if we take a look through this gate we can actually see chaos zero sit right there uh in front of Shadow a custom model I believe it's based off of his forces model but there he goes He Fades into the distance just again killing it with the details chaos X always does and so cool and having chaos zero there is just I don't know just a fun little thing kind of Interest that he's in Shadow's story and not Sonic story but you know it's a cool enough Easter egg that I guess I'll let it slide but uh you can open your eyes now if anyone uh didn't want to be spoiled on that moving on into section three here with Shadow this is just showcasing his platform in prowess uh we're gonna be manipulating some of the terrain here in order to get some crazy slope jumps to skip some stuff but while we're going through this I'm going to be talking about the chaos spear so the chaos spear is Shadows air action and as you can see you have up to three chaos Spears you can do now a beta element from retail 06 that didn't make it into the final products that was added into Shadow's moveset is something we call spear bounces after we use a chaos spear Shadow will bounce up a short distance in the air and he does that same spear bounce every chaos spear he does now an interesting thing as I mentioned the homing attack refresh is that you can do a second homing attack after you chaos spear so it actually allows us to gain a little bit of height and do some crazy easy tricks and skips later in his story but an interesting thing to make note of is that in order to do the homing attack refresh you have to have an extra chaos sphere so you can only do up to two chaos Spears before you lose your homing attack uh which is pretty interesting but uh moving on into the end of Kingdom Valley here again we're gonna have an enemy formation that's just gonna get utterly decimated by the tornado kick here there they are and there they go and then doing a quick light Dash which he retains from Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes straight into the goal ring again if Shadow's got combat the answer is the tornado kick in most situations now if you're wondering stomo I've seen this action gauge sitting in the bottom right in the entirety of Shadow story so far and you haven't used it yet what does it do we're getting there well we're not going to see it quite yet as we head into Crisis City Shadow don't be late seeing the reverse little cutscene there is uh Sonic and Shadow kind of smack talk each other seeing he can who can go through Crisis City the fastest we actually get to play as Shadow uh with no snowboard in sight in section one here so we're really just gonna let the physics kind of take uh Shadow all the way down of course we want to be spin dashing because as is common in most Sonic games if we are rolling down slopes we're gonna gain a lot more speed an interesting thing here is the buggy which is the vehicle we're not going to be seeing in Shadow story just because it's slower in every instance that it's usable was here in the first version of The Shadow release demo but everyone skipped it and just used the spin dash to go down this slope so uh chaos decided to remove it he didn't think it was necessary to be in that section additionally I should mention that shadow has the spin dash kind of weird to say but he did not have the spin dash in retail 06. I don't know if they were trying to make them more different from Sonic but thank goodness it has been re-added back into project 06 because it is super fun to use it them and makes them a really fast character heading on into section B here this is going to be some familiar territory except with one new little trick called cage dashing what I did right there is I ran up the side of that cage and because that cage is a 90 degree surface we can get an insane amount of height off of it uh depending on the speed that you get when you go into the cage right there and what I did use something that I didn't mention in Sonic's story is that the spin kick or the tornado kick in Shadows case actually preserves momentum so if you remember in Kingdom Valley when I was going up that big slope and doing tornado kicks that was to preserve the speed of the dash panel that shadow hit beforehand and if we preserve that speed onto the cage we can get some insane uh height as we're gonna see in his next stage here but just moving on to we skipped with Sonic because unfortunately Shadow doesn't have access to the gems but he can still go through it pretty quickly utilizing that bad Nick bouncing and a couple homing attacks coming in right behind Sonic here in terms of time in this section next up we've got section three which is the hardest section in the game just like Sonic story where what we're going to do is we're going to hold up with the hang glider and uh I need you guys to help me count to three here so one two three one two three one two three one more one two three uh yeah you can kind of Fly Above that entire section the kill plane isn't low enough to actually uh end uh end Shadows game there so uh yeah wow very nice yeah it's the uh it's the flight simulator quite literally just uh don't hold anything and press a every three seconds but moving on here we're actually seeing a bit of a different section not a mach speed section for shadow uh this is the entirety of section F of Crisis City I'm a little late to explaining this also we got hit by a truck that comes out of the tornado sometimes that's called troll truck uh a little bit dangerous if you don't have any rings but thankfully we did so nothing too uh much to worry about there but um I completely forgot oh section F uh in Sonic 06 each section of the stage is labeled by what stage they are by an acronym so for Crisis City it's acronym is CSC and uh then the sections are labeled in alphabetical order so Crisis City actually has uh five sections one of them is unused A B C D E and F uh that's six actually um but there's five that are used in the game um and this is the entirety of section F rather than it being uh broken apart kind of like silver story here but that finishes up a Crisis City moving on next into flame core and we're gonna stay in some pretty familiar territory if you guys remember from Sonic's story here flame core is pretty much identical in structure to Sonic story except we're gonna be seeing shadows chaos boost ability which is his unique ability that uses the action gauge in the bottom right uh of the screen there but firstly what we got to do is we're going to be setting up another cage Dash as we jump over here we're going to spin dash do a spin kick and gain a huge amount of height as we completely bypass that enemy formation and then hit that gauge up capsule which completely fills our action gates to maximum and activates chaos boosts chaos boost like many other things in Project 06 has three levels in flame core we're only going to be seeing level one uh which is chaos snap here uh what it does is it basically changes Shadow's homing attack and turns it into a teleportation between enemies if we just hold the a button what you just saw me do right there is I didn't want to spoil it but this is level four this is called uninhibited mode if uh you remember the ending cut scene of Shadow's story in retail 06 Shadow took off his inhibitor rings and Unleashed his ultimate power against his villain which is mephilis um and we actually get to play as it in project 06. if you fill up to level 3 chaos boost and have your maturity meter which again is the red gauge underneath the action gauge if that is full you can press d-pad up on your controller as well as RT and you activate uninhibited mode which makes all of which basically over charges Shadow all of his chaos abilities are are just turned up to 11 and in addition to that uh he's completely invincible and destroys any enemy he touches in one hit there is a drawback though if you run out of action gauge while you are in uninhibited mode Shadow will uh falter and kind of have to regain his power for about six seconds but the nice thing that chaos did is that if you are in automation uh you can bypass that six second penalty um so what I did there is I timed it so that uninhibited mode would run out while we were in that uh automation to go in the volcano into section two so that way we don't have to take the penalty and just play as base Shadow as we head through um the rest of flame core here from that we are going to jump right into ruse's section which is the exact same as knuckles section we're just gonna hit five orbs which is going to open the door so maybe there are any questions smooth operative this would be a good time uh I was kind of wondering like how big is the speedrunning community for project 06 and are they supportive of new Runners like how might someone go about getting into a run like this for the first time absolutely so kind of a cool thing is the retail uh speedrunning Discord and the po6 speedrunning Discord are merged so there actually are quite a few Runners a lot more that have joined since the Silver release came out um and it's super fun I would say there's maybe about 10 to 15 active Runners including myself and it's just a great time super welcoming everyone's happy to help you with any tricks or any knowledge that they know myself included so if you're interested in joining the speed running Community highly recommend joining the po61 it is a whole lot of fun I guess I can do some quick shout outs to uh reverie Carrero uh Gordon Ramsay the speedrunner not the chef who did a retail Sonic 06 speed run back in agdq 2021 that's really fun you should go look that up um as well as Philip is cold they're kind of like the entire moderation team um there's also other awesome Runners like Panther and seven Chaos and uh mayonnaise in the toilet which is a super funny username but um anyway pop it on into radical train here what you saw me do in the menu before I entered the stages I did something called disabling camera volumes what that does is that 99 of the time that is going to force the camera behind the character you're playing as rather than having all these like cinematic camera events that's useful here in radical train as it makes these sections a lot easier holding the chaos spear there so we're gonna hit that enemy thankfully Shadow can oh dang unfortunately radical train being one of the most punishing stages in the game along with Silver's Kingdom Valley because if you mess up you have to completely restart but no big deal is it's a pretty short stage so we're just gonna jump right through here uh getting to talk a little bit about it here what I'm doing is a bad neck bounce two spear bounces in order to get over that invisible wall and then like I said how you need to have one extra spear in order to do your homing attack refresh I saved the third spear so I can fire it and change direction and then doing a homing attack to bypass destroying the Train the first time to speed stuff up all right doing it properly the this time just hitting that enemy right there and doing some spear bounces to get a little bit uh through the level a little bit quicker and then doing a cage Dash to avoid destroying the train there as we jump right into section two now if you notice at the very end of section one I grabbed a gauge up Capsule that's because we are going to be going to go into chaos boost again which is pretty cool and if you saw me skip Shadow's motorcycle if you're a big fan of shadow in the motorcycle don't worry there's one right down here and what we're going to do is we're going to activate chaos boost before we go into the motorcycle what that does if you're in chaos boost in a vehicle all of Shadows vehicles have some sort of weapon attached to them this being uh just a machine gun and if you're in chaos boost there's a little nod to the game Shadow the Hedgehog that was released on the GameCube and I believe Xbox it might have been just a game few game in 2005 uh while you're in chaos boost you have infinite ammo which allows us to destroy the train really fast there in complete radical train in under a minute 20. we which is pretty sweet stuff but that's going to be it for the sabling the camera volume so if you're a fan of the Cinematic camera angles that chaos put into the game I'm going to be turning them back on for the remainder of the Run uh whoops I think I accidentally turned off the cutscenes don't want to turn those off those are cool real power but anyway we've just got a few stages left in this run this one being aquatic base uh like I said the tornado kick is usually the answer to all of Shadow's combat unless we're using uninhibited mode and uh that's no truer anywhere other than here uh you're gonna be seeing me mashing the B button uh and basically obliterating all of these worms with Shadow sick break fancy moves as uh we just melt the health bars these purple worms here uh I should mention in Project 06 uh there are three different classes of enemies there are the Eggman robots which have all their own different varieties there's the Iblis goons which are the red enemies and then the methylus goons which are the purple enemies the methless goons are essentially souped up versions of the ibless enemies uh since story wise they're supposed to be kind of the same creature just setting uh put in two different halves and what mephilis did is he Enchanted some of iblis's goons with some whatever magic he has it's not really explained in the story but those worms those purple worms have the largest health bars of any enemy in the game and you can see what the tornado kick we just melted them hopping into chaos boost here with Shadow we're going to be seeing a few more of his abilities here uh we're going to go to level two right here and uh use his chaos Lance which is a souped up version of the chaos Spear and just obliterate all of these enemies in one hit gonna be using a combination of tornado kick and Chaos Lance right there now when you level up chaos boosts of course you have the abilities of the level prior so even though we're in level 2 Chaos boost we still have access to chaos snap should we need it now what we're going to do I do have the ability to go into uninhibited mode here um but I don't want to because as you level up chaos boost the action gauge drains faster so I'm actually gonna hold level three chaos boost here for the very reason that I'm going to be activating uninhibited mode a little bit later as we head through the stage here he's doing some quick spin dashes through this hallway and then what I'm going to do is use the final ability chaos blast which has been souped up from the original game obliterating that entire wave of enemies right there super fun to use and probably the only real use of chaos boost in uh or a chaos blast in the speedrun as it is uh it does have quite a long animation but when there are a lot of aerial enemies that the tornado kick can't take care of we like to use chaos blast entering uninhibited mode here to completely decimate that final enemy room and we get this cool little pose with shadow in his uninhibited form in the results screen which is pretty neat uh I guess with a feature from a box oh there it goes oh my goodness again Shadow the combat focused character uh that doesn't mean he's slow he's really fun to play as additionally to that something that I didn't talk about in silver and shadows aquatic base in the story they are sent to the past and what happens is that in the past they see Solaris which is the entity that is broken in two into both Iblis and mephilis and Shadow is chasing mephilis in aquatic base while silver is chasing Iblis and that's actually represented in the lighting of the stage if you go back or if you download project 06 yourself and you see um and you go into aquatic base and look at them side by side uh Silver's aquatic base has an orange Hue to represent Iblis and then Shadows aquatic base has a purple Hue to represent mephilis again the details killer stuff chaos you nailed it man but uh our final one two three hang glider section here that is uh almost the last time we're going to be shot seeing shadows Vehicles the last time we're gonna see the hang glider and now we get to play as everyone's favorite uh Eggman Annihilator here Omega e123 Omega to be exact he was the most broken character in retail 06 because there was no limits on his hover ability and if you feathered the a button with this hover ability in retail 06 you would not lose altitude so you could literally just fly over any stage you played as him a lot more balanced here and in my opinion a lot more fun to play as in Project 06 because he's gotten his melee attack uh or he has regained his melee attack from Sonic Heroes so if you press the x button three times you can do a three hit combo seeing Omega charge up his turrets there to try to destroy mephilis uh as Shadow we're gonna try to race to him to give him some backup again using the tornado kick right here to completely decimate those uh mephilis Titans I think they're called like chaos Titans is what they're called in the code but in terms of practicality they're called uh chaos Titans or Methodist Titans I should say the purple guys that's what they are oh the purple guys it's fine yeah um again the tornado kick just absolutely decimating them and just doing a little bit of platforming here in the end of wave ocean and I wanted to say smooth operative here you go uh Shadows wave ocean is set at sunset uh I hope it looks as beautiful as I hyped it up to be I'm a personal fan of oh sorry go ahead I said it does it looks beautiful yeah I'm a personal fan of the sunrise myself but uh I gotta say that the uh Sunset looks quite beautiful as well uh if you saw right there like uh how we had a named purple guy back in silver story I called him Bill his cousin Dave was standing on that island right there we decided to name him in chat because we use him the bad neck bounce and uh skip a little bit of Automation in our final hoverboard cars section here we're just going to run right into the goal ring and if I hit it just right dang we didn't see it if you hit the goal ring just right with the hover car you can actually see it in the results screen it'll just like Ram itself right in the shadow oh my gosh which is uh I can imagine it's pretty funny um in earlier releases the hover car used to still go so it would like just run in circles around the results screen but uh chaos decided that was a little bit a little bit too much fun for the hover car to have so that's pretty good but uh hopping into Dusty desert our final full length stage in this All-Stars beat Speed Run I can't believe we're almost done but um we're using the hover car one more time thank goodness for chaos X on this one normally what you're is you're supposed to go through a bunch of pillars around all of the open section of Dusty desert and that lets you into the temple here which is section B that we saw with silver um but thankfully chaos X put the trigger to open the door right uh where the door opens so thankfully uh ignore that that didn't happen um thankfully uh we're able to just go straight to the door and not have to go around that didn't happen either um my goodness Kevin you tell it's the end of the Run I was gonna ask how are you feeling now that you're closing in on the end of this run I am feeling fantastic it's definitely not 80 degrees in here and I am not sweating my butt off as I finish up project 06 but regardless um we're doing a quick tornado kick here again if there's a combat encounter on the ground the solution is the tornado kick for shadow um and we're just gonna jump right through this hallway here and then see more of e123 Omega I didn't get to quite finish his uh his move set what you see right here is Gatling gun mode that isn't just a cutscene only ability as we saw him when he was facing off against mephilis you can actually use it in gameplay if you press the Y button and he has a limited amount of ammunition that you can recharge with the energy cores you get from enemies but what we're doing is a little bit of an optimization there I use the Gatling guns to hit that switch but unfortunately they're invisible walls so we can't just hover to the other side of that room we still have to go through uh omega's combat encounters as you're seeing he's very good at combat with his uh little I call at the pea shooter because of the sound it makes but it essentially works like The Blasters from Sonic Adventure 2. that Tails an Eggman have you lock onto enemies up to five I believe and then let go and uh it shoots a projectile that does one damage into the enemies very good for making quick work yeah very good for making quick work of those single uh single hit point enemies which is very nice uh gonna be seeing some more of Gatling uh gun mode here as we absolutely destroy this entire enemy room we go right then we go left these worms do not stand a chance they don't even notice that omega's here um as we just safely destroy them from a distance as fast as we possibly can going into the end of Omega section we're just gonna hop right through this door do a quick jump and then fall right into the switch here finishing back off with Shadow we're gonna do a quick jump to the left here bad Nick bounce and then land on this platform quick spin dash jump hit this one up because obviously as you can tell I don't have enough lives I just need one more and then again solution to the combat is the tornado kick we're just gonna tornado kick on all these enemies here and then head through to the end of Shadow's Dusty desert as we Zoom totally don't get hit by the spikes there these uh these things are pretty notorious in terms of my speed runs these tubes that I'm spin dashing on right now they do have a bit of wonky Collision kind of like white Acropolis section one so sometimes you can just fly off or go where you're not supposed to go for whatever reason but thankfully we were able to just finish up uh Dusty desert right there seeing the foreboding purple auras methylis is right behind that door ready for shadow to defeat in the next release of Sonic project 06. again we only have the stages available to us but the pen or the ultimate stage I should say for this speedrun is rouge's tropical jungle it is yet another key hunt um but thankfully we don't have to search for three keys this time just two because the third key is always in the same spot which is really nice um so we're just gonna fly around here something that I didn't talk about in terms of rouge's moveset if she does have bombs um which aren't that useful in the speed run but if you play the po6 randomizer this game does have mods associated with it oh excuse me sorry um it's very very useful there um as Rouge even with her martial arts can't take care of aerial enemies very well uh at least aerial enemies with lots of hit points so her bomb abilities are really nice when you download project 06 there's actually a game manual that explains all of these abilities so if my explanation maybe didn't make a whole lot of sense um I definitely recommend checking out the game manual if you download the game chaos put a lot of effort into it to make it super cool looking I was gonna say that's a nice touch too like the game manual like can you ask for more like wow yeah he he loves he loves working on this project this man has put an insane amount of work into it there are other people like I mentioned sonicbox another big contributor especially to early demos is Beats yt3 who's also in charge of the mod loader and created the randomizer that I just mentioned he's very cool as well and I'll go ahead and show the credits as we get out of tropical jungle here oh I should say that's time my apologies oh my goodness when can you miss it yeah blinking you'll miss it though that was it that was all 28 main stages of project 06 but I'm gonna go ahead and show the credits here real quick uh there is some extra stuff if chat or or uh if you guys are interested but uh if not thank you all for having me on I had an absolute blast so what I'm going to show off is that there are actually there's actually a test stage that you can uh that you can access in Sonic project 06 which is pretty cool stuff you could mess around if you want to play like as some of the Amigos that you didn't get to play as very often like Amy here you can actually switch to her if you so desire and mess around in the test stage there are a couple different sections but I'm going to switch to blaze here and actually grab some speed shoes because where we're headed is section B of the test stage there are two little Easter egg stages that chaos put in Project 06 uh and I won't spoil them until we get to them they're pretty short so it'll probably be five to ten minutes or so uh so if you gotta go go to bed I know in the states it is quite late so I don't blame you at all it's only 10 p.m for me it is it is the next day happy July 5th everybody I'm I'm out of a tire old news time to take off the hat all right guys can I do that I don't know about that this transport mirror in to the uh in the test stage we actually get to play the Xbox Live arcade version of Kingdom Valley so I mentioned during the run that both uh uh that there was an Xbox Live arcade version of Kingdom Valley there also was an E3 version of Kingdom Valley but it was pretty much the same as this one so there was no reason to add both into the game uh additionally there is an E3 stage that we get to play as well with a different character so if you guys want to see that as well I'm happy to show that off but we're just gonna end off real quick right here pretty similar to how um the Finish section one is but I figured I might as well show it off as a cool little extra because who doesn't love more project 06. again one more shout out to chaos X dude is insane he's been working on this game since 2017. the first demo was released in 2019 and it has come such a long way he as a game developer as well as project 06 itself I look so forward to the next release which is going to contain the last story and all of the bosses for every character and man this dude just knocks it out of the park and blows away expectations every single time I couldn't be happier to be part of this community so shout outs to chaos X and everyone who's worked on Project 06 and shout out to the community as well one more time it's just this game is so much fun just go ahead and charge up the sky gym again this ability is called the gun Drive which I think is a pretty sweet name for a ability as we go right into the mirror very nice this transport mirror takes us to the E3 version of Silver's Crisis City the only time you can play is silver in Crisis City at least in the vanilla game uh with uh in daytime so if you like daytime Crisis City here you go uh another thing is that this is the only stage where we can see eggman's mechs in the future again this was just a demo they didn't have you know the enemies finalized and everything so we're just gonna pop ESP mode real quick here and just hop right into the goal ring just like that and uh unless unless we want to show off some uh some glitches and stuff I'd I'd say I'm that's uh that's pretty much everything I wanted to go out for you guys all right great sure so yeah well um it sounds like you wait Richard did you say something we can stop now okay you know what I I was gonna ask you stomo if you had a like streaming schedule like where and when can our viewers expect you yeah absolutely I am live every Monday through Friday at 9 00 a.m CST over on my twitch Channel selma98 so nine hours from now I will be live so wherever you are in the world it doesn't matter um so if you like project 06 you like my goofy self that's what I'm doing pretty much every single day I will say I won't be streaming on Friday because I am going to the Taylor Swift concert but normally it's every Monday through Friday so I hope you guys enjoyed really it was it was a blast doing this [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stelmo98
Views: 6,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic P-06 Silver Release, Sonic P-06 Gameplay, Silver the Hedgehog, Sonic P-06 Update, Sonic P-06 Speedrun, Sonic P-06 Silver gameplay, silver, silver p06, sonic p06, shadow p06, character swap, sonic p06 mods, Sonic P06 Silver Release, stelmo98, sonic p06 gdq, project 06 gdq, games done quick, gdq, gdq speedrun, agdq, sgdq, gdq sonic, sonic, sonic p06 debuts at gdq, sonic p06 marathon, sonic p06 stemo98, sonic gdq, chaosx, chaosx p06, sonic p06 at games done quick, project 06
Id: LUj0Mf7JR8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 6sec (4986 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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